Types of paint and methods of painting bathroom tiles, patterns on tiles and further care. How to beautifully paint tiles in the kitchen or bathroom Stencils for tiles

April 24, 2018 Olga Karpova Photo: Alexander Novikov, Ekaterina Pashnina

Beautiful ceramic tiles costs a fortune. Therefore, on our kitchen aprons, these wonderful pieces with patterns are inserted in places, as a highlight of the composition.

Today we will give you a tool that will save you from half-measures. You can make beautiful three-dimensional tiles yourself using simple tiles. And the range of its applications is wide: you can lay out an apron, make accent wall in the room or a frame for a mirror, decorate the surface kitchen table and risers on the stairs.

We will need:

1. Tile, preferably plain and matte. Size 10 x 10. Sold individually in specialized stores. The price for one piece is 10 rubles. By the way, sometimes in construction stores you can run into discounted tiles for 1-3 rubles apiece. Ask the sellers.

2. Wood putty. It happens to her different composition and color. I like the Lakra company: the putty does not shrink, dries quickly, and adheres well to the tiles. Sold in 600 gram tubs, costs about 70 rubles, will last a long time.

3. Stencil with a pattern. I have a stencil just for the 10 x 10 tile. It is thin. But durable, it can be washed. Price - 50 rubles in handicraft stores. Remember that the thinner the pattern, the easier it is to make a three-dimensional pattern.

4. Cellophane bag.

5. Rubber spatulas. Usually sold in sets of three, the price is from 30 to 50 rubles per set.

6. Brushes. Small, flat, preferably soft, synthetic. Now you can get inexpensive ones at FixPrice - 30-50 rubles. Or buy children's set brushes from IKEA - it contains six pieces of different sizes of brushes. Price 250 rubles.

7. Paints. Any color, but if you want a contrasting combination, it is better to take a bright color.

8. Varnish on water based. If you plan to use the tiles in a kitchen backsplash, where they will come into contact with water, then be sure to buy a moisture-resistant varnish. It is more profitable to take in hardware store than in handicraft. Price from 500 rubles for half a liter of varnish.


Step 1. Apply a thin layer of putty. To make it even over the entire surface, it is better to take the widest spatula for this. Let it dry naturally, without a hair dryer.

Step 2. Apply the stencil. We collect putties and coat the pattern as shown in the picture. The main thing is not to press too hard, otherwise the drawing will spread. Try to do this in three or four movements: the less you fuss, the neater the pattern will be.

Step 3. Without waiting for the putty to dry, carefully remove the stencil. Let the pattern harden.

Step 4. Paint the tiles. There are a lot of options, it all depends only on your imagination. I'll show you a simple but effective way - highlighting a pattern using the dry brush technique. Dip the brush into the paint (mine is blue) and remove the excess with a napkin. Important: there should be very little paint, otherwise it will leak under the pattern. Did you get it? And now, with frequent and quick movements, “sweep” the brush over the texture. You will see the pattern stand out in blue against the white background.

Step 5. Apply varnish. The tile is ready.


Step 1. Apply thicker putty to the tiles.

Step 2. While the mixture is still wet, place a plastic bag on it. Smooth without pressing, let the film stick. Now we remove the package. Ready!

Step 3. You need to paint the abstraction only after it has dried and hardened. And then experiment. You can try dry brushing again, which will highlight the broken texture of the tile. You can let streams flow through it liquid paint, let the pigment fancifully spread.

Step 4. To beautiful work lived for a long time, varnish it.

Have fun creating!

Tiles in the kitchen age over time, losing their appearance. It is not at all necessary to replace the tiles; in this case, they can be decorated. Replacement? Even with the most simple version- It’s a costly task, but you can decorate it yourself.

The most important thing here is to choose waterproof materials with high adhesion (adhesion) to the tile surface. And the work itself can be done with the most basic tools for painting works, additionally using office supplies.

Apply a stencil

To update the tile, you can apply a stencil to it (see the article “” about their types). First you need to thoroughly clean the surface. For this we will need a brush and any detergent.

Then the surface is wiped with alcohol and then wiped dry with silicone carbide paper. After this procedure, the surface of the tile will become rough. This is done to better fix the paint. And after this, the tiles are coated with a primer.

The patterns are applied using special paint for glass. Choosing a pattern is perhaps the most difficult thing in this matter. Go online and you will find many pattern options. After we have decided on the pattern, we make a stencil. Then, having attached the stencil of the design to the wall, we simply paint over its cut out areas.

Advice: so that there are no smudges when decorating the tiles, and for better fixation of the stencil, it must be secured to the wall with aerosol glue. There will be no traces left after it, and it can be removed quite simply.

Drawings can be applied in different formats. For example, a repeating pattern is applied to each tile or a large composition is made. The second option is the most difficult. Only a person with certain abilities can complete such a task. If you don't have them, perhaps someone you know has a similar talent.

So, we have drawn the image. Now it should be varnished. After this, our decoration is ready. It can be applied to the walls of any room. Just remember that you cannot use abrasive materials to clean decorated tiles.

Vinyl decoupage

You can also update tiles using vinyl. Stores sell special interior stickers made from this material. These stickers have images on them. This material is quite resistant to mechanical stress and has excellent water resistance. Vinyl film can also be used to decorate ceramic tiles in any room.

Interior stickers can be purchased at hardware stores; If they are not there, then you can try to make a purchase online. There is large selection similar stickers with a wide variety of designs.

The film glued to the wall is also varnished. Be sure to ensure that there are no air bubbles left under the film after gluing. But if they still remain, then pierce them with a needle. There will be no traces left of this, and the air will escape.

Decoupage with paper or napkins

And there is another way to update the tiles. This method is perhaps the most effective, but at the same time the least expensive. This is a way of decorating old tiles paper. This is done as follows: a certain design is printed on translucent paper, then this design is cut out and glued onto a thick paper base.

Sheet thick paper with a pattern are impregnated with glue, and then glued to a previously degreased surface. Instead of paper, you can also take a napkin with a pattern. The dried paper is coated with acrylic varnish. After this procedure, the paper becomes moisture resistant. Now it will serve you for a long time. And if you get tired of paper decoupage, you can easily remove it from the surface of the tile.

How best to decorate the walls in the kitchen is a question many people ask themselves. Of course, it’s good if you have the finances for an expensive cosmetic repairs in the kitchen, but now not everyone has this opportunity.

What to do if you want to decorate a wall or backsplash without spending a lot of money on decoration? Decorating the walls of the kitchen - here stencils and templates that you can buy or make yourself will come to our aid. You will find templates in this article. We’ll also talk about vinyl stickers and backsplash tiles. In short, we need simple, inexpensive but decent wall decor.

Ceramic tiles are great option finishing. Decorative tiles are used to decorate both part of the walls and aprons in the kitchen. Kitchen tiles are convenient because they are easy to clean, durable and do not require special care.

Ceramic tiles above the table, in the dining area, that is, between the tabletop and wall cabinets- an important part of the kitchen. Nowadays such a variety of tiles for decoration are sold: plain, with patterns, with ornaments, of any size and shape. Choosing ceramic tiles for a backsplash or wall in the kitchen is not difficult.

Buy better large tile– there will be fewer seams with grout, which may become a different color over time. The stores sell mostly imported ceramics, but you can find good domestic ones. The most important thing is to properly prepare the wall for working with tiles.

Wall decor in the kitchen can be done using special glass (skinali). This surface is made of tempered safety glass. Photo printing is applied to the glass. The advantage of using skinali decor is that there are no seams, a smooth surface.

Usually this type of glass is used to decorate a wall in the kitchen, more often - kitchen apron. It must be borne in mind that the largest width of one panel is 2.8-3 meters. If the kitchen is large, then one panel will not be enough, and you will have to join 2 pieces. Also take into account that the skins are attached metal parts(fasteners) that may be visible.

Mosaic is small tiles. It can be ceramic (the most widely used), glass, ceramic-stone and metal. All types of mosaics are quite interesting, and each has its own characteristics.

Mosaic is an expensive decor compared to regular tiles and glass. What types of mosaics are there for the kitchen?

– it comes not only in the form of small squares or rectangles, but also in the form of larger fragments, they are mounted faster. The sizes of ceramics are different: it can be 10/10 cm or 30/30 cm.

– small tiles made of glass. All glass tiles are glued to the base, which makes decorating easier. Glass expands the space of the kitchen and gives a fragment of a wall or apron a festive look. Glass mosaic tiles for the wall are made from white quartz, with mother-of-pearl and pigments added for shine and color. The main advantage is the stability of the decorative glass mosaic to the fire.

Porcelain tile mosaic on the wall is a slab cut into small pieces. It looks like stone.

- This elite option decor. Mosaics are cut from stones and minerals. The disadvantage of this finish is its high cost. Also susceptible to surface stains - beet or coffee stains can leave a permanent mark. To prevent stains from remaining on the surface, the stone is coated with acrylic varnish.

Metal- These are ceramic fragments on which metal plates, mainly stainless steel, are placed. Metal ceramics are easily soiled and all stains and smudges will be visible on it. Another main disadvantage is the expensive decor.

This is a very simple and affordable DIY kitchen wall decor. You can choose stickers that will match with kitchen set, complement the already finished interior.

Besides vinyl stickers do not require maintenance, wash well, and traces of them are washed off with a regular brush or sponge. There are two types of stickers: mirror and matte. Matte is the most common, mirrored is less common. Stickers are also used in cases where you need to hide unsightly places on the wall or kitchen unit.

You can make kitchen stickers yourself - to do this you need to buy them at a hardware store. self-adhesive film, it's for sale different colors and various drawings. You print out the design or draw by hand on the back of the film, then cut out along the contour, remove a thin layer of tissue paper, and you can glue on the shape or flowers. If you wish, you can create a whole composition.

The easiest way to decorate walls is with wall stencils. Stencils for kitchen decor help to outline the contours and, if desired, decorate the walls or backsplash.

Using one stencil made of cardboard or PVC film (a thick kitchen napkin or paper folder is good for making a stencil), you can decorate the entire kitchen wall.

Stencils and templates are different:

  • Plain template - one color of paint.
  • Multicolor template - from several colors. To do such work, you need experience and a certain skill.
  • Volume template - applied using putty. The drawing turns out to be convex and voluminous.
  • Back– the paint is not applied inside the template, but rather on the outside. An interesting effect is created, similar to backlighting.

If you have chosen a template with very small details, it is better to postpone this idea. Small details are very difficult to paint; the drawing will look sloppy, no matter how hard you try.

You can buy a stencil, they are available in construction stores, or you can make it yourself. What is needed for this?

  1. Selected drawing.
  2. Cardboard, PVC film, plastic - for the stencil itself.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Scotch.
  6. A flat, hard surface to work on.

After choosing a drawing, it is recommended to print it, enlarge it, transfer it to cardboard or plastic using carbon paper (if you don’t have carbon paper, take a pencil and shade the back side of the drawing, and then trace the silhouette along the lines with a pen, everything will be printed on the cardboard). The drawing is attached to the cardboard with tape - otherwise it may move. If you are making a stencil from cardboard, it is advised to cover it with tape on both sides, otherwise the paint will be absorbed into the cardboard. Next, we cut out those areas inside the stencil that should be painted over.

You have chosen a template and decided where you will make the drawings. First you need to prepare an empty wall for painting. Clean the empty wall from dust and dirt - wash it or vacuum it. Then we mark the places for the drawing. To do this, it is more convenient to use a level. To keep the stencil on the wall, use tape or spray adhesive.

We will need:

  1. Roller or sponge.
  2. Acrylic or spray paint.
  3. Aerosol glue or tape.
  4. Stencil.

If you choose spray adhesive, spray it onto the stencil, then press it firmly onto the surface. In order to make a template, it is recommended to use acrylic paint. Acrylic does not dry for long, this paint is suitable for any wall. If you work with a roller, excess paint must be removed - otherwise the paint will be unevenly distributed. There should be a minimum amount of paint, otherwise it will leak and ruin the entire template. If you are working with aerosol paint, keep the can of paint 30 cm from the wall.

Stenciling is a great way to turn ceramic tiles into a work of art. If you have ever been to a store building materials, then you probably know that ceramics with a pattern costs a lot of money. But decorating the walls of a kitchen or bathroom with unique designs is not at all difficult...
What will you need for this?

1. Naturally, plain tiles(or take tiles, by the way) and stencils, which can be purchased at any hardware store or in supermarkets like “Everything for Repair”.

2. Acrylic paints, which are intended for applying designs to ceramic tiles.

3. Special aerosol glue. Its use is not necessary, but it allows you to better fix the stencil on the tile.

4. Stencil brushes, sponges, and a jar of water in which the brushes are stored while working to prevent the paint from drying out.

Before applying a design to the tile, it must be prepared in a certain way. If we are talking about tiles or tiles: it will be enough to wipe it with a degreasing solution or rinse it under water using dishwashing detergent.

After washing, the tiles must be left to dry. While waiting, you can take care of preparing a stencil that will reverse side covered with aerosol glue - this will allow you not to worry about the stencil “peeling off” during operation.

When the tile is completely dry, the stencil is applied to its outer side: you can start painting. You can choose the color with which the whole process will begin yourself, but it is better if the first color is darker than the next one, then there will be no problems with the brightness of the picture later.

Remember that when painting on tiles, the brush should be held in a perpendicular position, and the paint itself should be applied with point-to-point movements. It is important to follow this rule because otherwise the paint may “leak” under the stencil while drawing, which will make your drawing not so clear. It is also necessary to avoid putting too much paint on the brushes, otherwise it will flow.

When painting, it is not necessary to use only brushes. Once you are done with one color or part of the design, you can use a sponge for another tone. The sponge allows you to draw with “blotting” movements, which will make it possible to create various effects.

If under the brush the paint often lies in stripes or dots, then using a sponge you can create a certain embossing. Then the veins and dots in your drawing will be mixed with the roughness that the sponge will create as you draw.

Once the drawing is completely completed, you can remove the stencil. If the paint you used for painting is of sufficient quality, then you won’t have to wait long for it to dry completely. The result will surely exceed all your expectations: an exclusive pattern on the tile is a godsend for renovations!

After the paint has completely dried, the ceramic tiles can be safely washed. By the way, even solvents cannot harm acrylic paints. But if you want the design to last as long as possible, you can additionally heat the tile in the oven. Just make sure first that the instructions for the paint indicate the possibility of such heating.

Nowadays artistic painting of ceramics accessible to everyone. Freely available, at affordable prices, you can purchase acrylic paints on glass and ceramics. Ceramic products are mainly dishes and tiles. If it is quite difficult to find ceramic dishes without patterns, then plain ceramic tiles are the most cheap material. If you are doing repairs, do it yourself decorated tiles, will look amazing. Of course, it is difficult and expensive to cover every tile with designs, so it is better to make a design on 1 out of 9 or even 1 out of 24 tiles. Depending on the overall design decision.

Of course, every artist once has a question: “What to draw?” And when it comes to repairs or gifts to a loved one- this question is doubly relevant. There are many options to consider. These options are provided in our article.

For those who don’t know how to draw at all, but really want to - stencils for painting ceramics. Just select the stencil you need - click on it and print it. Place it on the carbon paper and the carbon paper on the tile. Using a pencil, repeat the design on the stencil - it will appear on the tile. All that remains is to outline and paint.

All stencils are divided into several groups:

  • Borders are a repeating pattern that is used along the entire length or height of the wall.
  • Fillable pattern - the pattern covers the entire tile, it has clear boundaries. If you draw on tiles, then the boundaries are designated independently.
  • Simple drawing - different drawings, no different in anything special.


The Dove is a very simple stencil. It can also be used as a border.

Butterflies are good because 2 people using 1 stencil will not draw them the same way.

This cute pineapple is just begging to decorate your kitchen.

Miniature - “Tree against sunset background.”

Light composition with spring flowers. You can transfer the entire composition to ceramics or select 1 of its elements.


Such drawings are mainly made using stained glass technique.

Give these sketches some color and they will sparkle.

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