Electrician courses on secondary circuits. Electrician installing switchgear and secondary circuits. Cost and schedule of classes

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 3 ETKS
The release was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/06/2007 N 243
(as amended: Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 N 679, dated April 30, 2009 N 233)

Electrician by distribution devices And secondary circuits

§ 427. Electrician for distribution devices and secondary circuits of the 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Installation and sealing of fastening parts. Production of small fastening parts and gaskets that do not require precise dimensions. Manually driving in grounding electrodes. Coloring of wires and tires. Punching nests, holes and grooves along the finished markings manually. Unpacking equipment and removing packaging material. Cleaning and wiping down equipment. Installation and removal of used scaffolding.

Must know: main brands of wires used; assortment of non-ferrous and ferrous metals; types of basic materials used in the manufacture and installation of electrical structures; main types of fasteners and small structures; main types of tools used for electrical installation work Oh; electrical diagrams of mounted switchgears and secondary circuits.

§ 428. Electrician for switchgear and secondary circuits of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Installation of dowels. Sealing passages for all types of wiring and grounding buses through walls and ceilings. Rolling out wires with installation of drums. Installation of grounding networks and neutralizing devices. Equipment painting. Removing distribution points (cabinets) closed or open type. Dismantling of simple devices and instruments (support insulators, switches and switches with lever drive, fuses, rheostats, current and voltage transformers, etc.). Punching holes with a power tool. Cleaning weld spots with a power tool. Manufacturing of decking and scaffolding. Installation of busbar holders on insulator support columns. Procurement of materials and equipment for electrical installation work in residential, cultural and administrative buildings.

Must know: main types of fasteners and fittings; design of used instruments, electrical devices and electrified and pneumatic tools; electrical diagrams of mounted devices and circuits; device and methods of using simple rigging equipment; rules for the acquisition of materials and equipment for electrical installation work in residential, cultural and administrative buildings.

§ 429. Electrician for distribution devices and secondary circuits of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Connection, termination and connection of wires of all brands with a cross-section of up to 240 mm2 using various methods, except welding. Installation of protective devices, casings and fences. Marking of laid pipes and bends. Fastening structures and devices using powder tools. Crimping of tips in the explosion chamber. Soldering lugs to wire cores. Checking and adjusting electromagnetic current and voltage relays. Installation of staples and metal supporting structures. Fastening structures by gluing. Insulation resistance measurement. Gasket of steel and plastic pipes in furrows, on floors, on walls, trusses and columns. Laying of perforated mounting profiles. Procurement of materials and equipment for electrical installation work in industrial buildings and on engineering structures. Reinforcement and installation of support insulators, fuses, additional resistances for voltages over 1 kV. Installation of low-impedance shunt resistors. Installation of slabs made of insulating materials and protective frames. Installation and preparation for welding of parts of open and shielded busbars (compensators, casings, screens, contact plates, flanges, etc.). Manufacturing of oil pipelines. Winding a magnetizing winding onto the transformer tank. Testing of insulators (except for tests in an explosion chamber). Preparation and bending of tires, slopes, loops and jumpers. Installation of valves, taps, fittings, pressure gauges and thermometers. Taking oil samples. Assembly of fittings and insulators into insulating hangers for switchgear substations. Filling equipment with oil and draining oil. Inspection and installation of valves on pipelines during the installation of transformers. Continuity of wires.

Must know: main types of distribution devices; methods for measuring insulation resistance; electrical diagrams of mounted switchgears; methods of connecting, terminating and connecting wires of all brands with a cross-section of up to 240 mm2; methods for marking steel and plastic pipes and bends; rules for slinging and moving serviced equipment; device and methods of using mechanized rigging equipment; construction of powder tools and rules for caring for them; arrangement of explosion chambers for crimping tips; purpose of relay protection; methods of installation of switchgears; installation of equipment for drying and filling oil; arrangement of main components and parts of transformers; rules for the acquisition of materials and equipment for electrical installation work in industrial buildings and engineering structures.

§ 430. Electrician for switchgears and secondary circuits of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Connection, termination and connection of wires of all brands with a cross-section over 240 mm2 by all methods, except welding. Installation of disconnectors, separators, short circuiters, grounding switches, arresters and surge arresters with voltages up to 220 kV. Installation of load switches, boxes with signaling devices and relays and interlocks. Installation of voltage and current transformers with voltage up to 220 kV. Installation of power transformers, autotransformers and reactors with power up to 63 thousand kVA, voltage up to 220 kV and power up to 125 thousand kVA, voltage up to 110 kV. Testing of insulators in an explosion chamber. Installation of SF6 cells with voltage up to 220 kV. Installation of block transportable devices (UTB). Installation of concrete reactors weighing up to 3 tons. Preparation and installation of main prefabricated and branch busbars, flexible bends and expansion joints with a cross-section of up to 1000 mm2. Installation of ready-made packages and blocks of tires weighing up to 250 kg. Phasing of devices. Taking measurements and drawing up sketches when installing equipment. Testing and installation of radiators. Installation of oil pumps. Installation of busbar trunking from double aluminum channels. Installation of silumin support rings on structures. Assembly of blind corners of busbars during preliminary preparation of blocks. Laying of busbars with axial alignment and fastening with locks. Installation of high-frequency communication equipment, protection and telemechanics (except for connection filters and resonant suppressors). Installation of installations such as "Dry wind" and "Rime". Installation of shielded conductors. Installation oil switches. Installation of air circuit breakers with voltage up to 110 kV. Installation of rigid busbars for switchgears. Marking and laying of wires of all brands and sections (except for hazardous areas).

Must know: electrical diagrams of the mounted equipment; methods of installation, pre-installation inspection, drying and regulation of electrical equipment with voltage up to 220 kV; methods of connecting, terminating and connecting wires of all brands with a cross-section over 240 mm2; rules for marking installation sites for supporting structures, equipment, wire and bus routes; rules for taking measurements and drawing up sketches of individual wiring assemblies, structures, assemblies and units of electrical equipment for production at stands and in workshops; rules for assembling and fastening open and shielded busbars; the order of phasing of completed wiring and methods for checking completed circuits; insulation characteristics of transformers.

§ 431. Electrician for switchgears and secondary circuits of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Marking the axes of equipment installation sites. Measurements and drawing up sketches of the installation of individual equipment units. Installation and regulation of complete switchgears and individual blocks and units. Installation of air circuit breakers, current and voltage transformers, disconnectors, arresters, surge arresters and grounding switches with voltages up to 750 kV. Installation of power transformers, autotransformers and reactors with a power of up to 250 thousand kVA, voltage up to 750 kV. Installation of SF6 cells with voltage over 220 kV. Installation of concrete reactors weighing over 3 tons. Installation and inspection of complex electrical equipment. Installation of electrical equipment weighing over 3 tons. Preparation and installation of main, prefabricated and branch busbars, flexible bends and expansion joints with a cross-section of over 1000 mm2. Installation of ready-made packages and blocks of tires weighing over 250 kg. Installation of resonant barriers and connection filters. Installation of supporting structures for open and shielded busbars. Docking when installing sections of busbars (straight and at an angle). Testing of hydraulic and air drives. Installation of banks of static capacitors. Assembling and checking bolted contact connections. Control heating and drying of transformers. Installation of transformer cooling systems. Taking measurements and drawing up sketches for the installation of complex electrical equipment and its individual components.

Must know: electrical diagrams; methods of installation, inspection and drying of electrical equipment with voltage up to 750 kV and methods of its regulation; methods for installing wires and cables of all brands; technical characteristics of transformers; installation of electrical installations; technical conditions for commissioning of installed electrical equipment; rules for performing work in hazardous areas; rules for implementing relay protection of mounted equipment.

§ 432. Electrician for distribution devices and secondary circuits of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Installation of power transformers, autotransformers and reactors with a capacity of over 250 thousand kVA and a voltage of over 750 kV. Installation of air circuit breakers, current and voltage transformers, disconnectors and arresters with voltages over 750 kV. Installation and inspection of unique electrical equipment. Taking measurements and drawing up installation sketches of individual units of unique equipment.

Must know: design and electrical diagrams of the installed equipment; methods of installation, inspection and drying of electrical equipment with voltages over 750 kV and methods of its regulation; electric drive systems remote control, their structure and principle of operation.

Secondary vocational education required.

A secondary circuit electrician is a worker who performs installation and installation of various protective systems, control and alarm systems. When performing work in electrical circuits, it is mandatory to have sufficient qualifications of the worker, as well as an electrician’s certificate confirming this qualification. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to undergo training as an electrician in secondary circuits in a specialized educational institution professional additional education- Stroy-Certificate. Training center Stroy-Certificate MSK conducts educational activities for more than 9 years, during which thousands of workers and construction specialists have successfully passed certification and are working at their enterprises. We managed to find an approach to our clients so that they could undergo certification quickly and comfortably.

Courses for electricians on secondary circuits

This course of study includes training in your chosen form of study (full-time or part-time), certification and issuance of documents. When studying on full-time courses, attendance at classes with teachers in classrooms in Moscow is required. When choosing the distance learning method, all you need is an Internet connection. Correspondence courses for electrical installers on secondary circuits are a full course of theoretical studies that you will complete independently, without leaving home and without interrupting your main activity. Many of our clients have already chosen this training method and were very satisfied, try it too!

Electrician's certificate for secondary circuits

After completing the courses, regardless of the chosen form of training, you must pass a knowledge assessment on the topics studied to confirm the qualifications obtained. If you successfully pass the exam, you will be assigned a rank corresponding to your qualifications, issued an electrician's certificate for secondary circuits of the established type, as well as a knowledge test report with the points obtained for the exam. All documents are signed by members of the commission and certified with a seal Training center, which confirms their authenticity and action.

Recertification, knowledge testing

We remind you that the validity of the certificate must be renewed by passing mandatory annual knowledge tests! If there is no renewal, the certificate is considered invalid after 12 months from the last renewal mark. For all questions related to the training and certification of electricians on secondary circuits, please call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section, we will be happy to help you!

_ 444. Electrician for secondary circuits, 2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Performing simple work when installing secondary circuits.

Must know: main brands of wires and cables. Assortment of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Basic materials used in the installation of electrical equipment. Main types of fasteners and small structures. The main types of tools used for electrical installation work. The simplest electrical circuits.

Examples of work. Installation and sealing of fastening parts (screws, rollers). Removing the top jute cover of the cable manually. Production of small fastening parts and gaskets that do not require precise dimensions. Coloring of wires and cables.

_ 445. Electrician for secondary circuits, 3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Execution simple work for installation of secondary circuits.

Must know: main types of fasteners and structures. Basic types of electrical equipment. Types and methods of electrical wiring. Fundamentals of the design of simple instruments, electrical devices and used electrified and pneumatic tools. Simple electrical circuits. The device and methods of use are simple rigging means. Species welding equipment, used for electrical installation work, and the rules for using it.

Examples of work. Cutting cables with voltage up to 10 kV with temporary termination of ends. Installation of dowels. Sealing passages for all types of wiring through walls and ceilings. Rolling out wires and cables with installation of drums. Installation of grounding networks and neutralizing devices. Dismantling of simple devices and instruments (support insulators, switches and switches with lever drive, fuses, rheostats, current and voltage transformers, etc.). Punching holes with a power tool. Installation of branch boxes for cables and wires.

_ 446. Electrician for secondary circuits 4 categories

Characteristics of the work. Performing work of medium complexity on the installation of secondary circuits.

Must know: basics of installed electrical equipment. The order of arrangement of fittings. Methods for measuring insulation resistance. Electrical diagrams medium difficulty. Methods for connecting, terminating and joining wires and cores of cables of all brands with a cross-section of up to 70 mm2. Methods for marking steel and plastic pipes, cables and bends. Rules for slinging and moving equipment. Device and methods of using mechanized rigging equipment. The design of assembly piston guns, hydraulic and impact-rotary action tools, rules for their care and use. Purpose of relay protection. Operating principle and circuits of overcurrent protection. Rules for assembling materials and equipment for performing electrical installation work in industrial buildings and engineering structures.

Examples of work. Connection, termination and connection of wires, cable cores of all brands with a cross-section of up to 70 mm2, by all methods, except welding. Installation of protective devices, casings and fences. Fastening structures and devices using a piston mounting gun. Soldering or crimping lugs to cable and wire cores. Checking and adjusting electromagnetic current and voltage relays. Installation of brackets and metal support structures. Fastening structures by gluing. Laying cable trays and perforated mounting profiles. Procurement of materials and equipment for electrical installation work in industrial buildings and engineering structures. Installation of steel boxes and strips for laying wires. Installation of control, measuring and signaling devices, not equipped with recording devices, according to ready-made markings. Marking and connecting the ends of wires when installing secondary circuits of medium complexity. Installation of terminal blocks, measurement of insulation resistance. Installation of KSA type devices and their adjustment. Testing of wires and cables.

_ 447. Electrician for secondary circuits, 5th category

Characteristics of the work. Carrying out complex work on installation of secondary circuits.

Must know: electrical diagrams of mounted electrical equipment and methods for checking them. Rules for marking installation sites for supporting structures, equipment and routes for laying wires and cables. Rules for taking measurements and drawing up sketches of individual wiring units for production at stands and in workshops. The order of phasing of completed wiring and methods for checking completed circuits. Methods for checking control and alarm devices.

Examples of work. Laying wires and cables in bundles in boxes, trays and on strings. Installation of all types of terminations of control and special cables. Marking of wires laid between devices and clamps on panels and control panels. Marking installation locations measuring instruments, protection and control devices and installation of devices equipped with recording devices. Taking measurements and drawing up sketches of individual wiring assemblies for production at stands and in workshops.

_ 448. Electrician for secondary circuits, 6th category

Characteristics of the work. Performing particularly complex work on the installation of secondary circuits.

Must know: methods of cutting and installation of high-voltage and control cables. Designs of distribution boards, consoles, control panels and protection of station units. Electrical circuits, methods for testing and regulating electrical equipment. Methods for installing wires and cables of all brands. Specifications transformers. Construction of electrical installations. Specifications for putting objects into operation. Rules for performing work in hazardous areas. General information about relay protection.

Examples of work. Marking places for laying wires and cables according to secondary switching diagrams. Continuity test of the mounted circuit. Installation of couplings on control cables. Preparing instruments and devices for switching on.


Carry out electrical installation from scratch on a turnkey basis according to the project. Responsibility, conscientious attitude to implementation job responsibilities. Electrician for Secondary Circuits M3 vacancies... from 30,000 to 45,000

at: data.gov.ru - 5 days ago


alarm, warning systems, fire extinguishing PunctualityTraining Ability to work in a teamResponsibility Electrician Secondary circuits of work... 15200

at: rabota.resumet.su - 8 days ago

GAZINFORMSERVICE LLC - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Participation in commissioning works on implementation and acceptance testing. Participation in technical support of customer systems. Carry out cabling of communication lines and installation of used equipment... electrician for secondary... from 45000 to 45000

at: data.gov.ru - 8 days ago

Limited Liability Company "ZapSibEnergo" - Tyumen region

Carrying out work on the construction of secondary circuits. Job on a rotational basis. Carrying out work on the construction of secondary circuits. Work on a rotational basis. from 67500 to 80000

at: data.gov.ru - 13 days ago

NPF Information systems security - Tomsk region, Tomsk(+1 city)

Responsibilities: -Quality, quick installation, commissioning work and maintenance of security systems (security systems, access control systems, video surveillance, etc.). Requirements: -Experience in installing fire and security...

on: vakansia.net (+4 sources) - 13 days ago


Perform job duties according to instructions. During the interview Conscientious attitude towards performing job duties from 25,000 to 50,000

at: data.gov.ru - 15 days ago

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "TEHNIK" - Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

Availability of secondary specialized education in this profession; work experience of at least one year Requirements for the candidate: 25,000 rubles.

at: vakansia.net - 14 days ago

OOO "PROFILE" - Orenburg region

performance of official duties in accordance with job description availability technical education, no work experience requirements. Salary 11383.6 plus incentive payments. from 13950

at: data.gov.ru - 12 days ago

LLC Corporation AK ESKM - Krasnodar region, Krasnodar(+1 city)

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