"business weekly "profile". Children of the Russian elite

How the elite live

Self-isolation from the outside world is also manifested in the choice of places for recreation by representatives of the modern elite. They prefer to spend their vacation (vacation) in uncrowded places, one of which is Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Here, the Qasr Al Sarab hotel complex attracts attention - a lost world in the Liwa desert, it similar worlds are located under water, in the mountains, and in the jungle. The peculiarity of this place is that a person finds himself from the present time to the past. As M. Simonova emphasizes, Qasr Al Sarab (in Arabic this means “palace of mirages”) is a luxurious gateway to the past, where a traveler can experience all the “delights” of life in the Bedouin way.

When a guest wakes up in the morning at dawn, a veil is spread out in front of him, where heaven and earth merge into one. Then milky mountains appear, which gradually become pink, then almost orange and then red due to the red sand due to iron impurities. If you start walking on the dunes (the height of which reaches 100 meters), the sand begins to “sing” in such a way that it gives you goosebumps. By 8 a.m. the air is so hot that it’s time to retreat to your air-conditioned hotel room.

One of the attractions of an off-road safari through the desert dunes is that you soar along the sand to the very top, slow down and slide down the sheer wall of the dune and almost perpendicular to the ground. A sharp turn of the steering wheel and back, the person has to rush down, but in a sand whirlwind, at this time the soul sinks into the heels. “This entertainment, of course, is not from the series “as it was hundreds of years ago.” But at rest stops, drivers will gladly and knowledgeably tell you about how the sands “live” and move, how to navigate in the desert, how to survive here, who you can meet and who it’s better not to meet. The last such stop will be at the top of the dune, against the backdrop of the setting sun. Romance... It's not surprising that some indigenous people do not move to city cottages. There’s something addictive about living in the sand.”

It is clear that a guest at Qasr Al Sarab can occupy his body and soul: he can learn archery in accordance with the ancient Bedouin technique, sit in the pool, SPA salon, library, and make “raids” to different cities of the emirate. This ghostly world is necessary for members of the world elite to film severe stress. Therefore, he strives to get out of the turbulent life of megacities in order to plunge into another space-time dimension. Indeed, currently there is a growth of cities, or rather megacities, which are concrete jungles containing a concentration of tens of millions of people.

A metropolis attracts a person with a number of factors: firstly, with its opportunities, starting with earning a living and ending with the opportunity to become the ruler of the world; secondly, achieving “success” in the field of career, material wealth, etc. However, everything is achieved at a fairly high price, since life in a metropolis represents a lot of stress caused by the intense noise of city transport, increased crowding of people, low oxygen levels and sunlight etc., a person feels lonely, he loses his individuality, becomes “like everyone else”; The need to live at a frantic pace is also important, thereby depriving us of genuine life.

In this regard, an advantage is given to a representative of the world elite, who has significant financial resources at his disposal, allowing him to fulfill this or that desire or whim.

Food occupies a special place in the life of the elite. At the beginning of the 21st century, both the world elite and the middle class elite love delicious dishes culinary art to satisfy your aesthetic senses, enjoy the taste and aroma. Nowadays, gourmet food and rare delicacies are so expensive that not many people get to taste them. Let's list these most expensive delicacies: firstly, the most expensive Almas caviar, which costs $2000 per 100 g - it is obtained from the belly of albino belugas aged 80-100 years, no more than 10 kg annually and its taste is not quite ordinary, it is sold only in the London Prunier Restaurant, packaged in 100 g bottles of pure gold; secondly, the unique-tasting La Bonnotte potatoes, grown on the tiny French island of Noirmoutier, cost $700 per kg, because each bush is grown individually; thirdly, Frozzen Haute Chocolate ice cream, created according to a special recipe from 28 varieties of cocoa beans, which costs $ 25,000 and is served in an edible gold glass coated on the inside, and the ice cream should be eaten with a special gold spoon with two diamonds, the base of the glass is decorated with gold bracelet with diamonds totaling 18 carats; fourthly, the most expensive pizza Luis XIII (“Louis XIII”) worth $12,000, which is baked from special flour, and exquisite Australian ingredients are added to its dough pink salt from the Murray River, and the pizza is filled with tuna, lobster, and lobster caviar and topped several times with Lois XIII Remy Martin cognac, the price of which is more than $3,000 per bottle; fifthly, marbled meat, which costs $500 per 1 kg and which, when processed, becomes so juicy and soft that the Japanese call it “meat that does not require teeth” (meat grown from stem cells has now been created using biological science methods, the price of which exceeds 3–4 million dollars per 1 kg).

The world of star restaurants occupies a significant place in the luxurious life of representatives of the world elite. One thing to keep in mind, W. Stadiem and M. Gibbs note in their book “100 Legendary Restaurants of the World,” is that for members of the elite, restaurants represent a window into society, because star restaurants are the favorite meeting places of the rich and powerful. In this regard, here are descriptions of several famous restaurants modern world, in which the dreams of representatives of the world elite, inaccessible to the vast majority of ordinary people, are realized.

The first such restaurant is the “Silver Tower”, located in Paris and attracting many representatives of the world elite. “No one goes on foot to La Tour d'Argent (The Silver Tower), the oldest, most famous and most impressive restaurant in the world... At the door you will be greeted by a doorman in Napoleonic livery, which apparently warmed emperor in the Moscow winter, and then a footman in full regalia leads you through petit trianon salons. Almost all the stars who have ever shone on the cinematic horizon are represented here with autographed photographs on the walls, along with De Gaulle, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Picasso, Chagall, Dali, and whoever is not here. However, a walk through the galleries where Toscanini meets Bowie, Queen Victoria meets Tina Turner, and Einstein meets Schwarzenegger is much more than an ordinary sentimental journey... The Silver Tower is still the best restaurant in the world for a date. Visitors sport chic outfits freshly purchased on Avenue Montaigne, a rarity in an increasingly casual America. “The Tower” is exactly the place where ladies can safely appear in their jewelry and finally “walk” them...

But if this is your first time at this restaurant, then take the duck. Caneton? la Tour d'Argent, or "squeezed duck", is the restaurant's signature dish, its calling card, and it is the most famous duck in the world. Each guest who orders the duck receives a numbered certificate worthy of being framed. But don't grin. Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt ate duck here. Just like Japanese Emperor Hirohito before the war. And the Duke of Windsor, in last time dined here shortly before his abdication. The local ducks are not simple, but with a pedigree...” It is clear that such food is the most expensive in the world and can be purchased by a few representatives of the world elite, who have untold wealth.

Representatives of the Russian elite also have fun in prestigious Western restaurants. The most expensive dinner rightfully belongs to a party for the children of Russian millionaires, which was held in the summer of 2011 at the Italian club Billionaire - young revelers drank drinks and ate snacks worth $120,000, but disappeared without paying the bill.

In modern Russia, there are also already famous restaurants that reproduce the atmosphere of imperial antiquity and are visited not only by newly minted moneybags, but also by elite foreigners. “Speaking of wonders: if you want to travel back in time and find yourself in Tsarist Russia, go, as every eminent guest of Moscow does, to the elegant cafe “Pushkin”, which is located next door to the “Night Flight” restaurant, around the corner, but free from both the “Night Flight” prostitutes and the face control of the “Gallery” .

Cafe Pushkin is the brainchild of Arkady Novikov's main competitor, Andre Dellos, a Russian émigré from France who returned home to capitalize on Moscow's restaurant boom. While Novikov sells sex to businessmen, Dellos sells history to tourists... Meanwhile, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Spielbergs, and representatives of other eminent families have already had lunch at the Pushkin cafe, which is open around the clock. Guests are offered three dining options: a “pharmacy” downstairs; two floors of palace halls, decorated with panels and frescoes (where the stars sit), one ballroom, a spacious “library” where string quartets play; and an outdoor rooftop garden terrace overlooking Moscow's skyscrapers, most notably the Seven Sisters, which stick out like candles on a wedding cake, marking the triumph of Stalinist architecture.

The menu features dishes of Russian cuisine of the nineteenth century - this is how aristocrats ate, for which they angered the peasants. “Pushkin” is the antipode of Dellos’s other establishment, which, in fact, allowed the restaurateur to firmly stand on his feet - the farm fantasy “Shinok”, where they serve food of common people, such as pork ribs with stewed cabbage, and where it was first presented tableau vivant(“living picture”) - of course, behind glass so that odors do not penetrate: village women milk cows, and chickens and pigs scurry around them.

And here is what is offered in the extensive, eight-page menu of the Pushkin cafe: “Russian salad” with shrimp, carrots, green peas and mayonnaise; cold salmon with mullet caviar and fried pears, mangoes and strawberries (the kings loved sweet sauces); a huge selection of pickles - cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, sauerkraut, the envy of the Lower East Side; Russian pies petite pates a la Russe(the tsars had French habits) and pies with meat (with veal, lamb), mushrooms or cabbage (great on a snowy Moscow night); dumplings with salmon or minced pork or mushrooms (tastes amazing); borscht with smoked goose breast (it was the goose in borscht that distinguished the kings from the servants)…

The most “delicious” restaurant in Moscow, with an even richer interior that Andre Dellos never even dreamed of, is “Palazzo Ducale” - perhaps the most exquisite Italian restaurant. Believe it or not, this is where the world's best (and most expensive) Italian food is served by master chef Agostino de Montis, who caters most of the most important banquets in the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin is so delighted with Montis’ cuisine that regulars jokingly suggest calling the establishment’s signature pasta “Putin-esque spaghetti”...

The restaurant can be called a reproduction of the Venice Carnival. You sit on soft silk cushions in gondolas, on thrones, on oratory stands, in choirs, surrounded by masks and exquisite antiques, among artificial canals (although with the kind of money invested here, real ones could have been built). The waiters are dressed like the Doge's courtiers, and no one speaks Italian or English...

The women in the room are luxurious, they are the same models from Night Flight, but they have already hit the jackpot, dressed in full French haute couture and flaunting jewelry from New York - they are as dazzling as the interior. The male visitors are much more gloomy and serious - these are billionaire businessmen...

Las Vegas should offer such a menu as in the Moscow restaurant in the Palazzo Ducale to its most cool players, but Vegas tends to be more concerned with the price and name of the food.”

Of significant interest is the restaurant system “The China Club” created by David Tang, which is the savior of haute Chinese cuisine. His network of China Club establishments in Hong Kong, Beijing and Singapore, as well as the China Tang restaurant in London, now represent for the world elite an example of the elegance and wit inherent in the world of gastronomy. “In Hong Kong, The China Club is located in the Central Business District, in close proximity to the offices of brokers and politicians. During lunch, the restaurant is very reminiscent of Wall Street with an oriental twist. In the evenings it’s the spitting image of Hollywood, also in an oriental version, with Chinese stars from Gong Li to Jet Li and, of course, all the visiting stars. For today it is the most Hong Kong's glamorous destination, so dress to the nines. Half the party is East, half is West. In “The China Club” these two halves meet...

If you're not too caught up in contemplating all the powerful men and dazzling women around you, perhaps you've managed to peruse the extensive menu... Start with the Smoked Green Bean Wraps, which have only one downside: They'll make you never want to eat springs again. -rolls. Then try the Cantonese barbecue, which in turn will make you disgusted with everything you see in Chinatown. The marinated chicken, flavored with dried scallops, is a study in elegance and sophistication, so tender and juicy. It is at The China Club that you should try shark fin soup with salted Yunnan ham, fresh crab meat and mushrooms; absolutely delicate taste, and divine.

“The China Club” is the ideal place to try exotic fish, which you can then proudly tell your friends about. Take your pick: Coral Leopard Trout, Humpback Sea Bass, Curtus Wrasse. Everything is steamed with soy sauce and green onions. If you're tired of such refinement, take the fried squid with shrimp puree and hot salt, then neutralize the hot taste with another strong drink. Returning to earth, it is worth noting that the Club’s menu, of course, includes Peking duck, with the addition of spicy seasonings...

There are still so many dishes on the menu that you will probably have to dine for several weeks to try everything: sea cucumber in different variations, tofu, freshwater shrimp, pigeon, quail, even the notorious pork in sweet and sour sauce... Desserts, the eternal Achilles's The heel of Chinese cuisine, here they are so good that it simply doesn’t get better: fresh mango pudding, chilled ginseng jelly in red date syrup, sweet green bean soup. Just imagine that all desserts have aphrodisiac qualities, like rhino horn, and you will immediately feel even sweeter. To compensate for the taste sensations, Tang offers an entire encyclopedia of excellent cognacs with which you can end the evening or use them as a prelude to the excellent Havana cigars from the club's stock."

No less interesting is the famous restaurant in Tokyo “Kyubey” (“Lord of the Seas”), which is quite often visited by representatives of the world elite. “As soon as you enter this hall, you immediately realize that you are in the kingdom of sushi. And this is what immersion in this world of sushi looks like: first, to cleanse your palate, you are given a salad of dark green seaweed, flavored with young ginger. The salad is very energizing, as is that iced green tea that has caffeine like cocaine. You will start with one serving of sushi (two are never served) chu-toro; This is a medium-fat, pink tuna whose stripes hide a sensual aroma that envelops your mouth. There is an association with foie gras on the Pritikin diet...

During the intermission you are served a sweet, delicate sea cream with young shrimp, octopus and scallops. However, its sweetness is immediately extinguished ika sushi, seasoned with coarse sea ​​salt a squid so tender and soft that it could melt the heart of Jules Verne... Next comes a tiny fried shrimp head, as if cut off by a furious Japanese warrior. You joyfully welcome the hiss of butter, listening to this ode to fat, so desired after low-fat delights. And yet it’s just a whisper, followed by the squeak of the still shuddering body of a gray shrimp with sea salt...

And then you get a tiny cup of bland miso soup with the tiniest shellfish you've ever seen. Soup changes to light pink tom(the fatty part of tuna) and all you can do is bliss out in the fish oil you ingest. Now your palate is ready for a thrill, and the chef, who somewhat reminds you of the smoked fish sellers at Zabar, serves bonito seasoned with crushed garlic... You could say that the quintessence of Kyubey is an explosion of taste sensations, alternating with a savory aftertaste. And then, as if your thoughts were read, a radish “sandwich” appears: two halves of a young white radish, and a leaf between them shiso(an aromatic plant reminiscent of begonia), sprinkled with sesame seeds and drizzled with soy sauce. Japanese Big Mac? Why not?

Nowadays, a wave of Israeli lunches and dinners is sweeping Europe and America; Middle Eastern cuisine has become a real trend for restaurants in New York, London and Moscow, not to mention restaurants in Jerusalem. The world is crazy about Israeli cuisine, which includes "tahini, za'atar, labneh, lemons, pickled mango, dates, almonds, cardamom and, of course, olive oil." This “revolution of tastes” occurred thanks to the best-selling culinary book “Jerusalem” by the star of Middle Eastern cuisine Yotama Ottolenghi and his business partner Sami Tamimi, published in 2012 - a collection of recipes. At the end of 2013 Time magazine included this chef duo in the list of "Gods of the Kitchen" along with the chef of the Danish restaurant Noma, the best in the world, according to the authorities from Restaurant Magazine. Today, Israeli products are used in restaurants around the world along with French, Italian and Scandinavian products. “In Moscow, where, unlike other world capitals, national cuisines they take root poorly, the Middle Eastern shot. “Oliva” is always full, the kosher Noodless and “Odessa-Mama” have loudly opened, where, in addition to lard with garlic, they serve mincemeat and gefilte fish. Hummus and falafel were introduced into the menus of Ernik and Garage. In the new Argentine restaurant el Gauchito on Povarskaya, Israeli chef Ali Naim-Amali has supplemented the meat menu with dishes from his homeland: people come from all over Moscow for a salad with bulgur, dried cranberries, parsley and lemon, and for grilled eggplant with tahini.”

All the lavish dinners in famous restaurants represent an important means by which the elite various levels, including the world elite, constantly assert their status. People almost always pay attention to how much a person spent on a restaurant feast in order to strengthen their social positions and increase their social status. A striking example is the most expensive lunch (or rather, lunch) with the largest investor and billionaire Warren Buffett, for which an anonymous buyer paid $2.62 million in 2011, and in 2012 the same lunch cost $3.43 million. W. Buffett himself is known for his charity and the money for lunch went to one of the five charitable foundations, with $37 billion. The fact is that this dinner provides an opportunity to communicate with the billionaire and his employees and enter the circle of the financial elite, who manage billions of dollars and give a start to promising projects.

This is how representatives of the modern elite communicate with each other in star restaurants in order to increase their social status and become even richer.

Navalny chose the wrong dachas for his investigation. The main thing was that I was so tired, I took a quadcopter, flew over other people’s estates, compared photos with Instagram, and got caught in some sneakers. One could have done it much simpler, come to Kamenny Island in St. Petersburg, get hold of the newspaper archives and see with your own eyes where the entire elite of St. Petersburg lives and what their piece of paradise looks like. Slowly and barely moving your feet, this can be done in two hours, but there will be enough material until the elections.

Stone Island

Folk languages ​​and legends say that the island got its name from a stone that stuck out of the water at the southern base of the island. The lost sailors who landed here called it stone. Of course, the possibility of getting lost in the Neva confuses me, but who are we to challenge folk art?


Others claim that they named the island in honor of Peter I himself, for it was not without reason that Greek the word petros means “stone”, but as my physics teacher said: “Slava, stop adjusting the problem to the answer.” Therefore, all these legends are more like someone’s fiction, most likely historians were often asked “Why?”, but they need to give an explanation, so they came up with a version, clinging to a language foreign to us.


Imperial possessions

The island, mostly consisting of swampy forests, did not particularly appeal to Peter, and therefore was considered exclusively as a suburban garden and park area, until Chancellor Golovkin begged for these lands for the construction of an estate. Peter was surprised by Gabriel’s choice, even came to visit to see how he settled here. Well, at the same time I planted an oak tree for him, apparently he was trolling the chancellor so subtly. Alas, the “Petrovsky” oak dried up several years ago and was cut down, and a new one was planted in the historical place.


After Golovkin, the island passed by official inheritance, not blood, to the next chancellor, Count Bestuzhev-Ryumin. He took care of the allocated area and its soil in more detail, ordered Ukrainian serfs from his own villages, and more of them, and forced the entire territory to be drained, the forests to be cleared, so that he could rebuild in a countly manner, on a grand scale. I ordered the house project from Rastrelli himself. And what? Party, party!


By the middle of the 18th century, the chancellor was arrested, exiled away from the imperial court, and all his property was taken away in favor of the state treasury. Catherine II, having come to power, returned it from exile, but realized the full value of the site and did not return it to the owner, she simply gave Kamenny Island to her son, Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich. The future emperor thought that dachas, estates and mansions were too small and not worthy of royal blood, so he decided not to waste time on trifles and built a full-fledged palace here with a regular park.


Passing by inheritance along with the throne of the Empire, Kamenny Island in the 19th century finally turns into the center of summer social life, noble people stroll here and do just what they say about beauty. A summer theater was even built for Emperor Nicholas I, which the Emperor personally visited.


Land for peasants

But Nicholas II, apparently, foresaw the imminent fall of the monarchy, and therefore began to squander the lands easily and naturally. Already during his reign on the island, the period of the most massive construction of the island began. All the most successful people of St. Petersburg began to build their dachas, mansions and houses: baker Gauswald, merchants Eliseevs, professor Bekhterev, industrialist Putilov and even the founder of the Chinese city of Harbin, Mr. Sviryagin.


Here the revolution approached like a white furry animal. Land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers, power - to the soviets, stone island - to the party elite. I think that it was under this motto that all the plots were nationalized and then turned into nomenklatura dachas according to party lists.


In addition to dachas for needed comrades, they also made rest houses for workers. IN Soviet era you could earn an elite voucher in the form of an unforgettable week of relaxation on Kamenny Island. Among the famous ones here were the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Defense and the metal plant, as well as the “Clinical”.


Who lives here now?

Would you be surprised by the news that after all the “perestroika” processes, the current owners of local real estate are also related to our government?


Business Petersburg is alreadycarried out his investigation and made Navalny’s task a little easier. Just sit and speak into the camera.There is even a convenient map .


By the way, I deceived you a little higher in photos 5 and 6. Did you think this was Paul’s palace? No. This is an ordinary residential complex for the “right” people. There, as far as I remember, apartments were not even sold, they were immediately distributed to best friends.


Here's someone in the former place public toilet I built myself an American-style house.


When I saw it, I was shocked. Thought thatmansion of Matilda Kshesinskaya , the one I recently talked about. But no, it’s a new building, apparently someone is building it for their “ballerina”.


You can compare!


As you understand, now luxury housing is also being built here. Here are the prices for apartments in the residential complex "Del Arte"from 95 million rubles for 150 square meters. Dear Ilya , well, how long can you rummage through our garbage dumps? Stop crawling around the outskirts and playing Fort Boyard. Come see how people live. Note that prices are cheaper than Oslo.


this complex I was actually amused: "Own territory, limited decorative fencing with gates and wicket, protects from aggressive urban environment". Your mother, I live in an aggressive urban environment, from which normal people need to be protected.


I didn’t even find prices for apartments in this complex, but I don’t think I need to know them.


Another surprising thing is that all this is accompanied by devastation.


Let’s take this unique house with several apartments, everything is fine.


And behind him it’s rotting dacha Gauswald . Sadly.


If you didn’t know, then I’ll tell you that in 2008, several buildings located here were reconstructed for the residence of the President of Russia.


The Kleinmichel dacha was even restored for receptions.


Did you think that they live somewhere out there, far from you behind dense fences?


But no, they live in the very center of the city on their own island among greenery in a pleasant atmosphere, behind fences that protect them from the aggressive urban environment.


Elite real estate in Kazan has changed over time. The demand for “Stalin” apartments gave way to a boom in improved apartments with individual layouts. IN recent years In the privileged class, it became a matter of honor, in addition to an apartment, to build a house outside the city or on its outskirts. Thus, wild private self-building developed. The next stage of elite evolution, according to experts, will be organized suburban settlements.
The luxury real estate market in Kazan began to take shape back in the last century, when merchants and the city aristocracy built their mansions here. Most of these buildings are now sold for offices, shops and restaurants.
The elite of the Soviet era lived in traditional “Stalin” buildings, which then began to become the property of the emerging class of businessmen. In the 90s, a boom in individual redevelopment of old apartments began, which passed rather quickly. Today, wealthy buyers are reviving the traditions of the last century and building own houses.
They didn't build it, they redesigned it
In the 80s in Kazan it was fashionable to live in so-called party houses. “They were necessarily high-rise, they were not in the very center of the city, but not far from it. Christmas trees certainly grew around, and all the external decoration of the houses resembled the decoration of municipal buildings.
The change in power led to a change in stereotypes; buyers already wanted an individual approach and open floor plans. But “Stalin” cars were still the best offer on the market. Therefore, the emerging class of businessmen began to take an active interest in them. Those who could already buy an apartment with their earned money bought “Stalin” apartments in the Sovetsky district, in Moskovsky district and invested huge amounts of money in their decoration. The apartments were simply unrecognizable: the new tenants were tearing down walls and moving through brickwork in low-rise buildings. At the same time, a demand for everything European was formed - finishing materials were imported to order from abroad, for example, tiles from Italy. There were also those who bought former communal apartments and turned them into their own apartments.
Retail image
In the 90s, developers also began to have money: they began to build houses with improved individual layouts in the city center. It was real chic back then. “Large, spacious apartments of 150-180 sq. m. m, with huge windows and location on cozy streets in the city center - Vishnevsky, Chuikovsky, Volkov, Aivazovsky, Karl Marx,” recalls Andrey Savelyev, director of the NLB-Real Estate Academy.
Developers began to combine premium houses into residential complexes only in the last decade. With the development of complex development, it became necessary to somehow position one’s housing. Developers began to sell not only the real estate itself, but the image and lifestyle of their buyers, calling it elite. But independent parties were not involved in assessing the level of comfort of housing.
There was confusion in the evaluation criteria. Developers positioned their product as they wanted, without clear criteria for assessing the class of housing. “For example, there was a house on the street. Spark in the area of ​​the Lancelot restaurant, its residents still consider their home to be elite, although by many criteria it does not correspond to this title,” notes Andrey Savelyev. Today, the most suitable for the “premium” classification, according to him, are the residential complexes “Panorama”, a complex without a name on the street. Volkova, built by the Unistroy company, residential complex "Kremlinskaya Zhemchuzhina", residential complex "", residential complex "Professorsky" in Professorsky Lane, behind Tukay Square, "Cherry Orchard".
However, the cost of housing in such complexes, according to realtors, is still too high. “In most complexes, in the same “Kremlin Pearl”, the price does not correspond to the quality, the cost of construction itself here is not much higher than in the “improved” ones,” he believes Anastasia Gizatova, head of the Academy of Sciences "Happy Home". “We can say that in Kazan hardly a single modern residential complex can be classified as elite housing. There are those who strive for this concept. For example, the Suvorovsky residential complex,” noted Andrey Krylov, general director of the Tatimmobilen company (Magellan residential complex).
Business class has eclipsed elite
The elite tend to organize corporately. Thus, in Kazan, based on price, some realtors classified a house on the street. Spark. The highest chic of the city real estate market was the so-called “Tatneftevskaya” village, a residential complex built along the Kazanka embankment. But, according to realtors, it is practically empty. Not far from it, construction of a “presidential” house has begun, and, according to market participants, apartments there are being bought up already at the foundation pit stage. But this is an exception to the rule.
Most of the elite, including the political elite, do not have apartments in the most resonant and famous buildings or business class buildings. “Few people know that Mintimer Shaimiev has an apartment on Shkolny Lane, where he periodically visits,” says Andrey Savelyev.
“Elite” housing today has become both new buildings and buildings, but in a good area - the city center or the 39th quarter,” noted Ruslan Khabibrakhmanov, director of the Academy of Sciences "Flat". “Moreover, the Kazan elite chooses the central part of the city, and visiting wealthy buyers choose the area of ​​st. Chistopolskaya,” added Anastasia Gizatova.
Both banks of the Kazanka, from the center and the 39th quarter, are called by market participants the most promising for luxury development in the near future. And also among the emerging trends is decentralization and the desire to live in a comfortable country house.
How much does it cost to maintain luxury housing?

Source: AN "Flat"

Kazan businessmen did not create a local “Rublevka” and chaotically dispersed their houses throughout urban settlements, as well as in the surrounding areas close to the city. Realtors classify only the Raduzhny village as “closed” and high-status.

Historically, the Kazan political elite came from the villages of Tatarstan. First of all, when moving up the career ladder, they build a good house in their “small homeland”, where they still have relatives and friends. In Kazan, the elite do not have a certain bias in choosing a place to live and, according to realtors, it is unlikely that a fashionable place will appear in the near future. “Visiting and settled officials locate their houses in the direction of their arrival. Those from the Vysokogorsky district live in the city center, those from Laishevsky live in Tsaritsino and are not guided by the prestige of the region when choosing land,” says Alexander Shamov, director of the Dear House Academy of Sciences.

Top officials are moving away
Where exactly the political elite of Tatarstan lives is noticeable along the country roads. The most even ones all the way to the village are in Petrovsky, Kuzmetyevo, Borovoe Matyushino, where the leadership of the republic lives. “The NUR members have their own estate in Aldermysh, even with a helipad for quick movement,” noted Alexander Shamov.
Part of the bureaucracy, mainly representing federal and security structures in the Republic of Tatarstan, climbed away from the city - closer to the Mari beauties - to Lake Yalchik and the Ilet River. Sviyazhsk did not go unnoticed - land prices there show amazing dynamics, especially after the announced Mintimer Shaimiev, State Advisor of the Republic of Tatarstan, reconstruction plans. Most of the land in Sviyazhsk has already been bought up by Moscow investors.
However, discussing the lack of status villages, realtors still named one - the “Rainbow” village. “It’s difficult to get into, and realtors don’t sell anything there today, but not because it’s very elitist, it’s just that a very close circle of high-status people live in it - only 14 houses. And there are no vacant houses in it and there are no plans to do so,” says Mr. Shamov.
According to realtors, developers will not be able to plan large villages for the real elite - there will not be enough resources. Today, no one can create the infrastructure of such a village from scratch. And in order to really attract the VIP contingent, you need to do the incredible. That's why most settlements currently under construction are switching to positioning for the business segment. “The villages of Kazanskaya Usadba, Orekhovka and Voronovka are more or less attractive to wealthy clients, but most of the clients do not yet go to organized villages. The demand for the Laishevsky direction, the B. Matyushino district, does not stop, where the cost of one hundred square meters reaches 1 million rubles,” said Andrey Savelyev, director of the NLB-Real Estate Academy.
The second train does not leave the city
Mid-level officials and businessmen prefer to build houses within the city. They chose a place behind AK BARS Bank on the street. Malaya Grivka, standing separate houses on Kalinin, Podluzhnaya. Businessmen choose the village of “Matur”, which is located on Ave. Victory in the direction of the RKB. The demand for houses in the Aldan village, which is located in the Salmychi direction, is growing. Land here has risen in price by an order of magnitude over the past 5 years. Such houses are built not by individual large developers, but by small construction companies according to projects chosen by the home owners themselves. Therefore, the village is replete with various forms of construction: from ordinary brick blocks to masterpieces of wooden housing construction and even some surreal castles.
Following the fashion for healthy image life came the demand for environmentally clean materials. The elite switched to wooden house construction - they don’t just build log houses, but transport wood to order from Siberia, overpaying for valuable species. According to experts, suburban housing construction will be the most likely vector for the development of luxury real estate.
Anna Saushina

or How much does it cost to be next door to the President of the Russian Federation?

At the request of Profile, Penny Lane Realty experts compiled a map of VIP clusters - areas of Moscow in which representatives of the elite (government, business, scientific, creative, military), as well as foreign top managers and diplomats live. It is important to understand that clusters do not always coincide with the administrative boundaries of a particular region due to differences in the principles of division. Developments in these territories are zoned according to the social and property characteristics of the residents, and the “entry barrier” for “outsiders” most often becomes the price of the issue. For example, a 7-room apartment in the building where the President of the Russian Federation lives was sold last year for $5.6 million.
When ranking clusters, Penny Lane Realty specialists took into account following parameters:
- maximum and minimum cost per square meter in luxury and business class houses in the cluster;
- volume of luxury new buildings from the total supply (%);
- social composition of homeowners, according to data from various open sources of information.

Arbat - district of the business elite
Cost of 1 sq. m.
min $9.9 thousand
max $45.3 thousand
Arbat is one of the most attractive areas for the construction of luxury residential buildings. In terms of the number of famous residents, the cluster is not inferior to Ostozhenka and Patriarch's Ponds. Owners of apartments in the Arbat area: co-owner of MDM Bank Andrey Melnichenko, president of the Konti Group Timur Timerbulatov, president of the Cherkizovsky holding Igor Babaev. In the nearby Skatertny Lane there are no less eminent residents: co-owner of Nor-Nickel Vladimir Potanin, president of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov, vice-presidents of the company Sergei Kukura and Leonid Fedun, head of Su-155 Mikhail Balakin, chairman of the board of directors of the pulp and paper industry - Volga paper mill and former Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation Shalva Breus, owner of VIM-Avia Rashid Mursekaev. The head of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, and the company’s top managers live in house 30 on Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane.

Andrey Melnichenko
Timur Timerbulatov
Vagit Alekperov
Mikhail Fridman

Ostozhenka - choice big business
Cost of 1 sq. m.
min $12 thousand
max $60 thousand
Volume of luxury new buildings from the total supply:
95% of the residents of Ostozhenka, the most expensive and prestigious district of Moscow, are representatives of large Russian and foreign businesses: energy, timber, communications. Famous homeowners who live there include: Public Chamber RF, Chairman of the Board of Directors of My Bank Gleb Fetisov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kaskol Group of Companies Sergey Nedoroslev, Co-owner of Alltech Investment Dmitry Bosov. The apartment at 1st Zachatievsky Lane, building 6 is owned by Yandex General Director Arkady Volozh. WITH light hand Russian PR specialists ten years ago gave the Ostozhenka district a second name - the Golden Mile, which in the popular consciousness became attached to this cluster.
Gleb Fetisov
Sergey Nedoroslev
Dmitry Bosov
Arkady Volozh

Ramenki is the abode of the government, administrative and business elite, expats, and Moscow State University employees
Cost of 1 sq. m.
min $9.5 thousand
max $25 thousand
Volume of luxury new buildings from the total supply:
Ramenki is home to Moscow State University, about 20 embassies and the International School of Moscow. The current President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, according to the Unified State Register, owns an apartment with an area of ​​367.8 square meters. m in the elite residential complex "Golden Keys-1" (Minskaya street, 1). Among the homeowners in the area are the ex-head of the Olimpstroy state corporation Semyon Vainshtok, businessman David Yakobashvili, top managers of Uralsib Capital, Rosneftexport, LUKOIL-Yugra. On Olof Palme Street there is a house in which apartments are provided for temporary use to State Duma deputies.
Semyon Vainshtok
David Yakobashvili
Dmitry Medvedev

Tverskoy district - the choice of the creative, political, business elite
Cost of 1 sq. m.
min $10 thousand
max $30 thousand
Volume of luxury new buildings from the total supply:
People who are actively involved in the social life of the city prefer to live on the territory of the Tver cluster. Among the apartment owners there are many representatives of the creative elite - for example, director Andrei Konchalovsky, architect Zurab Tsereteli, singer Kristina Orbakaite. The chairman of the board of directors of Mechel, Igor Zyuzin, also owns real estate here. The apartment in the building at 48 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya belongs to the wife of the capital’s ex-mayor, businesswoman Elena Baturina.
Elena Baturina
Andrey Konchalovsky
Zurab Tsereteli
Kristina Orbakaite
Igor Zyuzin

Presnensky district is a place of attraction for the state and administrative elite
min $15 thousand.
max $50 thousand
Volume of luxury new buildings from the total supply:
Presnensky district is a government territory,
on which objects of federal and citywide significance are concentrated, as well as a number of elite residential complexes. New houses with underground parking make up approximately 15% of the total housing volume. The most expensive properties are located in the Patriarch's Ponds area (Malaya Bronnaya, Kozikhinsky lane, Palashevsky lane), as well as in the block bounded by Gruzinsky Val, Presnensky Val, Krasnaya Presnya, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya streets. At various times, the owners of housing in the government building at 12/1 Rochdelskaya Street were: Speaker of the State Duma of the 5th convocation Boris Gryzlov, ex-head of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev, Deputy Prime Ministers Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Kozak, Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, chapter Federal service on drug control Viktor Ivanov, head of Sberbank German Gref and ex-Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov.
Boris Gryzlov
Nikolay Patrushev
Sergey Ivanov
Dmitry Kozak
Georgy Poltavchenko

Georgy Dzagurov,
CEO of Penny Lane Realty:
"The phenomenon of zoning is described in social urbanism: since primitive times, with the appearance of any settlement, people were divided according to social status, zones were created where the “leaders” and the elite surrounding them lived. People with high status - either endowed with great power, or very rich, or famous - have always tended to settle compactly. VIP clusters, which have practically formed in Moscow today, will become more and more socially homogeneous in the future. Over time, in prestigious areas, the old housing stock will be completely replaced by new elite and business class houses. We continue to work on detailing the territorial division of the city for the purpose of accurately assessing objects. In the next two to three months, we will mark and, together with other market operators, classify prestigious neighborhoods in each cluster.”

About the main Russian patriots waging an irreconcilable struggle with the West, or a few words about the real fifth column.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev:

Medvedev is married to Svetlana Linnik, who is the cousin of E. Vasilyeva - the SAME friend of Serdyukov, involved in the Oboronservis case.
President Dmitry Medvedev awarded her the Order of Honor in January 2012.
Medvedev has a son - Ilya Medvedev. On at the moment he studies in Russia, but in a public interview he said that he would continue his studies at the University of Massachusetts.
(Poor child, he failed the Unified State Exam and couldn’t get into Voronezh Polytechnic).

Family of Foreign Minister S. Lavrov:

The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, lives and studies in the United States.
He is currently graduating from Columbia University in New York and plans to stay in the United States permanently.

Family of State Duma Vice Speaker S. Zheleznyak:

Three daughters of Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak are studying abroad.
Ekaterina is in an elite Swiss school (tuition costs 2.4 million rubles per year from 6th to 12th grade).
Anastasia is in London, at the university (tuition fees per year are about 630 thousand rubles).
The youngest, Lisa, also currently lives in London.
It is interesting that the “patriot-sailor” Zheleznyak declared an income of 3.5 million rubles and at the same time pays 11 million a year for the education of his children at Western universities...

Family of State Duma Vice Speaker A. Zhukov:

The son, Pyotr Zhukov, studied in London and even went to prison there; Zhukov Jr. took part in a drunken brawl and received 14 months in prison.

Family Vice Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Sergei Andenko

The daughter studies and lives in Germany.

Family Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak:

The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, has been living abroad for at least six years and is engaged in the construction business.
He is a co-owner of several foreign companies: Red, McBright and Yuna. At the same time, he also works for the state-owned VTB Group.
Alexey Kozak's younger brother, Alexander, works at Credit Suisse.
This year, German and US authorities accused the Swiss bank of helping high-profile clients evade taxes. An investigation is underway.

Family State Duma deputy A. Remezkov from the faction " United Russia» :

Remezkov’s eldest son, Stepan, recently graduated from Valley Forge Military College in Pennsylvania (a year of study costs 1 million 295 761 rubles).
The son of a deputy studied under the program for officers of the US Army (!!!).
Styopa then entered the private Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.
The deputy’s middle son, Nikolai, has been studying in the UK since 2008. private school Malvern College.
And the youngest daughter lives in Vienna, where she practices gymnastics. Masha Remezkova represented the Austrian team (!!!) at children's competitions in Ljubljana.

Family Deputy V. Fetisov:

Daughter Anastasia, grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to write or read Russian.

Family Head of Russian Railways V. Yakunin:

The children and grandchildren of the “main patriot of Russia,” the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, live outside the country - in England and Switzerland.
The son of the head of Russian Railways, A. Yakunin, studied and lived in London for many years, and currently works in Russia as an investor in a British company.
Since 2009, Yakunin Jr. has headed and co-owned the UK-registered investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which is involved in development projects in St. Petersburg.
Andrey Yakunin is the owner of the Moscow Marriott Courtyard hotel, built on the territory adjacent to the Paveletsky railway station.
At the moment, he permanently lives in his house in London, purchased in 2007 for 4.5 million pounds (225 million rubles) and registered in a Panamanian offshore.
Yakunin’s other son, Victor, lives in Switzerland, where he also owns luxury real estate.
The grandchildren of the head of Russian Railways also study at prestigious educational institutions these countries.

Family Svetlana Nesterova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

The daughter lives in the UK.

Family of P. Astakhov:

The eldest son of the Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov, Anton, studied at Oxford and the New York School of Economics.
The youngest child was born in Cannes, in a rented villa.

Family State Duma deputy from the "SR" faction E. Mizulina:

The main fighter for traditional Orthodox values ​​has a son, Nikolai.
First, Nikolai studied at Oxford, received a diploma and moved to live permanently in tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriage is allowed
Today he works in Belgium at a large international law firm, Mayer Brown.
It’s not clear how Elena Mizulina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, left her own son in such gay danger?!...

Daughter communist Vorontsov Anna lives in Italy. She moved there from Germany, where she also studied.
Currently studying at the University of Milan.
Vorontsov himself, foaming at the mouth, denounces the West, and in the meantime pays hundreds of thousands of euros for his daughter’s education in Milan.

Family Elena Rakhova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction:

United Russia member Elena Rakhova, who became famous for calling Leningraders who lived less than 120 days under the siege “not before the siege,” has a daughter who lives in the United States.
Polina Rakhova graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University and then moved to New York.

Family B. Gryzlov, member of the Security Council:

The daughter of ex-speaker of the State Duma, one of the founders of the United Russia party, and now member of the Security Council Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia lives in Tallinn. And I even recently received Estonian citizenship.

Family A. Fursenko:

Former Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko, who pushed the Unified State Exam system through the country, for a long time hid from the public that his children also studied abroad.
Today his son Alexander lives permanently in the USA

Family V. Nikonov (grandson of Molotov), ​​President of the Politika Foundation:

Son Alexey is a US citizen.
Where did this gentleman show up? That's right, in the Anti-Magnitsky Act, in defense of the law banning the adoption of children by American citizens.

In general, everyone cares about Russia, they are sick...

Now, where do they work?

“Believe me, nowadays companies hire people only based on their qualifications, talent and possible return on their work, as determined by KPIs (key performance indicators), – said Dmitry Peskov.“Therefore, any relationship in serious companies does not matter at all.”

This is in connection with the appointment of the son of the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev Andrey Patrushev Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft. By the way, Patrushev’s second son Dmitry Patrushev He is also not short of talents: he is the Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

I've been searching online for sons and daughters: there are so many geniuses in state corporations, I'm amazed why we're in such a mess.

Sergey Ivanov, son of the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov, is chairman of the board, member of the board of directors of Sogaz OJSC, chairman of the supervisory board of the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool. Previously, vice president of Gazprombank, chairman of the supervisory board of Rosselkhozbank.

Second son Alexander Ivanov(the one who drowned in November in the UAE) was Deputy Chairman - Member of the Board of Vnesheconombank.

Sergey Matvienko, son of the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, is the General Director of VTB Development, owner of Imperia CJSC. Previously, he was vice president of Bank St. Petersburg, senior vice president of VTB

Andrey Yakunin, the eldest son of the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, is a co-owner of the British investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM)

Victor Yakunin, the youngest son of the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, heads the St. Petersburg office of the investment company VIYM, co-founded by his older brother. Previously worked at Gunvor (an oil trader managed by billionaire Gennady Timchenko)

Alexey Rogozin, son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, is the Executive Director of the FKP (federal state-owned enterprise) Aleksinsky Chemical Plant. Previously, Deputy General Director of Promtekhnologii

Petr Fradkov, the eldest son of the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of ex-Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, is the General Director of the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance. Previously, Deputy Representative of Vnesheconombank in the USA, Deputy General Director of OJSC Far Eastern Shipping Company, Director of the Department, Member of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Vnesheconombank

Pavel Fradkov, the youngest son of the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of ex-Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, - deputy head of the Federal Property Management Agency

Andrey Murov, son of the director of the Federal Security Service of Russia Evgeny Murov, - deputy chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES, executive director JSC IDGC Holding (Rosseti). Previously, General Director of Pulkovo Airport OJSC

Vladimir Khristenko, the son of the former head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission Viktor Khristenko, is a member of the board of directors of Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ).

Denis Bortnikov, son of FSB head Alexander Bortnikov, is a member of the VTB board.

Stanislav Chemezov, son of the general director of the Russian Technologies State Corporation Sergei Chemezov, co-owner of MedPharmTechnology LLC, the management company of the Pharmapolis project, co-owner of the Gelendzhik resort complex "Meridian", co-owner of Genpodryadgroup LLC, co-owner and general director of Lanta Telecom CJSC, co-owner of " OboronCementEnergo.

Son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak Alexey Kozak Since 2009, he has held the position of investment manager in the department of direct investments and special projects at VTB Capital. Previously worked at the Ministry of Regional Development.

Son of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov Petr Zhukov- member of the supervisory board of the Moscow bank "Unifin".

Daughter of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Yulia Shoigu is the director of the Emergency Center psychological assistance EMERCOM of Russia

Local officials are not lagging behind federal officials either.

Governor's eldest son Kemerovo region Amana Tuleyeva Dmitry Tuleyev is the head of the Federal State Institution "Federal Administration highways"Sibir" (Sibupravtodor) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Anastasia Crattli (Tkacheva), daughter of State Duma deputy from the Krasnodar Territory Alexei Tkachev and niece of Governor Alexander Tkachev, owns construction and agricultural companies in the Krasnodar Territory

The youngest son of the ex-president of Mordovia, and now the governor Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Mordovia. Senior - owner of a controlling stake in Maslozavod LLC

I only used two sources:

But this is enough. But there are also brilliant wives and relatives there.

The country is divided and privatized, and VTB, apparently, is a transshipment point.

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