What did the godfather dream about? Why do you dream about Godmother? What was he like?

A godmother can appear in a dream for various reasons. In order to clearly establish why she is dreaming, we have to take into account a lot of details, both of the vision itself and real life. The dream book suggests figuring out what happened to see in the night.

General transcript

The godmother in a dream warns of the future. The interpretation of the dream is enhanced if in reality you are close enough and the woman is the unconditional authority.

The second mother emphasizes the special significance of the upcoming events and their certain predetermination. The dream book states that the dreamer usually cannot influence the development of the situation.

In positive stories, the godmother is associated with luck, prosperity and parental blessing. In negative – with various kinds troubles and obstacles.

Success or difficulties?

What exactly does the godmother dream about? If in a dream she is cheerful and happy, then the next stage of life will be successful and happy.

Did you dream about a mother who was sad or sick? The dream book is convinced: in reality, luck will leave you, and troubles will begin.

Seeing a gloomy, upset and even angry godmother means that you will commit unforgivable mistake, and it will entail fatal consequences.

What did you do?

It is very important to note what exactly the godmother did in the dream. Correct decoding of actions will make it possible to determine your future.

  • Bila - family happiness.
  • Bustling around in the kitchen - longevity, good prospects.
  • The helm is the realization of talents and plans.
  • I cried - illness, trouble, mistakes.
  • Conducted a conversation - good news.

It’s bad to see that a woman did not want to talk to you and, in general, avoided contact. In real life, get ready to lose something very important and even necessary.

Don't worry!

Why do you dream that your godmother has died? In fact, many years of health and relative prosperity await her.

Did you dream that your second mother died? The dream book believes that you will have to rely on the help of strangers.

Traditionally, the death of a living person in a dream indicates some cooling of relations or even a complete severance of the existing connection between you.

Be careful!

What does it mean if a dead godmother appears in a dream? In any interpretation, the image calls for vigilance and caution, but the dream book recommends taking a closer look at the mood and appearance.

If the deceased was in good location spirit, then in real life you will receive help and profit. If the deceased was angry and threatened, then you are doing the wrong thing. Immediately analyze your behavior and correct yourself.

According to Miller

Did you dream about your long-deceased godmother? Something extraordinary will happen very soon, and the nature of the incident directly depends on the character’s mood.

Are you ready?

Seeing the godmother alive, but in black clothes, can be before a major disappointment or loss.

If you dreamed of a godmother who had passed on to the “other world” alive, then the dream book suggests: affairs or relationships that you considered irretrievably a thing of the past will be resumed.


Why dream that a dead person appears in a dream too often? If the visions are bright and positive, then you should not be afraid. For he acts as a guide and assistant in both worlds.

If the plot is associated with unpleasant sensations, then you are clearly faced with a hostile entity that has taken on the guise of a respected person.

If a dead person comes into the night with enviable regularity, then you should adopt some qualities from him, characteristic features, manner of behavior in a certain situation.

Don't forget!

Why do you dream about a real goddaughter? This is a clear call: you need to pay more attention to your loved ones and maintain contact with them.

It is possible that drastic changes will occur in the girl’s life. Based on the features of the dream, one can determine their character.

Did you dream about your named daughter, who doesn’t exist in reality? The dream book believes that you will take on new obligations or be forced to fulfill a promise to someone.



Have you dreamed about Godparents, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Godparents mean in your dreams, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Help me explain
    A year ago my Godmother died. Today (from Tuesday to Wednesday) I dreamed that I live in beautiful house, but a very dirty, collapsed apartment. And some old woman came to visit me, as soon as I closed the door behind her, there was a knock on the same door and I saw my Godmother. She was incredibly beautiful: slender, luxurious hairstyle, suit, and very large, beautiful blue eyes (in life she had brown eyes). And not paying attention to me, the Godmother began to scold the old woman for coming here and creating chaos. A serious quarrel arose between them. The dream ended there.
    By the way, this was the first time I dreamed about the Godmother.
    Help, tell me what this could mean? or should we not pay attention to it at all?

    Hello! Yesterday on Easter day I dreamed about my godmother, who died last year from cancer on the day of Epiphany. I dreamed that she was visiting us, first I heard her telephone conversation with her relatives, that she was congratulating them on Easter, then I saw her. She looked the same as I saw her in last time: emaciated, exhausted, peaceful, aware that she is dying, and yet trying to smile at me. And in her gaze I realized that she was congratulating me on Easter.

    I dreamed of my dead godmother...
    She died about 10 years ago, I don’t remember exactly, but something like this...
    A dream that I was in her apartment...
    I remember that I left my cousin’s sister’s room, it was dark in the corridor and suddenly my godmother came out of the corridor...
    At first I was scared, it’s not clear where else some girl came from... I hid behind her...
    She began to say: “You’re already dead, how can you be here,” and in response she heard: “I’m so dead, I’m alive Nastya.”
    Then there is clouding, the dream is no longer about this, and then the dream comes again...
    How my sister and I went into the room to find the Godmother, and for my sister, her mother...
    We went into the first room, my mother was there, she was sleeping
    We entered another room, my godmother and my cousin’s mother were already sleeping there..
    We touched it whether it is really a living person or not..
    It turned out that he was a living person!
    We were glad that the godmother was alive
    I started kissing her feet, crying and rejoicing at the same time.
    Because I see my godmother alive again
    and that's where the dream ends

    During her death, I dreamed of her for the first time...

    Today I dreamed that I received a letter from my cousin, where it was written that she had given birth to a boy and a girl and she wanted me to become her son’s godmother. I doubted and thought for a long time, but decided that I couldn’t refuse and ran to the christening.

    I dreamed that my godmother died, and in my dream I was constantly puzzled by the question of how her son and husband would be without her now. And after her death, we sat on the sofa and I talked with her about her death, saying that her relatives would be shocked and she answered that no they won’t


    I dreamed that my godmother and I were driving a car. My godmother drove into a hole and wanted to suddenly drive out onto the road. But I couldn’t and the car overturned. I somehow ended up outside. The car broke my forehead. I started bleeding.

    Hello! Please help, my godmother died on the 29th, and today I dreamed about nightmare, no matter how it sounds now, I apologize in advance, I dreamed that her head was not on her shoulders, but she was in our box, and then we put her in a coffin, and near the coffin stood Auntie in a black suit and her children They were playing, the youngest opened the blanket and saw that Aunt was without a head and screamed, and Aunt covered it and said it’s okay, we’re all losing our heads here!
    Please help me what this could mean??????

    On July 24, 2014, my godmother died, on my name day, she was 54 years old. My mother and I were best friends, she is closer and dearer to me than my real parents. Today is 8 days since her death. All these days I haven’t dreamed of my godmother, tonight (from Wednesday to Thursday) I dreamed of my godmother... I don’t know where we were, for some reason I didn’t know the place, and it wasn’t particularly visible in the dream. Maybe at her place or at my place, I don’t know. I dreamed about her as a young woman... sitting next to me on the sofa, looking at me and smiling so pleasantly, so happy, watching... not saying anything... The only thing I don’t remember exactly, but it seems to me that I’m sitting at the table, drawing little, and she looks at me with a smile and strokes my head. She is so pleased, joyful and has happy eyes.. What does this mean?

    I dreamed of my godfather, he was dead and lay in a coffin, there was a cross on him and that we were all standing around him and then a burning candle fell from the table and went out. and then my grandmother says that the candle fell and went out - this bad omen. and then I woke up

    Hello! I dreamed that my godmother died, her coffin was in the apartment that she assigned to me (I knew this in a dream), it was dark, damp, dirty, and I had to spend the night in this apartment. But I’m afraid and run away into the entrance, and someone starts chasing me and takes me back to the apartment. in the end, when I got there myself, her coffin was no longer there, it was light, but I still didn’t want to be there, but I felt a sense of calm.

    I dreamed about my godmother, she died in 2010. It was as if I was sitting in bright room and waited for her. She came in a light summer dress the color of a rainbow, with her hair up. I've never seen her like this. She hugged me and smelled very nice of perfume. And then she said that she had another family THERE.

    my godmother lives in Moscow. she comes very rarely, I miss her. in a dream I dreamed that my mother and I were walking and I saw my godmother sitting at the table with her husband, I went up to her, hugged her, and now I turned on the computer and Svetlana was showing up for me online on Skype, my godmother’s name is Svetlana.

    Good afternoon. I don’t know whether this is a paid service and whether you are writing the truth, but I was very impressed after sleep. he was not at night, but during the day after work. went to bed and fell asleep. I spent the entire dream chatting with my godmother, telling her about my young man, asking for the truth whether he and I would be together all our lives. She told about her parents how they were doing, apologized for not communicating with her in the last years of her life; she was little. I said a hundred times that I miss her very much and love her. she was best friend Mom told her hi to say when I wake up. and at the end, when I woke up, there was a feeling that she was right next to me and whispered in my ear. “I miss you very much too” I woke up in tears, but my soul was so warm.
    I don’t know why I’m pouring all this out to you, again with tears in my eyes, because I think that once again this is just paid bullshit and you won’t tell me anything. thank you if you are a real person and read all this.

    I went to bed and had a dream. I was with a girlfriend in some strange yard, and there I saw my godfather next to the car, he was doing something there, I went up to him, took his hand, and I lead him, and I told him, godfather, you’re alive, I’m so glad, he removes his hand from getting into the car and drives away. Then my friend and I walked near our school and took her mother and mine away. I approached my mother and asked her, is my godfather’s mother alive? He nods his head, yes, he says he’s alive, and the dream is over, I woke up in tears.

    First I came to my godfather, and he had some kind of woman, then he went somewhere, and this woman wanted to kill me, but after some time, when the godfather came into the room, she died and her tongue was sticking out.

    I dreamed that an acquaintance came to visit, supposedly my son’s godfather (in reality, my son has another godfather, and this acquaintance is a suicide-dead man), and after him my son came to the apartment ex-boyfriend drunk, I started swearing and kicking him out, to which he replied that he had come to see a friend (a suicide) and then I started kicking them both out and woke up

    I had a dream that I went to school, a friend rang the bell and I was running somewhere and was late for class, then I knocked on the door, I saw my godfather, he was sitting in the back desk, they let me in, I sat down in the front desk with a girl, I fucked her before, she studied at this school older they started writing me a dictation

    A long time ago, the godmother sold her house and it was demolished
    But today I dreamed about her house and she dreamed that there was a huge ditch opposite the house and in this ditch I collected notebooks and pens and all this should be done quickly and then my aunt and I went to the store with there was a lot of gold, I remember earrings and most likely I stole I was in a hurry and there was no seller, but I kept taking and taking, then the seller came and started offering them to me himself and we kept taking and taking (a lot of gold)
    And before leaving, I wanted to relieve myself and I went to little one in the store and left
    Help me interpret the dream

    hello, on the night of March 15 to 16 I dreamed of my dead godmother, and on March 16 in the afternoon I fell and broke my head.
    and today (on the night of March 18-19) I dreamed about her again, what could this mean?

    we have a stop in the city center near the square and I dreamed that somewhere nearby my mother was working on something related to flowers, and opposite this very stop and my godmother was standing nearby (she died a year and a half ago), I understand that she not alive and that it’s a ghost, and in a dream I’m driving straight at her and looking straight into her eyes and how to understand what she needs, we didn’t talk, and then it’s like another day and she’s still standing and looking at me like me I helped my mother, she watched me the whole dream, then I became scared and I began to stay away, and yesterday my mother also dreamed of my godmother and told her to go to that place

    The fact is that my Mom died 2 years ago, and I dreamed that she was supposed to come, but I couldn’t find her, and all because she was visiting my godmother, I got very worried and had a fight with my godmother and said that I don’t want to know her anymore.

    Hello, I’ve been dreaming about my dead godmother about 6 times already, she died recently, and she started dreaming immediately after the funeral, 40 days have not yet passed.
    In my last dream, she sat with me on the sofa and said that my sister, this is her daughter, should not go into the entrance to smoke and leave her baby to her, supposedly when her sister goes away to smoke, she says mom, look after the child, and realizing that she is already no. and she also said that it’s hard for her when she talks like that. I’m very afraid to even fall asleep, and I also dreamed about my mother, it’s her dear sister, she dreamed about being in a coffin and there was another funeral, she told her that everything was fine and good, and that’s us They put a blanket on her and asked for more drink.

    I ran (at home) through the orphanage, ran out to the cafe, and then saw the beating owner and my godmother. I said hello to her, “Hello godmother!” - to which she answered me.
    - Since when am I godmother again?
    - Oh, yes. then I went to..."
    after this conversation, she grabbed me by the arms, or rather just below the shoulder, and began to rub me and say something. from her words, I realized that I was walking somewhere with a carton of milk. after that I woke up!

    Hello. Please help me solve the dream. My daughter Alina dreamed of her godmother, who died a year ago. June 4 will be one year since his death. I had a dream on Tuesday on Wednesday from May 26-27. Colors: warm. I dreamed that my godmother was writing a letter from the other world, addressing Alina (my daughter) and mentioning the numbers 21 and 25 and also saying out loud the date of her death. What could this dream mean? My heart is anxious.

    my godmother died in a dream, she had teeth everywhere on her head, on the back of her head on her face... I saw her in a coffin, there were a lot of tears in their house. And her death in a dream happened after an operation; in real life she had surgery on her nose She had sinusitis, but she handled it well. what does my dream mean?

    I very rarely see my godmother in real life.
    I dreamed of her walking along the road, then she came into my yard, I began to look for some things for her food products. I found pieces of dough and something else, and I was looking for all these things in the garage.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    I was walking with a friend and another girl from the park, it started to rain suddenly, there were a lot of people, then the girls crossed the road, and I stayed on the other side, I turned back and saw the godmother with three children, she was holding one child in her arms , it was a baby.

    Hello. How many times do I dream about my dead godfather.
    The first dream was about how he complained that he felt bad there alone in the grave. His liver hurt.
    The second dream was how he came to me for a massage. (I’m currently learning the basics of massage)
    Today he came to listen to me. At the same time, I understood in a dream that he was dead, but I introduced him to my friends

    At first I dreamed that my dead mother walked hand in hand with my father (he is alive) and said that they were leaving, and then in the dream I found out that my father had died and cried a lot. Then I dream that my godmother breaks the icon (she is also alive) and already dead people also come for it and take it with them, I forgive them to leave it but they leave again in tears. Then I dream that my husband comes up to me and says that he will die soon, I cry telling him that I can’t do it alone, why do they all leave and leave me. Today I woke up in a cold sweat and the dream hasn’t left my head all day.

    I dreamed that my mother was leading me by the hand to some hotel. It was dark. My mother took me into her room. I went out and saw that my mother had gone hand in hand with her godfather. Then a few hours later I went into their room and saw that my Mom and godfather are already sleeping in bed after sex. And I saw it, packed it up and ran away

    I dreamed that my mother was leading me by the hand to some hotel. It was dark. My mother took me into her room. I went out and saw that my mother had gone hand in hand with her godfather. Then a few hours later I went into their room and saw that my Mom and godfather are already sleeping in bed after sex. And I saw it, I started crying and ran away

    I remember in a dream I saw my late godmother, she was dressed in black, she was in a very good mood at the end when I was leaving, I remember walking up and kissing her on the cheek and goodbye she told me to come to us on the weekend. I dreamed alive

    the fact that I am sitting in the kitchen with my relatives and then my late godfather comes out of the room, everyone is so happy and I keep telling you that he died and then a wild fear overcomes me, I begin to avoid him, hiding. And most importantly, in a dream I cannot understand whether it is a dream or a dream.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was in such a large room with high ceilings, there were a lot of people and I was making the signs of the cross, as if protecting my son, whom I did not see in the dream, but he was supposed to come and return.

    I first met my godfather’s wife in the store, she was buying fruits: green grapes and yellow plums, and then I saw my godfather in the distance, he was in a suit and a white shirt. I really wanted to hug him, but somehow it didn’t work out.

    Hello! Last night I had a dream that I had never seen before. In this dream I saw my godfather, whom I had not seen since my creatine. It’s strange, but this dream was in color, and I rarely have color dreams. Tell me what is this for?

    I dreamed about my son's godmother. We haven't communicated with her for a long time. She did not respond to all my repeated attempts to talk. In the dream she was having fun, but when she noticed me she began to behave more modestly. It was as if she was embarrassed or scared of me.

    I dreamed that my godfather was drinking, and my mother was getting ready to go to the store and was waiting for me on the street and didn’t wait and left silently and didn’t pick up the phone, but my godfather was drinking in the kitchen and I told me I had to go, he left and I began to change my clothes, as if I had changed my clothes, my nose I wasn’t breathing and it was difficult to breathe, and in the end I was looking for medicine in a dream and didn’t find it the whole dream

    I dreamed of my godfather, he came to visit us with his wife and little daughter, and he looked terrible, he looked too old and exhausted, we went into the room and I begged him to break up with his wife (in the dream I called her a bitch, I don’t know why).

    I had a dream that somehow I found out that my godfather was my dad... After that there was this picture: that my godfather was in a flower meadow with my mother, and then my mother came across a very big flower and he fell (it looked like there was a rose). Mom also fell and she had a cut on her stomach in the area of ​​appendicitis.. But it definitely wasn’t appendicitis.. Then wine spilled near the door, and while mom’s wound was being treated, his wife came, apparently, and he started wiping off the blood and wine.. And then the picture immediately changed. Two men were carrying my godfather on a couch or in a coffin I couldn’t see... There was an egg on top of him and they were constantly adjusting him... and then an accident happened... he crashed... And he was buried near the store... and then I went to pick flowers. I collected some flowers and in the middle there was one rose and wrote some other piece of paper... well, it seemed to say: “You were important to me. I love you" and date of birth and death..

    The deceased godmother dreamed of being alive and cheerful. I see a small room in wooden house with an open window. The godmother jumps onto the window, loses her balance and falls. I want to catch her, I spread my arms and don’t catch her. She falls to the floor and breaks her head, blood flows from her head. I screamed “An ambulance” and woke up.

    In a dream I saw my godfather who came to our house drunk, came in and immediately went to bed on the bed, and my mother sat down next to him and said “how can you get drunk and go straight home to sleep” what is this dream for?

Godparents are close people and spiritual mentors of the child; they are responsible for his piety and proper upbringing. They symbolize connection with higher powers, choosing the right path and protection from evil. A dream where a godfather or appears most often refers to the choice of the right decision, which can most seriously affect the dreamer’s future life. The dream in which dreamers act as godparents is also important.

Adaskina's dream book. How to understand the dream “Godfather”?

Seeing yourself in the role of a godmother or father is a positive dream that foreshadows the provision of charity, participation in some events aimed at providing help, and sometimes pleasant entertainment.

Dream book of zodiac signs. Becoming a godfather in a dream - what does it mean?

A dream in which you find yourself in the role of one of the godparents is a sign that you will soon make a significant profit, and you may even become the object of the envy of others.

Modern dream book. Godparents in a dream - what to expect now?

Seeing your godfather or godmother in a dream means good luck. It may concern career advancement, business success, or finding reciprocity in love. If your godmother says something good to you, all your real worries will go away and be forgotten.

Her warnings in a dream are a reason to think about the correctness of your aspirations and actions. Looking for your godmother in a dream means looking for the meaning of your life. Someone else's godmother - you have to learn about other people's problems. A godmother holding a child in her arms is a sign of a miracle.

Dream book of Miss Hasse. Dream “Godfather” - what is its meaning?

A dream in which you act as a godfather warns of your new obligations, but they will be pleasant. Seeing your truly existing godfather means receiving a gift. If just some person appears in this capacity, then be prepared for the fact that he will have to play important role in some event in your life. Seeing a stranger in the role of godfather means the appearance of a patron friendly to you.


Seeing godparents in a dream is a sign of support, more moral than material (although the appearance of profit or a gift is not excluded). Most often this is due to problems at work or domestic troubles, although it may also foreshadow the choice of a companion or life partner, and a completely unexpected one. Dreams in which already deceased godparents appear are not so rare. This is a sign of help from above that you need or will soon need. If they tell you something, be sure to take those words to heart.

Sometimes it happens to see that the dreamer or the dreamer himself ends up in the role of godparents. This means that you will be assigned some new not an easy task, the right decision which will take a lot of effort and time. You may also take on some new responsibilities.


The godmother is an important symbol in a vision, because often this person represents a spiritual connection with higher powers. What the godmother dreamed about, and whether this vision has at least some relation to the future - this is what this article will talk about in detail.

What if you dream about your godmother?

A godmother in a dream is not a random guest, because often it is this person who has a spiritual connection with the dreamer, and it is she who is entrusted with protecting the peace of the ward. If in a vision the godmother looks cheerful and enthusiastically tells the dreamer about something, then in real life he is not in danger. A bright streak is approaching, and this positive stage should be taken full advantage of.

If in a dream the godmother, on the contrary, looks sad, cries a lot or behaves strangely, you should be wary. It is quite possible that not the most optimistic events in his life await a person. It is quite possible that the owner of the vision will have to go through a temporary crisis in order to become even more successful in the future. If in a vision the godmother tells a person something sad, her words should definitely be remembered. It is quite possible that everything said will come true or will somehow affect the fate of a person. With the help of a spoken prophecy, the dreamer can prevent a real tragedy.

A dream in which the godmother dies or becomes seriously ill has a very bad interpretation. Usually this vision means that a person has lost his spiritual patron, and now no one can help him in solving the problems that have piled up on all sides.

Seeing in a dream how the godmother makes a gift or presents money - to success in your personal life and in your career. Everything that the dreamer will undertake now will ultimately turn into a complete sensation, and the person himself can start his own business without any doubts. Such a vision usually foreshadows a white streak, success on all fronts.

If in a vision the godmother talks a lot, but a person does not hear her words, then in real life the owner of the vision will have envious people. These people will try to spread a series of rumors, and their machinations will directly affect the dreamer’s reputation.

Looking for a godmother in a crowd of people in a dream means a serious search in real life. It is quite possible that the owner of the vision will have to look for something important, something on which his future will depend. This vision tries to direct the search in the right direction, making a person’s life easier. Such a dream may also mean that the relationship with the godmother will be interrupted for a while, but it is very important for a person not to lose the spiritual connection with his patroness.

What does it portend?

To see in a dream how godmother quarrels with someone or fights - to the danger that awaits the owner of the vision in real life. You need to try to remember the person with whom the godmother fought, since it is this person who poses a danger. The spiritual mentor tries to warn a person, to protect him from impending dangers and intrigues.

If in a vision the godmother fights with the dreamer himself, it means that in real life a person will have to make a difficult spiritual choice. It is quite possible that he will have a chance to advance in his career or in his personal life, but his ambitions will come into direct conflict with the principles of the person. As a result, you will have to make very difficult spiritual choices.

Seeing the godmother leaving somewhere and saying goodbye to the dreamer means real separation from a loved one. Perhaps a person will have to experience a separation from someone who is really dear to him, and in such a situation, one should not lose courage.

The vision about the godmother should be interpreted carefully, using several dream books, otherwise the entire depth of the dream will be lost. Often such a strange vision has a symbolic meaning, which is why predicting the future turns out to be quite difficult.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing a godmother in a dream” with a full description.

what does it mean if the godmother is in a dream

The meaning of a dream about a mother is generally positive, but you need to pay attention to the details. If you dreamed of a godmother, then you should be wary of treason and betrayal in your personal sphere of life. Take a closer look at your surroundings and friends; perhaps one of them may turn out to be a liar and a deceiver.

Vanga's Dream Book

godmother according to the dream book

Mother, in a dream, prophesies the future of your family. If you had a godmother in a dream, this dream means that you are under the protection of a guardian angel, his protection will protect you from all troubles and troubles. Even if your current situation is unenviable and unstable, do not worry, the dream means that in the near future everything will change for the better.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

godmother according to the dream book

Dream interpretation of a godmother means that fate is protecting you, so listen to the advice you receive. Such a dream is a harbinger of good positive events in the life of the sleeper.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed of a godmother

Seeing your mother in a dream is a sign of upcoming significant changes in life. Seeing a deceased godmother means receiving new obligations towards other people.

Freud's Dream Book

godmother in a dream

If a sleeping person has a dream about baptism, this is a harbinger of change. In dreams, higher spiritual forces (in Freud, sexual desires) guide us, indicate the path where we should direct our lives so that the soul achieves peace and perfection.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

why do you dream of a godmother

Dreaming of a dead godmother means you need to start taking action, get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your desired goals.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of a godmother

The image of the godmother is an appeal to the deep subconscious. The mother who gave life is our material earthly beginning, and godparents are an appeal to our spirituality. Such a dream may indicate the need for spiritual growth and harmonious development.

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Why do you dream about your godfather? According to the dream book, it makes you aware of important changes in the fate of the sleeping person. Their character can be interpreted from the accompanying details in a dream: a meeting with a future soulmate, a career advancement, help or difficulties and additional obligations.

Well-being in personal and family life

A vision about this person often contains important information regarding upcoming events. He can report situations that could affect the dreamer's life.

Seeing your godfather in a dream promises a quick acquaintance with your future spouse if you are single. Perhaps it will happen when you don't expect it.

The dreamed image predicts harmony for family people and prosperity in the house - as the dream book says. If there were disagreements before, they will be resolved and mutual understanding will come.

Seeing your godfather also means: you will soon receive a gift, which may not be a material thing.

Get patronage and help

Why do you dream about a dead godfather? Such a vision - good omen. Events will occur that can have an impact on all areas of the sleeper’s life.

The deceased godfather also indicates: the dreamer is protected higher powers, so he will be quite lucky.

Dreamed deceased close person, according to the dream book, symbolizes help. Therefore, you should listen to friendly advice - one of them can lead to success.

New obligations, challenging tasks

Did you happen to be a godfather yourself? In reality, you will take on new responsibilities and you will have to work a lot. Although this will cause dissatisfaction, you cannot refuse.

Were they in a dream? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: you will have to face very complex tasks, but solving them will bring you considerable benefit. Don't give up - you can do it.

Why do you dream about a deceased loved one? The dream book says: this is a warning about difficulties in the business sphere. You will need the ability to correctly assess the situation and make a quick decision.

Successful negotiations, change

The deceased, who you dreamed was alive and with whom you had a pleasant conversation, suggests that the upcoming business negotiations will be successful.

Seeing him alive in a dream means: serious changes are coming. This could be a job change, a lifestyle change.

What was he like?

Pay attention to what it was like:

  • serious - to solve a certain matter you need to show prudence;
  • cheerful - pleasant activities are expected;
  • sad - beware: you may do the wrong thing;
  • for those who are preoccupied - there is a lot to do;
  • mysterious - someone will present a pleasant surprise.

Miller's Dream Book: Changes Ahead

Why do you dream about the godfather at night? His appearance foreshadows future changes, the nature of which can be judged by the general impression of the plot.

You will be protected

A dream of a stranger in the role of a godfather signals: the dreamer will have a strong and wise patron. He will treat the sleeping person favorably.

If in a dream you saw an acquaintance in this capacity, who in fact is not one, this person will have an important influence on your life.

Have you seen your real godfather? The dream book is encouraging: in reality you will have a significant promotion.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about Baptism in a dream?

Baptism - According to the dream book, seeing a baptism ceremony means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. Seeing in your sleep how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Baptism?

Baptism - Receiving the rite of baptism yourself means labor and trials that can end in a happy ending. Baptizing your children in a church or cathedral is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. Acting as a godfather or mother means joining joyful, festive events and taking part in a charity event.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If you dream of Baptism, how to understand it:

Baptism - An Extraordinary Event

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of Baptism:

Baptism - According to the dream book, seeing a baptism ceremony means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends. – to dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others. - to see in a dream that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River means that you will face a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either to indulge in hard work to support others, or to follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and an exceptional position. Seeing the holy spirit descending on Christ is a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Baptism, why?

Baptism - Receive a valuable package.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Baptism? The dream book interprets it this way:

Baptism – Receive a valuable package

Christian dream book

Why do you dream about Baptism according to the Bible:

Who was baptized in your dream? Under what circumstances? Is this a Christian rite or a (possibly involuntary) conversion to another faith? Or is an adult being baptized, which indicates a change in his value system? If you are baptized in a dream, do you feel renewed, reborn, ready to start all over again? Or are you doing this to please someone? If in real life you are not baptized, perhaps the dream is an expression of your unfulfilled desire. Seeing yourself being baptized in your sleep may mean that you are ready for serious trials, in a sense, a baptism of fire.

Home interpreter

If you dream about Baptism in a dream, interpretation:

To be present at this ceremony or to celebrate this holiday in a dream means that big changes await you. Sometimes such a dream means that your life will be joyful and comfortable. To be baptized in a dream is a sign of a heavy burden, great trials. Baptism - Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To see in your sleep how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes. Indicates that a person is in an extremely difficult situation, usually of a hereditary nature. Violent relationships in the family. Alternatively, it is a manifestation of negative karma. Perhaps the presence of directed magical influence from the past or present. It may also indicate the slavish obedience of a person (who dreams of baptism).

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does it mean if you dreamed of Baptism:

You dreamed of Baptism - you see the rite of baptism in a dream - your gentleness and fear of offending someone often harms you, even your loved ones, knowing your weaknesses, twist ropes out of you; you can go to extremes; you should become firmer; you should know: kindness is very different from gentleness; you should remember: kindness sometimes has to come with fists. In a dream, you accept the rite of baptism - someone will humiliate you, but you will endure humiliation, thinking about the good of others - most likely, your loved ones. It’s as if you are present at the baptism of Jesus Christ - you have to make a difficult choice between duty and pleasure, between hard work for the common good and pleasant work in your own interests; Finding your path will not happen without painful mental struggle.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of Baptism in a dream, interpretation:

Baptism is healing; novelty. The Baptism of Christ is a desperate spiritual struggle; baptizing a child yourself is a desire to strengthen your reputation.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Baptism - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Baptism - to receive timely support.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed of Baptism - what does the dream mean?

What does Baptism (rite) mean in a dream - You will be able to strengthen your reputation and gain the approval of your colleagues. Unless the baptism ceremony was performed on you, imagine that you are the godfather or godmother of the baby being baptized.

British dream book

I dreamed about Baptism - what does it mean?

Baptism, Confirmation, Initiation – These ceremonies serve to introduce a person into the religious community and celebrate important stage in spiritual life. What the dream is about: Dreams about baptism indicate a willingness to cleanse yourself and start over in real life, while other ceremonies may indicate a desire to be accepted into the community and gain adult status, with all its privileges and responsibilities.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What does it mean if you dreamed of Baptism:

You dreamed of Baptism, what is it for? The essence of any baptismal ceremony, no matter in what form it is carried out. - rebirth, renewal, resurrection. Baptism usually marks a change in a certain stage in the emotional or physical sphere of life.

Positive meaning

A dream about baptism means a deep immersion in new project. You may be developing a plan that will be successful.

Negative implications

Unforeseen circumstances in the future may bring disappointment, but you will soon be able to get back on your chosen path.

A dream about baptism can mean a desire to become stronger and more confident.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

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