Stewed cabbage in the microwave. Step-by-step preparation of cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave

Almost everyone loves homemade cabbage rolls, but most housewives rarely cook them. The reason most often lies in the difficulty of preparing cabbage. After all, it is necessary to make the cabbage leaves soft and flexible, without damaging their structure when separating them from the head of cabbage. To do this, you have to boil the head of cabbage, constantly checking with a knife how easily the leaves come off, and remove them, risking getting burned. However, this method of preparing cabbage is already outdated, and if you have a microwave oven at home, you can cope with the task faster and easier. Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is easy to prepare; even inexperienced cooks have no difficulties with it.

Cooking features

The process of preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls using the microwave is so simple that it does not require any culinary skills. But still, knowing a few subtleties won’t hurt.

  • For cabbage rolls, it is better to choose young cabbage with a flattened shape - these varieties have more flexible and soft leaves.
  • In order for the leaves to separate well after processing the head of cabbage in the microwave, before placing it in the microwave oven, it is necessary to make several deep cuts around the stalk.
  • It will be easier to separate the leaves if you place the head of cabbage under a stream of cool water.
  • If the cabbage is young and the leaves come off easily, you can cook the leaves in the microwave. It will take less time than processing a whole head of cabbage.
  • If you place the head of cabbage in a bag, the leaves will soften a little faster. This method is worth choosing if you want to save time.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave, whole head or leaves, with or without a bag, varies slightly.

How to cook cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls

  • heads of young cabbage - 1.5–2 kg in total;
  • water – 0.2–0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well.
  • Carefully disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, being careful not to disturb their integrity.
  • Wet the leaves with water.
  • Place a few leaves on a microwave-safe plate.
  • Turn the microwave on full power. Set the timer for 3 minutes.
  • Take out the plate and remove the leaves from it. Put new batch and process in the same way.

Continue processing the cabbage in this way until you have enough required quantity leaves. Remember that this method is only suitable for young cabbage early varieties– from a large head of autumn variety, separating the leaves from the stalk without damaging them will be problematic.

Cooking cabbage in the microwave

  • white cabbage – 1.5–2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well. It is important that it is sized to fit in the microwave.
  • Remove upper leaves– they are usually lethargic, spoiled insects.
  • Cut the stalk as deep as possible, making several deep cuts around it.
  • Place a flat dish in the microwave. Some people can do without it, but it’s easier to wash a dish than a microwave stand, so it’s still advisable to use it.
  • Place the head of cabbage on the dish so that the place where the stalk was was located at the bottom.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes, selecting maximum power.
  • Careful not to burn yourself, remove the cabbage and place it in a clean sink. Cool under running water.
  • Carefully separate the top leaves, using a knife if necessary.
  • When you notice that the remaining leaves are tightly attached to the head of cabbage and you risk tearing them by separating them, place the head of cabbage in the microwave again. This time it is enough to turn on the microwave oven for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the head again and continue removing the cabbage leaves.

You need to repeat the five-minute processing of the head of cabbage in the microwave until you have almost completely disassembled it into leaves. After this, the dense veins will have to be cut out or beaten with a culinary hammer, since they remain hard even after processing in the microwave, which makes it impossible to form cabbage rolls.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls in a bag

  • head of cabbage – 1–1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage and remove the wilted leaves. Make deep cuts around the stalk.
  • Place the head of cabbage in a bag or in a baking sleeve (the latter option is preferable). Use a toothpick to make several holes to allow steam to escape.
  • Place the bag of cabbage in the microwave and turn it on for 3 minutes at maximum power.
  • Remove, cool under running water and remove the top leaves. Repeat the procedure several times until the required number of leaves is collected.

Using the same technology, it is advisable to prepare Chinese cabbage for cabbage rolls. This will take less time: 2 minutes. In addition, a single treatment should be enough to soften it.

Prepare cabbage for cabbage rolls in microwave oven possible quickly and safely. Knowing this method, you will pamper your loved ones with cabbage rolls much more often.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls - microwave processing Food processing technologies

It happens that preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls is frightening due to its procedural nature. But you can’t remove the leaves from raw cabbage. They will tear.
And in the recipes: Boil in boiling salted water, cut out the stalk, and beat off the thick stems... Passion!
Let me suggest a completely tireless replacement for this procedure. Just microwave the cabbage. And then the cabbage will turn into such a heap of flexible and soft leaves, from which cabbage rolls are a pleasure to make.
Let's start with choosing cabbage at the market. It is best to take cabbage that is not round, but flattened. Shaped like a large tablet. This type of cabbage usually has very large and thin leaves. Round, crispy cabbage is more suitable for pickling. And of course, the leaves must be undamaged, and under the leaves there should not be a scattering of dark spots - traces of eating by pests.
So, cabbage, weighing about one and a half kilograms. Light, very dense, flattened in shape.
We remove a couple of the top leaves from it. They are not needed.

Place the cabbage in the microwave. We set the power to 900W. Timer - for 10-12 minutes (this is for kaputa weighing 1.5-2 kg).
As soon as the microwave beeps that it is ready. Remove the cabbage and place it under running cold water. Most likely she is already ready. Squeeze it. It should become somewhat soft. When in doubt, microwave it for another 2-4 minutes. And again under running cold water.
We place the cabbage with the stalk down and begin to unfold the leaves, opening the cabbage like a rose. They turn away very easily, because they have become soft and flexible. In the first photo you can see the end of this process. The cabbage turned into a large soft rose with a small ball of small leaves in the center.
Now turn the cabbage over, stalk side down. We take a knife and begin to trim the leaves at the stalk, putting the cut ones aside.

There will be no defects in the form of torn leaves. Because, despite their softness and thinness, the leaves are durable and do not tear. Unlike loose boiled ones.
From each leaf we cut off the protruding thick stems-veins with a knife. They also cut perfectly easily.
And our leaves are ready.
Wrapping minced meat in such leaves is a most pleasant process. The cabbage rolls turn out neat, tight, dense.
What a sight for sore eyes!

Recipes involving cabbage rolls:
Tulma with rice
Tulma with pearl barley
Tulma with millet
Tolma, Tulma, Dolma, Dulma. But all the same - stuffed vegetables
Stuffed cabbage rolls in savoy cabbage
Stuffed vegetables - assorted
Stuffed peppers, tomatoes, zucchini...

Series of messages " ":
kitchen secrets, cooking, preparations,
Part 1 -
Part 2 -

I often hear from friends: “I really want homemade cabbage rolls, but I don’t have time to bother with them!” And I began to notice that when cooking dinner I choose something simpler and faster. After all, by the time you cook this cabbage to the desired state, an hour will pass, after which you no longer want anything. Nowadays this The process was made easier for us by our miracle helpers, which are now in the kitchen of any housewife. Of course, I'm talking about microwave ovens. Let's take a closer look at a simple idea and find out how to prepare cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

Cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls in the microwave

Kitchen appliances: microwave oven.


Cabbage1 piece

Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Dear readers, I invite you to watch a short video that shows the entire process of preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls using a microwave oven. You'll see how easy it is to separate cabbage into cabbage rolls that you've cooked in the microwave.

Many housewives refuse to cook cabbage rolls because it is a very long process. Preparing cabbage leaves takes a lot of time and is often avoided by cooks. Using technology, you can speed up the preparation of our favorite cabbage rolls. I recommend that you try preparing the leaves using the microwave. It's very convenient and fast, so let me tell you how to do it yourself.

Here is another simple idea on how to cook cabbage in the microwave for cabbage rolls.

Preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Number of servings: for 12 servings.
Calories: 27 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances: microwave oven.


Cabbage1 piece

It is much easier to remove the leaves from fresh cabbage, and they taste much more tender and tastier. Before you disassemble the cabbage into cabbage rolls, you can let her stand for a while to cool down or do it with gloves.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Dear readers, I bring to your attention a short video that shows in detail the entire process of preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

Cooking options

  • Since we have learned how to make preparations for cabbage rolls quickly and simply, it’s time to prepare a delicious dish. By the way, you can cook more cabbage rolls and store semi-finished products in the refrigerator. And when your family wants such food, you just need to defrost them and use this recipe, which explains in detail. Take this idea into your piggy bank and enjoy a delicious and healthy dinner.
  • But it's very light step by step recipe with photos that turn out very tender. I learned this recipe from a friend who is a huge fan of this dish and cooks it in various variations. Try my recipe and you will love the finished dish.
  • If possible, prepare. Thanks to this miracle technique, you will receive a tender and juicy dish, the ingredients of which have retained almost all of their beneficial properties. It is also very convenient to cook in a slow cooker and use the “Reheat” function. Then you will have a hot lunch or dinner waiting for you at any time.
  • The recipe, cooked in a saucepan on the stove, does not lose its popularity. This is a very tasty and nutritious independent meal that is prepared very quickly. This dish will be another reason to eat cabbage, which contains many useful substances.

Dear readers, I am very pleased to share these simple ideas delicious dishes. I hope you, having learned how to make cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave, will use my recommendations. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments, I will be happy to review them. And now I want to wish you bon appetit!

Most housewives believe that the most difficult thing in preparing cabbage rolls is preparing the cabbage leaves for subsequent filling with minced meat. Regardless of the chosen method, the process is equally lengthy and labor-intensive, and besides, there is always a risk of being scalded by boiling water. But you can also make the leaves for cabbage rolls soft in the microwave, which is much faster and safer than in a saucepan. How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave in different ways, we will tell you in our article. Here we will present a recipe for delicious homemade cabbage rolls.

How to choose cabbage for cabbage rolls

Relieve labor-intensive process separating cabbage leaves will help right choice head of cabbage It is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • To prepare cabbage rolls, choose large heads of cabbage that are slightly flattened on top. Usually the leaves on them are thin, even and can be separated quite well even without scalding.
  • There should be no damage or holes on the leaves, otherwise the minced meat will fall out of them.
  • Don't forget to cut off or use a kitchen hammer to beat off the dense part of the leaf at the base of the head of cabbage.

Before we tell you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave, let’s consider traditional way leaf separation. It involves scalding a head of cabbage in a pan of boiling water.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in a saucepan

Traditionally, cabbage for stuffed cabbage rolls is boiled in a large saucepan. The dimensions of the container must match the selected head of cabbage so that it fits easily into the pan. Let us remind you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls without a microwave, and in what order:

  1. Pour at least two liters of water into a four-liter saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. From cabbage weighing about 1.5 kg, remove the top and damaged leaves and, if desired, cut out the stalk.
  3. Place the cabbage in boiling water, let it boil and immediately remove the cabbage from the pan onto a plate.
  4. Allow the head of cabbage to cool slightly, then unfold the top leaves a little and, turning the head of cabbage over onto the stalk, cut them off at the base.
  5. After the first scalding, it is possible to remove 3-4 cabbage leaves, after which the head of cabbage is again lowered into a pan of boiling water and all actions are performed in a similar sequence until it is possible to remove required quantity leaves.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave: photos and step-by-step instructions

The tedious task of sorting cabbage leaves to prepare cabbage rolls is greatly simplified by the microwave. In this case, the preparation takes several times less time and effort.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave and in what order:

  1. Prepare the head of cabbage: remove the top and damaged leaves.
  2. Prepare a five-liter saucepan with cold water, filled to half the volume of the container.
  3. Place the cabbage on the stalk in the microwave.
  4. Set the power to the highest high level and microwave operating time for 10 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, remove the head of cabbage from the microwave oven and place it in cold water. The top leaves will immediately begin to separate from the cabbage. You will need to unfold them a little more with your hands and cut them off at the base of the head of cabbage. Similarly, you will need to remove all other flexible and elastic leaves. If they are hard, the head of cabbage will need to be microwaved for another 3 minutes, and then continue disassembling the cabbage again.

After disassembling the head of cabbage, you will need to cut off the hard part at the base with a knife or cut it out completely from each leaf.

How to cook cabbage leaves in the microwave

This method of cutting a head of cabbage is more suitable for young cabbage with tender leaves, which do not need to be cooked at all, since they are already quite elastic. If you are just looking for a way how cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is delicious, suggested option will do perfect for you.

To begin with, the head of cabbage is cut into leaves, very carefully so as not to damage them. Otherwise, the minced meat will leak through the holes. Each leaf is moistened with a small amount of water and placed in a glass plate or bowl. Then the plate with the stacked leaves is microwaved for 2 minutes at high power. After the specified time, they are taken out, cooled and used to prepare cabbage rolls.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave in a bag

There is another way to cook cabbage in the microwave. Moreover, it is also considered the fastest, since the leaves will become soft and elastic in just 4 minutes.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave quickly using a bag:

  1. Prepare a bag or sleeve for baking.
  2. Place a head of cabbage in it. Wrap or tie the bag and poke small holes in it.
  3. Install the most high power microwave and cooking time 4 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, remove the head of cabbage from the microwave and place it under a stream of cold running water.
  5. Unfold the top leaves and cut them from the stalk at the base.

If the leaves do not seem elastic and flexible enough, you can stack them in a bag, tie it and put it in the microwave again for 2 minutes.

Recipe for delicious cabbage rolls

To prepare cabbage rolls, you can use the following recipe. All you need is a head of cabbage, about 700 g of minced meat, some cold boiled rice, salt and spices, as well as onions, carrots and tomato paste for frying.

First you need to decide how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. The recipe involves using the first method, in which a whole head of cabbage is sent to the microwave at once, and then it is cut into leaves. Then the hard veins on each leaf are removed, a tablespoon of the filling (minced meat with rice) is placed in the center of the leaf, after which it is folded into an envelope. The prepared cabbage rolls are placed in a pan, filled with fried onions, carrots and tomatoes, and water so that it covers them completely. Stuffed cabbage rolls are cooked over low heat for about 1 hour after boiling.

Cooking in the microwave is much faster than in regular stove. Moreover, this home assistant can handle any dish - from soups to pies. And if until now you have only used this kitchen unit for heating or defrosting food, our recipes today are for you.

Stewed cabbage with sausages in the microwave


  • white cabbage – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • sausages – 400 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dill, parsley – 1 bunch;


Pour oil into a deep glass container and add finely chopped onion. Microwave for 3 minutes until the onion becomes translucent. Add the shredded cabbage, cover with a lid and return to the microwave for 10 minutes on the same setting. We take out the vessel, be careful not to get burned by the steam, open the lid and sprinkle with grated carrots. Stir in cabbage, cover and cook again for 10 minutes.

Now you can add ketchup, soy sauce, a little salt and spices to your taste. Don't forget the sausages cut into slices. Mix everything, cover and microwave for 5 minutes. Lastly, add the greens, cook for another 5 minutes, and after a couple of minutes do not open the microwave door - it should “reach”. And it turns out very juicy and aromatic.

Cauliflower pie in the microwave


  • cauliflower – 350 g;
  • cream cheese – 100 g;
  • eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • cream – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • leek – 1 pc.;
  • spinach – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


In a frying pan heated with oil, fry the onion, cut into half rings, divided into inflorescences and finely chopped garlic for about 5 minutes. Then add the washed and dried spinach leaves, stir and remove the pan from the heat.

Transfer the vegetables to a microwave-safe dish. Salt and pepper. Pour in eggs whipped with cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the microwave for 10 minutes full power. We don’t open the door for another 5 minutes, let the pie “stand.” And when it cools down a little, cut it into portions, put it on lettuce leaves and serve.

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