Charter and program guidelines of the party. Basic provisions of the LDPR charter Charter of the LDPR party in brief

According to the Charter, the political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" (abbreviated LDPR) is a voluntary public association created for the purpose of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in political life society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in government bodies state power and local governments. LDPR Charter.

The activities of the LDPR are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are regulated by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law "On political parties", other federal laws and this charter. Ibid. The activities of the LDPR are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and transparency. Ibid. The LDPR carries out its activities throughout the Russian Federation. Ibid.

The LDPR is a supporter of a social market economy, a welfare state, which rejects both barracks communism and wild capitalism. We are convinced that the principles of social justice so valued by our people are not an invention of the communists, but the traditional basis of Russian society. On the other hand, freedom and self-affirmation of the individual are not the monopoly property of the champions of the Western way of life represented by our “democrats”. “The time of “reforms” that launched our country around the world is inexorably coming to an end,” says the materials prepared for the development of the LDPR Program. - As a result of a betrayal unprecedented in history, our country found itself dismembered and defenseless... Avoiding the national catastrophe prepared for us by hostile forces abroad and within the country is possible only by achieving a decisive change in state policy, replacing bankrupt nomenklatura and embezzlers with honest professionals, patriots of our Motherland. Do not listen to those who say that no one can pull our Fatherland out of the quagmire of the crisis. This free development citizens, the functioning of political parties and public organizations, competitive development of all sectors of the economy. This is freedom of choice economic, political, scientific and cultural activities, pluralism of opinions and ideological views, tolerance of other views and points of view. But freedom for everyone should not lead to anarchy. All manifestations of liberalism should not conflict with the Constitution and laws of the state and public morality.

Democracy in the understanding of the LDPR is the power of the people, and not the power of “democrats”. It presupposes a democratic structure of the state, all government bodies - legislative, executive and judicial, and local government bodies. These include free elections, a multi-party system, and democratic rights of citizens.” To the LDPR program. Materials... P. 16.

In domestic policy The LDPR stands for a unitary state: “Russia is a unitary (single) state, administrative division which consists of provinces and corresponding administrative divisions." LDPR program. The ideal of a political system seems to be presidential republic with a unicameral parliament - the State Duma with 300 deputies, each of whom is elected by approximately 300 thousand voters. Bodies of representative power are also elected at the provincial level - Provincial Dumas. Elections of the President of Russia and deputies State Duma are held simultaneously once every five years. Provincial Dumas are also elected for five years, but with an interval of two years from the elections to the State Duma. Right there.

According to the LDPR program, mechanisms for the dissolution of the State Duma and the resignation of the Government and the President of Russia are excluded from the Constitution. This will eliminate forceful pressure, fear, and mistrust between the branches of government. Right there. How is a collective body of power formed? State Council, which includes ex officio the President of Russia, the First Minister (Chairman) of the Government, the Chairman of the State Duma, security ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court and governors. There is no need for a Federation Council. Right there. All these proposals are aimed at transforming Russia from an amorphous federal state into a unitary (single) state with a strong executive branch.

The LDPR considers it necessary to reform and strengthen the Russian judicial system. The court must be truly independent from the executive and legislative branches, free from party and political bias. It is necessary to raise the work of the prosecutor's office and its employees to the proper level.

The LDPR assigns an important place in ensuring law and order in the country to law enforcement agencies and intelligence services. Based on the accumulated experience, it is necessary to recreate and then develop powerful, highly efficient, technically equipped intelligence services, which in their structure, functions, and personnel composition would fully correspond to the status of a rule-of-law state. According to the party, this problem can be solved within the framework of a single, powerful government agency(ministries, committees, etc.) state security, uniting the now disunited Russian intelligence services. Right there.

Strengthening statehood is impossible without fighting crime. The LDPR has developed a specific program to combat crime, including organized crime. She seeks the adoption of strict and fair laws to combat corruption, organized crime, banditry, smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal sales of weapons, extortion (racketeering). The LDPR considers it necessary to tighten penalties for terrorism, intentional murder and other crimes against person and property. She demands the restoration of the death penalty for especially dangerous criminals.

In strengthening Russian statehood important role The media could play a role. The LDPR, not considering the media as the “fourth estate,” sees in them a real force that is called upon to play a huge informational and educational role. However, in new Russia The main media ended up in the hands of anti-national forces, were bought up by oligarchs and are still fulfilling their social order, which is contrary to the fundamental interests of the country and its citizens. Essentially, the media have unleashed a real information war against their own people, conducting anti-Russian, anti-patriotic propaganda, acting as servants of the West, contributing to the further collapse of the country and turning it into a semi-colony. According to the LDPR, the main television channels should be state-owned and operate under democratic multi-party control. Right there.

LDPR shares the idea of ​​secularism Russian state, in which religion is separated from the state. Supporting the equality of religious beliefs for all peoples living in Russia, the LDPR opposes attempts to undermine the position of Orthodoxy, which professes most believers of the country. The party’s position is to prevent confessional confrontation and religious conflicts in the country. She also advocates stopping the spread of unconventional and savage sects in Russia, the activities of which, as a rule, are directed by foreign intelligence services with the aim of undermining the stability and power of Russia. Right there.

LDPR program for change government system corresponds to the fundamental interests of all citizens of the country, regardless of nationality. The creation of a unitary state with strong presidential power will eliminate the preconditions for local separatism, sharply reduce the reasons for interethnic conflicts and territorial claims of administrative units against each other, and restore the priority of national interests over local ones. As a result, conditions will be created for more rational economic management, many unnecessary, sometimes harmful bureaucratic government bodies will disappear, and interregional barriers that negatively affect the development of market relations will be eliminated. Right there.

National security plays an important role in the concept of the country's political development. For the LDPR, national security is the peaceful life of citizens, as well as the protection of their lives and property from encroachment by criminal elements. At the same time, the LDPR believes that the main threat to Russia may come from the United States, but this country will carry out its goals in relation to Russia through the wrong hands. Right there.

In its program to ensure peace on the borders and a quiet life in the cities and villages of Russia, the LDPR sets the following main tasks. First, Russian foreign policy must prevent the unification of anti-Russian forces in the South and prevent the emergence of a conflict between the Orthodox and Muslim worlds. The South must become our good neighbor. Right there.

Secondly, Russian military doctrine must ensure the deterrence of a potential aggressor and the lightning defeat of the enemy in local conflicts, including those involving the use of nuclear weapons.

Thirdly, in order to effectively combat the criminal element, individual terrorists and organized terrorist organizations, Russian security forces must be sharply strengthened and a powerful state security agency with broad powers must be created.

The LDPR believes that without these conditions being met, the external military threat and the internal criminal world will negate all efforts to raise the economy and the living standards of the population. Right there.

As for the economic program, the LDPR believes that a rapid revival of the country's economy is possible if four conditions are met, taking into account the geopolitical and climatic situation of the country, as well as Russian traditions.

Firstly, the state must manage economic processes in the country. Secondly, a powerful state sector of the economy must be recreated. Thirdly, due to climatic conditions, when the cost of our products will always be higher than foreign ones, the state must support the national producer in his competition with foreign partners. Fourthly, not forgetting the West and the East, the main efforts should be aimed at developing economic cooperation with the South.

The position of the LDPR is clearly outlined as follows: only reliance on powerful domestic industry and strong agriculture will make it possible to really and significantly improve the living standards of the vast majority of the country's citizens. Right there.

“We are against a return to the old model - socialism,” states the LDPR Program. - We are ready to really manage affairs in the state and society, and then we would be able to implement our program. We would stop aid to other countries, but it continues. We, the LDPR faction, are ready to fulfill all our promises. We are opposed to the destruction of the public sector and are ready to help create a powerful private sector, but one that is honest and open. We propose - change the government's course. We will not allow the privatization of land. The land will remain in the hands of the state. We will not allow the privatization of communications, energy, transport, and all heavy industry. We are against reducing the military-industrial complex. As for privatization, we are also its opponents. This is our land, our factories, our houses, cinemas, shops. Why rush to convey all this to someone? In economics, we are in favor of the majority of industry being in the hands of the state, but let it be small private sector" Right there.

Measures proposed by the LDPR to save the Russian economy:

Deideologization and depoliticization of the economy, the elimination from it of various speculative doctrines and concepts of both Marxist and ultra-liberal persuasion.

Creation of firm and clear legislation and permanent rules economic game. Reducing taxes and tightening sanctions for non-payment.

Foreign trade of all types of raw materials should be concentrated entirely in the hands of the state. This temporary measure should provide the means to carry out structural, investment, social and cultural policy state support for the entire infrastructure, especially in the initial period of recovery, when the fiscal base is small and budget expenditures are high. After creating export potential in industry and other areas, the export of raw materials should be significantly limited.

It is necessary to consolidate commercial banks, bringing their number to 25 - 30. Consolidation should be carried out by gradual merger, without ruin and excesses, based on the results of audits. The purpose of consolidation is to create a stable banking system capable of investment, mainly lending to production rather than consumption. Only by lending to priority industries under state guarantees can rapid structural changes be achieved; when lending to consumption, structural changes extend over time; moreover, consumption, despite any protectionism, can be import-oriented.

It is necessary to revise the policy in the field of “monopoly” altogether. It follows from the fact that in different areas economy, the permissible degree of monopolization is different: if in retail trade While it is completely unacceptable, in high-tech industries, the field of transport and communications, oil and gas production it is not only natural, but also useful, and in the automotive industry it is optimal at the level of 20 -25%.

After strengthening production and financial structures, the state must purposefully promote them to the foreign market, using all political and diplomatic means.

The state must support the most qualified and cultural segments of the population, because consumer and labor attitudes for precisely such people are the engine of the economy in any materially successful society.

The merciless fight against all types of crime should become the most important element economic policy. Freedom of trade and production from racketeering, banditry, bribery of officials, and road robbery should give quick effect in the form of lower prices for most types of industrial products.

Priority when investing should be given to:

high-tech industries (including weapons);

processing industry and mass production of cheap and economical equipment for agricultural production;

housing construction, which in our conditions of shortage can play the role of an “engine” of the economy. Right there.

The party's program is the rejection of the national-state division. There should be one principle - territorial. Citizens of any nationality live in any geographical region and enjoy the same rights. This is the whole point of democracy. As for the restoration of territories that were part of the USSR, we are talking about their voluntary entry into Russia. Right there.

An important task is the fight against corruption. There is no need to reduce the army, but to devote a powerful corps of officers directly to the fight against crime. To do this, you need to cleanse the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the main agency for fighting crime, but since it is very corrupt, a powerful cleansing of this apparatus needs to be carried out. “For us, the main economic interests are reducing crime and reducing social tension. The principle is one: not a single homeless person, not a single unemployed person, not a single hungry person.” Right there.

Social policy is a set of goals and means aimed at increasing or maintaining the standard of living of the majority of the population. The LDPR is against forced resettlement of peoples in any historical situation and does not intend to resettle any peoples. We can only talk about the isolation and deportation of individual citizens who violate state legislation. But here, too, we mean preventive measures for violators of law and order of any nationality, and not for representatives of any specific nations.

The LDPR party gives primary attention to the development of the country's foreign policy concept, especially in view of the obvious treacherous course of the radical democrats in the international arena, but to have its own foreign policy, a policy of protecting its national interests, which would be beneficial to it and correspond to its geopolitical role.

LDPR identified the main priority areas foreign policy Russia. In relations with neighboring countries, the Russian Federation should pursue a course towards comprehensive integration with the former Soviet republics. At the same time, the LDPR believes that if it should not be formed, then it is impossible to delay the process of restoring the historical Russian state, because there is a real danger of some former Soviet republics leaving into the orbit of other geopolitical forces.

Russia's Western geopolitical environment - Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova - must be strictly economically and politically tied to Russia until the infrastructural and spiritual opportunities for unity with them are lost.

Emphasis should be placed on the unity of the Slavic peoples, which should become one of the important directions of Russian foreign policy. Resolutely strive to end the armed aggression of NATO countries in the former Yugoslavia (support the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Serbian people). Germany may become Russia's main economic and political partner in Europe. Right there.

In the Far East, Japan can become a very promising and important economic partner for Russia, which, however, has territorial claims to our country. In relations with China, it is important to proceed from the fact that this is our neighbor, with which Russia has the longest border, which, on the one hand, allows us to develop trade, economic and other relations, and on the other hand, poses the danger of millions of Chinese entering Russia territory and expulsion of Russian residents from there.

Russia's natural geopolitical ally in Asia is India. An alliance with India would help stop the aggressive aspirations of some neighboring states and would contribute to strengthening regional and international stability. In addition, there are huge prospects for trade, economic, financial, scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and India.

Russia must put an end to ideological approaches in foreign policy and develop cooperation with countries such as Iraq, Libya, Cuba, and North Korea. Russia's most beneficial allies on the world stage are India, North Korea, a number of Arab states, and Germany. At the same time, the “claims” of America, China and Japan will be neutralized.

In the Near and Middle East, one should not allow a one-sided orientation towards either the Arabs or Israel. It is also important to take into account that in recent years There has been a noticeable intensification of the expansionist policies of Turkey and Iran in the Caucasus and Central Asia, which seriously threatens the strategic interests of Russia.

Its relations with African countries, Latin America, Australia and Oceania, Russia must balance its capabilities and national interests.

Thus, the foreign policy doctrine should be aimed at increasing Russia’s role in the world both in its national interests and in the interests of general security and stability. The policy must be reasonable. Right there.

CHARTER of the Political Party LDPR - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia: (downloads: 97)

Changes made
at the XV Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
December 26, 2003 in Moscow,
at the XVI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
December 13, 2004 in Moscow,
at the XVII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
December 13, 2005 in Moscow,
at the XXI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
May 17, 2008 in Moscow,
at the XXII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
December 14, 2009 in Moscow,
at the XXV Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
December 13, 2012 in Moscow,
at the XXVII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
June 11, 2013 in Moscow.
at the XXVIII Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party
March 26, 2016 in Moscow.

Political party LDPR
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia


Full name: Political party LDPR- Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
Short name: LDPR.
The names LDPR and “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” have the same legal force, are equivalent and can be used in all documents of the party, including on letterheads and seals, as well as on ballot papers.
The LDPR has the party emblem, which is a rectangle blue with an aspect ratio of 2:3, with the image on it in the center of the short name of the party “LDPR” in yellow letters. (Appendix 1).
The LDPR has the party's coat of arms, which is a dark blue shield with a golden frame of a triangular isosceles shape, standing on top with the smallest angle with convex sides, the upper corners are cut off by circles with centers at the upper vertices of the shield, a drawing is applied to the shield - a map of Russia in yellow (golden) color. From behind the map, a yellow (golden) sun rises with spreading rays of different lengths. Falcon against the background of the sun gray with outstretched wings pointing upward. A symmetrical twisted ribbon runs along the lower top of the coat of arms yellow with gold border. On the ribbon are the inscriptions “FREEDOM”, “PATRIOTISM”, “LAW”. Under the upper side of the shield, parallel to it, there is a three-dimensional inscription “LDPR” in letters, dark blue at the base and yellow (gold) on the front side. All text used on the outside of the coat of arms is written with a pin - “Impact”. (Appendix 2).
The LDPR has a party flag, which is a banner attached to a pole rectangular shape with an aspect ratio of 2:3, blue, with the image on it in the center of the short name of the party “LDPR” in yellow letters. (Appendix 3).
The LDPR has an anthem consisting of 3 (three) verses. (Appendix 4).
Name and location of the permanent governing body of the political party: Supreme Council of the LDPR, Moscow, Russian Federation.
The party was created through reorganization in the form of transformation of the All-Russian socio-political organization “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” and is its successor.

The Charter proclaims the LDPSS-LDPR a voluntary public association created to ensure that Russian citizens take part in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in state authorities and local governments.

The party charter regulates membership in the LDPSS-LDPR. According to the document, any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 and who accepts the provisions of the program document and charter can be a member of the faction. A party member has the right to participate in the events of the party organization, to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the faction, to be nominated as a representative of the LDPSS - LDPR in public organizations.

The highest body of the party is the congress. The Congress elects the Supreme Council and the Central Control Commission for a period of 3 years, adopts the Program and Charter of the party, makes changes and additions to them, determines the main directions of the party's activities, hears and approves reports from the Chairman of the party and the Central Control Commission.

Zhirinovsky's party adheres to ideas that promote the development of a market economy of a welfare state.

According to the party program, democracy in the understanding of the LDPSS-LDPR is the power of the people, and not the power of “democrats”. All branches of government of the Russian Federation must contain democratic principles. For example, free elections, multi-party system, democratic rights of citizens, etc.

The country's liberal democrats believe that Russia should become a unitary state. Ideal option, according to members of the faction, a presidential republic is envisioned with a unicameral parliament - the State Duma with 300 deputies, each of whom is elected by approximately 300 thousand voters. The period for holding elections for the President of Russia and deputies of the State Duma is once every five years, and both must be held simultaneously.

The Liberal Democrats in their activities are guided by the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Political Parties”, as well as other legal acts. The Liberal Democratic Party honors the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, the rule of law, and transparency.

The President of Russia, the first minister (chairman) of the government, the chairman of the State Duma, the security ministers, the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of finance, the chairman of the Constitutional Court and governors together form a collective body of power - the State Council. Thus, the LDPR assumes the exclusion of the Federation Council, because its functioning loses its meaning. It follows that the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia advocates for the Russian Federation to transform from a federal state into a unitary (single) state with a strong executive branch.

V.V. Zhirinovsky states that the Russian judicial system is not ideal and requires reform. The court should not be influenced by the legislative and executive powers, and should be a system free of party and political bias. In theory, this idea is implemented in the Russian Federation, the doctrine of separation of powers confirms this, but in practice, according to liberal democrats, this obligation is not applied. Also, this rule does not work in the prosecutor’s office; and therefore this issue is pressing and requires immediate resolution.

Strengthening statehood is possible if more advanced and effective measures are used in the fight against crime. The LDPR has a clear idea of ​​how to counteract criminals and criminal communities. The party advocates tightening laws to combat corruption, organized crime, banditry, smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, extortion, but within reason, given that laws must be fair, and not just strict. Party members believe that penalties for terrorism, intentional murder and other crimes against person and property should also be toughened. But the most stunning demand is the restoration of the death penalty for especially dangerous criminals.

In the media, liberal democrats see an influential structure that could confidently play a role in strengthening Russian statehood, carrying with it an informational and educational goal. However, in modern Russia The mainstream media is a “pawn” in the hands of the oligarchs, who use television and radio broadcasting for their anti-national purposes, thereby contradicting the interests of the country’s citizens. LDPSS-LDPR believes that the main television channels and radio stations should belong to the state and function under democratic multi-party control.

Liberal Democrats support the idea that the Russian Federation is a secular state in which religion is independent and not directly connected with Russia. Zhirinovsky’s party in no way alienates the rights and freedoms of various religious communities living in our country, but it is necessary to prevent all attempts that in any way undermine the foundations of Orthodoxy, because it is professed by the majority of the country’s population. While preventing these attempts, we should not forget about the possibility of confessional confrontation and religious conflicts, which should not exist in the country. The party also declares that unconventional and fanatical sects should not spread, since their activities, in their opinion, are directed by foreign intelligence services with the aim of undermining the stability and power of Russia.

By creating a unitary state with strong presidential power, the preconditions for separatism, some kind of interethnic conflicts and territorial claims of administrative units against each other will be eliminated, thereby taking into account the fundamental interests of all citizens of the state.

LDPSS-LDPR attaches an important role to national security. National security in their understanding is the peaceful life of citizens, as well as the protection of their lives and property from encroachment by the criminal element. The main threat to Russia, in their opinion, may be the United States, which will act not directly, but through third parties.

IN economic development The LDPR highlights the following aspects. Firstly, the state must develop economic reforms in the country. Secondly, the predominant sector of the economy should be the state one. Thirdly, the main emphasis should be on domestic manufacturer goods, because due to climatic conditions, the cost of our products exceeds the costs of consumer products in foreign countries. Fourthly, it is necessary to establish close economic ties with the South, but there is also no need to stop already established cooperation with the West and East.

From this follows the view of economic life that only by supporting domestic industry and strong agriculture can the living standards of the vast majority of the country's citizens be significantly improved.

“We are against a return to the old model - socialism, according to the party program - We are ready to really manage affairs in the state and society, and then we would be able to implement the main ideas of our program. We would stop aid to other countries, but it continues. We are a faction that is ready to realize all our promises. We are opposed to the corruption of the public sector, and are also ready to help create a powerful private sector, but one that is honest and open. We propose to change the government's course. We will not allow the privatization of land. The land will remain in the hands of the state. We will not allow the privatization of communications, energy, transport, and all heavy industry. We are against reducing the military-industrial complex. As for privatization, we are also its opponents. This is our land, our factories, our houses, cinemas, shops. Why rush to convey all this to someone? In economics, we are for the majority of industry to be in the hands of the state, but let there be a small private sector.”

There must be equal rights for citizens of any nationality living in any geographical region. This is the whole point of democracy. If we raise the issue of former union states joining Russia, then accession must be voluntary.

An important task is the fight against corruption. The LDPSS-LDPR opposes the reduction of army personnel and the officer corps being sent directly to the fight against crime. To do this, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be cleansed. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the main agency for fighting crime, but it is highly corrupt, so it is necessary to carry out a powerful cleansing of this apparatus. The party program says: “The main thing for us is to reduce crime and reduce social tension.”

Liberal Democrats oppose the forced relocation of peoples in any historical situation. Possible option The LDPR only sees isolation and deportation of individual citizens who in any way violate Russian legislation. Moreover, the measures should not be applied to representatives of certain nations, but to citizens of all nationalities.

V.V. Zhirinovsky and his associates identified the main priority directions of Russian foreign policy. In their opinion, emphasis should be placed on the comprehensive integration of the Russian Federation with the former Soviet republics. The LDPR believes that it is necessary to quickly restore the historical Russian state, since there is a real threat that the current CIS countries, especially Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova, will come under the wing of other geopolitical forces.

The Far East is a very promising and important economic region with which close partnerships should be established. The LDPR sees Japan, with its powerful economy, as its main partner. Russia has the longest border with China, which makes it possible to develop trade, economic and other relations, which is what happened in modern Russia.

In the Near and Middle East, one should not allow a one-sided orientation towards either the Arabs or Israel. It is also important to take into account that in recent years there has been a noticeable intensification of the expansionist policies of Turkey and Iran in the Caucasus and Central Asia, which seriously threatens Russia’s strategic interests.

Thus, the main documents of the LDPSS-LDPR party, the program and the charter, are the main carriers current ideas and ways to solve them. Policies contained in policy documents help voters become familiar with the party's views. Despite a significant number of reissues, the key ideas remain unchanged: for united Russia, restoration of the USSR, strong central government, market, socially oriented economy.

Full name of the party: Political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”.

Abbreviated name of the party: LDPR.

The LDPR has the party emblem, which is a blue rectangle with an aspect ratio of 2:3, with the short name of the party “LDPR” depicted in the center in yellow letters.

The LDPR has the party's coat of arms, which is a dark blue shield with a golden frame of a triangular isosceles shape, standing on top with the smallest angle with convex sides, the upper corners are cut off by circles with centers at the upper vertices of the shield, a drawing is applied to the shield - a map of Russia in yellow (golden) color. From behind the map, a yellow (golden) sun rises with spreading rays of different lengths. Against the background of the sun, a gray falcon with outstretched wings pointing upward. Along the lower top of the coat of arms runs a symmetrical twisted yellow ribbon with a gold border. On the ribbon are the inscriptions “FREEDOM”, “PATRIOTISM”, “LAW”. Under the upper side of the shield, parallel to it, there is a three-dimensional inscription “LDPR” in letters, dark blue at the base and yellow (gold) on the front side. All text used on the outside of the coat of arms is written with a pin - “Impact”.

The LDPR has a party flag, which is a rectangular cloth attached to a pole with an aspect ratio of 2:3, blue, with the short name of the party “LDPR” depicted in the center in yellow letters.

The LDPR has an anthem consisting of 3 (three) verses.

Name and location of the permanent governing body of the political party: Supreme Council of the LDPR, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The party was created through reorganization in the form of transformation of the All-Russian socio-political organization “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” and is its successor.

The political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” (LDPR) is a voluntary public association created for the purpose of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in state authorities and local governments.

The activities of the LDPR are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are regulated by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Political Parties”, other federal laws and this Charter.

The activities of the LDPR are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and transparency.

The LDPR operates throughout the Russian Federation.

The main goals of the LDPR are:

Formation of public opinion;

Political education and upbringing of citizens;

Expressing citizens' opinions on any issue public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the general public and government authorities;

Nomination of candidates for elections to legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government, participation in elections to these bodies and in their work;

Nomination of a candidate for the position of President of the Russian Federation and candidates for the positions of heads of local government bodies, participation in the elections of these elected officials.

To achieve the statutory goals of the LDPR, in accordance with current legislation, solves the following tasks:

Participates in the work of legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government;

Participates in election campaigns and nominates candidates for the position of President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the federal constituency, as well as candidates for deputies and other elective positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in accordance with current legislation;

Represents a candidate for the position of head of the executive branch of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law “On Political Parties”;

Participates in the preparation and conduct of referendums in the Russian Federation and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by current legislation;

Participates in monitoring elections and referendums, work election commissions and referendum commissions, in other electoral actions in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums;

Organizes and conducts independent public sociological research;

Cooperates in all legal forms with public and government structures in achieving the goals of the LDPR.

The main task of the LDPR is to build, using constitutional methods, a legal, socially oriented state with a diverse economy and guaranteed implementation of civil rights and freedoms.

Related information.

Full name of the party: Political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”.

Abbreviated name of the party: LDPR.

The LDPR has the party emblem, which is a blue rectangle with an aspect ratio of 2:3, with the short name of the party “LDPR” depicted in the center in yellow letters.

The LDPR has the party's coat of arms, which is a dark blue shield with a golden frame of a triangular isosceles shape, standing on top with the smallest angle with convex sides, the upper corners are cut off by circles with centers at the upper vertices of the shield, a drawing is applied to the shield - a map of Russia in yellow (golden) color. From behind the map, a yellow (golden) sun rises with spreading rays of different lengths. Against the background of the sun, a gray falcon with outstretched wings pointing upward. Along the lower top of the coat of arms runs a symmetrical twisted yellow ribbon with a gold border. On the ribbon are the inscriptions “FREEDOM”, “PATRIOTISM”, “LAW”. Under the upper side of the shield, parallel to it, there is a three-dimensional inscription “LDPR” in letters, dark blue at the base and yellow (gold) on the front side. All text used on the outside of the coat of arms is written with a pin - “Impact”.

The LDPR has a party flag, which is a rectangular cloth attached to a pole with an aspect ratio of 2:3, blue, with the short name of the party “LDPR” depicted in the center in yellow letters.

The LDPR has an anthem consisting of 3 (three) verses.

Name and location of the permanent governing body of the political party: Supreme Council of the LDPR, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The party was created through reorganization in the form of transformation of the All-Russian socio-political organization “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” and is its successor.

The political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” (LDPR) is a voluntary public association created for the purpose of participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in the political life of society through the formation and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, in elections and referendums, as well as for the purpose of representing the interests of citizens in state authorities and local governments.

The activities of the LDPR are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are regulated by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Political Parties”, other federal laws and this Charter.

The activities of the LDPR are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and transparency.

The LDPR operates throughout the Russian Federation.

The main goals of the LDPR are:

Formation of public opinion;

Political education and upbringing of citizens;

Expressing the opinions of citizens on any issues of public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the general public and government bodies;

Nomination of candidates for elections to legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government, participation in elections to these bodies and in their work;

Nomination of a candidate for the position of President of the Russian Federation and candidates for the positions of heads of local government bodies, participation in the elections of these elected officials.

To achieve the statutory goals of the LDPR, in accordance with current legislation, solves the following tasks:

Participates in the work of legislative (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of local self-government;

Participates in election campaigns and nominates candidates for the position of President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the federal electoral district, as well as candidates for deputies and other elective positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies in accordance with current legislation;

Represents a candidate for the position of head of the executive branch of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law “On Political Parties”;

Participates in the preparation and conduct of referendums in the Russian Federation and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by current legislation;

Participates in monitoring the conduct of elections and referendums, the work of election commissions and referendum commissions, and other electoral actions in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums;

Organizes and conducts independent public sociological research;

Cooperates in all legal forms with public and government structures in achieving the goals of the LDPR.

The main task of the LDPR is to build, using constitutional methods, a legal, socially oriented state with a diverse economy and guaranteed implementation of civil rights and freedoms.

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