Christian Remembrance Day. Christina's name day according to the church calendar. When is Christina's name day according to the church calendar?

Mu-che-ni-tsa Christ lived in the 3rd century. She was born into a divine family. Her father Urvan was the ruler of the city of Ti-ra. At the age of 11 years, the girl was struck by an unusually-veined beauty, and many wanted to marry her. However, Christina’s father dreamed that his daughter would become a priestess. For this, he placed it in a special place, where he placed a lot of gold and silver idols , and ordered them to sing fimi-am before them. Two slaves serve Christina.

In his solitude, Christ began to think about who created this beautiful world? From her room, she fell in love with the starry sky and gradually came to the idea of ​​the One Creator of the whole world. She became convinced that the voiceless and soulless idols that stood in her chambers could not have created anything. , since you yourself would have ru-ka-mi people. She began to pray to the One God with tears, asking Him to reveal Himself. Her soul became more and more in love with the Neva-do-my God, she became more and more intensified in her prayer, united nyaya her with po-sche-ni-em.

One day, Christ was lucky enough to meet An-ge-la, who in- structed her in the true faith in Christ, Savior of the world. The angel called her the bride of Christ and presented her with a future suffocating deed. The holy girl broke all the hundred idols that appeared in her place and threw them out the window. Christina's father Urvan, visiting his daughter, asked her where the idols had gone? Hri-sti-na mol-cha-la. Then, calling the slaves, Urvan learned the truth from them. In anger, the father began to hit his daughter on the cheeks. The holy girl slept silently, and then revealed to her father her faith in the One Istin-no-go God and that with her ru-ka-mi she uni-that-lived with idols. That's when Urvan ordered to kill all the slaves who served before him, and Christ betrayed the same bi-che-va -niyu and throw-force in that-ni-tsu. Having learned about the incident, the mother of Saint Christina came to her daughter crying, asking her to renounce Christ and return - to my father’s faiths. However, Christina remained adamant. The next day, Urvan called his daughter to court and began to persuade her to pay homage to the gods, to ask for forgiveness for her sin, but I saw her firm and unyielding determination.

They tied her to an iron stake, under which fire was lit. The body of the mu-che-ni-tsy, ra-chi-va-sitting on the wheel, was surrounded from all sides. Then she was thrown into the same place.

An angel of God appeared at night, healed her from her wounds and strengthened her with food. Her father, seeing her unharmed in the morning, decided to drown her in the sea. But the Angel held the saint, sank into the stone, and Christ miraculously came out of the water and appeared to her -mu father. In horror, the mu-chi-tel attributed this to the action of magic and decided to execute her in the morning. But whose he himself died unexpectedly. Another ruler, Di-on, who was sent in his place, called upon the holy woman and also tried to bend the thread to -re-reading from Christ, but, seeing her unyielding firmness, he again betrayed her to the same torments. The holy mother of Christ was in the dark for a long time. People began to approach her, and she converted them to the true faith in Christ. This is how about 3,000 people came together.

In place of Di-o-na, a new ruler, Yuli-an, arrived and approached the saint. After various personal torments, Yuli-an ordered her to be thrown into a red-hot oven and sealed in it. Five days later the oven was opened and they found a man alive and unharmed. You see the things that happen, many believe in Christ the Savior, and many people are holy I'm tucking Christ with the sword.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.

The modern name Christina comes from the Greek Christina. And Christina means Christ’s, that is, she dedicated her life to the Lord. It is no coincidence that many saints bore this glorious name. Among them is the martyr Christina, the daughter of the ruler of the city of Tire.

Exactly forty-three steps there and forty-three steps back. Christina could walk around this room with her eyes closed. The girl was only eleven years old when her father brought her here. Since then, the lonely tower on the lake has become her home. The father decided to make Christina a priestess, a servant of the Roman gods. No wonder there are so many gold and silver idols here. At first they frightened the girl, looking at her from all angles. Then it seemed to her that they were watching her every step, catching her every movement. But then she got used to it and realized that in front of her were only shiny dolls. Not real at all.

The dull days, similar to each other, dragged on. There were only maids next to Christina. But can you really talk to them?! “Yes, madam,” “What do you want, madam?” And she’s already thirteen years old! And she is interested in everything in the world. A bird flies to her window. Who created people and birds? Well, of course, not these soulless statues that my father ordered me to worship! The water on the lake has slight ripples. There, by the shore, Christina sees flowers and trees. How beautiful! How amazing! There must be Someone who created this whole world, filled it with colors and sounds?
“Lord God,” the breeze whispered to her.
“Lord God,” responded the lake waves.
“Lord God,” sang the little bird.
- Lord God! – Christina repeated after them. - Yes! Only God could make all this so beautiful! Single! True!
Christina knelt down and began to pray. And the tears that came to her eyes were tears of joy.
And then a miracle happened. A beautiful angel appeared to her and told her about Jesus Christ.
- Are you ready, Christina, to accept torment and death in the name of love for the Lord? - asked the angel.
- Yes! Ready!
- Know that the Kingdom of Heaven awaits you. And the blood shed in the name of Christ will shine with an unearthly light. And many people will follow you. You will help them find faith in the Lord.
- God, I thank You for Your mercy! – that’s all Christina said.
Now she was free...

The windows in the room are wide open. Silence. Suddenly something fell into the water. Silence again. And again the noise is heard. Christina broke the idols and threw them out the window.
- Ah! – one of the maids clasped her hands, looking into the room. - Madam! What have you done?! What will your father say?!
Christina silently knelt down.
“Everything is in the hands of the Lord,” she said quietly. “I pray that I may suffer for Him.” To prove my love for Him. This will be my greatest happiness.
- So who is He, madam?
- He is kind and fair. He shed His blood for us.

It was the third century after the birth of Christ. The rulers of Rome brutally dealt with those who believed in Jesus Christ. They themselves were pagans and worshiped many gods. And they were also afraid of Christians, because they talked about some kind of Kingdom of Heaven. “If people believe in Christ, then our power will come to an end,” the pagans thought. And they ordered to torture and kill innocent people.
Christina's father was the ruler of the city of Tire. And, of course, a pagan. The fact that his own daughter declared herself a Christian filled him with horror. He ordered to seize and torture her until she renounced her faith.
First, the girl was beaten for a long time, and then thrown into a cold dungeon.
Her mother came there, to the dungeon.
- Don’t resist your father’s will! Deny Christ! Why do you need Him?! - she begged.
But Christina just shook her head:
- I cannot renounce the Lord! This is a terrible sin! Don't cry for me, but rejoice. I will endure all suffering and enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
There was joy in Christina’s voice, and the mother realized that she could not persuade her daughter. She left in sadness.
And Christina prayed to the Lord all night. And a miracle! When they came for her the next morning, she stood firmly on her feet. There was not a single wound on her body.
They again placed the saint before her father. The ruler of Tire sat gloomy and angry on his patterned chair.
- Well, now will you renounce Christ? – he turned to his daughter.
“No, I will never do this,” Christina answered quietly but decisively.
- Fine. But from now on you are not my daughter. I will hand you over to the executioners. And they will come up with it for you terrible torture!
- Everything is God's will. The Lord will not leave me,” Christina made the sign of the cross.
Brutal torture began again. But the Lord did not abandon Christina. He gave her the strength to endure all the torment. And healed her wounds.
Seeing that the efforts of the executioners were useless, the father ordered his daughter to be drowned. A heavy stone was tied to Christina’s feet and thrown into the water.
However, the angel of the Lord again came to the rescue and did not let her drown. And Christina, miraculously emerging from the water, appeared before her tormentors. Alive and unharmed. Many of those who learned about this miracle believed in Christ.
And when Christina was again imprisoned, people began to bribe the guards in order to get to the saint. And Christina taught everyone who came to her faith, love and humility. She baptized many. Thanks to her, many left false gods.
Having learned about this, the executioners decided to kill the girl. But the death of the saint itself brought hundreds of people into the fold of the Church of Christ. After all, the more Christians were executed, the more there were of them.
Memorial Day of Saint Christina of Tire August 6th.

Pray to God for me
holy servant of God Christina,
because I diligently run to you,
soon to the helper and prayer book
about my soul.

The name Christina comes from the name of Christ, and the meaning of this word is quite clear - “dedicated to Christ” or simply “Christian”. Today, girls who are given the name Christina in worldly life are given this name.

Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), commemorated February 19

Her life is inextricably linked with the life of the martyr Dorothea, who also lived in Caesarea and suffered at the hands of Emperor Diocletian.

Saint Dorothea was a pious Christian, very humble, chaste, meek. By order of the ruler Sapricius, she was captured by the pagans and tortured for a long time. But the torment could not break her faith, then she was given to two sisters Christina and Callista, who had also previously been Christians, but fearful of the torment, they renounced the Lord. They began to lead a life inappropriate for believers.

Sapricius ordered them to dissuade Dorothea from her beliefs and sacrifice to pagan idols. However, after the women met, a miracle happened, Christina and Callista repented of their behavior and turned to Christ again.

As soon as Sapirikiy found out about this, he ordered the sisters to be seized and tied with their backs, and then burned in a tar barrel. This is how they atoned for their sin of apostasy. Saint Dorothea also accepted martyrdom by beheading by the sword.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire, commemoration date: August 6

She lived in the third century in the city of Tire. Her father Urvan was the ruler of this city. While still a teenager, many were already seduced by her beauty, dreaming of marrying her. But her father hoped that she would become a pagan priestess. For this, he built a special room where he settled his daughter, surrounded by pagan idols. She was served by two slaves. But Christina is all hers free time I spent time thinking about who created this world. Then she began to pray to the One God that He would reveal Himself to her.

One day, she was honored with a visit from an Angel, who revealed to her true faith in Christ. He called her the bride of Christ and told her that the feat of suffering awaited her. After this, Saint Christina smashed all the idols that had surrounded her all this time.

The slaves told their father about the changes in his daughter’s life. Urvan became angry and began to hit her on the cheeks. Christina remained silent for a long time, but then she herself revealed her Christianity.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

Then the father ordered all the slaves to be killed and Christina to be tortured. The saint's mother asked her to renounce Christ, but she did not do this. Having learned that his daughter remained adamant and did not want to deviate from Christianity, he ordered the torture to continue. She was tied to a wheel, and a fire was lit under it. When it turned, Christina’s entire body was burned with fire. After this, she was again imprisoned. But the Angel of the Lord healed her of her wounds, appearing at night. When the next morning her father saw her, alive and well, he ordered her to be drowned in the sea.

And again the Angel of God brought her out of the water, and Christina again appeared to her father. The next morning, he ordered her execution, but he himself did not live to see this time. At night he died suddenly. A new ruler, Dion, was sent in his place; he asked Christina to renounce Christ once again. Having been refused, she was tortured again. Then she was in prison for a long time; local residents, having learned where she was, began to visit her. She converted many to Christianity. After some time, Saint Christina was killed with a sword.

Orthodox holy wives with the name Christina

Dates are indicated according to the new style.

  • Christina, MC. August 18
  • Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), MC. February 19
  • Christina of Lampsaki, mts. May 31
  • Christina of Nicomedia, MC. June 13
  • Christina of Persia, mts. March 26
  • Christina of Tire, mts. August 6

Christina lived at the turn of the 2nd–3rd centuries in Tire of Phoenicia under the emperor Septimius Severus (194–211). Her father was a powerful pagan military leader named Urvan. Jealously guarding the dazzling beauty of his daughter, he imprisoned her in a high tower, where she was served by many slaves and she could enjoy all the benefits of luxury and wealth. In this tower, Urvan placed statues of the gods, decorated with jewels, so that his daughter could worship them.

Although the virgin remained locked up, without any connection with the world, the grace of God visited Christina and gave birth in her soul to a desire to know the truth. With her truthful mind, she realized that soulless statues - the creation of human hands - cannot in any way be deities, and, contemplating in the window the beauty of the sky, earth and all the wonders of nature, she came to the conclusion that such a beautiful harmony can be the creation of only one God and Creator, infinitely wise. Then an angel of the Lord was sent to the virgin, instructing her in what she vaguely felt in her heart - in the secrets of the Divinity and creation. Thus, having acquired the light of truth and filled with zealous love for God, Christina devoted her life to fasting and prayer.

When her parents came to visit her and offered to worship idols, she responded with a firm refusal, declaring that she was now following Christ, the true Light who had come into the world. She rejected all her father’s entreaties and asked to give her a snow-white shirt in order to make a spiritual sacrifice to God, the One in Three Persons. Urban fulfilled his daughter’s request without understanding its essence. When Christina was immersed in prayer, an angel appeared, greeting her as the bride of Christ, and announced the trials ahead of her, with which she would glorify the Lord. Before leaving, he marked the virgin with the seal of Christ, blessed her and filled her with heavenly bread.

At night, the saint chopped up all the statues in the tower with an ax and went to distribute the fragments of silver and gold to the poor. Seeing this the next morning, Urvan became terribly angry and ordered Christina’s slaves to be beheaded and her daughter to be scourged. Twelve soldiers flogged the maiden to the point of exhaustion, but Christina, by the power of grace, remained unshakable, confessing Christ and accusing her father. Urvan ordered her to be thrown into prison, shackled in heavy chains, and left. His wife visited the prison in tears to beg Christina to submit and thereby save her life. But these persuasion did not bring results.

The next day, Christina was again tortured. First they tore her flesh, and then tied her to a wheel and hung her over a blazing hearth, but through her prayer the Lord extinguished the flame. Sent back to prison, she received a visit from three angels who brought her food and healed her wounds.

At night Urvan sent five slaves. They grabbed the saint, tied a heavy stone around her neck and threw her into the sea. But even here the angels came to the aid of the martyr: they untied the stone, and Christina walked on the waters as if on dry land. A shining cloud descended from heaven - and Christ appeared, dressed in precious royal robes and surrounded by a host of angels who glorified the Lord with songs and filled the air with the delicate fragrance of incense. Fulfilling the saint’s desire, Christ Himself baptized her in the waters of the sea, and then entrusted her to the Archangel Michael, who escorted Christina to land and to her parental home.

Having discovered that the girl had survived despite all the attempts to kill her, Urvan ordered her to be beheaded the next day. But that same night he died in a tragic manner.

The post of Urvan was taken by the new magistrate Dion. Having familiarized himself with the case, he called the saint and ordered her to be tortured. She stood firm. Then he ordered her hair to be cut off and paraded naked throughout the city to cover her with shame. The next day, the martyr pretended to agree to fulfill Dion’s demand and wanted to bow to the statue of Apollo. Arriving at the temple, she prayed to the true God and ordered the statue to walk forty steps. However, even such a miracle did not convert Dion. Then the saint, calling on the name of God, overturned the statue and broke it into pieces. Three thousand pagans, witnesses of the miracle, turned to Christ.

Dion did not survive such a defeat and soon died, and his place was taken by a new ruler, Julian. He imprisoned the saint in a red-hot furnace. The martyr spent five days there, during which she sang hymns of praise to the Lord along with the angels. Then the ruler ordered her to be thrown into a ditch full of wild animals and poisonous reptiles, but even there no evil touched the servant of God: the asps curled up at her feet, as if wanting to bow to her, and the snakes gently wiped the sweat from her forehead. Only Julian turned out to be more ferocious than the predatory creatures, and persisted in hatred of the martyr. He ordered her breasts to be cut off, from which blood and milk gushed out, and then her tongue to be torn out. After all the torment, two warriors pierced the saint’s heart and side with spears, giving her the crown of incorruptible victory and eternal bliss in the contemplation of the Heavenly Bridegroom.

After the imminent death of the tyrant, one of Christina’s relatives, who was converted thanks to her miracles, laid to rest the saint’s body in a church erected in memory of her.

From a book published by the Sretensky Monastery publishing house.

Compiled by Hieromonk Macarius of Simonopetra,
adapted Russian translation - Sretensky Monastery Publishing House

Years of the life of the holy martyr Christina of Tire in different sources are defined differently: according to some, she lived in the second half of the 2nd century and suffered for Christ around 205; according to others, more common, Christina of Tyre accepted the crown of martyrdom around 300, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. According to Eastern legend, Saint Christina was born in the city of Tire, which today is called Sur and is located on the territory of modern Lebanon. Western church historians claim that this refers to a certain city of Tire on the island of Volsena in the western foothills of the Central Apennines. Now there, in the crater of an extinct volcano, there is Lake Bolsena, named after the city of Bolsena, and Saint Christina (Christina) is considered its patroness. However, we will follow the Eastern tradition, enshrined Orthodox Church, according to which Tire is the modern Lebanese Sur.

In the third century A.D. Tire was ruled by the pagan king Urban, who had a beautiful daughter. By an unknown coincidence with the name of the Savior, at birth she was named Christina, but, apparently, this was the will of God, and her fate was predetermined by the Lord himself to serve Him and accept the crown of martyrdom for His glory. The martyrdom of anyone who professed Christianity in those days was inevitable, for the Roman Empire covered most of the lands with its rule, and its emperors were irreconcilable persecutors and exterminators of Christians - confessors and bearers of faith in the One God, in Christ the Savior.

As stated above, Christina was exceptionally pretty, and even when she was still a teenager, many looked at her in the hope of marrying a well-born beauty. However, Urban wanted his daughter to become a pagan priestess, and for this he built a special room, placed gold and silver statues of pagan gods in it, assigned two slave girls to Christina to serve her, and at the same time look after her, and ordered his daughter to constantly burn incense incense in front of the statues of Roman gods.

But it was not for nothing that Christina bore the same name as Christ. While in captivity, being a reasonable and thinking girl, she began to think, looking from the windows of her rich chamber, which became her prison, at the world around her, and unusual thoughts began to come to her. She began to think that there must be Someone Who created the beauty and harmony of this world, and, in all likelihood, it is Someone One. The girl began to ask for it to be revealed to her, Who is He, this Almighty Creator? After all, the silent and soulless figures standing in her room were themselves the creation of human hands, and Who created the world lying around and set into motion the laws according to which the seasons changed, day gave way to night and all living things existed in harmony? She prayed to a God still unknown to her and refused food, except for the food itself. required quantity her, not yet knowing that these are the most important components of Christian asceticism - fasting and prayer.

And so, after such labors, an Angel of God appeared to Saint Christ. Calling her the bride of Christ, he gave her instructions in the knowledge of God, which she accepted with all her heart, since she had already thought about it, and through these instructions she now received answers to all her questions about the Divine world order. At the same time, the Angel told her that she would receive the crown of martyrdom from the three tormentors, and strengthened her for the feat, and also, so that she would strengthen her earthly strength after fasting, gave her food.

Delighted and inspired by the angelic visit, Saint Christina continued to pray to the Lord, but already knowing to whom her pure prayers were addressed. Then she broke and crushed the statues of idols and threw them out of the window, and passers-by below collected the fragments, which were now only pieces of precious metals.

When Urban visited his daughter and did not find any statues in her chambers, he asked where they were. The young saint answered his question with silence. Then he turned to the slaves with the question of what was happening here, and they told him what Christina had done with the idols. Urban began to hit his daughter on the cheeks; she remained silent, but then told him that from now on she honors only the One God and professes Christianity.

The enraged Urban ordered to kill the slaves who were in his daughter’s service because they had neglected it - he could not imagine that it was not human, but God’s will to accept the faith of Christ. Realizing that the father would not spare his child, Christina’s mother in tears asked her to renounce, but the saint was adamant even to her mother’s prayers. Then, in order to force the holy daughter to renounce her faith in the One God, Urban convened a court the next day to judge Christina not as his daughter, but as a criminal against the pagan faith. But neither threats nor exhortations gave the desired result, and he ordered her to be tortured by fire and then imprisoned. In prison, the Angel of the Lord again appeared to Saint Christina, healing her from her wounds, and the next morning she was again before the judgment seat completely unharmed. The father considered this to be magic and ordered Saint Christina to be drowned in the sea, tying a heavy stone to her. However, even here, at the command of the Lord, the Angel of God appeared to her, untied the stone and carried it out of the abyss, and the saint walked along the water to the shore. Urban was horrified by this and again considered the salvation of Saint Christina to be witchcraft, despite the fact that the saint constantly testified: all miraculous salvations come only from the Lord according to His holy will, and called on everyone to worship Him.

After all that had happened, Urban decided to execute Christina the next day, but that same night he suddenly died. Another ruler, Dion, was sent in his place. At first, with affectionate appeals to her and promises, he tried to persuade Saint Christina to renounce, but he also failed and, placing a statue of Apollo in front of her, he ordered the girl to be tortured with fire, promising that as soon as she bowed to the statue, the torture would stop. But the saint prayed to the Lord to give her the strength to endure the torment and to crush the statue, and through prayer her statue was crushed, and Dion himself, seeing this collapse, fell dead. Once again Saint Christina was imprisoned, but the news of such a confrontation spread far throughout the area. She then remained in prison for quite a long time, and people began to approach her, wanting to know more about God, Whom she loved and revered; the holy virgin spoke to them about Christ, about the One God, about the Holy Spirit. Those who came to her, hearing her reasonable and kind speeches penetrating into the heart, seeing how much she endured, and at the same time, saved by God, remained unharmed, they believed in the True God, the Life-Giving One. According to Demetrius of Rostov in his “Lives of the Saints,” up to three thousand people then believed through the pious efforts of Saint Christina of Tire.

The third tormentor, Governor Julian, sent to replace the first two, also subjected her to many tortures, but none of them again harmed Saint Christina. Then Julian ordered the saint to be executed by beheading with a sword, and the holy martyr, the ascetic of Christ Christina, finally saw the Lord and was awarded the crown that was martyrdom on earth, and at His Throne a halo of the Light of Transfiguration shone around her head.

The meaning of the icon
The Holy Martyr Christina of Tire in iconography is usually depicted as a young maiden with a stern and beautiful face, framed by locks of hair freely falling on her shoulders. IN right hand her, as it should be for iconographic images of martyrs, is a cross, to which she points with her left hand, as if calling on our spirit to follow Christ, as she once followed.

Everyone has their own measure at each stage of personal knowledge of God, their own capabilities, and every priest today will advise you to take on a test of your strength - it is known that asceticism beyond your strength can lead to despondency, and despondency - to dangerous hesitations and doubts. Today we will not have to go through the trials that befell Saint Christina and other first martyrs, but what is the life of her and other martyrs? early years Christianity, the hagiographic examples of all our saints and confessors of God are an example in the invariable choice of the priority of spiritual life over physical life. And in order to follow this priority, in our time it is not necessary to go to extreme measures, because only a few on earth can do this so selflessly, with such genuine and boundless love for the Lord and joy for Him, as they did.

However, in martyrdom, in hermitage, or any other ascetic self-renunciation of earthly things for the glory of God, the main thing is not suffering. This is only the brightest, paradoxical and illogical as it may seem to someone who is not a believer, evidence of unshakable, living, in spite of everything, love in response to God’s love for us, the love that was shown by Jesus Christ, who allowed Himself to be crucified for us, and about which the Apostle wrote Paul (1 Cor. 13:1–13). Without it, the suffering of sacrifice becomes unnecessary, and what is worse, meaningless. With her, any feat, even the smallest in comparison with the feat of, for example, Saint Christina of Tyre, a feat in the name of the Lord takes on a high meaning, as our Lord Himself speaks of, citing words from the Book of the Prophet Hosea (Hos. 6:6): “Go , learn what it means: I want mercy, not sacrifice?” (Matthew 9:12–13). So we too, through the lives of the saints of the Lord who lived according to His word, learn this sacred mercy as a manifestation of the love for God that saves our souls for God and everything created by His will and mercy.

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