Smoking pipe and its types. How to make a smoking pipe with your own hands? Smoking pipe Smoking pipe foam

At the sites of their settlements, archaeologists found ancient pipes depicting various subjects, animals, and people. What do modern smoking pipes look like? What types and types are they? What materials are they made from and is it possible to make a tube with your own hands? You will learn about all this from this article.

Construction of a modern smoking pipe

First, let's look at the design features of the smoking room. It consists of several parts that have a specific purpose.

The bowl is the round part of the pipe that is filled with tobacco. The size of this part may vary and depends on what kind of tobacco the pipe is intended for.

The tobacco chamber is a recess in the bowl designed to be filled with tobacco.

The chubuk is the part of the tube that goes from the bowl to the mouthpiece. The chibouk may have several small holes that allow air to pass through. This makes the smoking process easier.

The smoke channel carries the smoke from the bowl to the mouthpiece. The quality of the smoke channel largely determines the properties of the smoking pipe.

The mouthpiece is hermetically connected to the shank. It can be straight or curved, flat or round hole smoke channel. In some types of pipes, the hole may be divided into two parts, such a mouthpiece will be called a two-channel mouthpiece.

A mouthpiece is the end of a mouthpiece that is placed in the mouth, between the teeth and lips. The quality and shape of this part of the pipe largely determines how you feel while smoking. Most often, the mouthpiece has a traditional shape, but in some cases the smoke hole is located in its upper part so that the smoke, without touching the tongue, rises to the palate.

The neck connects the mouthpiece to the shank. Made from silver or other materials.

The filter is designed to cool the smoke. It can be made of paper, cardboard, balsa wood, foam. The smoking pipe can be used without a filter. After smoking, the filter must be removed to prevent the pipe from deteriorating. Many people refuse to use a filter because they believe that it hides some of the flavor of tobacco.

Now you know what elements the tube consists of. The material from which this accessory is made is also of great importance. Let's look at what tubes are made of.


Briar pipes are very popular. Briar is a root thickening of heather. A bowl with a chibouk is turned from it, and the mouthpiece is made from other materials. Briar pipes are durable and do not heat up. They are easy to clean.

They can be of different quality and vary greatly in price. Cheap, low quality briar pipes can be puttied. Over time, the putty will begin to discolour and may fly off.


Wooden pipes are also quite popular. The tube can be made from a single piece of wood or can be stacked. Only a bowl can be made of wood. Apple, pear, cherry, beech and valuable wood species are used to make pipes. Wood with a strong odor, resinous or coniferous is not suitable.

Wooden tubes burn out over time and have to be replaced. After use, such a tube requires a long drying time. Products are relatively cheap, with the exception of those made from valuable species tree.


Corn tubes are cut from the cob, which is the core corn cob. The tube turns out to be very light, cheap, but short-lived. It is fragile and burns out quickly, so it will have to be changed often, perhaps several times a year.

The corn pipe is easy to clean, filters smoke well and absorbs moisture.


Were once widespread, but today are most often used as original gift or a souvenir. The pipe may be made entirely of clay or have only a clay bowl.

It is not very convenient to use a clay pipe for its intended purpose, because it is fragile, cracks due to temperature changes (it cannot be smoked in the cold), and gets very hot. But clay pipes decorated with carvings and various ornaments look great as an element of the collection.


Foam is rare natural material, consisting of tiny compressed shells. The foam is strong and durable. It absorbs moisture well, does not heat up or fade, and is easy to clean. The meerschaum pipe is rightfully considered one of the best.

But all these advantages apply only to tubes cut from a single block of foam! If pressed chips are used to make an accessory, the quality of the product drops significantly, it loses all its advantages and becomes extremely fragile. To avoid purchasing such a fake, you need to remember that a meerschaum pipe is expensive and you can’t buy it in every store.


Very rare and valuable material for making a pipe - a gourd pumpkin. The tobacco chamber of such pipes is made of foam or porcelain. But purchasing a natural pumpkin can be difficult; most often, gourds are imitated using other materials.

Tube shapes

How do smoking pipes differ in shape? The photos show that there is a wide variety in tube shapes and types. The shape and height of the bowl and its bend vary. There are several classifications of smoking pipes, we will look at several main types.

Types of smoking pipes by shape:

  • Billiards is the most common group of forms. Almost cylindrical chibouk and bowl. The chubuk and mouthpiece assembly are a bit reminiscent of a cue, hence the name of the form.
  • Chimney - resembles billiards with a deep tobacco chamber and a high bowl. This pipe is intended for an experienced smoker, as it takes several hours to smoke and the tobacco may fade.
  • Liverpool - billiards with a long stem and a short mouthpiece.
  • Lovat - resembles a Liverpudlian with a saddle-shaped mouthpiece.
  • Canadian - has a long flattened shank with an oval cross-section and a short mouthpiece.
  • Bulldog - has a bowl consisting of two cones with a diamond-shaped chibouk.
  • Dublin is a conical bowl, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
  • Poker - has flat bottom, so that the handset can be placed on the table.
  • The pot bowl resembles a pot, the tube is massive, with thick walls.
  • Prince - low bowl, curved mouthpiece.
  • The apple is a very popular shape with a spherical bowl.
  • Tomato - has an oval bowl.
  • Brandy - the bowl repeats the shape of the glass for the drink of the same name.
  • Egg - accordingly, the bowl is shaped like an egg.
  • Freehands are non-canonical smoking pipes.

How to choose a handset

In a store with a wide assortment, a beginner can simply get confused - there is such an abundance of sizes, shapes, and materials. Is it possible to just buy a pipe you like or do you need to pay attention to its characteristics? The choice of the first such thing is important, since it depends on it whether you will enjoy smoking and whether you will become a person who loves smoking pipes. How to choose a handset for a beginner? There are several points to pay attention to.

The first thing you need to decide is the shape of the tube. It is better to choose a simple classic cylindrical shape. The fact is that some pipes require more attention when smoking, may go out, etc. The product should be pleasant and fit comfortably in the hand.

The next choice is a curved or straight tube. Very often, beginners are attracted to models with a strong curve. But handling such a tube requires some experience. For the first time, straight or with a slight bend are best.

One of the most controversial questions is “does the tube need a filter?” It somewhat softens and hides the taste of tobacco. Each smoker decides for himself which pipe to choose.

The pipe filter does not affect the quality of smoking, so here you can be guided by your own preferences.

How to make a pipe with your own hands

A smoking pipe is a skillful and elegant object. Only a master can make a good pipe. For initial processing, tools, a machine and a drill are used, and final finishing is done only by hand. If you want to make a smoking pipe yourself, you not only need to have necessary knowledge and be able to work with your hands, but also have tools. If you want to make a quality item, then be prepared for the fact that a hand-made smoking pipe will cost more than buying a new one.

The fact is that it consists of fairly thin parts. Great value has the quality of a smoke channel. Well cut and processed smoke channel and the tobacco chamber is quite heavy. But if you still want to make a smoking pipe yourself, you can purchase a special blank, the so-called hobby block. made from a hobby block, requires a minimum of tools.

A hobby block is a rectangular or cubic piece of wood in which a tobacco chamber and a smoke channel are already made. A plastic mouthpiece is already attached to the workpiece. It turns out that all the delicate work that requires special knowledge has already been done, and the owner of the hobby block is left with the most interesting thing - coming up with the shape of the bowl and giving these outlines to the workpiece. After cutting out the shape, the bowl needs to be sanded and polished.

The good thing about the process of working with a hobby block is that it is interesting, gives room for imagination and, what is very important, in the end you will get a really high-quality smoking pipe. The choice of hobby blocks is quite wide; they differ in the shape of the mouthpiece, the diameter and height of the tobacco bowl. Using these blanks you can make good and different smoking pipes at home.

My friend and I decided to sell off our small collection of meerschaum pipes or, as they are also called, sepiolite pipes. For those interested in our offer, I provide short review. So what are these tubes?

Meerschaum pipes appeared in Austria in 1723. Meerschaum is a very light porous mineral, the fossilized remains of sea mollusks, has both lightness and whiteness, mined in Turkey, East Africa, Spain and Morocco at great depths. Nowadays, meerschaum for making smoking pipes is mined only in Turkey, namely in the vicinity of Eskishir (Eskishir from Turkish - “ Old town"). Foam is one of the most porous minerals in nature (its other names are aphrodite, sepiolite). Heat resistance and ease of processing make it almost indispensable in the manufacture of smoking pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to its high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and tar, which makes smoking more enjoyable. At the same time, over time, meerschaum pipes are painted in rich honey-brown tones, the surface becomes beautiful and the taste of the pipe improves.

Raw foam is mined at a depth of 200-300 meters. In Turkey, foam is mined at shallow depths of 10-70 meters. Medium size the extracted block is approximately the size of an orange. The extracted foam is washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of them is then divided into 12 grades depending on color, porosity and uniformity. Meerschaum tubes are cut exclusively by hand. The first step of a master carver is selection best block mineral by size, density and color. Then the optimal split lines are determined and the workpieces are immersed for 20 - 30 minutes to achieve the consistency of cheese. Working with soft material, the approximate shape of the tube is selected, then after finishing, the tube is placed in an oven to remove all moisture from the mineral. The tube is then polished and wax is applied to the surface of the tube. Melted bleached wax is used. Very fine nuances in the color of a new pipe are achieved by applying several layers of wax and polishing. Since each piece of mineral is unique in itself, each pipe acquires unpredictable shades over time. Its color is influenced by factors such as the intensity of smoking and the type of tobacco.

Meerschaum Pipe Care

Do not take a meerschaum pipe with bare hands, it gets dirty quickly, use a special glove for this, and when smoking, hold it by the mouthpiece. A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon deposits, so clean your tobacco bowl whenever possible. After each smoking, the pipe should be cleaned with a soft napkin soaked in vodka or alcohol (eau de toilette, perfume, etc. are not suitable, they will ruin the pipe); remove dirt from the tobacco chamber with gentle movements until the napkin is clean. This should only be done when the tube has completely cooled, never wash the tube in hot water and do not scrape its outer surface, do not hit the tube on a hard surface to dislodge the ash, otherwise it will break. When you clean the bottom of the tobacco chamber at the junction of the smoke channel, be careful, because immediately after smoking the foam in this place is moist and soft. Also be careful when removing the mouthpiece from the tube. Hold the pipe with your fingers by the stem and gently pull the mouthpiece towards you, while turning it clockwise.

Some subtleties

When you smoke a meerschaum pipe slowly, “cold smoking” and it starts to overheat, you need to thoroughly clean it before the next smoking

The meerschaum pipe is very fragile and you can’t drag it around, it’s not for nothing that it’s called a “home pipe.” A tobacco pouch is not suitable for it as it is for a briar pipe. Turkish manufacturers usually sell the handset together with a special case

If you want your pipe to color faster, blow smoke on it while smoking - microscopic smoke particles will be absorbed into the surface of the foam, changing its color.

Personal impression.

I use both a regular bariatric tube and a meerschaum tube. To be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference. However, unlike a bariatric tube, a meerschaum tube also provides aesthetic pleasure. It is made in a unique and attractive way, as you can already see from the photographs. I prefer regular tobacco - my favorite is mac barencherry.

Source of valuable information:

Attention! If you are interested in the offer, then leave your contacts either in the comments or in private messages and I will definitely contact you. My mail: [email protected].

(about tea and pipes with an elephant)

A little bit of mineralogy... “Meerschaum” or “Merschaum” are more everyday terms. We will talk about sepiolite. We look at the ubiquitous Wikipedia.
Sepiolite (from sepia and stone), meerschaum, merschaum - a mineral whose properties belong to the group of talc and serpentine, according to chemical composition complex magnesium silicate, typical formula, for which Mg4(Si6O15)(OH)2. 6H2O. Named because of its resemblance to the porous calcareous skeleton of the sepia cuttlefish.
This mineral became a sepiolite in 1847, when the German professor of mineralogy Ernst Friedrich Glocker described it as a complex magnesium silicate, giving it the name sepiolite (Greek: “sepia” - (cuttlefish) and “lithos” - (stone ).

Sepiolite is mined not in the sea, but in mines, since deposits of the mineral are located deep underground in layers that were once the bottom of the ocean.

According to unverified data, the appearance of meerschaum pipes dates back to 1723. Meerschaum pipes are light and white, which gives them popular name. Sepiolite (and this name is already scientific) is one of the most porous minerals in nature, perfectly amenable to processing and high heat resistance, extremely suitable for the manufacture of smoking pipes. Properties that allow it to absorb moisture well, and sepiolite can absorb up to 130% of its own weight, and resin, add value to the material, and the ability to smoke dry and perceive the taste of tobacco in its pure form is highly valued by pipe smokers.

If we move away from the formula given above and return to everyday language, then foam is nothing more than fossilized shells of all kinds sea ​​creatures who lived in the world's oceans. It is logical to assume that it can be found in various and sometimes exotic places, but it is believed that the main “deposits” are located in Turkey, and not somewhere on the coast, but in the central part of the country, near the city of Eskisehir. I put the word deposits in quotation marks for a reason: the entire territory is several square kilometers. Several families are engaged in mining, passing the “business” from generation to generation.

Foam is mined both in the Mediterranean countries and in Africa, which we will return to a little later. In Greece, sepiolite was mined 1500 years ago. Back then, of course, we had never heard of pipes. It was needed for other purposes: for the production, as it is now fashionable to say, art objects.

The mineral “blocks” are washed and sorted into five categories. Subsequently, each of the categories is divided into 12 more varieties, taking into account color, uniformity, porosity, etc.

Pipe making was absorbed by mechanization. Is this good or bad? – We’ll talk about this some other time, although it’s worth noting that there are no tubes completely handmade, as there is no and completely machine.

Meerschaum pipes are made only by hand. And although some work is done on machines, these machines are also “hand/foot driven.” This is the material you have to work with.

At the first stage, everything is approximately the same as with briar: selection of the best block, taking into account its size, color, density; finding the optimal block splitting line. Then the material is soaked for 15-30 minutes, and rough processing is carried out in this form, determining general shape, shaping the smoking chamber and drilling a hole in the chibouk.

Then the masterful work begins, the fruit of which may be an ordinary ordinary meerschaum pipe, or perhaps a work of art that “you wouldn’t dare smoke.”

The already finished tube is not ready yet. It is fired in a kiln at high temperature To completely remove moisture, they are polished using various abrasives, up to the finest, and treated with wax. As you know, there is not only beeswax, but it is believed that this is what is needed for meerschaum pipes. And not in the “native” (a word from beekeeping jargon) form, but discolored, which is achieved by keeping the planed wax at sunlight with periodic stirring.

Nuances of color and tone are achieved in various ways application of wax, number of layers and other methods. If anyone has come across light chocolate-colored meerschaum pipes, know that henna was used in its final processing.

Over time, when smoking, the meerschaum pipe changes color due to the porosity of the material. It may be slightly yellowish or golden, reddish cherry or brown. Each mineral block has its own unique properties, and each tube changes color randomly and unpredictably. Whether the color will change faster or slower depends on the frequency of smoking and, to a much lesser extent, on the variety or type of tobacco.

Without taking into account the five categories and twelve varieties, foam can be three types: natural or block; pressed from foam crumbs and artificial, made from polymer materials. Wait high quality from the second and third types it is naive: they are what, again in the language of beekeepers, is called falsification. Artificial foam has a very smooth, almost mirror-like surface, since it is essentially a homogeneous mass. It is elastic, dense and difficult to scratch without leaving crumbs. Pressed foam is more grainy than natural foam and often crumbles and breaks, especially when heated strongly.
Craftsmen put the mark “Block meerschaum” on pipes made of natural sepiolite. Sometimes they don’t put it. Sometimes with a brand... Well, you understand...

The fastidious reader has probably already noticed that we are talking about anything, just not elephants. So it’s time to talk about them...

Older people all remember “tea with an elephant” well. Sometimes this image appears on modern tea packs, but they are rare, and the tea in them... well... ugh, not tea.

Very few people know about elephant pipes. This is understandable: there are few pipe smokers in Russia, and even fewer who smoke meerschaum pipes. If we consider that the majority of meerschaum pipes “came” to us from Turkey, then there are almost “nothing” smokers of similar pipes from Tanzania. It is on Tanzanian pipes that you can see the image of an elephant. Well, not only the elephant, of course, but the elephant is somehow more noticeable...

I remember there was this song: In Africa, large and diverse... there is a country called Tanganyika, in that country sacred mountain" This mountain is Kilimanjaro, the highest in Africa. And Tanganyika (then a colony of England, and before that of Germany) is a country that, having united after gaining sovereignty with Zanzibar (also a former colony), became known as Tanzania.

Even under the Germans, that is, before 1918, sepiolite was supplied to Europe, although these supplies were probably small. The British put more pressure on agriculture. One way or another, unlike Turkey, Tanzania did not have and still does not have a ban on the export of meerschaum.

In the early 50s of the last century, large deposits of meerschaum were discovered in Amboseli National Park, located on the border of Kenya and Tanganyika, as well as at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. The Amboseli Pipes Company and its subsidiary Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation began using it to make meerschaum pipes. Not themselves, of course. For this purpose, the Tanganyika the Kilimanjaro Pipe Company Ltd. was created.

The names are long and sonorous, but behind these names stood a company with a staff of several people, which, however, did not prevent pipe smokers from all over the world from learning about their affairs.

They were made both from a solid block “GENUINE BLOCK MEERSCHAUM” and from foam powder pressed in a special way. Sometimes these tubes were lined with leather, but more often they did this with wood tubes with foam inserts.

The company produced seventeen brands and sub-brands: Twiga, Kiko, Kilimajaro, Arcon, Tembo, Kudu, Makonde, Merlin and others.
The distinctive feature of these pipes is the logo on the mouthpiece in the form of an elephant, rhinoceros, giraffe, antelope, flying bird...

Except own production, the company extracts sepiolite for export to Austria, Belgium, and England. Pipes like this are made (or at least were made) from Tanzanian merschaum well-known companies, like "Peterson" and "Barling"s". In the old days, or rather: in late XIX century English company "Laxey Pipes Ltd." collaborated with Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation and supplied the pipes themselves (without mouthpieces) to these famous brands.

If in Turkey and Greece Meerschaum has been known for a very long time, then in Tanzania it is relatively “young”. The foam is denser and darker than Turkish foam, and is inferior to the latter in the purity of the material. There are no comrades in taste and color (we are talking about it), of course, but many pipe smokers like that Tanzanian meerschaum is not so easily soiled and does not require gloves. As for the density of the material, Tanzanian allows you to behave much more freely and not think that with a careless movement you can deprive yourself of the “device”.

Many Turkish-made meerschaum pipes are works of art. White soft meerschaum gives room for flights of fancy. Foam from Tanzania is much simpler in this regard. But if the former (with the exception of simple ordinary ones) are good for connoisseurs of fine art and collectors, then the latter, judging by the reviews of connoisseurs, taste better, and this is the main thing for a smoker.

Now about brands in more detail.
Caveman. In fact, it’s a piece of foam with a mouthpiece, but each pipe is unique.
Countryman. Block foam with rusticated surface. Elephant on the mouthpiece.
Huntsman. Rusticated block foam, painted yellow or black. Hillbilly. Block foam “in the style” of corn pipes.
Kiko Rough. Rusticated briar pipe with meerschaum inlay and an image of an elephant on the stem.
Kiko Plain. Smooth briar pipe with meerschaum insert and an image of an elephant on the mouthpiece.
Kikob. Also “in the style” of corn with an elephant, but made of briar with a meerschaum insert.
Kilimanjaro. Black smooth or rusticated briar with meerschaum insert and an image of a rhinoceros on the mouthpiece.
Kilimanjaro Giant. Same as the previous one. It was produced in three shapes: sweat with an oval bowl, billiards and curved billiards.
Kudu. Giraffe image on mouthpieces.
Makonde. Rhinoceros on a mouthpiece.
Merlin. A series of pipes produced in collaboration with Oppenheimer's company. Flying bird or antelope on a mouthpiece.
Sportsman. Block meerschaum covered in leather with an elephant motif on the mouthpiece.
Townsman. Block foam, painted in yellow, with a glossy finish.
Twiga. A pipe covered in leather with an image of a giraffe on the mouthpiece.
White elephant

Misconceptions around meerschaum have always existed. Even in ancient times, it was considered frozen sea foam, and for good reason. Later, meerschaum pipes appeared, and misconceptions associated with them also appeared. I won’t list them. I will only write what I know myself or know from people I trust.

Just as no two briar pipes are alike, no two meerschaum pipes are the same. And besides, no two smokers are alike. Don't take others' word for it. Each tube is individual and has a potential owner. The pipe is waiting, so don’t be afraid to pick it up and taste it. This won’t make the tube any worse, and I’m guessing it won’t make you any worse either. If a meerschaum pipe also provides aesthetic pleasure with its color, shape, and carving, so much the better for both the pipe and its owner.

Remember above I wrote about the amazing absorption of foam? Don't be afraid to smoke foam several times a day. Even in one day you will not be able to get so much moisture from smoking that the pipe cannot cope with it. Just then let her rest a little longer.

Don't think that washing the pipe in hot water or scrubbing it is a good idea.
If the tube becomes dirty, gently wipe it with a soft cotton or flannel cloth moistened with a small amount of alcohol until the dirt is removed. The only condition: the tube must be completely cool. However, there is a second condition: do not consider any eau de toilette and other rubbish with a pronounced perfume smell as alcohol.

Everyone knows that even a briar pipe should not be beaten out on a hard surface, so as not to be branded a savage. Penkova is strictly contraindicated. Special tube ashtrays have a cork “knocker”, but even knocking it out is not advisable, although it is possible. It’s much less expensive to carefully scrape out a tee with a spatula, for example.

Meerschaum pipes do not need soot: they are smoked in the usual way from the very beginning. Moreover, carbon deposits in a meerschaum pipe must be removed, and preferably, if not after each smoking, then as this carbon deposit appears. The tool should not be sharp and rounded. Particular care should be taken to clean the area where the smoke channel exits into the bowl.

IMPORTANT. Never clean your meerschaum pipe immediately after smoking. The foam at this time is wet and very soft, it couldn’t be easier to damage.

Be careful when removing the mouthpiece. Allow the tube to cool. Hold the chisel by the shank, and easily and without tension turn the mouthpiece clockwise and at the same time pull it towards you. This applies to meerschaum pipes with Tenon. But threaded tubes should never be unscrewed “hot”. Sooner or later soft material will stop holding tightly.

Once upon a time, only wealthy people could afford a meerschaum pipe. Times have changed and now such tubes (albeit not all) are available to many. But at all times, both before and now, the meerschaum pipe has been and remains not only a device for smoking, but also a product self made, a unique thing that gives the owner both satisfaction from smoking and pride in ownership.

Meerschaum pipes are a rare ideal.

Now it’s hard to believe, but such an “exotic” thing as a meerschaum pipe appeared back in early XVIII century, i.e. about a hundred years earlier than briar. And although the latter are the most common type of smoking pipes in our time, Meerschaum (from German: Meerschaum) is the material that true tobacco connoisseurs should definitely get acquainted with. Not because it is better than briar (there is simply no point in comparing it with other materials), but because it has a number of fundamental and very interesting differences.

There is no arguing about the tastes of tobacco, like all other types of tastes. But for those who like to experiment and find new taste sensations for themselves, it is recommended to smoke the same tobacco in a briar and meerschaum pipe. In the first case, the tobacco receives an additional shade from the charred briar. A meerschaum pipe does not burn (and, by the way, does not burn out), in principle, and produces an absolutely clean, rich, slightly cooler and drier tobacco smoke than briar.

The fact is that Meerschaum is a mineral that cannot burn by its nature. What makes it ideal for making pipes is its unique combination of the same properties that briar has: high porosity and, accordingly, hygroscopicity, heat resistance, low thermal conductivity and ease of processing. The only drawback of meerschaum is that, unlike briar, it cannot be grown in 30-40 years. Meerschaum is a sepiolite, the fossilized remains of marine organisms that died many tens of millions of years ago. It is impossible to reproduce this material artificially, although such a thing as “polymer meerschaum” exists, but would you buy, say, “polymer briar”?

Sepiolite is a rare mineral that is found in several countries of the world, but the variety suitable for smoking pipes is mined only in the north-west of Turkey, near the city of Eskisehir. The situation is approximately the same as with heather: it grows in many places, but only Mediterranean briar is ideal for smoking pipes.

Those who want to buy a real, high-quality meerschaum pipe need to know one more thing: important detail. It must be made of solid or, as they also call it, “block” meerschaum. And the export of this material from Turkey has been prohibited since the 1970s. Therefore, if we are not talking about an “antique” - a meerschaum pipe with a half-century history, then it cannot be produced anywhere except in Turkey. Or, this is not Turkish, but, most likely, African meerschaum with other properties.

In addition to the taste differences, owning a meerschaum pipe gives the smoker another aesthetic pleasure inaccessible to any other material. Over time, the initially snow-white Meerschaum begins to turn golden and brown colors. It is impossible to predict the shades and play of colors. This depends not only on the individual structure of the material of this particular pipe, but also to an even greater extent on what kind of tobacco and how often its owner smokes.

Therefore, if you want to buy something absolutely ideal for yourself or give a gift to a person who knows a lot about pipes, there is no more interesting and original thing than a designer “thing” made from meerschaum.


Pipe- Tobacco pipe, a smoking device for smoking tobacco, cut and specially prepared. Smoking a pipe is one of the first ways to consume it. The pipe was widespread until the beginning of the 20th century, when it was greatly replaced by cigarettes and cigarettes. Nowadays, pipe smoking is common among a narrow circle of connoisseurs.

Briar pipe Savinelli, panel billiards, shape 502-506

An eastern modification of a smoking pipe is a hookah, but it has more complex system and is used for smoking not only tobacco, but also herbal mixtures.

Modern pipe

Over the course of three centuries, the pipe itself and the attitude towards it have undergone significant changes. From a simple and cheap device for smoking, it has become part of the image. From a mass product of unknown artisans and large mechanized factories, the pipe is increasingly becoming an expensive piece of quality goods. Instead of template forms, author's ones are increasingly being used. Collecting rare and highly artistic specimens is developing, and clubs of connoisseurs are being formed.

Materials used for manufacturing

A modern good pipe is usually briar or, less commonly, meerschaum. Such a pipe, even a factory-made one, cannot have a bargain price.


Briar pipe

Corn cob

Corn cob pipe

Quite high-quality and cheap tubes of this type were common in America in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Corn pipe is considered by connoisseurs a worthy alternative briar pipes in terms of “taste”. They burn out quickly (in less than 2 years), after which they have to be replaced with new ones, fortunately this is not a problem due to their low price.


Tobacco pipe metal is used only for making parts of the stem, mouthpiece or trim. Pipes with a metal bowl (usually of Eastern origin), as well as wooden pipes with a strictly conical bowl, are usually intended for drugs such as hashish and opium.


Other materials

Pipes are made from birch, mahogany or even bread crumb. IN lately plastic tubes appeared.

Due to the poor characteristics of these materials, these pipes can be considered souvenirs.

Tube device

Sectional view of a smoking pipe

The tube consists of several parts, each of which performs specific functions. They are, in principle, the same for all types of tubes

Cup- This is the round wide part of the tube, inside of which there is a tobacco chamber. The size of the cup depends on the type of tobacco used: large cups are best for tobaccos that burn relatively quickly, small cups for slow-burning ones.

Tobacco chamber- the part of the pipe bowl that is filled with tobacco. During smoking, a layer of soot forms on the walls of the tobacco chamber, protecting the wood and absorbing moisture. Such protective layer Sometimes it is applied during pipe making (a process called carbonization), but this often does not eliminate the need for hand smoking.

Chubuk- is a continuation of the cup; they are often made from one piece. The hollow inside of the chibouk serves as a conductor of smoke from the cup to the mouthpiece. Some pipes have holes in the barrel through which air enters the smoke channel and mixes with the smoke, making smoking easier.

Mouthpiece- this is the part of the pipe, one end of which the smoker holds in the mouth, and the other is connected to the pipe. It creates a tight connection with the chibouk, but it must be cleaned separately.

There are two main types of mouthpieces: cone-shaped (regular, straight) and curved (saddle-shaped). All of them have either a flat (“wide channel”) or a round (“round channel”) smoke channel opening. If the hole inside is divided, such a mouthpiece is called “dual-channel”.

Mouthpiece (bite)- This is the end of the mouthpiece, which is held between the teeth and lips. Its shape largely determines the sensations you get when smoking.

An ordinary mouthpiece is of the traditional and most common form: the end of the mouthpiece is flat, and smoke from a channel widening towards the exit falls directly onto the tongue. To avoid this, a special type of mouthpiece was invented - the Peterson system. In this case, the smoke exits through the hole at the top of the mouthpiece towards the palate. The tip of the tongue is located in a small recess in the mouthpiece. The benefits of this form need to be assessed for yourself - for some smokers, the smoke going to the palate is less pleasant than when it comes into contact with the tongue. However, tubes with such mouthpieces are a little more difficult to clean.

Mouthpiece neck (trunnion)- part of the mouthpiece through which it is connected to the shank. This is usually the weakest part of the structure. It can be made of metal on a cone - usually made of silver.

Smoke channel- the space through which smoke passes from the cup to the mouthpiece through the chimney. Can be designed to use a plug-in filter. The quality of the channel making greatly affects the properties of the tube as a whole.

Filter- replaceable insert into the smoke channel to regulate and cool the smoke flow. Typically made in the form of a cardboard sleeve with activated carbon or twisted paper with a diameter of 3, 6 or 9 mm. There are filters in the form of balsa cylinders, as well as other exotic and homemade designs. The tube is specially made for a filter of a certain size, but the filter tube can be used without a filter, or with a special reusable liner that replaces it. It is believed that the filter also serves to adsorb nicotine and tar, as well as to reduce the moisture content in tobacco smoke, but its role is much less important than that of a cigarette filter, since the pipe smoker does not inhale. Almost all filters affect the taste sensation, and if the tobacco is too aromatic or spicy, a filter can protect against tongue burning. But when smoking high-quality tobacco mixtures, the most delicate flavor tones are sometimes absorbed, which, in fact, give pleasure to the smoker. Filters made of balsa wood, foam or paper affect the taste less than others. If you do not remove the filter after smoking, it returns the moisture it has accumulated to the wood and the pipe simply deteriorates.

Tube accessories

Pack of pipe cleaners

Before smoking, the pipe must be filled, when smoking, the ashes must be properly compacted, and after smoking, it must be cleaned. The tube needs to be stored somewhere and carried in something. For these reasons, the tube requires a number of related items:

  • Stomp, otherwise - tamper. Serves to compact tobacco in the bowl when stuffing and smoking. It can be used as a separate item or as part of a “tee” together with an awl and a spoon. May be a piece of art and collectible.
  • Yorshik. Usually, brushes are disposable and sold in packs. There are different colors, thickness and length. They can be used for crafts, including children's ones - they can be bent, they are fluffy, and keep their shape.
  • Various types of tobacco cans. An essential requirement for them is that the jar closes tightly and does not have its own strong odor. For this reason, the range of cans is very wide: from washed cans to special, expensive and piece ones. If a pouch is used, it is only for carrying a supply for several days. In factory packaging, tobacco can be stored for a long time only until the packaging is unsealed.
  • Various types of storage stands, from the simplest to large cabinets and display cases.
  • Knives and other various devices for caring for carbon deposits.
  • Tube bags. Designed for several pipes, they usually have space for minimal supplies - tobacco, filters, brushes.
  • Pipe lighters. Good pipe lighters do not give off any foreign smell; their flame, unlike conventional lighters, is directed to the side. However, almost the best remedy When lighting, ordinary matches remain - they just need to be allowed to flare up.
  • Care products such as polishes to improve the appearance, cleaning products, smoking pastes, etc. Benefits of using various chemicals for smoking and everyday pipe cleaning is debatable.

On the other hand, many smokers do not take care of their pipes and keep them piled up anywhere. At the same time, they are quite happy with their pipes. When cleaning (which will still be necessary sooner or later), such tubes require more radical means; in addition, a neglected tube good master is still valued lower than one that was kept carefully.

Smoking a pipe

What is a good pipe?

The search for an answer to the question of what a good pipe is is the cause of constant debate among neophyte pipe smokers. The popular opinion among snobs that a good pipe is an expensive pipe is only partly true, since there are plenty of examples to the contrary. It is true that a good pipe is more likely to be found among the expensive works of proven craftsmen or renowned manufacturers than among cheap pipes of unknown origin.

"Correct" smoking

The most basic rule is that the tube "don't drag on", that is, a hit tobacco smoke lungs are not allowed. The meaning of smoking a pipe, according to numerous opinions of its adherents, is to evaluate taste qualities tobacco, and only then in saturating the body with nicotine.

Most of the “rules” of pipe smoking are just personal opinions on this matter. Only the fair remain general principles, reflected in numerous FAQs. Competent recommendations only protect against committing typical mistakes, which obviously lead to bad or even dangerous results, for example, tongue burns and tube burnout.

Stuffing methods

Pipe tee

Filling a pipe is a purely individual matter, both for the person and for the tobacco and pipe. There are a great many ways of stuffing.

For cut tobacco, the following generally accepted methods can be distinguished:

  • Anyhow
  • In two or three stages (sometimes they say “two fingers”, “three fingers”):
    A full tube of tobacco is scooped out of the pouch, or poured in, and crushed to half. Afterwards, it is again “scooped up” completely, kneaded down to about two-thirds, and so on.
  • "Frank method", where the tube is filled using a pre-assembled large lump, substantially larger than the cup of the tube

For compressed tobacco, the following generally accepted methods can be distinguished:

  • Grind, mash and act as with chopped
  • Cut into cubes and sprinkle
  • Cut into slices, roll and/or crumple them

A very common mistake is to pack it too tightly, when the tube stretches too tightly and constantly goes out. Padding at long-smoking competitions is a separate issue.

Lighting a pipe

Every pipe must be smoked to achieve best taste. There is no reliable recipe for exactly how to do this. In any case, smoking means thoughtfully transferring the pipe from new to working condition. We can say that a new tube always requires careful handling, if only because its properties are not yet fully known. Smoking can lead to unexpected effects - both a strong improvement in the properties of the pipe, and the identification of unpleasant defects and disappointment.

Smoking approaches vary greatly depending on the pipe material, its design, the tobacco used, personal preferences, traditions and prejudices. Occasionally there is a highly controversial opinion that only an experienced smoker should smoke a pipe. So-called “pre-smoked” pipes are, in fact, only treated in a special way to reduce the risk of burnout and make smoking easier (so-called “carbonization”).

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