The best dressing for a smoker. Do-it-yourself smoker for bees, how to light it, rules of use What can be used instead of a smoker

Friends, good day to you! Here I sit and remember a conversation with a beekeeper about my age. We talked about who uses which beekeeper. Well, we started talking about smoker. He complained that he could not learn to light it quickly and that very soon all the fuel inside would burn out, that as soon as you started working, there you go: light it again. That it helps him little, and sometimes, on the contrary, it can do an evil service. As it turned out, not everything is so simple. So the idea was born to write an article about the beekeeping smoker.

Smoker design

A classic beekeeping smoker consists of an outer body and an inner glass with holes in the bottom, as well as a lid with a grate and a pipe, and bellows, which consist of two boards hermetically sealed with leather or leatherette, and a return spring located between them. The beekeeper puts fuel into the glass, which flares up as soon as the beekeeper begins to pump air using bellows. The smoke passes through the grille in the lid and exits in a stream through the hole. There's nothing particularly interesting about the design.

Using a smoker

Smokers were invented as a kind of sedative for bees, namely the smoke that comes out of the hole and enters the nest should calm the bees. According to scientists, this effect is based on bees’ natural fear of forest fires. Bees have lived in forests for centuries in the hollows of trees, and for them there was nothing worse than a fire (except maybe a bear).

Sensing the smell of smoke, bees strive to fill their crops with honey in order to successfully make a long flight in search of a new home or survive for a long time outside his nest. Many beekeepers claim that once the crop has collected nectar, it cannot bend over to sting. I don’t know how true this statement is (in my opinion they still sting), but what bees become less angry when correct use smoker - fact.

Firstly, you should choose the right fuel for the smoker. Regular firewood, straw, sawdust and the like will not work. Such fuel produces almost no smoke, but the heat from it is enormous and sparks fly in different directions directly to our beloved bees, causing them a lot of trouble. You must always remember that this device is called “Smoke” for a reason. The fuel should smolder and produce smoke, not flames or sparks. And this smoke should be soft and not too hot.

Rotten stump is a source of fuel for the smoker

Ideal fuel for smoker are the so-called rotten ones. This is rotten wood or dust. As a rule, old stumps can serve as a reliable source of rotten stumps (just check the stump by kicking it - a rotten one will break), as well as fallen or cut down trees that have lain for a long time.

I once read that dried tinder fungus does an excellent job as fuel for a smoker. Surely everyone has seen hard growths on trees. Indeed, dried and chopped tinder fungus practically does not give off a flame, but burns with the release of a large amount of non-caustic and not too hot smoke. Another undoubted advantage in favor of this type of fuel is that dry and finely chopped tinder fungus smolders for quite a long time, at least twice as long as the rotten mushrooms mentioned above. All this is just right for us, so I made it a rule that every year at the end of winter - beginning of spring, while there is still no sap flow in the trees, to go with a bag into the forest to pick mushrooms and stock up on tinder fungi for the whole season. These beekeepers are “strange” people: everyone goes for mushrooms in the fall with buckets or baskets, but we carry bags in the winter)))

Tinder fungus - fuel for the smoker

I also read in the literature that oak bark is a good fuel. That it does not burn, but smolders and does not emit too acrid and hot smoke. I haven’t tested this myself in practice, so I can’t recommend it 100%. I'll try it and then I'll tell you what and how.

Thus, the first source of successful use of a smoker is high quality and suitable fuel!

Secondly, you need to use the smoker correctly and on time.

What do I mean? If a beekeeper works with a peace-loving breed of bees, for example Carpathian or Caucasian, then you can often get by with ordinary dewdrops, and sometimes even without all sorts of pacifying devices. It must be remembered that smoke is primarily an irritant, which means that excessive use of it can have the opposite effect.

For example, I never blow a puff of smoke into the hive before opening the hive. I don't understand why this needs to be done at all. If I'm not going to completely disassemble the nest, then this is completely unnecessary. Why bother all the bees? Having opened the hive, lifting the canvas only over those frames that I need, and not over the entire nest, I blow a couple of puffs of smoke just over the frames. But not in the middle of the nest. I look at how the bees behave and, based on this, I adjust the degree and intensity of the use of the smoker. I use it only when necessary. During operation, I keep the smoker away from the frames and from the bees themselves, since the smoke is hot and it is extremely unpleasant for the bees.

When there is a break in work or you know that you will not need the smoker for a while, you can put it on its side. In this position, the thrust weakens and the smoldering of the fuel slows down, thereby saving it for a long time.

At the end of the work, you can simply plug the hole in the lid with some kind of improvised stopper and lay it on its side. In this position, due to the lack of oxygen flow, the fuel inside the glass will go out, and the next time we use it, we can always use what did not burn out last time. It must be remembered that in this case the body of the smoker will remain hot for a long time and always observe fire safety measures!

Lighting the smoker

Before igniting the smoker, I first clear the holes in the mesh of the lid from tar (by the way, using undried fuel leads to increased release of tar) with a chisel, then pour out the remaining fuel that has not burned out since the previous use, pour out the ash, and then fill the inner glass again, but only partially. I take a gas canister, the type used in portable stoves, and light the fuel at the bottom, periodically blowing the bellows. After the rotten things have caught fire, I remove the gas canister and, working with the bellows, gradually add fuel. Then, when it is already clear that the combustion is stable, I close the lid. That's it, our smoker is ready to work.

Gas cartridge for igniting a smoker

I light it with a torch. You can use paper, a prepared splinter, or dry birch bark - whatever suits you. The main thing is that the ignition does not take too long, since every minute is precious in the apiary.

You can also use a burner with a built-in piezoelectric element, as in this video:

Purchase and price of a smoker

On at the moment The beekeeper's choice is quite wide. It's a pity that it's only available in online stores. In traditional retail, the range of smokers is quite meager (at least here), but you always want to come and see and touch the “device” with your own eyes))

Well, in online stores you can buy a simple steel smoker for 200 rubles and an imported one made of stainless steel with an additional glass and plastic, more durable bellows for 1000 rubles. The choice doesn't end there. A lot has come to us from the West and this cannot but rejoice. Now there are mechanical and electric smokers and those that are generally hung on the beekeeper’s neck, while the hands are completely freed. In general, for every taste and color.

As for me personally, all the time before I worked with the cheapest steel smokers. Their service life is not long: the glasses burn out, the bellows are torn, the plywood on the bellows delaminates. Last summer we had to re-tighten the bellows right at the point while pumping out honey. Extra fuss... A couple of years and that’s it, but it’s cheap. Now, of course, I want to buy one made of stainless steel with an increased internal volume. The price is more expensive, but the joy from work will undoubtedly be greater. Well, but here everyone decides for themselves, depending on their needs and capabilities. The main thing is that it performs its direct function well - smoke!

Every beekeeper, even the most beginner, has a certain set of devices with which he works in the apiary every day. This is both special and manual equipment. But a smoker for bees is worth highlighting separately. This device is used to inspect hives and further work with bees. You need to understand that for bees, every entry into their home is a lot of stress. They will not allow you to easily make any changes to the framework in their habitat. Most likely, the bees will become embittered and begin to attack the beekeeper and try to sting him. It is for such situations that there is a smoker to pacify bees.

It calms insects and makes it possible to work calmly. Smoke directed at bees gives them a signal at the level of reflexes, letting them know that there is a fire. In a panic, they will begin to collect a small supply of honey in their goiter, which should be enough until they look for a new home.

History of the invention of the smoker

The smoker was invented in Ancient Egypt. The first prototype of this indispensable device was an ordinary torch, which was simply used to scare away bees in order to obtain honey, which was so desirable and valuable at that time. Next, a device was invented that laid down the basic principle of operation of a modern smoker. By design, it was a clay vessel with two holes at the ends. One hole was large in diameter, and the second was small. Fuel was placed inside; at that time it was manure. It was set on fire, and air was supplied through a large slit. This happened manually, a person simply blew into it. And the smoke came out from the second end in a thin, directed stream. This device is still used in technically undeveloped regions of our globe.

Some time later, in 1870, an American beekeeper named Hamet came up with a design using bellows. It was already significantly better than its predecessors, but a significant disadvantage was the weight of this device. When working, I had to use two hands at once. In 1883, the American Quinby improved Hamet’s creation and told beekeepers from all over the world about this device. The new smoker has become much more convenient and lighter, and the inventor left his name in the history of beekeeping. Soon the American Bingham modified Quinby's design by installing direct thrust. So to this day we use this smoker. True, over these hundred years they continued to improve it, but the basic principle of operation remained the same as a hundred years ago.

Design of a beekeeper's smoker

The design of the smoker may at first glance seem complicated and not very clear. But, if you look at it, it becomes clear that everything is much simpler than it initially seems. The main and largest structural element is the outer casing. A glass of fuel is placed in it. The glass is slightly smaller in size than the body, so there is a small space at the bottom where the ashes fall. A lid with a grill and pipes is fixed on top. On the side, which are two boards hermetically sealed with a piece of leather or leatherette.
Fuel is poured into it. Its ignition occurs due to air supplied using a bellows. The fuel flares up, smoke is released, which slowly passes through the hole in the lid.

Video: Pasechny smoker

Manufacturing materials

Today, smokers for working with bees are made of black steel, galvanized, stainless steel and copper. Smokers made of black and galvanized steel are considered the most popular. They stand out for their low cost, but are not of excellent quality. Usually they are bought by those who are not picky in this matter. Their main goal is to save money.

Copper is the most unpopular material in production. And this is logical. This is too expensive material for this simple device. Steel is a much smarter solution. Stainless steel is the most suitable and quality material. The stainless steel smoker will last a long time and will delight the buyer with its price/quality ratio. The price, by the way, is usually two to three times higher than that of black steel. But it's worth it.

Types of smokers for bees

The most common and widely available is an ordinary manual smoker for working with bees. Beekeepers love it for its ease of use and unpretentiousness. It’s not a shame to work with it every day, and if it breaks, it won’t be too difficult to buy a new one. Although it is manual, it is no more difficult to work with than with smokers, which will be discussed further.

Electric smoker is positioned as a device that simplifies the life of a modern beekeeper. It works from a battery. A fan is built inside, which is driven by an electric motor (~ 500 rpm). The cost of an electric smoker is slightly higher than an ordinary one. It may be easier to work with, but much more difficult to repair.

There is also a mechanical wind-up smoker. At its bottom there are blades that are driven by a key. That is, you need to start it, and it works. This is a cross between a manual and electric smoker. The bottom is removable, you can clean and lubricate the mechanism if necessary. On the bottom of the body there is a lever that regulates the intensity of smoke emission. In general, we can say that any of the above smokers will cope perfectly with the task assigned to it. The choice depends only on the budget and personal preferences of the buyer.

Rules for using a smoker

When working with a smoker, the main thing to remember is that sudden movements near the hive are prohibited. Therefore, the smoker himself must remain motionless. Only fur can move. This will reduce the likelihood of bee attacks. You should try to release smoke in several soft directed streams along the streets. If this is done frequently and intermittently, then all the smoke will fall into one place and cause a reaction that is not the one expected.

How do you know how much smoke you need? Here you need to observe the behavior of the bees. If, after several streams were released, the bees went for honey and turned their bellies towards us instead of their heads, then everything is fine, there is enough smoke. After some time, the bees will head towards the exit. It is important to catch this moment and direct a new flow. This is what you need to do throughout the entire inspection.

Before starting work, an experienced beekeeper blows several streams of smoke into the entrance. The bees will calm down for the next couple of minutes, you need to wait a little. Next, you can slowly remove the roof and quietly open the canvas from the frames. It is not advisable to open the canvas from all frames at once. This will cause the bees to react too violently. This should be done gradually, starting with two or three. Inspection of each frame should begin by releasing a stream of smoke near the street, while observing the reaction of the bees.

What fuel and how to light a smoker

The smoker for aggressive bees, first of all, we fill it, on which everything will work. It could be rotten wood, or dust from an old stump. Many people use the tinder fungus. It grows on trees and is collected in early spring. It emits non-toxic, non-caustic smoke, which is distinguished by its density. Many beekeepers prefer not to waste time collecting material from the forest, but buy it already. I would like to draw the attention of novice beekeepers to the fact that there is no point in using materials such as firewood or straw. We remember! The fuel should smolder, not burn. If you use the wrong resources, there will be a lot of sparks and little smoke - this is very dangerous for insects, and it’s not far from a fire if the sparks fall on a bed or pillow.

Video: How to properly light a smoker

After the fuel is ready, the beekeeper sets fire to the crumpled paper and throws it into the smoker's glass. The prepared fuel is also placed there. You can help the fire disperse with the help of fur. First, make small small presses with the bellows, only gradually increasing the amplitude. When the raw material burns well and thick, dense smoke comes out, the smoker is ready for work. When you become a pro, you can buy one to quickly ignite a smoker.

Make a smoker for bees with your own hands, or buy a ready-made one?

A detailed analysis of the design of the smoker for bees shows that all the parts and structural elements can be made by yourself. And this is true. If you have the necessary equipment and your own skills in making such devices, you can safely make a smoker with your own hands. In terms of quality and durability, everything will depend only on the efforts made. You can easily make a smoker with your own hands of such quality that you cannot find in many stores. But this is a waste of time. Is it worth spending? In fact, the smoker is completely little money. A beekeeper with below-average earnings can afford it. Of course, if you don’t buy the most expensive one. This is a personal matter for everyone. If you have time and money doesn’t weigh on your pocket, then please get to work. But, if the situation is the opposite, then the most the right decision will buy a smoker.

Video: Fuel for the smoker

There are some tricks when working with a smoker that will help you properly inspect bee families:

  • the smoke temperature should not be too high;
  • You should not blow smoke into the entrance unless there is a real need, this can anger the bees;
  • if you need to stop working temporarily, but not completely extinguish the smoker, you should put it on its side;
  • the amount of smoke is adjusted by observing the actions of the bees;
  • Do not touch the frames with a hot smoker;
  • If the bees are quite peaceful, then you should not use smoke - this is unnecessary stress for the bees.

Video: How to quickly and easily light a beekeeper's smoker

By observing these simple rules, the bees will remain healthy, and the amount of honey produced will only increase.

Safety precautions

There are safety precautions for any work in the apiary. These are some rules that, if followed, reduce the likelihood of injury and various types of damage. Working with a smoker was no exception. To begin with, when creating your own apiary, you need to try to make it as safe as possible. Use only the most modern instruments and beehives. Reduce direct contact with insects as much as possible.

But whatever the apiary, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • before opening the hive, it is necessary to send a stream of smoke into the entrance, this will calm the bees;
  • when inspecting the nest, the flow of smoke cannot be directed pointwise to one place, the smoke should superficially flow around the frame;
  • sudden movements around the bees are completely excluded, this will make them angry;
  • work is carried out with only one frame, the rest must be closed;
  • if you have to completely disassemble the nest, then the frames fit into;
  • if work is carried out in closed beekeeping pavilions, then smokers can only be used with ideal ventilation.

These precautions will help keep you healthy and reduce the frequency of bee attacks. If these settings are neglected, the consequences can be very serious. In conclusion little advice: if you have finished working with the bees with a smoker, and there is still a flammable substance smoldering in it, put it in, thereby you will be reliably protected from fire if suddenly there is something flammable next to the still hot smoker.

Latest added articles about bees and beekeeping:

A smoker is a device designed to create streams of smoke that are used to fumigate bees. It is used when it is necessary to approach the hive and collect honeycombs with honey.

Historical excursion

The smoker was first used by residents ancient egypt, and later by neighboring peoples North Africa. At that time, it was a simple structure consisting of a clay vessel with a large and small hole. The large hole was used to place fuel and ignite it. Through the top, the beekeeper inhaled air, under the influence of which the smoke spread throughout the vessel towards a small hole, from where it came out.

Similar smokers are used by some tribes living in the territory of modern Algeria.

The first innovator in the field of design was the American-born Hamet. He changed the air supply system in 1870 to represent the bellows used in forges. The introduction of technical innovation increased the weight of the device and made it several times heavier than the classic one.

The idea of ​​the fur system was also used during further development smoker

The beekeeper Quivby improved the apparatus when in 1883 he developed a system for directly connecting the fuel chamber and the bellows. Such a scheme had significant drawback in the form of rapid wear and damage to the air supply system. This problem was solved by another American, Bingham, by separating the firebox and fur. This is the tool that most modern beekeepers use.

The structure and structural details of the smoker

The bee smoker has a simple structure. The device consists of the following structural parts:

  • outer aluminum housing;
  • smoke generator (double-sided cylinder or glass with a solid bottom);
  • air supply systems (bellows) that regulate the concentration and volume of smoke emitted;
  • additional elements: covers with pipe conical shape(nozzle), mounted on a hinge, grille.

The presence of a minimum number of components and the simple structure of the device allows you to make it yourself at home.

Making your own smoker

If you have the necessary elements, you can make a smoker for bees with your own hands. However, it should be taken into account that homemade apparatus can be of two types:

  • simple;
  • from a portable coarse and spray system.

Simple smoker

A homemade smoker for bees is made as follows:

  1. Select two cylinders. One of them should be about 0.25 m high and have a diameter of 0.1 m. This cylinder is used as the body of the apparatus. The other cylinder must be smaller so that it fits freely into the body.
  2. The smaller glass is turned upside down and many holes are made in it. Small 3-4 centimeter thin rods are welded on four sides of the bottom. This is done in order to expand the space for air supply and increase its flow.
  3. A small thin hole is made on the side of the body and a mount for the bellows is made on it using rivets.
  4. The lid is made with a cylindrical bottom and a slight transition into a watering can shape. It is made so that it fits tightly to the body and does not form gaps or cracks.
  5. A mesh metal plate is inserted into the lid, thereby preventing sparks.

To make furs, perform the following steps:

  1. Take the boards and cut out two 15x15 cm pieces from it.
  2. Several reverse springs are nailed to the bottom board using nails.
  3. The second plank is placed at an angle of 45° relative to the first and springs are attached to it in the same way.
  4. Using a stapler, stretch and secure the skin on the boards.

When installing bellows on the body, it is assumed that there is an opening for air supply.

Smoker made from portable coarse and spray system

A smoker from a portable coarse and a spray system (right picture) is made as follows:

  1. A metal shell (6) of a conical shape is first made and a pyramidoidal cover (8) with a pipe (9) and hinges (7) for transfer is made.
  2. A blower (4) with a door (3) is welded to the lower part of the shell.
  3. For stability, the structure is placed on bricks (2).
  4. Take a vacuum cleaner (1) and put a hose on it.
  5. A nozzle for a hose (10) with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.12 cm is made. A water storage container with a pipe (12) with a diameter of 0.025 to 0.03 cm is mounted on it.
  6. Insert the tip into the hose.

To operate, the smoker cover is removed and a grate (5), wood chips and small shavings, paper, firewood and a small layer of peat, cones or pine needles are placed on the bottom of the cylinder (to obtain more smoke). After which the materials are set on fire and the lid is closed. The apparatus is heated through the ash pan, and the air supply is regulated by its door.

The draft can be increased by placing an “elbow” made of pipe on the end of the hose.

An alternative smoker is a smoker with a pump (left picture). It consists of:

  • shells rectangular shape with a blower and a door (3) intended for storing fuel;
  • pump (1);
  • hose (2);
  • water containers (4) with a pipe (5).

It is made in the same way as a smoker with a vacuum cleaner. Except for some points:

  • the water tank is not mounted on the pump tip, but is connected directly;
  • instead of bricks, legs are welded for stability;
  • The shell cover looks like a small pipe, widened towards the top.

Video: lighting a beekeeping smoker

This is a more modern and popular species among beekeepers. It has an almost similar design to a traditional smoker. The electric smoker has a simple structure. The device consists of the following structural parts:

  • cases with a hinged lid;
  • fan with construction resistor and electric motor;
  • sleeves.
  • two-section combustion chamber;
  • battery compartment.

The main difference from the traditional device is the absence of bellows, which is replaced by a fan with batteries and a comfortable handle. The fan is turned on by power supply after pressing the corresponding button, and the air flows in automatically. This is very convenient for the beekeeper, since there is no need to use physical strength. You can regulate the speed using a special construction resistor.

The inner cylinder is a two-section combustion chamber. In the lower section there is an area for storage and subsequent collection of ash, and in the upper section there is a container for filling fuel.

Making an electric smoker with your own hands

An electric smoker can also be made on the basis of a conventional device; for this purpose, it is modernized.

This is done as follows:

  1. The furs are removed from the classic smoker and the side hole is closed.
  2. Turn the apparatus upside down and drill four holes (3) with a diameter of 0.05-0.06 cm.
  3. A 12x12 cm tin box (1) is made. An electric motor (4) is mounted in the central part, and two batteries (5) are mounted on the sides.
  4. Between the top of the box and the housings electrical elements lay thermal insulation (2) with a thickness of 0.02 to 0.03 cm.
  5. The smoker body (6) and the box (1) are fastened with four pins (7) at a distance of 0.01-0.015 m.
  6. Between the glass (8) and the bottom of the housing on the electric motor shaft (9) a three-bladed thin brass propeller (10) is installed.
  7. A rubber heat-insulating handle (11) is mounted on the body and a push-button switch is mounted on it.

How to light an electric smoker

An electric smoker is ignited as follows:

  1. Disconnect the ash collection section.
  2. Start a fire using paper and wood chips in the area created after removing the ash container.
  3. To intensify the fire, turn on the fan.
  4. After the first smoke appears, the loading container (upper section) is filled with dry fuel and set on fire.

Effect of smoke on bees

Smokers are used in two cases:

  • during the treatment of bees and hives with medications;
  • to pacify bees during nest inspection.

When inspecting bee families during the honey season, the insects are quite calm and do not attack humans for no reason, so inspection of the hives can be carried out without much risk. The main thing is to avoid sudden movements so as not to provoke an attack. However, to calm the insects during this period, it is sometimes necessary to apply a couple of streams of smoke. This is due to the fact that bees are afraid of smoke, so as soon as they smell it, they immediately begin to behave quietly.

After supplying the smoke, the bees begin filling their crops with honey. Because of this, aggressiveness and hostility are reduced. The effectiveness of smoke therapy depends on the correct refueling and ignition material.

What to light and fuel

The smoker is ignited using dry wood chips and a piece of paper, after which fuel is poured in.

To process hives, they use fuel with a long smoldering process and high smoke emission. It is prohibited to use pieces of fiberboard or chipboard for ignition.

Refills and fuel for the smoker

It is better to put rotten wood in the smoker than to fill it with fresh wood, as it makes the smoke softer and prevents fire.

Gnilushka is a prepared mixture of dry bark various trees or old stumps.

Mainly used: dried tinder fungus and birch rot. This is explained by the fact that during the ignition process they do not emit harmful and toxic substances, do not burn strongly, but smolder slowly and for a long time, which gives the smoke the optimal temperature and concentration.

How to use it correctly

The smoker is kept clean and the parts and elements of the device are regularly cleaned from carbon deposits and resins. It can also be stored with a full fuel chamber (filled after cleaning), which is what most beekeepers do.

To reduce fuel consumption and reduce draft during breaks between treatments, the smoker is placed on its side.

For safety reasons, when working with a smoker, observe the following rules:

  • use it when moving away from bees;
  • do not ignite until a flame forms;
  • Work on adding fuel is carried out with extreme caution.

Purchase and price of a smoker

You can buy smokers, as well as other products for disinfection and treatment, both from private individuals and from official manufacturers.

A device that creates streams of smoke has been used to fumigate bees since ancient times. Its design is so simple that making a beekeeper’s smoker with your own hands is not difficult. More advanced models can be purchased at a specialty store. Each beekeeper should know the features, types and effect of the apparatus on the bee individual.

Smoker is a metal product with a cylindrical shape. The equipment is used during apiary work, namely to pacify bee workers. Bees are afraid of smoke.

Even with his small appearance, they become quiet and calm. Plumes of smoke have a calming effect on aggressive insects. Moreover, it is absolutely harmless to them.

When smoke appears, the bees fill their crops with honey. They become clumsy and calmly move around the hive. At this time, the beekeeper can perform any necessary actions(collect honey, clean or inspect the nest).

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it with smoke, otherwise you can get the opposite result.

Importance of use in the apiary

The smoker in beekeeping has a multi-purpose purpose:

  • Calming the bees. A simple device can pacify even the most evil breed.
  • Cleaning the hive. When the smoker is directed correctly, the bees quickly fly away from the nest. Required for disinfection.
  • Fumigation of the nest with medications for preventive or medical purposes. To do this, take paper soaked in medicine and send it to the hive.

What does a smoker consist of?

The bee smoker has simple design, which allows you to build it at home. Components of the device:

  1. Outer two-layer casing, consisting mainly of stainless steel. All structural parts are attached to it.
  2. Inner glass. It should fit easily into the case and have a perforated bottom.
  3. Air supply system (so-called “bellows”). With their help, the concentration and volume of emitted smoke puffs are regulated.
  4. A lid with a spout. It should open and close without difficulty. The “spout” is selected with a slope so that the direction of the smoke is convenient.

A firebox is formed in the double body of the apparatus. The smoldering of the fuel itself occurs in the inner glass. Due to the fact that both elements do not touch, the surface of the main cylinder does not heat up.

Among the main types of device are:

  • Manual. The most common and accessible view among beekeepers. Air pumping is done manually. Not very convenient for servicing a large number of hives.

  • Electric. The device is more advanced and has a built-in fan. The blades are driven by an electric motor. The device is more expensive and more difficult to repair.

  • Wind-up mechanical. A device that combines the properties of a manual and electric smoker. To start the fan, the system is started manually. It has a removable bottom that is easy to clean. The lower part of the housing contains the regulator. It controls the intensity of the smoke output.

The operating principle of all types of smokers is the same. They differ only in the nature of the air supply.

Safety precautions when working with the device

Despite the ease of use, precautions must be observed:

  • You can start working only with a working device. There should be no damage to it.
  • While working with the smoker, you should not drink, eat or smoke.
  • Work without a respirator.
  • You need to direct the smoke away from your face in the direction of the wind.
  • After work, place in an iron container to prevent the coals from igniting.
  • Should be stored in a closed but well-ventilated area.

Correct operation is the main condition when using a smoker. And it depends not only on the design, but also on the type of fuel. Flammable materials are absolutely not suitable. It is better to choose one that will smolder and give a little warmth.

Since the smoke is used to calm the bees, the fuel should not harm them or emit hazardous substances when burning. Therefore, fiberboard and chipboard are not suitable. It is also necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of smoke at all times.

Experienced beekeepers use the following types natural fuel:

  • oak bark;
  • dried tinder fungus (grows on trees);
  • dried tree;
  • rotten wood or rotten stumps.

Important! The behavior of bees is influenced by the composition of the smoke. Too caustic does not calm down, but, on the contrary, angers the insect.

How to make a beekeeper's smoker with your own hands

It is possible to make a beekeeper's smoker with your own hands, having at home necessary equipment. Required parts can be found in the store or among auto parts. With a responsible approach, the device will last a long time.

Tools and materials

  1. Hammer with drills.
  2. Drill bit.
  3. Strong nippers.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Hacksaw for metal.
  6. Hammer and anvil.
  7. Stand cylindrical made of stainless material.
  8. Ship nails.
  9. A piece of leather (thickness no more than 16 mm).
  10. Copper pipe with a branch or a sheet of any metal.
  11. A small tin jar.
  12. Two wooden planks measuring 9x15x0.5 cm.
  13. Big spring.
  14. Self-tapping screws.
  15. Bolts with nuts.
  16. Dense material.

This video explains how to make a smoker with your own hands from an old teapot:

How to ignite a constructed device

Lighting the structure is very simple. Dry fuel is placed inside the cylinder and ignited using burning paper. Close the lid and shake vigorously in different directions, simultaneously working the bellows. It will ignite and produce thick smoke.

How to light a beekeeping smoker is shown in this video:

Many apiary owners use a few tricks when working with a smoker:

  • Clouds of smoke should be released into the hive gradually. Excessive fumigation can anger the bees.
  • The smoker should not be overheated.
  • During breaks in work, the device should be placed on its side. This way, less fuel is consumed, and the device is always ready for use.
  • Do not touch the frames with a hot smoker.
  • During fumigation, you need to observe the behavior of insects - this is necessary to determine the intensity of the smoke supply.
  • If the bee breed is not aggressive, it is better not to use the device.

A beekeeper's smoker purchased or made with his own hands is a convenient and necessary device. Its main feature is its safe influence on honey-bearing workers. He gets rid of bee stings and various troubles for insects.

Useful video

How to choose the right smoker, and what to look for when choosing, you will learn from this video:

A smoker is often used in beekeeping; it can be used to calm bees. The smoke that comes from the opening of the device affects the bees. They have been afraid of it for a long time, this is due to the fact that previously wild bees had to survive terrible fires that destroyed their homes and entire families, which is why they have such a fear of fire and smoke. After the bees smell the smoke, they begin to grab a supply of honey into their crop so that it will last until they find a new nest or home. When a bee has already taken honey, it becomes safe; it loses the ability to bend, this is how beekeepers protect themselves from stings. If you use a bee smoker correctly, insects become less vicious.

Structural details of the smoker

You can try to make the device yourself; beekeepers first need to familiarize themselves with its structural elements:

  1. Outer casing.
  2. The glass is inside and has holes at the bottom.
  3. Cover, grille, pipes.
  4. Fur, which is used to fasten the boards, ensures tightness.

Once the device is ready, beekeepers need to take care of the fuel. It is poured into a glass, it will burn actively after the bellows is pumped. The grille serves to allow the smoke to pass slowly, then it appears outside in a small stream.

Below in the diagram you can see in detail the design of the beekeeper's smoker.

Selection of fuel for the smoker

When you have constructed the device with your own hands, you still need to take care of the fuel. It is prohibited to use straw different types firewood, sawdust, there will be no smoke from them, only sparks that can harm the bees.

The smoker will work fully if the fuel is smoldering, so the smoke will be soft and not hot. The best fuel is an old rotten tree, you can use the rot. Pay attention to rotten stumps, if you hit one, it will start to break. The fuel for a beekeeper's smoker can be a tree that has long been cut down and left on the street.

Some people use dry tinder fungus, which grows on trees, as fuel. There is no flame from it, when it burns it can emit smoke optimal temperature, and it is non-toxic and caustic. The mushroom smolders better than a dry old plant. They need to be collected in early spring.

Oak bark can be used as fuel; it cannot burn, it can only smolder.

Rules for using a beekeeper's smoker

  1. Please note that smoke can be dangerous for bees, it greatly irritates them, and in some situations makes them even more angry.
  2. There is no need to disturb all the insects; it is not necessary to immediately release smoke when opening the hive.
  3. Use an apiary smoker only for those frames that you need; you can blow a small amount of smoke on top of the frames.
  4. There should be no smoke in the middle of the nest.
  5. The device must be adjusted depending on the behavior of the bees.
  6. When using, you need to keep it as far as possible from insects, do not touch the frames, so as not to harm the bees with hot smoke.
  7. To stop the device from working for a while, you need to carefully lay it on one side, so the fuel will smolder slowly, but will continue to work.
  8. To completely stop the operation of the smoker with your own hands, you need to take the plug and close the lid hole, do not forget that the body of the device takes a long time to cool down so as not to get burned.

Types of smokers. A - smokers produced in our country; B - smoker from Ruta; B - smoker “Vulcan”; G - smokeless; D - electric ( general view and device diagram - a, b).

Light a smoker with your own hands

To start the device that you have designed, you need to clean the hole, it is located in a mesh, a large amount of tar always collects on the lid, it increases when the beekeeper uses non-dry fuel.

Take the fuel and pour it onto what hasn’t burned from the previous time to get rid of the ash. Fill the glass that is inside. You need to stock up on a gas canister, suitable from a portable stove, then you need to ignite the fuel, the fur will swell.

When the rotten wood has already begun to burn, you need to get rid of the gas canister. If everything burns stably, the lid closes, you can use the smoker.

Ignition occurs using a gas can; a burner, paper, or dry birch bark will do. Remember that you need to kindle quickly, do not waste time.

DIY electric smoker construction

It does not contain fur, a small fan provides air for combustion. Using a special resistor, you can regulate the number of revolutions. The engine is powered by batteries, they need to be placed on the handle of the smoker; you make it yourself using a flashlight.

An electric smoker consists of a special hopper into which fuel is poured; it is cylindrical and is part of the body. The chamber has the shape of a cone, a grate is located in it, and below the chamber is equipped with an ash collector. The electric smoker has a hole made at the top for loading, a flange is taken, and a smoke tube is placed on top.

This DIY beekeeper's device can be loaded different wood When you light it, it should be dry, after which you can add raw.

The advantage of the smoker is that its smoke is not hot, despite the power, it remains cold. Hot air will only come out if a large amount of red coals accumulates; in this mode it cannot be used for bees.

Kindle electrical device easy to do with your own hands:

  1. The ash collector is first disconnected, then the smoke tube is removed, and a gas lighter is placed in the lower hole.
  2. Take a small amount of splinters, set them on fire and lower them into the loading hole. To ensure that a sufficient amount of oxygen is supplied, the ash collector is removed, and the fan begins to operate at low speeds. Fuel is added after ignition; if a large amount of smoke appears, you need to fully load the hopper, then put on a smoke tube.
  3. Take dry methenamine and put it in the ash collector, then you can set it on fire, the fan should operate at low speeds.

Using a beekeeper's electric smoker against varroa

The device operates using batteries, which are placed in the handle. The device is a burner made of metal in a tube villa, which is equipped with a grate on top. The chimney in this situation will be a long spout.

The operating principle is similar to a hair dryer. After the beekeeper burns the paper, smoke appears and ends up in the hive. Then you need to take a sheet of paper, apply amitraz on it, wait until it dries and place it in the burner.

The spout of the device is inserted into the hive, then you need to turn it on and set the paper on fire, it will burn in 8 seconds and the smoke will end up inside the hive. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times. Afterwards you need to fumigate the hive after a week.

Below in the diagram you can see a ready-made smoker that can be used to treat bees against mites.

Scheme "Smoke for processing bees"

We can conclude that it is not difficult to make a smoker with your own hands. To do this, you need to have a diagram, an idea of ​​the device and information about its operating principles.

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