Dmitry's name day according to the church calendar. Angel Dmitry's Day. Patron Dimitry Donskoy

In addition to the official birthday, every year each Dmitry celebrates another holiday - name day or angel day. This date is associated with the day of remembrance of the saint who is the patron saint of a person named Dmitry. Usually it coincides with the birthday or falls on the date closest to it. On what day is the day of the angel Dmitry celebrated? church calendar, we will tell you in our article. Here we will tell you how to congratulate the person who bears this name, in poetry and prose.

When is Angel Dmitry's Day celebrated?

The name Dmitry comes from the ancient Greek goddess Demeter, so in ancient times it sounded like Demetrius. The Church Slavonic form of the name is pronounced as Demetrius. But, despite the difference in pronunciation, the names have identical meanings and the same patron saints.

Angel Dmitry's Day is celebrated every month according to the church calendar:

  • January - 4th, 8th, 21st, 31st;
  • February - 7, 9, 11, 17, 19, 24;
  • March - 4, 22, 23, 25, 31;
  • April - 1, 23, 26;
  • May - 5, 22, 28;
  • June - 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 26;
  • July - 3, 17, 21;
  • August - 1, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 30;
  • September - 8, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24, 28;
  • October - 4, 9, 10, 17, 21, 28;
  • November - 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 15, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29;
  • December - 2, 10, 14, 15, 17th.

Let us dwell in more detail on the individual patron saints of the name.

Dimitry Prilutsky: Memorial Day February 24

The Orthodox Church venerates the venerable and wonderworker Demetrius of Prilutsky on February 24, the day of his death, and on June 16. At the same time, the day of the angel Dmitry is celebrated.

Dimitry Prilutsky was born in the Yaroslavl region into a noble merchant family. In his youth he took monastic vows and soon built a monastery on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, where he became abbot. Demetrius of Prilutsky was a student of Sergius of Radonezh and became very close to him. Soon the abbot from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky became known throughout most of Rus'. It is known that he even became godparent children of Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

With the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, Dimitri Prilutsky, together with his student, went to remote places, to the North. Here, on a river near Vologda, in 1371 he founded the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery, which today is the largest and oldest in the Russian North. Here the saint reposed on February 11 (24), 1406. His relics are still kept in the monastery he founded.

Patron named after Dimitri Donskoy - June 1

From the age of 9, Dimitri Donskoy was raised by Metropolitan Alexy, who, after the death of the boy’s father in 1359, became the de facto ruler of the Moscow principality. From a young age, the young prince possessed amazing qualities that combined Christian piety and the talent of a leader wise beyond his years. He dedicated his entire life to the unification of Russian lands and the liberation of their territory from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The most significant thing in the life of Dimitri Donskoy was the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, where he managed to defeat a horde of Mamai’s warriors. On the eve of this event, the prince turned to Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing. After the victory on the Kulikovo field, Prince Dimitri began to be called Donskoy. During his life, he built the Assumption Monastery and a temple on the graves of fallen soldiers.

Dmitriev's Day - November 8

On this day, not only a number of church holidays are celebrated, but also a national holiday - Demetrius Day - in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. This day was considered the beginning of winter among the Eastern and young Slavs.

Demetrius of Thessalonica was a true Christian and the son of a Roman proconsul. After the death of his father, he took his place, but instead of defending the country from external enemies, the emperor ordered him to exterminate Christians. Demetrius of Thessaloniki disobeyed this order and began to convert the pagans to the faith. For this he was captured and imprisoned. While awaiting imprisonment, Demetrius of Thessalonica distributed all his property to those in need, and he himself began to pray intensely.

In 306, Demetrius of Thessalonica accepted martyrdom. His disciples secretly buried the body of the martyr. A temple was erected on this site during the reign of Constantine the Great.

Congratulations in verse on the day of the angel Dmitry

Regardless of which date Dmitry celebrates Angel Day, he will be very pleased to receive congratulations from loved ones and acquaintances on this day. You don't have to buy an expensive gift. It will be enough to say a few kind words to him.

Congratulations on Angel Dmitry’s Day sound especially good in poetic form:

Always be an angel,

Know how to love, know how to be friends!

We also wish you, Dima,

To be the best in the world!

Such short congratulations are very convenient because they are quickly remembered. They can be sent as SMS messages or recorded on “Happy Angel Demetrius Day” postcards in electronic and paper form. The following short congratulations sound like this:

May the angel protect Dmitry,
We are happy to congratulate him,
Let happiness run to his house,
Friends don't forget.

Such congratulations are often composed impromptu, that is, “on the fly”, without prior writing.

Dmitry's congratulations on Angel's Day in prose

If you wish, you can congratulate Dmitry on Angel’s Day not in verse, but in prose. Such a congratulation would be appropriate during any feast with friends, since its content is more reminiscent of a toast. The following type of congratulation is suitable:

You, Dmitry, are very lucky in your life! Love and beauty surround you everywhere: you drive your favorite car, attract attention beautiful women, relaxing in interesting places. I congratulate you on your name day, Dmitry, and I wish that your guardian angel will guide you through life along the chosen path and continue to delight you and your loved ones.

Don't forget to write your congratulations on a postcard and give (send by mail) it to Dmitry.

His father was the Roman proconsul in Thessalonica. Both he and his wife secretly professed Christianity, so Demetrius grew up in an atmosphere of piety. He received Holy Baptism in the house church. When Demetrius reached adulthood, his father dies, and Emperor Galerius Maximian appoints the young man to take the place of his deceased parent. The ruler set two main tasks for the new proconsul: to protect the city from barbarian raids and to fight Christians. After arriving in Thessalonica, Demetrius openly announced to all citizens that he was a Christian. He began to teach people the basics of the Christian faith, to eradicate paganism in all its manifestations. The emperor will soon find out about this; there is probably no need to explain that his anger and anger knew no bounds, because many Romans began to accept Holy Baptism. At this time, the ruler was on his way home, returning from the Black Sea campaign; after such news, he decided to lead troops through Thessalonica and deal with the Christians in this city himself. Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius distributed all his property to the poor and began to pray intensely, imposing strict fasting on himself in order to prepare for martyrdom. After Maximian entered the city, he ordered the proconsul to be immediately brought to him. Demetrius boldly confessed himself to the pagan Christian and denounced his wicked actions. As a result, the saint was imprisoned. To have a little fun, the emperor ordered gladiator fights to be organized. He reveled in how the famous strongman Leah threw Christians off the platform onto spears. The next martyr was to be the young man Nestor. He, like Dimitri, was imprisoned. Nestor asked to bless Demetrius of Thessalonica for the battle with Liem. Through the prayers of the holy saint, he defeated the strong man and threw him onto his spears. Maximian again became enraged and ordered the execution of Nestor, as well as Demetrius, who blessed him. This is how Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica accepted martyrdom. They wanted to give his body to be devoured by wild animals, but Christians secretly took him and buried him.

When choosing a name for their child, today many modern parents are guided not only by its euphony and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. They (parents) are increasingly trying to adhere to Christian traditions in choosing a name for their baby.

Dmitry's name day

Happy birthday, everything is clear - this is the specific date of the birth of a new person. Next, this person should be selected and given a name. And at this stage, many parents turn to the calendar - the church calendar, which indicates the days of honoring saints, dates of religious holidays and other information. The choice of name occurs as follows: based on the date of birth, the calendar determines the day closest to the day of veneration of a saint (or saint in the case of choosing a name for a girl) and the name of this saint is chosen as the name for the child. And the day of veneration of the saint itself will now be considered a name day. But there are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to. For example, you chose the name Dmitry for a boy. According to the Orthodox calendar, Dmitry's name day is celebrated several times a year - January 31; February 7, 9, 11, 16 and 24; April 1 and 26; 28; June 1, 5, 10, 15 and 16; July 21; September 24; October 4, 7 and 15; November 8, 10 and 28; December 14. Which one should Dmitry consider his name day? It's quite simple. There is a concept of “big” name days and “small” name days. “Big” name days named after Dmitry, or as they are also called, main ones, are celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint who is the closest (meaning day) after his birthday. All other dates for honoring the same saint refer to “small” name days and, as a rule, are not celebrated, although this, of course, is an individual decision for everyone.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

Having decided on a name, I also want to know what it means. After all, it’s no secret that a name influences both the formation of a person’s character and his entire destiny. The name Dmitry, or the church form Dimitri, has Greek roots and is interpreted in different sources differently. According to some sources, this name is translated as “fruit of the earth.” But other sources claim that the name Dmitry is associated with the name of Demeter - ancient greek goddess agriculture and fertility, and means “dedicated to Demeter.” As a rule, men named Dmitry are not arrogant and very friendly. But injustice and resentment cause a strong emotional explosion in them. Also, the owners of this name are endowed with titanic patience, endurance and efficiency, but on the other hand they are characterized by some impulsiveness and even sometimes mental instability.

Angel Day

Having dealt with the name day and the characteristics of the name, it is worth understanding the last concept - the day of the angel, in this particular case for the name Dmitry. According to Orthodox dogma, Angel Day is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above to a person, called to protect him (the person) from all temptations and difficulties in life. life path. Therefore, when wondering what date to celebrate the day of the angel Dmitry (in this case), remember exactly the date of the Baptism ceremony. Often parents give their child just a name they like, and at baptism they are guided by the Orthodox calendar. In this case, the child may have two names - the so-called worldly and spiritual, received at baptism and with which he will live his whole life and with which he will appear before the Almighty.

The name Dmitry, from the Greek - “relating to Demeter.” Dmitry grows up as a very sick boy, with an unbalanced nervous system. Dima inherited his appearance from his mother, but his character is his father’s. It is worth noting that with age, Dima’s health improves, and his capriciousness degenerates into stubbornness. Dmitry is a very strong-willed, intelligent, persistent, inventive man, with whom it can be quite difficult to communicate, since he can explode for any reason. He is not afraid of work, and his colleagues most of all value his sociability and ability to easily cope with failures. Thus, Dmitry easily advances in his career, and is especially successful in those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. Also, a person with this name is not only very brave, but also charming, and at times cruel.

He often likes to rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. Almost all men bearing this name adore coziness, comfort, beautiful women and various pleasures. They are used to not denying themselves anything. Therefore, in order to create the necessary level of living comfort for Dmitry, his wife will have to rack her brains a lot. Dmitry is very amorous, but he meets his first woman quite late. A new feeling can greatly grip this person and so strongly and completely that without any special remorse he changes his sympathies. Dima also often remarries, but he always retains affection for the children from previous marriages and continues to take care of them throughout his life. This is a big grumbler who is not at all averse to drinking, but is not addicted to alcohol. The Dmitrievs' mother enjoys great authority.

Dmitry is very amorous

It happens that only at the age of forty does Dima begin to fully understand his sexual capabilities and begins to lead an intense sex life. However, it may also happen that his extraordinary temperament remains unrealized. Dmitry has no natural instinct to do anything. He will never take risks, and the unknown and uncertainty simply scare him. Dmitry strives to bring his own sexual behavior into line with generally accepted moral standards. Many Dmitrys never get married, remaining old bachelors. Dmitry is cautious about sex, and always looks for a lover with extensive experience in this. For Dmitry, who was born in winter, love and sex are inseparable. The more sensitive his partner, the more frank he is in his erotic caresses. He is familiar with violent hobbies, he does not tolerate his girlfriend’s infidelity, he is jealous and suspicious. He skillfully calculates his strength in sex and tries to avoid difficult situations.

Dmitry's name day

Dmitry celebrates his name day: January 4, January 8, January 21, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23, April 26, May 2, May 28, June 1, 10 June, June 15, June 16, June 26, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, August 20, August 22, August 25, September 8, September 9, September 24, September 28, October 4, October 10, October 15, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17 .

  • Name Dmitry according to zodiac sign: suitable for Scorpios.
  • Dmitry's talismans: lapis lazuli.
  • Patron saints of Dmitry: Saint Dmitry Donskoy, martyr Dmitry of Constantinople.
  • Compatibility of the name Dmitry: favorable relationships with the names Anna, Elena, Lesya, Lily, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya, Polina, Svetlana, Tatyana, Yana.

In every Orthodox family there is a close, acquaintance or colleague Dmitry, who celebrates his name day once a year, popularly called the day of the angel Dmitry.

In fact, Angel's Day is the day of receiving the sacrament of Baptism, and Name Day is the day of the heavenly patron whose name a person bears.

These two holidays may not coincide in date.

The name Dmitry is common and loved in Christian countries. Beautiful and sonorous, it attracts not only with its euphony. After all, Dima’s patrons are strong-willed Christians who suffered for their faith and glorified their Fatherland.

Dmitry's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

In accordance with church rule, your name day should be considered the day of the saint with the same name as you, which is closest to your birthday. But there are many days dedicated to the famous Dmitry in the year.

In the church calendar you can see what date your Dima should celebrate his name day. This list will be given in the table below.

Let's repeat - heavenly patron The saint whose memorial day is closest to his birthday is considered. But the Guardian Angel is given to a person at the moment of the Sacrament of Baptism.

You can ask for help and protection in your prayers from both the Guardian Angel and the Patron Saint. Everyone helps those who earnestly ask.

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

Dmitry of Thessalonica was born into the family of a Roman official who was in the service of the emperor. The boy's parents were secret Christians. The child's father and mother baptized the baby secretly from the authorities. From birth, the child imbibed a love for Christian teaching and was an ardent believer.

After the death of his father, the young man donated his inheritance to the poor and made a firm decision to preach. Dmitry knew that he would not escape the wrath of the emperor, who was a pagan. For himself, the young man chose the feat of fasting and prayer and was preparing to accept the crown of martyrdom. When the emperor was informed about the Christian preacher, he gave the order to imprison him.

Later, the emperor forced Dmitry to fight in the arena. Liy, the emperor’s favorite fighter, was chosen as his opponent. In a fierce battle, Dmitry defeated the imperial slave and thereby signed his own death warrant. Early in the morning after the battle, the preacher was killed by the imperial guard.

His holy relics began to flow myrrh in the 7th century, as contemporaries wrote about, and many miracles and healings also occurred. The Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki is also called the Myrrh-Streamer.

Memorial Day in Russian Orthodox Church– November 8. On the days of memory of Dmitry of Thessalonica, a prayer is read for healing and for the dead, and an akathist to the saint is also sung. All Dmitrys can pray to their patron daily by reading the prayer rule.

Holy Blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy

The baby Dmitry was born in 1350. The boy became the head of the state after the death of his father at the age of 9. The young man was raised Christian, Orthodox tradition. Later he became a trustee of monastic monasteries and built new churches. Dmitry's spiritual father was St. Sergius of Radonezh.

It was St. Sergius who blessed the young man to liberate the people from the yoke of Mamai. All the days before the battle, the prince himself fervently asked the Lord for victory and the granting of freedom from the Tatars.

The decisive battle took place on September 21, 1380 - Christmas Day Holy Mother of God The prince took part in the battle in the ranks of his warriors.

As is known from the chronicles, on that decisive day the soldiers saw Archangel Michael, Angels, and the patron of the Grand Duke, Dmitry of Thessalonica, over the Kulikovo field. Despite heavy losses, the princely army survived. The Mongol-Tatars were expelled from the Russian land.

On the battlefield - the site of the death of Orthodox soldiers, the prince erected a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The faithful went down in history as the great liberator of Rus'.

June 1 is the saint's feast day. The faithful canonized Grand Duke for his pious life and for his great services to the Church and the people of God.

On church dates for the commemoration of St. Demetrius, he is asked for healing, for expelling enemies and for help. The troparion and kontakion are read to the blessed prince Demetrius, according to the Orthodox prayer book.

Complete list of patron saints of Dmitriev

Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica and Dmitry Donskoy are not the only patrons and intercessors of Dmitriev.

Asian prince Demetrius of Skepsia, martyr.

The prince and his family were imprisoned for life for converting to Christianity. Days of Remembrance - September 24, new style.

Greek priest Dimitrian (Demetrius) of Salamis preached Christianity in Cyprus.

Dmitry of Rostov - metropolitan, monk and saint. He dedicated his entire life to the fight against heresy and preserving the purity of the Orthodox faith.

After the death of a monk, people receive healing from his incorruptible relics. Remembrance days are October 4 and November 10.

The Dmitrievs have many worthy patrons and intercessors in heaven. It is necessary to choose a patron by date of birth and heart. The patron saint is an example and role model. You can trust the heavenly intercessor with all your innermost secrets, share your joy, ask for help in your sorrows and give thanks.

On the day of the name day, you need to come to the temple and pray to your intercessor; it would be correct, having previously prepared, to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this day.

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