Geranium bicolor. Types and varieties of indoor geraniums in the photo with description. Zonal pelargonium Deacon

For almost a century, breeders all over the world have been breeding new varieties of pelargonium. Thanks to their efforts, an incredibly large number of different varieties and varieties of this ornamental plant were obtained. The culture is not overly demanding in terms of growing conditions and, with proper care, will definitely respond with lush, luxurious flowering. We bring to your attention detailed information about zonal pelargonium, as well as its best varieties (photos with names and descriptions are attached).

About zonal pelargonium

This is one of the most common groups of plants, represented by a large number of species and varieties. Varieties belonging to the group of the same name are considered zonal because they have a certain zone on the leaves, colored in a different color (most often in the form of a small ring-shaped or rounded spot). Pelargonium zonalis is perfect for growing not only in room conditions, but also in open areas.

The variety is represented by an erect, fairly branched and powerful bush, densely covered with foliage. The bush is covered with small lush umbrella flowers. The leaves are heavily pubescent and have a specific odor. Zonal pelargoniums are also divided into several varieties depending on the number of petals on the flowers. So, they come with 5-8 petals (sometimes more).

Pelargonium is an unpretentious plant

Zonal pelargonium is a rather unpretentious plant in terms of growing conditions, but quite demanding in terms of care. It is necessary to provide it with the right amount solar heat and light, nutritious and regular fertilizing, saturate with moisture, etc.

Advice. IN winter period it is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient access to cool air. If this is not possible, remove as many bare shoots from the plant as possible in the spring.

Basic classification of zonal pelargonium

Zonal pelargoniums, in turn, can be divided into several subgroups:

  • Rosaceae. All varieties presented in this category have luxurious double flowers that look very reminiscent of classic roses.

Rosaceous pelargonium

  • Tulip-shaped. The flowers of varieties from this group are small flowers collected in inflorescences. Outwardly they resemble small unopened tulip-shaped buds. The petals of tulip-shaped pelargoniums have a rather unusual appearance: they are slightly inclined inward and lowered, as if they have already begun to fade. This in no way means that the plants are actually withering. In fact, the sluggish appearance of the petals is a specific feature of the variety.

Tulip pelargonium

  • Star-shaped. Star pelargoniums They are completely different from their “compatriots”: the flowers of these dwarf plants have an unusual shape of a pointed star. Moreover, quite often the two largest petals have an elongated shape with a sharp end, which makes them different from the rest.

star pelargonium

  • Dianthus. The varieties presented in this category are very similar in appearance to garden carnations: they are just as large, with carved petals of a fairly bright shade.

Carnation pelargonium

  • Cactus-like. A rather rare variety of zonal pelargonium, which is represented by a fairly large, heavily leafy bush. The leaves are wide, bright green. Flowers of cactus-shaped varieties look quite unusual: their petals seem to be rolled into narrow tubes. Quite often they have a slightly “disheveled” appearance.

cactus pelargonium

  • Deacons. Quite young hybrids that appeared on the world flower market less than 50 years ago. They are represented by a very compact, abundantly flowering bush with a small rosette of flowers in a soft peach, pink or red hue.

Pelargonium deacon

Let's take a closer look at several of the best representatives in each category of zonal varieties of pelargonium. Among the most popular pink varieties Several can be distinguished:

  • April Snow is a neat dwarf plant with small double pink flowers in the form of roses.
  • Denise is a powerful plant that every year is covered with a large terry cap of pink or peach color.
  • Monseruds Rosen is not easy to grow - it is quite difficult to form the required shape, it is distinguished by luxurious burgundy flowering.

Among the most popular star varieties Pelargoniums can be distinguished as follows:

  • Aunty Pam – Stellar. The variety is represented by a fairly compact, well-branched bush, densely covered with luxurious bright pink flower rosettes. Externally, the flower petals resemble a small terry carnation.
  • Borthwood – Stellar. Another excellent star variety, this is a heavily flowering dwarf shrub whose leaves are shaped slightly like frogs' legs.
  • Fandango. A rather unusual variety, the flowers of which look slightly “shabby”: the shape of the petals is a little torn, with fuzzy edges. The plants bloom abundantly and lushly; the flowers have a pleasant soft coral hue.

Pelargonium Fandango

Among cactus varieties pelargoniums can be noted as follows:

  • Fascination (the petals of the plant are quite long, with edges bent down, which makes their appearance very extravagant, somewhat reminiscent of human nails);
  • Noel (the petals of the plant’s flowers have a delicate white color and a twisted shape, with a pinkish anther rising in the center).

Advice. In order to grow luxurious, lushly blooming pelargonium in your home, you need to periodically trim its branches (it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the autumn). This will speed up the growth of the plant and improve its appearance.

This concludes our acquaintance with one of the varieties of such an unusual and pleasant plant to grow as zonal pelargonium. Good luck!

Pelargonium varieties: video

Among the most attractive garden and indoor plants separate place occupied by pelargonium zonalis. This flower is a frequent visitor to government institutions and park areas. However, there are so many varieties of zonal pelargonium that you can always choose a flower for your apartment.

History of the zonal species

Geranium of the genus Pelargonium zonalis was first discovered in the middle of the last millennium on African continent. The plant attracted the discoverers with its bright flowers and unusual box shape. This shape resembled the beak of a stork, which is why the new species was given the name Pelargoniums - a derivative of the Greek "πελαργός", meaning "stork". And the word “zonal” appeared in the name due to the special color of the leaf plate - in spring and summer a small zone appears on it, painted in a different color. Thus, the Latin name for zonal geranium was formed - Zonal pelargoniums.

For the first time, zonal pelargonium came to Europe from Africa in the 18th century - it was brought by British sailors to their homeland. There the flower gained wide popularity and until the beginning of the twentieth century remained a symbol not only of the Victorian era, but also of English bourgeois life in general. At the time when the popularity of the plant in the British Isles began to decline, zonal geranium was already known throughout Eurasia, thanks to which its old varieties were actively bred and new ones were developed.

To date, more than 350 varieties of Zonal pelargoniums are known. The flower is grown both indoors and outdoors, and the variety of colors allows you to choose a crop option to suit every taste.

The best varieties

As already mentioned, zonal pelargonium has more than three hundred species. The most common are:

  • Calliope Dark Red is a recently developed hybrid. The authors of this variety in the description always indicate the magnificent appearance of Calliope Dark Red - rich red double buds are located on a medium-sized bush;
  • another medium-sized variety, Rafaella, differs from Calliope Dark Red in larger inflorescences and a variety of shades - from pale pink to lilac;
  • Chandelier Violet blooms with purple buds from May to October. This variety is suitable for both outdoors and indoors, and proper care will delight you with large inflorescences sitting on bright green stems;
  • pelargoniums of the PAC group (known in our country as PAK) are more expensive hybrids. Most of them were bred in the last two decades. PAK varieties are distinguished by a wide variety of colors and shapes - flowers similar to roses and classic geraniums, white, blue and all shades of red. In our country, the most famous geranium hybrids are under the following names - PAC Fireworks Red, PAC Fireworks Red-White, PAC Salmon Princess, PAC Viktor Improved. , PAC Viva Carolina (PAC Viva Carolina);

  • The incredibly beautiful hybrid Red Pandora belongs to the tulip-shaped varieties. Red Pandora inflorescences resemble a set of small tulips of a soft scarlet color. The variety blooms for a long time and does not require serious care;
  • pelargonium Montevideo grows into huge peony-shaped buds of a delicate salmon color. The plant is medium-sized and suitable for growing in an apartment;
  • Unicorn Zonartic Rose is a vigorous growing species obtained by crossing the flowers of the golden variety Lara Zonartic and the purple variety Lara Suzanne. The result was a plant with soft purple petals and large double leaves;
  • Another group of pelargoniums is Deacons. In this group there are plants of various shades - platinum, orange, white, burgundy and others. The flowers are short, with sparse foliage. A number of varieties are bred in Italian Tuscany (Kato, Claudio, Eric, Bernd), while others (Cupid, Emma Housley) are native to other European countries.

Features of cultivation and care

Caring for zonal pelargonium is very simple. All you need is to choose a good place for planting and determine the correct watering regime.

Care at home is the most comfortable, since it does not require covering the plant for the winter or controlling rodents. However, there are some nuances here too. For example, if placing pelargonium outdoors in spring and early summer is almost guaranteed to provide the plant with the required amount of light, then indoors you will have to find the brightest and most tranquil corner of the house - preferably a south-east window. If such a place is not found, in winter the flower will have to be illuminated artificially - using lamps.

Also, do not forget that sunburn has a detrimental effect on the condition of the foliage - protect your plants from direct sun rays and shade the flowers in time.

The home conditions of our regions are ideal for growing zonal pelargonium - comfortable temperatures for a plant, temperatures are considered to be from 12 to 24 °C, which allows the flower not to fade even in winter. The same applies to humidity: low humidity during the heating season is not a cause for concern, because pelargoniums do not need spraying. All they need is regular watering after the soil dries out. In winter, the frequency of soil moistening can be reduced to once every 10 days.

Zonal pelargoniums prefers loose soils. Special soils for this type of plant can be purchased at a flower shop or mixed yourself. To do this you will need leaf soil, peat, charcoal and sand. All ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 3:1:1:1.

The flower needs to change the soil once a year. When transplanting from pot to pot, the volume of the new vessel should not exceed the previous one by more than 15%. The plant is planted in the ground in mid-spring and removed from there in the fall.

Zonal geranium does not need frequent feeding - it is enough to feed the plant with potassium phosphate fertilizers before flowering, as well as mineral mixtures during the rest period. In winter, limit fertilizing to once every month and a half.

Pelargoniums are characterized by a high growth rate, which is why the timely formation of a bush becomes an important point. If there is no pruning and removal of old shoots, the plant will stop blooming. Therefore, regularly remove old shoots, and also pinch the flower at growth points no higher than above the sixth leaf.

Breeding rules

Zonal geranium is propagated mainly in two ways - seeds and cuttings. The first method is suitable for those who want to grow a flower from scratch. The package with the seeds should indicate at what time it is recommended to grow the seedlings - most often this is done at the end of winter.

The seeds are first soaked in warm water, and then the substrate is replanted and kept in a warm, well-lit place, regularly moistening and fertilizing. By spring, the sprouts have grown so large that they can be transplanted into a pot, and already in the summer such plants are able to produce their first buds.

Propagation by cuttings helps to obtain the desired plant, which will be a complete copy of the mother flower. To do this, a shoot is cut from the mother plant, kept in dry, humid conditions for a couple of days, and then, like a regular plant, it is transplanted into a pot with soil suitable for pelargonium. You can first place the shoot in a glass of water and keep it there until roots form, but this will not change the quality of growth. It is recommended to water the young shoot regularly and keep it on a well-lit windowsill.

We wish you success in growing zonal pelargonium!

Video “Choice of variety and propagation of pelargonium”

From this video you will learn how to choose the right pelargonium variety and propagate the plant.

Modern varieties of pelargonium are difficult to compare with the bushes of “grandmother’s” geraniums, whose scarlet or pink umbrellas proudly flaunted on the window sills of city apartments, in front gardens and on balconies. Despite the fact that plants have not become more capricious, flower growers today have access to varieties that delight with the long flowering of not simple, but densely double flowers, and the palette of inflorescences is unusually wide. This is evidenced by descriptions and photos of pelargonium varieties.

Pelargonium Pebbles

The double pink-crimson flowers of pelargonium Pebbles, with a lightened center, seem even larger, since the plant itself is not too large and rightfully belongs to the category of miniature.

Despite the emergence of new varieties of pelargonium, the photo of this fluffy, easily shaped bush invariably attracts the attention of flower growers, who will not be disappointed when growing it in a flowerbed or windowsill. The dense caps of the inflorescences look even more voluminous due to the light, almost white back side of the petals.

Pelargonium Silk Moira

The delicate dwarf pelargonium Shelk Moira is the first officially recognized creation of Russian breeders. The author of a spectacular plant with dense flowers of an unusual light salmon hue and bright emerald foliage is a resident of St. Petersburg, Irina Kleimova.

The inflorescences of this variety of pelargonium, as in the photo, are dense, the flowers are densely double, with wavy petals, lightened on the back side.

Pelargonium Brookside Fantasy

Another terry plant of the Brookside Fantasy variety is a bright representative of zonal pelargoniums. Compact bushes with rich green leaves with a clearly visible dark stripe delight with inflorescences of a delicate pink-lilac hue.

At the stage when the buds are just opening, closer to the center the petals have a slight green tint, then their reverse side acquires a pink-cream color, slightly lighter than the entire inflorescence. The flower caps are large, comparable to the inflorescences on standard bushes, although this pelargonium is a real miniature.

Pelargonium Bold Carmine

Red-crimson flowers, as in the photo, pelargonium varieties Bold Carmine can be classified as semi-double or double. The plant itself is compact, accepts fertilizing well and readily produces elongated peduncles with caps of carmine flowers.

The back side of the petals of this variety is lighter in color. The foliage is bright, with a noticeable concentric stripe in the middle of the leaf blade.

Pelargonium Saxdalens Selma

Zonal pelargonium Saxdalens Selma forms a large, strong bush, distinguished not only by powerful shoots, but also by voluminous beautiful inflorescences consisting of soft pink flowers. Plants of this variety bloom beautifully and respond to care. The bush is small, easily branching.

Many gardeners pay attention to the unusual structure of spectacular pink flowers, which are more reminiscent of rosaceous varieties.

Pelargonium Mimi

The light, airy and very large inflorescences of this pelargonium variety, as in the photo, are easy to recognize by the amazingly beautiful pink-salmon hue of the flowers.

But this is not the only advantage of the variety. Pelargonium foliage has a golden-green color. The bushes are characterized by slow growth and compactness.

Pelargonium le Pirat

The terry ivy-leaved pelargonium le Pirat amazes with the abundance and splendor of its inflorescences. The flowers of this variety have a velvety, deep red color and in shape, at the beginning of flowering, are very reminiscent of blooming roses.

Pelargonium is distinguished by the fact that the flowers do not fall off for a long time, and the plants can be used as an hanging crop to decorate a veranda or garden.

Pelargonium Noel Gordon

Since the shape of the densely double flowers of pelargonium Noel Gordon is very reminiscent of roses, the plant can also be classified as a rosebud variety. The bushes of this zonal pelargonium are compact and densely covered with foliage.

Thanks to the abundance of large pink flowers with wavy petals, the dense inflorescences of this variety are very decorative and do not fall off for a long time.

Pelargonium PAC Viva Maria

Pelargonium PAC Viva Maria, which has German roots, like its relatives, blooms profusely and for a long time, while the bushes are very compact, and the inflorescences are luxurious and large.

Flowers of this variety are easily recognized among the mass of other inflorescences by their white color with a bright crimson spot at the base of each petal. As a result, simple or semi-double pelargonium flowers stand out from the general series, and plants of this variety are worthy of becoming valuable specimens in the collections of both connoisseurs of the species and beginners.

Pelargonium Powder Puff

The decorative effect of zonal pelargonium Powder Puff is achieved through very dense salmon-colored inflorescences and beautiful leaves with a clearly defined contrasting stripe.

The petals on the back side are lighter than on the top. The plants are small in size, which will be appreciated by gardeners who only have indoor window sills at their disposal.

Pelargonium Lake

The salmon coloring of the wavy petals of Lake pelargonium becomes almost white towards the edges, and the full color appears only towards the center of the large double flowers. Moreover, for brighter flowering, it is recommended to expose the plants to the sun; in the shade, the colors fade noticeably.

The plant itself belongs to standard zonal varieties and requires careful shaping. The leaves of this pelargonium variety, as in the photo, are very elegant thanks to the wide contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

Pelargonium Ludwigsburger Flair

Dwarf pelargonium Ludwigsburger Flair blooms readily and profusely, but in order for the plant to really look like a miniature one, the gardener will need careful work when forming the bush.

Terry beautiful flowers This variety has a pink color that becomes brighter towards the center and becomes almost white or greenish towards the corrugated edge.

Pelargonium Mallorca

The gorgeous, unusually shaped flowers of the zonal pelargonium Mallorca force us to classify this variety as a cactus. The peculiarity of the flowers is a multitude of jagged petals, pointed along the edges, combining red, white and greenish stripes in color.

The plant is compact, easily and takes a long time to form new inflorescences. If the bush is in a lighted place, the plant remains small in size, and in the shade it begins to stretch to standard pelargoniums.

Pelargonium Dowepoint

Leaves with a neat decorative border and barely pink flowers of Dowepoint pelargonium make this luxurious variety stand out from the many double plants of this type existing today.

The bushes are compact, rather squat, the inflorescences are dense and voluminous compared to the size of the plant.

Pelargonium Elmsett

The incredibly beautiful dwarf pelargonium Elmsett belongs to the zonal variety. And flower growers who see the plant fall in love with the bright, golden-hued leaves and double cream flowers, decorated with red spots and veins.

The bush blooms long and abundantly, its shape is very neat, so the plant can easily decorate any windowsill.

Pelargonium Lara Harmony

The flowers of zonal pelargonium Lara Harmony, when fully opened, are incredibly similar to real roses, however, the variety is classified as double. The size of the bush is standard, the leaves have a classic color for the species, the flowers are densely double, lush, with a spectacular pink color, which is somewhat weaker in the lower part of the corolla.

Pelargonium Norrland

This variety of pelargonium, as in the photo, can be distinguished by its strong shoots, rich green foliage, characteristic of plants of the zonal variety, and double peony-shaped flowers. Thanks to its lush inflorescences, Norrland pelargonium is well known to lovers of this culture and has earned the sincere love of flower growers.

To achieve quality flowering, the plant requires proper care, pruning and attention. And in this case, the bushes will definitely delight you with pink, densely double inflorescences.

Pelargonium Passat

Very decorative terry flowers of Passat pelargonium amaze with the light pink shade of their corrugated petals and density, reminiscent of delicate fluffy pompoms. The variety has long been known to pelargonium lovers and enjoys well-deserved attention from both beginners and long-time followers of the culture.

The bushes of this zonal pelargonium need shaping, but when good care They bloom for a long time and with high quality.

Pelargonium Granny Barter

Granny Barter pelargonium flowers are similar in shape to schoolgirls' ceremonial bows, their petals are so light and delicate.

Densely double corollas of white and pink color form dense inflorescences that look great on bushes of standard height. The variety has proven itself to be trouble-free and very flexible.

Pelargonium Ainsdale Duke

Strong, powerful pelargonium bushes of this variety are covered with dense foliage and luxurious inflorescences consisting of deep red double flowers. A dark stripe along the outside of the leaf plate adds decorativeness to the leaves.

Pelargonium Ainsdale Duke is very solemn and spectacular. Next to it, many other plants fade, which must be taken into account when selecting collections of varieties.

Pelargonium Bold Ann

The soft pink, very attractive flowers of Bold Ann pelargonium invariably attract the attention of gardeners to this terry variety zonal variety.

Pelargonium bushes are neat, the inflorescences do not lose their beauty for a long time, and the plant is undemanding and willingly responds with flowering to simple care.

Pelargonium Bold Pixie

Zonal dwarf pelargonium Bold Pixie will definitely please flower growers who love double flowers of an unusual raspberry-pink hue for this crop.

On small bushes, bright inflorescences look doubly advantageous, and, in addition, a significant advantage of the variety is the almost independent formation of the bush.

Video about terry pelargonium Dovepoint

Pelargonium is an amazing indoor plant. After all, this flower has many varieties, among which the most famous are the royal and zonal species.

Almost all year round they delight gardeners with their colorful inflorescences. They decorate balconies, terraces and plant them in garden plots.

In addition to brightness and compactness, they have a number of other advantages. This is the reason for its growing popularity from year to year.

So, let’s look in detail at what kind of plant this is and how to grow it at home.

What kind of flower is this?

Pelargonium is a herbaceous semi-shrub flower. There are already more than 400 varietal varieties around the world. The name comes from the shape of the fruit, which was similar to a crane's beak. The first species were identified in Africa. The pleasant smell and neatness have been loved since ancient times, and after that they began to appear in every home. Popularity arose due to active growth and unpretentious care. In warm climates, the plant lives in the garden, as the height can reach large sizes.

Important! Do not leave the plant in the shade. When purchasing a flower, select a sunny and warm place for it in advance.

Names of species with descriptions and photos

There are a huge number of varieties of pelargoniums and the classification of some species is still unclear. Let's move on to the most famous plants that can be found in every person's home.


Orange pelargonium grows up to 35 cm in height. An unusual appearance with a peach cap on each bud and a greenish tint on the edge. With good care, 240 inflorescences change over 4 seasons. Provides a pleasant view from the balcony. Does not require special attention. Prefers semi-shaded areas. It should be watered abundantly, a little less in winter. In summer it is best to take it out into the fresh air. You can plant seeds in any weather.

Ice Rose

Ivy-leaved pelargonium white. The foliage is medium sized, dark green. Compact plant. It does not grow quickly, but the buds of this variety are worth it. The flowers grow large, up to 6 cm, and are shaped like a rose. If you keep the plant in the sun a little, you can achieve a slight lilac tint.


Different from all the others, because even the origin of this plant still unclear. The species is not assigned to any classification, which is why it is called unique. Its foliage refers to dissected leaves. The aroma is piquant, without too much harshness. The small flowers look like a bird's feather. Plants can have either single or bicolor foliage. The variety is classified as tall. The peak of popularity of uniques took place at the end of the 19th century.

Iris confetti

Refers to zonal pelargonium. Their flowers are whitish with a pinkish tint in the middle. Foliage is small in size. In a pot it looks impressive and without unnecessary flaws. In the sun it takes on a brighter tone. And in winter it requires special care and feeding.

Mini Diana

Miniature golden leaf pelargonium. Belongs to the zonal group. Despite their small size, the flowers are large, white-pink in color and have a pleasant golden tint. The leaves are semi-double with a light green tint. Each leaf has a bright brown zone. Blooms at an accelerated pace. Not whimsical. In a small pot the flower looks compact and fluffy.

Diana Palmer

Zonal pelargonium. The petals are wavy with jagged edges in the shape of a carnation. Light shading. A spectacular bush, not fussy in flowering. Has a pastel orange tone. In order for a flower to sprout, it needs pruning. It bushes well, looks large and has grown. The leaves are compact. Inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Quite famous variety. Mostly good flowering occurs in the summer. This plant needs feeding.


Small semi-double species pelargonium. The first flowers are 4 cm in size. It grows in large caps. The bush is elegant, compact, but rather capricious. Not very tall. After pruning, it does not sprout immediately; most often it only replaces it. Responsive to temperature changes. The variety is tender. It has a peach color with a pale white edging of the petals. The trunk is almost always not leafy. Formation does not happen immediately. In hot weather it can throw leaves. The plant is worthy of attention for its dissimilarity.

Powder pouf

Small zonal pelargonium with salmon color. The lining of the petals is light, and the leaves themselves have a dark zone. Neat fluffy bush. The heat makes the cap white and thick, which creates a nice contrast. Shoots form quickly. Bright and pleasant to look at. There are almost always many buds present. The plant itself is small in size, which is why it will look perfect on the windowsill. Spraying is useful. Take it out onto the balcony only in hot weather. Dwarf variety.


A dense double flower in the form of an unopened rosebud. The petals of this plant are deep red. Each rose is 1 cm. In hot weather, the red color becomes a little paler, and in winter, on the contrary, it acquires a bright shade. The inflorescence is dense. Peduncles of medium height. Green sheets with a cream mosaic pattern. Belong to the zonal type. It blooms in the shape of a cap. Over time it grows to medium size.


Pelargonium Albina grows quite quickly. Already after the cuttings have appeared, the peduncle rises on the 3rd day. However, the first flowering is not particularly abundant. 4 flowers grow on 1 peduncle. Large plant. It belongs to the zonal species and is considered a dwarf in height. The leaves are intense green. The flowers themselves are double, white with a small red stamen, and collected tightly. Due to the density of this species, the plant looks collected and neat. He loves feeding, so thanks to courtship, the flowers become larger. Suitable for beginners who take responsibility.


Zonal variety of dwarf speckled pelargonium. Flower growers are attracted by the bright, golden-green leaves with creamy double flowers and red veins. The flower is decorated with light, bright crimson specks. Durable. With a neat shape, blooms profusely. The bush is well-fed and strong. Does not throw leaves, bushes on its own.


A neat decorative border and a barely noticeable pink color, which echoes white, distinguish this plant variety from other terry types. The inflorescences are dense and delicate, voluminous compared to the dwarf type. In the sun, the bloom of dovepoint turns from white to pink. Peduncles are short.

Crown Princess Mary

Mary belongs to the double zonal pelargoniums. The inflorescences are tight, reminiscent of a rose. They grow up to 10 cm. The flowers themselves are white with a small green one in the center. When blooming, it may acquire a slight pinkish tint. The bush is fluffy. Blooms profusely in spring and summer. Should be replanted annually. Loves the sun and warmth. Tries to bloom even in low light. Prefers complex feeding. The name of this variety goes well with the name.

Princess Sandra

Terry pelargonium belongs to the zonal type. The flower is light red with a white section in the center. According to the type of growth, it is considered a standard pelargonium, which means it can grow quite large.


The double trade wind flower amazes with its light pinkish tint of ruffled petals. The density of this variety resembles a delicate fluffy pompom. The species is known among pelargonium lovers and beginners. Bushes need help in shaping, but with good care they bloom efficiently and abundantly. A sunny variety that will warm you even in cloudy weather. You can also see what this varietal flower looks like in the photo.

Peppermint twist

Terry pelargonium. Large flowers with a peachy-pinkish color, densely strewn with cherry speckles. Green leaves with a zone brown in the center of the sheet. Long lasting decorative look. Standard bush, blooms profusely. A bright variety for lovers of variegated plants.


The wavy petals of Pelargonium Laque are colored orange, and towards the edge of the flower they become completely white. The clearly colored color can only be seen in the sun. In the shadows the color fades. The plant belongs to the usual zonal variety, but in addition it requires careful formation. The leaves are elegant, thanks to the contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

Bronze butterfly

In the center of the leaf there is light shade butterfly shaped, which, after basking in the sun, can give a bronze tint. The flower itself is large, peach-colored, and needle-shaped. The variety is not tall, the peduncles are short. Requires shaping. Bushes and blooms for quite a long time. Not afraid of rain and heat. Looks great on the balcony in summer. The size can be easily adjusted using a small flowerpot. Unpretentious, fast growing. It is the unusual leaves that make this species special.


Terry zonal pelargonium plant. Flowers in the form of a red rose. The flower itself is bright and velvety. Blooms profusely and looks compact. The hat is round. The leaves are green, iridescent with a slight brown tint. In person it has a very bright colorful color.


In summer, you can see this type of plant in vegetable gardens, flower beds and balconies. It is distinguished by lush flowering and grace. Quite demanding to care for. It blooms for a short time, about 5 months. But if you see this plant even once, you will immediately want to bring it to your windowsill. Royal pelargonium grows up to 60 cm in height.

It differs from its colleagues by folded multi-colored leaves, dense leaf plate and jagged edges.

Just a note. Not everyone can make such a beauty bloom. This individual prefers warmth and sunlight for continuous abundant flowering.

It can tolerate a little shade, but will bloom a little less luxuriantly. Prefers nutritious soil. You can add a little clay mixture to the soil. In cold weather, the temperature should not be lower than 12ºС.


Tamara is many-sided and unique. The flowers are like dense pink and white marshmallows. The color is variable with pink veins and a border of the same color. The plant is tender and airy. Compact bush with small leaves. It blooms from infancy and never ceases to delight with the process. The petals are neat, with pointed tips.


Sunny side required. The soil should be kept moist constantly, but in moderation. It is recommended to spray. Red pelargonium grows up to 30 cm in length. It should be placed on the balcony immediately after frost has passed.

It has a bright shade and universal resistance to all weather conditions. The variety branches well. There are huge inflorescences. The color of this type of pelargonium is similar to wine red. The leaves are classified as ivy-leaved. Grows quickly. Landing 30×30.

Maverick white-pink

The plant is 30 cm tall with good branching. White-pink color. The inflorescences are large. The leaves are green with a slight dark tint. Drought resistant. Preference is given to sunny places with fertile soil. You can start planting from the end of January. The depth for seeds is 0.5 cm. If you maintain a temperature of 20°C, then seedlings can be seen within a week.


Pelargonium is a non-double, ivy-leaved plant. Large caps and beautifully colored in a variety of shades. Blooms profusely, completely covered with inflorescences. There are two types of Tuscany that are currently popular.


Bright flowers, opening wide, deep red. Each leaf is dark green with a bright brown ring. Classified as semi-double. The bush is harmonious, never stretched out. The lower part of the flower must be compacted tightly.


Large flowers of a crimson-red hue with white dots on the leaves. The bush is fluffy. It grows slowly, but branches very well. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green. The bush is low, the average height is up to 25 cm. The color is very rich. Does not require growth regulators.

apple blossom

Herbaceous plant with a fragrant aroma. The height of the bush is 25 cm. The leaves are round, green with a small red edge. The flowers are pink with a slight pallor in the form of a spherical inflorescence. The plant prefers light. For feeding, a turf mixture is chosen, and moderate moisture is preferred. If the flower is treated with love, the flowering will continue all summer. In the fall, a transplant and a bright place in the room are necessary. For seeds to germinate, the temperature must reach 20°C.

Black velvet

The difference between black velvet is in the unusual chocolate sheets, which create a wonderful combination with bright red inflorescences. If the bush is formed recently, then you will notice that at the initial stage there is a bronze coating on the sheets. The height of black velvet reaches about 40 cm. The shoots are strong. Loves light, but the sun's rays should not touch the petals.

Pelargonium is unpretentious, but this does not mean that it does not need care. Periodically you need to check the soil and water on time. Prefers mineral fertilizers. Sowing 1 cm. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out.

Indoor hybrids

The hybrid variety grows well at home. It looks like a large shrub up to 75 cm in height. Rounded green leaves. The flowers are umbellate up to 3 cm, come in multi-colored shades, namely: white, pink, red, purple. Flowering lasts six months.

The most popular pelargonium hybrids include two species.


Rare hybrid plant. Wine red flower with a black stripe down the middle. This hybrid plant is easy to care for, but requires light. Required moderate watering. An adult plant reaches a height of 20 cm.

Miss Stapleton

The plant never sleeps. This heart-shaped hybrid looks like a bouquet of pink roses. The stems are hard with stipules in the form of thorns.


Rosaceous pelargonium. The flowers are dense, double. The petals have two colors. The inside is like red wine, and the back is silver. The inflorescences are dense. The leaves are greenish, folded.


Madame Pelargonium has several varieties. Let's look at the main ones.


Type of double zonal pelargonium. Fluffy bush. Blooms profusely. The flowers look like dark red wine, there are bright and large inflorescences. It is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray as often as possible.


Graceful pelargonium with variegated leaves. The leaves are long-stemmed, gray-green with a wide cream edge. Has thin cuttings. Belong to the dwarf group. Blooms in bright pinkish color. The variety hardly blooms, but captivates with its beauty. The bush is compact and pleasant to look at.

Fisher appleblossom

Large flowers resembling a rose. The plant is white, with a rich white-pink border. Tight caps. The bush needs shaping. The leaves are green and have a dark zone. Requires special care.


Terry ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers have a similar blue-lilac hue. Compact bush. Needs a sunny area. Requires daily care. The plant needs additional minerals.

Miniature varieties

Miniature pelargoniums first appeared in England. The height of small pelargonium starts from 8 cm and ends at 15 cm. Ideal for the home, they can also be placed on balcony boxes. The leaves come in a variety of green shades. Pelargoniums are light and airy, but this is not their only advantage. They are compact. They can bloom in any decade.

Small plant species are currently divided into groups:

  • Zonal.
  • Ivy-leaved.
  • Royal.
  • Variegated.
  • Succulents.
  • Fragrant.

Most of the plants belong to the zonal species. The name was derived from the small zones on each sheet. Usually these are dark brown zones that are located in the center. It was thanks to breeders from England that small varieties of pelargonium appeared.

Reference. Do not leave pelargonium varieties in cold places. Most species require a standard temperature of 15 °C.

Among the most worthy breeders is Stanley Stringer. He was born in a small village called Okkold. He took up selection at the age of 50. The most popular variety grown is Alde, which can still be seen on shelves today. Varied

Deacons are also a dwarf variety of Stringer. Among them, the best are: tangerine and moonlight. The tangerine's flowers are orange-red in color, while the moonlight's are white-purple. The most impressive thing is that such a miniature plant has very large flowers.

One of its last cultivations is a golden goblet, which had a creamy hue and the petals were strewn with red dots. Stringer left behind about 160 varieties of pelargonium.

Ry Beatwell started his life as a postman. Therefore, it has a number of geographical names for varieties. Bitwell became famous for being able to develop a new type of pea variety. And they were covered with red, pink and purple specks.

Among the varieties with small spots, the most popular are: Milden, Semer and Elmsett. Milden has green-yellow leaves with bright white flowers flecked with pale pinkish. Semer is a dwarf species pink flowers with red dots. Elmsett is a zonal species of pale pink flowers with red flecks. The latter species was named after Bidwell. The variety is decorated in wine color with green-red foliage.

And last but not least is the famous breeder Brian West. West is famous for developing a variety whose leaves resemble stars, which is why the variety is called star-shaped. The varieties have spread throughout the world. Even despite their unusual shape and the fact that they do not exactly resemble pelargoniums, they can be cared for in the same way as ordinary varieties.

In recent years, Vesta has produced miniature plants up to 8 cm. The varieties were named anni popham.

Rules of care

Plants require special care and pelargonium is no exception. Usually the flower is located in the room, and begins to bloom profusely in the summer. In winter, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of at least 15 °C and avoid waterlogging of the soil. It is best to leave the plant on the sunny side, but only where there are no drafts.

Pruning is carried out after flowering - in autumn. But if the roots have grown well, an exception is made. It is recommended to transplant in February. For pruning, you need to leave shoots of about 10 cm. Do not forget about fertilizing for each flower.

Plants can lose their compactness if they are not given proper care.

Just a note. It is best to obtain new specimens from cuttings that have not yet flowered. Each stem should have about 5 leaves.

After pruning, the cuttings should be left for 2 hours in a dry room with fresh air. After pruning, cover them with plastic bags to help them take root. For pelargonium to grow, a temperature of at least 20 °C is required.

Besides beauty, Pelargoniums also have medicinal qualities for people. After all, they contain an extract that cures respiratory tract infections. In addition, the oil of this plant has a calming effect. But the main thing is that the flower goes well with any landscape in the house and allows every housewife to feel like a woman.

A few decades ago, geranium could be found on almost every windowsill, but over time it lost its popularity. And now, the time has come when this flower again began to be in demand and regained its former success.

Geranium is a bright and fragrant herbaceous flower that belongs to the geranium group. This plant is divided into two types - which is more correctly called pelargonium. Today there are more than 400 varieties of this plant. Geranium flowers are very bright and beautiful, and in some varieties they are collected in inflorescences. Geranium leaves have a bright dark green color and emit a refreshing lemon-mint aroma. Sometimes a border of white or other colors appears on the leaves.

Geraniums were brought from Africa to Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to its unique, refreshing scent and bright large flowers, geranium has gained great popularity both in aristocratic circles and in other segments of the population. Geranium came to Russia around the 18th century and immediately became loved and popular by everyone because of its beauty, unpretentiousness and active growth.

    Features of the plant

    Geranium can grow in height from 15 to 120 cm. Its leaves have a rounded, drooping shape and are distinguished by a wide variety of colors. In some species, the leaves may be jagged at the edges or deeply lobed. Geranium flowers have five petals. They can be collected in inflorescences or grow solitary. Geranium begins to bloom in May or June and blooms for 20-30 days. The fruit is long and bivalve.

    Important! Geranium gets its name from the ancient Greek word geranos, which means crane. This is due to the fact that the seed pod has a shape reminiscent of a crane's beak.

    Geraniums are very durable and can grow in one place for about 15 years. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant and active in growth. Almost all types of geranium, except marsh geranium, are extremely drought-resistant and do not tolerate heavy moisture.

    All types and their photos

    Let's find out what types of varietal geraniums there are and see what they look like in the photo next to the name of the variety.

    Basically, we are used to seeing geraniums on apartment windowsills and few people know what it is the plant gets along well in gardens. Garden () geranium bushes are very dense and can both grow in height and spread across the ground. This plant is perfect for decorating a flower bed or forming an alpine slide.

    Species garden geranium:


    Its name comes from its place of origin, since in nature it grows mainly in the Balkans, Carpathians and Alps. Her distinctive feature is a large rhizome, which reaches 1.5 cm in diameter. Geranium leaves extend 20 cm from it. Balkan geranium can reach a height of up to half a meter. Balkan geranium begins to bloom in June and the flowering period lasts up to 30 days.

    Geranium flowers come in a variety of shades ranging from pale pink to purple-red. The diameter of the flowers is 3 cm. The seeds begin to ripen around the end of July or beginning of August. Its leaves have a pronounced green tint and emit a characteristic refreshing aroma. The shape of the pour is divided into five distinct parts with jagged edges. In autumn they acquire an elegant color.


    This one has bright large inflorescences of various shades of blue. The flowers of magnificent geranium have 5 round petals, which are located in the same plane, and 5 sepals, which are collected in a corolla. It happens that plants have up to 3 corollas on one branch. Magnificent geranium begins to bloom in June and continues to bloom all summer.

    With proper care, the bush of this geranium can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The magnificent geranium retains its density and decorativeness almost until winter. The leaves are soft and velvety, slightly drooping. Each leaf is cut into 5 parts and has pronounced jagged edges. During autumn, the color of the leaves of the magnificent geranium changes from bright green to different shades of red.


    This type of garden geranium has gained great popularity since the end of the 19th century. In nature, it grows in the meadows of the Himalayas, which is how it got its name. Himalayan geranium grows in the form of a bush, the height of which can reach from 30 to 60 cm. The leaves are cut into 5 parts and can reach a diameter of up to 10 cm. This variety of geranium has very large flowers. They reach up to 5 cm in diameter and have bright, rich shades from bluish to dark purple. Himalayan geraniums begin to bloom in late May and continue throughout the summer.

    Blood red

    This type of geranium is a representative of the Caucasus and has straight branched stems and gnarled rhizomes. Blood-red geranium can reach a height of up to 80 cm. The leaves are rich green in color and round in shape, which in autumn acquire a bright red tint. The flowers are obovate in shape and located on long stalks. Blood red geraniums bloom from early June to mid-July. This type geraniums, like many others, are durable and can bloom and bear fruit for up to 12 years.


    Forest geranium is a perennial herbaceous plant. with oblique rhizome. It can grow up to 80 cm in height. The stems of this species are erect and slightly branched at the top. The leaves have a basal planting and can be either three-parted or five-parted.

    The shape of the leaves is round with obvious teeth along the edges. The flowers are not particularly large and have a beautiful purple or violet color. Basically they are arranged with 2 flowers on a peduncle. Forest geranium begins to bloom from the beginning of June until the end of August. At the end of summer, fruits begin to ripen, which are shaped like a bird's beak.


    Meadow geranium grows in spacious meadows and fields of Europe and Asia. This type of plant has a short rhizome and strong ground shoots. The lower basal leaves have a seven-parted shape. The stem leaves are slightly smaller in size and are five-lobed. The uppermost leaves are often tripartite in shape. The flowers of meadow geranium have a large, regular, umbrella-shaped shape. The petals are round in shape and bright lilac-blue in color.


    This variety of geranium belongs to the garden species and ideal for decorating shady flower beds. Its height reaches up to 35 cm. The leaves are dark green in color with brown spots and have a beautiful carved shape. The flowers of this plant grow on tall peduncles, have a dark purple color and are collected in beautiful openwork inflorescences. Samobor begins to bloom in early June and ends at the end of July. Geranium Samobor is extremely easy to care for and resistant to adverse weather conditions.

    The most beautiful and popular types:


    This is the most common type of indoor geranium, which is distinguished by its durability and abundant flowering. Its homeland is hot and sunny Africa. It was nicknamed zonal because of the dark stripes on the edges of the leaves. The bushes grow vertically and can reach a height of up to 80 cm.

    Flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm have a variety of shades (orange, white, pink, red, etc.) and a wavy shape. In good indoor conditions, it blooms from June until late autumn, and sometimes it can bloom from March until winter.


    - this is one of the most beautiful varieties of geranium. The shape of this type of plant differs from the structure of ordinary geranium. The royal geranium has a wide bush, and its peduncles are at the same level as the shoots. The flowers are quite large and can reach up to 15 cm in diameter. Outwardly, they look a little like Pansies. During flowering, the royal geranium bush is densely dotted with open buds, which creates the appearance of a lush, bright flower ball.


    This is a low variety of geranium with thin, non-rigid stems. In growth they reach up to 30 cm in height. obtained as a result of crossing royal geranium with wild species, due to which its flowers also resemble pansies. Unlike the royal geranium, the Angel has smaller flowers and leaves.


    Thyroid geranium, or as it is also called - or ivy-shaped, is an ampelous ornamental shrub with long shoots. This geranium variety is native to South Africa. The leaves of this plant are bright green, sometimes with light edges or spots.

    The leaves may be star-shaped, making them look like ivy leaves. Thanks to thin creeping stems that can grow up to 90 cm, thyroid geranium can be grown as a hanging plant in hanging pots . Shield geranium flowers come in colors such as white, pink, red and even purple-black. Read about what kind of care ivy-leaved geranium needs at home, and you will learn what are the features of growing this flower in.


    This geranium variety primarily stands out for its refreshing and varied aromas. may smell of lemon, pine, ginger, lemon balm, pineapple and other plants. It has a branched bush with a well-developed nodular rhizome.

    The leaves have a palmate-lobed shape and carved edges. Their surface is covered with tiny fibers, which upon contact with anything begin to intensely emit aroma. The flowers are very small and collected in umbrellas. This species attracts not only its unsurpassed aroma, but the plant has a wide range of medicinal properties. You will find all the details of caring for fragrant geraniums at home, and read about the use of this type of plant in folk medicine.


    This is a very rare variety of geranium that was bred in the USA. It got its name because of the unusual shape of the flowers, which resemble a tulip bud. This species differs from others in its growth rate, shape, color and number of petals on the corolla. Each flower has 6 to 9 petals, which may have jagged, curly edges. As a rule, the inflorescence consists of 20-30 flowers.


    This is a stunning variety that was obtained by crossing ivy-leaved and zonal geraniums. This variety was developed in the USA at the end of the 20th century. Geranium Rococo has large beautiful inflorescences pink shades, which look like half-open rosebuds. This variety has retained the vertical tall shoots from the ivy-shaped geraniums, and the shape and color of the leaves from the zonal geraniums. Rococo begins to bloom in early spring and continues for 8-9 months.


    Salmon geranium is one of the varieties of zonal geranium. This variety got its name due to the rich color of the flowers, which is similar to the color of red fish. The maximum height of the plant is 35 cm, and the maximum width of the bushes is 30 cm. The leaves of salmon geranium are rich green in color with a pronounced dark brown edging along the edge.

    This variety has fairly large inflorescences and blooms profusely from early spring until frost. Reaching maximum growth, the bushes look very compact and have expressive dense foliage. Salmon geranium is unpretentious and is highly resistant to pests.


    This variety is very rare and belongs to the indoor species, or rather, it is a variety of zonal geranium. Orange geranium got its name because of the bright orange rich color of the flowers. Its height reaches a maximum of 35 cm. The inflorescences are large orange “caps” of flowers. The leaves of orange geranium have a beautiful round shape with a brown tint along the edge. Although this variety of geranium is unpretentious, it good conditions and with proper care it can delight you with its flowering throughout the year.

    Rules of care

    Geraniums have no special requirements for planting and care when grown at home or in the garden. But in order for the plant to have a pleasant appearance and constantly delight you with flowering, you must follow several rules:

    The soil for geraniums should be nutritious and loose. If this is an outdoor plant, then in winter it will need shelter.

    Geranium itself is a light-loving plant, but still the best option will plant it (or place a pot) in partial shade.

    Don't forget about feeding. Best the flower needs to be fertilized before flowering, then the plant will delight you with its flowers much longer.

    Reproduction methods

    Geranium propagation can occur in three ways - cuttings, seeds and division.

    Propagation by seeds is the most labor-intensive process and not always successful. Before planting the seeds, they must be left in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After this, they are sown in nutritious loose soil, and then sprinkled with sand and covered with film. In winter, the first shoots may appear after 3 months, in summer – a month or a month and a half.

    When propagating by cuttings, it is necessary to cut off a stem measuring 5-7 cm from the bush with a sharp knife. There should be 3 medium leaves on the stem. After this, the stem is left for a while so that the cut dries a little. Then they put it in water and wait for the roots to sprout. Instead of water, you can immediately plant it in moist nutrient soil.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush is the easiest way to propagate geraniums. It is necessary to divide the mother bush into two halves with a sharp knife so that each of them has roots and at least one growth point. After this, the halves are planted in new pots, and the cut area is generously sprinkled with grated activated carbon.

    Geranium is not only beautiful, but also useful plant, which can decorate any garden and refresh any room with its beautiful view.

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Amateur gardeners use geraniums, which are known for their ease of care, to decorate flower beds and window sills. The amazing coloring attracts landscape designers and housewives who want to create a special atmosphere in the room. Geranium, the variety of which amazes with its diversity, has become a favorite of gardeners, because there was an opinion that this plant blooms in a house where true love lives.

In common parlance, the flower is usually called “eagle’s foot”, “rake”, “roadside needle”. The word “geranium” itself comes from the Greek geranos, which means “crane”. The plant arrived in Europe in the 17th century from Africa, captivating aristocrats with its beauty and unique aroma, and became an exquisite addition to luxury apartments. Over time, the flower migrated to the windowsills of representatives of other classes, acquiring a democratic status.

The beauty of gardens and window sills - geranium

It so happened that for a long time scientists could not decide whether to equate geranium and pelargonium, but in the minds of the average person these plants are identical. Today, landscape designers prefer to use an unpretentious plant to decorate not only indoor spaces, but also gardening areas. More than 40 types of garden geraniums are common in our country. Both varieties of geraniums (photos presented in the article) that are heat-loving varieties are well-deservedly popular. Plants differ in growing conditions, flowering times, and height:

  • tall (from 50 cm) - these are Georgian, meadow, red-brown, forest, flat-petaled, magnificent, small-stamened;
  • low-growing (less than half a meter) - Dalmatian, Himalayan, ash, large-rhizome.

Gardeners give preference to hardy plants when decorating flower beds and surrounding areas. By skillfully using geranium varieties that perform well in temperate climates, you can beautify your area without much hassle. Plants can please owners with long flowering and lush greenery. Taking into account the characteristics of the site, its size and shading, you can easily select options that will meet the expectations placed on them.

Owners should take a closer look at the varieties of geraniums available on the site, which over time will demonstrate their best qualities and “fit in” in conditions that are comfortable for them.

Winning geranium varieties for the landscape

The well-known Geranium pratense, otherwise known as meadow geranium, is a frequent guest in flower beds today. This species was not in demand before, but now everything has changed. Fans of unpretentious plants know what varieties geranium has. Today we will introduce you to the photos and names of the most popular varieties, and you can choose an interesting combination of green pets to suit your taste. Properly selected options allow you to transform the territory, attract the eye and arouse the admiration of even sophisticated landscape designers. For the background, as a rule, they use the strong and tall variety Summer Skies, notable for its double flowers with pinkish hues and lavender shades. The tall one with the original carved Splish-Splash leaves is also in demand, but after flowering it is recommended to prune the bush so as not to detract from the beauty of the new shoots. Plenum Violaceum with dark blue baskets tinged with purple will amaze you with its charm. And although the double flowers are small, this does not spoil the overall impression. But a variety like Double Jewel does not cause much delight among gardeners due to its inconspicuous flowers and the huge size of the bush that falls apart in the second year.

Of the shade-loving options, Mrs Kendall Clark is ideal (for a completed look of the site). This profusely flowering plant of short stature (no more than 40 cm) captivates with its bright blue petals, permeated with delicate white veins. And lovers of white colors are attracted by the semi-double variety - graceful Laura - with its long flowering.

Red-leaved will become a worthy decoration of terraces and flower beds. Such options will look good in the foreground. The purple hue of the leaves of Midnight Reiter and Purple Heron will add zest to the flower garden. The carved dark greenery and compact root system of Hocus Pocus, Black Beauty, Okey Dokey will surely hit the spot. And the purple stains on the leaves of Midnight Clouds and delicate pinkish flowers will be a winning touch when forming the territory.

Geranium macrorrhizum is a large-rhizome geranium worthy of admiration, because it thrives in the shade and under the scorching sun, growing and adapting to any corner of the garden plot.

Legends and amazing facts about geraniums

The plant owes its familiar appearance to every gardener to the English breeder George Tradescan, who was completely fascinated by the process of its breeding. And with the birth of each new variety he gave it an original name, which was associated with an angel or a butterfly. The varieties of geranium he created amazed not only with their beauty, but also with their healing properties. Thus, the Royal variety received its name due to the fact that the plant relieved the monarch of insomnia. There are legends associated with geranium that have survived to this day.

  1. An Eastern legend says that in ancient times, the prophet Mohammed, descending from the mountains, hung his wet clothes on a weed that did not attract people in any way. The plant straightened the fabric, allowing the cape to dry quickly under the sun's rays. For this, the prophet decorated the bush with wondrous flowers, exuding the most delicate aroma.
  2. The legend of a crane that strayed from the flock and fell from powerlessness in a field under the freezing rain evokes pity. The bird, quietly freezing alone, was covered with falling snow. Saying goodbye to life, the crane shed a tear. In that place, in the spring, a marvelous plant grew with flowers reminiscent of the blue sky that the bird was yearning for.
  3. In Germany they talked about a shoemaker who loved to drink and one day found a wonderful plant on the road after another party. When he presented the flower to his wife, she, having inhaled its aroma, changed her mind about making a scandal because of her husband’s addiction to beer. She planted the flower in water, and when roots appeared, she transplanted it into a pot, after which peace, tranquility and love settled in the house, and her husband stopped abusing alcohol.
  4. According to Slavic belief, geranium petals attract the attention of a lover. They were sewn into a canvas bag and carried with them.
  5. In the East, it is customary to place flowerpots with white geraniums at the entrance to the house to repel snakes.

Get to know the magnificent geranium! Varieties and varieties

You can find a beautiful flower not only in garden plots. For many centuries, geranium has been a worthy decoration of window sills, the varieties of which baffle flower growers, because their eyes are dizzying from their diversity. Breeders have developed new varieties that differ in shape, color of inflorescences and leaves. Indoor geranium is classified into several groups:

  • zonal;
  • ampelous (ivy-leaved);
  • fragrant;
  • royal;
  • succulent.
  • In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should carefully study the varieties of indoor geranium. Photos and names will help future owners decide.

Zonal geranium is considered the most common. This plant with a straight trunk and wavy leaves blooms profusely all year round, bringing joy to households. The buds are simple, collected in groups of five, semi-double - up to eight, and double - over eight petals.

What types and varieties does zonal geranium have? Photos (the indoor beauty is presented in all its splendor) used in the article demonstrate different options. The most popular among the people:

  • Non-double variety Bravo Pastel, characterized by abundant flowering. This species has a flower with white petals and a pink center.
  • The rich red Rumba Fire is a non-double plant and pleases the owner with spreading ruby ​​flower caps.
  • Angelic pink geranium resembles a pansy in appearance.
  • Rosebud red surprises with the similarity of its flowers to rosebuds.
  • Royal salmon has large inflorescences, the middle of which is dark.

What do you think of this variety of geranium? Tulip-shaped

Among the huge assortment of flowers there is a species that reminds of Holland. A novice gardener asks the question: “What other types and varieties does geranium have?” The photo (the indoor beauty depicted in them amazes with its lush blooms) of these flowers attracts the admiring glances of lovers ornamental plants. One of the chic options related to zonal varieties is the original geranium, which has buds that look like tulips. Petals in the amount of 6-9 pcs. are not fully revealed. Breeders from America presented the world with this variety in 1966, which was obtained by mutation of the Fiat geranium. Of particular value are species that have a large number of unopened buds and bloom in clusters.

They grow as a bush, so they require the attention of the owner, who must form the crown correctly. After rooting, the cuttings are trimmed to achieve beauty and the desired result. The elegance of this variety attracts people who are passionate about what they love, who, if desired, grow real masterpieces. Particularly popular among beauty connoisseurs is the tulip-shaped geranium, the varieties of which amaze the imagination with the shape of the flowers. These are Happy Bezday and Patricia Andre, Red Pandora and Koni, Victoria Andre and Marie-Louise.

Fragrant species

The popularity of geranium is great, which is explained not only by the magnificence of the flowers, but also by the delicate aroma that the plant exudes. creates a favorable indoor climate, helping to purify the air. The aroma of the leaves is in demand in the perfumery and food industries, and is actively used in the preparation of mixtures for tea compositions.

The fragrant variety, the photo of which is familiar to fans of this plant, is grown on windowsills not for the flowers, but for the carved beautiful foliage, which is used by florists for the background. Also in medicine, the positive effects of the aroma of the plant are noted, which:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • helps with migraines;
  • helps protect the body from viral diseases;
  • effective for edema in obese people;
  • beneficial in hypertensive crises.

Experienced housewives strive to install a pot of such geranium in every room, because the smell repels insects (flies, moths, mosquitoes). By rubbing the leaves, you can smell the aroma of mint, fresh apple, rose or lemon. Varieties:

  • Chocolate Peppermint (or Felt Geranium) is low growing plant with hanging shoots, velvety leaves, in the center of which there is a chocolate spot emitting a mint aroma. The flower petals are pinkish in color and have purple feathers.
  • Cy's Sunburst, or Curly Geranium, which has a small, resembling corrugated paper variegated green foliage with a golden edge and a lemon scent.
  • Attar of Roses, or Capitate - grows up to 45 cm, has large leaves, which give off a rich rose aroma. The flowers are light with a lilac tint and a burgundy center.
  • Ffragrans is a geranium with a nutmeg scent. Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, gardeners will have to make some efforts to grow beautiful geraniums at home.

Varieties (with photos and names), care and cultivation features - these are the main points that interest novice amateur gardeners. The widest range will allow an inexperienced housewife to acquire such a talisman plant in her home. All you have to do is learn how to care for your green pet.

Features of cultivation and care: temperature conditions, reproduction

In summer, geranium feels comfortable at temperatures of +20 ... +28 °C, and +30 °C is not critical for it. In winter, when the plant does not bloom, 11-15 °C is enough for it, but it is undesirable to allow it to drop to 8 °C or more.

Geranium propagates by cuttings and seeds. An adult plant with a coarsened trunk needs to be rejuvenated. The apical stalk with five leaves is cut just below the node at a slight angle. Treat the dried cut with humate or charcoal, the shoot is placed in a container with soil (a mixture of equal parts of turf, sand and peat). The soil is regularly sprayed, in which after three weeks the cuttings take root, which are then transplanted into pots. Young plants (regardless of the correct variety) will delight you with their first flowers within seven months.

The seeds are planted in moist soil, preventing the earthen ball from drying out. The temperature is maintained at +22 … +24 °C. After 14 days, the first shoots appear. Picking seedlings is recommended in pots with a diameter of up to 9 cm.


Today, any housewife can grow geraniums without much effort, the varieties of which are not distinguished by their capricious disposition. Flowers are suitable for rooms with good and moderate lighting. She feels comfortable on any windowsill on long summer days, and in winter it is preferable to place her on southern windows. It is not recommended to harden the plant in drafts or leave it under the scorching sun. A light-loving flower placed in the shade has small leaves, thin stems and is unlikely to bloom.

We take proper care: watering, air humidity, fertilizing

Geranium prefers fresh air and moderate humidity. She is not afraid of either dry or humid air. The plant does not require spraying. In summer, abundant watering is necessary, but you should not overdo it, so it is better to drain the water from the pan. In winter, you should not flood the flower; you must ensure that the earthen ball is not too dry, and excessive moisture will cause rotting of the roots. For irrigation, it is recommended to use rain, melt or settled water.

The plant needs a universal soil mixture (deciduous soil or humus, turf, river sand). For feeding, you should use fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (for vigorous flowering), with the addition of trace elements of iron, magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, calcium and zinc, which prevent rotting of the root system. In winter, green pets need to be fed once a month, and in the spring-summer period - every two weeks.

In the fall, the plant is pruned annually, removing yellowed leaves, leaving only a few nodes on the shoots. Sprinkle the sections with charcoal or activated carbon.


So, let's summarize briefly. We discussed what types of geraniums there are. The photos, in which the indoor beauty is presented in all its diversity, indicate that it is worthy of decorating any room: a house, apartment, office, child care center, cafe terrace or summer cottage. Pick a couple of types, you’ll see - you won’t regret it!

What is pelargonium? IN everyday life this plant is well known to most of us as geranium. In fact, such a generalization is not entirely accurate: although the flower belongs to the geranium family, it is classified as a separate genus.

The birthplace of pelargonium is South Africa, where some of the species of this plant reach two meters in height. Accordingly, this flower can only live in a warm and fairly dry climate, where the temperature remains above 10-12 degrees all year round. However, lovers of indoor plants have long been addicted to growing them on the windowsill.

The attractiveness of pelargonium as a houseplant is determined by its relative high growth rate, beautiful and abundant flowering. Depending on the variety, flowers can be of very different shades. Today in stores you can find specimens with inflorescences ranging from bright burgundy and pink to salmon and white. Moreover, they come not only in one color, but also in two colors. And the shapes of the flowers are simply amazing in their diversity.

Breeding new varieties - history

This plant was first introduced to Europe in the 17th century and immediately gained popularity. IN Victorian England The plant has become widespread as a kind of living air flavoring. Now it is found all over the world, and in our country it is considered one of the most common inhabitants of window sills.

The efforts of breeders and the diversity of wild varieties have made it possible to create hundreds of interspecific hybrids and varieties, sometimes completely different from each other.

For example, since the second half of the 18th century, a group of “unique” varieties has been cultivated - these are hybrids of royal pelargonium and brilliant pelargonium.

And the amazing pelargoniums - angels - were bred by amateur gardener Arthur Langley-Smith in 1825. He managed to get them by crossing a short-growing descendant of the thick-growing pelargonium variety Angeline and curly pelargonium. At first, the hybrids bore the name of the author, but then they began to be called simply “angels.”

Pelargonium varieties with photos

There are several hundred species of pelargonium and their hybrids. Quite conventionally, they are divided into several groups that have external differences, their own preferences in content and various properties.

Zonal pelargonium

This plant differs from its relatives by a spot on each leaf, which divides it into darker and lighter zones. This plant grows to a height of 20 cm to one and a half meters, depending on the variety.
Zonal pelargonium: photo Miniature (up to 15 cm) varieties include Algernon, Alice, Excalibur, Honeywood Suzanne.
Clatterbridge, Ragamuffin, Aurora Toscana, Garnet Rosebud (rosebud pelargonium) grow a little higher, up to 20 cm.
Plants of the varieties Rumba Fire, Merkur 2000, Alba reach half a meter in height.

And finally, the largest bushes are obtained from varietal pelargoniums of the Fiat and Irene groups - Fiat Neon, Dark Red Irene, Irene Salmon, Irene Modesty.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium

This type of pelargonium is a hanging plant with dense glossy leaves. It is most often used in balcony boxes, flowerpots and flowerpots, but it still overwinters indoors.
Ivy-leaved pelargonium: photo The following varieties are popular:

  • Bernardo. A compact bush with light green leaves and scarlet flowers reminiscent of roses.
  • Crocodile. Beautiful dark leaves with golden veins, semi-double flowers of a delicate but rich pink color.
  • Jacky Gauld. A spectacular combination of leaves with a wavy edge, common for geraniums, and surprisingly lush inflorescences of white flowers in the shape of a rose.

Pelargonium viola or Pelargonium angel

These plants produce flowers very similar to violet flowers and bloom for a long time. They like to overwinter and set buds in cool conditions; a temperature of 15 degrees is ideal for this.
Pelargonium Angel (violet): photo In February, the plants are pruned to form a bush shape. There are a great many varieties, for example:

  • Eskay Verglo. Unusual and beautiful fringed leaves allow this plant to look attractive even without flowers. The upper petals of the violet-like flowers are wine-red, while the lower petals are white-pink with a delicate pink pattern.
  • Berkswell Bonanza. A compact bush with dense dark leaves and graceful dark purple flowers, decorated with a pink border.
  • Debbie. Flowers of unusual shape with sharp tips of petals. The upper ones are purple-red, and the lower ones are white with light purple streaks.

Fragrant pelargonium

Pelargoniums with modest flowers and fragrant leaves of decorative shape can very vaguely resemble the usual geranium. At home, they do not always bloom, but the main value of such a plant is its smell.

Interesting information: .
Fragrant pelargonium: photo There are varieties that imitate the aroma of spices, oranges, mint, chocolate, etc. It is used in folk medicine. Requires regular pinching, without which it can turn into a real vine. Popular varieties: Crispum Peach Cream (peach), Ardwick Cinnamon (cinnamon), Fringed Apple (apple), Royal Oak (pine), Sarah Jane (citrus).

Large-flowered or royal pelargonium

A more capricious plant than the previous ones, but it is distinguished by large beautiful flowers various colors and shapes. The ideal temperature for this flower in summer is up to 25 degrees, and in winter - 12-15 degrees. Royal pelargonium does not tolerate transplantation well, does not like drafts, direct sunlight and too dry air. But if all these conditions are met and there is good lighting, to which it is quite demanding, such pelargonium blooms almost all year round and pleases the owners with the pleasant aroma of the leaves.
Royal pelargonium: photo Popular varieties:

  • Hazel Heather. Very large pink flowers with a maroon pattern at the base of each petal. Abundant flowering.
  • Askham Fringed Aztec. small plant, reaching 30 cm in height. It blooms with large, beautifully shaped, burgundy flowers with a white border.
  • Black Prince - reaches 40 cm, produces dark plum flowers with a thin bright white border.

Succulent pelargonium

An exotic plant with a hard stem, sometimes with thorns on it. It can be used for bonsai art, and the result is surprisingly spectacular. Just like other pelargoniums, these Africans love light and relative coolness. Their active growth period occurs in winter, and the rules of care are comparable to other succulents.
Succulent pelargonium: photo Succulent pelargoniums include humpbacked, cortus-leaved, fleshy, fluffy-leaved, angular and thick-stemmed.

Features of caring for varietal pelargonium

This perennial plant requires little care but loves sun. For long and abundant flowering, it needs at least 4-6 hours of good lighting, otherwise the plant will become very tall and bloom poorly. The soil is preferably light, neutral or slightly acidic. The plant should be watered sparingly as the soil dries out: it is very harmful to it and will lead to rotting of the roots. But pelargonium tolerates slight drought easily, and even begins to bloom more actively. By the way, faded leaves and flowers should be removed so that new ones grow faster instead.

In spring to promote good flowering, the tops of the shoots can be pinched. In warm summers, when the temperature does not drop below 10-12 degrees, the plant can live outside. But, unfortunately, it can only survive the winter in the middle zone in the house.

How to propagate pelargonium?

Pelargonium is easily propagated using cuttings or seeds.

It is best to root cuttings in January using sand or perlite. The formation of roots takes about three weeks, after which the young plant is ready to be planted in the ground.

It is recommended to sow seeds in January-February, using peat or a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. They are usually in no hurry to germinate seeds, so for about three weeks you just need to moisten the soil, covering it with film. When the young plants have three true leaves, they can be transplanted into separate pots. After the 6th leaf, it is recommended to pinch the flower so that it grows more luxuriantly.

Pelargonium is the same geranium known to everyone. This is why some people grow pelargonium at home, without even knowing what it really is. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as “crane”. It became popular in England in the 19th century and has since spread to other countries around the world. Geranium is elegant and beautiful, and caring for it is as simple as possible, even for inexperienced gardeners. Another feature is its pronounced smell due to the high content of essential oils. For the same reason, pelargonium is often used in folk medicine. At the dacha, it allows you to get rid of some garden pests with just its presence.

General characteristics

Pelargonium is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Geraniaceae family. Sometimes semi-shrub varieties are also found. Due to the diversity of species, it is almost impossible to distinguish common features, characteristic of all representatives. The stems can be creeping, straight or branched, the leaves can be simple, dissected or palmate, the flowers in umbrella inflorescences can be of any size, shape and shade.

Pelargonium comes from South Africa, so it reproduces well in greenhouses, loves the sun and copes with lack of moisture. For the same reason she won't survive cold winter in open ground. Cuttings and seeds are used for propagation.

Geranium essential oil is made from pelargonium leaves. The root extract is used to make medicinal products, in particular to treat infectious diseases. Selected varieties toxic to pollinating insects due to the presence of quisgalic acid.

Pelargonium is a universal plant that can be planted on the site, in flower beds and in the house.

Types of pelargonium

There are many types of pelargonium in nature, which makes it impossible to create a single and universal classification. Most often, there are six main categories: zonal, ivy-leaved, fragrant, royal, unique and angelic pelargoniums. They differ in appearance, habitat and living conditions.

Zonal pelargoniums

This is the most common species, which has tens of thousands of varieties. It owes its name to a certain color of the leaf: in the center there is an area painted in a different color. Sometimes this zone disappears due to lack of lighting, and appears again in the spring.

Zonal pelargonium is a straight, dense bush with pubescent, fragrant leaves. It has been cultivated for more than three centuries. All varieties are divided into 5-petalled non-double, 6–8-petalled semi-double and 8-petalled double.

The most famous and largest subgroups are Rosaceae, tulipaceae, carnationaceae, star-shaped, cactus-like and “deacons”.

Ivy-leaved pelargoniums

They are distinguished by creeping or hanging long shoots up to a meter. Such varieties are used for soil cover and for decorating balconies and loggias. The flowers are of any shape and shade, but the leaves are smooth and ivy-like, mostly dense and hard.

Fragrant pelargoniums

This is a group of varieties known for their aromas. Most often they are quite inconspicuous in appearance, with small pink or white flowers and uneven palmate-lobed leaves. The bushes are loose and branched. Such geraniums are grown not for decoration, but for scent. The leaves can smell like fruits, berries, other herbs and even complex perfume compositions.

Royal pelargoniums

These are powerful bushes up to 50 cm tall. Their peculiarity is large flowers with corrugated or fringed edges. The color is heterogeneous due to veining and spotting. The leaves are wide and toothed, reminiscent of maple. Unlike the zonal one, which can bloom all year round, the flowering of royal pelargoniums is limited to 3–4 months.


This is one of the oldest groups, which has been cultivated since the middle of the 18th century. It was bred by crossing royal and shiny geraniums. The flowers resemble royal ones, but they are smaller in diameter. The dissected leaves have a distinct odor. "Unicums" were especially popular in flower gardens in the Victorian era.

An unusual variety was developed by the English florist Langley Smith, who crossed royal and curly pelargoniums. New species subsequently appeared due to crossings within the group itself.

“Angels” are distinguished by small flowers, leaves and hanging bushes. These varieties are less demanding than royal geraniums, but they need more Sveta.

Pelargonium is one of the most unpretentious ornamental plants. But in order for it to bloom beautifully and brightly, you still have to take care of proper care.

In the house, geraniums are placed on a sunny windowsill. Ideally, with midday shade so that it does not burn out. She loves the light and the south side, but she hates wind and drafts. The first signal of a lack of lighting is the gradual denudation of the stem.

The optimal temperature is above +12C, otherwise the flower will not bloom. If the plant is too cold, the edges of the leaves change color. Most often this occurs in winter. Then it is better to move the flowerpot away from the window.

Watering is moderate. Due to excess moisture, pelargonium withers and rots, its root system is damaged. It is almost impossible to save such a plant, except by propagating the remaining healthy branches.

In order for geranium to bush well, it is pruned in the fall and a squat crown is formed. You can do this in early spring, but then trim only the tips of the longest shoots.

In the summer, geraniums can be planted in open ground. Then propagate the plant in the pre-winter period, and in the spring simply transplant it into the soil. With the onset of frost, geraniums need to be replanted back into pots to preserve them.

Transplantation and propagation of pelargonium

The beautiful appearance of pelargonium and its regular flowering depends not only on watering and feeding, but also on regular pruning. At the same time, a new plant can be grown from the cuttings obtained.

It is recommended to carry out cuttings no more often than once every two years, so that the geranium has time to grow and develop. If the bush is small and weak, then once every three years. Cuttings can be taken at any time, including winter. If you do this in early spring, you can already see the first flowers in the summer.

Spring is ideal for propagation also because at this time all processes of growth and development are especially intense, which means that the cutting takes root faster and stronger. But this is only a recommendation, not a mandatory rule. Pelargonium tolerates cuttings well in any season. Perhaps you will be able to admire the first results next year.

To propagate pelargonium by cuttings, you need to take into account the following nuances:

- For dwarf varieties cutting length – up to 2.5 cm, for ordinary ones – 5 cm;

— You can root the shoots in water or in the ground. To be on the safe side, use special means to improve rooting, which are used for processing cuts, but this is not necessary;

— For planting you will need pots with pallets, suitable soil mixture and sand;

— Choose a top with three or more leaves;

— It’s better not to cut branches with buds. If there are buds, it is advisable to remove them so that they do not draw resources onto themselves. Young plant still won’t let them open up;

— Cut the cuttings only with a sharp knife at a right angle. The cut cuttings need to be dried for several hours so that the cut is covered with a film. In the future, this will protect against rotting;

— Cuttings are planted in drained pots with holes. About a third of sand is added to the soil;

— To disinfect the soil, it is enough to treat it with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

— The cuttings go several centimeters into the soil. The earth needs to be slightly compacted so that the shoots do not fall;

— For the first days, keep the pots in the shade, but by the end of the week they can be moved to the sun and watered abundantly. Pour water not into the ground, but into a pan;

— Try not to wet the pelargonium leaves. This can cause them to become stained or even rot;

— The average duration of the rooting process of shoots is 2–6 weeks, depending on the variety of geranium;

— If you choose to root the cuttings in water, place them in pre-settled water. You can replant the stems when the roots grow more than 2.5 cm. Plant pelargonium as delicately as possible so as not to damage the rhizome.

Pest and disease control

The most common disease of pelargonium is rotting of the root collar. This can only be prevented by careful control of watering and soil moisture.

If grayish mold appears on the leaves, the plant can still be saved. Stop watering, remove damaged fragments and dry the soil. Treat the geranium with a fungal remedy and leave it in the sun.

Pelargonium (geranium) - photo

We have selected for you best selection photographs to understand what pelargonium looks like and what its features are. See, compare and choose new favorites for your home green corner or garden seedlings!

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