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There are six special icons that should be present in any home. Three of them are given during the marriage ceremony. These are the Faces of the Kazan Mother of God with a child, the image of Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This three is a symbol of harmony in the family, peace and fidelity.

These icons are used to bless marriage. Little Jesus is between them, between the Kazan Mother of God and the face of Jesus. If there is no Kazan Mother of God, there is no mistress in the house, if there is no face of Jesus, there is no owner.

Iveron icon.
February 25 is the day of remembrance of the icon Mother of God Iverskaya.
She is a very powerful icon and heals various serious illnesses, especially deafness. Many miracles, legends,
healings are associated with this icon. She is considered a family icon. Everyone who dreams of a happy personal life turns to her power, they ask her for mutual love, for marriage “Mother of God of Iveron, ask your son, my God JESUS ​​Christ, to find me his half... God's servant... according to your soul, according to your destiny, according to your heart, according to your body."
Request time is from 4 to 7 am. Read the prayer for 40 days.
No one to communicate with, physical quarantine. Ask, forgive, thank in your own words. It is important to correctly formulate the priorities of your wishes.
For family life, for family happiness.
Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before her Iveron Icon:
“Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy Prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from vain death, and grant us before the end repentance, grant us mercy and joy in sorrow, and grant us a place for our prayer. And deliver us, madam, from all misfortune and adversity, grief and sorrow and from all evil. And make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and the heirs of us being made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life, with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen".
Prayers are programs for restoring the biofield.
Particularly powerful were the icons - the “Holy Trinity” - located above front door and “Semistrelnaya” - opposite the door.

Icon of the Mother of God "Softening" evil hearts“Semistrelnaya became famous during the cholera epidemic. She is the protector of the naughty.
“Lord, give understanding to your servant, YOU love him.
For the offenders: “Lord, have mercy on them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
For those who insult us: Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on Your servants and turn them to repentance.”
For the evil one: Lord, bless Your servant (name) with Your grace.
From anger: Lord, give me a spirit of meekness, so that I may be meek toward my neighbors and abstain from anger.
The icon heals illnesses, mental pain, feelings of anger, resentment, restores the biofield of a person wounded by words, intentions and aggressive influences.
The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God has been in the Pochaev Lavra for about 300 years. But long before this, Mount Pochaevskaya was marked by the grace of the Mother.
It is this icon in front of which miracles of healing were performed for Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Jews. During her celebration, the imprint of the Most Pure One’s right foot remained forever imprinted on her. A church was erected on the slope and a monastery was created. There were even cases of the resurrection of the dead.
Prayer for children.
“Lord Lord Almighty, be merciful to my children, lead them to faith and salvation. Keep them under Your protection, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and suostat, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts, Amen.”
The Holy Trinity is one of the 7 important icons that should be in the house.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God - “The All-Tsarina” or
(Pantanassa) is located in the cathedral church of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece.
According to legend, when a young man approached the icon, the Face of the Mother of God shone with unprecedented power. The young man had to admit that he was engaged in magic and witchcraft. The Queen of heaven and earth set him on the path of repentance. The miraculous power of the icon manifested itself against the passion for magic. She has the grace of healing from cancer. Its copy is located in Moscow.
“O All-merciful, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Tsarina. I am not worthy to bring you under my roof! But like the merciful God, the mother’s womb loves the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened.
For Your power is invincible and every word will not fail You, O All-Tsaritsa. You begged for me. May I glorify your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Mother of God “Passionate” got its name because on the side of the face Holy Mother of God two Angels are depicted with the instruments of Christ's suffering. It is located in Moscow, in the Passion Monastery of 1641. It is a very powerful icon, used in troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the treatment of vices, addictions, violations of social norms of behavior.
E. Roerich said: “Prayer is a purifier. This should not be understood, the definition is abstract, spiritual health is the main basis for the health of the body. It is prayer, as a real connection with the Supreme Source, best cleaner from diseases."

Icon of the Mother of God - “Unfading Color”
April 16 is the day of remembrance of this icon. They pray to her for the preservation of married couples, family ties and peace in the family. Especially in moments of quarrels and disagreements. And also for the health of your loved ones. She uses her power to bless those marrying with the Kazan Mother of God. This is a very ancient icon, it has many copies, many miracles were performed from them. Worn on the chest, it protects childhood and chastity. This icon helps in choosing a spouse. In her left hand she holds a lily flower. A symbol of purity, purity and enlightenment when maintained by carnal passions.

Icon of the Mother of God “Healer”
October 1st is Memorial Day. Has strong prayer healing the seriously ill. Bedridden. The Holy Martyrs help in these processes - FAITH, HOPE, LOVE and their mother SOPHIA. in Russia the number of icons, revered and useful, facing the image of the Mother of God is about a hundred. And everyone has their own life story, their own form of help and their own list of healings of the people.
A very interesting icon for completing good deeds, for successful business, the icon brings happy gifts of fate, heals mental suffering. They pray in front of this icon and thank it for the happy ending of the undertaking.
Here is its text:
“It is worthy to eat as one truly blesses You, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Mother of our God. We magnify you, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God. Amen".
In Rus', the image of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”, a healer icon, has always been revered; her help is used to get out of the period of grief, melancholy and sadness. He heals sick limbs, the patroness of all craftsmen and folk craftsmen.
The icon “Adding the Mind” and “Murom” patronizes the help in teaching and giving the mind, the spirit of reason and consciousness. When children are ill, the Tikhvin icon receives loving help.

Icons, as the main religious shrines, have a special, higher power. During a prayer appeal, you can ask for what you want in front of the image of the saints, and the icons themselves can become a strong talisman for your home.

To protect their home and family as much as possible, many people purchase various amulets or make them with their own hands. However, not all of them are quite effective, and many will not bring any results at all.

How to properly place icons in the house

In order for images of saints not only to decorate your apartment, but also to become a strong amulet, you need to place the icons correctly. Of course, you can place the icon wherever you want. It could be bedside table, desktop, or you can simply hang them on the wall. However, it is necessary to take into account objects located next to the icons that can affect the power of the holy images.

Try not to place icons next to electrical equipment. Periodic use of these devices will affect the power of the icons, and over time the holy images will no longer be able to fully help you.

You should not place icons next to books whose contents are not of a theological nature.

Do not place sacred images among toys, souvenirs and other small items, since the icon is an important object of religious worship, and not a simple home decoration.

Try to place at least one icon in each room. This will help you protect your home as much as possible and bring a calm atmosphere to it.

Icons that will help protect your home

Most icons have the gift of protection. Some of them can protect not only you, but also your home and family. The presence of such sacred images will protect your home from accidents, negative impact from evil people and visits from robbers. They will also help maintain harmony in the home and good relationships with your family.

Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God. This icon can often be seen in the apartments of believers. It is believed that this particular image of the Mother of God is able to protect the house from the evil eye of envious people, from damage and the evil eye.

Place the icon of the Mother of God above the front door, and then evil spirits will bypass your home, and evil people and they won’t be able to get into your house at all.

Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”. This image of the Mother of God is one of the most ancient. This name of the icon is connected with its history. One day, a shepherd walking a flock of sheep noticed a fire in the distance. Coming closer, he saw a burning thorn bush, but what surprised him most was that the bush was completely undamaged by the fire. After this, God appeared from the flame and started a conversation with the shepherd, amazed by what he saw. The bush was named " Burning bush" Having an icon associated with this event in your home can protect your home and household from fires and fires.

Image of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. If your family is having financial difficulties or you are planning to purchase something important and expensive for your home, first of all purchase an icon of St. Spyridon. It helps in improving financial situation, in resolving family conflicts and eliminating financial difficulties, and if someday you decide to rent out or sell your home, then you will not have any problems with this either.

Ostobramsk Icon of the Mother of God. It is one of the best amulets against quarrels and conflicts with household members. It also protects your home from visits from secret enemies. Like the Seven-Arrow Icon, place the Ostobram Icon of the Mother of God above the front door. Then unwanted guests and those who wish you harm will not be able to cross the threshold of your home.

Icon of John the Warrior. To protect your home from robbers and petty thieves, add an image of St. John the Warrior to your iconostasis. This icon is especially necessary for those people who live in disadvantaged areas, whose houses and apartments may be subject to robbery. Those who are afraid that even one of the guests will look at their property should also purchase an icon of the holy martyr John.

If you decide to resort to the help of icon amulets, do not forget that it is not so important what kind of icon you purchase. Much more important is faith in her power, in the power of the saints and, of course, in the Lord God himself. The site team wishes you peace and tranquility, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Each of us wants to preserve comfort, happiness and love in the family for many years. And many turn to the Higher Powers for help - God. The icon for family happiness is an image of the Saint, which allows us to turn to him for support and help.

We will tell you what icons it is customary for a family to keep in the house, which Saints to pray to so that peace, love and prosperity reign in the family. We will also advise where to store holy images.

Icons for protecting home and family. Types:

Icons of the Mother of God- these are one of the most important and revered icons for any Orthodox Christian. This face is preserved by almost every Christian believer, especially families with children, and through sincere prayer they pray for health and well-being.

Saint John the Baptist. An icon of great power that protects from anyone negative influence, feeling unwell, various diseases. John the Baptist is an image that is often located in home iconostases, in the red corner.

Great Martyr George the Victorious. Prayer to him brings well-being to the family and helps to find the right way to overcome life’s difficulties. Wives and mothers of sons waiting for their husbands from the war prayed to this Saint. They asked Saint George to help save their lives and return home safely.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. A powerful icon, which is very often found in Orthodox Christian homes, is the image of this Saint. The icon of Nicholas will help in solving material problems, protect against illness, sanctify a long journey and make it easier to make an important decision.

Powerful in its strength icon "Seven Shots" will protect the family hearth from misfortunes, envious people and ill-wishers, damage and other manifestations of evil. In addition, she is able to heal many ailments and reconcile warring parties. Before you buy the Seven Shot Icon, you need to read a certain prayer, and then observe which of your ill-wishers will stop coming to your house.

Images Saints Peter and Fevronia will preserve the fidelity of the spouses and their love. They are the main protectors and patrons of the family, giving peace and happiness to the home. Prayers at the icon of Peter and Fevronia will allow you to preserve your feelings for each other forever.

Image "Unexpected Joy" placed in the house promotes successful prayers for the health and well-being of children, and also maintains harmony and love in marriage.

Another image - "Holy Family"- patronizes families, helps strengthen marriages.

In addition to the above icons for family happiness and well-being, the guardians are Saints, whose names are borne by loved ones living with you after baptism, and icons of the Guardian Angel. Pray to the personalized icons before leaving the house, and you will be under their protection all day.

When to give?

Icons for family well-being can be given on important dates for any family, for example:

  • for a wedding,
  • for any wedding anniversary,
  • for the birth of children, etc.

Where to place icons of family happiness and love in the house?

Revered Christian images must be properly placed in accordance with the following rules:

  • Icons in an Orthodox home are placed on the eastern side, and if this is not possible, then where there is enough space for the person praying.
  • Objects of earthly, decorative, frivolous significance, equipment, and household items should not be next to the images of the Saints. It is allowed to store icon lamps, candles and other church utensils, Orthodox literature, holy water, willow branches, etc. near the icons.
  • Icons should be placed, not hung. The place where they are stored is the red corner. These can be special shelves for icons or a home iconostasis.
  • Remember that for placement in the house, it is advisable to illuminate the icons in the church.
  • Maintain hierarchy when placing faces. In the center is the Savior, the Mother of God. The images of the Saints should not cover these icons and the Holy Trinity, nor should they be located above them.

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The presence of holy images in a home disciplines each owner, forcing him to turn to God more often.

Even if the owner of an apartment or house does not consider himself an overly zealous Christian, a casual glance thrown at a wall with an icon inevitably forces him to settle down and reconsider his desires.

The most important shrines

In their prayers, believers most often turn to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Therefore, it makes sense to have images with the Son of God and the Virgin Mary without fail. Such amulets are necessary in every house or apartment.

Icons in the house

They should be placed in a room where a person is most often alone. For example, in the bedroom. Then you will inevitably begin and end your day with an appeal to the patron saints. This disciplines thoughts and brings peace to the souls and minds of believers.

Advice. You should have the image of the Mother of God in the children's room, as if giving protection higher powers beloved child. The Virgin Mary has become an example of maternal love for her only son; parents of sick children most often turn to her.

The image of the Matrona of Moscow enjoys no less honor among believers. During her lifetime, the woman canonized by the church was famous for her gift of foresight and ability to help the sick. It is believed that prayer with the words of a request for health addressed to it helps with various diseases.

It is important that there are no things above or next to the icons that prevent the spiritual essence from successfully performing its protective functions:

  • photographs of relatives, both living and those who have left this world;
  • posters with images of celebrities in the world of show business;
  • cult objects of various pagan rites;
  • hunting trophies and collections of edged weapons, etc.

A naive child, little experienced in matters of secular temptations, will also turn to God in his own way, thereby asking the image for protection and help in solving his own youthful problems.

Miracle Worker of Myra

The image of Nicholas the Saint is extremely popular among Christians. In terms of its significance, it is equal to the images of the most revered saints. Most often in a house with an equipped iconostasis you will see the Holy Trinity:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Our Lady;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

It is the latter image of the saint that is popular as an effective relic that protects the house. Almost every family has experience of turning to the shrine for help and successfully solving problems with the help of prayer to the righteous man of Myra.

What icons should be in the house: home protection icon

This is considered to be the image of the Mother of God with seven swords in her hands. Not everyone knows where to hang the Seven Shot Icon, so every time the clergy explain to the parishioners symbolic meaning face and its purpose.

The icon refers to the general protection of the home from:

  • thieves and scammers;
  • irritation and anger;
  • illness and poverty.

Advice. It is best to place it above the entrance to the living space, as if it were an invisible guard, it will protect the family from these troubles.

Home fire protection

Since ancient times in Rus' this disaster was considered the most terrible. Therefore, Christians always tried to have at home a prototype of the Burning Bush, symbolizing the resilience of the green thorn before the Divine Fire back in the time of Moses. The Burning Bush icon from fire in the house will help protect property from natural fire - in the event of a thunderstorm, for example.

Shrines to inherit

According to Archpriest Andrei Efanov, sacred relics should serve living people. This is what they are created for. Do not hesitate, if your grandparents left you holy images as an inheritance, do not think about whether it is possible to take icons from the house of the deceased. When combined with your family ritual items, they will become reliable protection from all kinds of misfortunes.

Signs associated with the faces of saints

People believe that if an icon falls, it is a bad sign, foreshadowing misfortune for everyone in the family. Therefore, in order not to wonder what such an incident leads to, you should firmly secure the family iconostasis. This precaution will help distinguish a bad omen from your own negligence.

If the holy image breaks due to a fall or cracks from hitting the floor, the following misfortunes may occur:

  • probable betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • misfortune on the road during a business trip or travel;
  • illness of someone close to you.

However, you shouldn’t worry too much about what happened. As one of the commandments says, you should not create idols from holy images. You just need to pick up the portrait of the saint and kiss it. And then go to church and light a candle near such an icon. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask for forgiveness for your negligence.

Accessing Home Images

Before praying at home in front of the icon, you should leave aside all thoughts and worries about everyday problems. Only the appropriate attitude and true faith will make your appeal to the saints truly miraculous.

It is believed that ready-made texts of prayers to the Creator and the Righteous are more effective due to their many years of existence, consecration by church authorities and canonization. You can address the faces with your own words, if they come from a pure heart, with recognition of the supremacy of higher powers and your own imperfection.

I hope my modest knowledge about the icons in the house and their meaning in everyday life will only benefit you. We all, sooner or later, turn to the Lord in search of intercession. Therefore, knowing what icons should be in your home will help you correctly use the opportunities given to humanity by Jesus Christ and his feat.

There is debate about the time of the appearance of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”. Some researchers attribute it to the 15th century, others to the beginning of the 16th. Judging by the fact that the church cult of Peter and Fevronia in Murom developed already in the second half of the 15th century, it is more likely that the “Tale” in some unknown way original form was already compiled at this time. However, the “Tale” acquired its final form, as R.P. Dmitrieva has now proven, under the pen of Ermolai Erasmus, a writer who worked in the middle of the 16th century.
If you think about which everyday problems most occupy the consciousness of adults and cause the greatest pain and anxiety, it turns out that these are not problems associated with work, creativity or other similar activities, but problems associated with one’s own family. Of course, I mean people who are husbands or wives, and even more so who have children, that is, who are parents. I am not a monk and it is not for me to talk about the monastic structure of life, but it seems to me that similar problems of relationships there are of great importance. After all, every good monastery is a family, just as every good Orthodox family is a monastery with its own way of life, traditions, and experience of spiritual life.

Unlike its Western counterpart, the Russian holiday has several patron saints. And first of all, these are Saints Peter and Fevronia, who in our culture have become the personification of marital love and fidelity.

Murom miracle workers Peter and Fevronia, whose memory is honored on July 8, have long been considered patrons of family well-being.

Having inherited the reign, Peter was forced to renounce power when he learned that the boyars wanted to separate him from his beloved wife. Peter and Fevronia went into exile together. But soon unrest began in Murom, and the boyars, coming to their senses, decided to call Prince Peter back.

After their return, the prince and princess ruled happily ever after, and in their old age they took monastic vows in different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne. They bequeathed to be buried together in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle.

Peter and Fevronia each died in their cell on the same day and hour - July 8 (according to the old style - June 25) 1228. Contrary to the will of the deceased, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but a miracle happened: the very next day they ended up together. Three centuries later, Peter and Fevronia were canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox Church. Today their relics rest in the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom.

On July 8, it is customary for Orthodox believers to pray to Peter and Fevronia, who are considered patrons of family well-being. In their prayers, young people ask God for sincere love, but older people? about family harmony.

Family holiday Pokrov

Another holiday during which Orthodox Christians pray for the gift of a prosperous family life is the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the events of 910. Church tradition tells that Constantinople was attacked by the Saracens, and many residents prayed on their knees and with tears that the trouble would pass. When the hordes of enemies were already ready to break into the city, a miracle happened: Saint Fool-for-Christ Andrew saw that the Mother of God herself descended from heaven along the steps and, kneeling down, prayed with tears in her eyes for the salvation of the peoples.

Soon after this, the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was adopted in Rus'. From the Intercession of the Day - October 14 - weddings began to be celebrated, and on this day the girls went to church to pray that the Lord would send them good grooms. They believed that the white cover is the same omophorion with which the Heavenly Queen covers the earth and protects.

According to legend, than more snow on Pokrov, the more weddings there will be this year.
Joachim and Anna - parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The patron saints of family well-being are considered to be the pious couple - Joachim and Anna, into whose family the Mother of God was born. In Christianity, they act as an ideal married couple, as the most complete expression of marriage as a mystical sacrament in which there is a miracle.

Joachim and Anna were distinguished by their righteous lives and good deeds, but their main sorrow was childlessness. At that time, the Israelis believed that if a family does not have a child, then the people had greatly angered God with their sins.

But one day, as legend tells, the Lord heard the prayers of the couple and sent the Archangel Gabriel to tell Anna that she would give birth to a girl. And, indeed, Anna soon gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Mary, as the Angel commanded her.

On September 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is a great consolation for childless spouses.

Joachim and Anna were buried near the future tomb of their daughter, as well as the grave of Joseph the Betrothed, in the Garden of Gethsemane, under the Mount of Olives, not far from Jerusalem. These tombs were located on the edge of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, which lay between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives.

Apostle Simon the Zealot (Zealot)

At the wedding of Simon the Canaanite, Jesus Christ performed his first miracle. Simon was very poor, and the wine ran out by the middle of the holiday. When Jesus heard about this, he said: “Pour into the jars plain water and begin to serve to the guests.” And indeed, wine poured into the cups of the guests.

After this, Simon believed in Christian values ​​so much that he began to preach the faith of Christ everywhere. He lived in fasting and prayer, protected his family, and glorified Jesus Christ with many miraculous signs. He died a martyr's death.

The Temple of the Holy Great Martyr Simon the Canaanite stands on the territory of New Athos. People come to the saint to ask for happiness in marriage, love and prosperity.
Image of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

On August 29, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the miraculous Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God. She is revered as the patroness of brides, family well-being, the birth of children in childless couples, and helps in difficult childbirths.

The events of 1239 are connected with the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. The icon, painted by Apostle Luke, disappeared after the Mongol-Tatars burned the city in which it was located. But after a while, the image appeared again to the Russian people...

“Once, when the Tatars approached Kostroma, the Russian militia came out to meet them, carrying in front of them their holy icon of the Mother of God. When the armies stood in front of each other, an unknown horseman rushed between them. His crimson robe fluttered in the wind, and his gilded shield shone dazzlingly. The Russians recognized him as the holy great martyr Theodore Stratilates. The Tatars were struck with horror, and they fled from the battlefield. Thus Kostroma was saved.”

While in Kostroma there was an appearance of a warrior with an icon in his hands, the younger brother of Alexander Nevsky, Prince Vasily of Kostroma, accidentally saw the icon on a pine tree. He tried to take it off, but it rose into the air. Later, the Spaso-Zaprudnikovsky Monastery was built at the site where the icon was found.

The Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Kostroma Epiphany-Anastasia Cathedral, writes

Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

The memory of the holy martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv is honored on November 15. These Saints are revered as patrons married women. They pray to them “if a husband innocently hates his wife.” There is a chapel of these saints in Moscow, in the Church of St. John the Warrior in Babyegorodsky Lane, on Yakimanka.

The preachers of the Word of God Gury and Samon died a terrible martyr's death during the persecution of Christians in the third century AD. Many years later, the pagan emperor Licinius (311-324) ordered the capture of a deacon of the Edessa Church named Aviv, but he himself came to the executioners, not wanting other Christians to suffer while searching for him. He was sentenced to be burned. The martyr himself went into the fire and with prayer gave up his spirit to the Lord. He was buried next to Saints Gurias and Samon.

Numerous miracles were performed for those who with faith and love called upon the saints to help them. They also helped the pious girl Euphemia from Edessa, freeing her from the bullying of her oathbreaker husband.

The martyrs Samon, Guria and Aviv are asked to pray to the Lord for the granting of a happy marriage.

Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

According to the Orthodox calendar, September 8 commemorates the martyrs Adrian and Natalia. They lived in Nicomedia of Bithynia under Emperor Maximian (305-311)


Adrian was the head of the emperor's court and was himself a pagan, and his wife Natalia was a secret Christian. Observing with what courage people endured suffering for their faith and how they confessed Christ, Adrian himself believed. He was put in prison, where his wife, Saint Natalia, supported him. Adrian, along with other martyrs, was subjected to terrible torture. Saint Natalia died on the tomb of her husband.

Ksenia Petersburgskaya

February 6 Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg - the heavenly patroness of the northern capital.

Holy Blessed Xenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. After her husband's death, she distributed all her property to the poor and was left without a home. The young woman, who prayed incessantly and spoke allegorically, was initially considered crazy. But later her predictions began to come true.

Blessed Xenia predicted the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and the young Emperor John Antonovich, and the marriage of one poor girl.

After her death, the body of Ksenia of Petersburg was buried in the Smolensk cemetery. Many signs and wonders were performed at her tomb. Through the prayers of Blessed Xenia, the Lord saved one girl from a terrible marriage with an escaped convict who pretended to be the colonel he had killed.

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