How to store pita bread in the freezer. Shelf life of Armenian lavash. What to look for when purchasing

It so happened that I wanted to try one dish, but the main ingredient in it is lavash. Unfortunately, this is very big problem buy lavash in our city. Yes, you can buy it, but in certain stores it is not always fresh. How many times have you found that the next day after purchase it was covered in mold? And then I came across one recipe, or rather, I was pushed. I took the risk and now I will always have lavash on hand. It turned out exactly the same as in the store, but even tastier and more tender. It's true that you'll have to work a little, but it's worth it.

Lavash (Azerb. lavaş, fetir, Armenian լավաշ, Georgian ლავაში, Persian لواش‎ - lavâš, Tat. lәvәş, Turkish lavaş) - unleavened white bread in the form of a thin flatbread made from wheat flour, learned mainly among the peoples of the Caucasus and in other regions of the Middle East. Also called “Armenian brittle bread”, “brittle bread”, “paraki”.

Lavash is known in a number of countries in Western Asia and the Middle East, but only in Armenia does it occupy perhaps the main place in the food system. A respectful, reverent attitude towards bread is a tradition of Armenian culture, but in relation to lavash, this tradition is especially pronounced in comparison with the attitude towards mass-produced hearth bread. “Lavash” is the main flour product in Armenian national cuisine. In Armenia it is an integral part of food, traditionally served with Khash. Also used in Armenia original technique stewing fish in pita bread. In the Armenian Church, on Easter they often bring lavash instead of Easter cake.

Sometimes toasted sesame and/or poppy seeds are sprinkled onto the dough before baking. While the pita bread is hot, it resembles a tortilla, but then it quickly dries out, becoming brittle and hard. The soft form is usually preferred due to better taste and the ease of creating flatbread-wrapped sandwiches, in turn the dry form can be used for long-term storage and used instead of bread in the Eucharist ceremony in the Armenian Apostolic Church. Lavash is also used with shish kebab.

In many regions of Armenia, an ancient custom has been preserved: to bake lavash for future use, for 3-4 months. After drying, the pita bread is placed in piles and stored. Before use, it is moistened with water and covered with a towel for half an hour, after which it again becomes soft and ready for use. As an aperitif, soft lavash is used together with cheese and dill in a wrapped form - and is called “durum” in Armenian, “dürmək” in Azerbaijani.

In Azerbaijani cuisine, there is a tradition of serving rice wrapped in “lavash” with meat. In Azerbaijan and Turkey, flour lavash is always used when serving lula kebab. Lavash is also used in the preparation of traditional Azerbaijani pilaf.

Because of him simple recipe and ease of cooking has remained popular throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, Iran and the Caucasus since ancient times. Pita bread is also widely baked and sold in solid form in Hawaii. A round sheet of pita bread is used to make shawarma in pita bread.

We will need:

  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 11 g instant yeast (or 1 cup starter)
  • 250 ml water
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 tsp salt

Mix the sifted flour with yeast, add soft butter, cut into pieces, salt and warm water.

Knead the elastic dough and place in a warm place for 1 hour, covering with film.

Knead the risen dough a little. This is how we get it.

Divide the dough into 10-12 balls. Take one ball (cover the rest with film so as not to dry out) and roll it out very thin (the diameter depends on the frying pan in which you will bake the pita bread).

Heat the pan well and then reduce the heat to medium. Transfer the workpiece to a dry frying pan (do not grease it with oil!) and fry on both sides (this takes about 1.5 minutes, 1 minute at first and half a minute after turning it over). No need to overcook!

Place the pita bread on a napkin (I used waffle towels), sprinkling it well with water on both sides. I went over it with a brush, dipping it in water. The elasticity of lavash depends on water. What the pita bread does not absorb will go into the napkin.

Place the pita bread in a stack, sandwiching it with napkins. Store the pita bread in a bag in a bread box for a couple of days, and then put it in the refrigerator, they will be stored there for a long time.

Bon appetit!

(Based on a recipe from wetka)

More and more children take snacks and sometimes lunch with them to school - food in school canteens still leaves much to be desired. And every time at the beginning of the school year, mothers rack their brains about what food to put in their child’s lunch box. What combination of products will be optimal? What can you prepare to make it convenient for your child to eat food from a container? Is it possible to prepare extra food for school and how to store it? Recipes for children by famous chefs Olga Syutkina and Maria Kudryashova answer all these questions.

Not even the coolest child nutrition specialist can advise what exactly your child needs or how to feed him correctly. Everything is very individual - what the child likes, what he is used to in the family. It is the family that is the guideline in the formation of taste habits. Including the most important of them - to eat quality products, delicious food and be attentive to your health.

This habit begins in childhood, from the very first spoons of porridge, soup or vegetable puree. And when the child grows up, they will be able to make a clear choice: eat a piece of pizza on the go or give preference to homemade soup and cutlet. For those who care about what their child eats at school, here are our tips and recipes.

What to put in your child's lunch box

Taking a box of food with you to school, lovingly packed by your mother or grandmother, is no better way to take care of your child’s health. Only you can know what he likes, what he will eat at school with pleasure, and what he will return without touching.

And eating at school is mandatory. The body lives only through nutrition. The brain, which bears enormous loads, requires nutrition and energy. And breakfast at home is mandatory - this is enough for a child to eat for 2-3 lessons in order to feel comfortable and learn school material well.

Your lunch box for school should definitely include a baked product - bread, pie, spring roll, muffin, cupcake, quiche or mini-pizza. Be sure to have animal or vegetable protein. Fresh vegetables, berries or fruits. And, of course, the child should enjoy a piece of dessert - homemade cookies or candy.

A bottle of fruit juice or compote is a must. But there is absolutely no need for the drink to be sweet. Compote of dried fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn - all these drinks can be prepared without sugar. Now there is an active fight against excessive consumption of sweets by children. This is correct, but you cannot completely exclude sweets from your diet; everything should be in moderation and in reasonable quantities.

Before we get into the recipes, here are a few tips on must-have foods that don't require pre-cooking. Almost all children love to chew carrots - cut them into long pieces. Cucumbers match carrots. It is better not to cut lettuce or cabbage leaves into small strips, but to put them in leaflets that are easy to “take in your hand.” Turnips, pumpkins, celery stalks will do - anything that your child steals from under your knife. The best berries are strong and seedless - blueberries, currants, grapes. Fruits - apples, pears, bananas, tangerines - should always be in a child's lunch box.

So let's start with bakery products. Perhaps the most convenient option for a child - to take it in your hand and not get dirty - there will be a lavash roll or lavash with filling.

You can, of course, buy ready-made lavash, but it’s still better to cook it yourself, and for several servings at once. You will only need to decide what you will wrap in it.

What you need:

  • 3 tbsp. BC wheat flour (can be replaced with 30% whole grain flour)
  • 1 tbsp. hot water- 55-60 degrees
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • frying pan with a thick bottom
  • 1 whole chicken fillet
  • 70 ml yogurt or kefir
  • paprika (and any spices that the child likes)
  • vegetable oil

How to cook pita bread

  1. Dissolve salt in water. Make a well in the flour and add water and salt. Knead the stiff dough.
  2. Cover the dough with cling film and let rest for about 40 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into 12 parts weighing 60 g. Roll out and cover with film.
  4. Place the frying pan over medium-high heat.
  5. Roll each piece into thin pita bread. It is more convenient to do this with a thin rolling pin. To make the pita bread smooth and round, roll it out from the middle to the edges, unfolding the piece each time. The thickness of the pita bread should be no more than 2 mm.
  6. Fry the pita bread on one side for 1 minute, making sure it doesn’t burn. Turn over and cook for another half minute.
  7. Move to wooden board, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel.
  8. Cool the pita bread, cover with baking paper and store in the freezer. Thaw before use.

How to prepare the filling for lavash

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into slices and beat. Salt, sprinkle with paprika and pour over yogurt. Stir and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillet on both sides. Remove from the pan, cool and cut into strips.
  3. Wrap in pita bread with vegetables and lettuce.
  4. Can be frozen. Place in the lunch box from the refrigerator.

What you need:

  • 260 g flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 230 ml milk


  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 100g feta cheese, cut into small cubes
  • 1 teaspoon dried Provençal herbs

Options: add 100 g of finely chopped and boiled cauliflower, or 100 g of coarsely grated carrots, or 50 g each of cauliflower and carrots.

How to make muffins

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in a frying pan with butter until golden color.
  3. Remove, cool and add finely diced feta and herbs. If you add cauliflower and carrots, add everything to the cheese, onions and herbs. Mix. You can sprinkle a little freshly ground black pepper if you like.
  4. In a bowl, mix sifted flour, baking powder and salt.
  5. In another bowl, lightly beat the egg and add milk. Add onion, feta, carrots. Mix.
  6. Pour the milk-egg mixture into the flour and mix as thoroughly as possible, but quickly.
  7. Place in molds, if the child likes, brush with an egg slightly beaten with a tablespoon of milk.
  8. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown. Cool. Can be frozen.

What you need:

  • 200 g water
  • 100 g butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 120 g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g bacon or ham
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 5-6 sprigs of parsley or dill

How to make buns

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and butter cut into small cubes. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat slightly and add all the flour, stirring vigorously. Stir until the dough forms a ball and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove from heat and let cool slightly - 10-15 minutes.
  2. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing until smooth each time.
  3. Cut the bacon or ham into small cubes, grate the cheese on a fine grater, chop the herbs and add to the dough. Mix.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  5. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Using a pastry bag or two spoons, place the dough onto a baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 35 minutes. Cool before use. Can be frozen.

Apple marshmallow, recipe

What you need:

  • 2 cups baked apple puree (Antonovka or other sour apples)
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 squirrels
  1. Bake the whole apples in the oven at 180 degrees until fully cooked and soft. Baking time depends on the size of the apples.
  2. Cool slightly and use a spoon to transfer the pulp into a blender and blend until pureed. Add sugar and stir. Cool the puree with sugar completely.
  3. Turn on the oven to preheat to 80 degrees.
  4. Add the whites to the cooled puree, one at a time, and beat at high speed until a white, fluffy mass is obtained and the volume increases 2-3 times.
  5. Line the mold with baking paper. The mold should be of such a size that the prepared mass lies in a layer of approximately 3 cm.
  6. Pour the prepared mixture into the mold and place in the oven for 6 hours.
  7. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips, sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in a tightly closed jar.

What you need:

  • 200 g premium wheat flour
  • 500 ml cold milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

With the arrival of summer and barbecue season, Russians go out into nature, fry or bring ready-made ones. Lavash has become a traditional side dish for meat. Usually it deteriorates and dries out in a couple of days, but when the right approach can remain fresh and tasty for several months. Find out how to store pita bread at home in this article.

The love for lavash came to us from Armenian and Turkish cuisines. This is the usual unleavened, without additives in the form of flatbread. It is served as a side dish, baked into pies, pizza, and rolled into envelopes with various fillings.

The flour product contains only wheat, water and. It is not possible to prepare classic Armenian bread at home, since to preserve original recipe it must be baked on the back wall of a special oven - a tandoor.

Hot, freshly baked pita bread has a consistency similar to a tortilla, and acquires elasticity and firmness after it cools. These qualities made the product popular in Russia. It is convenient to wrap hard and soft fillings in it. And you don’t need a knife to eat it; it’s customary to tear the bread with your hands.

Did you know that...

Translated from Armenian, “lavash” sounds like “good food”; in another, less poetic version, it means “thin flat bread”.

What to look for when purchasing

In store-bought packaging, pita bread stays fresh for 2-3 days, so you need to look at the date of its manufacture. The fact is that during production, tortillas are packaged while still hot, so that they remain soft and elastic, and the moisture does not have time to evaporate.

To increase the shelf life of the finished product, special food additives, which are placed in bags with pita bread. This is provided for by the technical specifications. These additives are effective only until the package is opened and the cakes are removed from it.

Without preservatives, you cannot store pita bread in a plastic bag. In bags, it quickly becomes moldy, like any type of bread. Therefore, when buying in a store, it is important to also pay attention to the packaging - it should not be completely sealed.

Correct pita bread from the store:

  • matte, with a smooth surface without breaks;
  • elastic and resilient. It does not stretch or crumble;
  • without the smell of alcohol or . They can be added to the dough or sprinkled on the finished product.

The bread is very thin, takes up little space and takes the desired shape perfectly. A lavash cake weighs no more than a quarter of a kilogram

How to store at home

  • At room temperature. Opened pita bread should be stored in room conditions, in a room with low humidity. A bread box will do, preferably a wooden one. Of course, the bread bin needs to be closed so that its contents do not absorb foreign odors.
  • In the refrigerator. If you get the pita bread “wet”, you should put it on top shelf refrigerator, where the temperature is least cold. In this case, the cakes must be wrapped in a bag, preventing as much air from getting into the product as possible.

Note to the hostess

It is important to check that there are no strong-smelling foods nearby or on adjacent shelves in the refrigerator. Lavash, like any flour product, actively absorbs odors.

How to extend the shelf life

  • Bread that you plan to store for a long time should be wrapped tightly in cling film or parchment and placed in the freezer.
  • It’s better to put the tortillas at the bottom of a box in the freezer, so they won’t get wrinkled or break.
  • Don't forget to move the pita bread to another cold place when you plan to defrost the refrigerator.

When you need the pita bread, you need to defrost it directly in the film in the microwave. Ten seconds are enough to give the product freshness and softness.

There is a type of flour product based on yeast. This type of bread is higher in calories and has a shorter shelf life than traditional bread.

How to restore softness

If the pita bread has become stale, there is a way to “bring it back to life”:

  1. Pour water into the pan, place a wire rack or a smaller pan on top, turned upside down. Place bread on top.
  2. This structure must be covered with a lid from a large saucepan and placed on low heat.
  3. The water will boil, and in an improvised steam bath the pita bread will regain its softness.

In its native Armenia, after cooking, lavash is dried in the sun, laid out in piles and stored in special large bread bins that look like cabinets. However, with such long-term storage, the flatbreads become brittle, so Armenians spray them with water from a spray bottle before eating, restoring their elasticity. Or the bread is placed on a damp towel and served after half an hour. At the same time, it retains its taste if it does not absorb foreign odors during storage.


  1. Real Armenian lavash Can be stored for up to six months. But in the wrong conditions it can deteriorate in a matter of days.
  2. It is not afraid of dry and warm rooms, but is sensitive to moisture, from which it quickly becomes moldy.
  3. It's very easy to restore freshness to stale bread. It is enough to moisten it and warm it up a little. This is exactly what they do in his homeland – Armenia.

Store correctly and be healthy!

“A piece of lavash can perhaps be compared to a delicate hare’s ear, which is so transparent that it allows sunbeam“- this is how Armenian poets sing about their famous flatbread.

In Armenia every now and then we hear “let’s go eat.” People know how to enjoy food, cook and set the table - or rather, fill it with so much food that it literally bursts. We’ll talk about culinary masterpieces that emit divine aromas, about the secrets of gourmets who know exactly how to consume this or that food some other time. Today’s menu contains the basis of all the fundamentals of Armenian cuisine, life and existence in general. The fact is that Armenians almost never use the verb “to eat” without the word “bread.” Any mention of a meal, even the most substantial one, for example, lunch, consists of the phrase “eat bread” (հաց ուտել). And all because the main food for Armenians, despite the variety of original dishes, each of which has its own season, occasion and even time of day, is primarily bread. And the main Armenian bread is lavash.

Armenians, big fans interesting stories, have created many legends about lavash. One of the most famous dates back to pagan times, when at the wedding of the god of war Vahagn and the goddess of love Astghik, the most honored guest, the god of all gods Aramazd, placed lavash on the bride’s shoulder. On the way to the palace, the lavash fell from Astghik’s shoulder, but the excited bride did not notice it. But the annoyed Aramazd turned to Astghik: “She who drops bread on the ground cannot be a wife and mother.” And, imagine, the wedding was cancelled. Since then, Armenian mothers, when welcoming their daughters-in-law into their home for the first time - on their wedding day - hang lavash on the bride’s shoulder.

Lavash is a thin strip of oval-shaped dough baked in a stone toner, up to 1 meter long and up to 50 cm wide (a couple of millimeters thick). It has no crust or crumb, it is always soft, flexible bread. The traditions and technologies of baking lavash have not changed at all over the past millennia. The dough comes from flour, water, old dough - sourdough, a pinch of salt. When it has fermented sufficiently, rested and is ready for baking, craftswomen (lavash is baked most often by women) roll out pieces of dough with deft movements until the right size and thickness (like a pancake). The next stage is stretching the pancake into a sheet by masterfully throwing the dough from hand to hand and over the shoulder (such craftsmen are very much appreciated in Armenia: not all villages have them!). And only at the end of the process, the pita bread, still raw, is laid out on a special pillow, on which the dough can be finally stretched and corrected, and sent to the tonir - a special oven equipped ... under your feet.

Lavash doesn’t take long to bake—a few minutes. When it is taken out of the tonir, the entire area begins to suffer from stomach cramps - this is how the aroma of freshly baked Armenian bread affects a mere mortal. The surface of the pita bread bubbles a little (the bubbles are rosy, and the rest of the bread is white). The bread - still hot - now asks to be put into your mouth - in its pure form or with additives: cheese, herbs (three ingredients make up the traditional Armenian brduch - what in Russia is considered to be an analogue of shawarma (shawarma), and maybe even meat, fresh vegetables and a kilogram of other bounties, from eating which one’s cheekbones clench and one finds insight: here it is, happiness!

In Armenia, lavash is baked in the fall and eaten until spring. The bread is specially dried in the sun without folding, after which it is sent to a special cabinet in which it is stored for months. Real lavash does not go stale, does not crumble and in no case becomes moldy...

Lavash is the most common type of bread in Armenia, Iran and the Middle East. In Azerbaijani cuisine, for example, there is a tradition of serving meat with rice wrapped inpita. Sometimes toasted sesame or poppy seeds are sprinkled onto the dough before baking.While the pita bread is hot, it resembles a tortilla, but then it quickly dries out, becoming brittle and hard. The soft form is usually preferred due to its better taste and ease of creating flatbread-wrapped sandwiches, while the dry form can be used for long-term storage and used instead of bread in the Eucharist ceremony in the Armenian Apostolic Church. Lavash is also used with shish kebab.

Traditionally baked on the hot inner wall of a tandoor oven, also called"təndir" in Azerbaijani, "tonir" in Armenian, "tanur" in Persianlanguage, “tone” in Georgian, and “tandur” in India and Turkey. The same method of baking bread is used throughout Central Asia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, Turkey and the United States. Because of its simple recipe and ease of cooking, it has remained popular throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, Iran and the Caucasus since ancient times.

Pita bread is also widely baked and sold in solid form in Hawaii. In the regions of Azerbaijan and Armenia, lavash is baked and stored dry for a long time. For daily use, dry lavash is sprinkled with water and soft form used for food. As a snack, soft lavash is used together with cheese and dill in a wrapped form - and is called “dürmək” in Azerbaijani, “durum” in Armenian.

After baking, the pita bread is rolled and packaged while hot. As a result, the moisture from the pita bread does not evaporate, and it remains soft for a long time. Lavash can be stored for about six months. To soften pita bread after long storage, just moisten it with water. Lavash can be stored in a bag for several days, and it will hardly lose its beneficial properties. But the best and most delicious lavash is fresh.

Lavash contains few calories, so it is suitable for dietary nutrition. Sometimes various fillings are wrapped in pita bread, and the result is a very tasty side dish. The filling can be sausage, porridge, salad, and other products. The pita bread is soaked in the filling and slightly changes its taste.

Thin and wide Armenian lavash has long been loved in Russia. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not try the famous Armenian lavash. These thin flatbreads can be served as bread with any dish., but it is especially convenient to wrap various fillings in pita bread and make snacks on this basis.And what delicious rolls and sandwiches are prepared with Armenian lavash using all kinds of toppings!

Lavash can be made at home. And from lavash you can prepare a lot of new, interesting and delicious dishes, which will diversify your daily menu.


1 glass of warm water,
1 teaspoon dry yeast,
1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil,
1 teaspoon not full of salt,
0.5 teaspoons sugar,
2.5-3 cups of flour.

Cooking method

1. Dissolve the yeast in water, add butter, salt and sugar, adding sifted flour, knead into an elastic dough, knead for 2 minutes, then transfer to a greased bowl, cover and let rise for 1 hour.

2. Knead the risen dough and divide it into 9-10 parts (this depends on the size of your frying pan), cover the pieces of dough with film, let them stand for another 5 minutes, this will make it easier to roll them out thinly.

3. Heat a large frying pan.

4. Take a piece of dough, sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the layer thinly, no more than 1-2 mm.

5. Carefully transfer it to the frying pan (the frying pan is dry!), even if the cake turns out to be a little larger in size - it’s not a big deal, the dough can be distributed along the side of the frying pan.

6. Bake for a few seconds on each side. As soon as the pita bread turns white and several ruddy dots appear on it, immediately turn it over. The longer they bake, the drier they will turn out, so you shouldn’t overcook the pita bread in the pan.

7. Fold the finished pita breads in a stack, cover immediately with a cloth or a clean towel; some hot pita breads can be placed in the middle, so they will soften faster.

8. Leave them wrapped until they cool down, then you can put them in a plastic bag and store them like that. You can use pita bread to prepare shawarma and a variety of snacks.

And the lavash is ready!

Real Armenian lavash never overcooked or overdried. Do everything very quickly. Place the finished pita breads on top of each other, transferring them with paper napkins.

To extend the life of thin Armenian lavash, you can freeze it for future use. We'll find out how to do this in step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.
Recipe contents:

The thin, oval flatbread is the center of the Armenian diet. But after a while, oven-baked lavash became no less loved in oriental cuisine and throughout the world. You can wrap anything in it: from juicy meat to fresh fruit. The bread product has the ability to be combined with any ingredients. Yes and just independent form– an excellent addition to borscht, soup, shish kebab, etc.

Thin bread is prepared from minimum set products: flour, water, salt and oil. Detailed recipe You can find recipes for making lavash on the site using the search bar. Real lavash can be stored long time. In the old days, it was prepared for the whole winter, stacked in stacks of 10 sheets. During storage, the cake dried out, but it helped bring it back to life plain water. It was enough to simply sprinkle the bread with water and wait until the water dries a little, or hold the dried pita bread over steam. Besides fresh pita bread can be frozen for future use. However, it will not lose its quality throughout the year. How to properly freeze thin Armenian lavash will be the topic of the article.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 235 kcal.
  • Number of servings - any
  • Cooking time - 5 minutes


  • Thin Armenian lavash - any quantity

Step-by-step stages of freezing thin Armenian lavash, recipe with photo:

1. Before you start freezing, you should choose the right pita bread. They should be fresh, soft, flexible and light color. There should be no mold or stains on it, and there should be no droplets of moisture in the packaging.
So, carefully separate each pita bread from each other so as not to tear it.

2. Stack several pita breads on top of each other with parchment paper between them. I advise you to take no more than 3-5 pieces of pita bread.

3. Roll the pita bread into a roll. Do not press the sheets too tightly to avoid damage.

4. Cut the required length cling film according to the size of a roll of lavash.

5. Place the tortilla roll on top of the bag.

6. Carefully wrap the pita bread plastic film and store it in the freezer. Keep in mind that frozen pita bread is very fragile and may break if handled incorrectly.

When it is necessary to defrost the pita bread, remove it from freezer and place in the refrigerator to slowly thaw. Then it will retain all the benefits and softness. After complete defrosting, remove the plastic wrap and the pita bread will be as fresh as fresh. It can be used for all recipes as soon as purchased.

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