Division of responsibilities in the enterprise. Outsourcing division of BDO. The standard provision usually contains such clauses

When all family members or married couple manage to share certain responsibilities around the house without arguing so that everyone feels sufficiently satisfied with the choice made - by doing this they demonstrate respect for each other, thereby protecting the family from inevitable conflict. As you know, all conflicts arise long before the scandal itself, when the intensity of passions is not ready to manifest itself and result in inevitable quarrels. And it is household responsibilities that take an honorable second place, ahead of conflicts occurring in the family over money.

Responsibilities of wife and husband

Family is not only common interests, but also a division of responsibilities

It is common for most women to worry that the men living in the house do not always want to do exactly the part of the work that they are required to control in the house. And if we consider that marriage and family represent, in many respects, the relationships that business partners adhere to, then it is unlikely that anyone will conflict with those who will be “useful” to them in just a couple of minutes. Business can be called the general management of the house and the distribution of responsibilities - you simply cannot do without it.

And if for adults this means managing not only financial matters and effectively planning family vacations, but also making certain purchases, cooking delicious meals, and raising their children, then for the kids themselves they will have to focus on the responsibilities of cleaning and performing “minor” auxiliary work. housework. After all, if everything goes smoothly enough in business, then the family will be “provided” with harmony and understanding.

If you look into the recent past, you can remember how our mothers or grandmothers diligently “served” the whole family! And then you understand why in our time modern women try to behave completely differently, carefully trying not only to correctly distribute all family responsibilities, but also to maintain harmony in the family, taking into account all the wishes of the family member.

The role of a woman in the family should not be reduced to the level of a slave

For the majority of women, in our time, it is not typical to constantly cook, as well as regularly do household chores - spending all their time on this. Although women clean the house, they do it not so often, trying especially to bring “shine and cleanliness” before guests arrive, so that they can look like an ideal housewife who manages to do everything.

Modern pace of life dictates its own conditions, and that is why, sometimes women simply do not have enough time and energy to remain the housewife familiar to many. And if for some women the “excuse” may be that they simply do not know how to do household chores, then in most cases, women do not sink to the level of a slave only because they simply do not have enough time for this. After all, you need to constantly earn money, as well as regularly engage in education (or control the process special education) their offspring.

And if it is common for most men to be nostalgic for the previously “established” way of life, dreaming that their woman will constantly stand at the stove, and the house will be exceptionally clean and tidy, then for women themselves this topic has acquired the level of negotiations and agreements - with in which it will be possible not only to constructively reconsider all family responsibilities, but also to agree on their division, taking into account the wishes of the household. You need to be able to negotiate...

A man and his role in the distribution of family responsibilities

  • If for some men it is not at all important for their woman to take on (in addition to earning money) the responsibilities of a diligent housewife, then another part of the men fundamentally disagree with them. Considering that home is not only a fortress and a cozy nest, many men prefer to think that love and excellent disposition will always help them return with a plate of deliciously prepared borscht or their favorite pancakes, served in the morning by their wife with aromatic honey or caviar.
  • Of course, perhaps many women would like to do housework every day, but it is unlikely that when working in production or in the office, they will be able to fully pay attention to this. After all, a catastrophic lack of time will not allow you to do even half of what a modern woman sometimes plans for herself in the morning - she is sometimes simply able to take in everything. “You cannot embrace the immensity” - therefore, keeping this in mind, modern men should not only enter into the position of their wives, but also to avoid nervous breakdowns or overwork, and sometimes scandals “out of the blue,” the couple must discuss everything and resolve issues concerning their common life and recreation.

A constructive approach to the distribution of family responsibilities

Before getting involved in the direct distribution of family responsibilities, it is worth discussing some nuances in advance and deciding which members of the household prefer to do what, and how often to do it. And if someone can’t do something, you need to immediately find out why? Let’s say that if a man admits that he considers washing dishes and laundry to be a woman’s prerogative, and a woman objectively does not have time to do this on her own, then this means that the family must acquire not only washing machine, but dishwasher.

At the same time, we should not forget that only a caring attitude towards loved ones and respect for their work will create not only coziness and warmth in the house, but also a sufficient level of comfort. After all, it is always possible, even in the absence of frequent cleaning and daily preparation of chic gourmet dishes, to create the necessary “level of cleanliness” and comfort in the house, as well as prepare a hearty breakfast - without getting into a pose and without “considering” who is more tired or overworked.

And only in this way will it be possible to achieve not only the creation of ideal comfort in the house, but to give the relationship between a man and a woman a special trust that will “force” you to always return home with great mood. At the same time, think about the fact that you want to do this every day, regardless of what’s going on at work or what’s happening with your friends.

Avoid family conflicts when discussing family responsibilities

Of course, quite often many conflicts in the family can occur only on everyday grounds and they can simply grow out of nothing. But, in order for household chores to be done with pleasure and not to waste your negativity on it, it is worth avoiding conflicts in the family by agreeing in advance on the distribution of family responsibilities. Everyone is busy, and sometimes you want to come home and just fall on the sofa or sit in front of the computer monitor to relax and scroll through the pages of your favorite sites.

And if modern woman You shouldn’t ask your spouse to help her around the house, this is only because asking for help automatically creates the impression that only she should do the housework, as well as bear full responsibility for what happens in it. This is not right! Instead, you should ask your spouse to do only his part of the family work. Housework must be divided in advance, as well as general family responsibilities, which will help evenly distribute the weighty burden of household life.

Having discussed in advance what everyone does not like to do, do not forget that sometimes someone will still have to compromise, knowing that only a close and dear person will be able to shift part of the homework on your shoulders - appreciating and respecting your partner. After all, you can sometimes do unloved work with the whole team, distributing responsibilities and often simply making concessions. It is necessary to try to organize housework so that it is as efficient as possible and takes into account the biological regime (biological waking hours) of the household.

In addition, to avoid conflicts, it is worth notifying each other in advance about your plans for the week. After all, instructions left to children or your significant other (spouse) must not only be completed, but also done without reproaches or quarrels. By making a list in advance and assigning who is doing what, this will help not only to complete all the tasks, but also to spend a minimum of precious time on it.

Conversation on this topic improves the family system

If something wasn’t done, don’t shout and sort things out, but just take it and talk about why it wasn’t done. You may need to redistribute responsibilities or help with the task at hand, so that later you can have a pleasant rest together or spend a family vacation, going with your children for the weekend.

For the company to operate efficiently, prerequisite is proper distribution job responsibilities between employees. Practical experience organizations that carry out recruitment activities shows that many business structures do not have a clear division of labor between employees and structural divisions. As a result, the question of who should be responsible for what cannot be answered clearly.

Subject to the division of labor, it is possible to assign personnel to those areas of work that will meet their personal characteristics, comply with professional and business qualities. This, in turn, will not only increase productivity, but also increase the labor productivity of employees.

Optimization and rationalization of the division of labor in a company is possible only if there are appropriate documents that will regulate this area of ​​​​relationships in work collective. One of such documents is an order on the distribution of responsibilities between employees.

Division and cooperation of labor

Division and cooperation of labor are the concepts that are the basis for its organization. It is with their help that the place of each employee in the labor process is determined, functions and responsibilities are distributed, and requirements for qualifications and quality of work performed are established.

Division of labor is the division of activities during joint production or performance of services. If it is carried out rationally, this means that workers are placed in their workplaces in an optimally efficient manner.

And this increases not only work results, but also their performance, level of satisfaction and interest, and reduces fatigue. As a result, the level of professionalism of workers increases, costs decrease and the quality of work improves.

The enterprise distinguishes the following main types of division of labor:

Division of labor and its cooperation are two inextricably linked concepts. The complexity of cooperation is determined by the depth of the division of labor. Cooperation means unification various works and processes so that the final result of joint work is achieved. That is, it is a system of relations between performers and departments.

Domestic enterprises use the following types of industrial cooperation:

  • intershop;
  • in-shop;
  • intra-site.

The optimal option for separation and cooperation can be selected after analysis production process and its specifics, the content of the work being performed, the degree of workload, requirements for the quality of work and other criteria. The purpose of its implementation is to increase labor efficiency.

Sample order on the distribution of responsibilities between employees:

Regulations on departments

Any organization faces a difficult task - to form an optimal internal structure.

A system of interaction should be established between departments and areas of activity and functions should be clearly distributed. All departments must have their own position, which is important document for personnel records management and refers to the local regulatory documents of the organization.

It defines the order in which the unit is created, its structure and internal organization, specifics of interaction with other departments, etc.

A typical provision usually contains the following clauses:

  • general provisions;
  • key tasks;
  • a number of functions performed by a specific department;
  • the rights vested in the manager;
  • responsibility;
  • external relations with other departments of the organization.

Features in small businesses

Most small companies tend to operate on a family basis, which means that while responsibilities are assigned on paper, each employee performs a specific area of ​​work at a specific stage of the work process.

The result is the appearance of ownerless, neglected areas of work in which no one is interested. This leads to overlaps, uneven workload and other unpleasant situations, ultimately leading to poor work results.

To properly distribute responsibilities, you need to make a list of tasks that everyone performs in a certain period of time. If you highlight similar jobs that require approximately the same knowledge, it is possible to understand how many performers should work in each area of ​​work. This will optimize the workforce.

Delegation of Responsibility

A good leader is one who is able to lead employees. His experience and knowledge allow him to make decisions, create favorable microclimate in a team, which ultimately leads to high results. Not everyone who is endowed with authority is a talented leader capable of accepting right decisions and correctly distribute responsibilities.

Proper delegation of an individual task helps achieve the overall goals of the company. An incorrectly assigned task to the performer leads to the fact that the manager is forced to carry it out personally, and this is not always possible for various reasons. The right manager is the one who can get other people to do the work, and does not take everything upon himself.

The leader is always responsible for the activities of his subordinates. For the mechanism to work properly, rights and responsibilities must be optimally distributed from the very beginning. There are two systems by which responsibilities can be distributed: “herringbone” and “matryoshka”.

In the first case, a superior manager can use only part of the rights and powers of the manager who reports to him.

Matryoshka is a system with multiple subordination. At the same time, the superior manager completely absorbs the rights and powers of the manager who is one step lower. At the same time, employees performing new, more complex tasks gives them the opportunity to grow and gain additional skills.

Nuances in the accounting department

Each type financial activities assumes that a specific specialist will deal with it and bear responsibility for it.

In this regard, the accounting department must have the following employees (the given list is not exhaustive):

  • chief accountant;
  • his deputy;
  • payroll accountant;
  • cashier;
  • auditor;
  • fixed asset accountant.

The chief accountant reports directly to the manager. His job responsibilities are to control all financial flows, maintain rationality in the use of company resources, ensure the integrity of the organization's property and develop strategies that will increase income levels.

A person with a higher economic education and more than 10 years of work in accounting can apply for such a position. When chief accountant goes on vacation or is sick, the performance of his duties falls on the shoulders of the deputy, who not only receives the authority of his immediate superior, but will also be held responsible if he makes a mistake in his work.

The chief accountant cannot simply leave the enterprise without verification. This allows you to avoid placing all the responsibility on a new employee who joins the organization. An employee will be able to resign only after a full check has been carried out and all the results have been compiled, and the director has signed the relevant document, thereby certifying its correctness and legality of preparation.

The remaining specialists perform the same duties in their narrow industry, namely:

  • They also keep records of transactions related to. This involves monitoring fixed assets and expenses, monitoring the progress of sales and production, and preventing critical situations in the company that will be associated with.
  • They control the papers that come from production and compare them with the available data.
  • Reflect information on transactions performed on the relevant accounting accounts.
  • Prepare reports and cost estimates for products that are produced to identify areas where unnecessary costs arise.
  • They prepare all the necessary documents for this.

Additionally, the employees of this department create a database in which all financial information is stored. They are responsible for constantly monitoring how the enterprise operates. It is their responsibilities to ensure that the parameters do not go beyond the norm in matters of quantity and quality, as well as compliance with planned indicators.

Drawing up and sample order on the distribution of responsibilities between employees

The order on the distribution of responsibilities between employees has the following structure:

  • a header indicating the name of the company, the name of the document, the date it was drawn up and its number;
  • the preamble indicates what the paper will be about;
  • are listed regulatory documents, which formed the basis for issuing the order;
  • the main part indicates how responsibilities are distributed among employees: their powers, areas of activity, responsibility and rights;
  • the document is signed by the head of the company;
  • The employees listed in the order put their signatures under the document as a sign that they are familiar with the paper.

A sample order can be found on specialized websites on the Internet. Drawing up such a document is the responsibility of the enterprise’s personnel officer. All draft orders are agreed upon with the head of the company before signing.

A profession such as an accountant is one of the most important in any enterprise, which is why the distribution of responsibilities among accounting employees plays a significant role in ensuring the normal operation of any enterprise and its management.

History of the profession

The name of the profession itself, “accountant,” comes from the German “buchhalter”; it is translated as an accountant, a counter, or a person who is responsible for the account books.

This profession arose back in the days Ancient Rome, already then the so-called accounting books began to appear, which are very reminiscent of the balance sheet compiled today. The concept of balance itself appeared much later, but the essence of its maintenance remained unchanged - to balance income and expenses. The first substantiated mention of the concept can be boasted by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli, who published his “Treatise on Accounts and Records” in 1494, after which he began to be called the father of double-entry bookkeeping.

The essence of the system has not changed since those times, of course, innovations have appeared, and there are many of them, but the basis has remained unchanged: debit - income and credit - expense, and in the end everything should converge and come to zero. First, the transition of goods or services into money is noted and in the reverse order, then the income and expenses of the enterprise are entered, as well as investments or investments from external or internal sources. All movements of funds are recorded in certain accounts, which are entered into a table that has two corresponding sides.

It is not difficult to guess that its sides are debit or receipt, which entails an entry in another line called credit or expense, it records debts purchased goods or received cash. The literal translation of these names is as follows: debit - “must”, credit - “believes”.

This system has been widespread and functioning perfectly for more than half a millennium. Techniques are progressing and developing, but the basis remains old and proven: the act of an enterprise, firm or any other institution requiring reporting has two records of the receipt and expenditure of funds.

Selecting an employee for the position of accountant

Maintaining accounting records requires the following requirements from an employee:

  1. Attentiveness. The slightest mistake may cost big money enterprise.
  2. Level of knowledge and work experience. It is very rare that an inexperienced specialist can show himself in a good light, although there are exceptions. A little work experience is enough, but an understanding of the basics of accounting is enough for productive work.
  3. Recommendations from previous places of work. Often, based on this data, it is possible to draw up a systematic profile of the employee and understand whether he is suitable or not. Perhaps some recommendations will arouse suspicion or, on the contrary, push you to the decision to hire this person.
  4. Education. Few people look at the qualifications of a specialist, but this is important when applying for a job.
  5. Stress resistance. The work of an accountant involves many stressful situations, for example, reporting, inspection, dissatisfaction of workers and management, and so on.
  6. Perseverance. The work involves various calculations and many operations with numbers, so you will need full concentration on them.

Another requirement is a trusting relationship with the accountant, but this comes only with time and after annual, quarterly and monthly reports have been completed.

The long-term work of an accountant is the basis for the success and prosperity of the enterprise, because he will be aware of all matters and can easily get out of any current situation. Mutual understanding between the manager and the accountant is the key to the success of any business. He can suggest ways out of a crisis situation, indicate where the company has problems and where everything is fine, and also plan further break-even work, calculating everything you need down to the last penny. That is why you need to hire an employee with whom it will be easy to work, with complete trust, and who can explain in clear and accessible words everything that happens in the field of financial matters.

The essence of the work of a chief accountant

The chief accountant reports directly to the manager. The main job responsibilities are as follows:

  • maintaining the integrity of property;
  • control of all financial flows;
  • compliance with rationality and economy in the use of resources;
  • developing strategies that will lead to increased profits.

The chief accountant has his own service at the enterprise, which is the accounting department. It is not included in any of the existing divisions.

The position of chief accountant requires a higher education in economics, as well as 10 years of experience in accounting. During vacation or sick leave, his duties are performed by the deputy chief accountant, who has the same rights, but is also responsible for any mistakes made in his work. If the deputy is also absent, then by order of the director of the enterprise, a responsible person is appointed who temporarily assumes duties, rights and bears responsibility together with the chief accountant.

When appointing and dismissing a position, careful checks must be carried out so as not to shift the responsibility of the previous employee onto the new one, and so that the departing employee does not leave behind tails. The data is drawn up in the form of a report, which also includes checking the accounting of the enterprise and all other reports submitted by the enterprise. Only after a complete check and summing up its results is the document signed by the director of the enterprise, thereby approving it. And only after this can the appointment or resignation of the chief accountant take place.

It is noteworthy that, despite working with financial flows, accounting workers are not entrusted with financial liability for material assets and funds in accordance with the job description.

The structure of accounting as a whole

All types of financial activities have their own accountant, the main positions are as follows:

  • chief accountant;
  • Deputy Chief Accountant;
  • payroll clerk;
  • accountant cashier;
  • accountant auditor;
  • fixed asset accountant, etc.

This list is not complete, but the most basic and common accounting employees are highlighted here.

The basic rights and responsibilities for all of them are absolutely the same:

  1. Maintaining accounting and business operations, which includes control of fixed assets and costs, monitoring sales and production, preventing critical financial situations in the enterprise.
  2. Control of documentation coming directly from production and checking them with actual data.
  3. Reflection according to transactions on accounting accounts that are directly related to fixed assets, inventories of materials for production and cash.
  4. Preparation of reports and calculations on the cost of products manufactured and services provided. During this process, identification of possible places where losses and unnecessary costs are generated.
  5. Economic analysis of production, in which inter-industry standards are taken as a basis and adjustments are made to production cost standards.
  6. Drawing up reports and preparing the necessary documents for this.

Additionally, accounting employees create and maintain a database for storing financial information and prepare documents for reporting.

The responsibilities of accounting employees include direct supervision and control over the functioning of the enterprise. They are the ones who ensure that work parameters in the quantity-quality ratio do not go beyond the available limits, as well as compliance with planned indicators in production and trade.

The main functions of an accountant are to ensure correct and timely accounting of everything that happens in the enterprise.

Accounting is maintained in the form of documentary reports on completed operations. It is also the accountant who is entrusted with such responsibilities as transferring taxes, various payments, and registering ongoing financial, credit or settlement transactions.

From year to year, before the quarterly or annual report, the chief accountant stays late at work, and sits at home at the computer in the evenings and on weekends. But is the amount of work really that big?

Managers, along with their own responsibilities, drag out the work of their subordinates. The reasons are completely different. For example, irrational distribution of functions within a team. The chief accountant will be forced to take upon himself extra work, if subordinates do not have time to carry out assignments. Or, perhaps, the workers do not have sufficient qualifications and are afraid to entrust even ordinary tasks to them. And finally, many chief accountants turn into nannies because of their almost manic fear of losing power over the team.

I'll tell you how to achieve maximum results without wasting extra time.

How to delegate wisely

Only one person is always responsible - the chief accountant. But without an established system of delegation of authority and control, an effective work process is impossible. Agree, it’s ridiculous to even assume that the chief accountant will double-check every transaction every day. That is why it is important to correctly distribute all the functionality of the accounting department among employees. So that a specific person is responsible for the site.

First you need to decide how many deputies you need. It all depends on the volume and specifics of the work. According to generally accepted standards, one manager is able to effectively manage on average five subordinates. Therefore, if a department has 10-12 people, then the chief accountant should ideally have two deputies.

Through your deputies, you need to organize operational work in all areas. And leave behind general, confidential and special complex tasks. Essentially, you shouldn't engage current work. All functional load needs to be transferred to ordinary employees. But not in a chaotic manner. Be sure to develop a system.

Based on the daily volume of bank statements, decide how many specialists you need to entrust them with. In a small company, one employee will most likely be enough. If so, you won't have to figure out who posts the bank statements every time. And there will be order in the department - you and colleagues from other departments know for sure who should request a duplicate payment from the bank if one of them is lost.

A similar approach should be applied to more problematic areas. Here again it all depends on the amount of work. For example, it is better to entrust payroll calculation to two or three specialists. They will independently distribute among themselves the responsibilities for calculating bonuses, sick leave, vacation pay and other payments. Entrust the patronage of this group to your deputy for labor and wages. Then it is not you, but he who will check the correctness of payment calculations.

And be sure to instruct your deputies to double-check the accounting accounts maintained by the direct executors. If you draw up a balance monthly, then errors in work will be identified immediately and will not accumulate by the end of the reporting period. This means the department will have enough time to fix them.

Thus, a work system will be formed in the department in which a specific employee is responsible for each operation. Let's say he reports monthly to a superior manager on the work done. And he, in turn, reports to you whether everything is in order in the areas entrusted to him.

Moreover, delegating authority is always a surefire way to motivate employees. By dividing responsibilities among everyone, you give employees the opportunity to be responsible for their ideas and decisions, and therefore self-actualize.

Ways to control subordinates
Control methodManager's labor costsOpportunities for a subordinatePros and cons of the methodWhen to use
ConstantThe manager will need to constantly keep his finger on the pulseIt is possible to realize the employee’s ambitions under the watchful eye of the managerThe manager will be able to adjust the situation as he moves towards the goal, working together with the subordinate. Strengthens informal connections in the teamThe method will be useful when training a new employee
PeriodicYou will have to carefully monitor your subordinates, but their independence will be higher than with constant supervisionA strong motivational factor for subordinates who need mentoring or supportThis type of control is suitable for employees with insufficient experience or low discipline. They work independently, but report to the manager with equal frequencyIdeal for routine, repetitive processes. For example, it is convenient to control an employee who is tasked with conducting quarterly reconciliations with counterparties
According to the resultSignificantly saves the manager’s time, because the employee must complete the task independently from start to finishMaximum incentive for employee professional developmentThere is a very high risk of not getting results by at the right time. Or vice versa, if the outcome of the case is successful, find a qualified assistantThis is the best way to control proven, disciplined employees.
How to better control subordinates

For many, control is direct observation of the work of employees, which has the only goal: to find mistakes and punish. But maintaining discipline and achieving effective work will not be possible with such methods. So how can you control your subordinates so as not to become a tyrant?

Control can be successful if you, as a manager, set goals and priorities for your employees in a timely manner. That is, each employee clearly understands what results are expected of him, how he will be evaluated, and what is included in his area of ​​responsibility and authority. Discuss in advance which decisions he can make on his own, and which only after consulting with you. It is also necessary to mention the timing of the work. After this, for each employee you can select necessary method control. All of them are shown in the table (see above. - Note ed.).

What prevents you from relying on your subordinates?


Natalia Nikolaevna Shkuryakova is a professional accountant, business coach, and head of the “KPP for an accountant” project. After graduating from the University of Finance and Economics, she worked as a chief accountant and financial director. She completed internships in the USA and Great Britain. Since 2001, he has been dealing with the problems of increasing the efficiency of accounting services and increasing the competence of the chief accountant as a manager. Received a psychological education.

Perhaps you are wary of delegating authority to employees, citing their lack of competence. I remember the indignation of one chief accountant, who reacted to my advice with the following remark: “How can I recklessly entrust my subordinates with work if they still do not know that we must pay the employee for the first three days of sick leave, and not two.” The fear is entirely justified. But here you need to find out why your employees make such critical mistakes in their work? Maybe the personnel capabilities of the unit do not correspond to the real scope of the assigned tasks? Then such delegation and the strictest control will not solve the problem. Recruit more employees. But sometimes it is enough to organize work differently or simply reduce unnecessary minor functions. By the way, the best way to help with this is the employees themselves, who see the work process from the inside and know what work they can do without. Your task, as a leader, is to fix all this.

To ensure staff professionalism is maintained the right level, order corporate seminars every six months. After all, most often accountants miss a change only because they cannot find time to read periodicals. Additionally, test employees regularly. Yes, the question of time comes up again. But, you see, it is better to find out what mistakes the accountant made in the test than to correct them after the fact.

The worst thing is if the refusal to share powers borders on the fear of finding a competitor or rival next to you. Many of us are afraid to let the most trivial operations get out of control, fearing the loss of power in general. Let's figure out why this happens.

Primarily due to a person’s lack of confidence in his abilities and professional competence. Secondly, due to a lack of trust in employees. But, as we have already found out, a leader who does not believe in his subordinates is doomed to spend a lot of extra time double-checking their every move. In addition, in such a department there will always be an atmosphere of mistrust and resentment. After all, the manager does not realize that with his own hands he created the most inconvenient format of work and relationships within the team.

The manager's distrust prevents employees from realizing their ambitions, opening up and improving at work. And in general, feel free in the office every day.

It is important to remember that delegation is not a loss of control, but only a transfer of it to others. After all, why does a manager need subordinates who cannot relieve him of his workload?

And one more thing: don’t be afraid to admit that employees can do some work better than you. This will in no way lower you in the eyes of your subordinates. On the contrary, it will help them feel in their place and see interest in the profession.

10 golden rules for employee control

1. Preliminarily discuss with the employee how you will control him.

2. Control those responsible for the site, not the direct executors.

3. Double-check your installation: I’m looking for results, not mistakes.

4. If the results of the inspection reveal that everything was done correctly, praise your subordinates.

5. Try to ensure that criticism of subordinates brings positive results.

6. When making a comment, describe the error. There is no need to give your personal assessment.

7. If an employee cannot cope, decide together what can help him.

8. You cannot reprimand subordinates in the presence of third parties.

9. Criticize employees firmly, but try to remain calm.

10. Control should not be excessive and disturb the calm atmosphere in the department.

Committed when doing business in general and building a sales system in particular, and talk about another common mistake, which in the vast majority leads to confusion in business, the search for “extremes” and work in the mode of constant overloads, rush jobs and deadlines.

Namely about absence or incorrect distribution of employee functions.

Alas, there are still quite often situations when work commercial organization is built on the principles: “we are all one family”, “those who can do so” or, as the great leader said, “from each according to his ability”. That is, everyone does everything, and the division by position is rather conditional, only on paper. Which, as you know, will endure everything.

Thus, in the company of one of my last consulting clients, “regular” situations included situations where a marketer, as a courier, could go to the station to meet a batch of printed printing products, the director often performed the work of a marketer and compiled news texts for the website, the office manager negotiated with contractors , A bank payments and were completely involved in “the entire office.”

The hardest thing in business is doing your own thing. © Lokar

Needless to say, the lack of competent distribution of employee functions (not only de jure, but also de facto) has the most detrimental effect on the stability and efficiency of the company? Judge for yourself.

Firstly, in a situation where there is no clear assignment of only one person responsible for each segment of work and the work is passed “from hand to hand”, like a relay baton, “orphan” areas inevitably arise for which no one is responsible. At the same time, urgent matters risk being undone, and important information- lost. Attempts to find the “culprit” are at the very least “stealing” working hours leaders, at most, remain ineffective.

The chances of getting the job done are inversely proportional to the number of people who are obligated to do it. © Kushner paradox

Secondly, due to the uneven workload of personnel and constant “distortions” from one extreme to another according to the principle “sometimes thick, sometimes empty”, overlaps and inconsistencies arise in time, when one employee at the same moment needs to complete several tasks at once, while another may suffer from idleness, languidly looking out the window at the city landscape.

In turn, if some employee/department does not have time to complete the work on time (collect information, calculate, install, pay, order, etc.), the work of other divisions of the company is slowed down, and on a global scale this can even lead to to the failure of an order or project. I'm not even talking about the emotional burnout of staff, a decrease in the quality of work and an increase in the number of errors and defects due to forced work in a constant emergency mode.

There is never enough time to do the job right, but there is time to redo it. © Meskimen's Law

And thirdly, it is a fairly common phenomenon when an employee’s responsibilities are determined not by the final result that needs to be obtained in a assigned area of ​​work, but based on the set of “geniuses” of a particular employee according to the principle: “he does it well, now let’s do more.” and this." That is, the functions of the position develop “historically” and spontaneously, “from the person.”

The result is similar to the example I gave above: the office manager negotiates with contractors, and the director writes articles and draws 3-D diagrams. To justify this “spontaneous-historical” approach, managers cite the argument that “no one can do it better or faster than me” and “this is a guarantee of quality, which helps retain clients.” That’s why so often, instead of solving financial, market, production and other issues, the manager tries to “embrace the immensity” and take on someone else’s work:

“I have to work as a chief specialist, a salesperson, and not a manager,” “I take care of everything: orders, accounting, master classes, sometimes I sell myself,” “I deal with turnover, not strategy.” © From private conversations of business owners

In addition to the fact that in this “situation” it becomes unclear how much a manager who performs the work of an ordinary employee, and an ordinary employee who performs work of a higher qualification, really needs to be paid, problems also arise in the event of the dismissal of one of the employees. After all, it is quite difficult to find a “twin applicant” who would have exactly the same set of “talents” as his predecessor:

One has discipline, cash register, accounting - everything is in order, but there are few sales, the other - on the contrary, something doesn’t add up, or she forgot to write it down, but sells well. © From private conversations of business owners

It reminds me of trying to squeeze round pegs into triangular holes. As a rule, after several desperate attempts, managers try to “put the puzzle together” again and begin to reshape the functions of employees again. And this inevitably leads to further “jambs”.

The tail will pull out, but the beak will get stuck; If the beak pulls out, the tail will get stuck. © Russian folk tale"Crane and Heron"

How to distribute correctly functional responsibilities staff? For the customer, the example of which I gave in the article (an agency for organizing holidays), the issue was resolved as follows.

To begin with, a staff survey was conducted and for each employee a list was compiled of all the functions that he performs during the working day, week and month, as well as those that are one-time in nature. Next, types of work of the same type and complexity, requiring approximately the same amount of knowledge, abilities, skills and similar abilities, were identified and grouped. The next step was determined required quantity performers to perform this or that work.

So, it turned out that for quality work with contractors, not two, but three managers are needed. At the same time, each manager had a strictly assigned area of ​​responsibility: the first is responsible for technical equipment project (lighting, sound, pyrotechnics, etc.), the second - for scenery, costumes and props, and the third must provide the event with actors and other creative teams.

This approach, by the way, greatly simplified the solution to the personnel issue for the future: when job responsibilities are homogeneous and correctly grouped, it is much easier to fill this position. After all, even with seemingly identical functions, candidates for the position of different managers must have both different abilities. Thus, for a technical manager, a mathematical mindset is important (since most his work involves measurements, drawings and diagrams), but the decorator manager must have artistic taste and a sense of style. Agree, this is not the same thing.

Next. Due to the appearance of an additional employee, the office manager’s work with contractors was “taken away” and “handed” to him technical issues for organizing an event: ordering tickets, booking hotels, organizing transfers, etc. (which was previously done by “the whole choir”), and also assigned to maintain some databases. It finally became clear what a marketer should do in a company. The manager's functions as an accountant, marketer, technical manager and even director were removed, and now he had more time to perform actual management functions.

“Where is the commander?” - “Commands!” © From the film “That Same Munchausen”

And it was decided to outsource some of the work (the need for which arises periodically, not on an ongoing basis).

Delegate to others what they can do easier, better and cheaper. © Philip Kotler

So, summarizing the above, we can say with confidence that the competent distribution of staff duties allows:

  • significantly reduce time losses and ensure timely completion of work in the required volume,
  • minimize the number of errors and improve the quality of work,
  • reduce the risk of losing important information,
  • it’s easy to check each employee and quickly find the person responsible,
  • distribute work evenly among employees,
  • fairly pay remuneration to personnel in accordance with their level of qualifications and the complexity of the work performed,
  • quickly fill vacancies with suitable specialists,
  • make the manager’s work easier and save him from participating in “patching holes”,
  • increase staff emotional satisfaction with their work.

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