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Fehu (Fehu, Feu)- the first and main rune of the Elder Futhark. This is the rune of Property and Possession. The Fehu rune is considered the main rune that helps to attract and preserve money and material wealth in general.

The true meaning of the Fehu rune is a complex system of intertwining material relationships and energies. The power of the Fehu rune— is contained in the cycle of energy transformations, including economic ones. Energetically, the Fehu rune consists of three energy flows. First of all, Fehu is a symbol of material wealth and prosperity. And the source of this wealth is in two other energy flows: the individual abilities of a person and his energy spent on achieving this wealth. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the Fehu rune is powerful talisman that attracts money. Fehu, in fact, actively contributes to attracting money into life, and subsequently converts the attracted monetary energy into various other financial flows in your life.

But feature of the Fehu talisman rune It is such that it attracts money to you only if you yourself devote a lot of energy and honest work to achieving it. With the help of this rune, money will not fall on your head from the sky, but Fehu will definitely attract new sources of income and ways to earn money into your life.

The money rune talisman Fehu will give you strength for new beginnings and contribute to the emergence of fresh, unexpected ideas. In general, Fehu is the rune of a new life stage and opportunities. It is not for nothing that the shape of the Fehu rune is depicted in the form of a magic key. Just like with an ordinary key you can open any door, so with the Fehu rune you can open a door in new life. This is a rune not only of attracting money, but also of moving to a new level of life, starting a new business. Fehu will help you achieve material well-being, but you shouldn’t sit idly by! You need to start some business, bring your ideas to life. In general, with this rune the element of creativity is important! Then, with Fehu, your new business will be successful and will definitely bear fruit. Fehu will help you reap a rich harvest, both literally and figuratively. The talisman from the Fehu rune gives its owner confidence in himself, his strengths and the success of the business he has begun.

“The essence of the action of the Fehu rune is to attract and collect energy, and transform it into material (financial, property, intellectual) flows and objects.Symbolically, this rune represents the processes of attachment, capture and attachment."

Energy, as you know, does not appear out of nowhere and does not disappear into nowhere. Energy moves only from one state to another. And if there is no directed movement of one’s own efforts, then the energy simply has nowhere to come from. This fundamental law of physics also applies to money, as an element of prosperity that strives to expand and multiply. It’s not for nothing that they say: "Money makes money". This same principle explains the effectiveness of charity, which helps increase one’s own wealth. By sharing your, even insignificant, wealth for free, you create a stable and continuous movement of monetary energies, which also continuously increase your wealth.

Stagnation of money -"money in a stocking" or their "eating" lead to dispersion and loss of energy that forms money, and, ultimately, to its complete loss. Therefore, money, as property, requires constant attention and effective management. That is why speculation, deception and any unseemly actions will never find support from this talisman!

Talisman to attract money- Fehu rune can be bought in finished form, for example, as a pendant, keychain, etc. And even better, make a talisman for money - Fehu with your own hands.

The most suitable natural materials for runic talismans are: wood, clay, leather, paper, stones, bone, metal. Having decided on the material, you need to apply it runic sign or chosen by you formulas. Application methods can also be different: you can cut, draw, engrave or apply essential oils image of the Fehu rune. Also, to attract money and wealth, the rune can be applied on banknotes, bank cards, wallet, candles, clothes, and even on your own body.

If you decide to draw a rune, then you need to draw Fehu in red.

In order for the rune to start working, drawing an image, focus on your monetary desire and visualize it.

Using the Fehu rune:

- Mascot with the Fehu rune you can put it inside safe or to any other place where you keep your savings, or draw a rune on the door of the safe.

Put a small mascot with the depicted Fehu rune in his wallet. This will protect you from theft, loss and waste of money.

- Mascot with Fehu can protect from troubles when transporting valuable goods.

- Mascot with the Fehu rune protects against mistakes in transactions with real estate. It will help you successfully purchase real estate, preserve it and improve it.

Magic formulas with the Fehu rune:


(magic formula for material well-being)

This is the most universal monetary formula, where the value of the Fehu rune is multiplied three times. However, this runic formula, as a talisman, will not only attract money to you. This formula is also can initiate a powerful new stage of development in any area of ​​your life.

Otal Fehu Yer

(runogram for increasing income and property)

Rune Othal- means property, and in combination with Fehu - receiving monetary profit.

Fehu in itself - the rune of property, property and material wealth

Yer- the rune of harvest and receiving rewards, is used if the desired result is actually achievable.


(runic breakthrough formula)

This runogram will help you get out of need through new opportunities that have opened up. Will promote change and pave the way for it. The formula will provide you with a surge of energy and increase your desire to achieve your goals.


(formula for attracting good luck and increasing wealth)

Fehu- rune of property and material well-being.

Runa Soul- rune of the Sun, victory, power and enormous strength.

Rune Othal- rune of traditions, inheritance, clan, home and family.

Runa Vunyo- rune of joy, luck and happiness.

Germanic, Norse, Celtic and many other tribes used runic symbols as writing. According to mythical legends, the god Odin gave these signs to people and for the first time inscribed them with a spear dipped in his own blood.

In modern times, ancient Scandinavian signs are used for fortune telling, creating talismans and interacting with the world of the unknowable.

The appearance of the Fehu rune

Fehu is the first sign of the runic Germanic alphabet. The symbol was mentioned in poems. Its origins are associated with the names of Frey, the Scandinavian god of fertility, and Freya, the ancient Germanic goddess of love. Initially, the sign was used in writing, then in magic and auxiliary mystical disciplines.

Translated, Fehu means “livestock” or “property”. Successful breeding of cattle in ancient times meant prosperity, wealth and survival of the family. Therefore, the symbol was associated with prosperity. This sign is a money rune.

There are several variations of the name of the rune - Feu, Fegu.

The meaning of the Fehu rune

Fehu is the rune of property. This concept can be understood broadly. The sign symbolizes material goods and things. However, it cannot be said that Fehu is some kind of mundane, degraded symbol associated exclusively with the material, mercantile sphere. This sign is not devoid of spirituality. Fehu is associated with property, property, but these seemingly base concepts go back to very important historical roots. It is not for nothing that the interpretation of the “cattle” rune is almost sacred in nature. In ancient times, the possession of material wealth meant the very opportunity to live and bring the creative spark of humanity into the world.

Fehu is a symbol of true, highest well-being. In the interpretation of this sign there is no hint of well-fed complacency or contemptuous, false pride. It is important to remember that arrogance, laziness and neglect can never be called companions of true well-being. This is the true meaning of the Fehu rune.

The connection with the light gods Frey and Freya is the key to understanding the symbol. The sign indicates the domain of the human soul, where feelings, emotions, warmth, the ability to love and selfless responsiveness reside.

Direct position: basic interpretation

Fehu has an upright and inverted position. Key concept direct position - acquisition or preservation.

The appearance of a sign in a fortune-telling reading indicates that everything is going well in the material sphere of a person. Fehu is the rune of a stable financial situation, a prudent and reasonable owner, and confidence in one’s position in life.

Love and relationships

Fehu is not only a symbol of material wealth. A person can feel rich and prosperous through relationships with other people. Now your connections are based on a good, strong emotional foundation. Friendship, love, family relationships develop in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Your connections have stood the test of time. If you are guessing and asking about the further development of the relationship, know that it will successfully pass this test in the future. Your friends are reliable, they will always come to the rescue, and your loved ones are devoted and faithful.

The relationship you are predicting is stable and stable. Perhaps your connection with people is not as romantic and brilliant as you would like, but there is no doubt about the truth and sincerity of the feelings that they feel for you.

When planning for future events, the appearance of the Fehu rune promises the preservation or restoration of old friendship or love, which does not fade over the years and “does not rust.”

Work and career

Under the light of the Fehu rune, all affairs prosper, especially business and work relationships. If you have not yet reached the era of prosperity, then know that a happy time is just around the corner. All your ideas and plans are based on a solid real basis. Do not listen to those who are trying to convince you - you are standing on solid ground, and not on empty dreams and fantasies.

In matters of career, Fehu is rightly called the rune of well-being. Very soon you will acquire something very valuable, save and increase what you already have. The appearance of Fehu invites you to develop your business acumen, expand your circle of acquaintances, and participate in new business projects. Be careful, don't lose your head. This rune is a symbol of the material world. Try to measure and comprehend everything that happens from the point of view of reality.

The meaning of the reversed rune

The key concept of the sign in this position is alienation. Regardless of the situation in which you ask for advice from higher powers, the rune acts as a warning. There may be difficulties and obstacles in your present and future affairs. Preparedness for difficulties is important both in relationships and in business and career matters.

The appearance of Fehu suggests that your position may be ambiguous and precarious. Take a closer look, perhaps your affairs and relationships are confused and in need of attention and guidance? Beware of an uncertain situation, be prepared for anything.

If you are worried about a specific problem, consider putting off resolving it until the right moment arises. Try to isolate yourself from the situation so as not to succumb to bad influence.

Love and relationships

The inverted Fehu hints - is your lover deceiving you, is there a situation of choice before you? Beware of getting bogged down in ambiguous relationships, it won't lead to anything good. Obstacles on the way to the goal - sure sign, that Fehu’s warning is true: back down, fate is not favoring you now, wait until this period ends. Waiting it out is the best thing to do now.

Work and career

Things are not going as well as we would like. There may be difficulties in career advancement and obstacles on the way to achieving a stable financial condition. Do not try to argue with fate, your position is precarious and unreliable. It’s very easy to slip up and make mistakes now. Back off and wait it out. This is how the inverted Fehu rune is interpreted in business matters.

Often runes are turned to not just with a request to predict future events or to create a magic amulet. Often the person asking the question needs simple and understandable advice. If you need a hint on what to do in your situation, then the Fehu rune of well-being encourages you to focus on the material side of the issue.

Don’t relax in the business sphere, don’t have your head in the clouds and don’t idealize – save and try to increase your property. Strengthen old connections, meet new people, create new business contacts. Your world must be based on the laws of reality. Material world and its rules - this is the key advice of the sign. Look at things soberly and don’t miss the right moment, because now fate is favorable to you.

If Fehu showed her inverted position as advice, take a close look at the people who surround you and remember the state of your affairs. Perhaps not everything is as stable and prosperous as you thought? In this case, the advice is simple: be prepared for anything, and if possible, get away from the conflict, isolate yourself from the situation, because the time for a successful resolution of the matter has not yet come.

Magic Application

Like all runes, Fehu has several magical uses:

  1. Inscribing a symbol on significant objects in order to give them favorable properties;
  2. Creating talismans, amulets using a single inscription of a sign or an entire magical phrase (formula);
  3. Meditation on the Fehu rune;
  4. Fortune telling is the use of runes in readings and other systems that allow you to ask questions, receive answers to them and interact with mystical forces.

Talismans and amulets made from runes

Talismans with the Fehu rune are created and used most often to attract wealth and good luck. The easiest way to create a talisman is to graphically draw a sign on surfaces natural origin(fabric, paper, wood, clay, metals, stones). The talisman can be made as a decoration (pendant, bracelet, ring) or other item (bag, cup, items of clothing).

To clarify the sphere of influence of the amulet, formulas are used. It is important to understand the meaning of each sign in the magic phrase, so as not to accidentally charge the talisman with bad energy. Be careful, some formulas require strong energy output and not all people are able to create strong amulets using our own resources. Sometimes this can be dangerous to your health.

It is safest to seek the help of a professional who specializes in creating personal amulets.

How to draw a rune correctly

Fehu is a rather complex and beautiful runic symbol. The effectiveness of magical rituals and the creation of talismans depend on the correct image of the sign. So that Fehu has the most strong meaning, you should draw it like this:

  • vertical line from top to bottom;
  • diagonal top line from top to bottom;
  • diagonal bottom line from bottom to top.

Traditionally, the side diagonal lines are located parallel to each other and under acute angle, counting from the highest point of the symbol. This method of drawing ensures correct activation of the sign.

Description of the Fehu Rune as a tattoo

The tattoo can consist of a single Fehu symbol or contain a complete formula, depending on what the person wants to bring into their life. Scene pictures with runic signatures are appropriate.

Basic tattoo meanings:

  1. wealth;
  2. prosperity;
  3. success;
  4. luck;
  5. money;
  6. financial well-being;
  7. prosperity.

Do not draw runes on your body if you are not completely sure of the shades of their meaning.

Since ancient times, runes have come down to us - symbols that the peoples of modern Europe used as writing. They were endowed with a magical meaning and were called upon to establish a connection with nature. It is still believed that runes carry a certain energy that can help a person cope with life’s problems and attract wealth and love.

One of these magical symbols is the Fehu rune. The meaning, description and their interpretation go back to ancient times and depend on many factors, which we will try to understand.


The word “rune” goes back to the Gothic runa and means secret, mysterious whisper. This name, according to scientists, may be associated with the attribution of mystical properties to the runes by the ancient Germans themselves.

The main feature of the runic alphabet is its special order. It received the name “futhark” after its first six letters. In addition, all runes are divided into three kinds, or etthyrs. Each includes 8 characters. Each rune has its own name. However, their authenticity has not reached us since ancient times. Today their reconstructions are used.


Fehu (or according to other sources Fe, Feu, Feoh) is the first symbol of the futhark, the first (elder) ettir. Translated, it sounds like “cattle” or “property”. The ancient Germans carved runes into wood or carved them into stones and rocks. Due to the difficulty of drawing, they have an angular shape. The Fehu rune, the meaning of which is associated with success, fertility and growth, was depicted as a tree branch and corresponded to the letters “f” and “v” (f, v).

Today this symbol is used for various purposes: in magical rituals, in symbolic painting. Fortune telling using runes is especially popular.


The oldest symbol in Celtic cards is the Fehu rune. Its meaning in fortune telling is therefore very multifaceted in interpretation. Since ancient times, this symbol was dedicated to the Scandinavian gods of fertility Frey and love Freya. Therefore, in my usual way, upright position Fehu is understood as a sign of wealth and success, material and spiritual.

However, each runic sign carries many reading options. The Fehu rune is no exception. The meaning of the symbol depends on the type of layout, combination with other runes and the position of the symbols.


Experts distinguish a combination of runic signs according to the elements. The Fehu rune (although its meaning is related to fertility and growth) belongs to the element of fire. When it appears in a scenario in combination with similar symbols, it predicts emotional overstrain, an unpredictable turn of affairs, and failure. The Fehu rune receives a similar interpretation in combination with the runes of the air element.

The symbols of water, despite their natural resistance to fire, on the contrary, indicate creative growth and the successful implementation of plans.

The combination of Fehu with the runes of the earth element is considered the most successful. It symbolizes material wealth, profit, career growth.

Of course, this is a rather vague description. It is necessary to trace it with specific examples.

Thus, the combination of Fehu and the empty Wyrd rune speaks of surprise, the favor of fate. In combination with the Uruz rune, you can count on receiving an inheritance. Nervous stress and loss are promised by the Fehu rune, the meaning in combination with the symbol of the gifts of fate, Turisaz. But the union of Fehu and Ansuz, Raido, Vunyo or Kanyo, on the contrary, foreshadows the successful resolution of cases and financial success.

Combinations of the runes Fehu and Hagalaz, Otal or Nautiz are dangerous. They bring bankruptcy, disasters, even death.

For women, the combination of Fehu with the Perth symbol means an early but unwanted pregnancy, and for men, on the contrary, it means financial profit.

Success in professional affairs is indicated by Fehu sozy with the Soulu, Teyvaz or Laguz rune.

Love and relationships

The Fehu rune is not always an indicator of financial affairs. In personal situations, it can be interpreted completely differently. For example, if a symbol appears in an upright position, then it speaks of the person being guessed for as self-sufficient, self-confident and reliable. You can build relationships with him, they will definitely bring prosperity and spiritual growth. The Fehu rune (meaning in love) also indicates an imminent wedding with the chosen one. However, here you should pay attention to the nearby symbols. In a union, they can symbolize large expenses.

Depending on the overall picture of the situation, the Fehu rune, its meaning, indicates the need to maintain old acquaintances, remember reliable and faithful friends. Perhaps their help will be needed in the future.


As already mentioned, a lot depends on the position of the rune. Reversed Fehu is usually a symbol of loss, waste, disappointment, subject to the continuation of a started project or relationship. Of course, the interpretation depends on the purpose and type of alignment.

Thus, with a triple arrangement, the Fehu rune (inverted) gives a negative value and marks the beginning of a stagnant period in matters where one cannot count on a lucky break. If during this period a person decides to enter into some business or project, then the inverted rune warns of an empty, dubious situation.

In a personal scenario, such a placement of the symbol indicates imminent disappointment in relationships, friendly or romantic. This is an indication of doubts, quarrels, infidelity, when unfavorable runes are nearby. If the union of runes is directed in a positive direction, then these problems will be resolved quickly with a minimum of financial and mental losses. The only advice here would be to exercise patience and restraint. Runa Fehu (meaning in relationships) sometimes speaks about the character of the person who is telling fortunes, his tendency to make dubious, ambiguous acquaintances.

Don't forget about the combination of runes. In relation to business, if there are favorable symbols nearby, the Fehu rune (meaning, description and their interpretation) changes its forecast in the period of time and circumstances. There may be an unexpected delay to the project. Therefore, it is worth taking a break. And time will tell whether it’s worth continuing what you started or whether it’s better to switch to something else. An alliance with “negative” runes clearly indicates possible material loss and failure. To get out of the situation profitably, you need to close the new project and give yourself a rest for some time.

In general forecasts, the symbol may indicate the state of health and the material expenses associated with it, which is usually what the inverted Fehu rune carries. Its meaning in this position symbolizes a sudden illness. And if at the same time a straight Turisaz falls nearby, the situation can threaten serious surgery or injury. It is a favorable sign if the Algiz rune appears nearby. It personifies recovery, finding patrons of the arts, and the successful completion of a task, although it may take a lot of time.

Application of the rune

In addition to fortune telling, the Fehu rune often serves as a talisman for people who want to attract love, wealth, and good luck. To do this, the symbol is applied to wallets, jewelry, certain items at home, and in the work office. A modern innovation is thematic tattoo. But you should approach it quite carefully. This especially applies to those people who believe in mysticism and magic.

Experts believe that the graphic outline of the rune is only the key. A similar example would be computer program, which requires a key or password for activation. This is only a tool, and not a source of magical energy and power.

The Fehu rune, its meaning, its description, are aimed at activating a creative force or plan that gives a person self-confidence, makes him more decisive, purposeful, diligent and inventive. Thanks to these qualities, he firmly steps towards his goal and successfully achieves it.

Skeptics believe that it is not the outline of the symbol itself in this case, but a person’s faith in its mystical power that helps to overcome difficulties and achieve success. After all, energy cannot come from nowhere. And the Fehu rune, the photo and meaning of which is available for everyone to study today, is a more mysterious and sacred phenomenon that needs to be correctly “turned on” and used.


Since runes are a kind of guide to the world of nature and its mysteries, they must be made from natural materials (wood, stone or clay). You can also choose material from symbolic meaning. The Fehu rune, the meaning of which is focused on material wealth, profit, success, would look reasonable on lemon or money tree, malachite or tiger's eye. All these materials also have the energy of attracting wealth.

The rune must first be drawn and then cut along the contour; the external shape of its frame does not matter. Rune specialists recommend making the symbol yourself so that the energy of the “owner” is preserved on it.

At the end of the work, the rune (i.e. its outline itself) can be painted. When applied to Fech, gold, brown or red colors are suitable. If the rune is created with the aim of getting rid of competitors and bad influence, then black is preferable.

In order for the rune to respond to its owner with gratitude, it should be made in a calm and bright mood. Otherwise, the unbridled energy that the chosen symbol bestows can lead a person to disaster. It must be remembered that carving runes is a responsible ritual; it will only benefit pure, kind natures.

Depending on the size and shape of the symbol, it can be used as a talisman around the neck, placed in a wallet or in a place inaccessible to prying eyes and hands. You can, of course, buy a ready-made rune, but it will already have extraneous energy (from the craftsman, the seller). But the ancient symbol does not like this; it must be intimate, individual. If self-production for some reason is impossible, then such a ritual should be entrusted to a close, reliable person who is devoid of envy and any bad thoughts towards the future owner of the rune.

Tarot cards

The Middle Ages gave humanity another invention for predicting the future - Tarot cards. They also have a certain system of symbols, but do not carry such serious magical meaning like runes. The classic deck is divided into high and minor arcana. Each card corresponds to a certain element, planet and, oddly enough, a rune.

The Fehu rune in Tarot cards corresponds to the Tower symbol. It is the 16th major lasso and is very difficult to interpret. In the classical interpretation, the “Tower” brings destruction, while creating conditions for progress and overcoming difficulties. It represents what happens suddenly - a breakthrough, insight, etc. The negative connotation of the symbol is that all unexpected changes lead to crisis, conflicts, and emotional destruction of a person.

An inverted “Tower”, like the Fehu rune in this position, indicates imminent bankruptcy, disasters, and serious illnesses. But if the rune symbolizes temporary difficulties with possible resolution in the future or the ability to prevent them, then the inverted “Tower” is categorical in its formulation and speaks of a long black streak in life.

In a personal reading, the Tarot symbol, like Feh, indicates the development of a love relationship. However, the negative message of “The Tower” warns of a test: forced separation or a test of a relationship’s fidelity. In an inverted position, it speaks of a break in relationships, disappointment.

Many correspondences between the Tarot card and the Fehu rune are observed in career layouts. In the upright position, the first predicts dramatic changes that will require a lot of ingenuity and determination. An inverted “Tower”, like Fehu, indicates an unexpected, failed completion of a project, resignation from a position or a major financial loss. Of course, a more accurate interpretation depends on the combination with other Tarot cards.

The question of faith in mysticism

In any position (upright or inverted), the Fehu rune, its meaning, warns the person turning to fortune-telling about vigilance in the professional and love sphere. This is the distinctive feature of runes. They not only predict the future, but also provide advice that can change some events or warn them altogether. This is especially true for the inverted position of the rune. Because in this case, obstacles and changes can develop into a global problem.

Of course, whether to believe in this or not is the choice of each person. But runes came to us from ancient times and, according to the legend of our ancestors, they were created not by ordinary people, but by a select few who conveyed the mystical meaning of the symbols orally. Over time, something has changed, gotten lost and forgotten, but the very magical quality of the Fehu rune, like other symbols, works and helps people who turn to it with their souls.

Rune Fehu

The Fehu rune means acquisition and is associated with wealth, prosperity and well-being in all its manifestations. This is a fiery rune, and it works both for creation and destruction. The color of the rune is red, and its element is fire.

The meaning of the Fehu rune

The main property of the rune of wealth and prosperity Fehu is the acquisition of something new or the preservation of what already exists. The properties of this rune apply to all spheres of life - both material and spiritual. Fehu is considered a symbol of pure wealth, prosperity and spiritual purity - without pride and narcissism.

Using this rune will allow you not to worry about the favorable outcome of any new endeavor. It is especially favorable in the financial sphere, since it is directly related to money, property, income, and professional field.

The rune says that the process of creation is completed, and everything destined will be fulfilled. This rune is also associated with continuous improvement. Fehu synthesizes energy flows, and it must be redistributed into other types of active actions.

In addition, the rune can become a harbinger of personal success, new beginnings, and increased material wealth. It protects against dishonest transactions and helps find a way out of an unpleasant situation.

You need a talisman with the image of this rune if you strive for increased energy, activity, material and spiritual well-being. In this area, the Fehu rune is the most popular and in demand. If you have such a talisman with you, luck and a happy coincidence of circumstances will be attracted to you like a magnet.

Rune Fehu in fortune telling

If Fehu fell in an upright position for you in fortune-telling, this indicates a favorable state of affairs. Such a rune indicates that you are confident on your feet, and your enterprise will be successful. It is likely that you will be purchasing something very valuable and desirable for you.

The interpretation of the Fehu rune in relationships is also favorable: the appearance of this rune in your life speaks of true friends, wonderful personal and love relationships. In some cases, such a rune calls for renewing previously ended relationships or returning lost friendships.

At the same time, the rune reminds you that the success you have should not lead to spiritual decline, pride and narcissism.

The advice of this rune is to focus your attention on financial side question, do not leave your business, your presence in them is now necessary. Be sure to look at the world soberly, because the advantages are on your side.

The Fehu rune inverted indicates that only what was lost was what you did not need anyway. Even if the loss seems serious to you now, later you will realize that in reality you did not need it. What is truly important to you will certainly stay with you.

In addition, the rune can talk about property losses, difficulties in the love sphere, disagreements with loved ones for some time. This position of the rune also indicates delays in realizing dreams and obstacles.

Please note that your flame has died down and you will face some difficulties - unstable or ambiguous position.

In this case, the advice of the rune is this: avoid large material expenses, beware of ambiguous situations, and mentally prepare for the fact that some obstacles await you ahead. Protect yourself from the problem, step aside - at this stage this is the best solution.

Rune Fehu: interpretation, use, activation

The first futhark rune is Fehu (in lat. Fehu). In the alphabet, the letter “F” has a meaning. On various photos we see her image in the form of a vertically placed tree branch with the horns of a cow.

The ancient Scandinavian peoples believed that the presence of cattle on the farm was an untold wealth. Thanks to this, the first rune received its interpretation and stands at the beginning of the alphabet.

The main meaning of Fehu is acquiring something, multiplying it, preserving what you have. Features apply to any area of ​​life. The interpretation concerns spiritual values ​​or material well-being.

When doing fortune telling, Fehu appears, rest assured that happiness awaits you in the near future.

It is important to take fortune telling seriously, when interpreting the meanings, use the remaining runes. Fehu will help you get answers to questions related to business, luck, health, and personal life. Before receiving an interpretation, concentrate and ask a question.

Fehu is also considered the rune of flame, fire of destruction, fire of creation.

Profit, love and material success

Fehu straight line has the meaning:

In business: career success, signing a lucrative contract, success of an enterprise or project, making a profit. If the rune appears in the initial position, expect that you will have to make a significant financial investment in order for the business to be profitable.

Characteristic: a person is financially secure, success always accompanies him;

Health: is in a stable condition, the disease will not develop, the general condition is improving, the state of health is excellent;

In love: reciprocity in relationships, stability of love.

Losses and “disaster man”

Fehu inverted has the meaning:

In business: career is under threat, the job will be unprofitable, troubles, the project will fail, financial transactions will bring zero profit, large expenses;

Characteristic: a person in whose hands money lingers for a short time. He may be poor and constantly in need of finances. If he finds himself in your environment, expect losses;

Health: deterioration is observed, injury or surgery is possible;

In love: There is no trust in the relationship. If you were wondering about a wedding, Fehu promises large expenses. Perhaps you are going to throw in your lot with the “disaster man”.

Fortune telling indicates upcoming events that may occur in the near future. If you want to know in more detail about what will happen, guess again, after some time. Don't forget to pay attention to the combination with the rest of the dropped values.

How to easily make a rune yourself

Professionals say that for fortune telling to be accurate, you need to make the runes with your own hands. Need to choose suitable material of natural origin. Fehu can be made of stone, wood or clay. It is better to use wood - this way the rune carries the magic not only of its meaning, but also of the tree. Wooden runes are of particular importance in rituals to improve health.

To make Fekha, as in any of the photos found on the Internet, with your own hands, you will need live wood.

Find a tree that is not too young, but not too old, and break a branch from it with a diameter of two to four centimeters. It’s good if the tree is your patron, you like it, and you feel an inner kinship with it.

Before you take the branch away from him, be sure to explain out loud to him why you needed to do this. Ask for forgiveness for the pain you will have to cause and for help. When you saw off or break off a branch, thank the tree, wet your finger with saliva and rub the broken area so that the tree does not get sick.

  • We cut out 25 plates half a centimeter thick, being careful not to damage the structure of the wood. The surface can be cleaned using sandpaper;
  • Varnish the workpieces;
  • When the varnish has dried, apply a rune image to one side using natural paint or blood. You can also use a burning machine.

The last step in making divination runes is to breathe life into them. Go through each rune individually, say their names, breathe and talk to them - soon you will feel a spiritual connection.

Now the runes are ready and you can start fortune telling. Runes made with my own hands, will provide the most accurate interpretation of their meanings.

Video: Runa Fehu

Rune FEHU. Meaning. Educational program

Quote from Vedma_ELENA message Read in full In your quote book or community!
Rune FEHU. Meaning. Educational program

Ralph Bloom

Straight position

Inverted position

Sergey Batyushkov

Fehu – Fehu
Amulet meanings


Protection of valuables.

Mantic meanings
Direct Fehu




Reversed Fehu




Wealth is a consolation for everyone,
But it must be shared generously,

The wolf is hiding in the forest.

The herds are dying
relatives die
and you yourself are mortal;
but does not know death
great fame
worthy deeds.
The herds are dying
relatives die
and you yourself are mortal;
but I know one thing
that is eternally immortal:
glory to the deceased.

I know the spells -
no one knows them
even the king's wife;
help is like that
first name -
helps in sorrows,
in worries and sorrows.

Midwife runes
find out if you want
to be of assistance during childbirth!
Apply them to your palm
squeeze your wrists
calling to diss.


Series of messages "magic":
Part 1 - Attracting luck and luck
Part 21 - Rune VUNIO. Meaning. Educational program
Part 22 - Rune URUZ. Meaning. Educational program.
Part 23 - Rune FEHU. Meaning. Educational program

Rune FEHU. Meaning. Educational program

Ralph Bloom
Straight position
The rune of completeness, signifying ambition satisfied, love reciprocated, rewards received, Fehu promises support on all levels - from the most mundane to the most sacred, Divine; because if ancient principle“as above, so below” is true, then we are here to support God.
This Rune requires an in-depth analysis of the meaning of acquisition and winning in your life. Try to understand what is more necessary for your well-being: the possession of wealth and property, or, perhaps, self-mastery and strengthening of will.
Another meaning of Fehu is the preservation of what was previously achieved. It encourages vigilance and constant attention, especially during periods of good fortune, since it is at this time that you can, on the one hand, rest on the laurels of your own success, and on the other, begin to act rashly. Enjoy your good fortune and remember to share it with others: the hallmarks of a well-trained ego are the ability and willingness to feed others.
Inverted position
Extracting Fehu in an inverted position means that a significant upset may occur in your life, the loss of something that you possess - from minor to the most serious. Your efforts will not reach the goal, you will reach for something, but you will fail; you will have to stand still and watch helplessly as what you have acquired moves away from you. Watch what happens. View these events with an open mind and a forward-looking perspective, asking, “What life lesson should I learn from this?”
Even if there is a reason for joy, do not allow yourself to delude yourself and slide into stupid fun. Being in an inverted position, this Rune indicates an abundance of doubtful situations that come in many forms and guises. This is where you come into contact with the shadow side of property. But all this is also only part of what is transitory, and not what is permanent. By dealing with the shadow side of Fehu, you get a lucky chance to find out where your true support lies.

Sergey Batyushkov
Runic amulet practice
Fehu – Fehu
Amulet meanings
Livestock, wealth, dynamic force. Primary uncontrolled fire. Big bang energy and lightning in wild places. The power of generation is at its basic level. The energy of Fehu is unbridled and very useful for magic that involves rapid and radical changes.
Accelerating the transition to a new stage. I recommend using it after the main thematic runes in runescripts.
Increase in wealth, money and health.
Protection of valuables.
Transmitting rune. Used to transfer personal or runic energy into creative spheres.
It is recommended to use in rune signs associated with wealth, affairs, and health. The most frequently used rune is like a rune of the influx of something tangible, but it must be used very carefully and more accurately take into account the interaction of Fehu with neighboring runes in the runescript.
Mantic meanings
Direct Fehu
In general, the Fehu rune in fortune telling means “cattle”, “wealth”, “good health”. In ancient times, the number of livestock a person owned directly spoke of his strong economic position. In the modern understanding, it can be interpreted as material benefits expressed in monetary terms.
If we are talking about business or work issues, then the Fehu rune in the final position of the layout indicates that the enterprise or project will be successful, or that new job will bring good money. And if the Fehu rune appears in the initial position, then it says that you will have to invest heavily financially in the project in order for it to make a profit.
Fehu falling in a personal reading indicates that the person being guessed for is a wealthy person who has no material problems. At least, this will be the case for the time period for which the schedule is being made.
In a health scenario, for example for an elderly person, the presence of the Fehu rune in the final position will tell you that the person is basically healthy. Even if old man is sick with something, then when the Fehu rune appears, we can talk about the stabilization of the condition and, at least, that the disease will not progress for some time.
Reversed Fehu
The inverted Fehu rune in questions about work or business suggests that at least the enterprise will not bring in money, and it’s good if you manage to reduce the financial balance to at least zero.
Fehu in this position says that personal relationships will bring nothing but waste. If the layout is made to people before the wedding, then it would be better for Fehu to simply mean wedding expenses. But sometimes, when combined with other runes, an inverted Fehu indicates that the future family will not have money, if not never, then at least for a very long time.
There is such a thing as a “disaster man”. So, it happens that a person is a disaster not for everyone, but only for a specific person. And woe to both of them if such people get married! And the inverted Fehu rune can indicate that it was in this marriage that two people came together in a financially catastrophic combination for each other.
If this rune falls, then illness should be expected. And if the inverted Fehu falls with the direct Turisats rune, then even surgery or serious injury is possible. Be careful!

Freya Asvinn. "Mysteries and magic of the North"
German name: Fehu
Anglo-Saxon name: Feoh
Old Norse name: Fe (Fe)
Phonetic correspondence: Ф (F)
Traditional meaning: cattle, wealth.
Fehu is the first rune of the first etta. Its traditional meaning, according to various sources, – “cattle” or “wealth” (primarily movable property). In the so-called primitive society that existed in Europe during the initial formation of the runic system, cattle were a symbol of wealth. The status of a leader was usually determined by the number of herds he owned. In those days, livestock was one of the main means of subsistence, as well as the main unit of barter, that is, it played the same role that money plays in our time. Therefore, these days the Fehu rune is often associated with modern English word fee (“payment, salary”), which even became one of its names.
Possession of money or property imposes a certain responsibility on the owner. This idea is perfectly expressed in the lines from the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem (which I quote hereinafter in the translation of R. Page):
Wealth is a consolation for everyone,
But it must be shared generously,
If you want to gain glory in the eyes of the Lord, -
and in the "Norwegian Rune Poem":
Wealth gives rise to discord among relatives,
The wolf is hiding in the forest.
Both poems deal with a person’s relationship to the property he owns. The first of them advises not to become attached to wealth, but to share it generously, for this is the only way it will serve us well. In mystical language, “casting your lot for judgment before the Lord” means creating good karma for yourself, or, in the terms of the northern tradition, improving your personal vird. The “Lord” in this poem is the Christian God, but in reality the god Tyr is considered the lord of judgment in the northern tradition. The "Norwegian Rune Poem" warns of the misfortunes that wealth can bring upon a family. If you have ever been present at the reading of a will or at the division of the property of a person who died without a will, then you will easily understand what kind of “wolf” we are talking about in these verses. Greed and envy are truly dangerous companions of wealth. This is why both runic poems remind us of the importance of treating wealth responsibly and seriously.
At a deeper level of secret knowledge, the Fehu rune correlates with the deities of the Vanir clan - Njord, Freyr and Freya. Njord is directly associated with wealth. It is to this god that you should cry out for help if you find yourself in a difficult situation. financial situation. And Frey and Freya are fertility deities who protect livestock and, in particular, newborn calves born in early spring.
Freya owns a gold or, according to other versions, an amber necklace Brisingamen - a symbol of fertility. Both gold and amber are precious materials. To receive this necklace, Freya shared a bed with four dwarfs - personifications of the four elements (earth, air, fire and water) which, when interacting harmoniously, generate abundance. One of Freya's nicknames is Sur, "pregnant pig", another symbol of fertility. Nowadays, the word "pig" has acquired an offensive connotation, but in the ancient tradition of the North, pigs are sacred animals. Frey's mount is the golden boar Gullinbursti. And Freya owns a fighting boar named Hildisvin.
On an even deeper level, the Fehu rune symbolizes the creative fire that bursts from the depths of Muspellsheim. The fire of Muspellsheim is eternal in its creative form. And in its destructive form, the same fire appears on the day of Ragnarok, the last battle, when Surt and the sons of Muspel destroy all worlds with flame. The creation myth tells how the creative fire fertilized pristine ice and from this union the gigantic cow Audumla was born (another reference to traditional meaning runes - "livestock"). Audumla is the embodiment of the Mother Goddess: all the giants and aces descended from her. She gives food to all living things, which is why she was depicted with many breasts, from which both gods and giants feed on milk. Thus, the Fehu rune expresses predominantly the feminine principle.
The following fragment from the “Speeches of the High” (stanzas 76-77) correlates with Fehu:
The herds are dying
relatives die
and you yourself are mortal;
but does not know death
great fame
worthy deeds.
The herds are dying
relatives die
and you yourself are mortal;
but I know one thing
that is eternally immortal:
glory to the deceased.
Here we see an image of intangible wealth - wealth as a good name that remains from a person after death. In the ethics of the ancient Germans, a good name was considered the most precious asset, and a person’s posthumous glory was given great importance.
I know the spells -
no one knows them
even the king's wife;
help is like that
first name -
helps in sorrows,
in worries and sorrows.
This is a description of the first of the spells listed in the "Speeches of the High One" (stanza 146). Fehu is one of the three runes included in this magical formula.
And in the “Speeches of Sigrdriva” the same spell is described as follows:
Midwife runes
find out if you want
to be of assistance during childbirth!
Apply them to your palm
squeeze your wrists
calling to diss.
In fortune telling, runes are usually interpreted in more simple level, but it depends mainly on the question asked. In its most general form, the Fehu rune denotes the ability to increase or preserve wealth. In addition, it indicates that at the moment of fortune telling, creative energy is available to us, allowing us to gain wealth. These meanings can be useful, for example, if the querent is interested in his financial situation in the present and near future.


Very useful information! Thank you

To my shame, I didn’t even know that the icon of the Mother of God that hangs in my home heals illnesses.

There are many situations when we turn to saints in prayer for help and light candles near icons.

An icon is a completely unique phenomenon. There are hundreds of them in churches, try to figure out which one you need. This is where the question arises: which icons should we pray to? Let's try to figure out which icon is for what.

1. "Seven-shot"- this is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. She reconciles warring parties, brings peace and harmony, and is also hired for important matters. At home it should be opposite front door to see the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the icon, you need to read a prayer, and then observe who stops coming to your house.

2. “Inexhaustible Chalice”- The Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

3. Icon of the Mother of God “Healer” You can always tell by the picture Holy Mother of God near the bed of a sick person. was famous for miracles of healing from various mental and physical illnesses back at the end of the 18th century. The help of the Most Holy Theotokos from Her miraculous icon continues in our time.

4. “Unexpected Joy”- an icon about forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before the icon they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.

5. “Three-handed”- the miraculous image of the Mother of God was painted in the eighth century in honor of St. John of Damascus, a church hymn writer who was innocently slandered. In front of the icon they pray for healing from hand pain or injury, from fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness.

6. “Quick to Hear”- the image was painted in the 10th century. They pray in front of the icon when they need quick and urgent Care, for the healing of mental and physical illnesses, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.

7. “Seraphim of Sarov”- one of the beloved and revered saints of Russia. He devoted his entire life to serving our Lord and founded the Diveyevo convent in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to Holy Father Seraphim of Sarov helps very well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, and joints.

8. “St. George the Victorious”- patron of Moscow, as well as an assistant to those people whose work involves weapons, risking their lives - military, police, firefighters, rescuers. In addition, these include athletes and people starting a new business.

9. “Nicholas the Wonderworker”- beloved saint of the Russian people. He protects from poverty and need: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is prosperity in the house, and protects from the need for anything. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and revere St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are located in Italy.

10. “Vladimirskaya Mother of God» - written by the evangelist Luke. The icon is considered one of the most revered images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'. Tsars were crowned and high priests were elected in front of this icon. Before her they pray for the humility of those at war, for the softening of evil hearts, for the healing of physical and mental weakness, as well as for the healing of the possessed.

The culture of the Russian Orthodox world is one of the most beautiful on Earth. It is also a strict set of canons that cultivate both spirituality and fortitude in its followers. An Orthodox icon is painted in compliance with certain rules. Icons occupy the most honorable places in the house, and in Orthodox families there are traditionally the main revered icons. We will talk about one of them today. This is an icon for family well-being.

Several variants of icon painting are called “family” icons. This is a family heirloom, that is, within the family, such value is characterized by images on the icon of saints who patronize family members. Icons for the family are very beautiful; they are made in accordance with ancient canons, which master icon painters passed on as a shrine to younger generations of masters. A family icon may also contain an image of the Mother of God and Christ; with them, the father and mother bless the married children for a happy family life, these same icons are used for the wedding of newlyweds.

What is a family icon made of?

Boards made of natural linden wood are good for icons. Its cost is sometimes very high, but the manufacturing technology also involves the use of a special primer (gesso) in the materials for the base, consisting of chalk mixed with animal, sometimes with fish, glue and linseed oil, flax wire, 23-karat gold leaf, real minerals colors from semi-precious stones, which makes the icon literally come to life in the depth of colors, shine in the highlights of gilding and chasing.

Traditionally, the family icon is passed down from the older to the younger generation. Often these are icons depicting saints whose names the newlyweds bear. In a believing surname there is a family icon, a guardian hearth and home, occupies a place of honor in the red corner, it is the main icon in the house. Next to it there are usually icons of other saints, above it - the Mother of God, the Savior, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the Guardian Angel.

Who is depicted on the family icon

Usually the icon - the keeper of the family hearth is painted to order, it is unique and unique, this is a must handmade. The namesake patrons of the young family - the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, Jesus Christ or Xenia of Petersburg at the head of the icon - are depicted as protectors and preservers of the family from troubles and sorrows. If the icon is painted on the occasion of the wedding of a couple, then two saints are depicted on the icon. If the icon is painted as a family heirloom with the patron saints of the ancestors, there may be many saints on such an icon, even heavenly patrons of those who have already passed away into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Differences between religious painting and iconography

The rules of icon painting prescribe that the family icon, the guardian of the hearth, must be painted according to the rules. After all, icon painting is different from religious painting. And if the power of prayers near the icon and its power are comparable to the flow of protective energy, then the picture obtained through artistic religious painting does not carry such power. It remains a masterpiece and an object of art, but not a religious value. In turn, the family icon is the guardian of the young family, to whom they pray and ask for help from their saints depicted on it.

How are the images of saints located on the icon?

Typically, a family icon for a young family includes two patron saints, who are depicted standing separately from each other, and above them is one of the above-mentioned images of the Pantocrator, the Mother of God or the Guardian Angel. Sometimes, if you need to place it on more saints, a highly revered figure descends into the center of the icon and becomes the central figure on it, and all the other saints face it from the margins of the icon (they are called “field-centered”). Or a family icon looks like this: the figures of the saints of the mother and father are left in the center, and the saints of their children are made pole-centered. Families are also depicted on such icons, that is, all the namesake saints, patrons of all family members, are present on it. One of the first icons for the family is the Romanov family icon, which was painted with the goal of canonizing all the great martyrs of the Romanovs, however, some versions of this icon contradict the norms, which even today causes debate in the clergy regarding the legality of using such an image as an icon.

Rules for making a family icon

Any icon can be Orthodox only when it meets dogmatic, canonical, iconographic and even historical requirements in compositional design and competent artistic execution.

The icon - the keeper of the family hearth has characteristic features any other Orthodox icon:

Observance of the hierarchy of all saints depicted on the icon.

The color scheme is discreet or light colors.

An icon as a symbol of eternity and the unity of man with God cannot be interpreted in its own way; it is impossible to create a plot on an icon, depicting any detail in a different perception. According to the rules of the VI Ecumenical Council, the rules of icon painting also emphasize that the image should not appear in features that emphasize beauty - faces and figures should be modest and not give the impression of “charming the eyes, corrupting the minds.” And real craftsmen with a special artistic taste, knowledge of religion and history, whose skill leaves no doubt, are allowed to paint family icons.

Family heirloom - spiritual heritage of ancestors

The ancient Russian tradition, when an icon for family well-being was passed down from generation to generation, is just as relevant today, because for those who honor their roots, morality and spirituality are a way of life, and not a desire to conform to fashion. A beautiful icon, painted individually, is the protection of the home and the whole family by the power of prayers to the saints depicted on it.

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