Types of lighters. Men's disassembly: What does a Zippo lighter consist of? What does a regular lighter consist of?

We call a lighter a small device that allows you to create fire. And if a few hundred years ago, a lighter might have seemed like a real miracle, today few people can do without this device.

A large selection of lighters is presented on the website https://lighters-luxlite.ru/. But in order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know what types of lighters there are and how they differ.

Gasoline lighters

Gasoline lighters appeared earlier than other types. Regardless of the manufacturer, all gasoline lighters are the same in design:

  • fuel container. A special fiber is placed in it, which absorbs gasoline;
  • wick soaked in gasoline;
  • a small wheel with teeth;
  • silicon.

The advantage of such devices is their reliability; gasoline lighters can work for several decades.

Samples that were produced in the mid-19th century have been preserved. However, gasoline lighters are not very common today. First of all, this is explained by the high cost of the lighters themselves and the fuel for them.

Many people do not like the smell of gasoline emanating from such devices, and they should not be used to light a pipe at all.

Gas lighters

As the name suggests, gas lighters run on gas. There are several types of such devices; they are classified based on the characteristics of the ignition system:

  1. A flint lighter is a bit like a gasoline lighter. In order to get a flame, you need to turn the gear wheel.
  2. A lighter with a piezo element has a slightly different device. A spark appears when the button is pressed, and it ignites the gas coming from the can. Lighters of this type can be with a simple or turbocharged flame. The advantage of turbo lighters is their resistance to sudden gusts of wind, while conventional lighters go out at the slightest air movement.
  3. The electronic ignition system works on the same principle as the piezoelectric element. But small batteries are built into such lighters.

There are also household lighters. They are equipped with a long nozzle, which allows you to safely light a gas stove or make a fire. Such lighters may have a container of gas that ignites when the button is pressed. But there are models that do not produce flames. In such lighters a spark is formed, with the help of which it ignites domestic gas in the stove.

In addition, lighters are used various types ignition - flint, piezoelectric, etc.

Gasoline lighters appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and at first were not very reliable. Zippo gasoline lighters were introduced in 1932 and have a cult status due to their reliability and remarkable history.

An Austrian lighter from the 1920s, which served as the prototype for the creation of Zippo lighters.

Gas lighters were invented later than gasoline lighters and were happily welcomed by smokers, since they did not give off the pungent gasoline smell and could even be used to light cigars.

Ignition device

Gas lighter with pyrophoric “flint” (cerium alloy - mischmetal).

The principle of operation is based on the spontaneous combustion of pyrophoric alloys (ferrocerium) during abrasion; ignition by a red-hot wire electric shock, touching with a hot object; piezoelectric discharge; catalytic ignition of organic vapors.


Gas lighters use liquefied propane or liquefied butane as fuel, which, after passing through the reducer, evaporates, forming a highly flammable mixture of gas and air.

Gasoline lighters burn gasoline vapors.

Combustion temperature

Depending on the type of fuel, the lighter flame can reach the following temperatures:

  1. propane-butane - from 800 to 1970 °C;
  2. gasoline - 1300-1400 °C;



The design of a lighter directly depends on its purpose. Pocket lighters have small sizes, they are easy to carry. The design is absolutely any, but the sizes are limited. Table lighters are quite rare. Such lighters are quite massive and are not designed to be carried. The design of such lighters can be any. There are also special fireplace lighters, with a large length they have a small width and thickness, and even lighters from famous brands. Not so long ago, touch lighters appeared, in which gas ignition occurs without mechanical influence, but by acting on a touch sensor. IN lately So-called branded or advertising lighters are becoming increasingly popular. They are a regular pocket lighter, onto which they apply necessary information. The information is usually of an advertising nature. Widely used by large chain stores and HoReCa establishments. Lighters with information are also used for promotions. Information is usually applied to inexpensive plastic lighters using silk-screen or pad printing.

Kitchen lighter

Many lighters for kitchen stoves they have an elongated spout (so you can light the oven with it) and come in several types.

Ignition type


A regular lighter with a gas container, an elongated spout and piezoelectric ignition. The lighter is also suitable for lighting fires and fireplaces. Gas lighters come in regular and turbo versions.


Were distributed in Soviet era, such a lighter is plugged into an outlet. The lighter is tied not only to the house but also to electricity. If there is no electricity in the house, it is impossible to light a gas stove with such a lighter. Has the most powerful spark effect while the button is pressed. The principle of operation is based on the cyclic closing and opening of the electrical circuit by a spark-forming rod under the influence of an electromagnetic field. The iron-containing rod closes the circuit, turns on the electromagnet, which retracts the rod and thereby opens the circuit, the rod returns to its original position under the action of a spring and the process repeats. The resulting electric arc ignites the gas. The advantages of such lighters: reliable and fast ignition of gas, simplicity and durability of the design. Disadvantages: dependence on external power supply, high level radio interference, danger of electrical injury.

Battery operated

Designed to operate on one or more batteries. It is a pulse converter with a step-up transformer. Gives off a lot of weak sparks while the button is pressed.


Does not require energy sources or other consumables. It has a piezoelectric in its design. Gives off several powerful sparks as the button moves in one direction and the other.

Ban on souvenir lighters

The EU and a number of US states have adopted or are preparing to adopt legislation prohibiting the circulation of souvenir lighters made in the form of objects that are not lighters (animals, cartoon characters, lanterns, cameras, etc.), which may be mistaken by children for toys, and lead to injuries, burns and fires in their hands.


The first lighter, the Döbereiner flint, was invented by Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823. It was produced until 1880.

The first flint lighter was created after the invention of ferrocerium alloy by Baron Karl von Auerbach in 1906 in Austria. It is this alloy that is the basis for the manufacture of “flints” for lighters. Then the flint lighter acquired a design that has survived virtually unchanged to this day: a specially jagged wheel strikes a spark from the “flint,” and the spark ignites a wick soaked in gasoline or gas coming out of the valve.

The development of lighters was accelerated during the First World War. Soldiers used matches to see the way in the dark, but the intense flash when lit gave away their location. The need for fire without a big flash fueled the lighter industry. By the end of the war, lighters were a mass-produced product. The leader in the production of flint lighters at that time was the homeland of ferrocerium, Austria, as well as Germany. A little later, lighters began to be mass produced around the world.

During World War II, Zippo lighters, manufactured in the United States and distributed among American military personnel, became the standard for reliability and functionality among liquid lighters.

See also

  • The wheel lock is an invention of Leonardo da Vinci, with a mechanism similar to a lighter.


  • Russian-language online encyclopedia of lighters (Russian). Archived
  • Website of an English collector about rare and vintage lighters (English). Archived from the original on February 24, 2012. Retrieved August 21, 2010.

Lighter is a device for producing fire for use in various household needs. Lighters can be gas or gasoline and have their own characteristics and purposes. Most often, two ignition systems are used in lighters - flint and piezoelectric.

Gasoline lighters. Lighters of this type are almost identical in design. The structure of a gasoline lighter consists of: a container for gasoline, a wick, a gear wheel, and silicon. In gasoline lighters, the ignition mechanism operates due to the friction of a toothed wheel on the flint. The container of a gasoline lighter is filled with special cotton wool, which, when refilling the lighter, is completely saturated with gasoline. These lighters run on special, purified gasoline. Durability and high reliability are advantages of gasoline lighters. When used correctly, such lighters will last a long time and will never let you down. Of course, gasoline lighters are quite expensive. There are also a number of disadvantages, since not many people like the smell of gasoline, which will certainly accompany every lighting. And if you are lighting a cigar or pipe, then a gasoline lighter will not be suitable at all, since the tobacco in the cigar and pipe takes on other odors and is interrupted by them. In addition, a gasoline lighter needs to be refilled quite often. Gasoline for such lighters is also quite expensive. And, without much experience, you can fill the flint with gasoline, and the lighter will fail for a while. Such lighters are refilled only with special and purified gasoline. Such lighters are usually reliable and durable, but not everyone is happy with the smell of gasoline and the fact that gasoline evaporates quickly.

Gas lighters. Gas lighters use gas. Gas lighters use liquefied propane (C3H8) or liquefied butane(C4H10), which, after passing through the reducer, evaporates, forming a highly flammable mixture of gas and air. There are 3 types gas lighters with various ignition systems: flint, piezo, and electronic ignition system. Silicon lighters are similar in design to gasoline lighters, but instead of a container for gasoline, they have a gas canister. Piezo lighters use a piezoelectric element to ignite gas. When the piezoelectric element is triggered, a spark is formed, which ignites the gas coming from the lighter’s container. The piezoelectric element almost never fails. The operating principle of lighters with an electronic ignition circuit is similar to the operating principle of piezo lighters, only they have a special battery installed.

Today, gift lighters are produced in a wide range, mainly related to their appearance. The materials used (plastic or metal) and the shapes of lighters can be quite unexpected.

Operating principle

Different lighters have different mechanisms. There are 2 types of lighters based on the type of fuel used:

  1. Gasoline - characterized by durability and strength. They are sold unfilled, so gasoline for them must be purchased separately, using according to the instructions. All gasoline lighters have the same operating principle. Their design includes a gasoline container filled with special cotton wool, an ignition wheel and a wick. Ignition occurs due to the friction of the gear on the flint, which ensures high reliability and durability of the lighter.
  2. Gas - divided into silicon, electronic and piezo.

The operating principle of gas silicon lighters is similar to the operating principle of gasoline lighters. They are reliable. However, their disadvantage is the need to periodically replace the flint.

The gift piezo lighter contains a piezo element for arson. Ignition is carried out through the activation of a piezoelectric element, as a result of which a spark occurs between the wire of this element and the divider, which is located in the end part of the upper valve. This splitter creates gas-air mixture providing ignition. Do not touch this part as this can easily lead to damage. Overall, the piezo lighter is very durable.

Lighter containing electronic circuit, works thanks to almost the same processes as a piezo lighter. The operation of such a lighter is started by pressing a button from the battery, while the voltage itself is converted to desired value. These lighters are different maximum convenience applications.

Based on the type of flame, electronic lighters are divided into turbocharged and conventional lighters.

In a conventional lighter, the gas exits through a divider; the gas leaves the top valve at low speed and mixes with air at the outlet.

In a turbocharged lighter, gas initially passes through a special diaphragm through an opening in the turbine, and as the gas exits, its speed increases sharply. Then air enters the side holes, which goes under pressure into the flame former located on the turbine. This shaper creates a flame of the required shape. Some turbo lighters are equipped with a spiral above the turbine, made of refractory metal and providing increased resistance to wind. The heating of the coil occurs due to thermal inertia. It does not allow the flame to go out due to exposure to strong winds. In bad weather, lighters of this type are most preferable.

It is necessary to prevent moisture, dust or dirt from getting on the lighter. Do not touch the turbine or divider, as this may cause the lighter to malfunction.


According to the design variant, lighters are distinguished between hand-held and tabletop lighters.

Hand-held lighters are universal and widely used. Tabletops are suitable for offices and serve as interior elements. The lighter can have a metal, plastic, wooden or marble body. Table lighters are stable on horizontal surfaces.

Selecting a lighter

When choosing a lighter, you need to pay attention to its aesthetics, appearance, and surface evenness. The surface should not include any scratches or roughness.

A gift lighter must be packaged in beautiful box. It must be accompanied by a label containing the name of the manufacturing company, service life and features of use of the product.

A quality lighter provided correct use can serve for a very long time, never letting the owner down. The disadvantage of gasoline lighters is their high price. Another disadvantage is the smell of gasoline, which is unpleasant for many, but invariably accompanies lighting. This lighter needs to be refilled frequently. Therefore, going to long haul, you'll have to take a bottle of gasoline.

The highest quality lighters are coated with palladium or rhodium. These lighters differ in the most high stability to mechanical damage. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of joining of different parts, since such a product is highly flammable. Any gaps between the elements are unacceptable, otherwise the gas will immediately evaporate and the gasoline will instantly evaporate. When choosing a lighter for a gift, you need to take into account the preferences of the recipient. A too respectable and serious person is unlikely to like a lighter with a cool design on it, and an avid rocker will not like a sophisticated lighter with rhinestones. You can order an engraving on the lighter in the form of a monogram or design, corporate logo or your motto. Convenient table lighter large sizes He definitely won’t get lost anywhere and will always be there. The idea of ​​installing a table lighter in the smoking room as an element of the interior will appeal to your guests and friends. A table lighter is ideal as a gift for your boss.

Some precautions must be taken. Those lighters from which fuel evaporates too quickly should not be used at all, as this indicates a crack or other serious defect. Avoid contact of the product with moisture, dust and dirt. The turbine and divider must not be touched with hands, otherwise the lighter may break. We wish everyone good gifts!

Zippo lighter known all over the world. It is chosen by heavy smokers and collectors, supporters of an active lifestyle and fans of extreme sports. Everyone knows that Zippo is the most reliable lighter that works even in strong winds, thanks to its windproof lid. Therefore, when going into nature, do not forget to take with you not only ThermaCell mosquito repellent , but also faithful Zippo lighter.

But how exactly does it work? Have you ever been curious to know what's inside? As children, many of us loved to disassemble certain objects, discovering unnecessary parts during subsequent assembly. Let's remember our childhood, take the lighter apart into its components and see how it works.

The entire anatomy of a lighter Zippo you can see in the picture. Each lighter, regardless of its design and the material from which the body is made, consists of 22 mandatory elements. Just 22 parts, harmoniously adjusted to each other, ensure flawless operation of the lighter. Let's study each element separately and understand how they are related to each other.

The lighter can be divided into two parts – external and internal. We can constantly observe the external part - it is a body with a lid.

Lighter case (brass bottom case) usually made of brass. The brilliant silver color is achieved by galvanization. But brass is not the only material used to make lighters. Available in a silver or gold case with various decorations, engravings and even precious stones. Very important element body - brass lid, which is attached to the body using reliable loops (hinges) on five hinges and axes (hinge pin).

But under the lid is all the fun!

All the “filling” of the lighter is placed in the inner case. Inside it is gasoline - fuel for the lighter. The wind shield is located on the top of the inner housing. On the front and back side of the inner housing original lighters You can always see a text warning about the need for careful handling of a dangerous object. The inner case (in other words, insert) is closed with a small cover, which is called the top panel or plate (top plate). There are two holes in it: one is for the wick, the other is for the flint tube.

Wick. One of the most important details. To make the wick, a special polymer material, into which a thin metal thread is woven.

Eyelet for wick. A small metal ring called an eye or loop is used to thread the wick through. When replacing, you will need to carefully pull the new wick through the eyelet to ensure it holds securely.

Cam. The main feature Zippo company! It is the cam that provides the zippo click - the signature click that is heard when using the lighter. As you can see, this is a very simple device that has a pin and a spring.

Spring for cam (cam rivet). Despite its name, this part does not look like a spring at all. It is made in the form of an oblong plate that runs from the pin to the wick itself. Interestingly, the Zippo company produces lighters with two types of platinum: with traditional or cut corners.

Cam pin (cam spring)– rivet providing reliable fastening cam

flint wheel. This wheel is attached to the windproof cover of the lighter. By the way, a careful study of the wheel will help you distinguish a genuine Zippo from a fake. The original lighters have oblique notches on it that intersect at an angle of 30?. By clicking the wheel, you activate the ignition system, resulting in the flame igniting.

Flint wheel rivet axle– a small rivet responsible for the operation of the wheel.

The ignition system is the heart of the lighter

tube– a thin flint tube becomes one of the key elements of the ignition system. It passes through the entire inner body of the lighter.

Inside the tube is flint. Below is flint spring With spring tip in the upper part (the tip is responsible for the reliability of fastening the entire structure). Between flint and internal walls tubes available special tube insert, providing strengthening of the tube. At the bottom of the inner housing there is felt pad which prevents fuel from leaking. Gasoline lighter Zippo It is easy to refill by hand, but you must lift the felt pad when refilling. This is even written on its surface: after examining the gasket, you will see the inscription: "Lift to fill" , which literally translates to "Lift to tuck" . A small one passes through the gasket bolt (screw), which provides fastening of parts.

Inside the lighter there are special balls made of cotton wool or felt (ravon balls). They are soaked in gasoline. If the service life of the cotton balls expires, they can be replaced with regular high-quality pharmaceutical cotton wool.

That's the whole anatomy of your favorite lighter. Can't compare with a human! And no unnecessary details! Everything is in its place, and each element is part of a single whole. Even the smallest detail plays important role in the operation of the entire mechanism. See and study in detail internal structure Anyone can do a Zippo, so why can’t other manufacturers repeat the success of the lighter? It remains a mystery.

Tips for maintaining your Zippo lighter

Be careful when refilling your lighter yourself. Remove the inner housing from the outer housing, lift the felt pad and soak the cotton or felt balls with gasoline. It is best to wear gloves to prevent fuel from coming into contact with your skin. Reassemble the lighter and wipe it thoroughly so that no traces of gasoline remain. You should check the lighter after a few minutes, when all traces of fuel have evaporated.

If you have been using a lighter for a long time and the wick is frayed, you can carefully pull it up with tweezers and trim off the frayed tip. You can even completely replace the wick if necessary.

Replacing the wick is very simple, you just need to do this work as carefully as possible. Open the lighter, remove the old wick, carefully remove the felt pad and cotton balls, place a new wick inside by threading it through the eyelet, replace the old or new filler and reassemble the lighter. But when using high-quality gasoline, the “native” Zippo wick lasts for years and retains its original appearance, because when using a lighter, it is not it that burns, but gasoline vapor. If you still decide to tighten or replace the wick, you can adjust its length. The longer the wick, the higher the flame will be.

If you want your lighter to last you almost a lifetime, it’s worth it. She will become your faithful companion on any hikes and trips, just like

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