Astrological forecast for the year January Sagittarius

January for Sagittarius is a time of great endeavors and accomplishments. Representatives of Sagittarius are more likely than representatives of other horoscope signs to associate the beginning of a period with the beginning of a new life. And, by the way, Sagittarians are the most successful in fulfilling their plans, because in their minds they have already thought through a million times what they have to do in their new life: they mentally got rid of bad habits, started playing sports and had a difficult unpleasant conversation that had been put off for a long time.

Therefore, while representatives of other horoscope signs are finishing New Year’s salads, Sagittarius can take on any task. The diligence and responsibility of the White Rat, the patronage of Mars guarantee the success of any events planned by Sagittarius.

Horoscope for January 2020. Sagittarius

When you receive offers to change jobs, trust your intuition, especially if this offer has just arrived and was not planned. But changing the type of activity for Sagittarius at the beginning of the year is not recommended by the stars; most likely, representatives of the sign will be disappointed. Although within the same enterprise, steps up the career ladder will be successful and will immediately bring good financial results.

However, in the heat of the moment, you can overestimate your abilities and take on an unbearable burden. Such work will bring disappointment and cause great internal and physical discomfort. Therefore, try to make decisions thoughtfully, having first familiarized yourself in detail with the working conditions and their payment.

At the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will have to devote a lot of time to relatives, and not to their closest friends. There is a high probability that old friends will need your support and not only moral. When helping, do not expect a quick return. Accept the idea that your help will be completely selfless.

Elderly relatives can also cause trouble. They will also need your help, but you will be in a state of great emotional and physical recovery, and this will not be difficult for you.

The inner strength and beauty with which you will glow from within will not leave envious people indifferent. Gossip and talking behind your back should not be taken to heart; remember that if they talk behind your back, then you are ahead.

Sagittarius love relationships in January 2020

At this time, Sagittarius will want big changes. This will apply to almost all areas of life - professional, love, and the surrounding living space. The January 2018 love horoscope for Sagittarius is also favorable.

You should only be wary of relationships that are energetically imposed on you opposite side. This romance can drag on for a long time and end ingloriously. In all other cases - green light. To finally meet a person you have liked for a long time, to explain your feelings, to make or accept a marriage proposal - a great moment has come for all this. For representatives of the sign who are already connected by family ties, the stars also promise many unforgettable romantic moments that will return the relationship to its original freshness.

Sagittarius. Rest and children.

The beginning of the year may prompt Sagittarius to begin a grandiose renovation, but it should only be started if your budget includes funds for its implementation, otherwise it may drag on for a long time. for a long time, enthusiasm will be exhausted by that time, and imperfections may begin to complicate life or simply irritate.

Try to become real teachers, educators and mentors for Sagittarius children. Don't try to do all of them for them. homework. Putting away toys, washing dishes, wiping dust on furniture - a child should have feasible responsibilities. Otherwise, if you protect him from this out of love and a desire to protect him from any difficulties in life, you will do a disservice to the child in the future. Raise your Sagittarius child like by example, and conversation, and if necessary, more stringent educational measures.

Sagittarius. Cultural life

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign will actively strive for beauty. Theatre, literature, music - all this will attract your attention and bring pleasure. Sagittarius' creative abilities are also on the rise. A hobby that has been a hobby for a long time may suddenly begin to generate income. To do this, you need to spend at least a little time on marketing and advertising.

Actually, almost everything that Sagittarius undertakes at the beginning of the year will be within their capabilities and will subsequently give good material results and peace of mind. During this period, representatives of the sign are in a state of complete harmony, look great and feel great.

Sagittarius. Health in January 2020. Physical and emotional stress can have a negative impact to the health of Sagittarius. In the frenzy of energy, many Sagittarius do not attach importance to emerging health problems, put off going to the doctors and, as a result, miss the occurrence of symptoms of serious diseases. Therefore, representatives of this horoscope sign really need to find a balance between work, family, personal life and health.

Representatives of this horoscope sign will benefit greatly from preventive examinations by doctors who will be able to identify emerging diseases in the early stages, when the symptoms are not yet very obvious. This will help to start timely treatment and avoid the disease from becoming chronic. Therefore, you should not treat medical examinations as a formality. Visit doctors and give them the opportunity to examine the condition of your body. The influence of Mercury on the Sagittarius horoscope indicates a possible worsening of vision problems. Don’t put off visiting an ophthalmologist for too long. The likelihood that you will completely overcome eye diseases at this time is greater than ever.

In January, beware of relationships that are actively imposed on you.
Sagittarians are recommended to undergo a preventive examination with a therapist.
Sagittarius. Horoscope for February 2020.

Sagittarius will spend January 2018 in an atmosphere of creativity, love and endless creation. First, you will “create” a New Year’s banquet and creative gifts for your family, and then an unusual holiday scenario. And your vacation, it should be noted, will truly worthy add to the baggage of your most joyful memories. During these holidays, you will experience crazy excitement in the company of your best friends, romantic evenings spent in the company of your loved one, and active species sports By the way, in January you will firmly introduce sports into your daily routine, which will benefit not only your health, but also your self-esteem. Another important point- in the middle of this winter you will find free time for creativity, and the project that you have been carefully nurturing in your head for several years will finally find its real embodiment.

What will this project be like, and how soon will you present it to the world? The answer to this question is known only to you, taking into account the sphere of your own interests. Much depends on your activity. If you are an enterprising person who does not know fatigue, then you will finish your January project quickly enough. Oh, how your relatives and friends will be delighted by this creation (what’s up - among these people you will be called a true genius, a real creator, someone who should be worshiped!). More precisely, your regular partner will call you this way, and already with his light hand everyone else. When the process of productive creativity is completely completed by you, do not forget to sincerely thank your marriage partner. Believe me, he will truly be worthy of the highest praise, because while you are slowly creating, your significant other will take on a lot of responsibilities. Among them will be concern for quality diet, and raising your children, and entertaining events for guests who will regularly appear on your doorstep throughout January.

For Sagittarius, who do not yet have a reliable support in the form of a loving soulmate, their family (especially older relatives) will greatly help them in January 2018. They, like many years ago, during your childhood, will protect your emotional comfort, ridding you of everything that could interfere with your creativity. But, alas, loving relatives will not be able to replace something no less important for you (we are talking about love and romance, the shortage of which you will acutely feel at the beginning of this year). You will even refuse to visit your family friends, because it will be very difficult for you to observe their home idyll. Apparently, for this very reason, you will make a strict vow to yourself that as soon as your creative endeavor is completely completed, you will certainly begin an active search for a worthy soul mate. In general, once again you will put off your personal life until later, which will make your loving relatives sigh bitterly, dreaming of finally holding their grandchildren to their chests.

Now about another important aspect that you, dear Sagittarius, risk leaving outside your area of ​​interest in January. We are talking about your career, which, it should be noted, you will treat with obvious coolness. You will perceive the beginning of the working year as an obstacle to matters related to your creativity, and therefore you will perform your official duties without your usual enthusiasm. Fortunately, such moods will soon pass and, having completed your project, you will return to business, as if announcing to the whole world that you have switched to full combat readiness mode. Sagittarius entrepreneurs will not allow themselves to be negligent in business, but they will not yet take active steps for potential business victories. You will devote January to a kind of build-up, which, of course, is necessary at a time when you are standing on the threshold of something truly grandiose.

Attention, the Sagittarius horoscope for the month of January 2018 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2018, the Yellow Dog should make a personal forecast for 2018 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Sagittarius monthly horoscope January 2018

The Sagittarius horoscope for January 2018 has prepared many favorable events, and you can be convinced of this from the first days of the month. The Yellow Dog will show the greatest favor to purposeful and cheerful individuals. Representatives of this zodiac sign will have new goals in life and interesting business ideas, thanks to which they will be able to realize themselves and achieve success. But you should assume that all matters will be resolved quickly and easily - you will have to show perseverance and patience.

In January, Sagittarius will be full of strength and energy, which will help him quickly cope with the accumulated affairs. In addition, he will be clearly determined to change his life and nothing can lead him astray from his intended path - neither bad weather, nor the machinations of envious people. Sagittarius' steadfastness and determination will earn respect from relatives and colleagues, and he will also feel support from them, which will further spur him to realize his plans.

The first month of 2018 will pass under the influence of Jupiter, which will provide stable financial income. Thrifty and economical Sagittarius will be able to accumulate a large amount of money, so some representatives of this Zodiac will decide to purchase real estate or a car. There is no need to rush, because January is absolutely not suitable for such large purchases, because... Unforeseen circumstances may arise that make paying off the debt difficult.

In January, single Sagittarius will meet their “soul mate”, with whom they will create a happy union. Those representatives of the sign who are in a relationship are advised by the stars to be more patient and learn to give in, otherwise it will be impossible to avoid mutual reproaches and scandals with their partner. Couples who have been married for many years will decide to go on a romantic trip, where they will spend a second honeymoon, and will be able to renew their tender feelings towards each other.

Health horoscope

Due to a busy schedule in January, Sagittarius may experience health problems. Will suffer more nervous system, which will affect the instability of the mental state. You should not ignore the symptoms of stress or resort to self-medication, especially with alcohol, because... this will only provoke the development of prolonged depression. Moreover, on " nervous soil“Problems with the stomach and cardiovascular system may occur. The stars recommend trusting your health to specialists, and you shouldn’t hesitate to go to the hospital.

To improve your health, you should play sports. It is not necessary to visit the gym; you can do gymnastics at home and go jogging. Meditation and yoga will have a positive effect on your mental state. Sagittarians love active pastime, so to raise their spirit and enthusiasm, it is recommended to take part in sports competitions.

To improve health, it is important to pay attention not only to physical activity, but also to nutrition, especially after New Year's holidays– it should be reconsidered. It is not necessary to “go on a diet”; it will be enough to remove “harmful” foods from the diet and enrich it with vegetables, fruits and food products. increased content fiber. It would be a good idea to contact a nutritionist who can help you create the right diet.

Financial and career horoscope

IN professional sphere For Sagittarius, bright prospects open up. In January, new acquaintances and profitable deals are expected, thanks to which the financial profit. Representatives of this Zodiac will have to make many important decisions on which their career will depend. You shouldn’t doubt your abilities, you need to show determination and confidence, otherwise things will stand still for a long time. The most unfavorable days for signing contracts, business meetings and investing - January 13, 21 and 25.

Despite the favorable course of business and the increase in profits, Sagittarius should still carefully plan their budget, otherwise you can lose all your accumulated funds and go into debt. You should not lend money to strangers or invest in dubious projects that promise to get rich in a matter of days. Having caught a “wave of luck”, some Sagittarius will decide to try their luck in gambling, but this path will only lead them to complete ruin, because... The chance of winning “easy money” is very small. To receive financial benefits in January, representatives of this zodiac sign you need to work hard.

The first month of 2018 is good for finding an additional source of income. Moreover, you should not look for a job, but a hobby, which will become an outlet for Sagittarius, and in the future will begin to bring a stable profit. It is advisable that it be related to creativity, for example, music, drawing or writing.

Horoscope of family and romantic relationships

Sagittarius is used to restraining his feelings, which negatively affects his relationships with the opposite sex. Those wishing to find their “soul mate” are advised to be more sociable and open, and should also show charm and coquetry. January is a good month for getting married, but before you decide to take such an important step, you need to get to know the person you plan to connect your destiny with better.

Free Sagittarius, born in the period 21.11-1.12, should reconsider their priorities and understand themselves, otherwise there is a high probability of spending many years alone. Of course, you don’t need to start a relationship with the first person you meet, but you should spend less time at work and go on several dates. Those who are in a relationship are advised to pay more attention to their loved one and not flirt “on the side.”

Family Sagittarius, born between December 2-12, must devote all their free time to children and a loved one, otherwise their personal life will completely fall apart. In January, the Yellow Dog will be favorable only to those who show reliability, devotion and seriousness towards their family. In addition, it is worth starting to listen to the advice of loved ones, because they only want the best.

Sagittarius born on December 13-21 may be drawn to love adventures in January. Due to the complete absorption of the adventure, one may miss out sincerely loving person, so you should be more picky in your relationships, and try to refrain from rash actions.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Even minus temperature outside the window will not prevent Sagittarius from realizing all their plans. Glory and honor await those who intend to become famous in 2018, and the Dog is ready to help. She will send representatives of this sign to a song competition or beauty contest. Don't like these two options? There is always an opportunity to give preference alternative option. Ill-wishers will bite their elbows in indignation, but they will not be able to stop Sagittarius. Maybe just trip him up, but that's unlikely to have any effect.

The main thing is that you don’t need to rush to spend your money; paper bills love to be carefully put in your wallet. The planet of protection for those born under this sign, Jupiter predicts stability in their personal lives. Sagittarians who have not yet met their soul mate will certainly get one. Family signs will have to go through a lot of difficulties; disputes and scandals are a common occurrence for couples. You can mentally prepare for your second honeymoon and go on vacation to warm countries. Cupid is a prankster, it’s better not to joke with him. Very soon you will be immersed in an atmosphere of crazy love affairs.

Love horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius

Sagittarians are ready to show their hypersexuality and have the opportunity to choose a partner from the crowd with whom they can build further relationships. You should choose carefully, you should take a closer look at the person, so that you don’t have to regret your decision later.

Those born in the first decade of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 1) must set their priorities correctly. Your personal life will not interfere with your career; on the contrary, it will inspire you to new achievements. Being too amorous is useless; representatives of this sign are capable of destroying everything in an instant. Take a closer look at your chosen one, maybe it’s time to settle down?

Sagittarians of the second decade (December 2-December 12) will begin to look at familiar things in a completely different way. Why not? It's time to grow up, you won't flutter like a butterfly until you're old. You need to settle down and start building a family nest. The Yellow Dog is ready to help, she even has a friend named Cupid in mind. This professional matchmaker will introduce you to a worthy partner. And Larisa Guzeeva herself will be jealous.

Sagittarius must learn to read between the lines, notice important details and live for your own pleasure. Representatives of this fire sign, born in the third decade (December 13 - December 21), get ready for adventure. There are plenty of interesting personalities on the horizon with whom you can build strong relationships. They pierce you with their sharp glances and now you are no longer able to restrain yourself, you want to immerse yourself in this sweet atmosphere of captivating intrigue. If the word registry office scares you, you can simply start living in a civil marriage and soon you will want to ring your partner. Jupiter is a mysterious planet and Sagittarius sometimes themselves do not understand what decision to make in a given situation. January 2018 suggests saying goodbye to old life, and let new emotions that excite the subconscious into your heart. It is not recommended to meet on full moon days - January 2 and 31. Dating on the new moon on January 17 will also be unfavorable.

Finance horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius

Sagittarians lack the confidence to make an important decision; they constantly doubt and carefully weigh the pros and cons. January 2018 will delight you with profitable transactions that are sure to take place. All doubts go away, because only through determination you will be able to increase your capital. Luck is closely watching you, she is ready to lend her friendly shoulder at any moment. The right attitude will allow you to earn a lot, or lose everything. Don't get carried away with gambling, stop buying lottery tickets. There are chances of winning, but they are minimal. The stars advise you to reveal your full potential, try to show off your talents. You can make good money from a hobby, the main thing is to act. Don't trust your capital to random people, scammers like to tell you beautiful fairy tales, and then disappear with your money. Even if everything happened completely differently than you imagined, try to take this life turn as calmly as possible.

The Yellow Dog is the main mentor for Sagittarius in 2018, and they must take into account every piece of advice. There is an opportunity to earn money without leaving the borders own apartment. It’s very convenient and without unnecessary nerves the treasured money will fall into your e-wallet. Open the Internet right now, there are a lot of opportunities there. Be very careful with waste this year; don’t buy unnecessary things. Online stores do not always offer high-quality goods; this should be kept in mind when ordering at affordable prices.

Health horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius

The dog advises not to self-medicate and seek help from doctors. They will quickly get you back on your feet and advise you on what medications you should take. Have you been wanting to quit smoking for a long time? The beginning of the year is just conducive to this; there is no need to be lazy. Does alcohol help you relax after work? Carefully monitor the dosage, try to control the amount you drink, alcohol in excess is a problem that needs to be dealt with. Join the gym. Have you always dreamed of visiting it regularly, but couldn’t get your thoughts together? An excellent opportunity to put your thoughts and body in order. During classes, you can immerse yourself in a world of relaxation, forget about all your worries and simply succumb to this cherished impulse. Physical activity Be sure to combine it with healthy foods. A proper diet will allow you to cleanse your body of unnecessary toxins and waste. You can even develop your own methodology and become famous throughout the Internet. Millions of fans on the World Wide Web, isn’t this what you’ve been dreaming about for so long? Sagittarius will have to gather his courage in January 2018.

The main motivation: as soon as you get your body in order, you will have a personal life. Start immediately, choose the most suitable set of exercises for yourself, and every evening before bed you can devote 20-30 minutes to your body. On weekends it's worth going to the pool, water procedures haven't bothered anyone yet. Don't be afraid to experiment with new sports, use your passion and keep immersing yourself in the atmosphere bright colors. Who knows, maybe very soon you will want to experience all the delights of extreme sports. A parachute jump will make you look at life differently and draw the right conclusions. January 2018 for Sagittarius will be a month of new opportunities, don’t miss them.

Read the monthly horoscope 2018 for other zodiac signs:

The January 2018 horoscope for Sagittarius from famous astrologers will tell representatives of the sign about the events of the first month of the year.

Vasilisa Volodina

Career: In January you will have global goals. Entrepreneurs will feel the need to take their business to new level, managers - to unite the team and increase labor productivity, hired employees - to achieve great success and decent pay. The planets will contribute to any endeavors if Sagittarius manages to advance in the profession and labor activity without violating the code of honor and decency.

Finance: In material matters, your plans for a serious purchase will mature. In this regard, you will have to tie your savings belt tighter and give up small acquisitions for the sake of a large material goal. Earn extra money or find additional sources Few Sagittarians will succeed in generating income in January. This can give rise to fear of poverty and economy bordering on stinginess. Vasilisa Volodina advises letting go of all fears and trusting your instincts.

Love: In January, love (as well as other areas of your life) will be ruled by intuition. Heaven will give you access to hidden knowledge and this will help you avoid sharp corners in relationships. The sixth sense will make your heart speak, and you have to learn to listen to it. Become more flexible and allow your loved one to be himself. Don't force him to play a role that you will later be disappointed in. And don't play yourself. Now the stars give you the opportunity to be loved by each other, without betraying yourself and your principles. This is how mature love is born.

Health: Your health will be jeopardized by your inability to resist bad habits and the temptation of January hospitable feasts. Your body is not in in better shape and may respond with loss of strength, weakened immunity and diseases that will not be easy to overcome.

Pavel Globa

Career: The stars have placed your career successes entirely in your hands. It will depend only on your determination, business acumen and professional “sense of smell” whether you can achieve the heights that you have been seriously thinking about since last year. Take action! January is perfect for this! During the full moon on January 31, all Sagittarius will have a real opportunity to establish cooperation with foreign partners or receive a lucrative job offer abroad.

Finance: In terms of finance, January will not be the most profitable month. You will have more planned expenses than your budget allows. Some Sagittarius may generally underestimate their financial capabilities and be left with nothing after the holiday spending. But be calm about your financial situation. Strong and wealthy patrons, with whom you may not even be familiar yet, will help you not to cross the poverty line.

Love: Pavel Globa compiled love horoscope for Sagittarius according to their period of birth:

  • November 23 – December 1: Victories in love will help raise self-esteem, career, and material well-being to the desired level.
  • December 2 – December 12: Be more mature and responsible in your relationship with your loved one, otherwise your innermost feelings will come under attack.
  • December 13 – December 21: Trust your own heart and love, it will open you up and allow you to experience hitherto unknown feelings.

Health: Ignoring the first calls that a sick body sends you is a crime against your own health. Colds are possible in January. Do not forget that prevention is better and more effective than any treatment.

Tamara Globa

Career: Don't expect too much from January great activity in the business field. Although it all depends on your work situation. If you have unfinished projects that should have been done last year, then in January you will move at triple speed. Businessmen can start the year by concluding lucrative deals, while employees will receive offers that will be difficult to refuse.

Finance: In January money situation will be consistently positive only on the condition that you do not engage in dubious financial transactions and thoughtlessly risk money. Tamara Globa also warns you against gambling and testing your luck in lotteries. In January, the stars may play a cruel joke on you and leave you without a livelihood. It is more advisable to start looking for additional income on the Internet in January.

Love: Some Sagittarius have a very serious crisis brewing in their relationships. The middle of winter threatens to greatly cool feelings, and if you cannot find a compromise and cope with emotions, then it will be difficult to return them even to the previous degree of warmth and trust. Fortunately for many representatives of the sign, the disagreement will turn out to be unifying and may end in a joint romantic journey or even the birth of a child.

Health: The condition of your body is now satisfactory. However, the stars hint at your dependence on harmful delicacies and warn about the high risk of making enemies for your body through unhealthy eating. You won't get away with the excesses that you allow yourself in January.

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