Motto for advertising. Slogan for advertising: the best and worst examples. How to come up with a successful advertising slogan

For example: “Don’t let yourself dry out!”, or “Sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.” It happens that a slogan floats on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse the headline with an advertising slogan; these text units have different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of a slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​an advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and title: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign; it is a motto that must be heard from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The title is a variable element and can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. A slogan is the slogan of an advertising campaign; it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the brand name.

Light, brief, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use words that are difficult to pronounce. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. Ideally, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Single words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and set the teeth on edge. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, sensation, look, pleasure, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, genuine, prestigious, faithful, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tried, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to compose an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical structures that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be a combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without tired words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

The slogan can draw the attention of potential consumers to:

  • Features of operation - “You press the button, we do the rest ourselves” (Kodak advertising).
  • Benefit for the buyer - “Let go of your anxiety!” (“Afobazole”, a sedative).
  • Targeting consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is no better thing for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: “Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company’s philosophy: “It’s good where we are” (Samsung). In corporate slogans it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: “HP-Laser Jet – 20 years of confident victories.” One of the current solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are great." In this case, the slogan can be constructed as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us", "McDonald's. That's what I love." The slogan can also convey features of emotional positioning: “The joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to the brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, or arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, or contain negations. Positivity has a better effect. It is desirable that the slogan have a benevolent emotional connotation. These are general rules creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Slogan categories

Depending on their purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising – for goods.
  • Company mottos.
  • Supporting the company's image.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the company's main advantage. You are, of course, familiar with the slogan “M&M’s melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” The main advantage of colored sweets is that the glaze covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in your hands and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolizes your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for ideal.
  • They encourage you to manage your dreams.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study your competitors' slogans and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. Simply put, listen to how it sounds. Sounds can be round and soft, strict and hard. Its perception will depend on which of them predominate in your motto.

Rhyme the slogan, or even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This type of advertising is memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Report the company’s commitment and its steady development. Declare your commitment to your customers. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or perhaps your company’s motto will appear as a result of the joint creativity of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional copywriters, whose services are not that expensive: 10 slogan options usually cost $100 to $300.

An indispensable part of creating any brand, of course, is a slogan. The word itself came to us from the Gaelic language (sluagh-ghairm) and literally meant “battle cry.” With this battle cry, goods are still rushed into the market and into the hands of buyers. So, when we pass by a can of Sprite in a shopping mall, we remember that this drink will not let us dry out, and when we see the owner of a Toyota car, we know that he is driving a dream.

Slogans that we hear from TV screens or on the radio, read on packaging, stands and billboards quickly and imperceptibly enter our lives, are woven into our conversation and thereby do the bulk of the work of brand makers. Recognizable slogans attract attention, increase brand loyalty and, most importantly, sell.

The 90s in Russia generally passed under the sign of this previously unknown advertising wave, which covered the post-Soviet space along with new goods, products and services. In 1999, Victor Pelevin released the cult novel reflection of the decade “Generation “P”” (“Generation “P”), using in the title one of the most famous slogans of the time “The new generation chooses Pepsi.” The hero of his novel, Vavilen Tatarsky, as they say, caught the wave and started promising direction of that time - the creation of slogans. And there are thousands and thousands of such “Bavilens” all over the world, but some of them really make masterpieces of sorts.

“Euroset, Euroset - the prices are just... New Year»

As the owner of Euroset, the brave and eccentric Russian businessman Evgeny Chichvarkin was never afraid to play for the most strong feelings compatriots. For example, on their passionate love for strong and precise words. One of the network’s slogans, which appeared on New Year’s Eve in the mid-2000s, remains firmly in our heads to this day. This unobtrusive tune, playing from every iron with the words “Euroset, Euroset - prices are just... New Year,” both made Russians laugh and outraged. But the main thing is that he sold.

“If you have an idea, there is IKEA”

The first complex of the Swedish company IKEA opened in Khimki in March 2000. From now on, we all know perfectly well - “If there is an idea, there is IKEA.” The company’s image videos always clearly demonstrate to the public that this is precisely the brand’s specialty. Like this, for example, regular chair from IKEA gave hundreds of ideas to this nice grandfather and changed his life.

"Yandex. Everything will be found"

Many of us see this slogan several times a day. Among other things, he taught us to look for a solution in the search bar in any incomprehensible situation. And why all? Because Yandex. Everything will be found."

"Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk"

This absolutely wild advertisement with one of the most popular Russian actors now, Igor Petrenko, reminded the whole country of the main thing - don’t talk! IN Soviet era We were taught this by a worker in a red headscarf, and then, oddly enough, by Stimorol chewing gum. After all, “Sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.”

“Tanks are not afraid of dirt”

This slogan became firmly established in our speech about 20 years ago. I can’t even believe that the expression “Tanks are not afraid of dirt” has an author and, most importantly, an owner. Just a few words, but sometimes they perfectly characterize our roads, our cars, and even ourselves. All that remains is to say thank you to KAMAZ for the catchphrase.

“Ovip Lokos! In the name of good"

Even now, when Sokol beer is no longer produced, you just have to hear this spell - “Ovip Lokos! In the name of good” to remember everything. It would seem an absolutely meaningless move to read the phrase “Sokol beer” in reverse and present it as a slogan. However, it still works! Although after watching this video, for example, I just want to ask: what were they all smoking there?

“Trust” is like me, only a bank.”

One of the most popular slogans of recent times belongs to Trust Bank. True, here we have good combination and the text of the slogan and, one might say, the media person involved in the bank’s advertising campaign. Some even have tears of tenderness welling up at the sight of a banner where, against the backdrop of a confident bald guy named Bruce Willis, “Trust” is modestly written - he’s like me, only a bank.”

"Pepsi - take everything from life"

Another slogan from Pepsi that has fit perfectly into our consciousness over the years is “Pepsi - take everything from life.” However, one logical question arises: why “everything” in our life can be contained in plastic bottle with a dark, sugary liquid inside. And this once again proves the success of the slogan, because in a sense we were almost convinced of it. For example, in this video there is football, and western, and Pepsi, and even for some reason Siemens.

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Stores

Love for bargains? This is our family!
SURNAME, department stores sales. Advertising in the Russian Federation, 2011

Our prices are a real treasure!
SURNAME, department stores sales. Discount season slogan, 2009

Price crash! 50% 70% 90%!
FAMILIA, department store chain. Sales slogan in Russia, 2008

15 days that will rock your wardrobe.
FAMILIA, chain of “sale department stores”, slogan of the discount season, 2008
The metro sticker depicts Evgeniy Skidkin, Natalya Razumnaya, John Sayles

299:00 in favor of the buyer.
PEREKROISTOK, supermarket chain. Advertising in Russia and Ukraine, 2011
Each product has its own “account” numbers

Eat more meat.
CROSSROADS, network grocery stores. Slogan on behalf of a rooster and hen calling for beef, 2009

Start in Knightsbridge, visit forward-thinking shoppers' favorite department stores, climb exotic staircases and let Piers, in a pinstriped suit, show you the magic of the latest high-definition screen... Then go to and buy it.
Get off at Knightsbridge, visit the discerning shopper’s fave department store, ascend the exotic staircase and let Piers in the pinstripe suit demonstrate the magic of the latest high-definition flatscreen… Then go to and buy it.

DICONS, online sale household appliances and electronics. Headline and slogan in the UK, 2009
Knightsbridge is an expensive area in London. Piers Morgan is a popular TV presenter in Britain.

Start at the trendy end of Oxford Street, move into the super-tech-cool rooms of London's most famous department stores and, courtesy of Marc Jacobs' sandaled AV consultant, check out this year's must-have plasma... And then head to and buy her.
Get off at the fashionable end of Oxford Street, drift into the achingly cool technology hall of London's most happening department store and view this year's must-have plasma courtesy of the sound and vision technologist in the Marc Jacobs sandals… Then go to .uk and buy it. The last place you want to look. The last place where you want to go.

Enter the favorite department stores of the English middle class, stroll past the haberdashery to the electronics department, where a horribly well-mannered young man will bend over backwards to find the TV that suits you... And then go to and buy it.
Step into middle England"s best loved department store, stroll through haberdashery to the audiovisual department where an awfully well brought up young man will bend over backwards to find the right TV for you… Then go to and buy it. The last place you want to look. The last place where you want to go.

DIXONS, online sale of household appliances and electronics. Headline and slogan in the UK, 2009

You need to work at Eldorado!
ELDORADO, a chain of electronics and household appliances stores. Recruiting slogan, 2008

"El Dorado". Credit as you need.
ELDORADO, a chain of electronics and household appliances stores. Credit program slogan, 2008

You need to give what you need!
ELDORADO, a chain of electronics and household appliances stores. Slogan for pre-holiday trade with discounts, 2008

Learn the right way!
ELDORADO, a chain of electronics and household appliances stores. Image slogan

For mere pennies!
ELDORADO, a chain of electronics and household appliances stores. Advertising slogan recognized as unethical

The largest store in the world.
FAMILY ROOM, home goods stores, including “the largest light store in Europe” in the Rumyantsevo shopping center, Moscow, 2009

It's easy to know where to buy.
FAMILY ROOM, furniture hypermarket in Moscow, 2009

The third one eats for free. 3 products for the price of 2.
KOPEYKA, retail chain. Motto of the discount season, 2009

No one will miss the sale!
Sale is a terrible force!
TEKHNOSILA, stores of household appliances and electronics. New Year's sale slogans, 2009

Time for immodest proposals.
TEKHNOSILA, stores of household appliances and electronics. Motto in support of favorable prices for customers and instant prize draws, 2009

Common sense stores.
TEKHNOSILA, stores of household appliances and electronics. Image slogan in Russia

We throw off the excess.
KASHIRSKY Dvor, shopping complex. Motto in Moscow and the region, 2009
The girl on the banner is throwing off more and more “extra” clothes as discounts increase.

1. Reduce prices. 2. Increase discounts to 30%. 3. Gifts for every buyer. General Director of the Law Firm "Golden Pride".
GOLDEN PRIDE, chain of jewelry stores, Russia, 2009

Love what you buy.
Love what you buy.
CONSUMERSEARCH.COM, product and price comparison service. Image slogan

Mmm... Discounts.
CAMPER, a chain of mono-brand shoe stores. Slogan for special offers, 2009

New mood.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Slogan for the New Year, December 2009

Pack your summer!
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009
A list of brands in Mega for the summer is provided

Everyone has their own gift.
Each has its own gift.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Sales slogans on the eve of February 23 and March 8, 2009

When buying gifts in MEGA, receive your gift CHECK. Check your gift CHECK.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Lottery slogan among buyers, 2009

From the covers to your wardrobe!
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009

Everyone has their own Santa Claus.
Each has its own Snow Maiden.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008
Portrait of Santa Claus, made up of gifts for young men. Portrait of the Snow Maiden, composed of gifts for girls-girls-women

Everyone has their own.
MEGA, a network of family shopping complexes. Image slogan in Russia, 2008

Global insulation in MEGA!
MEGA, chain of shopping and entertainment centers, autumn 2007

Oooh, I don’t understand this at all! Only at Ion they will set everything up for you and teach you how to use it.
ION, a chain of electronics stores. Slogan on behalf of Santa Claus, December 2009

Holiday at home!
OBI, shops building materials. Slogan for the New Year, December 2009

Repair. Country house. Profitable.
OBI, building materials stores. Image slogan, 2009

We build profitable relationships.
OBI, stores of goods for construction, home and garden. Image slogan, 2008

I'm slashing prices to the bone!
Beware, price mayhem!
The buyer is our everything!
MEDIA MARKT, a chain of electronics stores. Slogans for New Year's trade, December 2009

Eh, “Pyaterochka”! Oh yes mother!
PYATEROCHKA, retail chain. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2009

Vovochka has two marks, and Pyaterochka has quality.
PYATEROCHKA, retail chain. Advertising slogan in Russia

This is where we need to go!
TWINSTOR, trade and exhibition center in Moscow, 2009

If you don't see what you came for, you've come to the right place.
Optical store

The focus is on the price!
Svyaznoy, a network of communication stores. Slogan of the promotion, in which the buyer will be awarded reward points when purchasing Sony cameras, 2009

Slogan in a Moscow store window, 2009

Your mood is what you wear today.
QUELLE, clothing trade by catalogue. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009

Combine with a good mood.
The perfect wardrobe without leaving home.
What suits you suits you!
QUELLE, clothes - by mail. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2008

Good florist.
Handwritten poster in the underground passage between the Maly Theater and the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, August 2009

We are friends with discounts.
Children's goods store in Moscow, 2009

Discounts are growing.
MASK, jewelry store on Arbat in Moscow, 2009

Let everyone say Aswaaq.
Let's all speak Aswaaq.
ASWAAQ, a chain of stores in the United Arab Emirates. Image slogan, 2008

Food for pleasure.
SGOMONI, trading network. Image slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation

It's time to change clothes and have fun.
METROPOLIS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow, 2009

A city of great opportunities.
METROPOLIS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2009

Real wine. Correct prices.
RELAX, wine store in Moscow, 2009

70% at our expense!
INCITY, stores fashionable clothes. Promotional campaign, in which every day from 11.00 to 12.00 there was a 70% discount in all Incity stores, Russia, 2009

Prices are knockout!
INCITY, chain of fashion stores, 2007

New spring. Old price.
FASHION & COMFORT, stores in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2009

Many brands - one store! Lesnaya, 51.
A secret address known throughout Moscow. Lesnaya, 51.
FIRMATO & SCONTATO, multi-brand store of clothing, shoes, accessories. Advertising slogans in Moscow, 2009

Everything is for real.
We make discounts for age.
I think it's great! (on behalf of a fashionably dressed boy)
CHILDREN'S WORLD, chain of stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2009

Anniversary prices for goods for the holiday.
Sound sleep is available to everyone. (“Sultan Harestua”, mattress)
Small investments for a big future. (everything for studying)
Don't miss the first call. (“Decade”, alarm clock)
Accepts a load of knowledge. (“Snille”, work chair)
Sheds light on family relationships. (“Lampan”, table lamp)
The conflict between fathers and children has been resolved. ("Poeng", armchair and children's chair)
Deals with the arrival of his mother-in-law. (“Solsta”, double sofa bed)
Four-legged family pet. (“Lakk”, side table)
Mom has an analytical mind. (“Expedit”, rack)
There is someone in the family to rely on. (“Valbjerg”, pillows)
Everything goes to the dacha. Keep the change. (goods for the garden)
No need to blame it on the dacha. (i.e. buy a new one for your dacha, and don’t dump junk there)
The cards are in your hands! (card for 30% of the cost of a Pax wardrobe upon purchase)
Save on the second half. (50% discount on kitchen fronts when purchasing a Faktum kitchen)
Fair discounts.
It's time for H! (tea cups)
Love at first dish. (kitchens)
All! There is nowhere less! All! (discounts)
30% discount in reality, not in a dream. (mattresses “Sultan”)
Every day quality guarantee for 25 years. (mattresses “Sultan”)
Women's holiday is a man's business! (present)
IKEA, home goods stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2009

We have a gift for inventing gifts. An IKEA gift card is unusual and practical.
IKEA, home goods stores. Slogan promoting IKEA gift cards, 2008

Every page is a favorite. New IKEA catalog 2009.
IKEA, department store. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Home is the most important place on earth.
Who can resist beautiful kitchen? (kitchen "Factum")
A gift is a man's friend. (soft toy dog ​​“Gosig Terrier”)
A good gift is worth the candle. (Calt candles)
One for all, and all for one! (tables and chairs)
Gift for dessert. (plates)
From IKEA to the cottage and relaxation to boot! (wickerwork, flowers, bonsai)
Children's products at children's prices.
IKEA, home goods stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2008

Learn to sleep with us.
We are not together for one night.
This buddy isn't just a one night stand.
This girlfriend is not a one-night stand.
IKEA, home goods store, sleep products - beds, blankets, pillows... Slogan of an advertising campaign in Russia, 2008

Prices frozen in the summer will remain idle for a year.
IKEA, home goods store. Advertising slogan in Russia, September 2008

Holiday for your home!

There will be no more. We have reduced prices on hundreds of products for the whole year!
IKEA, home goods store, 2007

Think bolder.
IKEA, home goods store, image slogan

I have an idea. There is IKEA.
IKEA, home goods store, image slogan in the 1990s and early 2000s

No certificate - no love.
No certificate – no love.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow. Gift certificate slogan, eve of February 14 and March 8, 2009

Gift certificate Crocus City Mall. Now you know exactly what to give her for New Year.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2007

Come light.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2008

Things lose value, but do not lose dignity.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow, sale slogan, 2007

Shopping as an art.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2006

The art of fitting.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2006

Time to buy.
LOTTE PLAZA, shopping complex in Moscow, winter 2009

Happy New Sale!
LOTTE PLAZA, shopping center in Moscow. Motto of the New Year's sale, 2008

Looking for furniture? Look for benefits!
GLOBE, furniture center. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2009

Italian fashion for Russian winter.
IVAGIO, leather and fur salons, 2009

We won't stand behind the price. Total sale.
IVAGIO, a chain of leather and fur salons in Moscow. Slogan of the discount season, 2008

We create an impression.
WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, a chain of leather and fur stores. Image slogan in Russia, 2008

It's a shame to give it away for almost nothing.
WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, Russian network department stores, sale slogan, 2008
Buyers forcefully take things from sellers

You may be confused with a star...
WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, chain of stores, 2007

Now or Never! Super sale in March!
COLOR OF SOFAS, furniture stores. Slogan for the period of special prices, 2009

PRICE REDUCTION by 100% of the range in January!
COLOR OF SOFAS, federal chain of salons upholstered furniture. Slogan of the discount season, 2009

Vegetables and fruits at appetizing prices.
RAMSTOR, a chain of hypermarkets. Slogan for the discount season in Moscow, 2009

Make a wish and open your eyes...
HERMES, scarves, accessories, clothing, perfumes... Slogan for New Year's sales, 2008
Store window with a scarlet Hermes tree and gifts under it

Wake up and buy it.
Chain of stores in Yekaterinburg. Seasonal sale slogan, 2008

The best thing is the necessary “Thing”!
THING, a chain of clothing and accessories stores. Image slogan, 2008

There are many bright streaks in life. Open up the spring streak!
There are many bright streaks in life. Open the discount bar.
THING, chain of clothing and accessories stores, 2008

Shooting crazy prices!
F, a chain of shoe stores. Motto of the discount season, 2008

All the best in a complex.
Family values.
GRAND, furniture shopping complex near Moscow. Image slogans

Drinks and food always available!
UVENCO, installation and maintenance of vending machines. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Divine shopping.
HYMENEY, shopping center in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2008
Two nuns, having fallen for the “divine”, leave the Hymen with shopping bags

For ten years we have been working for those who feel the difference.
AROMATNY WORLD, Russian chain of wine supermarkets. Image slogan in Russia on the occasion of the company’s anniversary, 2008

Let's make up for the lack of joy.
EXPEDITION, online store of equipment and gifts for hunters, fishermen, tourists, motorists. Image slogan in Runet

Kiss me at Parade.
PARADE, a chain of shoe and accessories boutiques in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2008

Shopping with the mood!
WAY PARK, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2008
Shopping bags smile with their hands

Buy a book. Have fun.
BOOKBURY, a chain of bookstores in Moscow and a number of Russian cities. Image slogan

There is nothing extra in our prices.
LEROY MERLIN, hypermarket chain. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Slow down, take a look!
PULMART, shopping complex on Yaroslavskoe highway in the Moscow region, 2008

We are ready for the school year. What about you?
MOSCOW HOUSE OF BOOKS. Slogan of the trade campaign for September 1, 2008

Books, music, perspective.
REPUBLIC, a chain of music and book stores in Moscow. Image slogan, 2007

A win-win summer in Ile de Beaute.
ILE DE BEAUTE, a chain of cosmetics and perfume stores. Slogan of the All-Russian lottery, 2008

We're cutting prices!
KANT, sports stores. Seasonal sale slogan, 2008

25% For everyone and everything!
L "ETOILE, a chain of perfume and cosmetic stores. Discount slogan, 2009

Spring is coming. And prices are melting.
L "ETOILE, slogan of branded cosmetics and perfumery stores, 2008

My favorite bookstore!
MOSCOW, bookstore in the capital. Image slogan

Your main bookstore.
BIBLIO-GLOBUS, bookstore in Moscow. Image slogan, 2007

WE HAVE NOTHING EXCEPT a huge selection of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putties, adhesives, solvents, drying oils, cold galvanizing, dry mixes...
KHIMKOM, trade in building materials, Moscow, 2007

Pleasure for every day!
GLOBUS GOURMET, gastronomes, 2007

Taking two liters of milk while losing three liters of blood? Everything will change in the Age of the Platypus!
platypus, shops convenient shopping(delivery upon request), 2007

A gift that will be appreciated.
FITNESS HOUSE, a store of good exercise equipment, Russia, 2007

Crazy days 11-14.10.2007. Crazy prices!
STOCKMANN, chain of stores, sale slogan, 2007

Let everything be YOUR WAY!
THREE FAT MEN, a chain of clothing stores large sizes, 2007

VIPysknoi BAL.
TSUM, department store. Slogan for the prom season, Moscow, 2008

Anyone who doesn't wear Prada is a loser!
TSUM, department store, Moscow, 2007 (FAS recognized the advertising as inappropriate and fined the department store)

Good prices – good life.
KARUSEL, hypermarket chain, image slogan, 2007

Ironing. We love you. We are waiting.

A new style of caring for things.
VLADIMIRSKY PASSAGE, department store in St. Petersburg, 2007
A series of printed modules are designed as a tag sewn into clothes, with warnings about washing modes, etc.

Another world.
It's another world.
MOSCOW DUTY FREE, image slogan

Always something special.
HEINE, supply of clothing and accessories with catalog order. International image slogan

Everyone has their own Babylon.
GOLDEN BABYLON, shopping center

We know how it works.
ION, chain of digital equipment stores, image slogan

Kitty! I went to Rio, I’ll be there in the evening.
RIO, shopping and entertainment center

For the good of the cause.
Stationery store slogan

Emotions as a gift!
SPORTMASTER, a chain of sports equipment stores

Let's give everyone a treat!
OCHAKARIK, chain of eyeglasses and lenses stores

Where do you dress?
SNOW QUEEN, clothing store chain

October price revolution!
ARBAT-PRESTIGE, a chain of cosmetics and perfume salons. Seasonal promotion slogan, 2006

Whatever your stomach, body or mind requires,
– everything is provided to a person by GUM.
STATE DEPARTMENT STORE (GUM). Advertisement for Mayakovsky

If you're looking for inspiration, check out our list of awesome slogans from world famous companies.

But before that, let’s figure out what a “good slogan” is and what exactly makes it selling.

What is a slogan?

Slogan is a phrase or group of words that identifies a product or company.

Companies need slogans for exactly the same thing as logos - for advertising. The only difference is that logos are visual advertising, and slogans are audio advertising. But both of these formats attract the attention of consumers much more effectively than the name of the company or product alone. In addition, a logo or slogan is much easier to understand and remember.

The purpose of any slogan is to convey to the client the main message of the brand, a key idea that will certainly remain in people’s memory.

How to create an effective slogan?

All successful slogans have similar characteristics:

  • It's memorable
    The slogan should be easily recognizable. A few short, bright, memorable words can be used in advertising, videos, posters, business cards, etc.
  • It conveys the core value of the brand
    It is not the characteristics of the product that should be sold, but its advantages - this is golden rule marketing, ideal for creating successful slogans. A good slogan should clearly and clearly convey information about the benefits of the company (product) to the target audience.
  • It makes your brand stand out from your competitors
    Find what sets your brand apart from others and use it to create your slogan.
  • It evokes positive emotions towards the brand
    Successful slogans use positive, optimistic words. For example, the slogan “Russia is a generous soul” will evoke positive emotions among consumers, while the slogan “Otmochitos in the style of Cheetos” will only cause bewilderment.

So, we've looked at the key characteristics of successful slogans. Now let's see how modern companies use them in practice.

1. Nike - "Just Do It" / "Just Do It"

Nike's message immediately resonated with people. The company has become much more than an ordinary manufacturer of sportswear and shoes - it represents a special state of mind and body! Nike's motivational message gives hope to people around the world: “If you want to do something, just do it!”

The specialists at the Kennedy + Weiden agency, who came up with the legendary slogan, could hardly imagine that it would become so popular. Nike used to make clothing exclusively for marathon runners. But after the resounding success of the slogan, the audience Nike has increased many times over. This example just goes to show that some companies take time to create a slogan that conveys the brand message and resonates with the target audience.

2. Apple - "Think Different" / "Think Different"

This slogan first appeared in Apple's "Here's to the Crazy Ones" advertising campaign. Think Different”, dedicated to famous dreamers who challenged the system and were able to change the world. The phrase itself is a bold response to IBM's “Think IBM” campaign, which at that time presented its ThinkPad.

Soon, the slogan “Think Different” began appearing in all Apple advertising, despite the fact that the company was not releasing new products at the time. Suddenly people started to realize that Apple was These are not just computers, but both powerful and easy-to-use devices available to each of us.

3. L"Oréal - "Because You"re Worth It" / "After all, you deserve it"

Who among us doesn’t want to feel worthy of something? L'Oréal specialists know for sure that women use cosmetics to feel more beautiful, attractive, desirable and... worthy this. The L"Oréal slogan does not talk about the product itself, but about the image and sensations the company can give to women. This message allowed the L"Oréal brand to go beyond and change the usual concept of the cosmetics industry.

The celebration of the 40th anniversary of the slogan “After all, you deserve it” took place in Paris. Guest stars - Jane Fonda, Freida Pinto, Iness de la Fressange and others came to congratulate L'Oréal Paris and talk about what it means to them to collaborate with a brand whose slogan makes millions of women around the world believe in themselves.

4. MasterCard - “There are some things money can”t buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard" / "There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is MasterCard"

This two-sentence slogan was coined by MasterCard back in 1997. At the time, the slogan was part of an outstanding advertising campaign that was launched in 98 countries in 46 languages. The very first appearance of the advertising campaign was on television in 1997. The content of the ad was this: a father and son go to the baseball field together, the father pays for tickets, hot dogs and drinks, but the conversation between father and son is priceless. After this, the MasterCard advertising campaign became truly viral, long before the advent of social networks.

What is the secret of the MasterCard campaign? Each commercial evokes emotions in viewers, awakening pleasant, dear memories - for example, as was the case with the first advertisement, memories of going to a baseball game with dad. Nostalgia is a very powerful marketing tool.

5. BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine" / "Full Drive"

BMW sells cars all over the world, in North America the brand is known under the slogan “The Ultimate Driving Machine” - “Full Drive”. This slogan was coined in the 1970s by the Ammirati&Puris agency and was aimed at “baby boomers” who began to earn their own money and were ready to spend it. And what better demonstrates status than buying a premium car?

With this slogan, the brand wanted to emphasize the fact that BMWs are cars that will take your breath away to drive. It was based on an emotional message for which consumers were willing to pay more.

For Russia, the slogan “With pleasure behind the wheel” (Freude am Fahren), which has existed since 1961, has become more popular.

6. M&M - "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands" / "Melts in your mouth, not in the heat"

Understanding the value proposition of this brand is not difficult at all. How can one type of chocolate differ from another? M&M were able to differentiate their product from competitors - their chocolate does not melt in your hands.

7. De Beers - "A Diamond is Forever" / "Diamonds Forever"

Essentially, diamonds cost at least 50% less than what you would pay for them at a jewelry store. So why did they become a symbol of wealth? All thanks to the amazing marketing strategy from agency N.W. Ayer, developed in the early 1900s for De Beers.

The iconic phrase “Diamonds are forever” began appearing in every De Beers advertisement since 1948, and in 1999 AdAge named it the best slogan of the century. Its main message: diamonds, like your relationships, are forever. Which, among other things, stopped consumers from mass resale of diamonds (and therefore reducing their value). Brilliant move.

8. Lay's - "Betcha Can"t Eat Just One" / "I bet you can't eat just one"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with slight changes and sounded like “So delicious that you can’t resist!”

Seriously, has this worked for anyone? Although this slogan would have worked for other snack companies, Lay's was the first. The slogan does not describe taste qualities product. Instead, the brand turned to the peculiarity of human nature: it is simply impossible to stop eating chips.

9. Audi - "Vorsprung durch technik" / "Excellence in high technology"

“Vorsprung durch technik” has been the main slogan of Audi worldwide since 1971. The Audio 80 (B1 series) appeared a year later in 1972: these cars with new technical characteristics became an excellent reflection of the slogan. And still the slogan “High-Tech Excellence” ” is relevant for the Audi brand. It is important to note that on written media Audi invariably leaves its slogan on German, no matter in which country they sell and advertise their cars.

10. McDonald's - "I"m Lovin" It" / "That's what I love"

The “I’m Lovin’ It” advertising campaign was launched in 2003 and is still relevant today. This is a great example of a slogan that resonates with your target audience. The food at McDonald's is far from the healthiest, but many people really love its taste.

11. Maybelline - "Maybe she"s born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline" / "Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with minor changes and sounded like: “Everyone is delighted with you, and you are delighted with Maybelline.”

Maybelline's first slogan was created in the 1990s and has become one of the most famous throughout the world. It instills a sense of self-confidence in women. After all, brand cosmetics can make her look like a model from a glossy magazine.

The company changed its slogan to "Make IT Happen" in February 2016, inspiring women to express their understanding of beauty in their own way. However, the previous motto does not lose its relevance.

12. The New York Times - "All the News That"s Fit to Print" / "All the news that can be printed"

The slogan was created in the late 1890s as a response to other publishers who made money only from sensationalism. The New York Times, on the contrary, focused on important facts and stories that taught readers something new. Thanks to the slogan, the newspaper became considered a trustworthy source of information.

In modern society, advertising occupies an important place. It can safely be called not only the engine of progress, but also the motivator of our choice. Therefore, creating an effective advertising slogan is one of best solutions to attract clients for free. A successful slogan that will focus on the advantages of a product or service will interest you in purchasing target audience, will become a powerful tool for increasing sales.

How to create a successful advertising slogan?

The term "slogan" comes from the Gaulish phrase sluagh-ghairm (battle cry). It means an advertising slogan that briefly communicates the product or service being offered. This is one of the most effective and simple sales incentives. The slogan must contain a clear selling proposition and encourage the client to make a purchase (in this it is similar to any).

  • be associated with a specific brand, product or service, reflect the specifics of the activity;
  • easy to remember and be original;
  • don't call negative emotions, associations, have vocabulary and structure close to the target audience;
  • contain information about the trading advantages of the advertising object;
  • not cause any ambiguity.

Advice: The site’s domain name should be easy to pronounce and be consistent with .

Often, the founders of new companies entrust the creation of an advertising slogan to special agencies that are engaged in naming, that is, they come up with names (including domain names), mottos, etc. But their services, of course, are paid, and not all entrepreneurs can include such an article in the business plan expenses. If the company operates under the terms, then it uses the franchisee’s slogan (for the right to use someone else’s brand you need to pay lump sum and pay regularly).

If you wish, you can create a successful slogan to attract customers yourself (as well as develop effective schemes scenarios). It is also important to consider the legal aspects of this process. In this part, the slogan must meet the following requirements:

  1. Do not evoke or repeat the credo of another company.
  2. Do not contain incorrect comparisons.
  3. Do not discredit the business reputation, honor and dignity of competitors or individuals.
  4. Do not contain immoral appeals or foreign words that distort the meaning of information.
  5. Do not form negative attitudes towards people who have made choices elsewhere.

Slogans for should reflect innovation, originality of the idea, the concept of the project, and the rapidity of development of the new business. Examples of slogans: Looking into the future now, Generation of the 22nd century, Startup! Attention! March!

Advice: when choosing a slogan, it is important to take into account its specifics (it can be brand, corporate, promotional), because the effectiveness of the slogan directly depends on this.

Examples of slogans to attract customers

For some areas of business (for example, law), quotes and phrases in Latin can be used as an advertising slogan. Examples: SUUM CUIQUE, “...laws should protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves” (G. Heine), “The greatest crime is impunity.” (B. Shaw). Also in this case, such words as “Knowing your rights means being strong”, “Strength should follow justice, and not precede it” are suitable. The company's slogan is based on different motives:

  • customer care (“We care about you and your health”);
  • emphasis on exceptional advantages, for example, strength, status, quality, comfort or exclusivity of a product, service (“We taught the world to copy”, “This is Sony!”), etc.

You can create it using different approaches, focusing on the specifics of the product or service:

  1. Pun: you'll just rock! (about beer), sits and walks (brand of clothing), chew - do not chew (chewing candy), wash the water before eating! (filters).
  2. Emphasis on exclusivity: it’s all about the pepper (vodka), a source of natural energy for struggle and creation (energy drink), everything else is 20th century (laptop manufacturer).
  3. Using common expressions and sayings: tanks are not afraid of dirt! (about KAMAZ), proletarians of all countries, beware! (service for employers), clear eyes in no time (eye drops).
  4. Integration with the company name (Always Coca-Cola, Milk is twice as tasty if it’s MilkyWay!), emphasis on its activities (Hosting affordable, Hot delivery of hot dishes, Kilometers of shoes!!!).

But in any case, slogans should attract the client to the proposal received, arouse interest and positive emotions.

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