Time to plant cucumbers in open ground. When to plant cucumbers to get a good harvest When is it better to plant cucumbers in May

Get high yield You can grow cucumbers only when you sow the seeds or plant the seedlings in time and correctly. This culture is very sensitive to growing conditions: humidity, soil, soil nutrition, light supply, air temperature.

Cucumbers love medium and light loams with a neutral reaction. Optimal temperature for growing 25-30C, the soil should be 20-25C. If the air temperature drops to 10C, the plant’s growth stops.

The soil for growing cucumbers must be fertile and rich in humus. Well-warmed soils, protected from winds. The area should be well lit.

It is better to choose seeds for sowing that are three years old. Even though the plants from them develop more slowly, they produce more female flowers. And they are usually more resistant to viruses and diseases. If you still use last year’s seeds, then it is advisable to warm them up before sowing; you can do this by placing the seeds near the radiator at a temperature of 35C for two weeks.

When sowing late, the seeds are used sprouted or swollen; if sowing is early, then the seeds can be used dry. On permanent place, that is, it is better to plant dry seeds on a prepared bed from May 25 to June 1; if the seeds are swollen, then the seeds can be planted on June 5 and not use shelter.

If you grow cucumbers using seedlings, then sow the seeds for seedlings on April 10-15 and plant them in the ground on May 10-15. Age of seedlings when planted in open ground under the film should be 20-25 days. If you grow seedlings for planting in open ground without shelter, then we sow the seeds for seedlings on May 1-5 and plant them in the ground without shelter on June 5-10.

It is convenient to grow seedlings in pots. It’s good if these are film pots, since cucumber seeds grow better with a lack of air. Therefore, after the seeds are sown and watered, the pots are well covered plastic film. As soon as the seedlings appear, they are opened and placed in a bright place. You can feed with chicken droppings or other fertilizers.

After planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to water them regularly, not to allow the soil to dry out and the leaves to wither, especially in sunny weather. Since cucumbers develop a huge vegetative mass, and a lot of moisture is used by the leaves, and the root system is located shallowly, about 20-25 cm, cucumbers respond very well to watering. After watering, it is advisable to mulch the soil with peat.

To create steamy air near the surface of the earth, it is necessary to water it in small doses with heated water in the sun up to 25C. Can't water cold water, as the plants may get sick. Watering also depends on various conditions. In the dry season, watering is increased; in the wet season, it is stopped.

At the beginning of flowering, it is better to temporarily stop watering. As soon as fruiting begins, watering is resumed and increased to 15-25 liters per 1 m2.

It is better to place cucumber vines on frames, which is better for the plants; the fruits are less susceptible to contamination and disease, making them easier to collect.

Proper feeding increases the yield and ensures early fruiting. Even if the soil is highly fertile, cucumbers still need feeding.

From organic fertilizers slurry, manure, chicken droppings, etc. are well used. All types of fertilizers are used after watering, and they are applied at the root, trying not to contaminate the leaves. The crust that forms after applying fertilizers is loosened. It is better to feed once a week, in relatively small doses.

To prevent cucumbers from withering in cool weather, they are covered with film to ensure extra heat. If you want to get more early harvests, then you can grow cucumbers in greenhouses, glass frames. At the same time, follow the regime for growing cucumbers.

Among other vegetable crops, this green vegetable is far from uncommon. It is grown and eaten in many countries around the world. It does not leave the shelves of shops and markets all year round.

Cucumbers can be grown continuously: in summer period in open ground conditions, and in winter in heated greenhouses. This vegetable crop is most often consumed fresh. Cucumbers are also used to make Magnificent taste qualities pickled and pickled cucumbers have. The green vegetable is very popular among the population. You can find fresh or pickled cucumbers as ingredients in many salads.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground

Since this vegetable crop is quite heat-loving, the time for its cultivation in open ground is in the summer. V middle lane You can start in late spring, when the soil has warmed up well. Usually this is the second half of May.

Preparatory work before planting

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that requires light, moisture and soil fertility. To successfully grow them, the area intended for planting is prepared in the fall. It is dug up and fertilized. To prevent diseases of future vegetable plantings, the soil is treated copper sulfate, add superphosphate and ash. In the spring, having harrowed such an area, you can safely sow the prepared seeds.

Which cucumber seeds are suitable for sowing?

You should not sow fresh seeds that were collected last year. The best seeds cucumbers - collected several years ago. Such seed will certainly produce excellent, strong seedlings that will delight you with a bountiful harvest.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

The selected seeds can simply be sown in the ground without pre-treatment. But in order to get friendly shoots, it is better to prepare them. Warming the seeds and soaking them is suitable for this purpose. Before processing, the seeds are sorted out, small and damaged ones are thrown away - they are unsuitable for sowing. Heat the seeds in water at a temperature of forty degrees for two hours. Then they are soaked for several days. During this time they hatch. Small sprouts appear. In this form, the seeds are sown in moist soil.

When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse

In the hospital it's heat-loving plant grow all year round. When growing you will need good lighting and watering. After the plants emerge, the soil is constantly loosened and the necessary fertilizing is applied. Overgrown lashes are tied vertically upward. Caring for plants involves constant watering, fertilizing and treating against pests and diseases.

Growing cucumber seedlings

In order to speed up the harvest, you can grow seedlings in advance. It is grown in heated greenhouses or at home. Sow two seeds in small pots. Plants easily tolerate transplantation and take root well.

How to plant seedlings

Plants are planted under film covers at the end of April. Spring greenhouses are also excellent for this purpose. Seedlings grown in pots are planted in moist soil without damaging the root system. Properly planted plants do not get sick and quickly take root. When to plant cucumbers under film covers, weather conditions will tell you. If at the end of April the temperature is above zero, but there is still a threat of frost on the soil, you should wait to plant seedlings. But you should not delay planting, since overgrown plants do not take root well. Experienced vegetable growers can always determine exactly when to plant cucumbers.

How to choose the right plant varieties

When choosing varieties of cucumbers, you should carefully study the description attached to the seeds. In heated greenhouses, only self-pollinating varieties can be grown, but for open ground conditions it is better to choose bee-pollinated varieties. You should also pay attention to the purpose of the selected vegetable crop. Thus, there are salad and pickling varieties of cucumbers.

With the end of winter and the arrival of spring, an important task arises - to plant vegetable crops so that at the time of moving them to a greenhouse or open ground, the plants are healthy and capable of producing. For this purpose there is a lunar calendar, created a long time ago. He has good experience, is in demand, and helps in determining planting dates. Let's figure it out together when planting cucumbers.

Gardeners know for sure that it depends not only on the fertilizer components used, watering, etc., but also on pre-conducted activities that are carried out throughout the year. For this reason, agricultural activities are carried out already in January.

This culture loves warmth and develops quickly. First, decide how you will grow the crop - or in an open garden.

The seeds germinate on the third day. At a favorable temperature, after two weeks the seedlings are ready for harvest. If this is not done in a timely manner, it will outgrow and become unusable.

To choose the most convenient moment, you need to take into account the region. In central Russia it is necessary to sow early. This is convenient because when the seedlings reach the required level of development, the weather will be favorable outside. By this time the soil will warm up, and the seedlings in it will not die.

When to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar for 2017

The table shows the days by month that are most favorable for planting cucumbers:

Signs from the people

The growth and development of plants and their productivity depend on weather conditions. Long-standing observations of changes in nature have led to simple formula– cucumbers must be sown on St. George’s Day. This is the sixth of May. Sowing must be completed no later than the tenth day of May.

Preparatory activities for landing

Before sowing, the seeds are sorted and filled with saline solution. Those that have sunk to the bottom of the container are selected for sowing. After such a check, the cucumber seeds are washed and soaked for twelve hours. The swollen seeds are laid out on cheesecloth and covered on top. When the seeds begin to sprout, they can be planted in the soil.

Transplanting seedlings

It has already been noted that the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground after fifteen days. But its development could be different, so readiness can be determined by the fourth leaf. Root system in cucumber seedlings it is rather weak, so it would be correct to plant it together with peat cups.

Try to replant cucumber seedlings after, and other crops that differ early dates maturation. You should not use beds that have grown or rooted plants in the previous year.

Seedlings can be grown healthy by accustoming them to weather conditions. During the soaking period, keep the seeds at different temperatures, from zero to eighteen degrees Celsius. Soak the swollen seeds for several days at a temperature of about two degrees. Sprouted seeds should be hardened by lowering temperature regime to minus two degrees. All these will help harden the cucumber seeds and make them resistant to weather conditions and diseases.

Since cucumbers have been grown in Rus' for so long, then, probably, considerable experience has been accumulated. Let's not reinvent the wheel, but turn to folk wisdom.

May 19 The first cucumber day in the folk calendar is Job (according to church calendar- Reverend Job the Long-Suffering). You can begin planting the sprouted seeds in the beds. It was recommended to water with pond water or settled well water - it had already warmed up during the day in the May sun. But it was obligatory to cover them with matting at night. It is possible by folk signs and make forecasts for the harvest. “If there is heavy dew on Job and the day is clear, there will be big harvest" And not only cucumbers, other vegetables will also produce well. “If the night is warm on Job, it will be a cucumber year; if it’s cold, it won’t be a cucumber year.”

May 27 The next cucumber “patron” is the martyr Isidore, whose memorial day (Sidor the borage) falls at the end of May. On this day it is recommended to pay attention to the weather. “If the whole day is clear, then the cucumber harvest will be good. And if the morning is cold and cloudy, but clears up in the evening, then the cucumbers sown that day will not be good, but later they will be excellent.”

June 1 on Ivan the Long (the day of remembrance of the blessed Prince John of Uglich) and June 2 Cucumbers continue to be planted on Falaleya borage. There is even a saying: “Grow your cucumbers quickly at Falaleya” - the deadlines are running out. If you sow later, early August cold snaps may leave you without a harvest. It was also observed that if it rained on the first two days of June, the entire month was dry. About Falal it is also said that “before this day there is no summer, and after that there is no winter.” And... Christmas trees were used as a “harvest predictor”. The abundance of fir cones promises a good cucumber harvest.

June 5- the last period allotted by folk signs for planting cucumbers - Leonty the borage (the day of remembrance of St. Leonty, Bishop of Rostov). Later they usually don’t sow. But cucumbers planted at this time, according to popular belief, are the best for pickling - strong and fragrant. They looked at Leonty to see how many gadflies were flying around - a large number of these biting insects promised a lot of cucumbers.

And also, by folk beliefs, cucumbers, especially the first bed, should have been sown secretly so that no one would see and would not jinx it. Otherwise there will be a lot of barren flowers and quickly drying lashes. In order for the cucumbers to be strong and healthy, it was advised to bury a pestle in the bed before sowing, “similar to a dumbbell, used for the development of muscles.”

August 17, on Evdokia the cucumber plant, cucumber season was ending. It was believed that by this time the last harvest had ripened; later the nights became colder and new fruits did not appear. Based on this day, they looked at the weather for November - as Avdotya is, so is November.

Cucumbers are plants native to the tropics, so they love warmth. Cucumber seedlings can be planted in soil with a temperature not lower than +15°C. Without measuring the soil temperature, the time of planting cucumbers can be determined by folk signs or other signs - when the air temperature at night does not drop below +10°C for a week, or when dandelions bloom en masse.

In addition, cucumber varieties are selected based on their growth type and fruit quality.

Planting dates for cucumbers in the middle zone and Moscow region

In Moscow and the Moscow region, cucumbers are sown with sprouted seeds in glass and film greenhouses in mid-May, under temporary film shelters - at the end of May, in open ground - until June 5. Ready seedlings can be planted in open ground after June 10. Or during the same period, film shelters are removed. Unfortunately, in the middle zone the cold may last until mid-June. Considering general recommendations, it’s still better to keep an eye on the weather.

Optimal timing for planting cucumbers Leningrad region : sowing seedlings - late April - early May, in unheated film or glass greenhouse seedlings are planted on May 20-25, cucumbers are planted under film tunnel shelters on May 20-25. Film covers can be removed from cucumber plantations on June 10-15.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings and in the ground

How to independently calculate the correct time for sowing cucumbers?

The optimal age of seedlings is 25-30 days. High-quality seedlings should be at least 30 cm high, with 3 - 4 leaves. To calculate the start time of fruiting, you need to take into account the early maturity of the variety. According to early ripening, all varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are divided to:

  • Early ripe cucumbers bloom 32-45 days after sowing.
  • Mid-season cucumbers They bloom at 50-55 days.
  • Late-ripening cucumbers bloom at 55-70 days.

Planting cucumbers in the Urals and Siberia

The favorable period for the growth and fruiting of cucumbers in the Urals, where the climate is harsh and rather cold, is very limited: frosts can occur until the first ten days of June, and sometimes until the end of the second ten days of June, and already in the third ten days of August they begin again. Therefore in northern regions Cucumbers are grown mainly in greenhouses and very often through seedlings. Seedlings are planted no earlier than the third ten days of May. To quickly warm up the soil in the beds, you can use the following method: immediately after the snow melts, the beds are spilled with warm water and covered with film or lutrasil.

Cucumber seedlings are being planted in the Urals:

Cucumbers can be sown in open ground on the 20th of May if there is shelter.

Early ripening varieties of cucumbers (38-45 days after emergence) can be planted in three periods: the first sowing on May 20, the second on June 1-5 and the last sowing on June 15. This will help extend the fruiting period of cucumbers until September.

In the Urals and Siberia for planting cucumbers, it is better to select hybrids with increased resistance to adverse weather factors and diseases. The most productive in conditions Far East are mid-early and mid-ripening varieties of cucumbers, for example, Far Eastern-27 or Erofey selection of the Far Eastern Research Institute agriculture. Additionally, to increase plant resistance, it is useful to carry out pre-sowing preparation seeds - hardening.

Planting cucumbers in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine

IN Southern regions Russia and Ukraine Cucumber seeds are sown directly in open ground from mid-April to early May. Optimal time for sowing seedlings - last days Martha.

In the Rostov region cucumber seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of April. During the same period, you can plant seedlings. When sowing cucumbers for seedlings, keep in mind that they do not tolerate transplantation well: it is better to sow cucumbers in separate peat pots.

Planting cucumbers in Crimea

IN Crimea cucumber seeds are sown in open ground in early May, and ready-made seedlings, aged 25-30 days, are also planted at the same time. Seeds are sown for seedlings in early to mid-March.

If the timing of planting cucumbers in the ground depends on the weather, then when growing cucumbers at home - on a balcony or on a windowsill, cucumbers can be sown much earlier. Step by step guide and photos on growing cucumbers at home:

Caring for cucumbers according to all the rules

Cucumbers require constant attention: they need to be watered, fed, constantly tied up and vines formed.

Watering cucumbers

Cucumbers need constant watering. Especially during the period of active fruiting, approximately once every three days. With a lack of moisture, cucumbers begin to taste bitter and grow crooked or pear-shaped. But with watering, and even more so with sprinkling, you need to be very careful on dangerous days, when the Moon comes under the influence of the sign of Libra and Gemini.

Feeding, mulching and weeding cucumbers

Feed cucumbers 5-6 times during the entire growth period. Feed the first time when the second true leaf appears, the second time at the beginning of flowering; the third, fourth and fifth - during the period of ovary formation and fruiting, with a frequency of once every 2 weeks. After weeding, the soil can be mulched with mowed lawn grass, sawdust or humus.

Days of planting cucumbers and harvesting according to the National Calendar

May 19 (May 6, old style) - Job Goroshnik

The first cucumber day of the year. On this day, cucumbers are planted in the beds: “If there is a lot of dew on Job, the day is clear, and the night is warm, there will be a big harvest, but if the night is cold, it will not be a cucumber year.”

May 27 (May 14, old style) - Sidor-Borage or Sidor-Bokogrey

“If the day on Sidor is clear, expect a good harvest of cucumbers. If the weather is cold, then the whole summer is expected to be cold.”

June 1 (May 19, old style) Ivan Dolgiy.

P They continue to plant cucumbers. If it rains on Ivan the Long, then the whole month promises to be dry.

June 2 (May 20, old style) Falale borage or Timofey Gryadochnik.

They continue to plant cucumbers in the beds. But in the Northern regions they are just beginning to plant cucumbers on Timofey: “Timofey has come - bring the cucumbers quickly.” There is also a sign: if it rains in the first two days of June, the whole month will be dry.

June 5 (May 23, old style) Levon Ogurechnik, Levon Konoplyanik

Last date for planting cucumbers. On Levon (Leonty) it was customary to plant cucumbers for pickling, because cucumbers planted at this time, according to popular belief, are the crunchiest, strongest and sweetest. There is an interesting cucumber sign: the first bed of cucumbers must be sown secretly, then the harvest will be great!

August 17 (August 4, old style) - Avdotya Malinovka, Ogurechnitsa, Senognoika.

By this time, the last harvest was ripening in the beds. Now, with greenhouses and tunnel shelters, the cucumber season can be extended until September.

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