Why do you need an ejector in a pumping station and how does it work? Do-it-yourself ejector pump for a station What is a built-in ejector

An ejector is a device capable of transferring kinetic energy from one medium to another. An ejector for a pumping station helps lift water from sources more than ten meters deep and is used to protect the engine during a sharp drop in water level.

You can buy the device in a store or make an ejector for a pumping station with your own hands.

Operating principle

The ejector works sufficiently simple principle. The water is recirculated at the bottom of the pipeline, thereby filling the lack of pressure in the suction pipeline. The ejector pushes the water to the height from which the engine can draw it.

The water coming out of the tapering T-shaped pipe is poured into the mixer at high speed from the suction chamber. In the diffuser, the normal flow of water is mixed with the accelerated one and enters the pipeline.

The ejector solves the problem of low pressure

An ejector is installed in the part of the pipeline located between the well and the pump. Part of the water flow that rises returns back to the well, and forms a constant recirculation on the way to the ejector. Additional vacuum occurs in the pipeline, and less pump energy is spent on lifting the liquid.

The operation of the system is adjusted using a valve. Part of the water is supplied to the house, the rest continues to be recirculated in the ejector. The pumping station starts up faster, energy consumption is reduced, and the installation of lower power equipment is required.

The package includes: diffuser, mixer, suction chamber, nozzle.

Types of ejectors

Water supply pumping stations for a private house or cottage are manufactured with an ejector built-in or separately mounted into the pipeline.

Stations with a built-in ejector are used for pumping water from shallow wells, storage tanks and other water sources. They are distinguished by their ability to capture water located below the pipe.

The built-in ejector is installed inside the pump. This solution makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of the station. In this case, installation of a filter is not required; the pump with a built-in ejector is not sensitive to sand particles suspended in the water. Such stations are primarily used for irrigation systems and with wells up to ten meters deep; it is not recommended to install them for water supply to residential buildings - they are very noisy.

Pumping station with built-in ejector

When installing the ejector as a separate unit, an additional water tank is required to remove the load from the engine. The ejector is connected between the well and the engine to the part of the pipeline located in the water. For trouble-free operation of the device, two pipes are laid, as well as a pipe with a filter rough cleaning and a check valve. To prevent airing of the system, pipes are installed strictly in a vertical position.

A station of this type operates almost silently and supplies water from wells up to fifty meters deep (optimal depth is from 15 to 20 meters). Pumping stations require the installation of filters to protect against the ingress of sand, silt, and clay impurities in the water.

The efficiency of stations with a remote ejector is small compared to a built-in one, but this disadvantage is compensated by the ability to supply water from considerable depths. Stations can be located several tens of meters from the source.

Self-production of an ejector

The cost of the ejector is quite high, and they are not always on sale. It is not difficult to make an ejector for a pumping station with your own hands.

Let's consider step by step instructions self-made a conventional ejector, capable of facilitating the rise of water from wells up to 10 m deep, and used to draw water from greater depths.

Making an ejector is not a difficult task!

Will be required following materials and tools:

  1. A half-inch tee with internal thread is the main part;
  2. A half-inch fitting with a 12 mm or three-quarters 8-10 mm outlet, we will insert it inside the tee. Serves as a conductor of water under high pressure. To extend the fitting, you can use a vinyl chloride tube of the same diameter as the fitting;
  3. Adapter 20x25 mm with the necessary angles for further fastening to a pipe or three-quarters with an external thread at one end, and with a thread at the other end metal-plastic pipe diameter 16 mm;
  4. Fitting;
  5. 90 degree corners for metal-plastic pipes:
  • ¾ with external thread x ½ with internal thread;
  • ¾ with external thread x 26 mm with internal thread for a metal-plastic pipe;
  • ½ with external thread x 16 mm with internal thread for a metal-plastic pipe;
  1. Grinder, plumbing wrenches, adjustable wrench, sandpaper;
  2. A coupling with a three-quarter diameter (or clamp, screw) for straightening the threads on the fitting;
  3. A vice, but you can do without them.

If the well depth exceeds 10 m, it will be necessary to install an ejector of more than complex design, used in pumps with a power of more than 1 kW.

Diagram of elements of a homemade ejector

To manufacture such an ejector you will need the following parts:

  1. threaded pipe with a diameter of half an inch;
  2. ten-millimeter nozzle;
  3. tee E40;
  4. half-inch and three-quarter locknuts;
  5. check valve with coarse filter;
  6. plugs with holes and threads for fittings;
  7. cut half an inch and three quarters;
  8. 90 degree bend half inch;
  9. nozzle or compressed copper tube with longitudinal holes and sealed seams.

First of all, it is necessary to grind off the hexagon of the fitting until it is shaped like a cone. The outer diameter of the fitting thread should be 2-3 mm larger than the lower base of the resulting cone. The length of the thread should be four turns. We cut off the excess length.

Then you need to align the threads, which will be disrupted when turning the part. We cut the thread longer so that it fits onto the cone and you can later screw it from any edge into the coupling or tee.

Screw the fitting into the tee until it stops. It should fit 2 mm upward into the tee outlet from the side.

On internal thread of the tee there should be four or more turns left for attaching the outlet to them. If there are fewer turns left, grind the threads on the fitting until the required parameters are achieved. If the thread is short, you can add it to the required size using a vinyl chloride tube. The fitting should not protrude from the tee by more than 3 mm.

Ejector installation

If the device is installed in close proximity to the pump, then a pumping station with a built-in ejector is obtained.

In order for the system to work on the principle of a water supply pumping station for a private house with a remote ejector, you need to place it directly into a well or other source of water supply.

In this case, several pipes will be needed for installation:

  • a pipe with an installed coarse filter is connected to the tee on the side and lowered to the very bottom;
  • a pipe connected from below through which the emerging high-speed flow of water passes;
  • a third pipe that connects to the tee from above and is discharged into the water supply system, through which an accelerated flow of water passes under high pressure.

Ejector connection diagram

We screw an adapter with an external thread onto the tee from above. It should be located above the fitting. The second edge will serve as a connection to the pipe supplying water to the water supply. It will be secured with a fitting.

From below, we screw the corner elbow to the tee (into which the fitting was previously inserted) for further connection with the recirculation pipe. Fastening is done with a crimp nut.

We screw a corner into the tee on the side to connect it to the water supply pipe. We secure the pipe with a collet clamp.

We check the quality of fastenings and waterproofing.

All joints are sealed with tow or sealant.

We must install a check valve at the outlet. It will prevent liquid from flowing out of the suction pipe. If the water leaves, the system will not be able to work.

How to extend the service life of the ejector?

To extend their service life, pumping stations with an ejector must be operated in compliance with the following rules:

  1. When installing a station, it is important to correctly calculate the ratio of the power of the device and the depth of the source from which water is extracted.
  2. Constantly monitor the pressure in the pipeline. To measure the pressure in the system, you can use a pressure gauge used for car tires or purchase a station with a special built-in sensor;
  3. for sources with great depth, it is necessary to purchase a powerful pump, which must be installed as close as possible to the water intake;
  4. the use of a built-in ejector is justified only at high-power stations;
  5. when the source depth is from 15 to 40 meters, it is necessary to use a remote ejector installed inside the well and located in the water.
  6. When using a surface-type pump, it is important to correctly install the pipes coming from the surface of the ejector - strictly vertically. If the pipes are positioned incorrectly, air will enter the system and form air jams, which will negatively affect the operation of the system and reduce its service life.

If all operating rules are observed, ejector pumping stations operate smoothly and provide tap water house, watering and other equally important household needs.


Reading time: 6 minutes.

Ejector pumps supply water to premises where there is no centralized water supply nearby. Such units can lift water from great depths - up to 50 meters.

Let's look at what ejector pumps exist, what advantages they have over other types of pumping systems, and how they work. We will also take into account the most important points in their operation and installation.


Pumps of this type are divided into models with a built-in ejector and a remote one. Let's look at each in more detail.

With remote ejector

To extract water, such pumps must be lowered deep into a well or borehole. A pump with a remote ejector has two pipes. According to one of them, liquid under a certain pressure is supplied to the ejector. This leads to the development of a kind of suction jet.

Pump with external ejector its characteristics are significantly inferior to models with a built-in ejector. It's all about the specifics of the design.

Thus, a pump with a remote-type ejector will be “afraid” of contaminated water and air entering the structure. Its efficiency is noticeably lower, but the pump’s remote ejector also has its own significant advantage - it can be located inside a living room.

With built-in ejector

The internal centrifugal ejector pump lifts water using the created artificially discharge.

Due to its design features, an ejector pump is much more expensive than conventional devices of this type, as it is capable of lifting water even from great depths up to 50 meters.

High productivity, however, is somewhat compensated by high level noise made during operation of the device.

Therefore, ejector pumps are installed exclusively in basements and utility rooms residential buildings.

Modern steam ejector – good decision for organizing a water supply system at a large enterprise and for irrigating large areas with vegetation.

Advantages, principle of operation and installation details

A surface pump with an external ejector has the following advantages:

  • work with great depths up to 50 meters;
  • small dimensions and weight of the station;
  • convenience of supplying water to the object;
  • opportunity to work in extreme conditions– at temperatures from -20 to + 130 degrees.

Of course, not every steam ejector pump can boast all of the above advantages. So, some models can work in severe frost conditions, others cannot.

How does the device work?

The steam ejector pump has a fairly simple principle of operation - a small amount of water, which is located in a special tank of the device, is used to assist in drawing in liquid. The operating principle is simple but very effective.

Although, such a system does not have serious performance. But so far no one has invented a new pumping system that can draw liquid from greater depths. That's why a water ejector pump is so popular today.

The ejector for the pump always lowers to the required depth - to draw water, and pumping system mounted on the surface - for ease of use and adjustment of the water intake system.

The principle of operation of the ejector (video)

What should you consider when connecting?

An ejector pump (it doesn’t matter whether it is a pump with a remote ejector or a built-in one) must be installed in compliance with all recommendations (they are in the instructions for a specific device model).

For example, after the outlet pipe it is necessary to install a check valve. It will prevent the unit from idling. The pipe drawing in water must be located at a depth of at least 1 m. The diameter of the well, in this case, should not be less than 12 cm in diameter.

If you purchased an expensive ejector for a pump, you can also modify it - install it. It will automate the operation of the system and can also significantly extend service life your unit.

Surface pump with external ejector, as well as pump with ejector internal type, are mounted using two additional manipulations:

If necessary, the above-described recirculation system is additionally equipped with a tincture tap. It is necessary if the water in the well is at a level significantly higher than the level for which the equipment is designed.

The water pressure on the ejector can be adjusted by increasing the pressure in the water supply system. There are even devices that have “fine” details for tuning this parameter. Usually this detail is described in detail in the documentation for the unit.

Centrifugal pump with ejector - we do it ourselves

For self-assembly the unit must be prepared:

  1. A tee with ends is the basis of our homemade product.
  2. The fitting is a flow conductor.
  3. Bends and couplings - for assembling the ejector.
  1. We take a tee (must be designed for installation with internal thread).
  2. We screw the fitting to the bottom of the tee (the pipe should “look” up). In this case, the outlet pipe must be located inside the device. If the pipe is too long, then it needs to be cut, if it is short, it needs to be extended. The distance from the fitting to the tee should be no more than four mm.
  3. We attach a two-end adapter to the top of the tee. One end of it will then be installed on the base, and the second will serve as a fitting for the pipe.
  4. The second fitting is attached to the bottom of the tee, onto the fitting. It will play the role of a drain, and the recirculation pipe will be “hung” on it.
  5. The sides of the tee are equipped with an angle with a collet at the end. It is necessary for further connection of the device to the pipeline inlet.

Important! All threaded connections must be additionally sealed with polymers. If you have PVC pipes, then special crimping tubes for PVC will act as collet fittings.

Once the assembly of the device is completed, it will need to be connected with home system water supply. If you have a system with an external ejector, you will have to connect three additional pipes to it:

  1. To the side end of the tee. Since it will be submerged to the bottom, it must be equipped with an additional water filter.
  2. To the bottom of the tee. This pipe is subsequently connected to pressure system. It is she who creates the water flow.
  3. To the top of the tee. It is brought to the surface and then connected to the inlet channel of the pump. Increases fluid pressure.

An ejector is a powerful and justified device. It is capable of providing any building with sufficient water pressure, and its automation protects against idle operation, overheating and voltage surges.

Such a unit will be “faithful to you” for decades. But, only subject to full compliance with all recommendations, operating rules and systematic maintenance.

Almost everyone who has ever taken direct participation in organizing the arrangement of an autonomous-independent water supply, I periodically encountered problems regarding the insufficient level of water supplied by the suction pump.

In the subject of physics, we definitely know and understand that such a factor as pressure is capable of supplying liquid from a maximum depth of nine meters, but in fact this figure is much less, which in reality is about seven and sometimes five meters of full supply.

A station that can increase the pressure of the water flow will solve the problem. Specialized equipment, intended for such purposes, is produced by modern industry, which is part of pumping stations.

Ejector for pumping station

From the article presented to your attention, you will learn in detail about the operating principles of such specialized equipment as a station with an ejector, as well as all the nuances and aspects regarding their use. Additionally, methods will be considered possible production such equipment independently with appropriate instructions and recommendations, thanks to which you can achieve this goal.

Water supply station with ejector

Device. Operating principle

An ejector is essentially a device that transfers energy from one more mobile medium to another, which is less mobile. In the tapering sections of the unit, a special zone of lower pressure is formed, which thus provokes the suction of additional medium. Thus, it is possible to move and move away from suction points, due to the interaction of the original environment.

Units equipped with an internal format ejector are intended directly for specialized pumping of liquids from relatively shallow wells, the depth of which does not exceed eight meters, as well as various specialized storage tanks or reservoirs.

Directly distinctive feature Such interaction is precisely to capture liquid that is located at a lower level from the pipe. Based on this, preliminary filling of the unit with water will be required. The working wheel will pump liquid, which will redirect it to the ejector, resulting in the formation of an ejection jet.

It will move through a specialized tube and accelerate. Naturally, the pressure will decrease. Thanks to this effect, it will also decrease inside the suction chamber.

One of the varieties of such surface installation units is a pumping station with an ejector. They differ in that external element immersed in a water supply source. As a rule, the scope of application of such devices is similar to their analogues. A certain difference lies in various depths use and application.

Pumping station with remote ejector


It is quite possible to produce a fairly simple device-unit independently. This will require some parts, such as a tee of a specialized diameter and a fitting that will be located inside it. The correct length ratio must be observed, which should not be more or less, which will not allow such a device to function normally. For fastening you will need a special adapter equipped with corners, which will allow you to create the desired rotation.

The creation process involves several specific points, which includes the process of preparing the required fitting itself. Part of a special 6-sided sample should be ground, which will allow it to be made into a special cone with a base smaller than external thread in diameter. After which the deformed part should be corrected with a specialized thread-cutting tool.

The fitting must be screwed all the way into the tee piece. When connecting, be very careful to observe the length ratio, which is sufficient important factor. Be sure to seal the connection with any available sealant.

Check the ratio of the parts being manufactured, and then from pre-prepared samples you should organize a specialized adapter, which is designed for installation on the pipe.

A well-assembled station will ensure fairly long and trouble-free operation due to its simple design, but, naturally, you must be extremely precise in manufacturing. If you don’t really want to engage in such production, then you can simply purchase it in specialized stores, where there is always a pumping station for free sale.

Stations with a built-in ejector - how to use them

The station is used to increase the pressure, which will also eliminate the possibility of premature failure of the unit that provides the supply, since idling may occur. The presence of such an element in the system will exclude it, which is why it is recommended for mandatory integration into the system, regardless of the possible depth of the source.

Timely equipping of the station with an ejector will save you from additional costs and possible nervousness when possible exit failure of more expensive system equipment, which it will simply prevent, ensuring full and uninterrupted functionality for a long time.

Stefan from Bulgaria shared his experience of making a jet ejector with his own hands. This is his first ejector. The jet ejector is designed for gold mining. What you need to have for production. Well, this is at least the head and hands. Then comes the material and capabilities. If you have a machine and know how to sharpen, then half the job can be said to be done. All that remains is welding. A beautiful seam may not be necessary, but it is desirable. Maybe it would be easier to buy from Mikhalych or somewhere else? Maybe it's easier this way. Everyone makes their own decisions.
And today we’ll see how Stefan from Bulgaria made his first ejector.

And this is how it looks disassembled into parts.

Why did he make it this way? Why four cones? Yes, I just didn’t know how it would work and that’s why I did an experimental one. Mikhalych has put the production of ejectors on stream because everything has already been tested and selected best option for a particular diameter of pipe, pump and sluice. Or vice versa. Here is the first do-it-yourself jet ejector. Sharpen replacement cones and change them.

In principle, welding a pipe is not difficult for anyone who knows how to cook.

And another smaller pipe. We collect. We get a finished ejector.

Owners of personal plots and country houses Quite often they encounter a common problem - deep groundwater. Ordinary pumping equipment located on the surface is not always capable of raising water to the surface, so it is necessary to use ejector pumping stations. These devices are much more efficient and allow you to get water from depths of no more than 50 meters, and then pump it for the needs of users.

In order to find out everything technical parameters, as well as specific nuances correct use such equipment, you just need to carefully read this article, where there are answers to almost all the questions that arise when installing similar equipment.

The ejector is quite small in size, but very efficient device, having simple design, so some users make it themselves. This is especially effective when the farm already has a pumping station with a powerful pump. various types. With an ejector, the equipment allows you to pump out without much effort clean water from a depth of 25 to 40 meters or more.

Using this additional equipment, every user saves cash, which would have been spent on the purchase of expensive equipment. If you do not yet have a similar station, but have just dug a well, then immediately purchase a product equipped with an ejector.

Operating principle

The ejector design consists of the following elements:

  • suction chamber;
  • the node where mixing occurs;
  • diffuser;
  • the nozzle is at the narrowest part.

The last part is a pipe with a strongly tapered end, due to which the liquid receives additional acceleration and is released from the device at high speed.

According to Bernoulli's law, such a flow exerts a slight pressure on its surroundings, then it enters the mixer, where a significant vacuum is created, due to which additional volumes of water begin to flow from the suction chamber. Having united into a single flow, the liquid passes through the diffuser further into the pipeline.

In a similar design, the kinetic energy of a flow moving at enormous speed is transferred to media having a much lower speed, while new volumes of liquid are captured and transferred from the well through a pipeline to the place where the water flow is distributed throughout the entire area. A pumping station with a remote ejector is equipped with two pipes: for injection and recirculation.

A similar design will allow the user to spend less energy, and to regulate the volume of returning flows, it is necessary to install a valve in the recirculation line, which will adjust the efficiency of the entire system to required level. Excess water is supplied to the consumer for his needs; the amount of incoming moisture per unit of time determines the performance of the entire system.

By using less electric motor power for the pump, the user saves energy resources. In addition, the ejector greatly facilitates the initial start-up of the entire system, because with a very small volume of water, it creates the necessary vacuum in the pipeline and performs the first intake of water, eliminating idle operation of all equipment.


Pumping stations equipped with such original devices, are available in two types:

  1. The ejector is located inside the structure. The entire structure has very compact dimensions, the vacuum is created artificially, and the recirculation line is located inside the product. For efficient work a high-power electric motor is required to operate the pump high speed, creating the desired suction force.

    Advantages of this design:

    • the product is less sensitive to foreign impurities that may be in the water;
    • in this case, the liquid supplied for the user’s needs does not need to be additionally filtered;
    • the station provides the required pressure for everyone economic needs consumer - you can water the area and use water inside the house at the same time.

    Negative qualities:

    • the equipment creates noise during operation;
    • For installation, you need to equip a place with soundproofing or move the station further from the house.

    The second option does not solve all problems, because neighbors will complain about noise, so sound insulation is also needed in this case, plus the cost of insulation - it is necessary to equip a standard caisson.

  2. The ejector is located outside the station - for this purpose, a separate container is installed nearby, where the vacuum necessary for the operation of the entire installation will be created. The ejector is connected to the pipeline going to deep well- there are restrictions on the diameter of the connection flange.
    • the design allows water to rise from a depth of up to 50 meters;
    • sound impact is significantly reduced;
    • equipment installation is located in the basement of the building;
    • the distance from the well can be up to 40 m;
    • the entire structure is located in one place, so it is much more convenient to carry out maintenance and repairs; such conditions increase the designated service life of all parts.
    • productivity decreases;
    • there are slight restrictions on the choice of diameter for the general pipeline.


In the case of a built-in ejector, installation of equipment is not difficult: it is enough to connect the pipeline from the well to the suction inlet, check the hydraulic accumulator and the operation of the automation, which is responsible for autonomous control of the entire system.

With an ejector outside the station, additional installation steps are added:

  • we lay a recirculation line from the pressure station, and connect the main pipe from the ejector to the suction pipe of the pump;
  • We must connect a check valve to the ejector suction so that the liquid does not flow out by gravity when the pump stops, as well as a filter element so that only clean water continues to flow.

As mentioned earlier, a valve can be inserted into the recirculation line for adjustment, and some designs already have such a device; its placement and adjustment methods are indicated in the operating instructions.

Rating of the best models

  • Ejector type: submersible
  • Suction depth: 30 m
  • Maximum head: 50 m
  • Capacity: 1752 l/hour
  • Electric motor power: 770 W
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 20 l
  • outlet diameter - 1¼ inches (31.8 mm)
  • water temperature - up to 40 °C
  • dry running protection
  • Weight: 17.2 kg
  • Development/Manufacturer: Russia/China
  • great purchase for summer cottage or country house
  • works at 5 plus, normal cost
  • plastic thread at the connection point

The model was developed by domestic engineers, but is produced in Chinese factories, which is why there are some shortcomings: the plastic threads on the connections will not last long - they must be changed immediately, and this is an additional expense.

  • Ejector type: cast iron with anti-corrosion coating
  • Water depth: 27 m
  • Maximum head: 47 m
  • Suction speed: 3,600 l/h
  • Power consumption: 860 W
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 18 l
  • outlet diameter - 25.4 mm (1 inch)
  • Dimensions/Weight: 327x588x416 mm/20 kg
  • Country of origin: Denmark
  • compact size, quiet operation
  • A well-known company makes high-quality equipment
  • not identified

This model is designed for private buildings to normalize the pressure inside the home water supply during frequent changes, and copes well with pumping water from deep wells.


  • Ejector type: submersible
  • Suction depth: 40 m
  • Maximum head: 49m
  • Capacity: 1,500 l/hour
  • Electric motor power: 1.5 kW
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 25 l
  • centrifugal pump
  • protection against overheating and dry running
  • automatic water level control
  • Weight: 27 kg
  • Country of origin: Speroni APM, Italy
  • high-quality assembly, quiet but very productive work
  • pumps water from deep wells without tension
  • not identified

The model is made of materials high quality, there is automatic motor protection against overloads and operation without water, used in household and production systems water supply

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