Owl from Winnie the Pooh with glasses. Owl is a character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. Rabbit in the original version

Type of cartoon ... Wikipedia

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day ... Wikipedia

Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries (((Original))) Cartoon type hand-drawn Director Gennady Sokolsky, Fyodor Khitruk Script writer ... Wikipedia

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too ... Wikipedia

Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree Cartoon type Hand-drawn animation Director Wolfgang Reiterman Based on ... Wikipedia

Winnie the Pooh (cartoon, 2011) Winnie the Pooh is a full-length cartoon about Winnie the Pooh directed by Steven Anderson and Don Hall, scheduled for release in the spring of 2011. The cartoon directors previously worked on Meet the... ... Wikipedia

- (English Winnie the Pooh) the main character of A. Milne’s books “Winnie the Pooh” (1926) and “The House on Pooh Edge” (1928), the most popular of the toy bears who became heroes of children's books. Books about V.P. were formed from stories that she told to her... ... Literary heroes

This term has other meanings, see Winnie the Pooh (meanings). Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh ... Wikipedia

A still from the Soviet cartoon Winnie the Pooh, a teddy bear, a character in stories and poems by Alan Alexander Milne (the series does not have common name and is usually also called “Winnie the Pooh”, after the first book). One of the most famous... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Winnie the Pooh (meanings). Winnie the Pooh ... Wikipedia


  • Winnie the Pooh. About the Great Feat of Piglet and the new Saveshnik, Boris Zakhoder, Alan A. Milne. If you are already familiar with Winnie the Pooh, if you have seen cartoons where he sings his Noisemakers, you will be pleased to meet this nice little bear again. And if you don’t know anything about this very much...
  • I'm learning to count with Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Eeyore and other characters from the famous cartoon about a bear cub will teach kids the first count! Learning with Winnie the Pooh will not be a boring task, but...

Narrator: Once upon a time, it seems like last Friday, there lived in a certain country a bear cub named Winnie the Pooh. Why under a name? Because above his door was the inscription "Winnie the Pooh".

Narrator: He was always not averse to refreshment. In addition, he was a poet.

Winnie the Pooh: If I'm scratching my head, it's okay! There is sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes! But, although there is sawdust, I sometimes compose chants and screams (as well as noisemakers, puffers, and nozzles), yes!

Winnie the Pooh: This is “Zh-zh-zh” - for a reason!... Why do you need to buzz if you are not a bee? I think so. Why are there bees in the world? To make honey. Why is there honey in the world? So that I can eat it. I think so!

Winnie the Pooh: Where are Piglet and I going - big big secret, and we won’t tell about him about no, and no, and...

Piglet: What do you think, the bees won’t notice… you under the ball!

Winnie the Pooh: I'll pretend that I'm a little black cloud.

Winnie the Pooh: If bears were bees, they would never have thought of building a house so tall.

Winnie the Pooh: Now I'm just like a real black cloud.

Winnie the Pooh: You can expect anything from these bees.

Winnie the Pooh: Do you know what will come to mind for these bees?

Winnie the Pooh: Well, who do I look like now?

Piglet: At a bear flying in a hot air balloon.

Winnie the Pooh: I think the bees suspect something!

Winnie the Pooh: It seems they don’t believe that I’m a black cloud...

Piglet: Maybe they think you want to steal their honey?

Winnie the Pooh: I'm a cloud-cloud-cloud, and not a bear at all!

Piglet: It looks like it's going to rain...

Winnie the Pooh: You have to do it the way it needs to be done. And if you don’t need to, you don’t need to do it!

Winnie the Pooh: These are the wrong bees! And they're probably making the wrong honey!

Winnie the Pooh: I'm going downstairs.

Piglet: How?

Winnie the Pooh: I haven't thought about that yet!

Winnie the Pooh: And if you don’t shoot, then I’ll be spoiled!

Winnie the Pooh: Oh-oh!

Piglet: Didn't I get it?

Winnie the Pooh: Ooh, it’s not that you didn’t hit it at all, you just didn’t hit the ball!

Winnie the Pooh: The bear loves honey very much. Why - who will understand? In fact, why does he like honey so much?

Winnie the Pooh: Isn't it time for us to eat? I think it's time!

Winnie the Pooh: Shouldn't we go visit and have a little refreshment?

Winnie the Pooh: Where Piglet and I are going is a big, big secret!

Winnie the Pooh: Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely! Taram-param, taram-tomtam. That's why it's morning! Taram-param, taram-tomtam, come visit in the morning!

Piglet: Where are we going?

Winnie the Pooh: To you, of course.

Winnie the Pooh: Do you have anything?

Piglet: Yes, I have another one balloon.

Winnie the Pooh: No, we probably won’t go to you.

Winnie the Pooh: Suitable company is a company where they can treat us to something!

Winnie the Pooh: Hey, is anyone home? I ask: hey, is anyone home?!

Rabbit: There's no need to yell like that! I heard everything perfectly the first time.

Winnie the Pooh: Listen, Rabbit, is this you by any chance?

Rabbit: No, not me!

Rabbit: What do you mean I? “I” are different.

Winnie the Pooh: “I” means I, Winnie the Pooh.

Rabbit: Are you sure about this? Hm! Indeed, Winnie the Pooh. Who is this?

Winnie the Pooh: This is Piglet.

Rabbit: Hmmm, indeed, Piglet. Well, come on in.

Rabbit: By the way, it says, “Wipe your feet.”

Winnie the Pooh: You-ti-raite no-gi... Yeah! It’s not such a simple thing to visit.

Winnie the Pooh: When we enter, the main thing is to pretend that we don’t want anything.

Narrator: The rabbit was very smart and he himself guessed: it was time to eat a little.

Winnie the Pooh: Both, and you can do it without bread.

Winnie the Pooh: No one leaves right away; that’s not the custom when visiting.

Winnie the Pooh: Are you in any hurry?

Piglet: No, I'm completely free until Friday!

Winnie the Pooh: Okay, let's sit a little longer.

Rabbit: Well, if you don’t want anything else...

Winnie the Pooh: Is there anything else?

Narrator: And they sat a little longer. Then a little more. And then a little more. And a little more... until, alas, there is nothing left

Winnie the Pooh: Ugh... No, it's better back... Ugh... No, it's better forward... Oh-oh-oh! Save... Save, help! Neither forward nor backward!

Rabbit: Are you stuck?

Winnie the Pooh: No, I'm just relaxing.

Winnie the Pooh: This is all because someone's doors are too narrow.

Rabbit: No! All because someone eats too much!

Winnie the Pooh: Oh! And I seem to have lost weight. Hurry, get me out of here!!!

Narrator: And no one knew what the Rabbit thought, because he was very well-mannered.

Winnie the Pooh and Care Day[edit]

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Winnie the Pooh and Care Day

Narrator: He had terrible luck, especially on Friday.

Eeyore: A pathetic sight... A heartbreaking sight... A nightmare! Well, that's what I thought. From this side it’s no better... And why? And for what reason? And what conclusion follows from this?

Eeyore: Good morning. If it's good at all. What I personally doubt...

Winnie the Pooh: How are you?

IA: Not really, I even think: not at all...

Winnie the Pooh: What happened to your tail? He's gone!

Winnie the Pooh: You either have a tail or you don’t have it at all, you can’t go wrong here.

I understand that the tail would have disappeared on some other day, no one would have noticed, but then...

IA: However, there is no need to be surprised. This was to be expected... on a day like this!

Eeyore: Friday is my birthday!

Eeyore: But I'm not complaining, don't pay attention.

Eeyore: It's a joke. Haha...

Winnie the Pooh: It's your birthday, and here you have no tail, no gifts.

Winnie the Pooh: Knock-knock!

Piglet: This is your house.

Winnie the Pooh: Ah, right... well then, let's go in!

No one can be sad when they have a balloon!

Winnie the Pooh: By balloon You can console anyone you want.

Winnie the Pooh: Every thing either exists or not. And honey - I just don’t understand what the secret is - if it’s there, it’s immediately gone!

Winnie the Pooh: Where am I going to go? Oh yes, birthday.

Winnie the Pooh: Here is an empty pot - it is a simple object, it will not go anywhere. And therefore the pot is empty, and therefore the pot is empty, and therefore the empty pot is valued much more!

Winnie the Pooh: The end of your suffering. And disappointments. And immediately the good weather comes,

Winnie the Pooh: When you or him, when, well, it doesn’t matter to whom... (not me, of course) will be given a pot without honey on your birthday!

Winnie the Pooh: An empty pot, you can keep whatever you want in it, it's a very useful thing.

I ask you to submit and wait for an answer. Sava.

I ask you to knock if they don’t respond. Sava.

Winnie the Pooh: Owl, open it - the bear has arrived.

Owl: What news?

Winnie the Pooh: Sad and terrible.

Winnie the Pooh: My spelling is poor. It's good, but for some reason it's lame.

Winnie the Pooh: There's sawdust in my head. Long words only frustrate me.

Winnie the Pooh: Where is this lace from, it reminds me of someone.

Piglet: Why did that boom like that? I couldn't make so much noise alone. And where, I wonder, is my balloon? And where did this rag come from?

Owl: Thistle!

Winnie the Pooh: Be healthy.

Owl: And in general.

Winnie the Pooh: Be healthy!

Owl: You can’t, you know, sneeze and not know that you sneezed.

Winnie the Pooh: Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life. Pooh.

IA: Thank you, I’m already lucky...

Eeyore: What color was it when it was a ball?

Piglet: Green...

Eeyore: What size?

Piglet: Almost from you...

Eeyore: My favorite size.

Eeyore: Others won’t fit in! But mine will fit.

In, out and in. It comes out great!

Owl: I want to give you a free gift...

Winnie the Pooh: Without what?

Owl: No-cart-mess-bottom!

Winnie the Pooh: Hurray! The tail has been found!

And I, and I, and I are of the same opinion!

Knitted owl from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh

Let's remember the wonderful cartoon about Vini and his friends. One of these friends was undoubtedly Owl. Or rather, Sava - that’s what was written on the sign of her house.

And there were also signs like: PLEASE PASS AND WAIT FOR A RESPONSE. SAVA


For some reason Pooh thought that the Owl was very smart.

I really hope that my Sava will remind you of this cartoon from our childhood. She is knitted with knitting needles. Height is 33 cm.

A master class is being prepared.

More information about knitted toys and educational materials on my blog

Quote from the cartoon: /* The owl came */

Congratulations, Eeyore. I heard it's your birthday today. This is true?

Yes, a real birthday. So many gifts!

So. Dear Eeyore! On this significant day, I want to give you free of charge...


Shut up, Pooh!

Sorry, I just wanted to know, without what?

No charge! That is, for nothing.

Oh, for free. It's clear.

/* I immediately realized that this was a lace for a reason */

Give you a modest but very useful gift free of charge. Here's this lace.

Pooh, come here.

You can hang it on the door...

I think it's him. Come on, try it on, please.

What is it, what's the matter? I took it off my bell. What is it, I don’t understand?

A! The tail has been found! The owl found the tail!/* And Pooh confirmed his guess */

My tail?

What's the matter?

My actual tail?

Well of course!

A! The tail has been found! The owl found its tail!

What tail? Tail? Oh, what is this? This means I gave...

/* Vinny laughs first. Then it came to Sova. Next is Piglet. Well, then even Eeyore started laughing */


How good!

How good!

What a coincidence!

I found a pot for the ball!

And the tail is for your birthday.

And yYa, and yYa, and I are of the same opinion!

Eagle Owl (also Owl) (eng. Owl) is a character in Alan Milne's stories "Winnie the Pooh" and "The House on Pooh Edge".


Owl - a character from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh

The Owl is one of the two inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood who has brains, as Rabbit tells him. In Zakhoder's translation, the Owl is very wise (although she cannot compare with Christopher Robin in this regard), she is the oldest resident of the Hundred Acre Wood. Everyone who came to visit her had to listen to stories about her relatives and ancestors.

The owl lived in the magnificent castle "CHESTNUTS". Yes, it was not a house, but a real castle... on the door there was a bell with a button, and a bell with a cord. An announcement was tacked under the bell: PLEASE PRESS IF THE ATR DOES NOT OPEN. And under the bell there is another announcement: PLEASE FALL OUT IF THEY DO NOT OPEN.

Russian translations add confusion to the question of the character's gender. In Zakhoder's translation, as well as in the Soviet cartoon, the Owl appears, a female character, and in the original and in the Disney cartoons Owl, a male character appears, that is, Owl or Owl. In pirated translations Disney cartoons it is also sometimes called "Owl".
In The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Owl has a cousin, Dexter. In addition, in the first translation of this cartoon, the word Owl was used in the masculine gender.

Crochet owl from the film Winnie the Pooh.
Let's complement our company of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Rabbit with another character from this wonderful cartoon. Let's connect the Owl:) The Owl is the personification of wisdom and the living embodiment of correct spelling; in moments of reflection, Winnie is his assistant in composing congratulations. Many people, including me, when writing the word “free of charge” often remember the character Owl and painfully think how many letters “D” there should be in this word :)

To create an Owl you will need:

  • Kamtex “Bambino” yarn (35% merino wool, 65% acrylic, 50g/150m) in the following colors: for the body dark chocolate (almost the entire skein is consumed) and linen (half a skein is consumed), for the eyes dark beige (small consumption);
  • Trinity yarn “Krokha” (20% wool, 80% acrylic, 50g/135m) color “Malva” (for a hat, low yarn consumption);
  • Small skeins of yarn for the beak and eyes;
  • Hook 1.4 for the whole Owl and 1.5 for the hat;
    Filling (sintepon/sintepon/holofiber to choose from);
  • Blunt needle for stitching;
  • Ribbons for decoration.

The Owl's height is approximately 16 cm, its wingspan is 25 cm. The Owl's figure is somewhat reminiscent of the figure of Winnie the Pooh - a voluminous body that smoothly flows into the head. An owl can stand on its own using its tail. All parts (except for the wings) are knitted together in the round (in a spiral), the wing parts are knitted in rotary rows using the “snake” or “back and forth” method. The Owl figure is quite simple, but there is a lot of detail. The description was compiled “from my head”.

Crochet owl, job description

Let's start knitting with the most great details- body-head. Due to the fact that the Owl is two-color (half dark, half light), when knitting I had to deal with the question: how to make sure that the yarn changes occur vertically, without moving to the side, as is usually the case when knitting in a spiral.

I solved this issue with the help of a single crochet stitch, which is knitted “in a split”, i.e. the hook is inserted not under the two upper walls, but into the middle of a single crochet.

  • interesting selection for the site!!!
  • An introductory article to amigurumi knitting. Basic techniques and simple toys.

This method is also called “tick”, because connected rows are similar to the Latin V. Thus, the first single crochet is knitted “in a split” with each change of thread. This method does not give 100% results, the work is still a little askew, but in comparison with conventional spiral knitting it looks much straighter. Due to the fact that the body and head will be made with two different colored threads, it will be necessary to fasten the non-working thread while knitting the working thread. In other words, in order to avoid long broaches, you will need to secure the non-working thread several times according to the jacquard principle. If you make long pulls, the toy may become pulled and deformed when stuffing.

We take yarn of the color “Linen”:
1st row: linen 6 sc in amigurumi ring
add yarn “Dark Chocolate” (hereinafter referred to as t.sh.)
2nd row: linen 3 increases (6), t.s. 3 increases (6), total (12)
3rd row: flax *1 sc inc* 3 times (9), t.s. *1 sc inc* 3 times (9), total (18)
4th row: flax *2 sc inc* 3 times (12), t.s. *2 sc inc* 3 times (12), total (24)
5th row: linen *3 sc inc* 3 times (15), t.sh. *3 sc inc* 3 times (15), total (30)
6th row: linen * 4 sc inc * 3 times (18), t.sh. *4 sc inc* 3 times (18), total (36)
7th row: flax *5 sc inc* 3 times (21), t.sh. *5 sc inc* 3 times (21), total (42)
8th row: linen *6 sc inc* 3 times (24), t.sh. *6 sc inc* 3 times (24), total (48)
9th row: linen * 7 sc inc * 3 times (27), t.sh. *7 sc inc* 3 times (27), total (54)
10th row: linen *8 sc inc* 3 times (30), t.sh. *8 sc inc* 3 times (30), total (60)
11th row: flax *9 sc inc* 3 times (33), t.sh. *9 sc inc* 3 times (33), total (66)
12th row: flax *10 sc inc* 3 times (36), t.sh. *10 sc inc* 3 times (36), total (72)
Rows 13-28: 72 sc in each row
Row 29: flax *10 sc dec* 3 times (33), t.sh. *10 sc* 3 times (33), total (66)
Row 30: flax *9 sc dec* 3 times (30), t.sh. *9 sc dec* 3 times (30), total (60)
31st row: flax *8 sc dec* 3 times (27), t.s. *8 sc dec* 3 times (27), total (54)
Row 32: flax *7 sc dec* 3 times (24), t.s. *7 sc dec* 3 times (24), total (48)
Row 33: flax *7 sc inc* 3 times (27), t.sh. *7 sc inc* 3 times (27), total (54)
Row 34: flax *8 sc inc* 3 times (30), t.s. *8 sc inc* 3 times (30), total (60)
Rows 35-48: 60 sc in each row
starting from the 49th row we knit only with dark thread (dark chocolate)
Row 49: *8 sc dec* 6 times (54)
Row 50: *7 sbn* 6 times (48)
Row 51: *6 sc dec* 6 times (42) - start stuffing the body with filler
Row 52: *5 sc dec* 6 times (36)
Row 53: *4 sbn* 6 times (30)
Row 54: *3 sc dec* 6 times (24) - fill the head
Row 55: *2 sc dec* 6 times (18)
Row 56: *1 sc dec* 6 times (12)
Row 57: 6 decreases, close the knitting, secure the thread.
We have a template for the future Owl.

Let's tie her wings. The wing consists of 2 parts, the outer dark and the inner light. Each part consists of four separately knitted feathers, joined together.

Top (long) feather:
Row 1: cast on 14 chain stitches, then knit 13 sc, starting from the second loop from the hook
2nd row: 2 chain stitches, 12 half double crochets, *3 half double crochets in one loop* 2 times, 13 half double crochets, close the knitting, cut the thread
The knitting pattern for the longest feather is attached. The remaining feathers are knitted according to the same principle.

Second feather:
Row 1: cast on 13 chain stitches, then knit 12 sc, starting from the second loop from the hook
2nd row: 2 chain stitches, 11 half double crochets, *3 half double crochets in one loop* 2 times, 12 half double crochets, close the knitting, cut the thread

Third feather:
Row 1: cast on 12 chain stitches, then knit 11 sc, starting from the second loop from the hook
2nd row: 2 chain stitches, 10 half double crochets, *3 half double crochets in one loop* 2 times, 11 half double crochets, close the knitting, cut the thread.

Fourth feather:
1st row: cast on 11 chain stitches, then knit 10 sc, starting from the second loop from the hook
2nd row: 2 lifting chain stitches, 9 half double crochets, *3 half double crochets in one loop* 2 times, 10 half double crochets, do not cut the thread, it will be useful for joining the feathers into a wing.

When combining, we knit 4 sc for each feather, in total we get 16 sc, then we knit in rotating rows back and forth, making an air lifting loop at the beginning of each row. Thus, after joining, we knit 4 more rows of 16 sc in each, then decrease on each side, leaving 14 sc and knit 4 more rows of 14 sc in each.

The whole company from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" is assembled.

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