Perfume with verbena scent. Lemon verbena - cultivation, collection and storage. Where does verbena grow?

Russia, Voronezh
06.05.2013 11:03

For some reason, this aromatic plant is constantly confused with Verbena officinalis. But they even belong to different botanical genera, although they belong to the same verbena family. We bring to your attention a wonderful article by Elena Malankina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, dedicated to this interesting and useful plant.

So, lemon verbena. Actually, the confusion arises due to the huge number of names in Latin, with each country preferring its own. The most common is (Kunth), but besides it there are also synonyms: Verbena triphylla l'Herit., Aloysia citriodora Ortega ex Pers, Aloysia triphylla (L"Hér.) Britton, Lippia triphylla (L"Hér.) Kuntze, Verbena triphylla L"Hér., and very rarely Zappania citrodora Lam. The name of the genus Lippia comes from the name of the French botanist Auguste Lippi (1678-1704), who traveled to Africa and was killed by the local population in Ethiopia.

Verbena was brought from South America to Europe at the end of the 18th century. The first European botanist to publish a description of this plant was the French Philibert Commerson, when he went with Louis Antoine, Comte de Bougainville, to trip around the world around 1767 In 1797, professors at the Royal Madrid Botanical Garden Casimir Gomez and Antonio Ortega Palau and Verdera named Aloysia citrodora in Latin and "Hierba de la Princesa" in Spanish in honor of Maria Luisa of Parma, Princess of Asturias, wife of the garden's patron, Infante Carlos de Bourbon, Prince of Asturias and son of King Carlos III .

It first appeared in England in 1784. This plant enjoyed great success in Victorian England. Numerous fragrances have been created with the presence of lemon verbena. In general, verbena was lucky to be mentioned in literature. In 1854, in his famous poem "Sylvia", Alfred de Musset also mentioned this rarity:

"Also, a little vervain,

Whose scent was felt... "

It was also the favorite scent of Scarlett O'Hara's mother in Gone with the Wind.

At the beginning of the 19th century, verbena was brought to India, Martinique, Reunion, and also to Italy. She came to Europe as ornamental plant, but then they began to grow it in the south of France and the French colonies (Algeria, Tunisia, Madagascar) to obtain essential oil. There were attempts to grow it in the subtropical regions of the USSR (Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia).

In France, for perfumery, liqueur production and herbal medicine, it was cultivated in the immediate vicinity of Grasse, Cannes, Antibes, and Nice. But when growing in Anjou, it already had to be covered in winter.

Its common names in European countries associated either with origin or with aroma (Verveine du Pérou - Peruvian verbena, Verveine citronnelle (French), zitronenverbene, citronenkraut (German) - lemon verbena, Verveine à trois feuilles - three-leaf verbena)

This perennial shrub, originating from America. It grows wild in Peru, Chile, the mountains in northeastern Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, where it grows mainly at an altitude of about 2000 m, rising to selected places up to 3500 m. The height of the plant in its homeland is from 3.0 to 5.0 m in height, and in temperate climate- from 0.8 to 2.0 m. This is a plant with straight branches, pale green, elongated (7-10 cm), leaves in whorls of 3-4 pieces. Leaves with a serrated edge and clearly visible essential oil glands on the veins on the underside of the leaf. The taste is pungent, slightly bitter. Inflorescences at the end of the shoot with small white flowers. Seeds are practically not produced in Europe.

The raw materials of this plant can be found in European pharmacies; its essential oil is sometimes used for colognes and perfumes. The leaves contain up to 0.9% essential oil, the main components of which are citral, limonene, geraniol, trans-ocimene, beta-caryophyllene, germacrene D, and some sesquiterpenes. In addition, the leaves contain flavonoids, mainly flavones (slavigénine, eupafoline, hispiduline, etc.).

In the form of dry raw materials and essential oil, verbena is confused with other species that have a lemon aroma, in particular with boldo (Peumus boldus, family Monimiaceae), which also grows in Chile and is used by the local population for liver diseases and helminthiasis, and Moldovan snakehead, which is grown in many European countries, and finally with citronella, the essential oil of which is widespread and quite cheap, unlike verbena.

Beneficial properties of lemon verbena
Verbena and its aroma have antipyretic, antispasmodic and mild sedative effects.

Fresh or boiled, verbena leaves can be used as a gargle to soothe a toothache or as a compress on varicose ulcers.

Often 4-5 leaves are added when brewing or collecting tea, especially if the taste of other plants is unpleasant. Sometimes verbena is brewed separately. This tea is recommended at night and is usually drunk with sugar.

To treat indigestion, flatulence, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia, neuroses, headaches, minor sleep disturbances, tinnitus, fatigue, brew 5-10 g of leaves in half a liter of boiling water and drink in 4 doses during the day for 3- x weeks.

Verbena is also considered a vasculotropic agent, which allows it to be prescribed in preparations for atherosclerosis and as a decongestant for venous diseases (varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, hemorrhoids, etc.).

Sometimes it is used in European herbal medicine as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, for neuralgia, as a disinfectant and tonic.

In moderate amounts, verbena extract has antioxidant effects that have been tested in actively training athletes. Verbascoside, which has shown high free radical scavenging capacity and may have interesting applications in the development of cosmetics, nutritional supplements or functional foods, was found to be responsible for this effect. In addition, verbena extract is active against the causative agent of thrush Candida Albicans.

However, like any plant, in excessive doses it can cause irritation in the stomach.

In aromatherapy, essential oil is used to treat nervous system and digestive problems, as well as externally to treat acne and ulcers. Although there are disagreements among aromatherapists regarding the external use of verbena essential oil. Many people believe that it causes allergic skin reactions.

In the European Union, the use of distilled (obtained by steam distillation) essential oil of verbena and its products in perfumery has been prohibited since 2009, but verbena absolute can be used in perfumery.

In France, more than 500 tons of dried leaves are consumed, primarily for flavoring products, in particular tea. The quality of raw materials is assessed by the intensity of the aroma and the rich green color of the leaves.

The leaves are sometimes used in small quantities in cooking to make sorbet, ice cream or baked goods. Some chefs recommend verbena leaves for cooking white meat or fish, especially steamed, especially when implementing oriental recipes that originally used basil, lemongrass or ginger.

In South America it is used in the production of sweet dishes, liqueurs and as a sedative, as well as to enhance the taste of lemonade. In addition, people have long known about the ability of the scent of verbena to drive away aphids and fight ticks.

Her lot is the window sill
In our conditions, lemon verbena can only grow as a potted crop, which is taken outside for a walk in the summer. Verbena requires neutral soils, fertile and well drained. It should be placed on sunny windowsill, and in the summer - in a sunny place.

Seeds are sown in the ground and placed in a warm place so that seedlings appear faster. If you have a plant, you can propagate verbena by cuttings. They are sensitive to frost and can only withstand a few hours at temperatures around -5 o C.

It is better to apply fertilizers once every 10-20 days or a little less often, simultaneously with watering. In the first half of summer, nitrogen and potassium are added for intensive growth of fragrant shoots, and in the second half of summer they are limited to potassium.

The plant, on the one hand, requires sufficient moisture for intensive growth of shoots, since during periods of drought it begins to lose leaves, but on the other hand, when overmoistened, verbena is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Shoots can and should be cut several times a season. Store them dried or frozen for later use in the kitchen. The raw materials retain the aroma quite well.

11 chosen

There are about 120 species of plants in the Verbena family in the world. However, most of them are only suitable for feeding insects. Only two types of verbena are of true value to humans - medicinal (Verbena officinalis) and lemon (Lippia сitriodora, Aloysia triphylla). Verbena officinalis has powerful therapeutic properties. Preparations based on verbena officinalis are prescribed for various diseases and as a general tonic.

Lemon verbena received its most common name due to the fact that the smell of verbena leaves and shoots is similar to the smell of lemon peel. Verbena essential oil is obtained by steam distillation using the flowering shoots of the plant. The yield of the finished product from raw materials is minimal, which is why natural lemon verbena essential oil is quite expensive. Due to its high cost, lemon verbena essential oil is often adulterated with cheaper lemongrass oil (Andropogon citralus), which does not have such valuable properties, and also smells a little different.

Verbena – quite ancient plant. The countries of South America are traditionally considered its homeland: Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Peru. The plant was brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 17th century.

However, the history of human use of verbena goes back about 2 thousand years. It is believed that verbena branches were used to cover the body of the crucified Jesus Christ so that his wounds would stop bleeding.

Since then, verbena has been followed by a trail of a mysterious and mysterious plant, surrounded by many secrets and legends. In occult sciences, it is believed that vervain is able to ward off evil spirits and resist them.

In medieval books, verbena is mentioned as a plant with magical powers. Based on verbena, various potions and decoctions were created that could both heal and cripple.

However, let's return to our days. And today, verbena has not lost its popularity. The lemon verbena species is often used in perfumery. Its aroma is slightly tart, refreshing, with noticeable floral accords, ideal for creating floral-fruity compositions. In Arab countries, the smell of verbena is considered an aphrodisiac.

The Noran brand (or Norana, both spellings are allowed) comes from the United Arab Emirates, according to legend, its history began in 1929. However, considering what exactly was happening on the territory of the modern UAE at that time, this statement does not seem so honest. The brand specializes in the production of analogues of the most popular fragrances. The brand gained popularity a couple of years ago with the release of the Suzana fragrance, a clone of Baccara Rouge, damn similar to the original, only more sweet and saccharine.


The Acqua Di Parma brand began its history at the beginning of the last century and, in fact, was one of the first Italian perfume houses to gain popularity outside its homeland. At the end of the 90s, the brand experienced its rebirth; one after another, different fragrances began to be released, which are united by the spirit and culture of their country, and, at the same time, can please lovers of various directions. Today we will talk about fresh, citrus, colonial aromas that are or could be included in the Blue Mediterraneo line, dedicated to the Mediterranean.


Spring seems to have finally overcome winter. The wind is already warm and gives hope, the sun remains in the sky longer, birds have returned to the cities, the snow is gradually retreating, hiding in the shady lowlands, warm boots are replaced by light ankle boots, and hats move to the mezzanine for a long time. And the scents on our shelves are changing. I want to wear it more colors, greenery, suede, chypre. Today we have a universal selection in which everyone will find a scent to their liking.


Boucheron is a French jewelry house created in 1858 by Frédéric Boucheron. Crowned and simply famous clients, such as Queen Mother Elizabeth, mother of the reigning Queen of England and wife of King George VI, and Elizabeth II herself, the first rich man Russian Empire Prince Felix Yusupov, boutiques in Moscow and St. Petersburg, opened at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and disappeared during the revolution, boutiques in New York and London. After the death of Frédéric Boucheron in 1902, his descendants took over the business, and only in 1994 the Boucheron brand ceased to be a family business, becoming part of the Gucci Group. Since 1988, together with jewelry The brand began producing fragrances. The first of them was called Boucheron, it was created by Francis Delemamont and Jean-Pierre Betoir - a floral waltz around amber, civet and oakmoss. In 2017, the brand presented its boutique collection. We will tell you about it.


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- popular annual plant with beautiful fragrant (especially in the evenings) inflorescences. This wonderful plant blooms from June until autumn. It is distinguished by a variety of bright colors: pink, cherry, red, pale blue, lilac, white. Small flowers with a white throat are collected at the tops of the stems in dense spherical inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. Plant height can reach from 15 to 55 cm.

A genus of plants in the Verbenaceae family, containing about 250 species, native to the tropics and subtropics of America. Many varieties, hybrids and cultures of verbena, especially those of South American origin, are widely used in ornamental gardening, most often as long-flowering annuals of various colors. There are 40 species known in culture, but only the hybrid one, obtained from crossing several species, is widespread. Gardeners paid attention to this plant in the 19th century.

Hybrid verbena (Verbena xhybrida hort.)
The most famous in ornamental gardening is hybrid verbena; under this name numerous garden forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin that arose after 1830. In nature it is perennial herbaceous plant, used as an annual. When grown in pots, verbena can be considered a perennial. The main varietal differences of hybrid verbena are the size and color of the flowers, the presence of an eye in the center and its shape. The flowers are regular, of various shades of color, from white to purple-red or dark purple, fragrant, often with a light eye in the center. The inflorescences are complex, consisting of 30-50 flowers, umbrella-shaped, stretching into a multi-flowered spike. Blooms from June to October.

Even in the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, verbena was called the herb that “brings health to humanity.” It is clear that verbena does not cure all diseases, but it has an antispasmodic effect, improves blood microcirculation, and eliminates headaches and dizziness. This is an effective remedy against vegetative-vascular dystonia, normalizes blood pressure, facilitates drainage and removal of fluid retained in tissues, as well as substances that cause inflammation.

It has now been scientifically proven: active substances verbenas have the rare ability to capture cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels and remove it from the body, saving blood vessels from disasters. These valuable properties of verbena officinalis have long attracted the attention of pharmacists. In Europe, a special preparation was even developed for the comprehensive healing and cleansing of blood vessels - Verbena drops - “clean vessels”.

Thanks to its tannins, this plant is used for mild stomach diseases, diarrhea and lack of appetite. If you have a cold, you can drink verbena tea or gargle with it.

Everything that is sold under the names: “Fragrant verbena tea”, “Verbena”, is prepared from the leaves of Lippia triphylla (L"Herit.) O. Kuntze. They contain aromatic essential oil, and in France and Switzerland these teas are readily replaced ordinary black tea. The leaves of this plant are credited with a strengthening, diuretic, weight-reducing and tonic effect. Lippia trifolia belongs to the verbena family. Its homeland is Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. In Southern Europe, it is grown in gardens.

Fragrant verbena, or lemon verbena, is a shrub reaching 2 meters in height. The leaves are pointed, many small flowers form an inflorescence-spike. Verbena blooms from July to September. From the dried leaves, verbena oil is obtained by steam distillation, which has a lemon scent and a yellow-green color. The oil is mainly concentrated in the leaves. Has antiseptic properties.

History of Verbena

Verbena fragrant... How often does the name of this plant appear. This very word exudes the subtle aroma of dried flowers, the aroma of times long past. What secrets are associated with this modest flower?

The name "Verbena" is of ancient Roman origin, "verbum" translated from Latin means "word". Verbena is considered a magical flower, which also has healing properties. IN Ancient Egypt verbena was the flower of Isis, and in ancient Rome this plant was associated with Venus, the goddess of love. They were called the tear of Isis, the tear of Juno, the vein of Venus, the blood of Mercury, the herb of Hercules, the herb of Mercy and even the holy herb.

The first Christians called verbena "the herb of the cross" because it was watered with the blood of the crucified Christ. After all, according to Christian legend, it was first found on Calvary at the foot of the Cross and was used to stop the bleeding from the Savior’s wounds. For this reason, it was sometimes called the “holy herb” and was given the power to ward off all kinds of evil, stop bleeding and heal deep wounds.

The Druids revered verbena and were sure that it healed all diseases, ignited the dark flame of love, reconciled enemies, and removed spirits. And if you put it in the house, garden, field or garden, then there will be “profit”. Priests prepared magical and secret drinks from fragrant verbena. The ancient Greeks and Romans also considered this plant sacred, bringing happiness, and the verbena wreath symbolized marriage and protected against conspiracies and spells, cleansed homes and temples.


Modest in appearance and almost odorless small flower, however, has great power and hidden potential. The name of this plant comes from the phrase Veneris vena - vein of Venus. Verbena has long been considered the flower of the zodiac sign Libra, which is characterized by love, beauty, seduction, as well as protection of hair and veins.

Since ancient times, Verbena has been called the herb of Hercules (oh, this hidden power!), the herb of Mercy, the holy herb, the tear of Isis, the tear of Juno, the vein of Venus.

The glorious Druids were filled with reverence for the little vervain. They believed that she kindles the flame of love, expels spirits, reconciles enemies, and has no equal in healing the body from all diseases. Egyptian priests prepared witchcraft drinks from the plant, and the ancient Greeks and Romans expected happiness and good luck from it.

True passion raged in the leaves, stems and delicate flowers. In the Middle Ages, people believed that it was enough to rub your palms with verbena juice and touch the skin of a loved one, and he would immediately glow with reciprocal feelings and be imbued with your charm. Verbena leaves contain essential oils, tannins. In past centuries, it was widely used in medicine, magic, for preparing love potions and healing the soul from adversity, bad mood and despondency. In the twentieth century, the glory of verbena faded, the plant - strong and mysterious - was undeservedly forgotten. Or has verbena gone into the shadows to shine for us with renewed vigor today?

Nowadays, verbena is widely used in perfumery. Its delightful notes are included in the most prestigious compositions to enchant, to lead through the test of temptation, to awaken the desire to change the life around you for the better, to become attractive and loved. Verbena most often gives us its beauty in its heart notes. In the miniature for men “Green Irish Tweed” it combines perfectly with iris and gives luxury and tenderness, and in the perfume “CK One Summer 2006” from Calvin Klein it amazes with its sophistication and sensual flair in harmony with lemon and blue freesia.

Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. It is a yellowish or greenish liquid with a fresh lemon odor, which is characterized as subtle, high-pitched, candy-like, with a fruity-floral flavor.

Verbena oil is quite expensive. One liter of French-made liquid cost about 9 thousand French francs back in the late 90s. Verbena oil is compatible with palmarosa, petitgrain, neroli, geranium, chamomile, basil, bergamot, rose and rosemary. Exquisite and delicate taste with a refreshing effect allows you to use verbena to prepare very expensive and valuable liqueurs.

“4711 Aqua Colognia Melissa & Verbena”, unisex eau de parfum from Maurer & Wirtz, Germany, published 2009

The seductive gentle and playful scent of lemon balm and verbena will again and again return us to the cool summer twilight, filled with peace and the subtle aroma of herbs. The miniature will refresh your senses, drive away all worries, surrounding you with tenderness and a veil of shimmering seductive shades. The composition contains lemon balm and verbena.

“A Scent by Issey Miyake”, eau de toilette for women from Issey Miyake, Japan, year of publication

A proud, self-sufficient aroma that absorbed the smells of rain, freshly cut greenery in the slightly bitter haze of unruly and tenacious stems. The base contains delicate floral shades with a tempting transparent powdery overtone, while remaining stylish and expensive. The perfume contains citruses, jasmine, hyacinth, cedar wood, galbanum, moss and verbena.

“Rosissimo”, eau de parfum for men by Les Parfums de Rosine, France, published 2010

A stylish, interesting and luxurious aroma of a beautiful rose, which the perfumers surrounded with exquisite components. Green, juicy, tart notes smoothly flow into delightful shades of leather, moss and vetiver with floral undertones, which generously give their tenderness to the man, rewarding him with the features of youth, charm and a real warrior. The composition contains bitter orange, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, jasmine, fir, moss, leather, vetiver, benzoin and verbena.

“Sonia”, perfume for women from Rasasi, UAE

Sweet and fresh fruity-floral shades vibrate and flicker as if alive. Delicate violet in cool splashes of lime and tangerine combines perfectly with the luxurious velvety tones of rose framed with woody motifs. This aroma wafts through the sea breeze and envelops you in the rustle of trembling cypress leaves, rustling on a delightful summer evening. The miniature contains bergamot, lime, mandarin, cypress, honeysuckle, rose, saffron, amber, sandalwood, vanilla, musk and verbena.

“Verbenas of Provence”, unisex cologne from Jo Malone, England, published 1995

Bright citrus aroma like a sip fresh air like a burst of sunny and joyful emotions. Orange and absolutely natural lemon are intertwined with slightly sweet and very feminine shades of rose, tempting motifs of juniper and oak moss, and through them the crafty verbena sounds invitingly and tenderly. The composition also contains jasmine and sandalwood.

“Very Irresistible Electric Rose”, eau de toilette for women from Givenchy, France, published 2012

The aroma of blooming verbena and rose, the aroma of fresh blueberries and white cedar... Bright and delightfully light on a cool day, it sounds warm and aristocratic when the sun shines in the sky. It also shines and exudes amazing vibes with a soft musky undertone, tempting you with all its intoxicating notes. The composition contains citruses, basil, rose, violet, anise, blueberry, musk, cedar and verbena.

“Eau de Reglisse Liquorice”, eau de toilette for women from Caron, France, published 2006

The aroma beautifully and loudly reveals pure shades of mandarin and basil, lemon balm and licorice. It will refresh you on a summer day and give you a wonderful smell of tea with green herbs. The fragrance ends with sharp and seductive tones of ginger combined with sensual and passion-filled musk. The composition also contains patchouli, vanilla, nutmeg and verbena.

"Citron", unisex eau de toilette from Fragonard, France

A refreshing aroma like a light breath of spring breeze. It will bring the fragrance of blooming gardens and wet herbs. Bright expressive notes will always be nearby and fill your day with positive emotions, decorate your image with beautiful shades of exciting verbena and sunny lemon. The miniature also contains a citron.

“Eau du Sud”, unisex eau de toilette from Annick Goutal, France, published 1996

The perfume was created under the influence of travels in Tuscany and Provence. Like the fragrant gardens of beautiful provinces, it is full of fresh and spicy aromas of herbs and citrus fruits, subtle hints of warm colors jasmine, sandalwood and vanilla. All notes merge into an amazing and harmonious miniature, evoking the most pleasant and intimate memories. The composition contains citruses, basil, mint, patchouli, jasmine, vanilla, vetiver, sandalwood, oakmoss and verbena.

Verbena is native to South America; This is a beautiful herbaceous plant for open ground. It belongs to the verbena family and has more than a hundred species and subspecies, growing from Canada to Chile, from Europe to Far East and Central Asia.

The name of this plant, from the Greek word (verbum), also means “altar plant.” It is also called “vein of Venus”, “pigeon grass”, “van-van”, “witch plant”, “iron ore”.

Legends and customs associated with verbena:

Important! Verbena is not only a miraculous and beautiful plant, but also bursting with diversity. Found from South America to Russian Siberia. Selected species and varieties can be both annuals and perennials, herbaceous or subshrubs, with a height of 30 to 100 cm and having a tetrahedral, erect, creeping or prostrate stem.

Find out what beneficial properties verbena has, who is contraindicated to use it, and how the plant is used in folk medicine, Can .

What does it look like?

In Russia, it is most often a herbaceous perennial with a height of 25-30 to 100 cm with a straight, branched stem, serrated, elongated oval, drooping leaves dark green color.

Verbena has a huge variety of color options., from white and yellow, to deep purple and blue shades, from blood scarlet to soft pink. The flowers are small, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, sessile with a 5-toothed calyx, a funnel-shaped, almost two-lipped 5-lobed corolla, collected 30-50 in terminal corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, spikes and even racemes, often with white or brownish eye.

Greenish or light brown verbena fruits have the shape of a nut that splits into four parts.

You can learn in detail about ampelous verbena, the conditions of its maintenance and care, and also see a photo of the plant.


In the photo below you can see what the flowers of the perennial verbena plant, also known as “pigeon grass,” look like in a flowerbed:

Description of varieties

There are many types of verbena. It is widely used in medicine - in perfumery - lemon verbena "Aloysia trifoliata" and in gardening. Compact verbena, which is divided into several varieties and species, has also found particular fame among gardeners.

In total, this plant has about 250 species and varieties, growing all over the world, distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors.

You can find out what types of verbena there are, as well as see their photos, and from there you will learn how to grow finely dissected verbena.

Where does it grow in Russia?

In Russia, verbena is most often found in the southern European part of the country, in the Caucasus, the Urals, it grows in clearings, meadows, roadsides, and, as a weed, in crop fields. Verbena is much less common in the south of Siberia and Altai, where it diligently sticks to the edges of forests, dry riverbeds and open river banks.

Where to buy and for how much?

In order to purchase vervain, you do not need to overcome any unimaginable difficulties. If you really want to admire this beautiful flower in your own flowerbed or windowsill, you just need to go to the nearest specialized store that sells seeds for planting. You can also buy many types of verbena online. Both here and there, verbena is sold in bags, 5-10 grams or several pieces.

The price varies from 15 to 500-600 rubles, depending on the type, variety and number of seeds. The most expensive are hybrid species of perennial verbena, flaunting in the flower beds of Amsterdam and Paris.

Attention! The germination rate of verbena seeds can be extremely low, up to 30% of the total sowing, so consult a specialist before rushing to buy this or that variety you like; perhaps it requires special care, or has other specific properties.

If you rip it off young tree twig, and peel the bark, you can feel what verbena smells like: it is a delicate, pleasant honey-spicy-citrus aroma. It is this unusual smell that verbena flowers have. This smell reminds me of fresh herbal tea with a lemon crust, about frosty evenings by the fire or hot July twilight in the middle of the fields.

The most “fragrant” and used in perfumery is “Aloysia trifolia” or “lemon verbena”. It grows freely in South and Latin America, from where it was taken back in the 18th century by employees of the Madrid Botanical Garden.

The new flower immediately caught the fancy of Europe, especially charming the British with its juicy and delicate bouquet.

Perfumes using verbena still remain one of the favorites in many countries and among many peoples, however, “magic aphrodisias” with this delightful aroma are very expensive.


Verbena is unpretentious, but light-loving and heat-loving, for its good health it requires a temperature of +20°-28° in summer and -5°-12° in winter. Caring for this plant is not quite complicated, but you still have to follow some rules.

  • Verbenas are very resistant to heat and even drought, but you should not abuse their endurance. In the first weeks after planting, the plant is watered moderately, so it takes root more quickly. During active growth and flowering, watering is carried out regularly, and closer to the second half of summer, the amount of water received is reduced.
  • Air circulation for the bark system is ensured by loosening the soil in extreme heat, but only after abundant watering.
  • If verbena bushes are planted in a group, then weed control has to be carried out only at the very beginning, because this plant grows very quickly, covering the soil with a thick, fluffy carpet, as soon as this happens, the need for weeding immediately disappears. But when planting alone, it is necessary to weed the verbena constantly while the verbena grows and blooms.

    Advice! If after planting you mulch the soil with rotted grass or decorative material, then you won’t have to loosen the soil or fight weeds at all.

  • In order for verbena to grow healthy and delight the eye with its beauty for a long time, the soil is enriched with mineral and organic fertilizers.
    1. During the flowering and active growth season, mineral fertilizers are applied 3-4 times.
    2. With organic ones you have to be extremely careful, since oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen leads to the fact that the flower will grow into a gorgeous, green bush, but, alas, refuses to bloom. Therefore, the plant should receive organic matter only once per season.
  • Withered inflorescences are removed - this gives a good increase in new formations. It is also not superfluous to give the plant itself a shape by carefully trimming it with garden shears.
  • During periods of extreme heat, the flower is covered with a white cloth to prevent damage and drying out, and from October until the very beginning of spring, it is kept in room temperature, because it’s time for her to rest.

You can grow verbena at home by choosing suitable place, where there is enough light and warmth, although verbenas feel great in the shade, they grow best in open places.

You can learn how to care for verbena, as well as see a photo of the flower.

There are two main methods of propagating verbena. .

Watch a video about growing verbena from seeds:

Diseases and pests

Most varieties of verbena are very resistant to the few diseases that can affect this crop, but if the conditions of its maintenance are violated, infection with “whitefly”, “black leg”, and leaf spot is possible.”

The main weakness of verbena is high humidity soil, and by strictly monitoring it, you can prevent the appearance of your worst enemy - “ powdery mildew» the disease which causes the leaves to acquire purple shade, and if appropriate measures are not taken in time, they die, after which the plant itself dies.


Verbena is one of the the most beautiful plants on the planet, which does not require special care and is capable of giving its bright colors from the beginning of summer until the coldest weather. This herbaceous shrub was worshiped by the ancients and composed ballads, it was admired throughout the world, for unique properties, velvety aroma and unsurpassed beauty, following the simplest rules, not tedious, but mandatory, everyone will be able to enjoy the whole gamut of feelings bestowed by this flower.

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Valentina Matvienko: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo)
Term of office *: September 2024 Born in April 1949. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. From 1984 to 1986 worked as first secretary of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad. In 1985