How to make a safe fire. Cold fire: several ways to surprise guests. What can act as tinder and wick

Some spectacular tricks with fire can be demonstrated with the help of improvised household assets and with the use completely simple methods. However, it should always be remembered that extreme caution and adult supervision is always required when working with flammable liquids. You can impress your friends with tricks worthy of a real circus show, or even fool them into thinking you are the real fire lord. For more detailed information, proceed to reading the first step of the article.

WARNING: Use extreme caution. Working with flammable liquids without proper protective equipment is not recommended.


Using a gas lighter

    Take precautions. If you are going to perform this trick, you should take proper precautions to avoid setting your house on fire and causing burns. To perform this trick, go outside, find a piece of free space without dense vegetation around or other flammable objects. If you need to quickly put out a fire, you should have a bucket of water on hand, and you should also have an adult supervise you while you perform the trick.

    • If you use gloves for protection, you should use old ones. leather gloves or coated gardening gloves that will fit tightly on your hands and have a fairly durable surface in the palm area. Despite the fact that bulky gloves made of heat-resistant material are excellent protection from burns, the trick using fabric gloves usually doesn’t work, and in fact, it can even become more dangerous. Bulky heat-resistant gloves will often extinguish flames in the bud, while ordinary cloth gloves can absorb liquefied gas, increasing the likelihood of the gloves themselves catching fire and causing burns.
  1. Make a fist with your hand, leaving a gap between your little finger and your palm. Make a fist, leaving enough space inside it so that you can easily insert the end of the lighter there. Your fingers should be clenched relatively tightly so that the gas does not leak between them when you begin to fill your fist with it. The upper hole of the fist is in the place where index finger touches the palm, you should press it with your thumb.

    • Try to imagine that you are holding water in your fist and trying to prevent it from spilling. The trick is essentially filling your fist with gas and igniting it as you open your hand.
  2. Insert the end of the lighter into your fist. Insert the end of the lighter with the chair into your hand to a sufficient depth so that you can fill the cavity created by your fist with gas. It is not enough to simply bring the lighter to the bottom edge of your palm; you need to insert the lighter inside.

    Press and hold the gas button for 5 seconds. To start performing the trick, you should press the gas button. Do not create a spark by turning the wheel, but simply press the button.

    • Various performers of this trick hold the button longer or shorter, depending on the intensity of the gas supplied by the lighter, as well as the size of the fireball you want to create. To be especially careful, it is better to stick to a time of five seconds, this is quite enough to accumulate required quantity gas, giving a relatively brief flash of a fireball.
    • Once you get used to using the lighter during the trick, you can optionally try creating a larger fireball by holding the gas button for ten seconds or a little longer. However, you should start small. This trick is dangerous, you should not try to jump above your own head.
  3. Move the lighter away from your fist and light the flame. After the five second countdown, you need to act quickly so that the gas does not have time to dissipate. Move the lighter about a foot away from your fist and then light it by sparking and turning on the gas again.

    • Never strike a spark while the lighter is in your fist filled with gas. This is extremely dangerous.
  4. Bring the flame to the hole in your fist near your little finger and open your palm. Quickly bring the lit lighter to your fist, simultaneously opening your palm and moving away all your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger. Act quickly. The gas will ignite and burn quickly. From the outside it will look as if you can “control” the flame by generating fireballs with your palm.

    • To achieve coherence in your actions, you will need some practice. You need to fan your fingers away from the lighter, opening your little finger first, then your ring finger, and so on. If you open all your fingers at once, the gas may not ignite, and if you do not open your fist, you can burn yourself. Under no circumstances should you leave your fist clenched.

    Using flammable hand sanitizer

    1. Be extra careful. This method describes a very common party trick that is popular on YouTube, but should only be used with extreme caution and should only be performed under adult supervision. If you don't act quickly and safely, it's easy to harm yourself.

    2. Purchase a flammable hand sanitizer. This type of trick involves setting a small amount of disinfectant on fire and quickly interacting with the fire, followed by immediate extinguishing. To perform the trick, you'll want to choose a suitable alcohol-based sanitizer: look for "ethyl" or "isopropyl" alcohol.

      • It is very likely that some disinfectant liquids will contain many ingredients, others will have one or two, however, the presence of one of the above two alcohols in the product will make it flammable, depending on the presence of other components. Nowadays, there are more and more alcohol-free disinfectants that will not do the trick. Be sure to read the ingredients on the label, otherwise the trick may not work.
    3. Take proper precautions. The idea behind the trick is to spread a small amount of disinfectant in a thin layer over the surface and set it on fire. Very quickly run your finger over the burning surface and immediately extinguish it. It is very important to use gloves for this trick, and you should also have a bucket of water on hand to put out the fire if necessary.

      • Find a suitable heat-resistant surface to work on. To perform this trick, you should position yourself outdoors, preferably on concrete surface away from any flammable objects. The flatter the area, the better. Clear the area of ​​all flammable objects: branches, turf, paper. You need to make sure that nothing other than the disinfectant will catch fire.
    4. Spread a thin layer of alcohol-based sanitizer over the concrete and set it on fire. Squeeze out a small amount of disinfectant and spread it evenly onto the concrete using your fingers. Wipe the disinfectant off your fingers to prevent them from burning prematurely. Before the alcohol evaporates, take a lighter and light the oiled surface on fire. It should light up with a barely noticeable bluish flame.

      • It is better to perform the trick at night so that the glow of the flame is more noticeable. However, the lighting should be sufficient so that you can understand what exactly you are doing. You can try to perform the trick in the evening when there is moderate natural light, and the flame is already quite noticeable.
      • Under no circumstances Do not lubricate your hands with disinfectant or set fire to it on your hands. The trick works because of the speed at which you perform it, not because the sanitizer burns safely. Such actions will be extremely dangerous and you will receive severe burns. Don't do this.
    5. Quickly swipe one finger across the burning layer of disinfectant. If you do this quickly, you may pick up some of the burning disinfectant with your finger, giving the fleeting impression of your fingers being on fire. After completing this step, you won't have much time to admire the spectacle, as you will get burned if you let your fingers burn for more than 1-2 seconds.

      • You should feel hot or a strange combination of hot and cold. Disinfectant on the hands usually creates a cooling sensation that can be confused with heat. Either way, you won't have enough time to really feel anything. You just run your finger across the surface, look at it for a second and extinguish the flame.

You never know what surprises life will throw at you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention a post by Boris Zak, a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to light a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will probably surprise you. :)

A little theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire can occur for various reasons: heat, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to start a fire we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire using a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing; I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Starting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the jar and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the jar is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it in cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

Place the frame on the stand and pour water.

Carefully pour water

That's it, the fire ignition installation is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is a weave of very thin steel fibers that looks like regular steel wool. cotton wool from the pharmacy. The steel itself is 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and run the battery contacts across the cotton wool several times.

Starting a fire using steel wool and a battery

Method 5. Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire using IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. Not only will you light a fire, but you will also stay warm. Take a piece of ice and, with light movements of the knife, shape it into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, every child knows how to start a fire with a lens.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, ductile, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium shines in the air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, sodium metal is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats up and, due to the heat generated, melts, turning into white ball, which moves quickly in different directions along the surface of the water; the reaction produces hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

Sodium + water

Method 9. Flint

Sparks are struck using a flint. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. On the Internet you can find large assortment flint Which one you buy does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

Making sparks is not difficult, you just need to prepare good tinder. To do this, use dry, flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder heats up to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to achieve high temperature, you need a strong blow.

Many of us have repeatedly seen on various shows how daredevils hold a blazing flame in their hands. Often, in films, the skill of computer graphics is used as such fire, but in real life you can surprise the audience with the dance of fire on your palms. Cold fire is the name of this miracle. Cold fire is a term used in chemical science to describe low-temperature fire.

Cooking fire at home

To surprise your friends with the ability to hold fire in your hands, it is enough to have several simple ingredients and a little skill. The main components necessary for the birth of cold fire are alcohol, boric acid(dry), sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. To prepare the solution necessary for a cold fire, you need to take a medium-sized cup and pour alcohol into it (about one tablespoon). Add a tablespoon of dry boric acid and no more than one drop of acid (sulfuric or hydrochloric) to the alcohol. You need to be very careful, as this is a fairly complex job. hazardous substances. Do not add more sulfuric acid for a bright combustion, this can be very dangerous to life. The ingredients mixed in the cup must be heated. The fastest and safest way is steamed. A few minutes are enough for the mixture to warm up and be ready for use. Test the resulting mixture with your finger; if it is not very hot, it means it can still be used.

It is not recommended to pour and burn the mixture directly on your palms. This can only be done if you already have experience in handling cold fire. Take woolen threads and wind them into a small ball, which will be set on fire in your palms.


Despite the innocuous name of cold fire, it is still fire, and precautions must be taken with it. As soon as the ball of thread has been soaked with the prepared solution and set on fire, the combustion process of boric acid occurs, which will last several minutes. After the boric acid has burned out, the alcohol will begin to burn, and it will no longer be so cold. Before conducting experiments with cold fire, it is recommended to remove the hair from your hands, since, without experience, it is difficult to control the moment when boric acid stops burning and the burning of alcohol begins, which can catch the hair on your hands, which will leave a rather bad smell. To quickly put out a fire, just cover it with your palm and, without access to oxygen, it will go out very quickly.

Cold fire

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See what “Cold Fire” is in other dictionaries:

    cold fire- Cold fire (also cold flame, cold ignition and non-burning flame) is one of the low-temperature types of flame in chemistry. It is also used in fireworks and to create various special effects. Many esters of organic and...

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Bonfire in hiking conditions often means the life of a traveler. It is simply impossible to overestimate its importance: the fire of a fire is warmth with which you can warm up, it is an opportunity to dry things and cook food. Sometimes fire is just an opportunity to survive. Usually we are used to lighting it with matches or a lighter, which are always at hand (many tourists take dry alcohol or some kind of liquid with them on hikes to light a fire). But this is not always at hand, and situations vary. What if suddenly the situation is extreme: the matches are wet, the lighter does not work, the forest around is after rain and everything around is damp? What then? Die from the cold? Or should I try to start a fire? How?

I found it on the net interesting project from Grigory Sokolov dedicated to non-standard methods of starting a fire in camping conditions - I’m sharing. There are many of them and fire can almost always be obtained. I made a selection of the most interesting methods from his collection, maybe it will be useful to someone.

Method number 1. An old flint lighter that has run out of gas.

The most common situation on a hike. There was the last lighter, but it’s a shame - all the gas came out. What to do, how to make fire? The video answers this question. Even an empty lighter can provide you with fire and warmth.

Method number 2. Making fire in damp wood by friction.

Situation: To make fire, only a knife and a small piece of rope are at hand. It has recently rained in the forest and everything around is damp and wet. Method: light the fire by rubbing the onion.

Method number 3. Getting fire from a battery and a small piece of foil.

Batteries are such a thing these days that we very often have them on hand. Know that if you have a battery and some foil, for example from some kind of food packaging, then you also have a fire.

Method number 4. Wire friction method

A knife and a small piece of steel wire are all that is needed to create fire using this method. And also a little physical activity. 🙂

Method No. 5. Method of making fire by rolling cotton wool with chalk

In places where people used to live, in old abandoned houses you can always find cotton wool. In furniture, mattresses, upholstery. Chalk - whitewashing walls. By using this method you can get fire.

Method number 6. Getting fire with the sun and a condom

Generally speaking, a condom on a hike useful thing. In addition to its direct purpose, it can be used as a hermetic bag, as a container for storing water and, below, as a means for starting a fire in camp conditions.

Method No. 7. Making fire with a spoon and the sun.

An ordinary steel spoon, which should be slightly bent, a little soot from the pot and a piece toilet paper- that's all that is needed to get fire. Yes, and of course - sunny weather.

Method No. 8. Getting fire from the sun and an old gas bottle

Old gas cylinder has one very useful part for this method of making fire. Namely, the bottom. An empty beer can will also work, by the way.

Method number 9. Fire from the sun and reflector from a flashlight

It turns out that the reflector of a flashlight, headlight or any other device for directional light is an almost ideal lens for receiving fire from the sun.

Method No. 10. Fire from the sun and two bottle bottoms

“Use what is at hand and don’t look for anything else.” (c) Vilias Fog. In this case, fire is made from garbage, which is often much more around than required. A structure consisting of two bottoms glass bottles, a small amount of water and, of course, the sun can very well provide you with fire.

Method No. 11. Old light bulb, water and sun.

You may find old light bulbs in a place where people once lived. And they can serve good service when making fire, if there is nothing else at hand.

Method No. 12. Ice + sun = fire!

And finally - a completely extreme technology for making fire. Ice, sun, cleaver and a little hard work. Unlikely to be useful, but very impressive!

Grigory Sokolov - many thanks for the material provided.

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