How to take photographs for documents without being painfully ashamed. Requirements for Russian passport photos. What size should a photo for a Russian passport be and what is best to take photos in?

You will need

  • Women: comfortable, soft clothes of any color except white, neckerchief, makeup.
  • Men: comfortable clothes or a classic suit of any color except white.


Official requirements there are no documents for clothes, unless you are being photographed for interior design at your work - for such a case, of course, it is better to prefer the style of the internal dress code. Clothing for document photography should be comfortable so that you don’t feel constrained and it doesn’t show on your face. It is not recommended to come to the photographer in white, because it is usually installed in the studio white background- in the final image it will merge with your clothes.

It is better for overweight girls and women not to wear contrasting clothes to the shoot - for example, an orange sweater and blue jeans. This combination visually emphasizes figure flaws, especially in harsh lighting. It’s better to choose something plain and loose; you can also use fabrics with small patterns. If you're worried about a double chin, use a lightweight silk scarf to match the rest of your outfit, just make sure it doesn't cover your face when you're shooting. The minimum length of the skirt is just above the knee, but not shorter.

Men find it easier to choose clothes. If you don't want to look fat in the photo, wear a classic three-piece suit - it will hide all the flaws of your figure. It will be better if the suit is dark and the shirt is white or just light; this combination will visually make you look slimmer. Check in advance that the shirt is the right size for you - a collar that is too tight not only interferes with breathing, but also shows off your double chin, even if it is not noticeable in other clothes. If you don’t have any problems with your figure, jeans, a sweater, and any shirts will do, just not too bright and colorful. It is better not to take pictures in shorts and T-shirts.

In a passport photograph, clothing is almost unimportant - only the face and shoulders remain in the frame, so in this case highest value for women they acquire makeup and hairstyle, and for men - posture and head tilt. But in any case, women are not recommended to wear blouses and blouses with shoulder pads - it looks unnatural in the picture, especially if you have large shoulders. If you want to emphasize your neck, use a dress or jacket with a neckline; if, on the contrary, you want to hide its length, use a blouse with a stand-up collar.

Please note

The right, but uncomfortable clothes will not play a role - if you are uncomfortable in a suit, but comfortable in your favorite jumper, take a jumper. A person who is uncomfortable will never look good in a photograph.

Useful advice

The most important thing in photography is your face, that’s why everything happens. Try to relax, not frown and follow all the photographer’s recommendations.

Looking back at your photos, do you wish you looked a little better? Happens. In this photo, a nasty pimple ruined everything, and here you look as if you drank a couple of extra cocktails, and in this one you “gained” a couple of extra pounds. Any girl always wants to take flawless pictures and look like a supermodel.


Educate yourself. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror, highlight all your shortcomings and strengths. Now that you know them, spin around in front of the mirror and choose the best angle. Turn a little to the right and left, play with the light. Find out how it falls on your face, how it forms a shadow, tilt your head a little to the side. See what poses you look best in. For curvy women, it's best to be in the background in a group photo. Don't forget about your hands. Sometimes they appear in photographs as if they belonged to someone else.

Choose your makeup, hairstyle and clothes carefully, as they also play an important role in the photo. There should always be a minimum of cosmetics, just to highlight your magnificent eyes and make your lips seductive. In exceptional cases, use a face tint to disguise skin imperfections. There should be no glitter, forget about pearlescent shadows and blush, and even jewelry. Pay attention to your hairstyle: it shouldn’t make you look old.

Choose clothes that are not too bright, because you can get lost in them, they will outshine you. But you shouldn’t wear clothes that are too pale, so as not to blend into the background. It is better to choose a rich color that will focus attention on the eyes and skin tone. The style should emphasize the advantages or disguise the flaws of your figure.

Don't forget that the most important thing in a photograph is the eyes. When taking photographs, think about pleasant moments, remember a funny story. Your eyes will shine, and the image in the photograph will turn out bright and vital. If you want to look a little dramatic, look away.

Don't lose your personality, relax during the shoot, even though you're posing. The photo will be unsuccessful if your tense muscles are visible. Your well-being is also reflected on your face, so try not to take photographs in the first hours after waking up and during illness.

Video on the topic

Photography is a whole science. And not only for the photographer, but also for the model. If you are standing in front of a professional lens, then there is nothing to worry about, but more often you have to pose in front of friends. We are often dissatisfied with our photographs, and we do not know that everything can be corrected.

These rules will help you take successful photos:

* Try not to tense up.
Naturalness is the key to good photography. Relax your face, otherwise it will look “plaster” in the photo. You're not facing execution, after all, are you? Imagine that this is a very pleasant activity, after which one short moment of your life will be captured. It's interesting, fun and important at the same time, because this moment will never happen again.

* The right angle will help you look better.
Study the proportions of your figure and facial features to hide less than harmonious lines and show off your best. In the end, a photograph will only reflect your outer shell, which changes daily depending on your mood.

Facial features can be hidden as follows:
- a round face looks better if you turn your head slightly in profile;
- you should not choose a “front” angle for a person with protruding ears;
- a profile photo will not look good on a model with a long nose; a model with the same feature should not stand with her chin down;
- V full height the bottom angle will make your legs longer and your hips wider. The photo from above will make your head and shoulders appear more voluminous;
- a double chin will be invisible if you sit halfway to the photographer and look into the lens;
- deep nasolabial folds create a shadow, so you need to good lighting on both sides. Women can whiten these folds with a very light toner, and then they will not be visible in the photo;
- do not pull your hair back if you have a wide face - let it lie freely and cover part of your face. Don't part your hair straight down;
- if your face is small, it is better to pull your hair back and comb your bangs to the side;
- for large people it is better to take pictures near large objects, for example, near a tree with a thick trunk, etc.;
- tall and thin looks better in motion, and not “standing in line”, so as not to be compared with Uncle Styopa;
- skinny short people are better off taking pictures near a bush if they want to look bigger.

* Lighting can play a cruel joke on a person.
Too dark shadows on your face will make your face look tired, and you will look much older in the photo. The ideal lighting option is when the light sources are located from different sides, but this is only possible in the studio. In amateur photography, you should try to avoid too harsh lighting from the sides and from above - shadows can simply distort the face. From experience, the most best time for street photography - evening.

* A smile is the most the best way out from all situations.
It will save any not very successful photo, because the photo carries your energy with a positive charge, and this attracts people most of all.

* Photography is the creativity of two people: the person being photographed and the photographer. Try to take the angle that he recommends, even if he is not a professional. It’s just that a person’s dignity is seen better from the outside.

* Learn to pose beautifully. There are tons of photos on the Internet where you can find good poses ordinary people. The poses of the models, by the way, are in regular photos are not entirely appropriate, and often look simply indecent.

* Don't worry if the photo doesn't turn out the way you intended. According to adults, when they look at their worst photos from ten years ago, they really like them. Minor imperfections can be removed with help, which is what almost all photographers do now. And remember that every person is unique, if not entirely photogenic.

* If this doesn’t help, go to a professional photo shoot. Usually, people open up very well and recognize themselves from a different, better side.

So, it's time to change your passport photo, or you need to take a photo for documents. Often, when we take a photo in a hurry, we are then ashamed to show our passport to our acquaintances, because in the photo it’s not you, but, as it were, a completely different person, who doesn’t look like you at all and who doesn’t seem attractive to you. When taking a passport photo, you need to remember: a passport is a document that is not given for one day, it is unlikely that you will redo your passport because of the photo, so you need to take a responsible approach to how you will look in the photo wearing it.

The face in the photo in the documents

When you take photographs for documents, remember: a face that is too tense and, conversely, a face that is too relaxed in a document looks unpleasant. Arrange a rehearsal in front of a mirror, choose the most advantageous facial expression and try to remember it. Close your eyes, try to reproduce it, and then open it and see if it works.

When taking a photo, you should look directly into the lens, therefore, any imperfections in your face that exist can be hidden by tilting your head:

  • A large nose can be “hidden” a little by slightly tilting your head back. This way, when there is a flash, the nose will not cast a shadow on the upper lip.
  • With your head tilted back a little, small eyes will look larger.
  • You shouldn’t lower your chin during the photo so that there won’t be two of them.
  • If your face is elongated, you can smooth it out by tilting your forehead slightly forward.
  • A heavy chin can be hidden by tilting your head forward so that the emphasis shifts to top part faces.

Hairstyle for passport photo

  • Needless to say, hair should be clean and neatly styled.
  • There is no need to “fill” them with varnish; it can give unnecessary glare in the photo.
  • It is better to avoid trendy hairstyles that may not last long in fashion, because you are making a passport for a long time.
  • If you have a round face, it is good if the strands of hair slightly cover the lower part of the cheekbones.
  • Avoid slicked-back hair, especially if you don't have bangs.

Makeup for passport photos

When photographing with a passport or other documents, the lighting is directed slightly from top to bottom, bright and harsh, coarsening facial features and wrinkles on it. Skin imperfections may also be more noticeable: scars, pigmentation, capillary networks.

You can hide skin imperfections with high-quality makeup for your passport photo. Use concealers, then a foundation slightly lighter than your skin tone to even out your overall complexion. For your passport photo, don't skimp on foundation, and don't forget to apply it to your ears and neck. Apply powder to areas of your face that may be shiny.

Makeup for a passport photo should be brighter than usual so that all facial features are clearly visible. Use shadows, eyeliner and mascara on the upper eyelid; it is better not to line the lower eyelid, but simply paint over the lower eyelashes well. Pay special attention to your eyebrows, you need to give them correct form and highlight it with eyebrow shadows.

You also need to choose the right lipstick for your passport photo. To visually make your lips fuller, use lipstick light shades. Dark lipstick can make your lips look too thin in a photo, and your overall facial expression will not be very pleasant. The lip contour should not be darker or brighter than the lipstick tone.

How to find your style? Step 5. Makeup and hairstyle
How to look good in a photo? Natural makeup: step by step instructions Hairstyle for medium length hair: a simple version of a regular ponytail
If makeup became a profession

A photograph is an essential component of a Russian passport that identifies a citizen. It must comply with accepted standards. The Federal Migration Service of Russia, in the Administrative Regulations governing the issuance of passports, has approved the basic parameters required for photographs at 20 and 45 years of age.

When submitting a package of documents to obtain a Russian passport, a citizen provides a certain number of photographs that are completely identical to each other. How many photos do you need? For a new document - 2 pieces, for replacement and restoration - 4.

Clause 25 of the FMS Administrative Regulations No. 391 provides specific instructions regarding the size of the photographs provided. Their size must meet generally established standards:

  • height - 45 millimeters;
  • width - 35 millimeters.

The legislation provides for an electronic method of transmitting a photograph and a printed version made on photographic paper.

The electronic version can be submitted to the registration authority accepted documents, on digital media or via the Internet. For the electronic version, special parameters are defined:

  • The width and height correspond to the paper version.
  • The minimum resolution is 600 dpi.
  • File size - 300 kilobytes. It cannot be exceeded.
  • Format - JPG.

Requirements for Russian passport photos

The requirements for Russian passport photos in 2019 are as specific as possible. Their implementation is mandatory.

Color range

The photo can be color or black and white. This option is at the discretion of the applicant. A color version is preferable.

Color depth:

  • 8 bits - for black and white photographs;
  • 24 bit - for color.

Photo background

The image of a person for an official photograph is taken exclusively against a uniform white background. This is the new requirement. Previously, a light, plain background was allowed. There should be no patterns, shadows or foreign objects.

Photo paper: glossy or matte

The regulations do not impose restrictions on the choice of photo paper for printing. You can choose either matte or glossy paper for your passport photo. The latter is resistant to fading and makes it possible to achieve a bright, contrasting image.

For a Russian passport, corners are not added to photographs.

Image requirements

The photograph must match the age of the applicant (20 or 45 years old) who is applying for a new passport. The law does not impose restrictions on filming time. But he stipulates that there should be no significant and dramatic changes in appearance in comparison with the photograph.

  • A frontal photograph is a categorical requirement.
  • Tilts and turns of the head are prohibited.
  • The facial expression is calm, relaxed, facial expressions are natural.
  • You should look directly at the camera.
  • The lips are not compressed, there is no smile.
  • The majority of the photograph is taken up by the face - 80 percent.
  • Head height - 32 - 36 millimeters.
  • The width of the head is 18 – 25 millimeters.

  • The face is completely captured.
  • There is 5 millimeters of free space between the top edge of the photo and the top of the head.
  • The interpupillary distance is no more than 7 millimeters.
  • The distance from the chin to the horizontal axis of the eyes is 12 millimeters.

The photograph must be of high quality, in focus, with optimal settings for sharpness, contrast, color brightness, without deep shadows, and taken in a well-lit room.

Appearance: glasses, beard, hair

A photograph for a Russian passport must convey true and absolutely complete information about the citizen’s appearance.

  • Taking photographs with your hair down is permitted as long as it does not cover your face.
  • For those who wear a beard, there is the opportunity to take a photo with it. It should be borne in mind that wearing a beard is permanent.
  • Corrective glasses, if they are a mandatory accessory, must be present in the photograph. Shooting with glasses is necessary for those who wear them. In this case, the following conditions must be met:
    1. The lenses of the glasses are not tinted.
    2. The eyes are clearly visible.
    3. No glare from glasses.

Contact lenses are allowed. Vision correcting, transparent, but not colored.


The regulations prohibit the use of any headgear during filming.

An exception is made for citizens who, due to their religion, cannot fulfill this requirement. This is the only option when a headdress can be used and present in the photo. However, it should not cover part of the face.

Clothes for passport photos

Clothing for a Russian passport photo must comply with a number of rules established by law.

Photos of citizens in uniform are prohibited. Ordinary, civilian clothes - best choice. Preference should be given to plain clothes.

For photographs taken in black and white, dark shades are more suitable, for color versions - bright ones. Light colors clothes will get lost on a white background. You should not wear clothes with checkered colors or patterns.

Women should avoid low-cut outfits. For men, light-colored shirts and dark jackets are recommended.

There are no restrictions on the presence of jewelry. However, you should refrain from using decorative items, reduce their quantity, and exclude shiny objects. They will cause glare in the image.

When taking photographs for a general passport, all standards are important. Each of their components must be strictly observed. Acceptance of passport documents if photographs are taken outside the standards will be refused on the basis of the relevant clause of the Administrative Regulations.

The photo in the passport often leaves much to be desired; all the shortcomings are revealed and revealed on it, even if there are none. To take a beautiful passport photo, you should choose a beautiful top that highlights all facial features, giving them clear outlines, apply light invisible makeup, as well as a hairstyle that best suits your face type.

Makeup in passport photo

Before taking a set of photographs for documents, prepare your face: make a mask, soothing or moisturizing, depending on your skin type. Also pluck your eyebrows, trim them and line them up for the photo. It is better not to take photos the day before a peeling or cosmetic procedure that makes the skin red. After two or three days you can go take your passport photo.

You need to highlight your eyes beautifully, line them with a black pencil or eyeliner, and straighten your eyelashes. Also highlight your eyebrows and apply the right tone to your face. And this is perhaps the main thing that will make you look great in the photo. You should not apply foundation thickly; you want your complexion to be even, but as natural as possible. Photoshop, of course, will remove all redness and dark circles under the eyes, but it’s still better to get a good night’s sleep and apply makeup as carefully as possible. Highlighter, concealer, bronzer and foundation with natural blush will help you. A light shade of gloss on the lips, or better yet, hygienic lipstick to emphasize the plumpness of the lips.

Hairstyle in passport photo

You don’t need a special hairstyle, depending on the length of your hair. If you let your hair down, it will frame your face, which will highlight it favorably. The main thing is clean hair, well combed. Before taking photos, wash your hair and apply a mask to give it shine. During the photo, spread your hair over your shoulders so that there is no hair on your face. Do not do a ponytail, bun or high hairstyle, it will distract from the face and create a casual look that is not suitable for an official document. .

Clothes in the passport photo

For clothing, do not choose sweaters or T-shirts. Let it be a blouse or shirt, as well as any blouse that does not fit the neck. Better with a V-neck or boat neckline. No need for bows, a jabot under the throat. Neat and tasteful, even if it’s a plaid shirt, but a shirt that suits you, gives freshness to your face, and emphasizes the color of your eyes.

You shouldn’t put on a very serious face, because in life you are completely different from what you see on your passport. A slight hint of a smile, you should practice a little at home, but let the smile be expressed only with your lips. You shouldn’t flash your teeth on an official document, even with your white teeth.

Delfi editors know the top 5 tricks for passport photos

First of all, you should remember that photography “eats” not only the relief of the face, but also 20% of the makeup. However, “war paint” on a photo for a document will look inappropriate. The goal is to create a natural effect and highlight the advantages of the face.

1. Step one. Creating a Tone

A healthy complexion is the key good photography. Believe me, not a single person benefits from dark circles and bags under the eyes from constant lack of sleep, dull skin and inflammatory processes that tend to occur in the most visible place. Therefore, the day before, you should put your face in order by doing a peeling, a mask and getting a good night’s sleep. And before going to the studio, apply makeup base to a clean face and use concealer to remove any redness, dark circles and other appearance defects.

2. Step two. Correcting

As was said, the photograph “eats” the texture of the face. Therefore, after creating the “canvas”, you should take care of the relief of the portrait. So, using shadows or blush in natural beige-brown shades, or concealer, we highlight the shape of the nose, forehead and chin, and also slightly correct the cheekbone area. The main thing is to know when to stop. Plus, the high points of the face - nose, forehead, cheekbones - can be highlighted with a highlighter. When you are satisfied with the result, the correction should be covered with a thin layer of powder. This will ensure the safety of your makeup and remove oily shine.

3. Step three. Emphasize the eyes

Don't overthink your eye makeup. Everything in a passport photograph should be simple and tasteful. The best option is classic winged eyeliner and lengthening mascara. In order to create depth in the eyes, you can highlight them with pastel beige or brown shadows. And to reveal it, add a little light shadow to the inner corner.

4. Step four. Drawing lips

It is worth abandoning bright colors and blatant contrast of lipstick and pencil. Ideal option There will be lipstick in natural, discreet colors and an emphasis on the contour. The pencil should harmonize and create a natural lip contour. And you shouldn't use glitter. If you want to add volume to your lips, apply a little white eyeshadow to the “bird” above. upper lip or a drop of lipstick a tone lighter than the base on the center of the lips.

5. Step five. Creating a frame

Even a perfect face will look unattractive with a nest on the head. Hair for photos must be clean, shiny and well-groomed. Don’t go overboard with complex hairstyles and give up the ponytail. It’s better to leave everything as it is, because naturalness is always in fashion. You can only slightly correct the contour and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Do not forget that makeup for a passport photo strictly prohibits the presence of pearl, shimmer or glitter: shiny shadows will create the effect of sleepy eyes, and sparkling powder or blush will give the face an oily shine.

Also, on the eve of the day of photography, you need to rehearse in the mirror: a smile is an art. Experiment. See which facial expression you like best from the front. Remember it and use it for photography.

We prepare very carefully for this event: hairstyle, makeup, facial expression. Everything seemed perfect. But no, photographs in documents become something that we try to carefully hide from prying eyes. Meanwhile, we have to live with these photographs for 5, or even 10-15 years! This is not an avatar on a social network that can be changed every minute.

Probably 95% of people are not happy with their passport photo. Like digital cameras (you can take several pictures in just a minute), every little specialist knows the basics of Photoshop (removing dark circles under the eyes and a pimple on the forehead is a piece of cake), and besides, competition dictates a polite and competent attitude towards the client - everything for you! But in reality it looks different: the photographer, always in a hurry, takes one photo (without even telling you that a strand of hair is sticking out on the top of your head), without asking whether you like it or not, sends it to print, and at least at your request remove the sore on his nose, he snorts and looks as if you asked for Angeli Jolie's nose! Is this a familiar situation?

In order for the photograph on your documents to please you (even without Photoshop and asking the photographer to do a couple more takes), you just need to know the following rules:

1. Before going to a photo salon, practice in front of a mirror. Choose the most optimal expression on your face. Try to remember which muscles tense or relax. Then try to achieve the same facial expression with your eyes closed, check by opening them. Thus, bring your face to automatism. This way you can easily reproduce the desired expression in the studio.

2. Don't jump from one extreme to another: a face that is too relaxed, just like a face that is too tense, will definitely not decorate you. Be more natural, and, by the way, no one forbade a slight (!) smile;)

3. Tilt of the head will help remove certain facial imperfections:

A large nose can become visually smaller if you tilt your head slightly back (during a flash it will not stand out and will not cast a shadow on your lips);

The same technique is suitable for those with small eyes. This way you will visually enlarge them;

To prevent the photo from disappointing you with a heavy chin, tilt your head forward a little, so that the top of your face will shift your attention.

4. Pay special attention to your hair. Hair should be clean, but not covered in hairspray. Please note that the passport is not made for one year, so do not experiment with your hair. What is very fashionable now may look stupid and funny in a couple of years. If you have a round face, then comb your hair forward so that it covers the lower part of your cheekbones. Smoothly combed, pulled back hair, as a rule, does not look very beautiful in photographs.

5. Makeup should be moderately bright: colored shadows and bright lipsticks will be out of place - cosmetics should simply highlight your advantages and hide your shortcomings:

Be sure to use foundation. As a rule, lighting in salons falls from above, thereby revealing all the troubles: wrinkles, scars, etc. The tone will help get rid of them. At the same time, do not be afraid that in the mirror you will notice how the pimple is not quite professionally disguised; this will not be visible in the photo;

Don't forget about your eyebrows; be sure to pay attention to them, even if you don't usually touch them with makeup. In the photo, the eyebrows immediately catch the eye. Therefore, achieve their symmetry and accuracy. But don’t use a pencil, as you can overdo it and then it will be a passport photo of your eyebrows, not you; it’s better to achieve the desired effect with eye shadow;

Eyeliner and a good coat of mascara will be in place,

To make your lips look fuller, use a lighter lipstick (but not one that blends into your skin, otherwise your lips won’t be visible at all). Avoid too bright and dark tones, they make your lips thinner and give your face an angry expression.

6. Clothes. Of course, you can be photographed in whatever you want, but still, a photo in a T-shirt or tank top does not look serious. Give preference to a blouse or jacket with a shallow neckline. As for the color, its choice is limited only by which shade best suits your face. It’s better if there are no prints, choose something plain. Don't overdo it with accessories (especially jewelry).

7. If time, finances and, most importantly, nerves allow, then take a photo in 2-3 different salons. You will see how different the pictures will turn out and you will be able to choose the one you prefer. As an example, I’ll give you a girl who took photographs in different places: some options are quite good, but some are simply disgusting.

Three quarters of people think their passport photo is bad! I also don’t want to look at my reflection in a visa and other documents! Why does this happen?

How to take a good passport photo?

    • Don't put off taking photos until the last minute! When you urgently need to show your passport, you will rush to the first photo salon you come across without makeup or hair. Plan everything in advance!
    • Practice doing your makeup and hair, then take a close-up photo with your camera. This will help identify possible errors in makeup.
    • Go to a good photo studio. The master has extensive experience in his field. He will tell you the correct head turn for the photo.
  • Do not pinch your lips, otherwise they will look like a thin thread in the photo. Don't twist your mouth.
  • Don't go take photos after a sleepless night. Although we also know ways to do it in the morning, you still won’t look perfect!
  • Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, do not eat salty foods. This can cause facial swelling.
  • Don't raise your head too high because it will look unnatural. Do not pull your head in - a double chin may appear.
  • To look good in your passport photo, take care of your hair. Use volumizing products to style your hair.

Makeup for a passport photo: expressive but natural

The main taboo is that makeup for ID photos does not accept the use of shiny cosmetics! At the moment of the flash, all the sparkling particles will light up, completely ruining your perfect appearance!

  • First of all, take care of an ideal healthy complexion. Of course, it’s good if you carry out procedures in a timely manner to achieve a perfectly even tone, take care of your skin with natural products, and use. But tonal products can quickly bring your face into perfect condition. Use foundation to even out your skin tone. It is better to choose a toner with the HD designation. This product is ideal for photo shoots. Treat all areas of the face, including the area under the eyes and neck.
  • We use concealer to remove minor imperfections, spider veins, and redness. If a traitorous pimple appears on your face that day, then the responsible professionals usually take upon themselves the responsibility of removing it using Photoshop.
  • Contour your face depending on the features of your face. Puffy cheeks can be reduced a little by applying a dark color to the area under the apple. If the nose is too wide, then in the same way we will make the back of the nose thinner, darkening the side area. “Improving” the chin too.
  • Be sure to use matte powder. You may need to reapply just before taking photos if you get sweaty on a hot day.
  • Fill your eyebrows. This will give your appearance more expressiveness.
  • Don't use colored eyeshadow. Only natural shades or a little dark brown or gray. Blue, purple, green shadows can look funny in a photo, they are too noticeable. We also use only matte shadows.

A passport is the main document identifying a citizen. That is why the requirements for Russian passport photos are as strict and clear as possible. As a rule, serious companies providing passport photo services clearly know what the image should look like from a technical point of view. However, people need to prepare for this process in more detail, clarify information and possible details. After all, if the photo is unsuccessful and after receiving the document, it will be too late to wonder about changing the photo.

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines clear requirements for a facial photograph in a passport. They are simple, but mandatory:

  • format – color images or black and white are allowed, so the citizen decides independently how to take a passport photo;
  • the face in the photograph must be positioned strictly from the front - any tilts or turns are prohibited;
  • hairstyle - should correspond to an everyday look, so for those who decide what hairstyle to take a passport photo with, all options should come down to one thing - easy installation for women, so that the curls do not obscure parts of the face and do not fall over the eyes; for men – neatly cut hair or styled at a certain length;
  • makeup – should be discreet, decent and consistent with the usual appearance. You shouldn’t pay a lot of attention and decide how to put on makeup for a passport photo - there shouldn’t be any bright or provocative makeup;
  • glasses are allowed, or rather, photos with glasses are recommended if the citizen wears them all the time. Therefore, for people using everyday life glasses with diopters, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take photographs for a passport with glasses is obvious: it is not possible, but necessary.

A passport is issued to a citizen at the age of 14 and then must be replaced 2 times in his life - at 20 and 45 years. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask questions about how to change the photo in your passport. The answer is no. You can only change your passport. The process of changing a document is simple - upon reaching the required age, a person needs to visit the passport office with the appropriate application and photographs, and after a few days receive a new document. The entire procedure is carried out at the place of permanent registration, so it usually does not raise questions and is known to everyone, and the procedure is no different from any other document replacement.

Additional nuances

In addition to personally providing documents to obtain a passport, you can use the State Services portal. In this case, the application and photo are submitted in electronic format. Technical requirements are similar to those required for regular photographs, and the characteristics of the image file are as follows:

  • size – cannot exceed 300 KB;
  • format – JPG;
  • resolution – from 600 pixels wide.

Modern opportunities allow you to take an online passport photo, which eliminates the need to visit a photographer. For this, special programs or applications are used. The only requirement is high quality shooting. A high-quality passport photo is the main condition for the photograph, since the image will remain unchanged in the document for many years.

Photos for documents according to all the rules: Video

What size should the photo be?

The photo parameters must correspond to the following values:

  • height – 45 mm;
  • width – 35 mm;
  • the head should be located in the middle within 18-25 mm in width and 32-36 in height, and also occupy at least 80% of the total space.

How much does a passport photo cost? The main question when changing a document. The cost will depend on the specific photographer’s rates and the number of photographs. The minimum number of photographs is 2, but it is recommended to take 3 or 4. One is for exceptional cases (loss, damage, etc.), and the second is for yourself. Many people leave additional photo either as a keepsake, or for other documents for which certain requirements are not imposed (personal file at work, a photograph for a medical book and other documents).

How many passport photos you need depends on the situation. If it is an initial receipt, 2 will be enough, and if the document is being restored, one additional image will be needed. Also additional photo may come in handy over the next 5-7 years if there is a need to change a document (damage, loss, change of surname).

In most cases, questions arise about this, since all responsibility rests with the citizen. There are no problems when changing the document, but you will have to pay a fine. However, if a document is stolen by attackers, administrative liability is not provided.

What to take pictures in

There are no specific requirements for clothing, but it is recommended to use solid-colored elements in clothing. For men, this is a dark jacket, tie and light shirt. For women - a light or dark blouse. Main principle– uniformity of the color scheme of clothing.

What clothes are best to wear for passport photos is a personal matter for everyone.

Some people have a habit of using an outfit for a passport photo that either doesn’t suit them or completely changes their appearance (blouse with bows, jewelry and accessories; bright jacket). At the same time, the appearance also changes, and when checking documents, there may be no resemblance between the photograph and the person in reality. When choosing how to dress for a passport photo, you need to remember minimalism in color scheme and the necessary similarity of the photo and the owner of the document.

About the presence of headdress

Headgear is prohibited when used in the photo. The exception is people who, due to religious beliefs, do not have the right to go out without a headdress. In this case, the passport photo of Muslim women includes a national piece of clothing on the head.

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