The girl was censored by the dog. General and love horoscope: Dog-woman. Horoscope: Dog woman in a permanent relationship

I work as a security guard, night watchman. The work is such that it requires frequent night walks in uncrowded places. Our metal depot is adjacent to the river, the cemetery is in direct sight, a gypsy settlement is nearby, which does not add comfort. After my shift, I take a short route home - there’s a makeshift bridge across the river, then you walk about a hundred meters through the reeds, and then you’re on the bus heading home. You can, of course, walk half a kilometer to the big bridge, but who would do that?
So that day I finished at ten in the evening, turned in my shift and went. Sober as glass, I walk through the reed thickets, and here a woman walks ahead, shining a flashlight. From the factory ones, apparently. Young, tight white pants. Well, like any normal guy, I slowed down so that this beauty could be in sight longer. She walked slowly, and in order to lag behind, I stopped and sat down to tie my shoelace, and she disappeared around the bend in the path. But I must say that the dogs there, fed from the factory, are not that angry, but they love to bark - fear. Especially one male is white, with a black spot on his lip; they call him Hitler. And so, as soon as she disappeared around the bend, I went to catch up, and suddenly the dogs not only barked, but started tearing. I added more - I think I’ll get the lady away from the dogs, maybe she’ll smile, and maybe she’ll agree to go to the tavern? Suddenly there was a heart-rending female squeal, a cry: “Come on, let’s go!!!” I run around the bend... and there Hitler lies, striped like a fish, his intestines on the ground, his back part with his legs separate, still twitching. I didn’t immediately realize anything, I turned my head, but the woman was not there, the reeds had been trampled towards the river - apparently she had rushed there. And then another squeal - something about the dog’s mother - and half the dog flies out of the reeds into the air, torn as if old newspaper, blood scatters in all directions... brrrr. And in the reeds something large splashes on the water. And then the lantern turned in my direction. I look - and under the woman’s feet there is a half of a dog’s back... And she looks at me, this woman, she looks at me in a bad way. Appreciatively. My legs were in my hands, and then I rushed back... It’s good that they hadn’t locked the gate yet - I jumped into it, pushed the bolt and didn’t stick my head out anywhere until the morning. He told the men that there was no light at home.
I went to that place in the morning, but it’s clear that so much meat won’t last long. Our Hitler's dogs dragged him away, blood doesn't last long in the mud, all traces are trampled reeds and dog bones.
I worked there for only a week after that, and was transferred to another place. The shift workers later said at the operative desk that a woman came and asked about the red-haired security guard, that is, me, but she couldn’t tell me by name, and they didn’t tell her anything.

Thanks to her appearance and demeanor, the Dog woman gives the impression of a strong personality. She is uncompromising, ambitious, generous, does nothing half-heartedly, and has a huge amount of patience. She has a masculine logical mind, a strong character and enough tenacity to achieve her goals.

She is undoubtedly smart, intelligent, romantic, but at the same time she is passive and lacks self-confidence. She does a lot of soul-searching and self-eating, so despite her abilities, life often passes her by, and she remains only a spectator.

Woman at work - Dog Chinese horoscope she is disciplined and responsible, has excellent organizational skills, and often achieves goals using sex. IN cheerful companies behaves with restraint. The Dog Woman is devoted with her soul home, children. But you can’t expect sexual fidelity from her. She is not picky when choosing sexual partners.

In love, she always looks for the ideal. Her husband loves her, is jealous, but at the same time easily leaves her for new love, without regretting it at all. She needs it hard and strong man nearby, who would help her find her path and realize her creative potential.

Woman born in the year of the Dog

Unlike male Dogs, female Dogs are more energetic; they are often absorbed in hectic activity with a minimum of respite. The Dog has simple but confused emotional speech; he easily succumbs to irritation and anger, but is also quick-witted. In her youth she can be a rebel; any injustice causes her to protest.

The Dog Woman has a great need for respect, appreciates the trust placed in her and shows concern for people dear to her heart. Her responsiveness and devotion can extend to the point of self-denial. The worst thing for a Dog is to be disappointed in people, friends, partners, loved ones, etc. The more disappointments in her life, the more callous and cynical she becomes, the more she limits her circle of friends, and the more she can remain alone for a long time.

For a Dog woman, it is very important to find a permanent life partner and be fulfilled in the family. As you know, unlike a busy cat, a Dog belongs to its owner, and a woman of this sign will be happy under the auspices of a strong man. This does not mean at all that the Dog’s purpose is to “serve,” but rather to find his patron.

Grigory would never have celebrated his thirtieth birthday, but the guys organized everything themselves. I had to give them a bottle. And so I would return home. Well, I would call my parents. But I wouldn’t go to them, no. Again they will look into his eyes and sigh - the old men were still waiting for him to bring them his daughter-in-law.

But Grigory dreamed of only one thing: to live quietly, alone. He was always unlucky with women. Until the tenth grade, he was not interested in them at all, and when he became interested, he realized: no one would look at him, clumsy and pimply. He looked at himself in the mirror - it was disgusting. It was much easier, holding his organ in his fist, imagining some blond beauty and... He made do with his fist.

When I worked as a mechanic at the DEZ, some lively women sometimes suddenly offered to drink tea or have lunch there. But he guessed what kind of tea was waiting for him, and refused. He came home in the evening, had a snack, lay down on the sofa and watched TV, and then, turning off the light, he remembered some housewife, for example, the one who met him today in the short | robe over his naked body, although he, having called, immediately said that a mechanic had arrived... And although the memory of this did not excite him at all, his hand habitually stretched down.

Okay, he'll celebrate his birthday and then go home. But the guys from the brigade, it turns out, had prepared a gift for him - a small puppy, white with dark spots. The guys insisted that it was “almost a Great Dane,” or rather a Great Dane, because the puppy turned out to be a bitch.

Grigory was confused. What does he need a dog for? You need to walk with her, feed her. He was about to somehow get out of the gift, but the puppy looked tenderly into his eyes, poked his wet nose into his palm and licked it. And Gregory, stuffing the gift into his bosom, took it home.

There really was a lot of fuss with the dog: she didn’t eat this, she didn’t eat that, then we had to take her to the vet because she caught distemper. Grigory barely pumped her out.

But six months later, a dog of rare beauty reigned in his house. Vera - that's what he called her. Grigory became incredibly attached to her and pampered her as best he could: he bought some imported plastic bones, toys, this newfangled food in tin cans. And on weekends they went to the forest and wandered there for hours, and Grigory told Vera about his life, he told it like no one had ever done before. And it seemed to him that the dog listened to him and understood. Sometimes he sang, and Vera howled to him.

One evening, when he was lying in the dark, indulging in his usual entertainment, Vera suddenly jumped up on the bed. Grigory was suddenly overcome with incredible excitement. He grabbed Vera by the hind legs, dragged her towards him and raped her. However, it wasn’t “rape” - the dog didn’t resist, didn’t snap back

From that evening everything went on. Then there was a break for six months - Vera’s heat ended. Grigory understood that a dog’s nature was different, but sometimes it seemed to him that if he tried again, the dog would not use its teeth and claws. He hoped that Vera felt that he was not a dog, and kissed his beautiful, intelligent, spotted muzzle...

His parents were extremely pleased. Grigory had changed so much, such happiness was written on his face that they had no doubt: finally their son had found his only one.

But the happiness did not last long. A new foreman arrived, and the working day increasingly ended in heavy drinking. Grigory quickly became involved and ended up in the sobering-up station a couple of times. The head of the DEZ called for a follow-up, but since the conversations were of no use, he eventually fired Grigory and his two drinking companions.

There was nothing left to feed Vera. In the evenings, Grigory sat in the littered kitchen and cried. But his tears did not touch Vera. When the owner tried to reach out to pet her, the dog bared his fangs and growled angrily.

Grigory tried to collect bottles, but the surrounding territory had long been divided among the local drunks, and he was beaten. He tried to beg near the metro, hanging a sign on his chest that he was asking for alms to feed his dog, but the pitiful pennies that he managed to beg did not change the situation. Grigory returned home with fear, afraid to see Vera’s hungry, evil eyes. Sometimes he even thought about killing the dog. And then - yourself.

But one evening, former friends from the brigade came to see him. They offered a profitable, albeit dangerous, business. They said they have one in mind rich apartment— money, equipment, breeches, icons; The owners are such misers, there is no need to stand on ceremony with them. The guy there is frail, and the woman and the child don’t count. And what money!

Grigory looked at the emaciated Vera, into her not at all dog eyes and agreed.

They tied up the woman and child, locked them in the bathroom, gagged their mouths and covered their faces with towels for good measure. The owner was stunned. We found even more than we expected.

The accomplices honestly gave a third to Grigory. He managed to sell the gold ring and fed Vera for two days.

And on the third day he already gave evidence in the pre-trial detention center.

Afterword by a forensic psychiatrist

During the investigation, Grigory often cried. He knew that the owner of the apartment had suffered a severe concussion, and his wife and daughter had suffocated. Gregory did not want this. He just wanted to get money to feed the dog! Even now he was constantly worried not about his fate, but because the dog would be lost without him. Investigator! doubted his mental state and ordered an examination. Grigory told the experts that he heard Vera’s voice outside the window all the time, and begged them to let him go see the dog. He did not deny that the dog caused extraordinary sexual arousal, but added that he simply loved her and trusted her very much. Grigory considered himself quite normal, but, as he put it, not quite human. Looking sadly at the doctor, he admitted that he was probably a bit of a dog himself...

A sexopathological examination revealed underdevelopment of the secondary genital organs, minimum dimensions penis, female-pattern hair growth, and noticeable arousal when seeing images of dogs.

The expert commission recognized Gregory as a psychopathic personality of the schizoid type with sexual perversions (bestiality) and insane in relation to the crimes committed.

Bestiality has been known for a long time as a sexual disorder. Legends about the swan and Ice arose a long time ago; it is not even known exactly when the Book of Leviticus was written, which says: “And do not lie down with any cattle, so as to pour yourself out and become defiled by it; and a woman should not stand in front of cattle to have intercourse with them. This is disgusting." The history of punishment for such sexual behavior also dates back thousands of years. In Rome they were fined, in Byzantium it was proposed to cut off the penis. In medieval Germany and France, such a relationship with an animal could lead to the stake. The Military Charter of Peter the Great states that this entails “cruel punishment on the body.” WITH early XIX century, universal punishment for bestiality is established only when it is public. Secret - you can!..

Despite the above examples of terrible punishments, some cultures in certain historical periods probably tolerated bestiality as a kind of variety, but not allowed to everyone and certainly not in an open form. For example, bas-reliefs of the classical world indicate the spread of bestiality in Greece and Rome. Plutarch’s stories about a woman’s love for sacred bulls also tell about him.

For thousands of years, such facts were not considered within the framework of mental disorders, sexual disorders, it is difficult to judge how often people enter into sexual relations with animals. It is believed that this is available permanent contacts with animals a solitary lifestyle, as well as an inferior psyche. Most psychiatrists, both past and present, believe that the disorder described does not occur in completely mentally ill people. healthy people— its background is organic brain damage, psychopathy, mental retardation, simply borderline mental retardation, schizophrenia, etc. Usually bestiality (like other drive disorders) is just one of the signs of mental ill-being.

Cancer-Dog has a set of truly feminine qualities. She is emotional, sociable, graceful and friendly. A woman with this combination does not open her soul to the first person she meets, she is a mystery to others.

The Cancer-Dog woman is very insightful, her intuition allows her to give to people valuable advice. Although she herself is slightly reckless and capricious, these traits add feminine charm to her.

In love

Woman of this combination attractive to men. She's hard to please, to win her heart you have to have strong character And non-standard approach to courtship. If you managed to conquer Cancer-Dog, then the man will be fully rewarded. He is a caring, interesting and loyal person.

In the family

Cancer-Dog is created for family life. She is a skilled cook and hospitable hostess, a woman is able to organize cozy home. Close people love her, Cancer-Dog knows how to build warm relationships.

It's easy to worry about her difficult times, she finds the strength to cope with difficulties. The financial issue is important for her, but Cancer-Dog will not escalate the situation in the event of financial difficulties. Her moral spirit and support help to find a way out of a difficult situation.

A woman with the Dog sign has certain difficulties in openly demonstrating her feelings, and it depends only on her partner how much he can calm her down, make her open up and relax.

Such a woman has a double sexual appetite: the cold and reserved Yang part of her nature seeks physical satisfaction of sexuality, and the more feminine Yin part knows how to be tender and expects tenderness as payment for the fact that the level of security at such a moment has decreased somewhat.

She is attracted to sexual partners who are somewhat reserved (like herself) or somewhat strange (to put it mildly).

A woman with the Dog sign never forgets anything, she remembers everything, and her unpleasant memories come back to her exactly when needed.

Looking far into the future, she leaves behind (in the past) her emotional experiences and mental traumas, expecting that a new romantic relationship will help her forget the past and plunge into a state of serene peace.

A faithful and reliable “fighting friend” of her lover, a woman with the sign of the Dog adheres to strict moral principles and subconsciously equates sex and love. This is why such a woman becomes very attached to her partner immediately after their relationship moves to the physical level.

Serious and thoughtful, she needs a loyal partner who will support her in everything, both in life and in bed.

Remember that, despite her gender, a woman with the Dog sign remains entirely Yang, and this cannot be changed. That's why she really needs strong man to support her in difficult times.

In order for sex to be scorching and filled with passion, such a woman needs a partner on whom she can completely rely, who she can completely trust and be sure that he will not escape from her.

She knows how to keep secrets and expects the same decency from her partner: what happens between them in the bedroom should not come out.

In search of the man of her dreams, her soul mate, a woman with the sign of the Dog must kiss more than one “monster” before one of them turns into a handsome prince.

Her man must understand the deep anxiety and sense of responsibility that has settled in her soul forever.

This woman simply cannot live without tenderness and emotional support, without this she dies and wastes away.

But ironically, she herself suffers because she cannot show how much she loves a man.

Like men with the sign of the Dog, her emotional maturity comes much later, in middle age, when her mentality and spirituality have already risen to a very high level. high level. She is an excellent candidate for late marriage.

A woman with the sign of the Dog (as well as a man of this sign) loves partners older than herself. Any experienced, mature and strong man who is able to demonstrate his power can master it.

The hidden element that rules the Year of the Dog is the earth, and this “groundedness” is clearly manifested in the style of sexuality of such a woman. She treats sex in a simple way: if you want, take it, but if you want, don’t take it. This attitude can excite men, but it can also irritate them and even repel them (it all depends on the candidate).

Intimate relationships with a woman of the Dog sign are not distinguished by their diversity and imagination. They prefer simple and straightforward sex - no sexual “tricks” or “twists”. It is enough for them to have regular sex. For them, the main thing in sex is not variety, but safety.

Despite all this, such a lady cannot be called cold, like a fish; her sensuality is deep and strong. In bed, she can show her artistry, and if she decides to experiment with her lover, he is unlikely to be disappointed.

She is very sensitive to sounds of any kind and completely eliminates any distractions from the bedroom. The only sound stimulus for such a lady is the grunts and moans of lust escaping from the chest of her partner, begging her to continue what she started.

In addition to the fact that a woman with the Dog sign has exceptional hearing, she has a keen sense of smell and taste. She persists for a long time before she tries some kind of medicine or something, in her opinion, inedible.

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