Aral Sea. Seas and oceans that wash Russia - list, description and map

Russia owns huge reserves, which are distributed unevenly over the area. Most of them are concentrated in the north, a smaller part in the south. The country has the longest coastline in the world, the total length of which is about 61 thousand km. In addition to the oceans and seas, there are more than two million rivers and the same number. All water resources are actively used in economic activity states. In total, Russia is washed by 13 seas, 1 of which is closed, and the remaining 12 belong to the basins of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans. This article provides a list and brief description all seas and oceans washing the territory of the Russian Federation.

Atlantic Ocean

Seas Atlantic Ocean wash the western coast of the state. These include the Azov, Black and Baltic seas. The length of the coastline is about 1845 km. The largest rivers flowing into these seas are Luga, Neva, Don, Matsesta and Ashe.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean and the seas of its basin wash the northern part of Russia. The total length of the coastline is 39,940 km. The Arctic Ocean basin includes the Chukchi, Kara, East Siberian, White, Barents Seas, as well as the Laptev Sea. , flowing into the Arctic Ocean include the Lena, Yenisei, Ob, Northern Dvina and Pechora.

Pacific Ocean

The waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the territory of Russia from the east. The length of the coastline is 17,740 km. The Sea of ​​Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas are located on the Asian coast of the country. The Amur and Anadyr are the largest rivers in the Pacific basin.

Map of the seas and oceans that wash the territory of Russia

As can be seen on the map above, the country's shores are washed by twelve seas. Another, the Caspian Sea, has an internal closed basin and is the largest enclosed body of water in the world. The seas of Russia differ from each other in origin, temperature, maximum depth, bottom topography, degree of salinity and diversity of flora and fauna.

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean that wash Russia:

Sea of ​​Azov

An inland sea in southwest Russia that is the shallowest in the world. The Sea of ​​Azov can be considered a gulf of the Black Sea. The length from north to south is 231 km, and the maximum depth is up to 14 m. The reservoir freezes in winter, and warms up well in summer. Thanks to the predominantly positive temperatures, life is actively developing in the waters. 80 species of fish, including commercial ones, live here.

Black Sea

The waters of the Black Sea wash the southwestern borders of the country. Its length from north to south is 580 km. The maximum depth exceeds 2 thousand m. Most of the cyclones that occur throughout the year originate over the Atlantic. Numerous rivers significantly desalinate the coastal waters of the sea. Due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water, the bottom part is uninhabited. At shallow depths, both Mediterranean and freshwater fish species are found: anchovy, horse mackerel, tuna, stingray, bream, pike perch, and ram.

Baltic Sea

The reservoir, located in the north-west of Russia, is 660 km long. It is an inland sea. The maximum depth of the Baltic Sea is 470 m. Cyclones that form near the Atlantic bring frequent rain and wind to the Baltic. Due to the abundance of precipitation, the water in the sea is slightly salty, so there is little plankton in it. Fish include smelt, herring, Baltic sprat, whitefish and many others.

The seas of the Arctic Ocean that wash Russia:

Barents Sea

Sea waters wash part of the northern coast of the country. The length of the coastline is 6645 km. The maximum depth exceeds 590 m. The North Atlantic Current and Arctic air radically influence climatic conditions. Summer temperature does not rise above +10ºС. In the northwestern part the ice does not melt all year round. The waters are rich in plankton. More than a hundred species of fish live here, some of them commercial, for example, halibut, haddock, and catfish. represented by seals, bears and beluga whales. They settled on the coastal rocky cliffs various types birds such as gulls, guillemots and guillemots.

White Sea

An inland sea washing the northern part of the state. The length exceeds 600 km, the maximum depth is 343 m. The White Sea is slightly larger than the Sea of ​​​​Azov. Winter time long and harsh, and summers are humid and cool. Cyclones dominate over the reservoir. The water is slightly salty on the surface. The world of zooplankton and phytoplankton is not very developed. There are about fifty species of fish, which is significantly less than in neighboring seas. This is due to the harsh climate and low salinity. Cod, smelt, Chinook salmon, pollock, and salmon are of great commercial importance. The fauna is represented by sea hares and beluga whales.

Kara Sea

Waters wash islands and archipelagos northern Russia. The length of the coastline is 1500 km, the maximum depth is 620 m. The average water temperature does not exceed 0°C. Throughout the year, a significant part of the sea surface is covered with ice. Salt water at river mouths becomes almost fresh. According to latest research There are oil and gas deposits on the shelves. Brown and red algae grow well in the sea. Fish resources are rich in navaga, flounder, chinook salmon, nelma and smelt. There are: sei whale and fin whale.

Laptev Sea

A marginal reservoir of the Arctic Ocean, 1300 km long. The maximum depth is 3385 m. The sea is located near the Arctic Circle, which significantly affects the climate. Winter temperatures average -26°C. The region is affected by cyclones, bringing with them blizzards and winds. In summer the air warms up to +1ºС. Melting ice and runoff from Siberian rivers dilute the salt water of the sea. Flora represented by a variety of algae and plankton. Near the coastal strip you can find sea ​​urchins And . Large freshwater fish emerge from river mouths to feed. The fishery is not developed, since the sea is covered with ice most of the time. Among the mammals, beluga whales, walruses and seals feel good.

East Siberian Sea

The sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean basin adjacent to the northern coast of Russia. The length of the coastline exceeds 3000 km, the greatest depth is about 900 m. The average air temperature in winter is -28°C. The reason is so low temperatures are cold winds carrying air masses from Siberia. Summer air temperatures rise to +2ºС on average. The fauna is scarce due to the harsh climate. The ichthyofauna of the coastal zone includes whitefish and sturgeon. Large mammals include beluga whales, walruses, and polar bears.

Chukchi Sea

A marginal reservoir in the north of the country. The greatest depth is 1256 m. Throughout the year the sea receives little sun rays. A sharp drop in temperature begins in the fall. Winter is characterized by strong winds and an average temperature of -28°C. Cover the reservoir with ice all year round. Grayling, char and cod are found in the Chukchi Sea. Phytoplankton serves as food for cetaceans. Polar bears live on drifting ice floes, forming an entire population.

The Pacific seas that wash Russia:

Bering Sea

The reservoir in the northeastern part of the Pacific coast has a coastline length of 13,340 km, a maximum depth of 4,151 m. There are numerous islands near the coast. In winter, the average air temperature does not rise above -23ºС. Summer temperatures average +10ºС. The Bering Sea is covered with ice almost all year. The coast is indented with capes, bays and spits. The high banks are favored by seagulls, puffins, and guillemots. The aquatic world is famous for its diversity of salmon and flounder. The gently sloping shores have become home to walruses, sea otters and polar bears.

Sea of ​​Japan

The waters of the Sea of ​​Japan wash the eastern coast of Russia. The length of the coastline is 3240 km, the maximum depth is 3742 m. The location in temperate latitudes affects the local climate. IN winter period North-westerly winds blow over the surface. Typhoons often occur at this time. The influx of river water is insignificant. The coast is home to starfish of all sizes and colors, urchins, shrimp and sea cucumbers. The fishery covers cod, flounder, pollock and herring. After a storm, you can see relatively safe jellyfish on the shore.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

A semi-enclosed body of water washing the south-eastern coast of the country. The maximum depth is 3916 m. The monsoon climate prevails on the coast. January temperatures drop to -25°C. The summer maximum is +18°C. The coastal zone is home to crabs, mussels and starfish. Mammals include killer whales, seals and fur seals. In the open sea, flounder, capelin, coho salmon and pink salmon are caught.

Closed seas that wash Russia:

Caspian Sea

The only endorheic sea in the southwest of Russia. The length of the coastline is 1460 km, the maximum depth is 1025 m. Based on some signs, the Caspian Sea should be called a lake. But the salinity of the water, its size and hydrological regime indicate that it is a sea. There are many islands along the coast. The waters of the Caspian Sea are unstable, they rise and fall. Winter temperatures on average are -1°C, and by mid-summer they rise to +25°C. More than a hundred rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, the largest of which is the Volga. In winter, the northern part of the sea freezes. Vegetable and fauna unique. Only endemic species live here, species that live only in the Caspian Sea. Near the coast you can find goby, herring, sturgeon, white fish, shrimp, pike perch and beluga. A unique mammal is the Caspian seal, the smallest representative of its family.

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Description of the Black Sea

Description: The Black Sea is connected to the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Mediterranean by the Bosphorus Strait, and to the Sea of ​​Azov by the Kerch Strait. Oceanic salinity in the Black Sea is 1.8%. (in the Mediterranean 37%). The area of ​​the Black Sea is 423 thousand sq. km, depth - 2245 m, holds 527 cubic km of water.
The peculiarity of the Black Sea is that at a depth of over 150 meters, the habitat of anaerobic bacteria begins, the result of which is the release of hydrogen sulfide. Organisms that need oxygen cannot live there. Life develops only in the upper layer of the sea, constituting 12 - 13% of the total volume of the sea, 80% of the entire fauna of the Black Sea are marine species that penetrated here through the Bosphorus. The rest are brackish-water organisms, common in similar bodies of water throughout the planet. And fresh species from rivers flowing into the Black Sea. The water in the Black Sea is moderately cold.

Sea life

The Black Sea is poorer in species than the Mediterranean; it is home to species that tolerate a wide range of water salinity and do not require great depths at any period of development. All types can be divided into two large groups: permanent and temporary.
The Black Sea is home to 2.5 thousand species of animals: 500 species of unicellular organisms, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals (sharks, dolphins), 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates of various groups.
Large mobile animals enter the Black Sea from the Mediterranean of their own free will. But large number species are constantly brought here, regardless of their desire, through the straits: Black Sea - Bosphorus - Sea of ​​Marmara - Dardanelles - Mediterranean Sea.
There are constantly two currents in the Bosphorus Strait - the upper one carries desalinated water from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Marmara and further to the Mediterranean. The lower one delivers saltier, warmer water to the Black Sea. With it, the thickness of the stream is 2-8 meters, planktonic organisms are carried into the sea. Live starfish, brittle stars, and sea urchins were found here.
The flora of the Black Sea includes 270 species of green, brown, red bottom algae, 350 species of microscopic plankton, and a lot of different bacteria.
Most planktonic algae with solar energy builds itself from simple connections. Some algae, like animals, can only feed on ready-made organic substances.
The noctiluca algae (nightlight) has become a predator - noctiluca has no chlorophyll, it looks like a miniature transparent apple with a stringy tail, and got its name for its ability to glow.

Sea water balance

Water balance is very important characteristic marine ecosystem, since any changes in the natural mechanism of inflow and outflow of water affect the salinity, temperature, density and other properties of water masses and, consequently, the living conditions in them.

There are no and cannot be established once and for all components of the water balance of the sea. From year to year they change depending on weather conditions, the magnitude of river flow, temperature and air humidity, affecting the evaporation of moisture from the sea surface, the strength, direction and duration of winds and many other reasons. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about some long-term average water balance indicators, calculated on the basis of observations, measurements and assessments made over a number of years.

The components of the Black Sea water balance include river flow, precipitation in the form of rain and snow, evaporation from the sea surface, water exchange through the Bosphorus and the Kerch Straits. It should be noted that there are two currents in opposite directions in the straits. In the Bosphorus Strait, the upper current is directed from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea, and the lower current is directed from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea. In the Kerch Strait, the upper current is directed from the Azov Sea to the Black Sea, and the lower current is directed from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea. According to averaged long-term data (Shimkus and Trimonis), the water balance of the Black Sea can be expressed by the following values:

Water inflow into the Black Sea (km per year)

  • With river flow 346
  • With precipitation - 119
  • From the lower reaches in the Bosphorus Strait - 176
  • From the upper reaches in the Kerch Strait - 32

Total - 694

Source of water from the Black Sea (km per year)

  • Through evaporation - 332
  • Through the upper reaches of the Bosphorus Strait - 340
  • Through the lower reaches in the Kerch Strait - 32

Total - 704

As you can see, the rivers bring 346 cubic meters into the Black Sea. km fresh water and almost the same amount (340 km), but already salty water flows from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus. Atmospheric precipitation supplies almost three times less fresh water to the sea than it leaves into the atmosphere through evaporation. In other seas, all components of the water balance are significantly different, this is understandable. But in the Black Sea, more than in some other seas, the mechanisms of water balance regulation are interfered with by lately Human. For example, through irrevocable withdrawal of fresh water for irrigation or other economic purposes. In these cases, the river flow into the sea is reduced, which entails a whole series changes in the functioning of the ecosystem. This comes to mind modern fate The Aral Sea, reduced to a small body of water precisely because of the excessive use of river flow in cotton fields in the region. However, the fate of the Aral Sea in no way threatens the Black Sea, if only because it will not become shallow as long as there is a connection with the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosporus. And they don’t grow particularly water-intensive crops here. However, fresh water is also consumed here in considerable quantities. For example, in the sixties and seventies of the last century, plans were made to use large volumes of water from rivers flowing into the Black and Sea of ​​Azov, first of all, for the development of irrigated agriculture in the arid regions of the Northern Black Sea region and the Azov region. From the perspective agriculture and livestock farming, this seemed then to be a major project for transforming nature for the better for humans.
On the other hand, this promised great changes in the marine environment and loss of biological resources in both the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. Specialists, hydrologists and oceanologists, made forecasts of expected events in the sea and assessed the possible damage that they would cause to commercial fish and other valuable organisms. For example, Professor A.M. Bronfman and Dr. E.P. Khlebnikov wrote in 1985 that with the expected increase in irrevocable water consumption in the Azov Sea basin from 1980 to 2000, the average salinity of water in it will increase from 12.13% in 1981 (the % sign means the number of grams of salts per kilogram of sea water) to 14.46% in 1995 and up to 15.58% in 2000. It was with this accuracy that the constructed mathematical models predicted the value of water salinity. In relation to the Black Sea, Professor K.A. Vinogradov and Dr. D.M. Tolmazin noted in 1971 that, subject to the removal of 40% of river flow, the salinity of water in the Black Sea will tend to 33%, reaching this value in about 7000 years. By 2000, a number of authors predicted an increase in salinity in the Black Sea from 18% to 21-22% and a sharp deterioration by this time of living conditions for many marine organisms, primarily for Pontic relics. Due to the reduction in river flow, it was predicted that the sea would “advance” into open estuaries, such as the Dniester and Dnieper-Bugsky, and an increase in the salinity of the water in them from the current level of 2-3% to 18-20%. As a precautionary protective measure, Professor F. S. Zambriborshch (1971) proposed building dams at the mouths of these estuaries in the Ochakov and Zatoka areas. This will create reservoirs of a new type, warned F.S. Zambriborshch, but no other effective way to save the brackish-water fauna of the estuaries and their rich fish resources is known. These examples are given in order to show how seriously scientists took the prospect of reducing river flow and how confident they were then in various forecasts obtained using mathematical models. Later it became clear that mathematical "ecological models" are often based on extremely simplified conceptual models of systems. Therefore, answering practical questions on problems environment, ecologists, as one wrote, are often more like ancient Greek oracles than scientific experts and consultants. Of course, this refers to the ecological mathematical models of the 60s and 70s of the last century. Later they became more advanced. Time has passed, and now we can draw some conclusions. As shown modern research, events in the Black Sea region developed according to a different scenario than predicted. For various reasons, including economic and political, a large irreversible withdrawal of river flow had not yet occurred by the end of the century. Rivers continue to pour practically the same volumes of fresh water into the Black Sea. Salinity in open waters The Black Sea remained at the same level - about 18%. It increased somewhat in open estuaries and in the Sea of ​​Azov, but far from reaching the predicted values.
For example, the current average salinity of water in the Sea of ​​Azov is 13.8%, and was predicted to be 14.46% in 1995. It can be argued that the salinity of the water has remained at a level at which serious biological changes in the ecosystem cannot be expected.

Presentation on the topic “The seas washing the borders of Russia” on geography for schoolchildren. Consists of twenty-eight slides. Author - Ishmuratova Liliya Malikovna

Excerpts from the presentation:

Goals and objectives:

Arctic Ocean

Characteristics of the seas of the Arctic Ocean
  • All seas are marginal, except for the White Sea
  • All seas are located on the continental shelf, so they are shallow
  • Sea salinity is lower than oceanic
  • The climate of the seas is harsh; only part of the Barents Sea does not freeze
  • The North Sea passes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Sea route– the shortest route from the Baltic Sea to Vladivostok
  • Ice moves under the influence of winds and currents in a clockwise direction - it drifts. Ice collides, forming piles of ice - hummocks

Pacific Ocean

Characteristics of the seas of the Pacific Ocean
  • All seas of the Pacific Ocean are marginal and are separated from the ocean by a chain of islands
  • All have significant depths, since they have almost no shelf zone
  • The seas are located in the area of ​​the Pacific Ring of Fire, in the area of ​​the borders lithospheric plates, that’s why tsunamis are frequent here, and there are volcanoes along the shores, the seashores are mountainous
  • The nature of the Bering and Okhotsk seas is harsh. The seas freeze, and in summer the water temperature is no higher than +12C. Only the southernmost one, the Sea of ​​Japan, does not freeze. Typhoons and severe storms are common here. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk has the highest tides in Russia

Atlantic Ocean

Characteristics of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean
  • All seas are internal, that is, they are connected to the ocean by narrow straits and surrounded on all sides by land
  • The Deep is the Black Sea (maximum depth is 2210 m), and the Azov Sea is the shallowest sea in Russia - the greatest depth is 15 m, the average is 5-7 m.
  • The Black Sea is located in a tectonic depression
  • The Baltic and Azov seas are covered with ice for a short time. The Baltic bays freeze, and the Black Sea is the warmest sea in Russia and ice occurs only in its northern bays
  • The Black Sea is contaminated from a depth of 200 m with poisonous hydrogen sulfide and is devoid of life from a depth of 200 m
  • Caspian Sea – lake basin of internal flow

The most, the most, the most

  • The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea (greatest depth - 5500 m)
  • The largest in area is Beringovo
  • The shallowest water is Azovskoye (maximum depth - 15 m)
  • The smallest in area is Azovskoe
  • The coldest is East Siberian (in summer water temperature +1 C)
  • The purest - Chukotka
  • The warmest is the Black Sea

Sea resources

  • The Barents Sea is the richest biological resources from the seas of the Arctic Ocean
  • Richer than the resources of the Pacific Ocean
  • The Caspian Sea contains 80% of the planet's sturgeon stocks
  • They catch in the Baltic Sea
  • The Sea of ​​Azov is an important fishing area
  • The Black Sea does not have important commercial significance, but fishing is carried out here too
  • Kislogubskaya tidal power plant (Barents Sea)
  • The seas have rich mineral resources

The Black Sea has the richest recreational resources

  • Anapa
  • Tuapse

Main sources of sea pollution

  • Industrial wastewater coming from river water – 40%
  • Sea transport – 30%
  • Accidents of oil tankers
  • Accidents of oil pipelines laid along the seabed

Ways to improve the environmental situation

  • Use waste-free production along the coasts and river banks
  • Construction of treatment facilities
  • Avoid high concentrations (accumulation of industrial enterprises) on sea coasts
  • Creation of protected water areas (marine reserves and sanctuaries)

Sea Comparison Plan

  • Which ocean basin does it belong to?
  • Outer or inner
  • Coastline (indented, no, bays, peninsulas)
  • Depths
  • Salinity
  • Water temperature (ice)
  • Sea resources
  • Environmental issues

Comparative characteristics of the Black and Kara seas

Black Sea
  • Atlantic Ocean Basin
  • Inland sea
  • Izrezana, Crimean Peninsula
  • 1315 m
  • January – 1° +7°, July +25°
  • Recreational resources
  • Environmental issues
Kara Sea
  • Arctic Ocean Basin
  • Outskirts
  • Heavily rugged, Yamal, Gydansky, Taimyr Peninsulas
  • 111 m
  • 7-33‰
  • January –1.5°, July+1º+4º
  • Biological resources
  • Environmental issues

The Russian Federation occupies a vast territory and is a major maritime power. The length of its water boundaries is almost forty thousand kilometers. From the north and east, our country borders only on the seas. They vary in size, depth and salinity level of water. The possibility of navigation and other uses of marine resources depend on these characteristics. Russian Federation They belong mainly to marginal seas from the basins of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic. They occupy more than eight and a half million square kilometers. And our country carefully monitors the preservation water resources and is fighting their pollution. Even at school, every person becomes familiar with what seas wash Russia. But not all of them are familiar, for example, to residents of the middle zone.

What seas and oceans wash Russia?

The northern waters belonging to our country are part of the Arctic Ocean basin. There are most of the seas there. All of them, except Bely, are continental-marginal, and the boundaries between them are marked by islands and archipelagos. What seas wash Russia from the north? These are Beloe, Chukotka, Barents, East Siberian, Laptev and Kara.

The largest and deepest seas washing the shores of our country are the Sea of ​​Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Sea. They are located in the Pacific Ocean. What other seas wash Russia? Our country owns several reservoirs of the Atlantic Ocean: the Black, Azov and Baltic. These seas are inland.

In addition to these 12 reservoirs, Russia is also adjacent to the largest inland sea from the endorheic basin of Eurasia. It is often called a lake because it is not connected to the ocean. This is the Caspian Sea.

Arctic Ocean Basin

What seas wash the shores of Russia from the north? Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Barents, Chukchi and White seas. These six seas constitute the largest group and occupy large area- more than four million square kilometers. All of them are characterized by the fact that they are very small. In addition, they are marginal because they are separated by islands or archipelagos. In some places it is even impossible to accurately determine the boundary between them. Only the White Sea is located inland, but in other characteristics it differs little from the rest.

What are the features of the northern seas of Russia?

  • they are quite small; the deepest of them is the Laptev Sea; its average depth is about 500 meters;
  • the water temperature in these places is very low, even in summer rarely rising above 10 degrees, so in winter almost the entire surface of the northern seas is covered with ice;
  • economic importance The Arctic Ocean basin is not very high: beluga whales, seals and some fish are caught in these waters.

Pacific Ocean Basin

From the east, the shores of Russia are washed by three seas: Bering, Okhotsk and Japan. They are warmer than the waters of the Arctic Ocean. In addition, these bodies of water are much larger and deeper. These seas are not entirely marginal in type - they are limited by large islands. And water exchange between them and the Pacific Ocean occurs through the straits.

By studying the features of these reservoirs, we can answer the question of which of the seas washing Russia is the deepest. This is the largest Bering Sea. Its depth reaches four thousand meters.

But otherwise it has the same features as other seas of the Pacific Ocean, namely:

  • large ebbs and flows;
  • many storms, strong winds, fogs and even tsunamis;
  • perform useful features: Shipping and fishing are developed in these seas.

Atlantic Basin and Caspian Sea

These are the warmest bodies of water in Russia. All three seas of the Atlantic Ocean - the Baltic, Black and Azov - are internal. They are quite small and communicate with the ocean through straits and other seas.

The Caspian Sea generally belongs to the closed Eurasian basin. It is very similar in characteristics to Black and Azov: just as small, warm, not very salty and rich in fish. In addition, these seas are widely used for shipping and tourism. The climate of the Baltic is more severe, the coasts are rugged. But still this sea is just as shallow, almost fresh, but rich in fish.

Why know which seas wash Russia?

The water resources of our country are of great economic importance. Russia has access to the seas of three oceans. They give her many advantages: they make it easier economic ties with other countries, provide opportunities for the development of recreation and tourism, and are of great commercial and raw material importance. Information about which seas and oceans wash Russia allows you to learn more about your native country, its economic activities, climatic conditions and tourism opportunities.

Topic: Seas, inland waters and water resources

Lesson:Peculiarities of the nature of the seas washing the shores of Russia

The purpose of the lesson: to find out which seas wash the shores of Russia, to study the features of the nature of the seas.

The seas washing the shores of Russia belong to the basins of three oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic.

Seas of the Arctic Ocean:

  1. White
  2. Barentsevo
  3. Karskoe
  4. Laptev
  5. East Siberian
  6. Chukotka

Rice. 1. Seas of the Arctic Ocean and their characteristics ()

The seas of the Arctic Ocean lie mainly on the shelf, and therefore generally do not differ in significant depths. The coastline of these seas is very indented. All seas of this ocean (except the White Sea) are marginal.

Rice. 2. The seas of the Arctic Ocean on the physical map ()

These seas have a harsh climate and are covered with ice for a significant period of time. The exception among them is the Barents Sea, whose waters are warmed by the warm North Atlantic Current.

Rice. 3. Inflow of warm waters into the Barents Sea ()

The severity of the climate and ice cover increase eastward. The salinity of the seas of the Arctic Ocean is low. These seas are used as a transport route; in addition, they are rich in biological and mineral resources, although due to the severity of the climate their economic development is difficult.

Barents Sea differs in relatively warm waters compared to other seas of the Arctic Ocean. This sea is characterized by constant collisions of warm air masses and cold waters. The banks are heavily indented. The sea is distinguished by its diversity and richness in biological and other types of resources.

White Sea is internal. Summer here is short and cool. In the south, the water can warm up to +17 degrees.

Rice. 4. White Sea on the map ()

Kara Sea has a fairly harsh climate. The water temperature in summer rises in the south to +5 degrees. Most of covered with ice for years.

Laptev Sea distinguished by the most severe climatic conditions.

differs in slightly warmer waters relative to the Laptev Sea. Array multi-year ice reaches several meters.

Rice. 5. East Siberian Sea ()

Chukchi Sea is located in the east. Warmer water from the Pacific Ocean enters the Chukchi Sea through the Bering Strait.

  1. Beringovo
  2. Okhotsk
  3. Japanese

Fig.6. Pacific Ocean ()

The seas of the Pacific Ocean are separated from the ocean by islands and peninsulas. These seas are characterized by ebbs and flows, fogs, strong winds, and storms. The seas of this ocean are quite cold, only the southern half of the Sea of ​​Japan has relatively warm waters.

Bering Sea- the largest and deepest in Russia. The climate is cold and the weather is unstable. The sea is rich in fish and sea animals.

Rice. 7. Bering Sea on the map ()

Sea of ​​Okhotsk is under the influence of the Siberian anticyclone, so the climatic conditions are quite harsh.

Sea of ​​Japan Among the Russian seas of the Pacific Ocean it has the most favorable climatic conditions, although this sea is characterized by typhoons.

Seas of the Atlantic Ocean:

  1. Azovskoe
  2. Black
  3. Baltic

All these seas are inland and quite warm. The seas of the Atlantic Ocean are of significant commercial, transport and recreational importance.

Baltic Sea- shallow sea, rugged shores, quite fresh.

the warmest and deepest of the Russian seas of the Atlantic Ocean. In summer, the water in the sea warms up to +26 degrees. At a depth of more than 150 meters, the waters of the Black Sea contain hydrogen sulfide, therefore sea ​​creatures live mainly in upper layers water.

Rice. 8. Black Sea ()

Sea of ​​Azov- the shallowest and smallest sea. The maximum sea depth is 13.5 meters. The sea is highly desalinated.

Belongs to the endorheic basin Caspian Sea-lake. This is the largest lake on Earth by area. In ancient times, the Caspian Sea was integral with the Black Sea and was part of the World Ocean. The lake is rich in biological and mineral resources (primarily oil and gas).


1. List the seas of Russia that belong to the Arctic Ocean basin.



1. Geography of Russia: Textbook. for 8-9 grades. general education institutions / Ed. A.I. Alekseeva: In 2 books. Book 1: Nature and population. 8th grade - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 320 p.

2. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions/ I.I. Barinova. - M.: Bustard; Moscow textbooks, 2011. - 303 p.

3. Geography. 8th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 48 p.

4. Geography. Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade: atlas - 7th ed., revision. - M.: Bustard; Publishing house DIK, 2010 - 56 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. 8th grade: training manual. - Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2010. - 144 p.

2. Tests on Russian geography: grades 8-9: textbooks, ed. V.P. Dronov “Geography of Russia. 8-9 grades: textbook. for general education institutions”/ V.I. Evdokimov. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 109 p.

3. Getting ready for the State Examination. Geography. 8th grade. Final testing in exam format./auth.-comp. T.V. Abramova. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy LLC, 2011. - 64 p.

4. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

5. Nature and population of Russia ().

Articles By topic:
Past tense (Präteritum)
Along with Präteritum and Perfekt, it is included in the stage of past tenses. As a complex past tense, it consists of the auxiliary verbs haben or sein in the form Präteritum and the semantic verb in the form of the second participle (Partizip II). Choice of auxiliary verb
Lunar calendar of surgical operations
Everyone who is about to undergo surgery carefully approaches the organization of this process: chooses a surgeon, discusses the nuances of the operation, possible complications and recovery time. It will also be important to choose the date for the operation.
The influence of the Moon on the fulfillment of desires
The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely powerful time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with lunar energy. The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: full
Are there insects in Antarctica
In Antarctica, as you know, almost no snow falls - the winds carry the same snowflakes across the continent. Our elite is also almost never replenished; this is generally characteristic of stagnation, when vertical mobility is reduced to zero. In public policy - the same