Oil and gas industry in Krasnoyarsk. Non-metallic minerals of the Krasnoyarsk region

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1. State of the gold resource base in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

2. The state of the gold mining industry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory




The topic of this test is “Development of the gold mining industry.”

Note that the factory industry of Krasnoyarsk in the 19th century was based on capital received mainly from income from gold mining and trade and usury activities; It is no coincidence that the owners of the first factories and factories - the Gadalovs, Kuznetsovs, Danilovs, Plotnikovs - were both gold miners and merchants.

In Krasnoyarsk itself there were offices of large gold mining companies - I.F. Bazilevsky. G.V. Yudina, S.V. Vostrotin, the Kuznetsovs' partnership (the Kuznetsovs' farmstead has been preserved - Mira Ave., 87, 24; the house of G.V. Yudin - Uritsky St., 123).

A significant part of the urban bourgeoisie went to work in the mines to earn money.

Thus, in 1875 the number of otkhodniks was 811 people, and wage laborers was 70-100 rubles for the season, which lasted from April to October. gold mine profitability

The gold industry, through market connections, stimulated the development of urban industry and trade, and therefore its decline in 1870-80 had a negative impact on the state of the urban economy, causing a reduction in industries and trade.

Further, the gold mining industry of the USSR developed according to its own specific laws. The current position and development prospects of each enterprise in the industry depended mainly on its success in fulfilling planned targets for production volumes, and therefore the existence of obviously unprofitable mines was allowed. Alluvial deposits of Siberia were actively developed, Far East and the Northeast, which accounted for up to 70% of the country's gold production, despite the fact that their reserves were limited. In economic terms, it was not large companies, as all over the world, who worked more efficiently, but small mining cooperatives. High performance These enterprises were based not only on the personal interest and hard work of workers, but also on the use of relatively cheap fuel and inexpensive equipment. At the same time, the State Geological Service carried out systematic and systematic exploration of the country's territory, creating or expanding the mineral resource base of mining enterprises at the expense of the budget.

So, the purpose of this work is to consider the development of the gold mining industry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, its condition, problems and prospects.

Test objectives:

· Consider the state of the gold resource base in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

· Determination of the state of the gold mining industry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

· Identification and consideration of some problems in the development of gold mining in the region.

1. The state of the gold resource base in the Krasnoyarsk region

If in Russia as a whole the balance reserves of gold of categories A+B+C1 are 5.8 thousand tons, and C2 - 2.4 thousand tons, then Krasnoyarsk region occupies one of the first places in the country in terms of balance reserves - 789 tons (more than 13%), predicted gold resources (more than 20%). The mineral resource base of the gold mining industry of the region consists of 68 actual gold ore deposits, 3 complex gold-bearing deposits and 234 alluvial deposits. The total resource potential of these gold-bearing objects, according to various estimates, ranges from 19 to 28% of the Russian one.

The priority place (93% in terms of reserves and 95.4% in terms of predicted resources) is made up of ore gold deposits. The share of placer deposits in the gold resource potential in the region, as follows from the above figures, is relatively small.

The resource base of ore gold in the region, when transferred to reserves of industrial categories, will allow for many years to preserve and increase high level gold mining The supply of active reserves of placer gold is about 5 years.

In the region, the main areas of distribution of gold deposits are the Yenisei Ridge, the Angaro-Kan region, the Eastern and Western Sayans. In the future, the Yenisei Ridge will apparently remain a leading gold-mining region, since the main resource potential and almost all existing gold-mining capacities are concentrated here.

The main volumes of geological exploration for gold are now concentrated here, carried out both with budgetary funds and with funds from subsoil users. The total gold resources of the Yenisei Ridge are 1,570 tons. The Angaro-Kan gold-bearing region, having a smaller resource base than the Yenisei Ridge, has a more advantageous geographical location, which puts it in a number of promising areas. There are three ore clusters in it: Posolnensky, Kuzeevsky and Bogunaisky.

The study of the region made it possible to estimate its resources mainly in low categories, in the amount of 336 tons. The Eastern Sayans are the largest gold-bearing province in the region after the Yenisei Ridge.

Received in last years The data allows us to expect a significant increase in the ore base here, primarily in the Mansky gold-bearing region, in which mineralized gold-bearing zones have been identified.

The Sisim gold-bearing region has a similar geological structure, where search work can lead to a significant increase in the resource base. For the Verkhne-Kansky gold-bearing region, a quantitative assessment of the ore gold potential has not been carried out.

Here, concomitant gold content in copper-nickel ores has been established, as well as a new platinum-bearing gold-sulfide type of mineralization in the komatiite-basalt strata of the Cannes greenstone belt, which is new for the region. The presence of rich gold placers in the area allows us to count on the discovery of indigenous sources. The total gold resources of the Eastern Sayan Mountains are 250 tons.

The Western Sayans, due to their remoteness and inaccessibility, are a little-studied gold-bearing province. Here it is necessary to conduct research starting from the earliest stages.

Several formational types of gold occurrences have been identified in Taimyr, of which areas of polychronous ore genesis are of interest. A number of gold-mercury occurrences are known in the central part of Taimyr, the most significant of which are Uzkoe and Izvilistoe.

On Bolshevik Island, the main occurrences of ore gold are concentrated in the southeastern part and are confined to a northeast-trending zone with a length of about 30 km and a width of more than 4 km.

On Bolshevik Island, in almost all large valleys, floodplain placers with a length of 10-30 km with industrial parameters are installed.

For three such deposits, reserves have been calculated and approved. The raw material base of placer gold is 45-50 tons. The total potential of the province can be estimated at a few thousand tons of gold.

The little-studied Anabar gold-bearing province can be considered as a reserve base for the gold mining industry, focused on eluvial, to a lesser extent alluvial placers and primary gold-quartz mineralization.

In the North Yenisei region of the region there is a unique (second in terms of gold reserves in Russia) Olimpiadinskoye deposit, in which proven gold reserves are estimated at 3.1 million ounces.

The total proven ore reserves in the ore reserves category are 20.6 million tons, probable - 71.3 million. The gold content in the ore is 4.6 grams per ton.

A promising feature of the Olimpiada deposit is the presence of areal and linear weathering crusts. The deposit of gold-bearing weathering crusts with a gold content of 8-10 g/t against the background of 3-4 g/t primary ores has a complex morphology with a significant depth along a large fault; such enriched areas are a priority target for mining. The Kvartsevaya Gora deposit, located 40 km from Olimpiada, is also promising.

Recently, the Polus ZDK became the winner of the auction for this facility. The one-time payment for the right to use subsoil amounted to 1.68 million rubles. Plot area - 2.8 sq. km.

Ore gold of Quartz Mountain belongs to the gold-quartz low-sulfide formation. Three stockwork-vein zones of northeastern strike are identified at the deposit.

Their length is 850-1100 m along strike and 240-515 m along dip, the width of exposure to the surface ranges from tens of meters to 220 m. The thickness of individual vein bodies is about 2.5 m, and the thickness of vein-stockwork zones is up to 37 m. Contents gold in individual samples - 100 g/t or more. Sulfide content 0.5-5.0%.

They are mainly represented by arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. The deposit is estimated to have on-balance reserves of category C2 in the amount of 8.3 tons and conditionally off-balance reserves of 4.2 tons with a gold content of 4.6 and 2.6 g/t, respectively. Forecast resources are estimated in categories P1+P2 in the amount of 42-47 tons with an average gold content of 2.2-3.6 g/t. With open-pit ore mining volumes of 300 thousand tons per year and the production of 966 kg of gold, the necessary capital investments are estimated by experts at 20.2 million dollars, the profitability index of invested capital is 1.0, net discounted profit is 338 thousand dollars / year . 000 Sovrudnik is provided with low-quality reserves for 5-7 years.

Due to the low quality of the ores and the remoteness of the main mining sites from gold mining factories, this enterprise operates at the limit of profitability.

In general, a number of gold miners (for example, Artyomovskaya Gold Mining Company, etc.) have a very difficult situation with the availability of active reserves.

Placer gold reserves in the region are divided into two groups according to mining methods: for hydromechanical mining (more than 55%) and for dredging mining (about 45%). For alluvial gold, there is a steady tendency for its raw material base to deplete.

It should be emphasized that significant investments are made annually in the development of the mineral resource base of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The amount of federal budget funds invested in geological exploration work in the region has increased in recent years.

Already in 2000, as a result of geological exploration work, the increase in gold reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory exceeded production volumes, and this trend continues. There is an increase in the volume of financing of geological exploration work at the expense of subsoil users. The effective use of these funds is carried out through licensing and exploration programs developed for the region.

An example of successful activity is the work of Polyus CJSC. So, during 2000-2004. The geological exploration team of Polyus JSC carried out prospecting and assessment work on the Olimpiadinskaya area. As a result of these works, the previously identified Blagodatnoye ore occurrence (northern section) was reassessed and a new southern section was discovered, including 4/5 of the reserves of the entire deposit.

In the fall of 2005, the gold mining company Polyus successfully passed the state examination of gold reserves at the Blagodatnoye deposit, located 26 km north of Olimpiada.

According to the results of the examination, gold reserves of categories B+C1+C2 in the open pit area in the amount of 222.4 tons with an average content of 2.4 grams per ton were placed on the state balance sheet for the Blagodatnoye deposit. In addition, off-balance reserves of category C2 in the amount of 42 tons are taken into account in the quarry contour, and in the amount of 89.9 tons beyond the quarry contour.

The predicted resources of the P1 category deposit amounted to 117 tons. This event can be considered a landmark event for the entire Russian gold mining industry: for the first time in modern Russian history, a subsoil user carried out large-scale exploration work and placed on the balance sheet the reserves of a large gold ore object.

This not only replenished the gold production of Polyus CJSC over 25 years of work in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (about 170 tons), but also ensured a significant reproduction of its reserves in the region.

Polyus is also successfully carrying out geological exploration work at the Panimbinsky gold mining cluster. Plot area of ​​66 sq. km located in the North Yenisei region.

The license for it was issued to Polyus in December 2004. Five occurrences of ore gold were identified within the boundaries of the site: Panimbinskoye, Pravoberezhnoe, Mikhailovskoye, Zolotoe and Tavrik. Their reserves and resources are planned to be further explored in the coming years.

It is expected that the Panimba node will produce up to 300 kg of gold per year. In 2005, Polyus increased the number of areas where exploration is carried out. For example, 48 million rubles were invested in the exploration of the Titimukhta gold deposit in just nine months of 2005. In addition, geological exploration work in order to prepare for industrial development is being carried out at the Tyradinskoye and Olenye gold deposits.

In total, in 2005, for example, the Polyus company spent more than $30 million on geological exploration. The development strategy of Polyus over the next 5 years provides for serious investments in geological exploration, where it is planned to invest about $140 million.

According to the company's management, this figure reflects the minimum required level and can be significantly increased to $200 million. Trans Siberian Gold has increased gold reserves at the Veduga deposit by 19%. The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia invites companies to continue the geological study of the Tumninskaya area in the Kuraginsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Applications for this promising gold-bearing area have begun. The metal here is mainly ore, but there is also placer gold. The total resources of the area are 32 tons (including 30 tons of ore gold).

It should be noted that advanced exploration of deposits is a general necessity for the rapid replenishment of the region’s raw material base. Today there is a certain turn to the previously dominant position of the state: “Whoever needs it, let him explore.”

And it is right. It is shown above that large gold miners, such as Polyus CJSC, are able to successfully conduct geological exploration at their own expense.

But there are also small cooperatives, especially “placers”, which cannot afford this.

Therefore, in order to increase the investment potential of the region and increase gold mining, geological exploration work should be carried out at the expense of the budget. After all, every ruble invested in geology yields more than 150 rubles of reserves in the subsoil. A condition for the development of geological exploration is the removal of administrative barriers.

Today, after a company wins an auction for a field, it sometimes takes a year to obtain a license and other bureaucratic procedures before drilling rigs can enter the area. Therefore, more rapid regulation of environmental management is necessary.

2. The state of the gold mining industry in the Krasnoyarsk region

Gold mining in the region is one of the oldest and specialized industries, operating for more than 150 years. In recent years, a “gold boom” has been growing in the world - production and prices for gold are growing steadily. This trend also affects the state of the gold mining industry in the region. Since 2003, the region has taken first place in gold mining, becoming the “golden heart” of Russia. Half of Siberian gold is mined here. The growth rate of Russian gold mining is higher than the world average, and in the region over the past 5 years the average annual growth rate was about 7%. The region remains the leader in gold mining, currently producing about 18% of the total Russian production.

The gold mining complex of the region includes more than three dozen enterprises concentrated in 12 administrative regions. The industry has developed about one and a half hundred deposits. If in 1991-95 6-7 tons of gold were mined annually, then since 1996 production began to increase. In 1999, it reached 18 tons of gold per year, and even greater growth has been observed in recent years (Fig. 1). In the future, production is predicted to remain at the level of 30-32 tons per year. Such rates of growth in production volumes are not observed in any of the industries of the region or Russia as a whole.

The largest enterprises are: Polyus CJSC, Priisk Drazhny LLC, Sovrudnik LLC, Severnaya JSC, SAGMK JSC, Angara JSC and Tsentralnaya JSC. They provide the vast majority of production. The main gold mining region of the region is the Lower Angara region, where more than 90% of the metal is mined. The main production centers are Eruda, Razdolinsk, Partizansk, Severo-Yeniseisk, Yuzhno-Yeniseisk. Gold mining and processing account for up to 10% of all taxes in the region. The largest gold producer is ZAO Polyus.

At the same time, about 90% of production comes from ore deposits, mainly from Olimpiadinskoye. Large-scale gold mining is possible there within 30 years. A further increase in gold production in general is planned mainly on the basis of primary deposits. In addition to Polyus, in recent years significant contribution Enterprises such as Sovrudnik LLC, Priisk Drazhny LLC and Krasnoyarsk GGK OJSC contributed to the increase in gold production. CJSC ZDK Polyus after the commissioning of the second stage in 2002 processing plant with a productivity of 4 million tons of ore per year, the production volume basically remains at the level of 25 tons of gold per year. The development prospects of CJSC ZDK Polyus are associated with increasing the capacity of the gold recovery plant at the Olimpiadinskoye deposit to 9.5 million tons per year. In 2005, the level of production at the Olimpiadinskoye deposit amounted to more than 1 million tons of oxidized ore and about 5 million tons of sulfide ore The Polyus company is thus a leading Russian gold producer, one of the world's largest producers in terms of raw material base and production. In general, the Polyus group's portfolio of assets includes more than one and a half dozen ore deposits and about a hundred placer deposits.

The growth of gold mining in the region in the coming years may also be associated with the development of such enterprises as CJSC ZDK Zolotaya Zvezda and OJSC Vasilyevsky Mine. CJSC ZDK Zolotaya Zvezda launched a pilot plant in 2002 heap leaching at the Babushkina Gora deposit. At the same time, this enterprise prepared the Bogolyubovskoye gold deposit, the resources of which are estimated at 70 tons of gold, for industrial development. OJSC Vasilyevsky Mine is completing the construction of a mining and metallurgical complex with a capacity of 300 thousand tons of ore per year on the basis of the Vasilievsky and Nikolaevsky gold ore deposits. Gold reserves of categories B+C1+C2 at the Vasilyevskoye deposit are estimated at approximately 23 tons, category P1 - about 25 tons, the average gold content is 7.0-7.5 g/t. The ore bodies have a length of up to 0.7 km and a thickness of 1.0 to 15.0 m. At the Nikolaevskoye deposit, the main gold reserves are concentrated in one quartz vein with a length of about 1.5 km and an average thickness of about 4 m.

In addition, now OJSC Vasilyevsky Mine has increased its gold mining assets by acquiring LLC GPK Samson in 2004, as well as receiving licenses for geological study, exploration and production of the Ilyinsky and Nizhne-Talovsky gold ore occurrences and the Gerfed deposit. The enterprise's supply of active reserves is about 5 years. In 2005, 81 kg of gold was mined in the Eldorado quarry (Sovrudnik LLC) in the North Yenisei region. In 2004, during a test run, only 3.6 kg of precious metal was extracted. Increasing the production of precious metal from low-grade ores for last year was achieved using the introduced heap leaching technology. In 2006, it is planned to extract over 200 kg of gold using this technology.

Previously, gold mining in the North Yenisei region was carried out from placer deposits by a dredge fleet and from ore deposits by a gold recovery factory. In 2006, it is planned to resume gold mining on the Chirimba River in the North Yenisei region. Now one of the gold mining enterprises in the territory, AS Priisk Drazhny LLC, is moving a dredge to Chirimba and obtaining a license to work on the river. Gold mining in this area has been carried out since the times of Soviet power, but ceased in the 90s. It is expected that in 2006, a license will be obtained, and dredge No. 18 will be transferred to a new site. On the Chirimba River, gold mining can only be carried out using the dredge method. In the Taimyr-Severozemelsky gold-bearing province, gold mining from complex sulfide ores is carried out as a by-product and does not exceed 4.5 tons.

Speaking about the development of the gold mining industry, one cannot fail to mention the restructuring processes taking place in it. As you know, in the fall of 2002, Norilsk Nickel bought 100% of the shares of Polyus CJSC from Khazret Sovmen for $230 million. Since then, the largest gold producer in Russia and the tenth among the world's gold miners - taking into account new acquisitions in 2003 - became Norilsk Nickel. The purpose of MMC Norilsk Nickel's penetration into the gold mining industry was the desire to balance the group's revenue. However, Norilsk Nickel's gold assets were recently separated into a separate company. This led to a more adequate valuation of both Polyus shares. and Norilsk Nickel, due to the fact that gold mining is a more highly profitable business than nickel mining, the financial indicators of the new company will obviously differ from those of the parent company in better side. Polyus Gold shares will appear on the Russian market this year. Regarding the activities of Polyus, mention should be made not only of the annual billion-dollar tax revenues to the regional and local budgets, but also of the charitable sustainable development program of 24 million rubles, which provides for responsible environmental management, with the publication of reports in the G.I. format and a set of activities to alleviate social tension in the region.

Regarding the investment potential of the region, it should be noted that there are currently about 80 deposits and occurrences of gold that can be put up for auction. However, not all of them are attractive to investors. In 2004-2005 In the region, licenses were issued for the Udereyskoye gold-antimony deposit (Novoangarsk Enrichment Plant LLC), the Pervenets deposit (Tamsiz OJSC) and the Bogunaevskoye deposit (Angarsk Production Company LLC).

A number of these sites require additional exploration to confirm reserves. CJSC ZDK "Polyus" received a license for geological exploration and subsequent mining at one of the sites of the Zyryanovsky ore cluster in the Yenisei region, the Razdolinsky ore cluster in the Motyginsky region and the Noybinskaya area in the North Yenisei region. Trans-Siberian Gold, which proposed building a Veduga mine with reserves of 2.8 million ounces of gold, recently announced that the development project would only be profitable if it cost less than $220 million. and subject to a significant reduction in production costs.

The government included in the federal property privatization program for 2006 the state stake in Yeniseizoloto OJSC. It is planned to sell 85.38% of the company's shares, which are in federal ownership. Note that back in 2004, the regional branch of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research already put this package up for auction, but it never took place due to a lack of applications.

The starting price of the package was then more than 56 million rubles. The processes described above, which are a reflection of economic policy, will ultimately influence whether the “golden heart” of Russia will remain in the Krasnoyarsk Territory? In our opinion, there are all the prerequisites for this. By 2010, the region plans to increase gold production by 40% compared to 2003, which is expected to be achieved primarily through the development of the Olimpiadinskoye deposit and adjacent areas. With the increase in gold production, its processing at OJSC Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant named after V.N. Gulidov will also increase. The planned increase in processing in 2010 to the level of 2003 should be 23%. Thus, the gold mining industry of the region looks confidently into the future.

3. On some problems in the development of gold mining in the region

Despite the undoubted successes, the gold mining industry of the region has problems, the solution of which requires integrated approach. Many placer deposits in the region are on the verge of profitability. Although indigenous objects have a margin of safety, they require “long-term” loans.

If “placers” can get loans for a season, then to work on a primary deposit, loans are needed for several years in order to have time to “get on their feet” during this time and begin to repay loans. It is possible to work in primary deposits with good profits if you introduce modern advanced production and processing technologies. At the same time, if energy prices rise uncontrollably, problems will arise.

For “placers” this is simply death, because the gold content in placers is low. They survive miraculously; in some old deposits, gold is washed out many times. A condition for the development of the gold mining industry is a reduction in tax pressure. The mineral extraction tax in Russia is higher than the world average. Therefore, changes are necessary in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding the introduction of a differentiated tax rate on the extraction of mineral resources, depending on the mining, geological and economic conditions development of deposits.

It is also necessary to exempt from paying tax on a portion of the profits allocated for technical re-equipment those companies that operate in the Far North. It is also advisable to widely involve domestic and foreign investment, banks, mining companies interested in making a profit from gold mining. Restrictions on access should also be lifted individuals as individual entrepreneurs on geological exploration and gold mining.

The main condition for the development of the gold mining industry is advanced geological exploration work aimed at improving the raw material base of the region. For their successful implementation, a whole range of measures is required, the most important of which are:

intensification of geological exploration with technical re-equipment geological enterprises, including their laboratory facilities;

widespread use in practice of scientific results, achievements and recommendations of scientists, especially the Siberian School of Geologists;

Identification and preparation for exploitation of new unconventional gold deposits;

Geological and economic revaluation of reserves of a number of deposits with the identification of their “active” part, which allows for the profitable development of these objects in modern economic conditions;

Assessment of the resulting gold-bearing man-made objects and improvement of the technology for extracting metal from them, incl. located in the permafrost zone;

Comprehensive solution of environmental issues related to gold mining, especially in the environmentally vulnerable northern regions of the region.


For the region, the priority types of primary gold deposits, which should be primarily targeted by prospecting and evaluation work, are gold-sulfide, gold-platinum-copper-nickel, gold-quartz, gold-bearing weathering crusts and gold-antimony.

For placer objects these will be: buried placers, placers associated with weathering crusts, karst-basin placers, placers in deposits sand and gravel mixtures and technogenic placers. At the same time, the selection of priority areas for carrying out prospecting and appraisal work for gold should be based not only on geological criteria. Socio-economic and geo-ecological aspects should be taken into account, as well as the need to create infrastructure for the construction of new mining enterprises.

The latter was especially emphasized during a meeting on the development of the gold mining industry held in Magadan at the end of 2005 with the participation of Russian President V.V. Putin. And I want to believe that the problems that are slowing down further development industries will be successfully resolved.


1. Bykonya G.F., Fdorova V.I., Berdnikov L.P. Krasnoyarsk in the pre-revolutionary past (XVII-XIX). - Krasnoyarsk, 1990.

2. Krasnoyarsk. Essays on the history of the city. - Krasnoyarsk, 1988.

3. Resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory / Ed. V.M. Zimina. -Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU, 2000.

4. Stepanov A.P. Yenisei province. - Krasnoyarsk, 1998.P.95.

5. Lazarev V.V. Regional industrial policy in times of crisis // Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference " Russian state And civil service on modern stage". -M., 2005.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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  • Noginsky.
  • Kureysky.

The first, according to rough estimates, contains more than one and a half million tons of graphite. It was thanks to this deposit that until recently a graphite factory located in the region operated. The Kureysky graphite-bearing basin has industrial reserves estimated at 9.8 million tons. But thermoanthracite is mainly mined in Taimyr. Deposits were also discovered in the Seregen deposit. The deposit in Noginsk has been developed since 1931.


This is another important category of minerals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The most significant deposits are located near the Yenisei Ridge. According to forecasts, the Udereyskoye deposit can produce more than three and a half hundred million tons of this substance. Three specific points rich in magnesite are already known. Active work is underway in the Kirgitey fields. JSC Stalmag took responsibility for them.

Talc is also mined here. This mineral resource of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Verkhoturovsky deposit (according to scientists) totals about 65 million tons, and the industrial volumes of the Kirgite area are estimated at 7.6 million tons. The first quarries began working in this area in 1992, and in 1999 they managed to extract about eight thousand tons.


The demand for these materials is actively growing in Lately, but several decades ago and earlier, fossils were practically not in demand. The uniqueness of zeolites lies in their adsorption qualities, as well as ensuring ion exchange. Scientists have already identified several methods effective application natural substances, it is assumed that these areas will expand in the future. There were simply no relatively recently explored origins, so all zeolites used in industry were obtained synthetically. Mining in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has relatively recently expanded to include zeolites, and in comparison with artificial analogues, natural ones turned out to be 200 times cheaper.

The most valuable in practice from the category of zeolites are:

  • clinoptilolite;
  • erionite;
  • chabazite.

From the zeolite class, mineral reserves mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are estimated at 73 million tons. They are extracted only in two places - the Sakhaptinskoye and Pashenskoye deposits. The government of the country issued a license to operate only to one company - Nika. It is through her efforts that the development of zeolites is carried out in the region.

Optics and piezo-optics

Evenkia is an area characterized by the most significant spar deposits. When considering mineral deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is imperative to pay attention to the Evenkiskoye deposit, whose area is about a hundred square kilometers. The Lower Tunguska region is of exceptional interest to geologists, ecologists and engineers. Of all the calcite reserves of our country that fall under the accounting records, almost all are located here.

Currently, the list of mineral resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory cannot be complete without spar. There are 26 known deposits, some of which are quite large and classified as industrial. Particularly important are vein and nest forms, which among specialists are called Iceland spar. Their formation is associated with specific conditions - spherical lavas. The reserves found in this area have no analogues on the entire planet. Also worthy of attention is Khrustalnoye, a deposit near Vanavara. Work on the extraction of valuable rocks is carried out near Tura, the areas are called Levoberezhnoe, Babkinskoye.


When considering what mineral resources there are in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is necessary to mention this most valuable natural material. Currently, industrial sources have been found in Podkamennaya Tunguska - they are estimated at 400 million carats. The Tarydak deposit is somewhat less valuable. Experts, assessing the future of the region, authoritatively declare that local diamond deposits are not inferior to Yakutia.

The largest diamond mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (photos of the mineral were distributed not only in the media in our country, but throughout the world) weighed 700.6 mg, which is equivalent to 3.5 carats. It was discovered in Evenkia, in a crumbly deposit near the Tychana River. The beautiful octahedral crystal has an alluvial matte and crescent-shaped cracks. Its main drawback is that the quality does not reach the level necessary to use the mineral in the jewelry industry. But statistics show that more than half of all Evenki diamonds are suitable for jewelers. Up to two carats of minerals are mined in the Dogoi placers.

Impact diamonds

Geologists, telling what minerals there are in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, especially pay attention to the northern deposits of impact diamonds. Most of them were found in the Khatanga region. Some places are characterized as unique, Skalnoe and Udarnoe are especially highly valued. These deposits were first discovered back in 1973 as part of large-scale prospecting efforts.

As experts estimate the volume of deposits, impact diamonds in this area are currently larger in volume than any other - no other territory where mineral mining is carried out has such large reserves. When assessing what minerals are mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and what qualities they have, we pay attention to the uniqueness of impact diamonds, the abrasive properties of which are significantly higher than both natural kimberlite and industrially produced analogues. However, the area where they can be mined is still characterized as relatively inaccessible, and there are practically no enterprises interested in its development, so actually mining work has not yet been carried out.

Colored stones

Scientists and geologists admire how rich the Krasnoyarsk region is in mineral resources! Descriptions and photos of the deposits confirm that they are right. Photographs of colored stones mined in these areas can be especially visual. A good example is jadeite. Its deposits are estimated at 680 tons in the Borussia region. But jade is mainly mined in the territory of Kantegir, where reserves are about 18.5 tons.

The extraction of carnelian and chrysolite is organized on the Siberian platform. Opal and chrysoprase are taken out in fairly large quantities in the Western Sayan territories. The Yenisei Ridge, as geologists found out, is a deposit of talc and tourmaline pink shades. And here northern regions the edges are rich in datolite and amber. Near Minusinsk, deposits of asbestos and rhodusite are actively being developed, and in the central zones you can find rich amethyst deposits. You should not overlook the Torgashinskoye onyx deposit (a unique marble variety of stone is obtained here) and places rich in serpentine - Berezovskoye, Verkhnee Sobolevskoye.


The minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are also this metal, infinitely valuable for human civilization. The richest deposits are located in the Yenisei Ridge, where gold mining has been organized for decades. The northern Yenisei regions are traditionally considered the most important among gold miners. There are also complex deposits where, in addition to gold, platinum, copper, and nickel were discovered. The areas near Norilsk are richest in such species. It is known that some time ago in Khatanga, geologists independently mined valuable metal from river placers. However, few achieved success; fuel and lubricants were too expensive Consumables. Nevertheless, this story itself clearly demonstrates how rich the local deposits are.

Primary gold, as can be seen from the dynamics of the state of deposits, is gradually coming to an end. The base has recently been developed too intensively, there is no reproduction as such, and the increase in the raw material base is comparable to the production volumes. Experts are sounding the alarm: the situation is stable and threatens the future of the country’s economy.

Building stone and kaolin

The mineral resources of the area in question are not only valuable species, metals and beautiful stones, but also materials useful in construction. Perhaps they are not so aesthetic, but they are extremely utilitarian, and therefore valuable. The largest volumes of stone are mined in the Kuraginsky deposit, with rough estimates of up to 305,000 cubic meters.

Kaolin, which is also rich in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is considered no less valuable. The most significant deposits were discovered in the Rybinsk depression. Some individual areas were developed earlier and are now abandoned; on others, active work is still ongoing.

What others are there?

Considering the Krasnoyarsk deposits, it is necessary to mention several points of extraction of refractory types of clay. Those built in the Uyarsky district are considered especially valuable. The region has established the extraction of raw materials used for the production of flux and cement. Currently there are two limestone deposits, one is located in the Achinsky region, the second in Berezovsky. There is a cement production plant on the territory of the region, which uses clay mined nearby in its work. Mostly the material is brought from the already mentioned Berezovsky district. Near Norilsk, limestone materials are supplied from the Izvestnyakov mine. Additionally, the Kayerkan deposit is valued, from which sandstones for flux are brought to industrial urban areas.

Almost four dozen deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are sources of sand and gravel for the industrial capacities of our country. The most actively developed are 22, with only four considered the most valuable. In addition to the Berezovsky mentioned above, work is being carried out in Peschanka, Filimonovsky, Terentyevsky regions. White marble, bentonite, expanded clay, anhydrite and gypsum are also mined in the region. Gypsum mines are especially well developed near Norilsk. In the southern part of the region there are two more gypsum deposits that are currently being developed.

Agronomic ores

This category combines mineral raw materials that improve soil quality and increase fertility. The most prominent representatives of the group, actively used in agriculture- apatite, phosphorites. Apatite reserves are estimated at 73 million tons only in the Essey deposit, but the Maganskoye deposit is also significant, where magnetite minerals are also mined. All these areas are located in the northern part of the region. And on the southern side, phosphorites are regularly mined in the Seybinskoye deposit, the capacity of which, according to rough estimates, is six and a half million tons.

Mineral waters and more

Currently, there are three significant deposits where waters rich in mineral complexes are produced. One is located in the Balakhtinsky district, another is ten kilometers from Krasnoyarsk, the third is near Minusinsk. In some areas there is good sources waters rich in iodine and bromine, Kalaminsky Spring is the place of extraction of radon waters. In the Turukhansk region there are several water sources rich in hydrogen sulfide, chlorides, sulfates, and bromine.

No less significant is the possibility of extracting natural clean waters, to which economic interest has recently increased significantly. Drinking environmentally friendly waters are those that have a positive effect on human health and various body systems. Neither the composition nor the properties are adjusted in any way under industrial conditions. Currently, two areas rich in such deposits are being developed under licenses: Bolsheungutsky, Argysuksky.

Concluding the review: peat and fluorite

Peat is a mineral found in 732 places on the lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The level of their knowledge and mastery varies significantly. Geologists say that reserves overall are a pretty decent 3,567,923,000 tons. The areas near the Yenisei are predominantly rich in it.

Fluorite reserves have been discovered in about ten places. The lands near Taimyr are especially rich in it.

Oil industry included in the strategic promising direction oil and gas complex for the development of the mining industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

With the commissioning of the Vankor oil and gas field in August 2009deposits industryoil and gas industry of the regionbegan to play a significant role in the economy of the region. Currently, the share of the oil and gas complex (OGC) in the structure industrial production region is 23.5% and provides employment to 5.0 thousand people. (0.48% of the total number of employees in economy of the region).

Today, 25 oil and gas fields have been explored in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The great advantage of the region is that these natural resources, as a rule, lie nearby and can be developed simultaneously.

The largest oil and gas fields in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are

  • The Vankor field is located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and consists of the Vankor and North-Vankor areas. It is located within the Pur-Taz oil and gas region, which is part of the West Siberian oil and gas province.

The deposit was discovered in 1988. Developed by CJSC "" (a subsidiary of Rosneft). The Vankor shift camp was built near the field. As of January 1, 2013, oil and gas condensate reserves at the project were estimated at 450 million tons, gas reserves at 161 billion cubic meters.

  • The Ichemminskoye oil field was discovered in 2012; recoverable oil reserves are estimated in categories C1 and C2 at 6.6 million tons. A license for the production of hydrocarbons was issued to the Rosneft company until January 20, 2034.
  • The Tagulskoye oil and gas condensate field is located in the Bolshekhetskaya depression in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 1.7 thousand kilometers from Krasnoyarsk.

The operator of the field since November 2013 is Vankorneft CJSC, a subsidiary of Rosneft. Recoverable reserves of GR oil are approximately 10.5 million barrels

Contribution oil and gas industryindustry of the Kraksnoyarsk Territory in all-Russian production is 3% for oil production and oil refining, 0.33% for gas production. Currently, the share of oil and gas in GRP is about 20%.

Strategic development of the oil and gas complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 1996, a decree was signed by the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the adoption of the concept of the formation of the oil and gas industry in order to form the oil and gas industry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, reproduce and expand its mineral resource base, in accordance with the Law Russian Federation"On introducing amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil", the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "On the management of state property of the Krasnoyarsk Territory".

Active development of the complex began only in 2009 with the start of development of the Vankorovskoye field.

Today, according to the development strategy oil and gas industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by 2020, taking into account the prepared resource base and spatial localization of hydrocarbon raw materials (HCS), two large centers for the development of the oil and gas industry of federal significance will be formed in the region:

  • Northwestern center. located on the territory of the Turukhansky and Taimyr districts. The base for this center are the Vankorskoye, Tagulskoye and Suzunskoye oil fields, as well as gas fields– Pelyatkinskoe, Deryabinskoe, Solenenskoe, Messoyakha.

Recoverable oil resources amount to more than 780 million tons, gas - 860 billion m3, condensate - more than 32 million tons.

  • Priangarsky center. It will unite the deposits of the Lower Angara region and the south of Evenkia. It is located in the area of ​​influence pipeline system ESPO will continue to focus on oil exports to Asia-Pacific countries in the future. The main deposits of the Angara center are: in the south of Evenkia – Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Kuyumbinskoye, Sobinsko-Paiginskoye; in the Lower Angara region - Agaleevskoye, Beryambinskoye, etc. Recoverable oil resources amount to 818 million tons, gas - 1,059 billion m3, condensate - 75 million tons.

Production indicators of the largest companies in the oil and gas industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

in 2013, 7.4 million tons of petroleum products were processed at the Achinsk Oil Refinery. The plant began producing fuel according to Euro 5 standards, and continued a large-scale modernization program that included the construction of hydrocracking and petcoke production complexes.

In 2013, Vankorneft CJSC produced about 21 million tons of oil. In total, more than 77 million tons of oil were extracted from the depths of the field over five years of industrial operation. Behind last year 127 wells and four new cluster production well sites were commissioned. Production volume in 2014 is planned at 22 million tons of oil.

In addition to Vankor, the Rosneft company intends to develop the Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye and Lodochnoe fields, which form the Vankor cluster. The Vankor cluster will allow increasing the region’s resource base by more than 350 million tons of oil.

It is planned to begin commercial production of the Suzunskoye field in 2016.

Commissioning of the Tagulskoye field is tentatively scheduled for 2018; geological exploration work is currently underway there. It is expected that by 2018 the Vankor cluster will reach the production plateau of 24 million tons of oil.

For people who are not closely familiar with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, this area is associated primarily with the endless Siberian expanses, huge rivers and, of course, the Tunguska meteorite. The main river of this territory is the Yenisei, which serves as a natural border dividing Siberia into Western and Eastern. Based on this, we can say that the Krasnoyarsk Territory is Central Siberia.

Huge riches of a vast territory

We can briefly evaluate the Krasnoyarsk Territory: mining is a city-forming factor here. The territory of the region is huge, it makes up almost fourteen percent of the area of ​​Russia, which is much larger than most states on the planet. But this area is practically uninhabited. Populated is South part edges and locally - places of mining. But everything is in perfect order with the reserves of the earth’s subsoil in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. More than ten thousand deposits and ore occurrences of all kinds have been discovered here. mineral resources. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in metals: out of seventy known metals, deposits of sixty-three have been found. And deposits of nickel and platinum group metals account for almost ninety-five percent of all-Russian reserves. Nickel-containing polymetallic ores are the most famous minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Photos of them are presented in the article.

More than twenty percent of gold-bearing ores in Russia are located within the region. In addition, there are significant deposits of quite rare cobalt and nepheline ores. Magnesites, Iceland spar, thin quartzite sands, refractory clays and graphite were also found here. Large coal reserves are developed mainly in two coal basins - Kansk-Achinsk and Tunguska.

The region is rich in oil and gas deposits. A total of twenty-five fields have been discovered, the largest of which is Vankor, as well as the Yurubchensky block. Lead deposits of one of the largest deposits in the world - Gorevsky - account for more than forty percent of all-Russian reserves. The Meimecha-Kotui apatite province is rich in apatite raw materials, where over twenty percent of all apatite in the country is concentrated. The largest Chuktukon deposit of rare earth metals in Russia is promising. In the near future, the development of deposits of manganese, aluminum and

Coal resources

In terms of the presence of the main twenty-three species, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks first in Russia. Fossils related to fuel and energy (coal, oil, gas) are of overwhelming value, followed by deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and, finally, reserves of rare and precious metals. You should consider these resources in more detail.

The region's geological coal reserves account for seventy percent of all-Russian reserves. The bulk of more than a hundred coal deposits on the territory of the region falls on the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin. The remaining deposits are part of the Tunguska, Taimyr and Minussa basins. Minerals of this type in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are estimated at seventy-five billion tons. Given current production volumes, the resources are considered virtually inexhaustible; they will last for a millennium. The increased development of Kansk-Achinsk coal compared to other regions is explained by the location of this basin next to the Trans-Siberian Railway.


Mineral resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, rich in hydrocarbons, number more than twenty deposits. Most of them are considered large. The largest hydrocarbon deposits are located in the fields of the Vankor group, which belong to the Turukhansky and Taimyr regions, as well as in the fields of the Yurubcheno-Takhomsky zone in the southern part of Evenkia.

Proven oil reserves in the region are almost one and a half billion tons, and gas reserves are almost two trillion cubic meters. At the current rate of production, oil will last for twenty years, and gas, like coal, will last for a whole millennium.

Sixty-six deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous metals have huge reserves. Iron ore reserves are estimated at more than four billion tons. The content of lead and zinc in the depths of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is estimated at several million tons, and copper-nickel ores at tens of millions of tons. When answering the question of what minerals are mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, I would immediately like to mention nickel.

But besides this, copper, cobalt, and platinum are mined in the world-famous Norilsk mining region. a lot too. The mineral resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, contained in fifteen polymetallic deposits, number tens of thousands of tons. There is cobalt, niobium, selenium, cadmium and other metals. with the adjacent Siberian platform, in addition to gold, it is rich in deposits of bauxite and nepheline ores - raw materials for the production of aluminum. A unique content of lead and zinc was discovered in the Gorevsky polymetallic deposit - more than six percent. In addition, other metals, including silver, are extracted from the same ores. For example, silver reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory alone amount to fifteen thousand tons.

There are more than three hundred deposits. The main deposits of platinum group metals are concentrated in the northern regions.

Edge gold

Gold mining is carried out in more than one hundred countries around the world. In terms of its production volumes, Russia is in fifth place, although in terms of the volume of explored reserves it is in third place. A fifth of Russian gold reserves come from minerals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Gold has been explored in three hundred deposits here. The leading place among them belongs to the deposits located on the Yenisei Ridge. The unofficial capital of the region's gold miners is located in the North Yenisei region.

Another place for gold deposits are deposits of polymetallic ores near Norilsk and in the Taimyr-Severozemelsky regions. There are small placers of the precious metal in small northern rivers, but mining it is not economically profitable. And given the fact that all known gold deposits have been in development for decades, the resource base is narrowing.


The reserves of non-metallic minerals in the depths of the Krasnoyarsk land are sufficient for hundreds of years of active production. In more than 100 deposits of the region, fluxing limestone, graphite, apatite, refractory and refractory clays, quartz and molding sand are mined. Graphite deposits are important for the economy of the entire country. It is mined mainly in the Noginskoye and Kureyskoye deposits. The Popigai ring structure in the northern regions of the region is rich in unique deposits of industrial diamonds. These deposits have very high potential and are under development. The region has explored deposits of jadeite and jade. In addition, peridots, quartzites and tourmaline were found here. In the region's bins there are reserves of amber and datolite, serpentine and marble onyx.

Construction minerals and mineral waters

Minerals and construction materials are mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Their reserves, like other minerals, are very significant, but are lost against the background of metal and energy deposits. But here the extraction of construction and facing stone, construction sand and crushed stone, gypsum and many other building materials.

There are more than three hundred deposits of these minerals in the region. Granite and limestone are mined literally near Krasnoyarsk. Against this background, the presence in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of twelve fields with saturated groundwater. Active operation is carried out in three: Kozhanovsky, Nanzhulsky and Tagarsky.

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