The element of air is the meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot. Minor Arcana Tarot Page of Swords: meaning and combination with other cards


Princess of Swords Tarot Thoth - the court card, the meaning of which we will talk to you about today, represents the earthly part of Air. Like other figured Arcana, it largely characterizes the character and behavior of a person, although in layouts it may well mean some specific events - this needs to be clarified by the surrounding cards and the position in which the Princess fell. Let's see how this Arcanum can be interpreted.

General description of the map, plot

Against the background of gloomy skies, whirlwinds and swirling clouds of black and gray dust, we see the appearance of a girl bravely waving a sword. Her head is crowned with the helmet of Medusa the Gorgon. The very appearance of the girl reminds us of the mighty Valkyrie. Behind the heroine, an empty altar is visible, surrounded by a dark cloud of smoke. Another striking element of the card is the spinning geometric wings - exactly the same as those depicted on other Arcana of this suit.

Symbolism of the card

An analysis of the symbols worked on by the artist Frieda Harris will help you understand the meaning of the Princess of Swords of the Thoth Tarot.

Main meaning of the card

As I said, Crowley's Princess of Swords is first and foremost a personality type. Her main qualities are severity and vindictiveness. Despite the fact that it is extremely logical, all its logic is aimed mainly at destruction. Aggressiveness, persistence, skill in material matters - all this also applies to the behavior of this lady. As Crowley notes, she skillfully knows how to resolve any contradictions, especially domestic ones, while showing intelligence and dexterity.

Shadow value of the card

The Princess of Swords of the Thoth Tarot does not happen inverted, like all other Arcana of this esoteric deck. All cards only have shadow side, which can be tracked by the influence of neighboring Arcana and the position it occupies. The shadow manifestation of the Princess of Swords is the loss of the power of those qualities that were clearly expressed in the main meaning. In essence, this Valkyrie, in an unfavorable environment, becomes vile and cunning, but at the same time, the goals she sets are not worth the means she spends to achieve them.

The meaning of the Arcana on the psychological plane

On the psychological plane, the Princess of Air may indicate a tendency to constant fuss, anxiety, provocations, and aggressiveness. Such a person is constantly criticized from outside because of the peculiarities of his thinking and is forced to always “keep on the defensive.”

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

When the Princess of Swords Crowley appears in a relationship, I always regard her appearance as quarrels and conflicts. If she ends up on the side of one of the partners, most likely this person is constantly “attacking” his other half with or without reason (more often, of course, the latter). If Arcan turned out to be a significator of relationships, then this can be considered as an indication of the aggravation of old disagreements. The classic situation of this card is an attempt by lovers to talk “openly,” which, instead of finding a compromise, leads to another quarrel.

The meaning of Arcana in work and finance

Most often, the meaning of the Princess of Swords Tarot Thoth in work is a situation of tension, when conflicts escalate, disputes begin between colleagues, or there is confrontation in the team. However, sometimes, in rare cases, such “showdowns” can turn out to be that same “cooling icy wind” that helps to dot all the i’s and clarify all controversial issues. On financially I personally associate the card with “knocking out money”, when earned money has to be demanded, begged, sometimes even with threats. However, the card can also be read as financial difficulties that a person is trying to actively resist. Arkan's professions include various critics (political, literary, musical), as well as collectors, and sometimes lawyers.

The meaning of the card in health

This is definitely a bad card for health. I think it shows a disease that a person has to actively fight. Also, this Arcanum can fall on viruses that “attack” suddenly and are manifested by a sharp increase in temperature and an immediate deterioration in well-being.

In the I Ching, the Princess of Swords corresponds to the eighteenth hexagram “Gu”, meaning troubles in practical, material matters.

Princess of Swords
< (Колода) >
Earthly aspect of air; from clouds to clarity; victory over bad moods; uprising (rebellion).

The Princess of Swords represents a fresh intellectual clarity that shakes everything up. She has just destroyed an old altar, which explodes, sending plumes of smoke, debris and ash flying into the air. When intellectual and spiritual (air) renewal meets the earth element, the altars of old ideals are destroyed and the smoke will soon clear, leaving room for clarity.

Every change, every inner conflict you experience produces smoke and ashes (emotions and bad moods) flying into the air. But the Princess of Swords does not allow the dust raised by the destruction of the old and useless to cloud the clarity of her vision! She uses her sword to sweep away bad moods and destructive thoughts that arise. She is decisive and aggressive when dealing with practical problems, especially when they involve contradictory or paradoxical elements.

The Princess of Swords represents an extremely rebellious nature, which is not intimidated by either the established or the sanctified. Because she rebels in the name of clarity, openness and truth, she destroys everything that is overwhelming, everything that prevents you from fully experiencing life, including all moral codes. Her “no” to suppression is rooted in a deep “yes” to herself and existence. We can compare her actions to Jesus driving the money lenders out of the temple.

Your thoughts and vision can sometimes destroy "holy" altars. Don't let flying debris bury you. Don't let your bad moods take over you. Stay true to your true ideals.
What old altars are present in your environment, in your life? Do you have the courage to destroy them? My rebellion is positive, constructive and creative.

Description of the Tarot card Page of Swords

The Page of Swords Tarot card in most decks depicts a young man holding a sword in his raised hand. One gets the impression that the young man is playing with a weapon and has no idea what danger the sword can pose both to him and to those around him.

General meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

Page of Swords in upright position means clarification, clarification of the situation, a certain fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening is suddenly revealed, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. Most often, however, this happens through conflict, scandal or harsh conversation. Therefore, the card should be taken as a warning, advice to prepare for the inevitable conflict or not to delay its onset, so that it will finally serve to clarify the essence of the matter.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Jack of Swords can predict unpleasant news or a circumstance that will change or disrupt planned plans. However, the trouble will most likely turn out to be fleeting or insignificant, because in this case there is no need to talk about serious and long-term problems.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Having received a direct card of the Page of Swords in a fortune-telling or reading, the fortuneteller will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tension, and possibly sharp polemics. The card can mean an unfair reprimand from superiors, the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or disagreements with business partners, and predict significant financial losses.

Reversed card position

Appearing upside down, the Princess of Swords means an attempt to use dirty methods, intrigue and gossip in your work. This may also be a failure to fulfill one’s obligations, or evasion of fulfilling promises and agreements. The card also advises you to carefully study documents before signing them, and not to trust everything that is said.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Hidden diseases, difficult to diagnose diseases.

Reversed card position

Childhood diseases, possible gallbladder diseases.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In personal life, the direct card of the Princess of Swords means a conflict initiated by a partner, or an aggravation of long-standing disagreements that threatens to destroy the union. This may be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who recently loved each other so much; in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment accumulating for a long time, in throwing out old grievances or just some everyday little things that have reached a certain “critical mass”. It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly aggravate the situation and even lead to a breakup. However, the Page of Swords can also mean an opportunity to re-strengthen the union through a cleansing conflict.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Jack of Swords is interpreted as a relationship built on sarcasm, deception and mutual misunderstanding. The card warns of the possible deceit of a partner.

The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

When the Page of Swords acts as a court card and appears upright, it symbolizes the dark-haired young man(regardless of gender), most likely born under the Zodiac Sign Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. This is a man who cares about everything, he has so much vital energy that he, without hesitation, spends it both on himself and on others. He is sociable, outgoing, very smart and savvy. Unfortunately, in addition to the intolerable habit of “digging up” details from the lives of his loved ones or people he simply knows, this person is distinguished by an absolutely incredible ability to confuse any matter with which fate confronts him. In addition, he is incredibly talkative, so the fortuneteller needs to think very carefully before making contact with him. Sometimes the direct Page of Swords describes a treacherous young lady who will cause (or try to do) harm to the fortuneteller out of envy or malice, and sometimes simply in search of a thrill.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Page of Swords court card indicates a quitter, an “eternal student” without a goal in life, a parasite or a person who psychologically exhausts the one who was “lucky” to once bring him closer to himself, to let him into his life. This is a born spy and intriguer, hiding under the guise of courtesy and goodwill. The Page of Swords does not yet have strength and power, but can already be unpleasant and dangerous: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malicious personality.

Meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card as a card of the day

Today you will be criticized, and your proposals may be rejected. Be prepared for this and do not try to immediately launch a counterattack. Perhaps the criticism you will have to listen to actually contains a lot of value. Listen to her, and then, perhaps, a lot will become clearer for you.

Advice from the Page of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts

Control yourself; uncontrolled behavior and the desire for revenge can harm you too.

“That’s why we are indignant at people
Who lie to us,
That they think they are smarter than us.”

Francois La Rochefoucauld

If you get this card, be prepared for unpleasant surprises. The Junior Arcana Tarot card Page of Swords warns that the treachery of fate awaits you. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

Be careful, the Page of Swords says that events can develop along any trajectory, everything is very unpredictable.

Description of the map

We see a very young man, he has a sword in his hands. It stands on a rough earthen hill. There are disturbing clouds around, everyone is in tension. There are birds above the man's head; they represent many ideas. The page holds the sword with both hands, since he cannot hold it with one hand. He stands ready to repel an attack, awaits the fight with lust. There is a feeling that he has been moving towards this for a long time, now nothing is holding him back, all barriers have collapsed, and he can take advantage of hidden opportunities along the path of his development.

General meaning of the Page of Swords card

All Pages talk about receiving unexpected news, which in itself is not significant, but makes you think. If there are bad cards next to the Page of Swords, then the news will be unpleasant. Perhaps you will find out that someone is gossiping about you and preparing intrigues for you. This is not significant for your destiny, but it will cause you psychological discomfort.

Page of Swords Tarot means that there is a person next to you who cannot be trusted, he spies on you and eavesdrops, and may betray you. It will be difficult for you to know who exactly the card pointed to. But there are hostile intentions in your direction, and conflict is brewing.

Not always bad sign, if the Page of Swords Tarot appears in the layout, the meaning of the card may be favorable because it has positive traits, such as activity and mobility. He will not sit helplessly with his hands folded, he always has information, looks for options on how to solve a problematic issue, how to achieve his goal. If necessary, he will find helpers and do everything to clarify the situation, often through a conflict.

When the Page of Swords is combined with positive cards, the effect occurs fresh air. Everything becomes simple and clear, even the most confusing situations become clearer. Time to think, turn on your head. This is a favorable period to analyze your actions, record your results, it is important to notice them.

Personal Description

The Page of Swords is similar to the Knight of Swords in that he is cunning, is not afraid of anything and actively acts in pursuit of his own interest, which is malicious and intolerable. His insight borders on excessive curiosity; he needs to know everything about everyone, naturally, without asking the consent of others. For the questioner it can be dangerous, treacherous, malicious, if you did not think about enmity, then he will make enmity inevitable. But unlike the Knight of Swords, he is rather weak.

Positive traits

Often the Page of Swords is a young man (gender does not play a role), many help him or her to their own misfortune. He easily gains confidence and awakens the instinct of maternal or paternal care. Doesn't think for a long time when to answer or say something. His grace, wit and resourcefulness help him in this.

What he has in common with the Page of Cups is the ability to listen. People often trust him because they see a person who understands and has information on various issues. And when they trust, they begin to talk about their troubles and difficulties, and expect his opinion and advice. It is quite possible that the Page of Swords will assess the situation correctly and give good advice, but acting on this advice will be unpleasant.

When you communicate with such a person, remember, he will never forget who told him what and what he will come up with different options how to use this information. In the Page of Swords’ head, the database of people around him is constantly expanding, what they do, who they communicate with, how they live, what they think about.

You cannot call him a dreamer; he does not break away from reality, the one he sees. In this he differs from the Page of Pentacles, who looks at real reality without attributing anything to it. The Page of Swords assembles reality like a mosaic, models, suspects, speculates, and is happy to demonstrate his conclusions; often they do not correspond to general reality.

Negative traits

If the Page of Swords is interested, he is able to become a flattering suck-up, act like a “Velcro”, can feign friendship, all this in order to merge with power. But such a person cannot be trusted, he is a notorious gossip, he clearly knows when and to whom to communicate information for greater effect.

Often they underestimate him because of his age or low position, they say everything in front of him, and do not think that he can do harm. And he can do it quite noticeably. And he does it for the sake of interest; in spirit he is an experimenter and researcher. He does it and observes how it worked and what the reaction was. If he doesn’t know the consequences, he loses interest. He is still too small and weak to solve serious issues, but he is smart enough to get under his feet.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

It is very difficult to accept that criticism is better than compliments, this truth is contained in the Tarot card Page of Swords. When we are criticized, it seems that we are not valued, we are humiliated, but if we remove emotions, it is obvious that this can be changed by learning something, raising the bar for ourselves. If we learn to listen carefully to criticism, we will be able to benefit from useful information, in which direction to work on yourself. Criticism stimulates development.

The Page of Swords gives us the opportunity to learn to love our enemies, to treat them with trepidation, as they help us develop. They provide an opportunity to see what we don’t think about when communicating in a friendly environment. This helps you move forward. If you analyze your path, you can note that the greatest achievements were in opposition. Thus, ill-wishers make an invaluable contribution to our development; those who love us definitely cannot cope with this.

This card represents newborn thought, and represents itself as divine and eternal, still young and arrogant. No one knows what the final result of this thought will be. The reversed Page of Swords believes that he knows everything. By nature he is endowed with intelligence, and with his guesses he replaces knowledge.

It is very difficult for a newborn thought to remain stable; it does not like restrictions. The Page of Swords constantly reconsiders his views and analyzes his reality, regularly, and not at moments of crisis. He always does this, hence the inconstancy. Any version of its principles is short-lived, living until the next update.

It is very difficult to keep up with the Page of Swords, he easily adapts to new circumstances and order, it costs him nothing to change his religion if there is benefit in doing so. And those who do not keep up with him develop hostility towards him and his actions. At internal conflict, there is always a precipitate in the form bad mood, but when it passes everything becomes clearer.

The Page of Swords fights problems aggressively, decisively, and with youthful enthusiasm. He experiences destructive outbursts of energy, this is the influence of disharmonious Mars. All this rebellion, revelations and conflicts, insults and nit-picking to clarify the situation, all this for the sake of truth and clarity. As soon as you understand that the Page’s rebellion has a constructive, creative character in life, then the desire to strangle him disappears.

The meaning of the Page of Swords in various readings

For career and work
The Page of Swords Tarot card is good for exams as it brings clarity. Possible tricky questions and criticism. The card says that you will participate in various debates and disputes, you must be extremely careful. The Page of Swords provides an opportunity to get out of a deadlock situation.

There may be a nervous atmosphere at work with bustle, anxiety, intrigue, causticism, discussions about someone, gossip, and gossip. When a person is busy with work, there is no time for this. Protests, boycotts, office revolutions, washing bones - all this is crowding out normal work. A lot of noise out of the blue, empty, fruitless bustle.

The Page of Swords constantly introduces new things into his life information Technology, modernizes them, loves new items. According to this map, in order to resist competitors, you need to strain your mind.

He good employee, he has a constant desire to learn. He has not yet achieved perfection, but strives for perfection. The Page of Swords has the skill of grasping everything on the fly. Excellent communication skills make him an excellent employee, but you need to be on your guard with him, keep company secrets under control. He is suitable for those professions where he constantly needs to be aware of changes and where foreign languages ​​are required.

The Page of Swords is a great performer and will notice every little thing. Concentrated and cool, without unnecessary emotions, he reacts to things that require a quick reaction. He loves to get to the bottom of things and understand the details.

A large number of professions are subject to the Page of Swords, all of them are related to the collection of information and observation. Even in boring work where there are no mathematical actions, the Page of Swords carries out his calculations, draws up diagrams and plans in order to systematize and optimize the work process.

He may well be a television or radio presenter, work in intelligence, police, military affairs and anywhere that requires concentration, tactics, dexterity, and the development of all kinds of schemes. Can be an employee of the diplomatic service, having the skill to wriggle out of any slippery situation. He likes to develop counter techniques against his opponent, meaning various martial arts and other sports will also suit him.

For finances and property

For love and relationships

Page of Swords Tarot, meaning in relationships indicates that the union is not tested

The Page of Swords is not a reliable partner in love.

time. Irritation, harshness, rationality and selfishness are characteristic of such relationships. Some insist on their own out of principle. Conflicts are inevitable, disputes, verbal duels, empty criticism. The appearance of a card warns of an opponent, perhaps suspicions of infidelity.

If next to the Page of Swords the partner is spiritually higher, then all this causes boredom and melancholy. He will begin to take revenge on such a partner out of anger and resentment, and may drive himself into hysterical states. Feeling that the relationship is under threat, he makes ridiculous gestures, quite stupid and inappropriate, just to return everything to the way it was.

There may be aggravation of old conflicts and shifting of one's unresolved issues onto the shoulders of others. The Page of Swords is disappointed in love, he knows about duplicity, betrayal, lies and is ready for such a scenario. Relationships with him are unpleasant, since he destroys everything around him, knows how to spoil relationships, but at the same time hopes for development.

He thinks about questions of existence, in search of himself. Often calculates various risky situations associated with dating using mathematical formulas. Results and actions are important to him. He cannot feel love, although he often talks about this topic. When he is passed over or what he has already appropriated is taken away, his pride and Ego suffer. Jealousy and envy accompany him.

He constantly reduces everything to mathematical operations, and his love is all formulas. But while he follows his calculations, he risks deceiving himself. Which will lead to a wrong choice, which will subsequently have to be sorted out.

The Page of Swords trusts only himself, without thinking about the importance of feelings. May offend and not be noticed due to an urgent need for independence. In a surprising way, he combines opposing qualities such as vulnerability and confidence; insolence, insolence and moral virtue. If his feelings are hurt, he is capable of desperate actions without being frightened by his rivals, this only provokes him.

He will not conquer his love object by force, the Page of Swords will do it cunningly, he will be able to slander his opponent so that they will not look in that direction anymore. It is impossible to forbid him to meet, he will overcome any obstacles, swim across seas and oceans, but he will meet... and all this is on principle. But the instinct of self-preservation is familiar to him. The Page of Swords may commit suicide because of unhappy love; he has enough inner coldness and determination to do this.

For health status

This man looks young but doesn't have good health. Tarot card Page of Swords, the meaning indicates syndromes associated with nerves, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine. Also minor injuries and bruises.

Inverted, the card indicates a nervous illness, possibly memory loss due to injury, temporary clouding of reason, paranoid states, and speech disorders. The Page of Swords is constantly looking for connections where there are none, and because of this he becomes suspicious and anxious.

Now you need to control everything, remain vigilant, and keep your wallet with you. Check your receipts, set everything you can to an alarm, and set your phone to a password. It is important to exercise analytical thinking, solve various puzzles and puzzles, read, learn something new, and constantly improve your erudition. Superficial, immature ideas may come to your mind that only partially cover the issue; you should not trust them.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Page of Swords inverted entails obstacles in business and cunning tricks. Misunderstanding of information. Conflicts, swearing, insults, unpleasant debates, sudden attacks.

The reversed Page of Swords teases, ridicules, hurts. He has his own attractiveness, which he loses because of this attitude towards others, and he is not loved. The only way to attract attention is to somehow make oneself known, for him, gossip, complaints, breaking laws. He has not yet understood the meaning of diplomacy and patience.

This card can talk about possible problems with the law, but this is not a planned crime or the implementation of a cunning plan, but an absurd driving while drunk, speeding and resisting authorities. Thus, he tries to get his dose of attention from indifferent humanity.

If the upright Page of Swords can cope with his childhood traumas and their consequences, then the inverted one is confused by his complexes, like a cobweb, and is unable to control himself. He asserts himself only through the humiliation of others, hurting them. This is how he frees himself from his experiences, looking from the side as others suffer. Improvisation, suddenness, surprise are characteristic of him.

Combined with other cards

How is the Page of Swords interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With a Magician (for a man), with a Priestess (for a lady) - to suffer from carelessness;
  • With the Hierophant - perhaps your beloved relative will marry a person you hate;
  • With the Tower or Five of Swords - financial losses;
  • With the Eight of Pentacles - a surprise, an unexpected gift;
  • Inverted with the Moon - isolation, suicide attempts are possible.

At first glance you can see on the map – the Amazon. That's right, she's the one! Who is our Amazon among the goddesses? Artemis though.

Let's look at Aleister Crowley.

“The Princess of Swords shares the characteristics of Minerva and Artemis, even with a hint of Valkyrie. To some extent, she symbolizes the wrath of the Gods and is depicted wearing a helmet decorated with the snake-headed Medusa. She stands in front of the empty altar, as if about to take revenge for his neglect, and points down with her sword. Her home, the skies and clouds, seem angry.

The character of this Princess is tough and vindictive. Its logic is destructive. She is adamant and aggressive, in material matters she has practical wisdom and subtlety, and manages them intelligently and deftly, especially when they are contradictory. Resolves contradictions very skillfully.

He is the most unlucky character in the entire book. All subtle qualities of Air are suppressed, oppressed, strangled.

People designated by this hexagram are slow-witted, constantly worried, and cannot bear any responsibility, especially in family matters. One or both parents usually had the same problems. The Princess as such, being the “throne of the Spirit,” is always free to throw everything overboard, “to scold the heavens.”

Crowley seems to support my opinion. Now let's look at Jean Bolen.

"Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon, personifies independence feminine spirit. As an archetype, she gives a woman the right to pursue her own goals in a field of her own choosing.
Goddess of the hunt, Artemis the marksman can choose any target close or far away. When she goes in pursuit of prey, she knows that her arrows will unerringly reach their targets. The Artemis archetype gives a woman the ability to completely focus on the subject that is important to her and not pay attention to the needs of others. Perhaps competing with other people only increases her excitement from the “hunt.” Focus and persistent pursuit of goals help Artemis achieve success. This archetype makes it possible to independently, without outside help achieve the desired result.

Artemis (Diana among the Romans) is the goddess of hunting and the Moon. The beloved daughter of Zeus and Leto, slender Artemis happily wanders through wild forests, meadows and hills, surrounded by nymphs and hunting dogs devoted to her. She is a sharp shooter, dressed in a short tunic, armed with a silver bow, and has a quiver of arrows over her shoulders. Artemis was also depicted as the goddess of the Moon - with torches in her hands and with a halo of stars and the Moon around her head."

Yes, it seems. And on the map below on the left is the Rising Moon. And again we read Jean Bolen.

“It is noteworthy that Artemis repeatedly came to her mother’s aid. Nothing like this is known about any other goddess. Artemis also willingly responded to the pleas of other women. Artemis was merciless to those who insulted her. This fatal mistake was made by the hunter Actaeon. One day, wandering through the forest, Actaeon accidentally approached a creek where the goddess and her nymphs were bathing. Offended by the intrusion, Artemis turned him into a deer by splashing water on his face. Her hunting dogs attacked Actaeon like a wild animal.

The Moon Goddess Artemis is associated with Selene and Hecate. The three of them form a lunar triad: Selene rules in the heavens, Artemis on earth, and Hecate in the eerie and mysterious underworld.


The Artemis woman experiences a strong sense of female solidarity. Like the goddess herself, surrounded by nymph companions, friendships with other women are very important to her. This pattern of behavior dates back to elementary school. IN " best friends“She has those with whom she shared everything that is important in her life. Such friendships can last for decades.
It is the archetype of Artemis that attracts a woman to deserted places and wildlife. Thanks to him, a woman comes to terms with herself and, when wandering through deserted forests and mountains, falls asleep under the moon and stars or, looking into the distance, walks along the deserted seaside, experiencing a feeling of unity with existence.

The Artemis woman, like the goddess herself, can maintain virginity. Then her sexuality remains undeveloped and unexpressed. However, nowadays this is quite rare. Most likely, the Artemis woman will gain sexual experience due to her penchant for exploration and new adventures.
The sexuality of the Artemis woman may be similar to the sexuality of an ordinary man who prioritizes his work. For both of them, close relationships are secondary. Business, career, and creativity always come first. Sex in such cases is more of an entertainment and a physiological need than a physical expression of emotional intimacy and family obligations (Hera's motivation) or a manifestation of the true sensuality inherent in Aphrodite.


The Artemis woman is not attracted to powerful men who follow the “I’m Tarzan, you’re Jane” scenario. In the same way, she is not at all interested love relationship type "mother - son". She avoids men who claim to be the center of her life. Just as the goddess herself physically resides at the heights of Olympus, the Artemis woman is always psychologically at her best and considers the role of a “little wife” ridiculous.
The relationship between Artemis and Apollo represents a pattern most often observed in the relationships of Artemis women with men—friends, colleagues, or husbands. The Artemis woman is attracted to creative individuals with pronounced aesthetic and musical inclinations.

According to the myth of Artemis and Orion, the Artemis woman can fall in love with strong man, however, their relationship will be permeated with a spirit of competition. If he achieves recognition in society, she will feel jealous and somehow find a way to humiliate him. Or, on the contrary, he will be haunted by her successes. In both cases, rivalry will be disastrous for their love. If partners perceive their relationship as a competition, any, even humorous challenges (from skiing to card game) are taken completely seriously"

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