How to remove a mole from a site using folk remedies. Fighting moles in a summer cottage: a review of some humane methods. What you need to know about moles

The mole is an underground creature that prefers fertile soil for digging its passages and caves and feeds on worms and larvae. But for gardeners, the appearance of such animals always becomes a real problem, since due to the vital activity of moles they can lose most of future harvest. Today we will tell you where pests live, how to make the fight against them effective, how to remove moles with proven folk and homemade repellents.

Under natural conditions, moles are very useful because they loosen the soil, saturating it with oxygen, and destroy harmful insects. But in a cultivated area, they are able to dig up the soil to such an extent that, along with weed crops, those needed by summer residents will be destroyed. Moist soil suitable for digging is best suited for animals. Moles are blind and come to the surface only occasionally and often at night.

The mole hole has a clear division into zones. The bedroom is located in the center of the nest; it is usually located under the roots of trees or bushes.

The depth is no more than 1 meter. There are 2 entrances in a circle. Here the pests are engaged in raising young animals and resting. There are also main passages dug at a depth of 10–30 cm, from which the animals push the earth to the surface as they work. In addition, feeding passages are created. They are the ones that look like an earthen roller and spoil external beauty any garden or lawn. The animals are active all year round, they don't even hibernate. Therefore, if with the arrival of spring you notice traces of pests on the site, you need to urgently begin to fight them.

Video “A simple and effective way to drive a mole out of your area”

From the video you will learn how easy it is to drive this animal out of your garden or garden.

How to start protection on time and make it effective

If you ignore the appearance of molehills, you can lose valuable time. And then the whole garden will be entangled underground network moves and holes. Protective measures must be taken at all times. Even if you don’t discover new animal movements for some time. Most likely, they are simply hunting nearby. Moles tend to return to their habitual place. And then the owner will have to start fighting moles on summer cottage from scratch.

Why do animals quickly spread throughout your territory? Because they live in families, each of which includes a female, a male and offspring. Due to the depth and width of underground communications, eliminating pests will become problematic. Over the years of difficult struggle against them, humanity has invented a large number of methods, both humane and quite cruel. You will have to choose which one to use yourself.

Folk remedies

IN modern world dogs and cats, which many years ago helped people catch moles, have lost their natural skills as hunters and more often have a decorative function. Therefore, you have to deal with shrews on your own. Many novice gardeners are interested in how to remove a mole from the plot folk remedies quickly and efficiently?

You can take reed stems, clean them and place them in the molehills you find. There are also homemade turntables and ratchets. Their role can be played tin cans, attached to iron rods. The operating principle of such simple devices is simple. When the wind hits them, vibration and noise are created that are intolerable to the keen hearing of moles. Frightened by such sounds, pests tend to leave the area.

It has long been known that animals dislike the smells of certain plants and flowers. Such natural repellents are garlic, onions, and hot peppers. There is one drawback to using this method, but it is a very significant one. The pest may temporarily leave the area, but over time it will dig bypass tunnels. For better effect Plants should be planted in advance between the rows, and not laid out ready-made.

Rags soaked in kerosene or gasoline are often used. But such strong-smelling substances can cause discomfort to the gardener himself when he gets ready to work on the plot. The same applies to rotting fish that are dug into the site. In some cases, moles escape, but be careful that people living in the neighborhood and you yourself do not escape with them.

An interesting method is the use of validol. Not to relieve the gardener’s stress due to the appearance of pests on the site, but to scare away the pests themselves.

Moles do not eat the tablets, but their smell repels the animals well. Therefore, it is advised to place the medicine in working tunnels that go to the surface.

A trap made from an old pan or jar also has a certain effect. You need to find an active molehill, and then dig a pan or jar below the level of its location. It is recommended to place thick material or paper over the passage. This is necessary to prevent light from entering the hole. Then the animal will want to get out of the home and fall into a trap. If you additionally fill the container with water, your captive will simply drown.

Many more use a product based on castor oil. The mixture is made from 3 tablespoons liquid soap or shampoo with the addition of 200 ml of oil. The composition is placed in 4 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. It needs to be evenly distributed over the surface of the land. It is best to do this after watering or rain.

There is another method that will require significant cash outlay.

In order to protect your site, if moles have settled on your neighbor’s, or for prevention purposes, you need to dig hard materials around the perimeter of the territory. Tin, slate, and linoleum have proven themselves well in this matter.

They will provide a reliable barrier to shrews who will not be able to reach your plants. The barrier should be dug in at a depth of at least 70–90 cm.

Also to protect the territory from uninvited guests used reinforced mesh, which will require a lot. It lasts a long time and quite effectively prevents the appearance of shrews. The mesh needs to be dug around the perimeter to a depth of 50 cm so that it is visible above the surface by 10 - 15 cm. Unlike the use of slate, linoleum, tin, the mesh will not block access to the site at the same time as moles beneficial microorganisms, without which the full development and growth of cultures is impossible.

Of course, not all of the above methods give 100% results, so you need to try different ones. And this is true until there are hordes of shrews in your garden. When it is already full of holes and passages, it is worth using modern pesticides.

DIY repellent devices

Manufacturers offer many electronic repellers on the market. Such innovative means of combating moles are not only effective, but also safe. Because during the work they do not harm the soil structure, plants, or earthworms. And most importantly, for people, small children and pets. Electric repellers generate sound vibrations at low frequencies. This is approximately 300 - 400 Hz. The radius of their influence is up to 25 meters - it all depends on the density of the soil. Obstacles to the spread of vibration can be excavations, wells, and foundations. This should be taken into account when placing devices on the site. The larger the area, the more repellers will be needed. They make the life of pests uncomfortable, and over time they leave their habitable place.

Is it really possible not to spend money on buying a repeller, but to make it yourself? Yes, as evidenced practical experience many folk craftsmen. Simple design it turns out if you use a plastic bottle for making, part water pipe and a metal rod. The order of work is as follows. The pipe is placed in the ground on the site so that the edge is located below the level at which there are molehills.

A metal rod is installed on top of the part of the pipe that is driven into the ground. It can be securely fixed using a stopper. You need to make a hole in the bottom of the bottle. To do this, take a hot nail in advance. The diameter of the hole must exceed the size metal rod. On the most plastic bottle 4 U-shaped cuts are made with a knife close to each other. Then the edges of the plastic are bent. The structure should be put on the pin. It works on the same principle as reed stems, pinwheels, and rattles.

Moles are animals that live underground. To find food for themselves, they dig holes in the soil, eating the crops they grow. These seemingly innocent animals cause great losses to owners of gardens and vegetable gardens. For many owners of land plots, the issue of getting rid of moles is no less important than planting or fertilizing plants. In this article we will tell you how to remove moles from a site, about various methods of combating them, about preventive measures, as well as about mistakes often made when exterminating them.

Preparing for pest control

Do you have moles on your property? How to deal with them? Before you start a war with these rodents, make sure that the holes are working. The fact is that, having eaten everything possible in one territory, the animal leaves it and moves to another, where there is food. If you realize it too late, the chosen hole may already be abandoned, and all measures taken may be ineffective.

To check, step on the loose piles formed after the passage of rodents and press the soil a little. After one and a half to two hours, check the holes. If they are restored, the progress is working, which means you can install mole traps.

The most effective methods of getting rid of rodents

One of the options for getting rid of pests is hunting. This can be done by those who can sit motionless in place for a long time, waiting for the broken tunnel to be excavated by a mole, and will be able to shoot at it without missing. If you don't know how to handle a weapon, don't use this method.

Most reliable way, how to remove moles from the site - this is a mole buster. It can be purchased at a store or market. Before use, boil the device to avoid the smell of metal and grease. Then install it in the excavated working hole and secure it with wire. Place plywood on top and sprinkle with earth to create darkness, otherwise the mole will not crawl into it.

You can also use the catch pit method, consisting of glass jars or buckets. Once in it, the mole will not be able to get out because smooth surface. To do this, the container is buried in the ground so as not to fill the hole. Place boards on top to create darkness.

If you have moles in your garden, you can try to get rid of them using special ones. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for using anti-mole mines so as not to cause harm to your health.

Traditional methods of fighting moles

Such folk way how to get rid of rodents metal mesh, is the most effective and humane. To do this, you need to bury a special mesh made of metal. It should go into the ground to a depth of 50 cm and protrude 30 cm above the surface. Moles will not be able to overcome such a barrier.

You can get rid of pests by planting some plants that these animals cannot tolerate. If garlic, onions, beans, and peas grow in the garden, they will not go there. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for the period that these crops are on the site.

Mistakes often made when exterminating moles

Often those who have moles settled on garden plot, use the “good” advice of friends, which is absolutely not tested in practice:

  1. Sometimes the holes are filled with water, gasoline, vinegar, and kerosene. The mole is a very resourceful animal, capable of quickly digging a tunnel for itself and hiding in it from moisture, and pungent odors do not bother it. Using this method is not effective, but can only cause harm. fertile soil, trees, bushes.
  2. Filling the hole with glass, red pepper or mothballs will not give the expected effect.
  3. Most summer residents believe that sound devices can scare off moles. But since these pests are able to quickly adapt, it is difficult to scare them away with sound. This method will not be useful.
  4. The use of traps is unlikely to eliminate these pests. Devices made from smooth materials for catching small rodents will not give a noticeable result, since the mole will not climb into them due to the impossibility of catching its claws on such a surface.
  5. Poisoned baits will not destroy these animals, since they have a highly developed sense of smell and easily recognize unfamiliar food.
  6. The use of traps is practically useless in such a matter. In addition, it is problematic to bury a trap in the ground. Special devices for catching moles also do not give the desired result.

Prevention measures

Preventing the appearance of pests on the site is the most reliable way to get rid of them. Preventive measures must be carried out constantly, then you won’t have to think about how to get the moles out of the area.

Prevention methods that have been tested in practice and give positive results:

  • installation of electronic repellers;
  • placement of unbalanced propellers around the perimeter of the garden, creating a special vibration that repels moles;
  • arrangement of compacted earthen ramparts using sand and crushed stone at the border of the site.

Safety measures when exterminating moles on the site

When expelling rodents from the territory, some owners light flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene). This should not be done, since such actions are unsafe for health. Also, when eliminating moles, do not use unfamiliar devices.

It is necessary to carry out measures to catch them in leather gloves to avoid getting bitten or scratched on your hands. Animals can carry a contagious disease that can be transmitted to humans.

The above article provides information on how to remove moles from the site in order to preserve the grown crop, and at the same time not cause harm to the soil and your health. Use only proven methods that give good results and follow safety precautions.

In the spring, mounds of earth suddenly appear, similar to small volcanoes 5-30 cm high. The earth rises, forming a “ridge”. Vegetable leaves begin to wilt for no reason. This means that there is a mole in the garden. What to do? The main thing is to calm down and read this article carefully. Here you can find out how to get rid of moles in your garden.

Meeting an uninvited guest

Moles are small black animals that live underground. The body is elongated, streamlined, covered with velvety hair with a unique growth of the pile - vertically upward, and not in a certain direction, which allows them to move underground in any direction without experiencing inconvenience. Color varies from brown to black. The tail is short, the eyes are blind - they lack a retina and lens. The front paws are real shovels with five powerful claws, capable of providing a comfortable existence in burrows and underground passage systems.

This animal is capable of living underground at about half a meter depth, and practically never comes to the surface. He builds entire palaces for himself with many-meter passages and separate rooms.

The mole is an amazing animal. He is able to crawl through his burrows even backwards. He owes this ability to his tail. The small short tail has special hairs that perform the function of touch.

Moles like to settle in areas located near a forest or river. Therefore, those summer residents who choose plots in picturesque places most often suffer from them.

In a day, one mole can increase its underground system at 15-30 meters. The animal feeds mainly on insects and their larvae, as well as earthworms. Moreover, a mole can even eat a small mouse, a frog, or its own baby, but this only applies to males. The animal does not accumulate fat reserves, and spends a lot of energy, so the animal can eat as many insects and worms per day as it weighs. But the animal does not feed on plants. None. So if the roots are suddenly gnawed, then it’s definitely not a mole.

But the sense of smell in these animals, as opposed to vision, is incredibly developed. They find prey by smell. By the way, many methods of fighting moles are based on this, but more on that later.

Why is a mole dangerous?

Most smooth lawn begins to resemble the Borodino battlefield if a mole appears on the site. The most obvious nuisance is the tunnels and holes left by animals. The beds, flower beds, and paths after them are ruined. In addition, plants begin to die if the root gets into the mole tunnel and remains hanging without support. The soil becomes poor in worms, destroyed beneficial insects. And then a logical question arises: how to get rid of moles in the garden?

What attracted the mole?

For moles, areas cultivated by people are simply a Garden of Eden. Firstly, soft dug up earth, which makes it easier for the animal to build underground tunnels. Secondly, the abundance of larvae, worms and mice - what the mole eats in the garden. Thirdly, there are no dangerous predators near people, and this “comrade” can scare off domestic animals with a specific smell.

But before looking for a remedy for a mole in the garden, it makes sense to see if there are any additional factors contributing to such an unpleasant neighborhood. For example, landfills plant waste located close to the surface. This object attracts worms and larvae, and with them moles.

How to catch a mole in the garden?

Now we come to the most interesting part - the capture of an amateur who likes to build underground labyrinths.

Summer residents know how much damage a mole causes in the garden. How to get rid of it humane methods? You can catch the animal and release it in the nearest forest. It is not worth moving an animal to a neighbor’s property, because moles, in search of food, are always trying to expand their domain, which means that after some time they will move from their neighbors to the nearest territory.

Catching a mole is quite problematic, since it rarely comes to the surface. But there are certain ways. Sometimes they try to use them to fight these animals, but this helps in isolated cases. Although sometimes mole war veterans claim that no better way get rid of the misfortune, except by catching a mole in the garden.

  1. If you notice (especially early in the morning) how someone is digging in the ground, you can quickly stick a shovel into this place and pull the animal out. You need to be careful, as moles can bite strongly.
  2. Fishing with a hook. Take a wire 30-40 cm long and 1 mm in diameter. You will also need triple fish hooks. They are attached to the wire every 7-8 cm, so that the tackle is at the very end. The second end should be bent into a loop. We insert the structure into the hole with the hook first, the loop facing out. It is better to insert a pin into the loop so that the mole does not drag the device underground. The animal will definitely go to repair the hole, since it does not like drafts, and will get caught on the hooks. Next, the victim is dug up with a shovel, placed in a bucket... In general, his fate is in your hands.
  3. Moles can also be caught with special traps. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Fighting moles in the garden

The fight against moles in the garden should begin as early as possible, before they have dug a large branched system of tunnels and rooms. When such a labyrinth is ready, its owners will constantly restore the passages after being covered with earth or flooded with water.

The best time to declare war is spring and autumn, when the animals are most active. And it is important to remember that most measures have a temporary effect, so next year I'll have to start fighting at first. The animal lives very well next to a person. So how to get rid of moles in the garden?

Folk methods of struggle

There are many simple and relatively inexpensive ways, how to remove a mole from the garden. Only the main ones are presented here.

1. Taken plastic pipe according to the diameter of the hole. The animal’s home is dug up (usually next to the heap), and a piece of pipe with poison is inserted there. The mole finds poison and dies. The disadvantage of this method is that these creatures multiply quite quickly, and killing them one by one is simply impractical, since this does not solve the problem.

2. Fill the holes with water. But the fact is that the mole has many rooms underground, and how effective this method will be cannot be predicted. In addition, we must not forget that excessive amounts of water will harm not only moles, but also the beneficial underground inhabitants of the site.

3. Make a fence by digging fine mesh around the perimeter. It should go at least half a meter deep. That's enough good way prevention for small plots, if you don't mind the effort. But first the moles need to be driven out.

4. Plant more onions and garlic. Many methods of fighting moles are based on the animals’ strong sense of smell. This method helps quite well, although it gives a temporary effect. After the harvest, the moles may return. Also, these animals, for some unknown reason, do not like legumes.

5. Moles also don’t like some flowers. They will go away if you plant daffodils, scillas, marigolds or caper spurge on the site.

6. Fill and fill the holes with something foul-smelling - excrement or rotten fish offal. True, then not only the moles will smell, but also the area. But whether the “heroes of the occasion” will leave is unknown.

7. Loud music and firecrackers. A rather dubious method: it causes inconvenience to both moles and people, and who will escape first is again unknown.

8. Get a dog or cat. Pets will enjoy mole hunting. Many people say that this method works well, but for it to work, the animal must walk freely around the garden every day. Naturally, not everyone can afford this.

9. Metal pins are inserted into the ground, 30 centimeters deep, onto which propellers or simply tin cans are hung. You can also use tubular stems of reeds or special tubes sold in stores. It is enough to insert a two-meter pipe about ¾ into the wormhole at an angle of 45 degrees. Vibration and buzzing are extremely unpleasant for the inhabitants of underground labyrinths. We can say that this is the best remedy for moles in the garden, if we consider traditional methods.


This is a method of catching rather than fighting. Devices are installed in burrows that follow any boundaries, for example, along a fence - these are the main passages. For a small area, 6 traps are enough. The main thing is to check them in time. It is best to work with gloves, as human odor may remain on the product.

  1. The simplest trap that does not require preliminary preparation, is a galvanized or plastic cylinder with two doors that open only inward. The device is buried inside the passage (as a rule, it passes directly between two molehills). Catches the mole, leaving him alive. The product is sold in the store, but in fact you can easily make it yourself.
  2. Wire trap. Always sold in pairs. These devices are also installed in the wormhole. What is the operating principle? The trap is configured in a special way, according to the instructions. A layer of earth is cut out with a knife, preferably in the shape of a cone. It is very important not to ruin the move. The resulting hole should be of such a size that it is easy to install traps. After their installation, the layer of earth is put back.

After capture, the animal can be released into the nearest forest or onto the property of a harmful neighbor. It is advisable, of course, to take the animal away so that it does not come back.

Chemical methods

In the assortment of an experienced summer resident who has already encountered the problem we are considering, you can always find a chemical remedy for moles in the garden. But, as a rule, everything that relates to chemical methods expulsion and killing of moles, can kill and expel all living things around, including plants. Thus, this is the most harmful and not effective way.

One of the options is poisoned bait, but you can wait a very, very long time for such a smart animal as a mole to eat something strange instead of a tasty traditional worm. And can't wait.

If you pour any kind of poison into mole hills, you can easily poison the soil, and with it plants, domestic animals, and humans. However, there are methods that could easily be called folk chemical:

  1. A quarter cup of castor oil + two tablespoons of dishwashing detergent. Beat until thick and strong foam. Store tightly packaged. If necessary, add 2 tablespoons to a watering can; the entire field of activity of moles, especially molehills, is watered from the watering can.
  2. Wood cleaner + a quarter cup of ground red pepper + a quarter cup of castor oil. Apply in the same way.

Ideally, it is better to use them in turn, plus plant plants around the perimeter that repel moles, for example, the already mentioned onions and garlic. Chemicals should be used with caution, especially if children and pets often play in the area.

Ultrasonic repellers

How to drive a mole out of the garden without causing inconvenience and without endangering yourself and your loved ones? With the help of special repellers that do not affect humans in any way.

They are good, first of all, because they do not kill moles, but create a completely uncomfortable environment for them to live in. They are bad because they do not act immediately - the expulsion period is about a month and a half. At the same time, these devices are the most popular means of fighting moles, and definitely the simplest. Its cost is from 500 to 1500 rubles, its range is 30-40 meters. If the area is larger, then it is better to install several devices.

The principle of operation is simple. The repeller emits vibration vibrations that are detected by sensitive moles. For them, this is like a danger signal, and, unable to withstand the stressful environment and the constant premonition of something terrible, the animal leaves.

If you don’t have the time and desire to tinker with various devices for fighting moles, you can use the services of professionals. There are special services that help get rid of mice, rats, and insects. They know how to drive a mole out of the garden quickly and forever.

Preventive measures

Prevention is always much easier than solving the problem itself. In order not to think about how to drive a mole out of the garden, it is necessary to take measures to prevent their appearance, namely:

  • dig a fence around the perimeter of the site;
  • plant mole-repellent plants;
  • make some simple repellers.

There are many measures described here to combat moles, but it is important not to overdo it. These animals loosen the soil, eat slugs and other pests, so they have some benefits. Therefore, when dealing with the question of “how to get rid of moles in the garden,” it is important to remember that they do not do anything bad. But if the animals have bothered you so much that there is nowhere else to go, try to fight. Just remember: besides destroying a mole in the garden, there are other, more humane ways to fight it.

In the spring, mounds of earth suddenly appear, similar to small volcanoes 5-30 cm high. The earth rises, forming a “ridge”. Vegetable leaves begin to wilt for no reason. This means that there is a mole in the garden. What to do? The main thing is to calm down and read this article carefully. Here you can find out how to get rid of moles in your garden.

Meeting an uninvited guest

Moles are small black animals that live underground. The body is elongated, streamlined, covered with velvety hair with a unique growth of the pile - vertically upward, and not in a certain direction, which allows them to move underground in any direction without experiencing inconvenience. Color varies from brown to black. The tail is short, the eyes are blind - they lack a retina and lens. The front paws are real shovels with five powerful claws, capable of providing a comfortable existence in burrows and underground passage systems.

This animal is capable of living underground at about half a meter depth, and practically never comes to the surface. He builds entire palaces for himself with many-meter passages and separate rooms.

The mole is an amazing animal. He is able to crawl through his burrows even backwards. He owes this ability to his tail. The small short tail has special hairs that perform the function of touch.

Moles like to settle in areas located near a forest or river. Therefore, those summer residents who choose plots in picturesque places most often suffer from them.

In a day, one mole can increase its underground system by 15-30 meters. The animal feeds mainly on insects and their larvae, as well as earthworms. Moreover, a mole can even eat a small mouse, a frog, or its own baby, but this only applies to males. The animal does not accumulate fat reserves, and spends a lot of energy, so the animal can eat as many insects and worms per day as it weighs. But the animal does not feed on plants. None. So if the roots are suddenly gnawed, then it’s definitely not a mole.

But the sense of smell in these animals, as opposed to vision, is incredibly developed. They find prey by smell. By the way, many methods of fighting moles are based on this, but more on that later.

Why is a mole dangerous?

The smoothest lawn begins to resemble the Borodino battlefield if a mole appears on the site. The most obvious nuisance is the tunnels and holes left by animals. The beds, flower beds, and paths after them are ruined. In addition, plants begin to die if the root gets into the mole tunnel and remains hanging without support. The soil becomes poor in worms and beneficial insects are destroyed. And then a logical question arises: how to get rid of moles in the garden?

What attracted the mole?

For moles, areas cultivated by people are simply a Garden of Eden. Firstly, soft dug up earth, which makes it easier for the animal to build underground tunnels. Secondly, the abundance of larvae, worms and mice - what the mole eats in the garden. Thirdly, there are no dangerous predators near people, and this “comrade” can scare off domestic animals with a specific smell.

But before looking for a remedy for a mole in the garden, it makes sense to see if there are any additional factors contributing to such an unpleasant neighborhood. For example, a plant waste dump located close to the surface. This object attracts worms and larvae, and with them moles.

How to catch a mole in the garden?

Now we come to the most interesting part - the capture of an amateur who likes to build underground labyrinths.

Summer residents know how much damage a mole causes in the garden. How to get rid of it humanely? You can catch the animal and release it in the nearest forest. It is not worth moving an animal to a neighbor’s property, because moles, in search of food, are always trying to expand their domain, which means that after some time they will move from their neighbors to the nearest territory.

Catching a mole is quite problematic, since it rarely comes to the surface. But there are certain ways. Sometimes they try to use them to fight these animals, but this helps in isolated cases. Although sometimes veterans of wars with moles claim that there is no better way to get rid of the scourge than to catch a mole in the garden.

  1. If you notice (especially early in the morning) how someone is digging in the ground, you can quickly stick a shovel into this place and pull the animal out. You need to be careful, as moles can bite strongly.
  2. Fishing with a hook. Take a wire 30-40 cm long and 1 mm in diameter. You will also need triple fish hooks. They are attached to the wire every 7-8 cm, so that the tackle is at the very end. The second end should be bent into a loop. We insert the structure into the hole with the hook first, the loop facing out. It is better to insert a pin into the loop so that the mole does not drag the device underground. The animal will definitely go to repair the hole, since it does not like drafts, and will get caught on the hooks. Next, the victim is dug up with a shovel, placed in a bucket... In general, his fate is in your hands.
  3. Moles can also be caught with special traps. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Fighting moles in the garden

The fight against moles in the garden should begin as early as possible, before they have dug a large branched system of tunnels and rooms. When such a labyrinth is ready, its owners will constantly restore the passages after being covered with earth or flooded with water.

The best time to declare war is spring and autumn, when the animals are most active. And it is important to remember that most measures have a temporary effect, so next year you will have to start hostilities all over again. The animal lives very well next to a person. So how to get rid of moles in the garden?

Folk methods of struggle

There are many simple and relatively inexpensive ways to remove moles from your garden. Only the main ones are presented here.

1. Take a plastic pipe the diameter of the hole. The animal’s home is dug up (usually next to the heap), and a piece of pipe with poison is inserted there. The mole finds poison and dies. The disadvantage of this method is that these creatures multiply quite quickly, and killing them one by one is simply impractical, since this does not solve the problem.

2. Fill the holes with water. But the fact is that the mole has many rooms underground, and how effective this method will be cannot be predicted. In addition, we must not forget that excessive amounts of water will harm not only moles, but also the beneficial underground inhabitants of the site.

3. Make a fence by digging fine mesh around the perimeter. It should go at least half a meter deep. This is a fairly good method of prevention for small areas, if you don’t mind the effort. But first the moles need to be driven out.

4. Plant more onions and garlic. Many methods of fighting moles are based on the animals’ strong sense of smell. This method helps quite well, although it gives a temporary effect. After the harvest, the moles may return. Also, these animals, for some unknown reason, do not like legumes.

5. Moles also don’t like some flowers. They will go away if you plant daffodils, scillas, marigolds or caper spurge on the site.

6. Fill and fill the holes with something foul-smelling - excrement or rotten fish offal. True, then not only the moles will smell, but also the area. But whether the “heroes of the occasion” will leave is unknown.

7. Loud music and firecrackers. A rather dubious method: it causes inconvenience to both moles and people, and who will escape first is again unknown.

8. Get a dog or cat. Pets will enjoy mole hunting. Many people say that this method works well, but for it to work, the animal must walk freely around the garden every day. Naturally, not everyone can afford this.

9. Metal pins are inserted into the ground, 30 centimeters deep, onto which propellers or simply tin cans are hung. You can also use tubular stems of reeds or special tubes sold in stores. It is enough to insert a two-meter pipe about ¾ into the wormhole at an angle of 45 degrees. Vibration and buzzing are extremely unpleasant for the inhabitants of underground labyrinths. We can say that this is the best remedy for moles in the garden, if we consider traditional methods.


This is a method of catching rather than fighting. Devices are installed in burrows that follow any boundaries, for example, along a fence - these are the main passages. For a small area, 6 traps are enough. The main thing is to check them in time. It is best to work with gloves, as human odor may remain on the product.

  1. The simplest trap, which does not require preliminary preparation, is a galvanized or plastic cylinder with two doors that open only inward. The device is buried inside the passage (as a rule, it passes directly between two molehills). Catches the mole, leaving him alive. The product is sold in the store, but in fact you can easily make it yourself.
  2. Wire trap. Always sold in pairs. These devices are also installed in the wormhole. What is the operating principle? The trap is configured in a special way, according to the instructions. A layer of earth is cut out with a knife, preferably in the shape of a cone. It is very important not to ruin the move. The resulting hole should be of such a size that it is easy to install traps. After their installation, the layer of earth is put back.

After capture, the animal can be released into the nearest forest or onto the property of a harmful neighbor. It is advisable, of course, to take the animal away so that it does not come back.

Chemical methods

In the assortment of an experienced summer resident who has already encountered the problem we are considering, you can always find a chemical remedy for moles in the garden. But, as a rule, everything related to chemical methods of expelling and killing moles can kill and expel all living things around, including plants. Thus, this is the most harmful and ineffective way.

One of the options is poisoned bait, but you can wait a very, very long time for such a smart animal as a mole to eat something strange instead of a tasty traditional worm. And can't wait.

If you pour any kind of poison into mole hills, you can easily poison the soil, and with it plants, domestic animals, and humans. However, there are methods that could easily be called folk chemical:

  1. A quarter cup of castor oil + two tablespoons of dishwashing detergent. Beat until thick and strong foam. Store tightly packaged. If necessary, add 2 tablespoons to a watering can; the entire field of activity of moles, especially molehills, is watered from the watering can.
  2. Wood cleaner + a quarter cup of ground red pepper + a quarter cup of castor oil. Apply in the same way.

Ideally, it is better to use them in turn, plus plant plants around the perimeter that repel moles, for example, the already mentioned onions and garlic. Chemicals should be used with caution, especially if children and pets often play in the area.

Ultrasonic repellers

How to drive a mole out of the garden without causing inconvenience and without endangering yourself and your loved ones? With the help of special repellers that do not affect humans in any way.

They are good, first of all, because they do not kill moles, but create a completely uncomfortable environment for them to live in. They are bad because they do not act immediately - the expulsion period is about a month and a half. At the same time, these devices are the most popular means of fighting moles, and definitely the simplest. Its cost is from 500 to 1500 rubles, its range is 30-40 meters. If the area is larger, then it is better to install several devices.

The principle of operation is simple. The repeller emits vibration vibrations that are detected by sensitive moles. For them, this is like a danger signal, and, unable to withstand the stressful environment and the constant premonition of something terrible, the animal leaves.

If you don’t have the time and desire to tinker with various devices for fighting moles, you can use the services of professionals. There are special services that help get rid of mice, rats, and insects. They know how to drive a mole out of the garden quickly and forever.

Preventive measures

Prevention is always much easier than solving the problem itself. In order not to think about how to drive a mole out of the garden, it is necessary to take measures to prevent their appearance, namely:

  • dig a fence around the perimeter of the site;
  • plant mole-repellent plants;
  • make some simple repellers.

There are many measures described here to combat moles, but it is important not to overdo it. These animals loosen the soil, eat slugs and other pests, so they have some benefits. Therefore, when dealing with the question of “how to get rid of moles in the garden,” it is important to remember that they do not do anything bad. But if the animals have bothered you so much that there is nowhere else to go, try to fight. Just remember: besides destroying a mole in the garden, there are other, more humane ways to fight it.

If your summer cottage is located near a forest belt, then it is possible that in one dry year an uninvited guest will visit your territory. And he will come not just to stay, but to permanent place residence. This unpleasant neighbor, annoying many summer residents and gardeners, is a mole. In hot weather, when forest soil is poor in earthworms, beetles and larvae, the pest moves to summer cottages.

This uninvited neighbor, unfortunately, never moves in alone. Living alone, he would even benefit your garden, since moles eat the larvae of wireworms that spoil potatoes, and the soil plowed by a mole is ideal for planting cultivated plants, since it no longer contains weed seeds.

But moles come in groups, and therefore we have to think about pest control.

The most effective way to prevent moles from appearing in your garden is to fence the perimeter of the area with a fence made of slate or metal sheets. They need to be dug to a depth of at least 70 cm and a height of at least 20 cm. In this case, the animal simply will not be able to enter your territory.

Experienced gardeners advise planting around the perimeter as well. leguminous plants, which scare away the animal, and also periodically deeply plow the territory of the site. But if your garden is planted with trees and shrubs, then this is naturally impossible.

What to do if a mole has already snuck in and is destroying your work.
AND main advice– having noticed one mink, do not wait for events to develop, take immediate action before your dacha turns into a battlefield with moles.

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