Popular beauty salons in America. The US beauty industry is the sphere of beauty salons. Marina Evseeva reports. The best names of beauty salons

The beauty salon plan is ready, what's missing? Titles. I want something creative and unforgettable. I want “Magnolia” and “Bagheera”. Wait!

This article is a guide. With its help, it’s easy to come up with a name for a beauty salon that makes a profit. Focus not on creativity and magnolias, but on efficiency. It is important for you that the business is profitable, and the name should contribute to this. What it will be like - the answers are in this material.

The name of the beauty salon is his name. The client must remember the “name” of your business in order to come back again, find it at home via the Internet, or recommend it to friends.

The name of a beauty salon that generates income should be short, easy to remember and understandable. It carries a strong emotion, assessment or characteristic of the business and its specifics. When developing a name, think about how easy it is to read, pronounce, and pronounce.

The name is a very short description of the entire salon. If it meets all the listed requirements, clients will easily remember it. Therefore, before coming up with a name, write down the business concept and familiarize yourself with it. How does it differ from others, what is its style and what audience is it intended for. What is its design associated with, what associations do you want to evoke.

Profit-generating salon name: less creativity

We hear dissatisfied murmurs. And we will explain. The time has come when the creativity in the name has crossed all boundaries. “Baba Yaga”, “Magdalene” and “Tsintskaro Style” (Tsintskaro is a Georgian village) appeared on the city streets.

Of course, these names stand out among others. They're even easy to remember. But such fame is unlikely to have a positive impact on the image of the beauty salon. Such creative names have a strong emotional connotation, they are figurative, and easy to pronounce. However, few people want to go to a beauty salon that promises service in a Georgian village. Even if the quality of services is high.

Why does excessive ingenuity only harm the image? Salons offer services and a level of service above average. That is, this business itself is positioned as elite. This also applies to salons designed for the middle class. The initially inherent respectability should be reflected in the name. Creative naming is more suitable for businesses in the middle and low price segment. Either for the young target audience. When going through options for naming a beauty salon to attract success, be extremely careful with your creative thought.

How to name a beauty salon without using names

Names - big problem beauty salons. You just have to come to terms with the fact that women don’t like establishments named after other women’s names. Whether it's Love or Marisabel. The many “Cleopatras” that appeared at once made this name forbidden. But that doesn’t mean that names like “Victor” or “Vincent” will double revenue.

In what case will someone's name act as a name for a beauty salon that generates income? Only if it is a profitable image move. For example, a studio named after Sergei Zverev will be successful, since the name is a brand. Guarantor of a certain level and quality of services. But “Beauty Studio Tatyana Kozlova” will not have such success. Moreover, it is not clear why to write completely Russian in completely Latin letters.

Often the names of world stars are used in the name, which should create a certain atmosphere and set the general tone of the beauty salon. For example, “Tiffany”, “Brando” or “MARLEN”. Although, the name “Strauss” still raises some questions.

How to name a beauty salon to attract success without mythology

Believe me, there are many ways to come up with a wonderful name for your salon. Just don't be guided by mythology.

Myths have become an encyclopedia of names for beauty salons. Artemis, Athens and, of course, Aphrodites were located in large numbers throughout the city. Number of goddesses lately has decreased, but the topic of myths still dominates the minds of entrepreneurs. Only them. Clients have long been confused in the Valkyrie, Helios and Aphrodite salons.

Beauty salon name: safe words

Among all the names that look either outdated or inappropriate, there are words whose use is strictly prohibited. They are the anti-answer to the question of what to name a beauty salon to attract success. We categorically prohibit them.

  • Firstly, about the remnants. Many ideas smell like mothballs. Unfortunately, the mothball smell has not yet been eradicated and new names are appearing on old themes. Let's be honest: the play on words looks very sad; it was good in the 2000s, when it seemed new. All “Swifts” are sad and reek of the post-Soviet space.
  • Secondly, about various kinds prefixes that indicate the high quality of the establishment. For example, “Elite”, “Gloris-Lux”, “Di Lux”, “Fashion Avenue Vegas”, “Best”. These words reek of extreme budgeting.
  • Thirdly, about obviousness. Entrepreneurs can go to great lengths to demonstrate the uniqueness and individuality of a business. This is how mysterious, intricate, unpronounceable names appear. They are meaningless. They are forgotten immediately after reading. No name - no salon. Consider your business non-existent if your brand is not memorable.

For you: “Solisun”, “Ottone”, “Lette”, “Etisel”. What associations, emotions and synonyms do these words evoke? No way.

Profitable name for a beauty salon: be careful, Latin!

English, Italian and French words sound mysterious and noble. However, often it is almost impossible to pronounce them, or only a few people know the translation. Euphony for the sake of euphony does not promote memorization. If you decide to name your beauty salon with a foreign word to attract clients, make sure it is easy to pronounce and the meaning or message is clear to the target audience. So, “De lame” is translated as “blade”, “APACHES” is just “Apaches”, and “Le Chantage” means “to blackmail”.

Another problem associated with the Latin alphabet: the creation of neologisms or the writing of domestic words in non-national letters. In theory, this gives the name significance, in practice it causes bewilderment in most cases: “Rai”, “COSMOS SPA”, “GMTClinic”, “SEREBRO”, “Sugar”.

Or the opposite effect. Writing foreign words in Russian letters: “Elephant”, “La Belle”, “EpilCity” or “Di Lux”.

Magic names of beauty salons in Moscow

Actually here we'll talk not about the secrets of magical naming, but about the literal use of words that have a controversial relationship to the sphere of beauty. Let us repeat that we are talking about beauty salons. The following salons do not provide any specific procedures that would justify the names: “Magic”, “Mystery”, “Yin-Yang”, “Mantre”, “Wild Magic”.

Why are we talking about them separately? Towards adequacy. The name should reflect the essence of the services and the concept of the salon. If there is no connection between the name of the salon and the services provided, it will cause confusion. The entire salon will also cause confusion.

Fashionable name for a beauty salon that generates profit

Among all the capital's trends, we will name three. However, we warn you: using a trendy name is not always profitable. Why? Today - on the crest of a wave, tomorrow - irrelevant and outdated. Let us remember the widespread appearance of “Swifts” and “Aphrodite”.

  • Mention the location in the title. Informative, no frills, easy to remember. At the same time, from an image point of view, not every location should be included in the name. An example of maximum information content: “Economy class beauty studio on Dekabristov Street.”
  • Scope of activity. For what? Feigning seriousness. Unfortunately, there are an overwhelming number of such names in Moscow. So, instead of standing out, it’s easy to get lost: “Lena Lenina Manicure Studio”, “Bonnita Beauty Studio”, “World of Beauty and Health”, “OSOBA lab”, “Nikolaeva Natalia Manicure and Pedicure Studio”.
  • Food. In particular, all kinds of desserts have already become a tradition. Themes and associations, as well as room design options, can easily be linked to desserts and fruits. What we are about: “Chocolate”, “Choc Chocolate”, “Parfart”, “SPA Cocktail”, “Orange”, “Pomegranate”.

How to name a beauty salon to attract success and profit: results

We are long and under different angles studied Moscow business to find profitable beauty salon names. We specifically focused on bad examples. This will allow you to avoid the mistakes of others.

For business buyers!

If your plans are to buy an existing beauty salon as ready-made business, take the name of the sentence you choose very seriously. Changing the name is not the best best idea, since clients are conservative. Therefore, if you are going to change the concept of the acquired salon, it is better to immediately think about how the style will relate to the current name.

You can view the offers here:
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Let us remind you once again that the purpose of the name of a beauty salon is to attract customers. It should reflect the essence and concept, meet the needs of the audience, and be understandable. The right name is easy to pronounce, quick to remember, and carries key information.

The title is what will be written on your business card. And this is only part of the entire business advertising work. Want more knowledge about this? Get them using the article "

In today's material we will be pleased to introduce you to unique selection the most unusual and eccentric beauty salons that capture the imagination of visitors and attract the attention of new clients.

Let's look at unique ideas and an amazing conceptual idea implemented in these modern art projects.

25. Boob-Baring Barbers in Sydney. The hairdressing salon has an unusual format. It was created specifically for men, and the haircut is performed by topless girls.

24. Sexy Barber Shops. The beauty studio is also aimed at the stronger sex, as the employees are women dressed in sexy lingerie.

23. Retro Hollywood in New York is distinguished by its original decoration, designed in retro style.

22. 3D Hairstyle Facades in Austria has a fantastic exterior that resembles flowing hair. It attracts the close attention of lovers of grace and style.

21. Modern Punk in Dublin. The beauty studio is distinguished by its colorful interior design, designed in a modern style.

20. Otherworldly Undersea Interiors is a stunning spa unusual design and a dazzling illumination system made using multi-colored LED backlight and unique ceiling lamps.

19. Naughty Haircuts is a sports-themed franchise salon that provides men with a wide range of services, from haircuts to manicures.

18. Space Age Hair in London. The design of this complex is designed in a futuristic style, thanks to which it attracts the attention and interest of the public.

17. Emergency Room in Berlin has creative design with medical topics.

16. Hipster Salons. The establishment was decorated by specialists in an original manner. It attracts not only local residents, but also traveling travelers and show business stars.

15. Hip London Salon in London. This hip salon is decorated in a funky style, with huge windows, bright decor walls, unique furnishings and a cozy atmosphere amaze the eye with their magnetism and creativity.

14. Copper Clad Houses in Tokyo. The cosmetology center is located in modern building With original design facade made using copper tiles.

13. Hair-Inspired Architecture. The salon was designed by Israeli designers Lior Vaknin and Sabi Aroch using plasterboard structures and an unexpected green and white color palette.

12. Ultra Minimalist Salons in Osaka. The beauty studio is decorated in a minimalist style with a dominance of light colors, textured wood decoration and laconic furniture.

11. Holistic Health Hotels in Las Vegas. The incomparable design of the nail bar is made using colorful flowing draperies, original jewelry, a dazzling illumination system and multifunctional equipment.

10. Salons as Art Galleries. The hairdressing salon functions as an art studio, displaying stunning paintings by talented artists to clients.

9. Quirkily Stacked Architecture. The stunning facade of the building in the form of two multifaceted geometric cubes was designed by CAPD employees using a contrasting black and white color scheme.

8. Spaceship Beauty Parlors. The beauty studio looks like the set of a science fiction movie. The decoration was in expressive red and white color scheme, striking the eyes of visitors.

7. Anpanman Hair. Comic book lovers will definitely love this children's hair salon!

6. Beauty Parlors for Pyros in Memphis. This establishment employs a master who specializes in professional hair setting on fire.

5. Cavernous Concrete in Austin. The hairdresser was decorated using concrete and wood in the decoration of wall surfaces and creative furniture.

4. Drugstore Mini-Salons. The mini-salon is located in the largest shopping complex. Customers can not only buy cosmetics and perfumes, but also receive professional advice on applying makeup.

3. Breakfast Club. In such an establishment, clients can not only get a haircut, but also try a wide range of delicious dishes located on the buffet. From sausage and eggs to coffee and tea!

2. Tween Luxury. This salon is aimed at children. Specialists will apply special play makeup to kids, and teenagers will be able to get a haircut, manicure and pedicure.

1. Emerging Artist In-Salon Art Exhibit. The unique hairdressing salon showcases to visitors the work of talented specialist Sean McKinney.

We have presented you with an amazing selection of establishments with fascinating and eccentric modern art decoration. You should definitely visit one of them during your trip to different countries.

First of all, it’s worth starting with the fact that in the USA there is no such boom in beauty as in Russia (yes, beauty bloggers appeared here, but the Internet and reality are still different worlds. And at most, I think, only New York will be here except...) ?.
American women to their appearance are treated quite simply, especially in California, where it is always hot and the lifestyle is generally relaxed. Only comfortable and simple clothes are worn here: sneakers or flip-flops, leggings or shorts, a T-shirt or T-shirt. And therefore, since such an outfit, then what kind of makeup is there, when you can go to the store, to yoga or for a walk with the dog without any makeup at all. What follows from all of this, in my opinion, is that women here are not bothered by unnecessary complications, do not smear five layers of plaster on themselves, do not break their stiletto heels while going for bread, do not enlarge their lips and do not get their nails done at exorbitant prices. , and men love them for who they are (of course, there are exceptions everywhere and ladies with fantastic colors and nails with rhinestones can also be found here, especially if they are going somewhere, to the same club?). But, hence the minus. Due to the fact that the demand for beauty salons is not very high (or rather, there are plenty of salons, but the clients’ requests are clearly quite simple), because everyone is doing well anyway, the quality of all these services is quite bad. This is despite the fact that America is ahead of the rest, plus cinematic Hollywood, but getting a beautiful haircut and perfect manicure here is not an easy task. And I am not at all happy with this.

It is also worth mentioning here that nail salon and a hair salon in the USA are two separate establishments. The kind of beauty salons where you can come for a haircut, eyebrows, and nails, i.e. hanging out in one place for the whole day and becoming beautiful at once in all possible places is something I have never seen before. At most, I can assume that this is something not for mere mortals, and where everything is done at once, it will be very expensive.
In the end this separate system, in my opinion, is completely inconvenient, because when it’s time to tint your hair, renew your nails, and correct the shape of your eyebrows, you need to go to three completely different places. And if you also choose good salons and masters based on reviews, then as luck would have it, they are usually in complete opposite sides Los Angeles?.

Manicure and pedicure

In Russia, I constantly went to the same master for many years, but when I moved to the USA, I became interested in varnishes and lived for a long time doing this on your own. Then I finally tried to go to a salon for a manicure and pedicure, but it did not live up to my expectations.

The thing is that the people who do nails here are almost always Filipinos (if I’m not mistaken, in general, ladies from somewhere in South Asia, not too concerned about beauty). There are entire salons of them, and it follows from this that A) such salons are available to everyone; b) their salary is clearly not high, and therefore low requirements for the quality of work; V) they don't speak English at all. And all these ladies do nail services somehow and with a continuous conveyor belt, i.e. They smear, rub and paint everything as quickly as possible. And then “Next!” ?.

How it all happens: you come to the salon, choose the colors of nail polish you want from the shelf, and then they seat you in a chair. One lady does the hands, the second one does the legs at the same time. In addition to all this, they can also offer a face mask, massage and other nonsense (I personally refuse all of this). In more decent salons, massage chairs are already installed, the remote control is usually nearby, and you can control it yourself.
Here, for example, are two options: “so-so” and “decent”:

So, on my first trip to such a salon, I was a little scared active work masters, they have a mani-pedi factory there (that’s what they call it horribly), but I’m used to a more relaxed atmosphere in Russian salons, when the master paints flowers on your nails and at the same time chats with you about all sorts of nonsense.

In addition, for my nails I chose a dark blue varnish color, which is not so easy to paint your nails evenly (when the varnish is dark and monochromatic, all the imperfections are very visible), and naturally I didn’t like the result (the next day I repainted nails herself). I can also give myself a manicure by painting my nails on my knee while sitting on the couch and watching a new TV series. Not great, but it'll do! ? From a salon, I still expect a masterful application of varnish with a practiced hand, and not “what happened, that’s how it happened.”
And besides all this, they scratched my leg with a pumice stone and tore off some skin on the side of my foot. The lady who did the pedicure rubbed my heels very actively, not really looking at what or where she was rubbing, so she missed and pulled off too much. When I left the salon, I even began to bleed and had to cover my beauty victim with a band-aid, because... I was wearing sandals. This, of course, my legs are very skinny and my skin is thin, but this clearly does not forgive the “master”. As far as I remember, this experience cost me $33 (without tip, which is mandatory here), which I wouldn’t call cheap.

Here you go real examples what you can get from local craftsmen:

I also looked at more expensive options for services, even several times more expensive than a regular manicure, but the photographs of the work did not tempt me either. In addition, there is a clear problem with the nail design. Of course, they do it here too, but in comparison with my concept of “nail design” and what girls now paint on their nails even in small towns in Russia, a clumsy flower on the ring finger does not fit in at all. If you want something fashionable, stylish, smooth... don't expect much. Or if they are doing design here, then they do it to the fullest! The first example I came across:

After killing several hours searching, we finally went to a manicure shop opposite my house. Still with the same Filipino girls, but more decent. And I really liked the manicure and pedicure for the first time. No pretensions here! The second time the pedicure was just perfect, but the hands were a little messed up. They painted it evenly, but the aunt was in a hurry and, as the final finishing touch, applied the top-drying layer in a greasy layer and not on the entire nail, but where the brush went. Thus, when the dryer dried, everything somehow tightened, the varnish under the top coat and without it became different colors, and in general – a C grade.
I pay $35 (without tip) for a manicure and pedicure at this salon. This is my hand:

Tips and notes! Choose a nail salon based on reviews (on the same yelp.com) and look at photos of nails, go to a place where they do it carefully and people are happy (but if you are used to a beautiful manicure in your country, then don’t expect much here). In addition, choose a salon so that it is decent inside, you can look into it so that everything is clean and modern armchairs. Pay attention to the tools of the masters, and also make sure that during a manicure you should apply a disinfectant to your nails. Never be fooled by cheap prices!
If you don’t find anything at all, look for Russian masters through girls you know or through social media. networks.
Here in salons they also do gel polish, but I haven’t done it, so I can’t say anything about it. Moreover, careful work is needed with it, otherwise walking around for two weeks with smudged nail polish will be unpleasant.
Extended nails are not in fashion here (they are worn short or short; black ladies usually have very long and sharp nails, as in the photo above).
And also as a nuance that I noticed. Here it is considered normal to have long toenails, including with a pedicure or even a French manicure. I honestly don’t understand this fashion (and how to wear shoes?)… Therefore, when you come to the salon, immediately say what length of nails you want, not only on your hands, but also on your feet. Usually here the nails are simply filed, leveling the edge, and left at the length you came with. I once sat in a salon next to a woman who was getting a pedicure on her nails, which had already grown half a centimeter?
I wanted to add photos of such pedicures as an example, but I couldn’t find anything indicative and at the same time not disgusting? I also saw enough of hairy toes on women...


My search for it also didn’t work out for many years and I wouldn’t say that in the end something concrete worked out, it just somehow calmed down temporarily. So far I have found a hairdresser who understands that 1 cm is one centimeter of hair, and a little tint is a little tint.

Haircuts here almost always and everywhere are fine, of course, I definitely wouldn’t recommend going to very cheap salons, but a women’s haircut for $40 – a short cut or a straight cut – is no problem. That is, if you prefer a standard hairstyle, then here you can easily get it. There are many hairdressers in the city, there is a large chain in Los Angeles called SuperCuts, where they give acceptable haircuts, albeit very quickly. I remember when I first came there for a haircut, I was very surprised, they cut my hair in about 15 minutes, although my hair was not short? They have the same thing as with manicures - a continuous flow. And “next, next!” Time is money. Americans don’t like to sit in salons; many here like the system – come, get a haircut, leave.

But if you want a special haircut, then be prepared to look suitable master. My husband faced this issue. He has an ordinary modern hairstyle with a forelock up, nothing really special, just a youth men's haircut, but as it turned out, it can’t be done everywhere. For a very long time he rejected different salons: where they simply did not cut hair the way he wanted, one time they even cut it just crookedly, which, naturally, he did not like at all, and somewhere it was normal, but too expensive for a man’s hairstyle. So over the years he found for himself best option- go to Asians. Now he gets his hair cut in a small, shabby barber shop run by an elderly Chinese couple. This place is very reminiscent of our Russian cheap “basement” hairdressers, which were popular among the common people in my childhood - hundred-year-old hairdresser chairs, cheap office chairs in a row for those waiting, a tiny old TV in the corner. But they do a good job, very carefully and diligently (usually it takes at least 40 minutes to cut my husband’s hair!), and this pleasure costs only $15 (without tip, but my husband always leaves them $20, and they only take cash). And the most amazing thing is that there is always a huge line to see them; men sometimes sit for two hours waiting for their haircut (they don’t cut women’s hair). Moreover, they don’t have any appointments, and there are whole crowds of people wanting to get their hair cut, which can’t be said about many expensive and newfangled salons. That rare case when the quality is noticeably higher than the price.
Unfortunately, I have no luck with Asians. True, my bad experience happened with the Koreans. Never go to them to dye your hair if you are Slavic! Firstly, their English is terrible, and explaining what you want is just a disaster, and secondly, as it turns out, we have very different ideas about hair color. They cut my hair well and at affordable prices, they dyed my hair a couple of times satisfactorily, but on the third time, when I asked to return my dark brown hair color, I left them with red-black hair. My hair was so ruined that there were simply no words to describe it all. No amount of masks or balms, which I simply poured on my head while sitting in the bathroom for hours, helped. I had a broom on my head, a terrible color that didn’t suit me at all (with my blond eyebrows!), and at the same time my hair was falling off so much that I would have wiped off any cat during shedding. I had to cut everything into a short bob and grow my hair out for another year in order to completely cut off everything that was “burned” by the dye. So my idea to regain my color and grow my hair was postponed for two whole years.
I’m not the only one who suffered, my sister somehow agreed to give herself small highlights (milling), although her hair color, unlike me, is a very beautiful chestnut. Returning home from the salon, she painted over all these highlights with dark hair dye purchased at a nearby store. Is this how we live? If you want the best, it turns out...
Advice! In connection with this nightmare experience, I will say that if you decide to dye your hair in an American salon, look for a specialist in a way that you didn’t even look for a husband. Look for masters through friends or on social media. networks, watch their work inside and out! If you don't like something, don't go to them.
Always carry with you photographs of what you want to get on your head. Haircut, hair color, shade. Explain what and how you want, ask the master about everything he does on your head. Alas, but with the phrase “To your taste. You, as a specialist, know better,” I quit. Now I’m preparing to go for a new hairstyle almost a month in advance, planning what and how I want. The good news, of course, is that the hair is growing and being restored, but if it weren’t for that incident, my hair would clearly have reached my shoulder blades, but I have still grown it below my shoulders and have not even reached the length that I have was before the campaign to the ill-fated Koreans.

Regarding the eyebrows, I still haven’t found it good master. I had a thread correction done once, in the same salon where I got my hair cut. last time. They made my eyebrows even, but, alas, as usual, standard, that is, without choosing the shape to suit my face personally. And, naturally, they mowed down half of what I had painstakingly grown in order to have eyebrows in line with the current fashion.
Then I was interested in eyebrow salons from popular cosmetic brands Benefit and Anastasia Beverly Hills, but they had mixed reviews, some liked them, some didn’t. Plus, again, where the reviews are even good, this is at Benefit, again you have to go halfway across the city. I’ve read a lot of complaints from Anastasia that they don’t do anything special, but a 10-minute job costs $60 (for example, for eyebrow correction in a regular salon they will charge you 15 bucks). In short, I gave up on them, went to Moscow and quickly trained as an eyebrow artist with a girl, a top Russian blogger and professional makeup artist, who gives her master classes. Therefore, I mock my eyebrows at home, and the way I want?

Unfortunately, I can’t advise you on other cosmetic procedures. Once I went to a cosmetology clinic to remove a hair star from my cheek; 15 minutes of laser cost $500. The asterisk was removed (pah-pah-pah), but new vessels still appear. I plan to go again in the future, I hope there is something cheaper.

If you have been to beauty salons in America or to a cosmetologist, please share your experience in the comments. Will it be interesting for me and other cleaners to read?

The popular glossy magazine Elle Decor analyzed American beauty salons and specially selected for you establishments that can boast beautiful interior. You can find their description in this article, which will allow you to get to know each other better. current trends and come up with one for your own establishment original version design.

New York salon "Mizu". The interior of this establishment is made in the spirit of minimalism. This style is ideal for a beauty home as it creates a feeling of high functionality. Translated from Japanese language the name means "Water". That is why the interior has many similarities with Japanese paintings.

Whittemore House. This New York salon is located on the ground floor of an ancient building dating back to the nineteenth century. The designers made every effort to ensure that the design of the room fully matches the home. They used wood floors and gold paneling, and the walls were lined with Victorian-style wallpaper.

Los Angeles salon "Sally Hershberger". It's no secret that the development the best interiors are engaged professional designers. This establishment was no exception. Nicolo Bini himself had a hand in its interior. The beauty salon with an area of ​​three hundred square meters is located on top floor high-rise building in West Hollywood. Thanks to
good combination wenge dark and light shades The interior is simple and uncluttered, while high-quality materials and expensive furnishings add a touch of luxury.

The highlight of San Francisco is the Kim Vo establishment. The interior of this wonderful salon resembles an office made in the English style. The author of this project is Nadia Elgrabli. A person who looks into this salon gets the impression of comfort and high reliability. It is worth noting that in all high-quality salons class uses disposable clothing http://wmarket.com.ua/uhod-za-telom-i-volosami/odnorazovaya-produkciya/odnorazovaya-odezhda/. When planning to open your own salon, you should think about purchasing clothes for clients that are used for various procedures.

New York also has the Pipino Nolita salon. This small establishment is located in Manhattan, and its interior is characterized by freshness and dynamics. Human,
engaged in design development, sought to express stylistic direction specialists for fashion trends and highlight their desire to experiment.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to describe in words the beauty of these salons. Even a few pages of text cannot compare with what can be seen with the eyes. Therefore, it won’t hurt to search the Internet for photographs of the interiors of these beauty salons.

  • This is safety. If the beauty salon has gone through all the checks and has everything necessary documents, then they are definitely not in business for one day. This means that if something happens to me after the procedure, they will help me, cover medical expenses and moral costs. Lawsuits with clients, which so frighten those who come here, are actually an opportunity to get money from the insurance company.
  • Selecting specialists for a salon is a separate issue; It is unlikely that a salon will risk its license by hiring an unqualified worker. Large chains even conduct corporate training for staff, so the quality of work is always at approximately the same level among the craftsmen, regardless of who you go to that day.
  • The master in the salon is very interested in working with you well, because tipping is very common here - I leave about 20% of the check for a tip to the master in the salon. By the way, a private master is given a tip only in rare cases - he works for himself. Also, the business of salons is greatly influenced by review services, which the salons themselves cannot moderate, which means cleaning up, removing negative reviews, etc.
  • This is a convenient work schedule. In case of illness, a person goes to the hospital or urgent care, because private doctors (working completely separately) have an appointment for 2 months in advance. There are much fewer private offices than hospitals or urgent care. The same is true in beauty salons. If I want a massage today, I won’t make an appointment 3 weeks in advance to get to some super-master. I'll go to massage parlor and I will receive the service on the same day! It’s the same with a haircut - I go to the salon that is closer to me and has a convenient time for me. Because I know if my back is broken or my hair is damaged, I will go to court and get good moral compensation.

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