Who, how and for how much studies and teaches in private schools in Yekaterinburg. Name of educational organization

According to the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration, in 2016 the average score Unified State Exam graduates of general education institutions of the city was: in mathematics (profile level) 50.9 points (4 points higher than in 2015), in Russian language 70.5 points (2.6 points lower than in 2015). ). At the end of 2016, there were four graduates with a 100-point score in mathematics, and 12 in Russian.

According to the Ministry of Education Sverdlovsk region, in 2016 total number budget places in the city’s universities were designed for 11.8 thousand applicants. In total, based on the results of the 2015-16 academic year, the total graduation rate of 11th grade students from general education institutions in the region amounted to more than 18 thousand schoolchildren, of which 5.7 thousand were graduates of Yekaterinburg schools.

The DK.RU portal, based on the results of the work of admissions committees at universities in 2016, analyzed which graduates of the city’s general education institutions were the most successful.

The study was prepared on the basis of data from: Ural State Academy of Arts, UrFU, Ural Economic University, Ural State Law University, Russian State University of Psychology and Education.

Rating of Ekaterinburg schools 2016

Secondary general education educational institution

The number of graduates who entered Ekaterinburg universities on a budgetary basis for full-time studies in 2016.

Structure of enrolled graduates by major, %

Technical specialties, natural sciences, %

Humanities, sciences, %

Average passing score of the Unified State Exam, one subject

Lyceum No. 100

Gymnasium No. 120

School No. 16

School No. 178 (with in-depth study of individual subjects)

Gymnasium No. 202 “Mentality”

Gymnasium No. 116

School No. 163

Gymnasium No. 104

School No. 165

Gymnasium No. 176

School No. 175

School No. 117

School No. 168

School No. 19

Lyceum No. 128

School No. 134

School No. 167

School No. 7

Gymnasium No. 45

Gymnasium No. 108 named after. V.N. Tatishcheva

School No. 138

Gymnasium No. 174

The ranking of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums includes municipal and private educational institutions ny institutions in Yekaterinburg, whose graduates entered the city’s universities at budget places full-time departments on a general competitive basis based on the results of the Unified State Examination in 2016.

How participants were selected

At the first stage, specialists analytical group The DK.RU portal asked the city’s universities for data on the results of the admissions committee in 2016: the number of enrolled applicants in the distribution by specialized areas (faculties), the average passing score (in terms of one Unified State Examination subject). Data provided by: Ural State Academy of Arts, UrFU, Ural Economics, Ural State Law University, Russian State University of Psychology and Education.

At the second stage, specialists from the analytical group of the DK.RU portal compiled a shortlist of general education institutions based on the number of at least 10 graduates enrolled in city universities on a budgetary basis for full-time studies in 2016.

By what indicators are participants ranked?

The main ranking indicator is the number of graduates enrolled in Ekaterinburg universities on a budgetary basis for full-time courses based on the results of the Unified State Exam in 2016, people.

Representatives of universities about the results of the admissions committee in 2016.

Sergey Postnikov, rector of the Ural State University of Architecture and Arts (Ural State Academy of Arts):

In 2016, the preferences of applicants entering Ural State Academy of Arts did not undergo significant changes compared to previous years. The most popular areas and specialties are still Architecture, Design, Graphics. In the last two years, interest in Painting has grown significantly.

The competition for applicants is traditionally high and averages 6 people, but can reach 15 per budget place for certain specialties. The passing score per USE subject varies on average in the range of 70-80 points. Let me remind you that the passing grade at our university is formed from the results of the Unified State Exam and the creative entrance test.

In 2016 the highest average Unified State Examination points for applicants admitted to budget places in humanitarian and socio-economic profile areas. Thus, the average Unified State Examination score in one subject in High school Economics and Management UrFU was 82.9, i.e. increased by 1.7 compared to last year. High Unified State Exam scores are also required for applicants who plan to study at the Institute of Mathematics and computer science, where the average score is 78.9. For admission to engineering, technical and natural science majors, more modest scores are required - from 62.6 to 75.9 points. At the same time, passing physics, chemistry or biology is not easy: you need serious special preparation for at least one or two years.

Maxim Shnyrev, director of the center for pre-university preparation and admission of UrFU:

On the one hand, applicants and their parents, when choosing a specialty, are often based on the passing Unified State Examination score and are ready to study in any program, as long as the education is guaranteed to be free. On the other hand, as the results of a survey of freshmen at our university show, 42% of applicants chose their specialty in the last year or two of their schooling, another 13% almost before submitting documents, and often directly at the admissions committee. The last one is wrong.

First of all, applicants should take into account their own preferences and inclinations when choosing training programs (specialties). Only when the choice is made should you focus on the subjects and Unified State Exam scores required for admission. Of course, you need to decide where you want to study in advance. All this will allow us to develop an effective training program.

I believe that preparation for passing the Unified State Exam should begin in 10th grade. This is usually what happens in schools - in high school, students choose the class profile they would like to study in and study three or four subjects in depth. But this is clearly not enough when it comes to high results. In this case, preparatory courses come to the rescue, in which university teachers, often USE experts, will provide systemic knowledge of the subject and teach how to perform specific tasks. Unified State Exam assignments and don't make stupid mistakes.

It is worth mentioning separately that you can enter a university without exams if you receive a diploma from a status Olympiad. But it is important to understand that the results of not all of them are taken into account upon admission. In high school, you should avoid competitions where you are asked to pay to participate. All status Olympiads are free. To enter a university, you must first of all participate in olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2016-17 academic year. It contains 88 Olympiads according to the most different subjects- from physics to oriental studies, everyone will find an Olympiad according to their interests. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is possible to win the Olympiads, but you need to seriously prepare for them, because Olympiad tasks usually go beyond what is taught in school. I think that preparation for the Olympiads should begin in the 8th grade, and for mathematics in the 5th grade. All information about the Olympiads can be found on the official website of the Russian Olympiad Council rsr-oly mp.ru.

In conclusion, I would like to note that there is a serious problem of vocational guidance and low awareness among schoolchildren about educational opportunities, which makes choice difficult.

In this regard, universities are open to schoolchildren - “Day and open doors", preparatory courses and much more. For example, we conduct excursions to UrFU institutes, invite high school students to immerse themselves in student life as part of the “Test Drive” campaign, organize “Science Days” in schools and summer educational camps, computer-based career guidance testing. UrFU operates a school for preparing for Olympiads, classes are held weekly. In a word, there are a lot of opportunities for guys now, you shouldn’t neglect them.


"Little Hogwarts, family school, special atmosphere"

Who, how and for how much studies and teaches in private schools in Yekaterinburg

It is logical to assume that a little time will pass and private schools will become as commonplace for residents of Yekaterinburg as private clinics, where streams of citizens gradually flow from municipal hospitals. Everything is pushing us towards this - both the growing income of the population and the growing number of children in public schools, who are gradually returning to two-shift education. The site’s journalists decided to look at what is happening in this sector today, who is sending their children to private schools, whether it is affordable for the average city dweller, what are the advantages and disadvantages of such education, and to estimate which schools - private or public - our children will study in several years.

There are less than a dozen private secondary schools in the million-plus city of Yekaterinburg. But neither on the website of the city department of education, nor on the website of the regional Ministry of Education, nor in any commercial sources of their full list can't be found. The information carriers are city parent Internet forums and the directors of these same schools (many are their founders). But even in a professional environment, the numbers sound different. In fact, there are only six such schools: secondary school “Creativity”, gymnasium No. 212 “Paris”, school “Indra”, school “Istochnik”, secondary school “Helios”, school “Yunost”. There is also a private Jewish school in Yekaterinburg, the founder of which is an Israeli citizen; in addition, this year a private school will join the market primary school "Miracle Rainbow".

At first glance, the atmosphere in private classes is no different from ordinary ones - no expensive frills. But there is a coziness that you rarely find in a public school

It happens that well-known municipal institutions, such as the Corypheus gymnasium, secondary school No. 184, are mistakenly classified as private schools. New school"or the Perspective school in Koptyaki (near Yekaterinburg). This is because for many parents, the education of children in these institutions is paid, and the amount of the widely unadvertised one-time fees for the child is the same as tuition fees (amounts of up to 500 thousand rubles are mentioned). In our review, we decided to focus on those schools that, due to their status, have every right to openly take money from parents, and we visited some of them: everyone is actively preparing for the start of the school year, hastily finishing, finishing, finishing.

“Yes, for that kind of money...”

Uniform is an attribute of many private schools. There is also usually a dress code for teachers: nothing short or transparent

The fees at other schools are somewhere in the middle. Entry fees range from 40 to 100 thousand rubles, monthly fee 11-15 thousand rubles. For some, food is included in this price list (if you pay the entire annual amount at once), for others it is about 2-3.5 thousand rubles per month. Meals in all schools are two or three times a day. Reviews are good.

The basic amount that parents are told includes, as a rule, all lessons in the program, as well as correctional classes(they are needed if the student does not understand something and lags behind). Of the additional, paid services for which you have to pay separately, the most common foreign language from first class or going to the pool. Moreover, if in most private schools they gather a group of children for such trips, then in “Paris” they are ready to take at least one - but such an individual approach will, we suspect, not be cheap. For an additional fee for children in "Paris" They even offer an oxygen cocktail or massage.

Back to school soon - I need to brush up on my subject

Almost no other financial contributions are taken from parents. But there are exceptions. For example, in "Youth", who moved to a new building, parents were asked to donate 20 thousand rubles at a time to plant flower beds around the school. Private schools are confident that if you count all the extortions and illegal fees in elite municipal schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, then studying with “private students” will be much cheaper.

Comfort is created, among other things, by such handicrafts

School administrations often provide discounts. So, almost everywhere there is a discount on education for the second and third child from the same family. Director of "Paris" Marina Zinina said that they managed to reach an agreement with Pension Fund and now you can pay for monthly training in Paris from maternity capital funds. In this case, the money will not be transferred all at once (what if the child does not want to continue studying at a private school?), but gradually. At the same time, all schools assure that they do not exclude children whose parents owe money. They say that sometimes they taught in installments for two whole years. The main thing is to warn in advance about the family financial crisis, and in the future you will still have to pay.

“How do you work, from Monday to Friday? So you brought the child on Monday and picked him up on Friday?”

The main difference between private schools and municipal ones (including most elite lyceums and gymnasiums) is the small number of children in a class, and classes in parallel. It is also important that private schools are full-day schools. Children are there from morning until 17-18 hours. We found some of the smallest classes in school "Youth". According to the director of the institution, Svetlana Semyonova, there are 5-9 children in each class. The teacher refers to the opinion of psychologists that it is the number of children who learn the material best at the same time. In "Paris" this year, the first three classes enrolled 15 people each, but in other parallels, one class each and they are smaller in number. For example, there are only two ninth-graders.

Looks ordinary kindergarten, only in front of him is a gorgeous flower bed, the work of a professional landscaper. There is also a greenhouse in which they grow flower seedlings, and now cucumbers and tomatoes are growing for visual demonstration to first-graders

IN school "Indra" There are 18 people in each class, one class in parallel. The director of the institution, Natalya Ageeva, likes it when there are enough children in the class to organize fun holidays and competitions. For comparison, in ordinary schools, even elite ones, there are 25-30 children per class, and the teacher, as a rule, teaches not one, but two classes. Thus, the attention paid to each student in a regular school is minimal compared to a private school, where notebooks are checked and students are asked questions at almost every lesson. Another big plus is that it is impossible to skip school in such conditions - the teachers and the janitor know almost every child. Even late arrivals are recorded.

According to “private owners,” children from elite Yekaterinburg gymnasiums and lyceums are increasingly being transferred to them. One of the reasons is overcrowding in classes, for which parents often pay huge sums of money to get into them. Municipal institutions are forced to take children not only at will, but also according to registration (this qualification has been returned). As a result, the classes are filled to capacity, there are many of them, the workload on both children and teachers is high, the material is difficult to master, you have to hire tutors, which entails additional serious expenses, and the child, on top of everything else, does not want to go to school.

The Paris private school is unlike any other in Yekaterinburg. Thanks to a rich sponsor

During his stay in a private school, under the supervision of teachers, the child will not only complete written homework until the evening, but he will also go to sections or clubs. Everywhere - ours. IN "Miracle Rainbow"- yoga and English, in "Istoke" it could be wood carving or a sambo section, in "Paris"- even fencing.

The improved analogue of the municipal “after-school” is so convenient that the richest (and, apparently, the busiest) parents even agree to see their child only on weekends. Marina Zinina says that, having learned about the five-day school hours from Monday to Friday, some parents clarify: “That is, you brought your child on Monday and picked him up on Friday?” But today even the most spacious private schools are not ready to work on the boarding principle, so it is unlikely that such an opportunity will appear in Yekaterinburg in the near future. “We believe that children should sleep at home, in the family,” argues Marina Zinina.

“I greet you, sons of diplomats, lawyers, ministers and professors...”

Another advantage of private schools is that the children there are of approximately the same social circle and there is no such inequality as in municipal schools. IN "Paris" Children of diplomats, top managers of UMMC, bankers, influential city and regional officials study. In 2008, the former cultural lyceum, no longer needed by the city education department, was transferred to the private ownership of the holding. At that time, UMMC was building Hyatt, and it needed to place the children of foreign specialists who came to the site with their families into school. Children of foreigners could not go to a regular municipal school because they did not know the Russian language. At the cultural lyceum, connections with the French were developed; in addition to English, French was also taught there, so all the necessary bases for teaching such children were available. This year, UMMC built a new building for Paris. UMMC General Director Andrey Kozitsyn, Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev, and representatives of the city authorities are expected here for the first lineup on September 2.

Children who study here most often spend their holidays abroad - on exchange or on vacation with their parents on the Cote d'Azur.

The furnishings inside the new building are in the “English” style. The corridors are somewhat reminiscent of the atmosphere of the Harry Potter books. “Little Hogwarts” - the teachers themselves joke

In other private schools, where prices are lower, the student population is more modest. Most often these are children of owners or employees of small and medium-sized businesses. Director "Youth" Svetlana Semyonova says that sometimes the children of all employees of a company are enrolled in school - perhaps management compensates for expenses, or it’s more convenient for colleagues who communicate closely with each other. Natalya Ageeva believes that the children of large businessmen are still studying abroad and are not interested in private schools in Yekaterinburg. The director of the “Miracle Rainbow” center, Natalya Vishneva, said that the institution is aimed at residents of the VIZ-Pravoberezhny microdistrict (this is a relatively new microdistrict, where mainly representatives of the middle class live). The selection of public schools in the area is not that good. Let us add that, as a rule, the children and grandchildren of the teachers themselves study in private schools for free or with significant discounts.

“Mythology” about the educational process

One of the issues that parents actively discuss on forums is the quality of education in private schools. There is an opinion that “private” teachers are weaker and a child who is transferred from a fee-paying school to a regular one sometimes has to “pull up” in subjects. Probably, this statement is not always true, because we communicated in such schools with teachers who also teach at universities. In addition, in private schools they are ready to give many opposite examples, when a child who transferred from a municipal school had to catch up with his peers. Of course, no one argues about high level training at the famous gymnasium No. 9, but the results passing the Unified State Exam among private school students are approximately the same as the city average. No worse. And in "Paris" they say that their graduates perform even better than average. At least, there are no people in private schools who have not passed the Unified State Exam. We have the impression that in small educational institutions, in general, the humanities are developing more strongly than the exact sciences.

Znak journalists. com became the first to get inside the new building, which in a few days will open its doors to the children of diplomats, businessmen and officials

All private schools, like regular schools, operate according to approved state programs - in "Indra" this is the “School of Russia”, in "Paris" and "Creativity"- “School 2100”, in "Miracle Rainbow" First-graders are going to be taught according to the Elkonin-Davydov program (considered a developmental program), since the teaching staff previously worked at the Mentality gymnasium, where they taught on its basis.

Almost all teachers convey the opinion of parents who believe that, unlike a municipal school, grades in a private school are inflated - they rarely give “twos”. Perhaps the attention that is paid to each child, better assimilation of the material, allows one to avoid “failures”. At least, teachers assure that they have no desire to exaggerate the child’s merits. In principle, it’s easy to believe in this - the lion’s share of teachers are of Soviet training, and in the USSR it was not customary to spoil children.

Before the new building was put into operation, even Paris did not have a full-fledged gym. Most often, private owners rent interschool stadiums

Graduates of Yekaterinburg private schools are mainly focused on entering local universities. As practice shows, they apply to both paid and budget places. There are also children who are advised to finish not 11th grade, but 9th grade and get a secondary education. special education, without focusing on the highest. Now parents have begun to listen to such advice. Graduates "Paris" prepare for admission to capital and foreign educational institutions.

More about the pros and cons

Despite the fact that private schools themselves earn money and are interested in wealthy parents, the site’s journalists have the opinion that the child, and not money, is the most important thing in such schools. Contrary to suspicions, not all children are accepted, even for large sums. In addition, even in the richest educational institutions they are not ready to follow the lead of parents who, having paid money, want to distance themselves from educational process. For example, they demand that all children return home in the evening with textbooks - learn a poem with their parents, repeat subjects. IN "Indra" We are ready to let the child go on vacation with mom and dad for a few extra days to the vacation, but on the condition that during the trip the child will complete the tasks that the teachers will write for him, and then he will go around the teachers with a special bypass sheet.

None of the teachers is ready to teach a child if the school is not suitable for him, if for some reason he does not like the educational institution, or if a large team is needed for good studies. True, as parents write on forums, entrance fees to a private school are not refundable if you leave. Another complaint is that in small classes, children are provided with greenhouse conditions, which is why they may then have difficulty adapting to big life. However, this minus in some cases turns into a plus, because there are children who are restless, mentally vulnerable, shy and modest, for whom the warm family environment of a private school is the best atmosphere for growth and gaining knowledge. In such groups it will also be easier for disabled children who have some kind of physical injury; there is less chance of running into ridicule from classmates. In such schools, psychologists are required to work; sometimes a kind of dossier is created for the children, where all the data about the academic performance and characteristics of each child is entered. If a child begins to study poorly, they notice it immediately and try to identify the reason - a lack of understanding of the subject or simple laziness.

Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of Ekaterinburg private schools is their small number and remoteness. The lion's share of students at these schools are now residents of nearby neighborhoods. Due to traffic jams, especially during rush hour, it is almost impossible to transport a child from VISA to ZhBI or to Uralmash and back every day. The buildings themselves are most often located in residential areas; there are no convenient parking lots or access roads to them.

What will happen

Having seen private schools and talked to teachers, I want to believe that this sector of education will develop. But even the participants in the process themselves are skeptical about the future. Once upon a time there were more private schools, some closed due to problems. Natalya Ageeva admits that when she and her husband started this business in 1999, everything was different, “new ideas were in the air.” “We started with the support of all authorities. The municipality gave us premises for free use,” recalls Svetlana Semyonova. Then everything changed dramatically. In particular, in 2005, the legislation was rewritten and the issue of financing non-state education was moved from the federal level to the regional level. In the Sverdlovsk region they decided that private sector must survive on his own. According to Ageeva, until 2011 the school literally made ends meet, then, from September to federal law, the budget began to pay 1,400 rubles for each student. It became easier. “80% of the proceeds go to pay teachers’ salaries and taxes,” says Natalya Ageeva. School "Indra" is still located in the building of the former kindergarten of the Three Troikas plant - it is rented from the district administration. The municipality calculates rent based on the market value of the building, but gives a significant discount. True, even this doesn’t come cheap.

Svetlana Semyonova said that last year "Youth" I had to change my location. Previously, the school also rented municipal premises, but not so long ago they “requested” the building (now a kindergarten is located there). Currently, Yunost rents premises from private individuals who have agreed to accommodate the school - commercial schools today cannot pay rent at market rates. Everything here is new, and there is no need to do repairs (the municipal building had to be repaired at its own expense, even re-roofing).

Natalya Vishneva says that "Miracle Rainbow" also rents premises from private company(that’s why the parental fee is higher than in the same “Indra”). The desire to open a private school next to a private kindergarten (or rather, on the floor above the kindergarten) appeared several years ago, but it could not be realized due to the law: placing a kindergarten and a school in the same building with one entrance was prohibited. In 2013, this was finally given the go-ahead, classrooms began to be equipped in the building, the licensing stage is now going through, and the new elementary school plans to open on September 1.

There is simply nowhere to place new private kindergartens, says Natalya Ageeva. The municipality does not have suitable premises, and renting from private owners is very expensive. It is possible that new private schools will open in cottage communities, Vishneva suggests.

The private education market in Yekaterinburg is open, but there are few people willing to work in this sector

Without a serious sponsor and support from the authorities, this business is pure enthusiasm, say school directors. The lobbying and financial capabilities of Paris's sponsor, UMMC, allow the school to develop. In addition, last year she managed to achieve something that none of the schools could - the issue of a decree from the regional government allocating a subsidy to the institution for education in the amount of 18 thousand rubles per student per year. When these funds arrive in the parents’ account, tuition fees are recalculated.

According to Marina Zinina, if other representatives of large Ural business want to follow the example of UMMC, then the emergence of new private schools is possible.

Meanwhile, after some time the problem of school places may become more pressing. Rising birth rates will inevitably increase the demand for primary and secondary education. At the same time, paid schools, no matter how much they want, will not be able to increase the number of students in classes, because this neutralizes one of the main advantages of “private schools”. In addition, they are constrained by various regulations related to small size the areas they occupy.

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