Marinated porcini mushrooms: secrets and subtleties. Marinated porcini mushrooms

Preparing mushrooms for the winter

Marinated porcini mushrooms are an interesting and very tasty winter appetizer. Simple step by step recipe with pictures will help you prepare it quickly and tasty!

45 min

30 kcal

4.25/5 (4)

Always during an unstable economic situation, such as now, people remembered the vegetable garden and various pickles and jams, about picking berries and mushrooms. My family lives in Siberia, and every summer we make preparations. Our forests are rich in berries - cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries. And mushrooms - boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle. Not every year, but about once every three years there is a harvest of porcini mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms are the most valuable representatives of the mushroom kingdom; people collected and prepared them back in Rus'. The mushroom is called porcini because it does not turn black when cut; it is one of the most noble types of mushrooms. What to cook from porcini mushrooms for the winter?

I will tell you our family recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms. It is quite simple and even a beginner can do it. And the mushrooms will turn out very tasty!

How to select and prepare mushrooms

  • We always collect mushrooms ourselves, but you can also buy them at the market. But it is still preferable to collect them yourself in places far from roads and factories, because mushrooms are excellent sorbents, but where the mushrooms from the market are collected is a big question.
  • Porcini mushrooms can be taken of any size - both small and large, the size does not affect taste qualities, large mushrooms just need to be cut.
  • Mushrooms should be strong and not wormy; it is best to cook mushrooms immediately after picking so that they do not sit in the refrigerator.
  • Some people marinate only the caps, I marinate all the mushrooms, along with the legs, and cut the legs into slices. Marinating with vinegar is required, otherwise long-term storage is impossible.

I prepare the jars and sterilize them first. I pour a centimeter of water into the bottom and put it in the microwave for full power until the water evaporates. I prefer 500 gram and 700 gram jars because they are eaten quickly and the mushrooms do not linger in them.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms

Let’s get down to the most interesting part - the direct recipe for preparing this wonderful delicacy for the winter.

Necessary ingredients for the recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms

Cooking mushrooms

Preparing the marinade

How to properly store porcini mushrooms in jars

You can eat our pickled mushrooms after three days. We store our preparations in a dark and cool place, maybe in the cellar, or in the refrigerator.

Greetings, friends. Yesterday we went to the forest with our parents. We grilled kebabs. By the way, I used one of the recipes from the article “how to marinate pork for barbecue.” It turned out great. But that's not what we're talking about today we'll talk. I decided to devote this article to the porcini mushroom or, as it is also called, boletus. And if you have never cooked in jars for the winter before, I recommend giving it a try. The article collected the most best recipes how to pickle porcini mushrooms. And what amazing salads and soups you make with them. Well, just delicious :)

Have you ever wondered why this mushroom is called white? I was interested to learn that it got its name due to the behavior of the pulp during heat treatment. She remains white. However, its color does not change during drying. Noticing this unique feature of these mushrooms, people called them white mushrooms.

They grow in both coniferous and deciduous forests. However, some connoisseurs of mushroom delicacies have managed to domesticate this forest product. They grow boletus mushrooms in their garden plot.

As a rule, life cycle porcini mushroom is 9 days. But there are also long-livers among them. These “live” up to 15 days. They differ significantly from their relatives in size.

After collecting boletus mushrooms, they need to be processed as quickly as possible. Already 10 hours after cutting them, the contents useful substances is halved. Yes, and worms grow in them. If you are still suspicious, place the boletus mushrooms in salted cold water overnight. All the excess protein will crawl out :)

And yet, in the forest you can find boletus mushrooms that have turned slightly green in the area where spores are formed. If such a product is not wormy, it can be used. Just first you need to carefully remove the greens. This boletus is usually used to make soup or sauce, but it is not suitable for canning.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms at home

There are many various options marinating boletus mushrooms. And today I will introduce you to options for every taste. And to whet the appetite, I supported the recipes with photos :) Be sure to write down what you made from it and whether you liked it.

But first, I’ll make a couple more important notes. If a white precipitate has formed in the jar with the preparation, do not eat such mushrooms. And when preparing boletus mushrooms, do not overdo it with spices, otherwise they will simply drown out the mushroom aroma.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled boletus mushrooms for the winter (with vinegar)

Naturally, for the preparation you need boletus mushrooms (take as many as you have). For marinade per 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 8 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. with a pile of sugar;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. with a heap of coarse salt.

Boil the pre-prepared mushrooms. You need to cook for about 40 minutes. There are several features here that I would like to draw your attention to. During heat treatment boletus mushrooms decrease in volume. As a result, you will get 1/3 of the original volume. Based on this quantity, you need to determine how many sterile cans you will need for preservation. By the way, if you want to save time, try sterilizing jars in the microwave.

Due to prolonged cooking, a minimal amount of vinegar is added to the preservation. And such a workpiece can be stored for a long time. After the liquid boils, you need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, and then add salt to the water. As for salt, add less salt than you would if you were salting the same volume of soup. At this stage it is very important not to over-salt.

Add sugar and salt, pepper, bay leaf and cloves to the water. Add vinegar to the mixture and bring the solution to a boil. After washing, add the boletus mushrooms to the marinade and cook for about a quarter of an hour.

And here it is step by step video preparing such a preparation

Marinating boletus mushrooms without sterilization

Would you like to cook marinated porcini mushrooms? a quick fix? Then this simple recipe is what you need. For the snack you will need:

  • kilo of boletus;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tsp (without a slide) citric acid;
  • 2 tsp 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a few mustard seeds;
  • columns of dried dill;
  • 1.5 tsp. coarse salt;
  • 2 lavrushki.

We send the pre-prepared boletus mushrooms to cook. They need to be boiled over medium heat. It’s difficult to say how long you need to cook the mushrooms. Focus on the behavior of the product: the finished mushrooms sink to the bottom of the dish.

Prepare the marinade. Place a pan of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Then add sugar and salt. After a couple of minutes, add vinegar and citric acid, and then turn off the brine.

Place dill, bay leaf and mustard in clean jars. Place the boiled boletus mushrooms here and pour the marinade over the mushrooms. Cover the jars with nylon lids and wait until the workpieces have cooled. You need to store the delicacy in the refrigerator. Within a day you can take a sample.

Marinate porcini mushrooms in jars

We wash the mushrooms and cut them (if they are very large). Place them in a saucepan and pour clean water and cook for about a quarter of an hour. The water you cook in needs to be salted.

Then pour 2 tsp into each sterile half-liter jar. 9% vinegar. We also throw in 2 bay leaves and a couple of black peppercorns. To give the pepper flavor, first pour boiling water over it.

Place the boiled mushrooms in jars and fill them with the water in which they were boiled. And cover the dishes with lids. We wait until the workpiece cools down and put it in the refrigerator. You can store this yummy food even for a year. Only something tells me that it will evaporate sooner for you :)

What to cook from pickled boletus

From pickled mushrooms you can prepare a lot of all sorts of delicacies - first, second, appetizers, etc. These can be both festive and everyday dishes. Catch the recipes.

These dishes are simply delicious. They are so delicious and easy to prepare. Be sure to cook them and invite your friends - they will be shocked by your culinary abilities.

Simple Lenten Salad

Products you need to stock up on:

  • 100 g pickled boletus;
  • salt + pepper;
  • 2 pcs. medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 pcs. pickled cucumbers;
  • 4 tbsp. canned peas;
  • 2 tbsp. unrefined vegetable oil;
  • parsley.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. We also send pickled mushrooms there (if they are large, they need to be cut). Next, add diced onion and cucumbers cut into thin semicircles. Then add the peas, salt and pepper. Season the salad with oil and mix it well. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Delicious salad with ham and eggs

For it you will need:

  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 160 g ham;
  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 100 g boletus;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • a little mayonnaise.

Chop cucumber, eggs, potatoes and ham into cubes. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Pass the garlic cloves through a press. Mix all these ingredients and flavor the mixture with mayonnaise. That's all - the salad is ready.

Cooking soup

The soup prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty. And a great alternative to one cooked from fresh mushrooms. For this dish, stock up on:

  • 250 g pickled boletus;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 10 g green onions;
  • salt;
  • water (2 l).

Pour water into the pan and place the dishes on the stove. When it boils, add rice to it. Add liquid, stir, cook rice until tender.

While the rice is cooking, you can prepare the sauté. To do this, fry diced onions, grated carrots and chopped garlic in oil. Then add mushrooms cut into small pieces. Just before cutting, they need to be washed.

Separately, beat the egg with a fork until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. And add the egg mass into the pan with the soup. We taste the food for salt. If necessary, add salt. Bring the dish to a boil again and remove it from the stove. Next add the chopped green onions and cover the dish with a lid. After 15 minutes you can set the table.

Beneficial properties of porcini mushrooms

The calorie content of the fresh product is 24 kcal. Proteins are the leaders here - there are 3 g of them, carbohydrates - 2 g. Boletus mushrooms are also not devoid of fats - there are as many as 0.5 g of them. Some are interested in how many calories are in dried mushrooms. Their energy value significantly higher – as much as 286 kcal.

The chemical composition of this product is incredibly rich. There is:

  • B1, B2, B5, PP and other vitamins;
  • sodium, chromium, magnesium, manganese and other minerals;
  • saccharides;
  • phytohormones, etc.

For example, mushrooms are rich in the phytohormone gibberellin - a growth hormone. This substance is actively used in pharmacology, veterinary medicine and breeding. So, if you want to grow up, be sure to eat boletus mushrooms. It really comes out in poetry :)

In addition, porcini mushrooms help in the fight against atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. They are also an oncoprotector. In addition, boletus helps keep the thyroid gland healthy. They are also used for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How do you, my dear readers, pickle porcini mushrooms? Share your experience. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that’s all for today: bye-bye!

Probably, many housewives at some point will need information on how to pickle porcini mushrooms at home. Moreover, it has long been known that they are the most delicious.

Porcini mushrooms are a healthy product for humans that retain their excellent taste when pickled, fried or dried.

For many years, boletus has been called the king of mushrooms. But in fact, porcini mushrooms are equally good when canned, fried or boiled. Fresh boletus mushrooms are quite successfully dried, marinated in a variety of brines and very tasty and original dishes are prepared from them, which turn out to be aromatic and rich. However, the most delicious dish is pickled boletus, which can be the best addition to the family table or will take its place of honor at a festive feast.

A simple recipe for pickling boletus mushrooms

Before marinating, boletus mushrooms are thoroughly washed with running water.

It should be noted that pickling porcini mushrooms will be 100% successful if you adhere to the most simple recipe. To do this you need to take 3 peppercorns, 1 kg of mushrooms, a pinch of ground cinnamon, 2 - 3 bay leaves, 1 tsp. citric acid, 3 cloves, 2 tbsp. table vinegar, 1.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Boletus mushrooms must be thoroughly washed to remove sand and debris. The stems of the mushrooms need to be cleaned. The largest porcini mushrooms should be cut in half, while small ones are best left whole. Then you should put all the mushrooms in a clean pan, add enough water and put on fire. Boletus mushrooms must be boiled in boiling water for 30 minutes.

After this, you need to drain the mushrooms in a colander. Separately, you should prepare the most suitable marinade: boil 1 liter of purified water with all the above spices. Therefore, each pickled boletus will be very tasty and aromatic. It is best to cook the mushrooms in the marinade for about 20 minutes and at the very end, be sure to add a sufficient amount of vinegar. The jars in which the prepared boletus are placed are pre-sterilized and closed with lids.

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The most popular ways to prepare pickled mushrooms

Before marinating, porcini mushrooms must be boiled for half an hour.

There are very interesting and simple marinade recipes, using which you can get very delicious dishes. To do this, you need to take 3 allspice peas, 0.5 g of citric acid, 2 cloves, 2 tsp per 1 liter of water. acetic acid, 6 black peppercorns, 5 g salt, 1 bay leaf.

Approximately 60 g of salt (2 tbsp) should be dissolved in boiling water. Then thoroughly washed porcini mushrooms are dipped into water and cooked for half an hour, skimming off the foam.

Fully prepared boletus mushrooms are drained into a colander and placed in pre-sterilized jars. Only after this can they be filled with chilled marinade. For 1 kg of mushrooms you need approximately 300 ml of marinade. All spices are boiled for 15 minutes and the bite is added at the very end. It is best to try the fully prepared marinade before use.

For pickling, it is best to choose smaller and stronger mushrooms.

You can marinate boletus mushrooms with another in a simple way. You need to pour water into the pan based on 1 kg of mushrooms: 70 ml of purified water, 1 tbsp. salt and about 2/3 cup vinegar. After the brine boils, you need to put the mushrooms in it and cook, stirring well and skimming off the foam.

After the boletus begins to settle to the bottom, you must add a little allspice and black pepper, a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of citric acid, 3 cloves and a bay leaf. If you wish, you can add a small amount of vinegar, dill, cherry or blackcurrant leaves to the marinade.

Completely cooled boletus mushrooms must be transferred to pre-prepared jars, where a small amount of vegetable oil must be poured on top. This will help protect the pickled mushrooms from mold. It is best to close the jars with lids that are not too tight. Such tasty preparations should be stored for the winter in a cold and dark place.

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The best way to please loved ones is to marinate porcini mushrooms

It should be noted that home-cooked mushrooms are an excellent opportunity to treat yourself to a very tasty dish in winter.

Seasonings for the marinade: black and allspice, cloves, coriander, bay leaf, salt.

Of course, you can marinate boletus mushrooms for soup and other dishes in completely different ways.

For this method you need to use 4 black peppercorns, 1 kg of mushrooms, 2 bay leaves, a small amount of cinnamon, 4 allspice, 3 tbsp. vinegar, 3 pcs. cloves, 2 g citric acid, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. salt. First, you should thoroughly rinse and peel the porcini mushrooms in order to remove soil and moss. It is recommended to cut off the stems of the largest mushrooms. After this, you need to put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add purified water and cook for about 7 minutes. During cooking, be sure to stir the boletus mushrooms so that they do not burn.

Fully cooked mushrooms should sink to the bottom of the pan. After this, you need to drain the water and rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. Then they are again transferred to the pan and filled with purified water so that it completely covers the boletus mushrooms. Then you need to add seasonings and simmer for about 10 minutes. The mushrooms that have not yet cooled down should be placed in jars, where the bay leaf should already be located. After this, you need to cover them with lids and pasteurize for 30 minutes in a water bath.

Every housewife can learn how to pickle boletus mushrooms. For example, you can take mushrooms and wash them well. Then put in a saucepan, add pre-purified water and cook for about 25 minutes. In a separate bowl, you need to prepare the marinade: bring a sufficient amount of water to a boil, add vinegar, salt and sugar. Boiled mushrooms should be transferred to the marinade and cooked for about 6 minutes. I put white mushrooms in jars that already contain parsley, black pepper, garlic, bay leaf, basil, and cloves. Then they are poured with marinade and the jars are tightly closed.

Whatever recipe you choose, pickled porcini mushrooms will definitely delight you with a great taste.

It’s very easy to prepare pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars. The main thing is to use quality mushrooms and choose a good marinade. We offer you an excellent recipe for preparing porcini mushrooms in an excellent spicy marinade. This is perhaps the most versatile and simplest recipe for preparing porcini mushrooms at home. It turns out to be a moderately sour, moderately salty taste of the snack. Mushrooms marinated in this way always go very well at the table, especially on holidays.

Taste Info Other blanks

Ingredients for 1 liter of marinade:

  • porcini mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • seasoning for pickling mushrooms - 10 g;
  • table vinegar 9% - 90 ml;
  • regular salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar– 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter at home

Take only fresh mushrooms. They will be dense and fragrant. If the mushrooms look like boiled, it means they have been standing for more than a day. Such mushrooms can also be pickled, but if you have a choice, it is better to take fresh ones. Use coarse salt without adding iodine. Regular sugar. If you don’t have seasoning for pickling mushrooms, you can replace it. Roll the mushrooms into half-liter jars, at the bottom of each place 1 small bay leaf, 2 black peppercorns, 2 allspice peas, 1 clove, 1 dill umbrella, a little dried garlic, or a fresh clove (pre-peeled). You can add a piece of horseradish leaf. Porcini mushrooms need to be soaked for 10 minutes in cold water With salt. And then cleanse. Check that there is no wormy mushrooms. Remove the skin from the legs directly with a vegetable peeler. She's pretty fat. And remove the skin from the cap by hooking it by the edge with a knife. If the mushrooms are small, you can simply rinse them thoroughly with water and clean the contaminated areas.

Cut the mushrooms into small pieces so that you can then eat them straight from the jar without cutting them. In addition, small pieces are easier and better saturated with marinade.

Pour water into a saucepan and add mushrooms. There should be a lot of water so that the mushrooms float freely. Wait for the water to boil and set aside an hour for cooking. Reduce heat to low and cover the pan loosely with the lid. From time to time, open and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

When the mushrooms are cooked, place them in a colander and leave to drain off all the broth.

Rinse the jars thoroughly and sterilize them together with the lids with boiling water or in a hot oven. Place a portion of spices in the bottom of each jar.

Place the cooked porcini mushrooms in the jar almost to the top, but do not compact it tightly. Leave some room for the marinade.

Cook the marinade in a separate pan. To do this, add sugar, salt, pour a liter of boiling water and wait for it to boil again. Once it boils, pour in vinegar.

When the marinade boils again, immediately pour it over the mushrooms in the jars up to the threads.

Place a piece of cloth in a wide pan and place the jars on it. Pour hot water so that it covers the jars up to the shoulders. The fabric is needed to prevent the jars from cracking during sterilization. Wait until the water boils and reduce the gas to minimum. Note the time. Liter jars Sterilize for 25 minutes, half-liter - 20.

Marinated porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter are almost ready. Roll up the jars with lids and, after cooling naturally, take them for storage in a cool room. In the same way, using this simple recipe, you can prepare other mushrooms for the winter.

It's not very difficult to marinate. Using suitable ingredients and following all the recipe recommendations, you will definitely get a very tasty and appetizing snack that none of your family members will refuse.

Selection and processing of the main ingredient

White is possible only if you are completely sure that you have collected an edible forest harvest. After all, many people who do not understand mushrooms confuse them with other species.

It is advisable to collect such a product away from highways and various factories. If you decide to purchase mushrooms at the market, we recommend that you inspect them carefully. They should be elastic and as fresh as possible, and also free of dents and wormholes.

How to prepare pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter? First of all, they should be processed correctly. The product is thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and then thoroughly washed in warm water. If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be cut into smaller pieces.

As soon as the product is processed, it is placed in a deep pan and poured cold water. It is also salted to taste and then placed on the stove.

Having achieved strong boiling liquid, reduce heat to low. After removing the gray foam from the surface of the water, cover the mushrooms loosely with a lid and cook for about ¼ hour.

As time passes, the forest harvest should noticeably decrease in size. After this, it is discarded in a colander and washed thoroughly.

To obtain a more tender and tasty snack, it is recommended to heat porcini mushrooms again. To do this, put them back into the pan, fill with cold water, salt, boil and cook for ¼ hour. After the time has passed, the mushrooms are discarded in a colander, washed and left aside for several hours (until all the liquid has drained).

Marinated porcini mushrooms: recipe

There is nothing complicated in preparing pickled snacks for the winter. To do this you need to stock up:

  • processed and boiled porcini mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water - 1 l;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • medium-sized table salt - 1 large spoon;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - to taste and desire;
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.

Preparing the marinade

We talked above about how mushrooms should be processed before pickling them. While all excess liquid is draining from the product, begin preparing the marinade.

Drinking water is poured into a deep bowl and brought to a boil. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add 1 large spoon to it table salt and a little sugar.

After the spices are dissolved, table vinegar is poured into the marinade and then removed from the stove.

Heat treatment process and formation of snacks

As soon as the marinade is ready, put all the previously processed mushrooms into it and mix thoroughly. Bay leaves and peeled garlic cloves are also added to the products.

After keeping the ingredients in hot brine for about 5 minutes, they are placed on the stove and brought to a boil again. In this composition, the mushrooms need to be cooked for about ¼ hour.

While the product is being heat treated, begin preparing the cans. For this purpose, containers with a volume of 0.7 or 1 liter are used. They are washed well with baking soda and sterilized in a double boiler or on the stove.

Having prepared the container, put the prepared mushrooms with the marinade into it (right to the edges of the jar) and immediately roll it up with tin lids. By the way, the latter should also be sterilized. They are thoroughly washed and boiled in plain water.

Where to store?

The finished pickled porcini mushrooms in the jar are turned upside down and left in this form for a day. After this time, the snack is put into the basement or cellar, that is, any cool and dark place (can be kept in the refrigerator).

As you can see, porcini mushroom It's quite easy to marinate. However, you should not consume such a snack immediately after heat treatment. It must be kept in a cool place for a whole month. This is the only way you will get tasty and aromatic mushrooms that will definitely delight all members of your family.

How to use?

Now you know how pickled porcini mushrooms are prepared. You should definitely save the recipe for this snack in your cookbook. After the product has been marinated and becomes aromatic and very tasty, place it in a colander and rinse thoroughly under cold water.

Shake the mushrooms vigorously, season them with a small amount of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and place in a bowl. This appetizer is served at the table along with any first and second hot courses.

Porcini mushrooms can be pickled not only according to the recipe described above, but also in other ways. For example, some housewives add not citric acid to such a snack. You can also add clove buds, various seasonings, dried herbs, etc. to the brine.

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