Ointment for bee stings. Tumor from a bee sting. What not to do if stung by a bee

Walks in nature often end in insect bites, including bees. The phenomenon itself is unpleasant, however, with increased sensitivity it can lead to serious consequences. You need to know what to do if a bee sting occurs, how to remove the swelling in order to prevent poison from entering the body and prevent complications.

Swelling after a bee sting

The following measures can prevent the development of complications and tumor formation. If a bite occurs, you need to do the following:

  1. Carefully remove the insect's sting and squeeze out the poison from the wound.
  2. Next, you should treat the affected area with ethyl alcohol, ammonia or apple cider vinegar.
  3. Applying dandelion juice or mallow juice to the wound will help prevent swelling.
  4. For multiple bites, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and administer an adrenaline solution.

Swelling after a bee sting

If swelling spreads to the face, you should immediately consult a doctor. Due to the penetration of poison into the blood, the affected areas begin to swell. If present, a serious allergic reaction may occur.

It is especially dangerous if the bee stings in the throat or is accidentally swallowed. The resulting swelling after a bee sting can block the airways. Another danger of bee venom is allergy, which manifests itself in the form of anaphylactic shock, in which there is a malfunction nervous system, decreased pressure and swelling of the bronchi.

How to relieve swelling from a bee sting?

To combat the resulting inflammation, it is good to use special ointments and creams against insect bites. However, in the absence of such remedies, you can resort to home medicine.

Enough effective means is a compress with soda slurry:

  1. Sprinkle the affected area with baking soda and add a couple of drops of water.
  2. Stir until a paste-like consistency is obtained.

The use of activated carbon helps get rid of swelling in just a day.

Swelling resulting from a bee sting can be removed using an alcohol compress with an alcohol mass fraction of no more than 70%.

Lubricating the bite site with Zvezdochka ointment will help cope with swelling.

You can prevent the formation of swelling by applying ice to the bite site, which will immediately relieve the burning sensation and pain.

The most effective remedy is refined sugar, applying which to the bite site allows you to draw out the poison.

  • mint juice;
  • celandine;
  • parsley

Simply chew the plant and apply it to the sore spot. You can also resort to onion juice.

Tea tree oil relieves inflammation and removes poison from the body.

Most often, the pain after an insect bite quickly subsides, but if your health suddenly worsens, you need to call an ambulance.

Medicines for bee stings

To eliminate pain, topical painkillers are used. They contain components such as pramoxine, hydrocortisone and lidocaine.

Also, products containing baking soda or oat extract are used for application to the skin, which helps to cope with itching.

If swelling is observed for three days, then it is recommended to take antihistamines to eliminate the poison. Diphenhydramine, Pipolphenol or Suprastin are taken in combination with Analgin three times a day. If laryngeal edema develops, Ephedrine (5%) is additionally administered.

Appearance allergic reaction with breathing problems and a drop in blood pressure requires serious treatment with injections of Adrenaline and steroids. In some cases, a tube may be inserted into the trachea and IVs placed.

Walks in nature often end in insect bites, including bees. The phenomenon itself is unpleasant, however, with increased sensitivity it can lead to serious consequences. You need to know what to do if a bee sting occurs, how to remove the swelling in order to prevent poison from entering the body and prevent complications.

Swelling after a bee sting

The following measures can prevent the development of complications and tumor formation. If a bite occurs, you need to do the following:
Carefully remove the insect's sting and squeeze out the poison from the wound.
Next, you should treat the affected area with ethyl alcohol, ammonia or apple cider vinegar.
Applying dandelion juice or mallow juice to the wound will help prevent swelling.
For multiple bites, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and administer an adrenaline solution.

Swelling after a bee sting

If swelling spreads to the face, you should immediately consult a doctor. Due to the penetration of poison into the blood, the affected areas begin to swell. If you have an allergy, a serious allergic reaction may occur.
It is especially dangerous if the bee stings in the throat or is accidentally swallowed. The resulting swelling after a bee sting can block the airways. Another danger of bee venom is allergy, which manifests itself in the form of anaphylactic shock, in which there is disruption of the nervous system, decreased blood pressure and swelling of the bronchi.

How to relieve swelling from a bee sting?

To combat the resulting inflammation, it is good to use special ointments and creams against insect bites. However, in the absence of such remedies, you can resort to home medicine.
A compress with soda slurry is a fairly effective remedy:
Sprinkle the affected area with baking soda and add a couple of drops of water.
Stir until a paste-like consistency is obtained.
The use of activated carbon helps get rid of swelling in just a day.
Swelling resulting from a bee sting can be removed using an alcohol compress with an alcohol mass fraction of no more than 70%.
Lubricating the bite site with Zvezdochka ointment will help cope with swelling.
You can prevent the formation of swelling by applying ice to the bite site, which will immediately relieve the burning sensation and pain.
The most effective remedy is refined sugar, applying which to the bite site allows you to draw out the poison.
It is also recommended to apply compresses from:
mint juice;
Simply chew the plant and apply it to the sore spot. You can also resort to onion juice.
Tea tree oil relieves inflammation and removes poison from the body.
Most often, the pain after an insect bite quickly subsides, but if your health suddenly worsens, you need to call an ambulance.

Medicines for bee stings

To eliminate pain, topical painkillers are used. They contain bee sting and swelling components such as pramoxine, hydrocortisone and lidocaine.
Also, products containing baking soda or oat extract are used for application to the skin, which helps to cope with itching.
If swelling is observed for three days, then it is recommended to take antihistamines to eliminate the poison. Diphenhydramine, Pipolphenol or Suprastin are taken in combination with Analgin three times a day. If laryngeal edema develops, Ephedrine (5%) is additionally administered.
The appearance of an allergic reaction with breathing problems and a drop in blood pressure requires serious treatment with injections of Adrenaline and steroids. In some
In cases, a tube may be inserted into the trachea and IVs placed.

Work for personal plot, and especially in the apiary in the summer, unfortunately, is sometimes overshadowed by not the most pleasant encounters. One potential danger is a bee sting. Beneficial insects They are not aggressive, but under circumstances they defend themselves by thrusting a sting into the flesh of the offender.

What to do if you are bitten by a bee? How to remove the sting, and should you seek medical help?

Symptoms and consequences of a bee sting

Attacking only in case of self-defense, the insect dies, and the sharp, jagged sting that easily penetrates the skin remains at the site of the bite. At the moment of breaking the skin, a person feels a sharp pinpoint pain, but this is not the most unpleasant sensation that accompanies a bite.

Together with the sting, a toxic substance produced by the insect gets under the skin. Therefore, almost immediately after the bite, a burning sensation appears, the soft tissues turn red and swell.

If you are prone to allergic reactions or hypersensitivity, nearby areas of the body turn red or become covered with a rash. General weakness, dizziness and even fever are possible. IN in some cases people experience vomiting, chills and convulsions.

A particularly serious consequence of a bee sting is anaphylactic shock. This condition threatens:

  • sudden swelling of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx and respiratory organs;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • the death of a person who was unable to receive timely help from doctors or ordinary people nearby.

This manifestation of an allergy to a bee sting is not observed in all victims. However, it cannot be ruled out. Massive bee attacks cause the greatest harm to health. If a person accidentally or intentionally disturbs a nest of wild insects or inhabitants of a hive in an apiary.

First aid for a bee sting

What to do after a bee sting? In the very first moments, before the poison has time to spread and cause unpleasant symptoms, you should carefully remove the bee's sting.

It is easier to do this at home using tweezers. When such a tool is not at hand, you can use any available means. You can use your own nails after disinfecting them.

The contents of the wound do not need to be squeezed out. A microscopic amount of poison has already penetrated into the tissue, and any mechanical impact on the site of the bee sting will only intensify the pain and can cause third-party infection.

In most cases, the pain soon subsides, but noticeable swelling appears at the site of the bite, accompanied by burning and itching. Even with a mild degree of damage, itching is dangerous because a person scratching the skin unwittingly contributes to the development of a secondary infection and complicates the situation.

How to relieve swelling after a bee sting? At home, there are several ways to alleviate human suffering. To do this, after disinfecting the lesion, use:

  • cooling compresses with crushed ice, ammonia or plain water;
  • lotions with a paste of baking soda or vinegar;
  • topical medications;
  • antihistamines.

Menthol creams and ointments provide relief after a bee sting. These same remedies will help cope with annoying itching. In addition, cooling the skin prevents blood flow and the spread of toxins throughout the body.

As a result, the swelling from a bee sting, as in the photo, quickly subsides, which significantly alleviates the condition of the victim.

But using only topical agents is clearly not enough. To prevent dehydration, the victim is given plenty of unsweetened drinks. At the first signs of complications, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent and alleviate anaphylactic shock and other severe signs of allergies.

Emergency first aid for a bee sting

What to do at home if you are bitten by a bee and the victim shows all the signs of a severe reaction to insect toxins?

In this situation, you cannot hesitate. Immediately after calling doctors, a person who has suffered from bee stings needs to be provided with peace and warmth. To reduce the risk of edema, the patient is given an injection of antihistamines. In addition, it is important not to leave the person alone and at the same time control:

  • heart rate;
  • blood pressure indicators;
  • the functioning of the respiratory system and the condition of the mucous membranes.

First aid after a bee sting may include emergency ventilation. Indirect cardiac massage and mouth-to-nose artificial respiration may be necessary.

What to do if you are stung by a bee outside the city?

How to remove swelling from a bee sting if the accident occurred on suburban area, where the choice of medicines at hand is much smaller than in the city?

First of all, don't worry about panicking. Not only is such a reaction counterproductive, but it can also lead to breathing and heart rhythm disturbances. This will only complicate the fight against the consequences of a bee sting.

If the victim does not have obvious signs allergies, then before receiving medical help it is necessary to take measures to relieve pain and itching. On summer cottage or on vacation you don’t always have the entire necessary arsenal of medicines at hand. Immediately after a bee sting, the sting is removed, the surface of the skin is washed and, if possible, disinfected.

Nature to help with a bee sting

In the absence of allergies, to relieve swelling and irritation of the skin, itching and burning sensation, you can take “green medicines” that grow in wildlife, and in the garden.

Many plants have the ability to alleviate suffering after a bee sting. You can pick it in any garden. Grind them and apply them in the form of a lotion to the place where there was recently an insect sting. Soon the swelling will decrease and the itching will quietly disappear. For greater effect, parsley foliage can be pre-dipped with boiling water. This will enhance the release of juice and essential oil.

Plantain leaves and juice from this common plant have no less effect. In folk medicine, as first aid for a bee sting, it is recommended to use a compress of crushed plantain and another wild crop, yarrow. The bandage with the gruel is changed after two hours, when the herbal mass loses its juiciness.

An ordinary onion cut in half will disinfect the site of a bee sting and neutralize the toxins injected by the insect under the human skin. Despite the burning sensation that occurs when it comes into contact with damaged skin, the pain soon subsides, swelling and irritation subsides.

An excellent remedy that not only relieves the symptoms of a bite, but also repels aggressive bees are: garden plants like Melissa. Leaves and flowers rubbed between fingers release essential oils, which have an active calming and disinfecting effect.

If you do not delay taking pre-medical measures, even with the help of the simplest available means you can quickly and effectively alleviate the condition of a bee victim.

First aid for bee stings - video

Summer is a time not only for long-awaited vacations, but also for delicious juicy berries and fruits. But quite often the delicacy of such gifts of nature is overshadowed by bee stings. And if for most people an encounter with a striped insect can only cause temporary discomfort, then for children and allergy sufferers such a bite is dangerous to health and life. And if you are bitten by a bee, everyone should know what to do in this case.

Why does a bee sting?

According to scientists, these striped insects never attack without a reason. They leave a sharp sting in the skin of the offender and die solely for the sake of protection. But you shouldn’t think that you can avoid being bitten when you encounter insects only through correct behavior. For bees, even the strong smell of smoke, sweat or perfume can be a signal to attack. In addition, if one offender has already stung a person, the others, sensing the specific smell of poison, can also strike.

Although bees, unlike wasps, can move very far from their home and independently fly around territories in search of nectar, you should be wary numerous bites. After all, most often meetings with these workers occur precisely when a person feasts on juicy fruits and sweets. And if you behave correctly, then the insect, without experiencing danger, will join such a meal and will not harm the person. However, the fear of bees causes many to panic and not control their behavior. The insect, sensing danger, attacks its potential offender.

Thus, it turns out that bees are completely peaceful insects, and all their bites are only a way of protection.

What are the risks of meeting an insect?

The first thing a person experiences when a bee stings is acute pain. After all, the thin sting of an insect penetrates quite deeply into the skin. And after just a couple of seconds, redness and swelling appears at the site of the wound, which continues to increase as the poison spreads for another couple of minutes. The affected area of ​​the skin is very itchy, which causes significant discomfort to the victim. When you don’t know what to do if you are bitten by a bee, you can suffer from the consequences of such a bite for another couple of hours. And only then the swelling will slowly subside. At first glance, it seems that it’s nothing serious and you can tolerate it. But such a development of events after an encounter with an insect can only happen if the victim is not allergic to bee venom.

Who should be afraid of bee stings?

Many people believe that bee stings are only dangerous for allergy sufferers. But we cannot completely agree with this opinion. Indeed, of the total number of people with a tendency to allergies, only a third know about their peculiarities. And the rest do not even suspect that they can develop such a reaction to many irritants, including bee venom. You should also be wary of the consequences in cases where the insect stings children or the elderly. Therefore, everyone should definitely know what to do if they are bitten by a bee.

How does a bite occur?

Like all Hymenoptera, the bee has a fairly long sting, which is located in the abdomen. The only fundamental difference from other insects of this order is that the bee sting has the shape of a spear. It pierces the skin very easily. And at this moment, a specific poison is released from special glands. All attempts to remove the weapon of attack from the insect end in failure, since the sting is securely connected to its internal organs. So it turns out that a single sting costs the bee its life.

How to behave if a bee has already bitten you?

If it was not possible to avoid an attack, you should not complicate the situation and forget about the rules of behavior. After all, near the sweet apple, which became the cause of discord, there may be other representatives of the offender’s family. Therefore, there is no need to wave your arms chaotically and shout loudly, as this can cause aggression in other bees. You should calmly and slowly move to a safe distance from the place where the offender attacked, and then begin to treat the wound.

When a person does not know what to do if he is bitten by a bee, he begins to scratch or strongly rub the itchy wound, which worsens his condition. After all, the sting remaining in the skin can penetrate deeper and will be difficult to remove, so it is important not to touch the bite site at all before providing first aid.

First aid for a bite

The first thing a victim should do if bitten by a bee or wasp is to carefully examine the wound. If a striped insect has left a sting, it must be carefully removed using an antiseptic-treated needle or pin. If you don’t have these items at hand, you can even use nail scissors or tweezers, the main thing is that the tool for removing the sting is treated with alcohol or peroxide. Any alcohol-containing drinks or perfumes are also suitable as an antiseptic.

After the sting is removed, the wound should be treated. This is best done with a dark solution of potassium permanganate, which must be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin using sterile cotton wool or a cotton pad. However, not everyone has this remedy at home, let alone those who have been stung by a bee outdoors or in the country. In such situations, you just need to rinse the wound with water and then cover it with cotton wool or a napkin soaked in salted water.

How to prevent swelling?

For those who do not know what to do if they are bitten by a bee, it is worth saying that treating the wound is only part emergency care that should be provided to the victim. It prevents the penetration of microbes through damaged skin, but does not reduce the body's response to bee venom. To do this, you need to use other means (in the form of compresses).

If the victim has Aspirin with him, problems can be avoided altogether. It is enough to crush one tablet even in a piece of paper, then add a couple of drops of water. The resulting pulp should be spread on the wound, covered with a napkin or bandage. After 5-10 minutes the compress can be removed. Activated carbon can be used in the same way.

Fighting intoxication

Despite the fact that today bee venom is used as the main substance of some medicines, in its unrefined form it is very dangerous for humans. Therefore, if a bee bites you on the head or any other part of the body, you should not take risks and test your body’s strength. It is necessary to immediately begin measures that can neutralize and quickly remove the poison. To do this, the victim should quickly take an antihistamine, regardless of whether there was a previous allergy or not. Over the next 2-3 hours, you need to drink plenty of fluids so that toxins are eliminated from the body faster.

If a bee stings a child

Many parents panic if their child is stung by a bee. They don’t even know what to do in such a situation, and therefore they smear the bite site with all the medicines that come to hand. With such irresponsible behavior they harm their child, although they are pursuing the opposite goal. To avoid such a situation, every parent should have full information about what measures should be taken to prevent the consequences of a bite. And strictly follow the recommendations without panicking.

A baby who has suffered an insect attack should be calmed down and put to bed. Then inspect the bite site and remove the sting. After treating the wound, apply a compress and give an antihistamine to drink. This could be Claridol, Claritin, Cestin, Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil and any other drug of similar action. Over the next few hours, your baby should be given water frequently. in fractional portions and monitor his condition. If during this time the baby does not show signs of an allergy, such as a rash, difficulty breathing or swelling, then there is no need to worry.

If your child is allergic

There are a lot of children prone to allergies, but parents do not always know about this problem. Therefore, if a child is bitten by a bee, everyone should know what to do and how to prevent the child’s body from reacting to bee venom.

So, the first thing that the loved ones of the injured child should do is give the baby an antihistamine. And only then examine the wound and remove the sting. After all, the enzymes that are in bee venom are very quickly absorbed into the blood, so an allergic reaction can appear within a couple of minutes. If a child complains that it becomes difficult for him to breathe, that he experiences itching all over his body even after taking an antihistamine, you should urgently call an ambulance. Before the medical team arrives, the child should be given water frequently, and if additional symptoms appear, the allergy medicine should be given again, 30-40 minutes after the first dose.

Do I need to go to the hospital?

Of course, in most cases, a single dose of bee venom does not harm health, but sometimes the lack of timely medical care can even cost the victim his life. Therefore, it is so important to know in which cases you should not neglect medical care to prevent the manifestation of dangerous reactions of the body.

Firstly, you need to immediately contact medical institution, if the victim was attacked by several insects. In such cases, the risk of developing toxic shock increases several times, even in people who have not previously suffered from allergies.

Secondly, if a bee has bitten you on the neck, face, lip or even tongue, you must go to the hospital immediately. After all, the close proximity of the bite site to the respiratory tract can cause swelling of the mucous membranes, sometimes even suffocation.

Why is a bite dangerous for allergy sufferers?

For people who are prone to allergies, even a dose of venom from a single bite can be fatal. That is why it is so important to provide timely assistance to the victim before toxic substances spread throughout the body. In addition, if a bee bites you, the allergy sufferer should know what to do. And always carry an antihistamine and Cordiamin medicine with you.

The effect of bee venom on the body of a person prone to allergies can cause various symptoms, which can lead to complex health disorders, and sometimes even threaten the life of the patient. Most often, toxins cause vomiting, severe dizziness, nausea, cramps, diarrhea and loss of consciousness. But the most dangerous consequence of such an insect bite for allergy sufferers is anaphylactic shock. In this condition, a person’s blood pressure sharply decreases, which causes general weakness, and the voice becomes hoarse, as laryngeal stenosis occurs.

You can prevent the development of anaphylactic shock by taking an antihistamine and 25 drops of Cordiamin. In addition, the wound needs to be treated and an anti-inflammatory compress applied that can neutralize the poison. If the bite is on an arm or leg, it is advisable to use a tourniquet, which should be applied slightly above the wound.

When going to nature or to the country, only a few take a first aid kit with them, while the rest rely on chance and their own resourcefulness. Well, sometimes the last quality is quite capable of helping a person out if a difficult situation arises. If you are bitten by a bee, how to remove the swelling with medicinal plants? After all, sometimes they are the only ones at hand.

The first and most common method of dealing with the consequences of a bee sting is to treat the wound with fresh parsley juice. To do this, the leaves and stems of the plant should be kneaded and applied to the insect-affected area. If it so happens that as a result of a bee sting, your leg or arm is swollen, first of all you need to apply a tourniquet above the wound so that the poison does not spread further throughout the body. And only after this, treat the affected area of ​​skin with parsley juice or soap solution.

Quite often you can hear from our grandmothers that it is best to treat a bee sting with your own urine. However, from a hygiene point of view, this remedy is not particularly acceptable today, unless, of course, the victim is a supporter of urine therapy.

To soothe the pain and relieve itching, the bite can be treated with lemon juice or any other sour berry, and you can also apply a mashed sorrel leaf to the wound. If, immediately after a bite, the damaged area of ​​skin is wiped with half an onion, then swelling may not appear at all. And mild discomfort from burning and itching will pass in 5-10 minutes.

But for those who don’t know if they’ve been bitten by a bee, what to do in nature far from civilization, when even the most simple means, there is no need to despair. After all, the pain will very quickly be relieved by dandelion juice, and a plantain leaf will cope with swelling.

Of course, there are many other recipes traditional medicine, which will help if you are bitten by a bee. What to do and which one to choose, everyone can decide for themselves. But using the “favorite” remedy for all ailments - alcohol - when stung by a bee is strictly prohibited, as this can increase the swelling.

People and insects are part of nature and naturally we live in close interaction. Therefore, a bee sting at least once in a person’s life is inevitable. A person who has been bitten has a number of questions that need to be answered. What to do immediately after a bite? How to relieve swelling of a bee sting? Let's figure it out.

What should you do immediately after a bee sting?

The first thing to do is to free yourself from the bee sting. Under no circumstances should you pull the sting out with your fingers. This will only make things worse. A bottle of poison enters the bee’s stinging apparatus, and by pulling out the sting we will definitely press on the bottle and thereby increase the amount of poison in the human body.
For example, women can use a nail file, gently pressing the side of the file onto the bite site and smoothly free themselves from the sting. If you don’t have something similar at hand, you can carefully use your fingernail thumb perform a similar operation. It will not be possible to remove the sting completely, since the sting is jagged, but the amount of poison received during the bite will be significantly reduced.

How to relieve swelling and pain?

The painful condition can be alleviated by wiping the bee sting site with a piece of gauze soaked in ammonia or potassium permanganate. To ease your general condition, you can drink warm water or tea.

Folk remedies for bee stings

To relieve swelling and pain after a bee sting, there are folk remedies, which can be used.

Activated charcoal and aspirin for pain and swelling

Activated carbon and one aspirin tablet is dissolved in a glass of water. Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent, and aspirin is a pain reliever. Just lightly wet a piece of cotton wool and apply it to the bite site.

Decoction of plantain and parsley for pain and swelling

Parsley is good for relieving pain and reducing swelling. Parsley is chopped and poured with boiling water. After the broth has settled, chopped parsley is applied to the bite site.
Plantain and parsley leaves are crushed and a decoction is made. The resulting pulp is applied to a plantain leaf and applied to the bite site. Possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, pain is quickly relieved and swelling goes away.

Relieving swelling and pain with onion juice

Onions are also used to relieve pain and swelling after bee stings. Onion juice is mainly used. The bactericidal properties of onion juice and its ability to cause a burning sensation at the site of the bite help reduce the feeling of pain and quick withdrawal swelling.

Aloe leaf or juice for swelling

Aloe, aloe juice, a well-known plant has been used since ancient times as remedy for treatment skin diseases. You can use either the leaves themselves or water solution aloe juice diluted with water. A compress or aloe leaf, first remove the skin, apply to the site of the bee sting. Swelling decreases and pain goes away.

Allergy to bee sting

A person with increased allergenic sensitivity suffers a bee sting much more severely. Severe pain is felt, swelling can reach large sizes. A rash, fever, fainting, and loss of consciousness may appear throughout the body.
A person who has increased allergenic sensitivity to bee venom needs to take antihistamines: diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavigil, etc. The best way, in my opinion, is diphenhydramine. It weakens the allergic reaction, is very calming and reduces the load on the circulatory system.
In case of a severe allergic reaction, a change in breathing rate, or a decrease in blood pressure, you need to drink 30 drops of Corvalol or Cordiamine. Provide warmth and peace.
In especially severe cases, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage. The victim must be kept under observation until the ambulance arrives.

Why do bees sting?

Bee attacks on humans often result from a person’s ignorance of the habitat and behavior of bees in various situations.
Circumstances under which bees sting:

  • you crushed a bee that accidentally landed on you;
  • a pungent odor coming from a person (the smell of sweat, perfume, alcohol, etc.);
  • a person or animal enters an area of ​​intense summer bees for a bribe;
  • a person or animal is in close proximity to a bee nest.

Bees attack unexpectedly and sting in unprotected places. The smell of poison causes a reaction from neighboring bees and they all rush towards a person or animal. The poison enters the human body. The reaction to the poison is pain in the bite area, redness, swelling.
The human body’s reaction to bee venom is not clear and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Healthy man experiences minor pain in the bite area.
As a rule, pain and swelling at the site of a bee sting goes away after 2-4 days.
A bee bites through a stinging apparatus, which consists of a reservoir (vial) with poison and a jagged stinger. The length of the sting is about 2 mm. After stinging (inserting a sting into the victim's body), the bee dies. The sting gets stuck in the human body. The bee flies away, and part of the abdomen, with the stinging apparatus, remains in the body of the victim. 0.3–0.8 mg of poison enters the human body. The lethal dose of bee venom for humans is 2 g. Which is 500-1000 stings.

What to do if you are stung by a bee (video)

This video explains in detail everything that was described above and even more, we strongly recommend viewing

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