Human chakras and their correct opening. Feeling energy drained? Check if you have blocked chakras

The process of closing the chakras is serious, as a rule, it is actively used by yogis. Any energy process aimed at healing, purification, harmonization is accompanied by various spiritual practices that open the “petals” of our chakras. Depending on the level of activity of the energy flow of the chakras, a person experiences certain sensations. Unclosed chakras can lead to constant muscular relaxation, that is, to lethargy of the body, or, conversely, to uncontrolled excitability. Trembling hands, chills, dizziness - this is not the whole list side effects energy practices. For example, if you do not close the lower chakra after meditation, you will constantly feel a burning sensation in your palms and cramps in your body, and there may be strong pulsation in the thigh area. A constantly open solar plexus chakra will lead to shortness of breath (shortness of breath). As you can see, people who do not know how to close their chakras may even experience hyperventilation. An open heart chakra will increase your heart rate and increase the load on your heart. If you do not close your throat chakra after spiritual practice, then you still have for a long time there will be a feeling of squeezing in your throat, as if someone is choking you. The chakra is very sensitive, so you need to work with it very subtly and carefully so as not to harm it. Of course, an open crown chakra helps you feel pleasant sensations, but still the influence of outsiders negative energies could seriously harm her. Knowing how to close the chakras on the human body will save you from difficulties with astral projection. If you carefully study each spiritual practice to activate or cleanse our energy “clumps”, you will notice the presence of special exercises that close the petals of open chakras.
If you have done a set of spiritual exercises to activate or open the chakras, then it is important to close them back.

How to close chakras

Since your energy centers or chakras open naturally during spiritual exercises, you need to close them at the end of your meditation or energy process.
“Close” does not mean to turn off or block your chakras. Rather, it is simply returning them to a normal operating level of daily activity.
The following exercises will also establish a protective energy filter around the chakras so that only the infinite energy of love can reach and penetrate your body energy. Penetration of negative energy will be impossible.

There are many ways to close chakras. Please try each of them and choose the one that suits you best! Always try to close the chakras, starting from the crown to the base of the spine.

Exercise #1: Lotus

Imagine that your chakras are like open flower lotus

Try to smell this sacred flower and imagine its beautiful petals.

When you are ready, watch the petals slowly close into a bud.

Start with the crown chakra and end with the base of the spine chakra.

Then imagine a golden cross surrounded by a golden circle and place one on the top of each chakra.

This will serve as a kind of “seal” and provide additional protection.

Finally, relax your golden roots wrapped around the golden oak, stretch them through the entire thickness of the earth and leave them in the ground at a distance of several meters, and you will feel the energy of the earth throughout the day.

Exercise #2: Wooden Gates

Imagine that your chakras are wooden gates.

Feel like they are made of strong wood and on them hang strong locks with golden keys inside.

When you are ready, firmly close the first gate - your crown chakra - by turning the golden key in the lock.

Repeat the same until you reach the base chakra of the spine.

Reclaim your golden roots as in exercise 1.

Exercise #3: Silver Hatch Doors

Imagine that your chakras are heavy silver trap doors that are held open by strong silver chains.

The visualization method is perfect for closing the chakra. Close your eyes and imagine your hands sealing chakra by chakra, pushing the energy back into your lower body. Over time, the chakras will indeed close.

Imagine sleek silver chains and their durable construction.

When you are ready, free yourself from the silver chains and feel the hatch doors slam shut.

Repeat the same with all chakras, starting with the crown.

Today, adherents of Eastern philosophy pay attention to the importance of the openness of the chakras and the active circulation of energy in the human body along these chakras. Feminine energy is effectively used in many issues: communication with the opposite sex, a successful career and family life, great sex, a woman’s healthy emotional position in the family, between friends or relatives, at work. This is only a small part of the areas in which the flow of energy can lead to either success or failure. Today, many training centers offer in their list of services trainings on the development of feminine energy, on revealing femininity, and how to open a woman’s chakras. In the article we will look at what chakras exist in female body and how to unlock them if they are closed.

What is a chakra and what types of chakras are there?

A chakra is an energy channel through which vital energy and strength flow. There are 7 chakras, each of which is responsible for a certain set of spiritual qualities of a person.

If you are overcome by difficulties and failures, a series of falls has begun, you have no strength to realize yourself in life - this means that one or more chakras are blocked. Chakra blocks interfere with normal functioning, which results in problems in one of the areas. To fully experience how chakras can influence life, it is necessary to activate life energy.

Types of chakras and what they are responsible for:

  1. Muladhara is the “root chakra”, located at the bottom of the tailbone, associated with the scarlet red color, considered the energy of the Earth and ruled by Mars. At the center of this chakra is stability and connection with ancestors. Provides a flow of energy for procreation, survival, decision making. If this chakra is blocked, the lower back hurts, problems with the legs appear, on an emotional level the person feels like a victim, cannot cope with the situation, the ground disappears from under the feet.
  2. Svadhisthana - located 5 cm below the navel area. It should be 100% active in girls and muted in boys. The chakra is associated with the energy of water and represents orange, and is ruled by Venus. She is responsible for sensuality, femininity, because she personifies the female element - water. Svadhisthana is also responsible for beauty and pleasure, creativity and the ability to accept oneself and one’s body. In the case of a block of the second chakra: there is guilt, the inability to let go of one’s emotions, there is no pleasure during sex, there is dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s appearance and body, and one is also constantly overcome women's problems with the reproductive system, kidneys. If energy flows unhindered through the channel in this chakra, a woman gives care, creates comfort in the house, and provides true pleasure to her man.
  3. Manipura is the energy of fire, ruled by the Sun and representing yellow. This life energy cycles from man to woman and vice versa. This chakra is responsible for financial wealth, willpower and social status, achieving goals through perseverance and control. When the third chakra is blocked, control begins to go off scale, anxiety about the future, about prosperity appears, and the spine in the diaphragm area hurts.
  4. Chakra - Anahata is one of the most important chakras for a woman - associated with the emerald color, it means the energy of air under the control of the planet Moon. This chakra is located at the level of the heart. Responsible for love and compassion, inspiration and emotions. It is she who provides a woman with the opportunity to fill her man with energy and strength, guide him and at the same time accept him as he is. Aggression and Bad mood, dissatisfaction and anger, the desire to please everyone and at the same time feel emptiness in the heart - all signs of a chakra block.
  5. Vishuddha unites the energy of the ether under the control of the planet Mercury and is associated with blue. This is the male chakra, it is responsible for leadership qualities in a person, the ability to persuade, express oneself, invent interesting ideas. In the case of a blocked fifth chakra, there is always a “lump in the throat”, the inability to express one’s opinion and thoughts. At the physical level, the block is manifested by sore throat, problems with the throat, thyroid gland, and runny nose.
  6. Ajna represents blue and it is ruled by the planet Saturn. This energy center responsible for intuition, insight, wisdom, the ability to feel oneself and one’s inner voice. When the sixth chakra is blocked, there are frequent headaches, depression, vision problems begin, and a sense of loss in life.
  7. The last chakra is genderless, it is located at the top of the head and is responsible for communication with the cosmos. Modern adherents point out that today most people do not use it, it is tightly closed.

Chakra translated from the ancient Indian language means wheel, vortex, rotation. The Kundalini energy located in the root chakra rotates and enters in a spiral. All chakras have the shape of a funnel, with their help we can tune into natural phenomena and on other people. We also radiate our energy so that other people can feel it.

In order to chakras opened it is necessary to perform special exercises. Open chakras filled with vital energy give a person happiness, joy, health and success in all areas of life. You need to start working from the root chakra, gradually moving up. However, rarely does anyone manage to reach the crown chakra. But if this happens, enlightenment descends on the person. The discovery of Sahasrara ends the spiritual development of a person. He becomes perfect.

If the Earth chakras have opened

  • Muladhara chakra is associated with the element of Earth and is responsible for human health and physical condition. If the chakra is blocked, a person feels a loss of strength, lack of vital energy and mental exhaustion. But if chakra opened, a person gets rid of this torment. Even the physical form of a person before the discovery of Muladhara is different from the physical form after its discovery. His performance increases, his strength is quickly restored after any physical activity. However, there is also a danger open chakra. The fact is that Earth is the lowest element, and Muladhara is fire. In this case, a person may become short-tempered, angry, have problems communicating, and may lose clarity of thought.
  • Svadhisthana chakra is associated with love. It is located three to four centimeters below the navel. Chakra opens if a person complies vegetarian diet. Slowness is negative trait this chakra. But there is also positive qualities, for example, a person’s poetic talent awakens, representatives of the opposite sex begin to pay attention to him, and he also becomes able to control his sexual desire.
  • Manipura chakra is associated with learning and talents. It is located in the solar plexus area. If this chakra opens, then a person begins to succeed better than others in studies and sciences. The main thing here is not to fall into a state of self-satisfaction caused by your own achievements and successes.
  • The Anahata chakra is responsible for the deep feeling of love. It is located in the region of the heart. If the chakra opens, a person becomes noble, he experiences a feeling of love for everything and is capable of compassion. However, the downside to Anahata level is pride. Pride is a bad trait and brings only misfortune and suffering. Therefore, if you are overcome by pride, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

If the higher chakras of a person have opened

  • Vishuddha chakra – located in the throat area and is responsible for creativity. If this chakra opens, a person enters the upper astral world and has access to an astral library of the highest rank.
  • Ajna chakra - located in the third eye area and is responsible for our intuition and superpowers. If chakra opens Ajna, then a person has two paths, either evil or good. Evil means the desire to rule the world. And under goodness is the desire to save him.

Between Sahasrara and Ajna there are seven more stages of development.

I often come across the expression “chakra is open”, “chakra is closed”...

This is indeed what people say, but in fact it is not true. If the chakras were closed, i.e. If we didn’t work at all, we wouldn’t be able to live.

If they say that “the chakra is closed,” this actually means that it is working, just not entirely correctly.

It may work weakly, not at full power, with distortions... it may, on the contrary, work too much and drown out all other chakras... there are many options.

For most people, as a rule, only 2-3 chakras work well, the rest are distorted and malfunctioning.

And this is completely normal. This is exactly why we came to earth, to develop and improve. And when we achieve complete harmony, this will mean Enlightenment.

In the meantime, we are on the Path :)

What is chakra?

This is a certain area in subtle bodies human energy center. A person has seven main chakras.

And there are many additional ones - on the palms, feet... and even beyond the boundaries of the physical body...

Opinions are divided regarding the concept of “chakra” in different schools.

There are energy practices in which they do not work with chakras at all... there are practices in which chakras are specifically “dissolved”...

How do we figure all this out, and what do we need to know about the chakras?

In our school we believe that the chakras are important and we pay attention to them.

It is more correct and more convenient for practice to consider the chakra NOT as a point, but as an area, a certain zone in a person’s aura, which has a projection onto the physical body.

Imagine a rainbow - the colors smoothly flow into one another. Likewise, the chakra areas on the body smoothly transition into one another. And there are no boundaries - “here the zone of influence of muladhara ends, and the zone of influence of svadhisthana begins.”

Each chakra is responsible for a specific area of ​​life

Muladhara - connection with earthly life, survival, safety, health.

If a person’s muladhara function is disrupted, then it is as if the ground is disappearing from under his feet, he does not feel that he is standing firmly on the ground, he lacks basic trust in the world. At the level of the physical body, muladhara is responsible for our health and level of vitality.

Svadhisthana - sexuality and reproductive function.

If the work of svadhisthana is disrupted, then problems with the reproductive system at the level of the physical body are possible. And in life, there are likely to be problems in relationships with the opposite sex, and not everything may be in order in your sex life either.

Manipura - relationships in society, self-confidence, power...

If the work of manipura is disrupted, then the person will most likely have problems in relationships with people, he may feel weak and unable to build relationships on equal terms. At the level of the physical body, this can manifest itself as diseases of the abdominal organs.

Anahata - love, openness, joy

If the work of anahata is disrupted, a person closes himself off from people and suppresses his feelings. He finds it difficult to be open and sincere in relationships. And at the level of the physical body, this can manifest itself as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Vishuddha - creativity, communication, self-expression

If the functioning of Vishuddhi is disrupted, problems with the throat are possible at the level of the physical body. And in life there are problems in communication, in self-expression, in revealing oneself as a creative person

Ajna - intuition, third eye

If the work of ajna is disrupted, then most likely there will be a very active internal dialogue, which drowns out the voice of intuition and constantly creates tension.

At the level of the physical body, this can manifest itself as headaches and vision problems.

There may be pain in the neck - because the neck is a bridge between consciousness and the unconscious.

Sahasrara - connection with the Divine, awareness of one's spiritual nature.

If the work of sahasrara is disrupted, a person may feel lost in life, not understand the meaning of life, his mission... He may worry about the future, be afraid of death... Because he does not understand that death is only a transition to another state.

“What the caterpillar considers the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly” R. Bach

There's another one important point- chakras must be in harmony.

If one chakra works too strongly and drowns out the others, such a person can no longer be called harmonious.

For example, if a person’s svadhisthana is too active, then he will be “sexually preoccupied” to the detriment of other areas of life.

If manipura is too active, then he will be preoccupied with power and influence, and will strive to subjugate other people.

If anahata is too active, then a person will live only with emotions, with his heart...

If Vishuddha is too active, then such a person cannot be stopped in conversation, and the dialogue inevitably becomes a monologue...

If ajna is too active, then such a person will constantly think about something, and his violent mind will not give him peace...

What about muladhara and sahasrara?

If muladhara and the rest of the lower chakras are too active, then the person will be “down to earth”, he will be interested only in the classic threesome “sex-money-power”.

And vice versa, if Sahasrara and the rest of the upper chakras are too active, then this is a person with his head in the clouds and completely unadapted to earthly life.

Ignorance of the laws is no excuse - this phrase applies not only to the legal sphere, but also to many others, including our physical capabilities. By what laws does our body work? How to balance its energy? How to always be “involved in life”, get rid of chronic fatigue and annoying diseases?

One of the ways to breathe energy into yourself and restore good health is to trust in your body, the ability to listen to its signals. AND we'll talk about aligning your energy system by opening the chakras. The question remains how to do this as comfortably as possible for yourself and safely for the body. After all, our body, like an expensive exclusive guitar, requires careful and fine tuning.

Human chakras are like energy buttons. They allow you to align the entire energy system of the human body. By opening your chakras, you unlock your potential, remove blocks that prevent you from living fully and achieve harmony in many areas of your life. Moreover, each of the seven main chakras carries certain information and is responsible for various processes of your life.

Chakras are spiritual centers, the opening of which allows us to be in unison with all planes of Existence, with the Universe. And also the opening of the chakras enhances extrasensory abilities, increases sensitivity and the ability to “be in the flow.” Opening the chakras and working with them restores health and beauty, prolongs youth and longevity. Working with chakras is fundamental.

There are a lot of techniques for opening and balancing energy channels. You can harmonize your chakra system with the help of theta meditations and practices, breathing exercises and physical activity. And also by working on beliefs. Often negative programs are a block to the opening of the chakras. By transforming blocks, we open our chakras and open up new opportunities for growth.

After all, each of us came into this world with our own task, and therefore many people certain chakras are closed or poorly functioning from birth. But the chakras open exactly as much as they are ready to open.

Therefore, if they are blocked, then without taking any action, you will leave the blocks in your chakras at the same level. Or they will open very slowly. But at the same time you won't be able to open your chakras in one sitting. They will unfold exactly as much as your soul is ready. Therefore, working with the chakras is a jewelry process and at the same time very natural and smooth.

Spiritual mystery of chakras
The first chakra is Muladhara (root)

Color: dark red. This chakra is the root chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is responsible for all the basic physical needs of a person, finances, health, the ability to survive and adapt to the outside world.

Muladhara can be called the fundamental energy center, since all fears associated with one’s own safety, personal comfort zone and self-perception are projected in this chakra.

Example: If you constantly experience incomprehensible anxiety, fears, irritation, often fall into a depressed state, and lack self-confidence, these are signs of disstabilization of the first chakra. This is also indicated by the presence of financial problems in life.

Find out other signs of energy imbalance in Muladhara .

Second chakra – Svadhisthana (sacral)

Color: orange. This energy center is located in the sacrum area and is responsible for creativity, feelings, and sexuality. It also includes the right to express your emotions. Accepting your feminine essence, openness to new ideas, free expression of emotions are just some of the important aspects associated with the sacral chakra.

Example: If everything seems like a routine to you, you are not satisfied with your sex life, you are embarrassed to openly express your desires and feelings - this is an important wake-up call to take a closer look at yourself and work closely with the second chakra.

Third chakra - Manipura

Color: yellow. Manipura is located in the middle of the solar plexus (ideally) and is responsible for willpower, ability to act and self-confidence. Balanced work of the solar chakra gives you energy, vitality and a constant feeling of being filled with Light.

Example: It is difficult for you to define your comfort zone, you are indecisive, afraid of change and do not know how to refuse friends and acquaintances, even if it is to your detriment. A constantly arising feeling of shame for any reason also indicates an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra.

Fourth chakra – Anahata (heart)

Color: green. This energy center is located in the heart area in the middle of the chest. The heart chakra is directly related to the ability to give and receive the Creator’s Energy with the heart. This is the junction of the upper and lower chakras, the union of Spirit and Matter. Anahata is the chakra of Love in all its manifestations; cleansing this chakra leads to complete acceptance of oneself, one’s true essence, the Higher Self at all levels.

Example: If you are familiar with the feeling of lack of Love, you often get offended over trifles, do not love yourself, do not appreciate your achievements and in some way try to close yourself off from outside world and those around you, this means there are blocks in the heart chakra that it is advisable to eliminate.

Fifth chakra – Vishuddha (throat)

Color: blue. Vishuddha is located in the throat area and is responsible for the ability to openly express your thoughts and emotions. Self-expression, the ability to reveal one’s creative abilities, and most importantly, to convey the manifestation of one’s individuality to people is one of the main functions of the throat chakra center.

Example: you are afraid to express your emotions, you often feel a “lump in your throat”, you often lose the thread of the conversation, forget words and become embarrassed at the sight of good speakers. It is difficult for you to voice your thoughts, but you are able to criticize others. If you notice similar symptoms, run and work on the fifth chakra!

Sixth chakra – Ajna

Color: blue. This energy center is known as the third eye chakra. It is most associated with trust in life, intuition and the ability to perceive the world and people with the heart. Open Ajna allows you to see the true essence of many things, through various masks and blocks.

Example: distrust of life, inability to accept the situation, a persistent “swarm of thoughts” in the head, poor memory, often insomnia - some of the main symptoms indicating an imbalance in this chakra.

Seventh chakra – Sahasrara (crown)

Color: purple. The crown energy center connects all the chakras. This is our gateway to the knowledge of all things spiritual, it opens access to the higher aspects of our I-Am. This is an important channel for receiving the energy of the Creator and Unconditional Love Universe. He is responsible for your overall existence and manifestation of yourself as a Spiritual being in this world.

Example: if you do not feel a connection with the Creator, experience unreasonable anxiety, overreact to bright light and loud sounds, then you should pay attention to the crown chakra.

Make it a rule to wear clothes in the color of a particular chakra. For example, to harmonize the first energy center, it is recommended to wear red underwear, and a green T-shirt (or rather, its color) will have a positive effect positive influence to the heart chakra.

Chakras also open well during meditative practices. By directing energy to the right centers, you thereby remove blocks, stagnation and balance your chakra system. And applying various techniques Thetahealing and using intention, you can easily achieve the desired results not only in working with the chakras, but also in other areas of your life.

And finally, one more recommendation. If you gravitate towards all kinds of talismans and amulets, then be sure to use the power of stones to stabilize and cleanse the chakras. You can wear stones framed in rings, pendants, bracelets, or simply as a talisman.

A balanced chakra system is one of the keys to self-knowledge, connection with the Creator and achieving complete harmony in all areas of life. By working on yourself, you change the reality around you, which means you move forward, grow spiritually and prosper!

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