Venus retrograde in natal chart Vedic astrology. Venus retrograde


Like any retrograde planet, Venus has its own “yes” for every “no”, and its “carte blanche” for every prohibition. Being backward, Venus will gladly compensate for your inability to do some things with the chance to immerse yourself in others, no less inspiring. You just need to listen correctly to her tips. Let's try to do this.

Let's start, as usual, with the prohibitions, leaving dessert for later. Let's see, what you shouldn’t do during Venus retrograde, so as not to complicate your life .

Sign cooperation agreements and make official firm promises to partners.
Make a decision to get married, make an official proposal, set dates for wedding events.
Treat new romantic acquaintances as a guarantee of long-term happy relationships in the future. A nice and decent-looking person may later turn out to be not your choice at all.
Look for entertainment mates, post ads on dating sites.
Open a business related to the fashion industry, the arts, serving the aesthetic needs of other people, or try to make a name for yourself in it. And also acquire a similar business.
Open for work websites, blogs and portals related to the topic of Venus (women's resources, film libraries, art directions), and also approve their new design.
Start a job or official career in the field of jurisprudence, mediation, diplomacy.
Schedule a theatrical premiere, the first public performance.
Debut in the role of an appraiser, intermediary, consultant, presenter, “face” of any enterprise, initiative, advertising campaign.
Start studying at Venusian-oriented courses and universities if you plan to make the acquired specialty your profession or a permanent source of income. If you ignore this rule, you risk learning something that will not be useful to you in the future, and (or) paying an inadequate amount for your studies.
Initiate financial projects.
Hire workers to perform permanent financial, intermediary, and representative functions; select a full-time designer, image maker, or psychologist for yourself or your enterprise.
Waste money if it's yours financial situation leaves much to be desired.
Carry out important financial transactions and transactions. There may be problems with the buyer, seller, intermediary, creditor, guarantor. You may misjudge market positions and set your own financial priorities.
Buy jewelry, works of art, luxury items, interior fragments - especially if for you this is not just pleasure, but an investment. The value, fashionability, relevance, and aesthetic level of what is purchased at this time may be assessed incorrectly.
Schedule commercial presentations, auctions, advertising campaigns, opening a showroom.
Start legal proceedings.
Proceed to resolve conflicts through peaceful means.
Contact a civil lawyer for the first time.
Pay for the services of a designer, cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, as well as directly carry out cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. The latter can be not only unsuccessful, but also risky.
Start previously unplanned cosmetic repairs, refurbishment of social and entertainment spaces (garden, park, living room, bedroom, home art gallery or collection).
Take a photo or pose for the artist if you want to make a certain impression on future viewers of the portrait.
Make the final choice of aesthetics. For example, to set new standards of beauty, harmony, proportionality (communication rituals, patterns of fashionable silhouettes, color solutions). Approve the image, logo, and holiday script. Decide on one style or another casual wear, on one or another variant of surgical intervention in the field of plastic surgery.
Abuse sweets if this is contraindicated for medical reasons.

Why are all of the above actions undesirable and fraught with upsetting consequences for you? Should you take them all into account at once, or is it possible to draw a circle in advance? possible problems for each loop of Venus?
The answers to these questions are, in essence, already clear - provided that you carefully read this article from the very beginning.

And finally, it remains to deal with positive influence retro Venus. Let's talk about how to get benefit and... pleasure from its periodic retrograde.

Life is beautiful and amazing!

Venus retrograde, like other planets in the retro phase, welcomes return to old business- in those areas that are (astrologically) in charge. In this case, you can expect not only a series of pleasant or sad memories, but also significant success associated with the organic completion of a once-deferred undertaking.

Can boldly do what you once liked, brought pleasure, helped you recover physically and mentally. Perhaps you haven't been to a museum or theater for ages, on vacation or a day off, for a walk in your favorite park or visiting an old friend. The period of Venus retrograde is a great time for relaxation, allowing you to come into contact with forgotten beauty and romance.
At this time it can be both useful and pleasant temporarily abandon the usual way of receiving pleasure - for example, noisy parties and tiring entertainment. Internal and external silence is necessary so that the original needs of the Venusian plane, laid somewhere in the depths of our being and reflected in the birth chart, again become clear and transparent for us - in other words, they regain their former value. Although... the exact opposite happens. Being by nature a quiet and modest homebody, at the reversal of Venus you suddenly receive an offer to have fun in the old company, which you simply cannot refuse.

If you have time and desire, you want to “unwind your soul” with calm, peaceful activities - try taking a short course of study in an arts or crafts discipline. In this case, Venus retrograde will give you spiritual harmony, calm your feelings, smooth out mood swings, and open a loophole for creative imagination.
You are unlikely to derive a stable income from this activity, but you will receive benefits of a completely different kind - after all, no skill and no impression are wasted for us. Courses in floristry, makeup, web design or beading do not necessarily have to become a source of income. It may not bring you money, but you will learn to relax for your own pleasure. Perhaps you will have that magical hobby that will help you recover from hard work. People engaged in dangerous or, conversely, regular and monotonous work know very well how important this is.

For professional representatives of the art world, now is the time reconsider your creative concept and ways to stay creative.
It must be said that retrograde Venus sometimes bestows original ideas, and they are worth taking note. It is for this reason that during the period of its influence a return to a forgotten artistic project, to an unfinished painting, is successful. Suddenly, unexpectedly, a creative concept takes shape “by itself”, which you have long given up on. The disparate details of the once-conceived image come together into a single harmonious whole, suitable melodies, shapes, and color schemes come to mind.
Could be a good PR stunt temporary revival of the creative tandem. A benefit organized on retrograde Venus has every chance of success. But for this it is advisable to format it in a non-standard way, placing additional emphasis on memories, results, experiences creative path. Retro nuances They give such events a special flavor and make the public remember again the values ​​that have not faded over the years.
Another win-win option is to add a little irony to the scenario of the planned event. Laughing at something that just recently seemed fashionable, stylish, chic can be very useful. This requires good taste and an excellent sense of humor. At a fashion show conceived in a similar style, inveterate fashionistas get a chance to admire their recent follies, and fashion designers and fashion designers have the opportunity to clearly see where and how they sinned against good taste. Indeed, in pursuit of novelty, originality and modernity, people sometimes commit a real crime against beauty and deviate too far from the standards of harmony, trampling on vital basic principles Venus.
A good solution at this time are avant-garde shows, performances, fashion shows that clearly demonstrate an alternative approach to conventional aesthetic values.

Renewing relationships that were broken once in the past is a complex topic, and enough has been said about it in one of the previous chapters of this article. But communication with a former flame or a casual lover (lover) can be very pleasant and refreshing, if you don't look ahead, don't make long-term plans and enjoy the moment.
If, however, a current partnership suddenly begins to fall apart, which just a minute ago seemed strong, you should not be tormented by guesswork and mentally build endless assumptions. Venus prefers dialogue rather than the game of “guess what I’m thinking about now and what I don’t like about you.” While Venus is retrograde, you have a chance, choosing the right moment, to invite the other party to a conversation and honestly describe to them the state of affairs as you see it now. You may look awkward at the same time - but rest assured, your partner will definitely appreciate your willingness to seek a compromise. Communication in a pretentious and aggressive form, on the contrary, should be avoided in every possible way. Venus emphasizes here not individual rights and preferences, but couple values- you should remember them first of all.
In a stable marriage, the retro-Venus period creates prerequisites for an unexpected and original turn in the relationship, somewhat reminiscent of a honeymoon. If circumstances permit, go on vacation with your spouse or give him or her a gift. If this is not possible, remember your shared past fondly. Whatever it was, it was what led you to the current moment of happiness and mutual understanding. During such periods, a romantic evening by candlelight in a pleasant atmosphere for both can be very useful.
Sometimes unexpected external circumstances that you never thought you would find yourself in help refresh your feelings. And then you can be convinced that with your dear one in heaven and in a hut, temporary separation makes mutual love only stronger, and an inheritance that has fallen from the sky or a sharp social rise is not able to kill your loyalty to each other.

The eternal theme of femininity

In any case (in any sign and in any relationship with other planets), retrograde Venus emphasizes and slightly transforms themes related to femininity.

Women At this time, it is worth thinking about how they understand their own femininity, how best to emphasize it externally and how to correspond to their gender identity internally. For them, the style of relationships with other women and the style of designing their own “female” living space also become of great importance.
Often these are deeply intimate issues that are by no means limited to the choice of suitable makeup or hairstyle.
The behavior of women who have their own taste and have rich life experience during periods of Venus retrograde usually differs from the behavior of the youngest representatives of the fair sex. It is the latter who often become victims of the traps described above related to fashion, hobbies and love relationships.

Men during the retro-Venus period, they tend to consciously or unconsciously adjust their attitude towards the daughters of Eve in general, as well as towards individual women who play a special role in their lives - a friend, wife, mother, mistress, daughter, colleague.
Retrograde Venus hinders male assertiveness and sets limits to a man’s natural desire for unambiguous leadership. The need to select more diplomatic means to solve problems may not please the most prominent representatives of the stronger sex, but it also often ennobles and “socializes” them.
Some positions of natal Venus in male horoscope contribute to increased amorousness, gullibility, and an irresistible craving for the former romantic ideal. It is not uncommon for a man to try to see this ideal in a completely different woman. At this time, the romantic silhouette of a former lover appears on the horizon of many men - or, less pleasantly, the frightening ghost of a long-time life partner.

Representatives of both sexes during this period sensitive to issues of maintaining and formalizing relationships, so you have a chance to influence your spouse's views on this.

There is no limit to perfection

The period under discussion is suitable for all kinds of amendments and clarifications that you contribute to the affairs of Venus - no matter whether it is in the program of the wedding ceremony, in the usual image, in the cut of a dress or in personal financial policy.
During periods of retrograde Venus can also be successful restoration- paintings, beautiful clothes, valuables, theatrical costumes, jewelry.
Venus retrograde time is good for refurbishment trading floor, showroom, creative workshop, living room, bedroom, hallway. Often, ideas for such projects are born on previous loops of Venus, and therefore are well matured and quite original. If you've been meaning to do it for a long time cosmetic repairs premises or website redesign, it’s time to make this intention come true.
Unlike starting or buying a business related to Venus, its restructuring may turn out to be very successful and timely.

Material matters

Retrograde Venus doesn't mind at all if you engage in critical revaluation of one's property- for example, give away or throw away unnecessary things. Having freed yourself from old trash, you will feel unprecedented inner comfort and clear space for creating a new harmonious picture of your own existence.
This the right time For product inventory, For revaluation (markdown, write-off, transfer to another category) of commodity units.

Shopping on a Venus loop will not necessarily be unsuccessful. The main thing is that their meaning and motive correspond to the phase of Venus.
Usually everything goes off without a hitch if you strive to correct something or make up for the lack of something. For example, by unfortunate coincidence, you haven’t had an evening dress for five years, so why not treat yourself? It’s high time you bought new curtains, because the old ones don’t harmonize well with the design of your room - which means it’s time to do it. You just couldn’t find a moment to please the person you like with extra attention or treat you to a gourmet dinner - believe me, this is a great decision on retro Venus. Therefore, you should not tie your hands in advance for the entire period of retro-Venus and forbid yourself to touch money. Maybe you intend to fulfill a long-standing promise, got a chance to fulfill an old dream, wanted to restore broken harmony? In this case, the choice will be successful, and the price-quality ratio is acceptable. You may get what you want for a lower price.
However, even if you overpaid, you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. After all, money is just an equivalent of other values. Isn't the pleasure gained or justice restored worth a small sacrifice?
However, you should comply with other restrictions that are valid for the given period. For example, when purchasing, it is worth checking to see if there is a defect in the purchase. Retro Venus, like retro Mercury, often provokes sellers to put stale goods on the shelves. It is also not recommended to make purchases during the first reversal of Venus.

Financiers and businessmen have to review available funds, the effectiveness of existing or proposed partnerships. Often they begin to doubt Is their price correct and personnel policy, is the balance of funds and source of income stable, are allies and consultants reliable?.
They - business and rational people for the most part - should not forget that periods of stagnation, uncertainty and change in their sphere are regular, natural and necessary, and are not at all caused by some mysterious mystical force, the “evil eye” or “damage”.
They should also remember that retrograde Venus does not welcome hasty, fussy actions, excessive activity and aggressiveness. It is not advisable to force ambiguous, protracted or other unpleasant financial situations at this time. Important decisions should be postponed, and instead, collect information, take inventory, reorganize affairs, and revise partnership agreements.

A retro-Venus business partnership most often prompts consideration from two sides: from the position of profitability and from the point of view of compliance with other, non-financial norms. An unprofitable business tandem, naturally, does not cause delight. But at this time there is also a convenient opportunity to reconsider or terminate unprestigious cooperation that lowers your status.

In terms of agreements, flexible tactics are possible and necessary.
It is better to conclude a short-term agreement during the retro-Venus period in words - its execution may take longer than the implementation of the joint work envisaged by it. The main thing is to complete cooperation before Venus leaves the loop.
Long-term contracts concluded during the retrograde period of Venus are undesirable, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. If you find yourself in this situation, don't panic in advance. Such a partnership - if it has not died out after a couple of months - provides an opportunity gradually adapt to the rhythm of retro-Venus and begin to derive regular, although not too frequent and great, benefits from it. Here, a lot depends on the general transit picture that accompanied the “beating on hands” and on how well it resonates with the natal charts of the project participants. And also from the coherence of the business policies of the partners, the mutual harmony of their interests.
In any case, you should not enter into the first or main agreement during Venus retrograde. But side, trial, temporary arrangements of secondary importance, in the presence of a stable backbone of the business, sometimes give good results additional features and help maintain a perimeter defense during difficult months or years. In difficult times for a company, the old principle “don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” works very clearly.

Pen samples

Sometimes retrograde Venus puts the emphasis not on travel to the past and not on alterations of the present, but on trials and experiments aimed at the future.
You probably already guessed that in most cases, Venus is for a neat experiment in which the foundations do not collapse, the essence of the matter or the platform of the relationship remains unchanged (otherwise the disharmony will be too strong). Remember that Venus does not like rudeness and does not welcome a break from reality. Create and experiment carefully, do not deprive yourself of the ground under your feet.

Of course, you should be more careful and far-sighted if you value your future career or your already gained reputation in areas related to Venus. Regardless of who you are - a ballerina, a makeup artist, an auditor, an art gallery owner or a member of a bar - any rash step taken during the Venus retrograde period (especially against the backdrop of unfavorable transits) may not have the best impact on your affairs.
However, it is difficult to give specific advice here. On the one hand, if you are a professional, you must be able to show your skills at any time, during any transit. On the other hand, you are the one who knows better than anyone else how to protect yourself in case of failure. It is you who know better than others what it is better for you to choose this time from the arsenal of retrograde Venus - correction, restructuring, temporary rollback to the past or... forgetting your affairs and taking another vacation. When making a decision on this matter, do not forget to look at your natal chart, as well as the current transits, and evaluate the place of Venus in them.

Actually, almost all innovations in the field of fashion, aesthetics, and design during this period should be considered experimental. If you cannot resist taking a risky step, prepare an escape route in advance - for example, do not throw your old wardrobe into the trash if you suddenly changed it to a new one (especially if this happens during the first station of Venus).

Your designer, stylist, photographer, tailor, hairdresser, cosmetologist may temporarily disappear from your horizon, handing you over to another master who is accustomed to working in a different style. You may also be offered a new solution to your long-standing problem with skin, hairstyle, makeup, and clothing cut. How should we feel about this?
If you don't like experiments, you'd better hold off on making a decision.
But what if you can’t wait to try it on yourself? new image and you can't resist temptation? Will you be mistaken if you give preference to one image or another during the retro-Venus period?
Alas, this question cannot be answered without knowing your natal chart. Perhaps you will be disappointed in just a minute or a week - and you will frantically try to regain your previous appearance.
It is possible that your new image will be somehow attractive and will stick with you for a long time. But in this case, you will almost certainly have to review and adjust it again on the next loops of Venus - until more serious events than a single loop of the planet of beauty again force you to radically change your image.
Let's not forget about another possible turn of events related to retro-Venus... and not only with it. Venus does not glide across the sky alone; other planets also make their moves, participating in the formation of your next life story. Due to circumstances, you may simply be unable to take care of certain aspects of your appearance. For example, you may find yourself in a situation where it is impossible to refresh your complex, spectacular haircut (in a hospital, on a long expedition, in some force majeure circumstances). And then, willy-nilly, you look for a new approach that allows you to stay “in shape.” And you discover that you are not so disfigured by a buzz cut or loose clothes like a hoodie. Such forced finds They are quite capable of adding to your collection of witty and aesthetic solutions “just in case”.

Venus retrograde in the natal chart

If you were born during Venus retrograde, this does not mean that you are made of a fundamentally different cloth. The phases of Venus affect you in the same way as they do everyone else. But you perceive them a little differently.
The coincidence of the phases of transit and natal Venus creates that long-awaited harmony, thanks to which you begin to feel better among people or receive “gifts” from fate. You may meet or receive something “of your own,” close, related.

During the retrograde movement of Venus, you have a chance to finally get what you have been deprived of for a long time. For about a year and a half, fortune spoiled your colleagues, relatives and neighbors with its attention, for some reason stubbornly bypassing you. What was offered, they liked, “suited” them, for some reason they didn’t like, didn’t get it or “didn’t suit” you - and you, frankly, are already used to it...
And suddenly a holiday began on your street too. You (underline as appropriate) are happy to make a long-awaited choice, meet people you like, freely express your feelings, enjoy creative discoveries and financial luck.

But let us remember again: retrograde Venus changes, but does not cancel. Your personal standards are still different from the standards of the majority - and will always be so, no matter how many times Venus goes into retrograde motion. When Venus comes out of the loop, everything returns to normal. For example, it turns out that your choice is liked by you and a narrow circle of like-minded people, but is incomprehensible to many others.
Unfortunately, this article does not provide separate place for a detailed discussion of this topic. In short, all we can say is this: if you are friends with your natal Venus, you will not perceive this fact as a tragedy - rather, you will protect and cherish your own values, which do not entirely coincide with generally accepted ones.

And finally, don't forget:

When Venus is retrograde, the mistakes of the past become a way to create harmony in the present, and not the other way around.

Aggression, pressure, and attempts to remake others to your taste are not welcomed by Venus. The power of Venus is the power of a formed attitude, acceptance or rejection, agreement or disagreement.

In Venus situations there are no winners or losers. There are those who agreed and those who were unable to do so.
At the same time, you are not obliged to negotiate with the first person you meet. Cleverly avoid communication with unpleasant person- no less an art than diplomatically bringing the desired interlocutor into dialogue.
If you really can’t wait to force the situation, “do it beautifully” by disarming the enemy. After all, beauty is a terrible force...

Continuing the topic: Features of loops of other planets

Venus retrograde lasts about 40 days. Such periods occur once every 19 months. Venus is the planet responsible for love, beauty, aesthetics, art, social life, kindness, joy, pleasure, sensuality. Thus, the retrograde movement of the planet brings instability, slowdown and chaos primarily in the sphere of relationships.

At this time, emotional tension increases, especially manifesting itself in close relationships. Women lose tenderness and softness, becoming nervous, hysterical, capricious. Men, on the contrary, lose their masculinity, becoming apathetic, compliant, pliable and weak-willed.

The process of processing internal experiences slows down. A person cannot understand what he wants, understand own feelings who are failing him at this time.

Likes and dislikes are mixed up, arise suddenly and unreasonably, are experienced too sharply or, conversely, too sluggishly.

The attitude towards values, both material and spiritual, changes and becomes clouded.

Fun turns into disappointment, and serious, seemingly boring events can bring unexpected fun.

The mood is unstable and changes without reason. Characterized by periods of vague melancholy, groundless resentment and the same unbridled sudden joy.

At this time, you should not start a relationship, as it will later turn out that this is not what you need. Such a relationship will not bring satisfaction.

You should not buy things of a status nature, objects of art and jewelry, fashionable expensive clothes and anything related to pleasure. When Venus becomes directive, it may turn out that this is not at all what you really want.

What should I do?

  • Buy things that are exclusively practical, based on their utilitarian characteristics.
  • Make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel, forgive, say goodbye.
  • ponder and accept the experience of past relationships that disappointed and gave happiness.
  • To sum up, to complete what does not bring joy but only torments.
  • Bring objects of art to perfection, finish work begun, write poetry, complete paintings.
  • Direct your unstable emotionality towards internal processes and not towards others. if you want to be sad, be sad alone in nature or while reading a book, listening to melodic music or in silence. If you are happy, then go to the cinema, or eat something tasty. Try to live through all the feelings that arise during this period to the end, analyzing all processes and drawing certain conclusions.

Venus retrograde in the natal chart

As already mentioned, the retrograde planet in natal chart indicates some kind of karmic processing in this area.

This position of Venus gives its owner focus on internal processes. Touchiness and vulnerability, which are experienced and worked out in internal space, in contrast to the external manifestation of directive Venus. Often the significance of such experiences is exaggerated by a person. The reasons for his grievances and frustrations are not clear to others, and often to himself. Such a person experiences difficulties in relationships, especially love ones. This is due to his tendency to idealize. So, he either extols some kind of his own dream about the necessary partner and cannot accommodate more than one real person. Or he deifies the object of affection until he gets to know him better and devalues ​​him when confronted with a real person.

In addition, retrograde Venus gives extreme subjectivity in tastes, aesthetic and sensual excesses.

But in addition, retrograde Venus, when properly worked out, gives deep rich emotionality, spirituality and wisdom, a strong inner core and true kindness, freedom to give and receive love, a developed aesthetic sense, the inner beauty of the individual, the ability to rejoice and enjoy simple things, to see beauty everywhere.

In the horoscope of each person there are two luminaries and eight planets, all of them are known from the astronomy course as being part of solar system. The planets influence the psychotype of the individual and the events that the owner of the horoscope will encounter during his life. It often happens that in a horoscope one or even several planets are retrograde.

Hearing the word “retrograde,” many are wary of this position of the planet and ask the question “what should be done?” We will look at what features retrograde gives to a planet in this article. The retrograde of a planet in the natal chart is indicated by the letter R (see attached figure).

Each planet in the horoscope has its own role. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are personal planets (astrologically, the luminaries also have a short term - planets):

— The sun is responsible for worldview, self-expression, vitality and human energy, shows the characteristics of the professional and social realization of the individual,
— The Moon is responsible for the soul, feelings, describes emotions, maternal instinct and the ability to adapt,
— Mercury describes the characteristics of mental and intellectual activity, is responsible for speech, communication abilities,
— Venus primarily describes the sphere of partnership, reflects the presence of artistic abilities, determines interaction with the sphere of finance,
— Mars indicates how and where a person’s physical activity and energy is directed, and how constructively it is used.

Jupiter and Saturn are social planets; their inclusion occurs when human activity is related to work in society:
— Jupiter signifies the themes of wealth, teaching, its location in a particular house shows where a person can expect success and good luck,
— Saturn describes the features of achieving goals, areas where most of all there will be a need for self-restraint and self-organization, giving up something for the sake of achieving the goal.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the superior planets. It is believed that they are not always turned on and not in every person; it depends on the level of personality development:
— Uranus is the planet of intuition, obtaining knowledge from subtle sources through clairvoyance, clairaudience, which can be manifested in the form of insights, invention, everything extraordinary, new, unexpected,
— Neptune is the planet of spirituality, religiosity, its inclusion increases the ability to feel the emotions and mental state of another person and work with him,
— Pluto is the planet of transformation, magic, hypnosis, rebirth, its inclusion gives the ability to influence groups of people, instill in them certain information, and control their energy.

Any planet can be retrograde except the Sun and Moon. Astronomically, this phenomenon is associated with the uneven speed of movement of the Earth and the planet itself. Because of different speeds As the planets move, it seems to an observer from Earth that the planet is making a loop, going either in the forward direction (clockwise) or in a backward direction (counterclockwise).

The direction of movement of planets (especially personal ones) is of great importance. A planet in direct (direct) motion manifests its qualities more strongly in outside world. Retrograde movement makes the planet somewhat introverted. But not inferiority! The planet seems to withdraw into itself, analyzing its internal resources. She is in no hurry to reveal herself to the world.

Quite often, clients who independently study their natal chart express concern when they find a large number of retrograde planets. There can be from 1 to 8 such planets in the natal chart. The fastest planets - Mercury and Venus, as well as Mars - are most noticeably and most negatively manifested in spheres of life; the retrograde of other planets does not have too much of an effect of great importance, but adds its own characteristics.

What features do retrograde planets give:
1. Psychologically - a person seems fixated on some problem that is in the sphere of influence of a retrograde planet, examples:
— Venus retrograde can give emphasis on the topic of building relationships, the topic of love, generating income,
— Retrograde Jupiter can give emphasis on the theme of increasing one’s social status, authority, teaching activities,
— Saturn retrograde can give you an obsession with the topic of career.

2. Event-retrograde planet forces a person to go through the same situation repeatedly, examples:
- Mercury retrograde forces a person to constantly study, repeat, improve skills, or study new directions,
— Retrograde Venus can give somewhat peculiar and non-standard tastes — for example, one of my clients went crazy about men with protruding ears. You may come across partners of the same type, with the same feature - all athletes, much older or much younger. Relationships can develop according to the same scenario.

3. A retrograde planet in a horoscope may indicate personal mistakes in past lives - some karmic baggage with many times repeated mistakes, as a result, in this life there will be obstacles to the implementation of the planet’s function:
- Mistakes in relationships with brothers and sisters - Mercury Retrograde - will make it difficult to establish harmonious relationships with them,
— Mistakes in love, in relationships with partners — Venus retrograde — it’s difficult to love and be loved, to build a harmonious partnership,
- Career mistakes - Saturn retrograde - in this life there will be obstacles when climbing the career ladder, and when working in government agencies,
— Errors in teaching, using one’s high status — Retrograde Jupiter — problems in the teaching profession, in science, in obtaining a leadership position and high social position. Since Jupiter is responsible for all long-distance communications, there may be difficulties in building relationships with foreigners.

4. The retrograde planet in the horoscope is karmically overloaded, a lot of karmic experience has already been gained from it, and therefore external social realization on this planet can be closed through retrograde. What to do? Shift the emphasis to implementation through other planets that are direct, without being too persistent on the topic of a retrograde planet.
If you continue to persist, you will have many more obstacles and limitations than other people. We need to move away from this topic and let go of the situation, let the result come a little later:
— Retrograde Mars may be the reason for physical activity that was too extensive in past incarnations; perhaps you were a professional warrior or soldier, an athlete, and for the harmonious development of your soul in the current incarnation, implementation in this area is limited,
— Venus retrograde may indicate extensive experience in the field love relationship and partnerships, therefore, in the current incarnation it is better to reduce attention to these areas,
— Retrograde Saturn indicates a lot of experience in your career, so in the current incarnation, fate shows you other tasks.

5. On the topic of a retrograde planet, you need to proceed from the fact that if something is given, it just goes into your hands - take it, if it doesn’t work out - don’t persist, because you will waste years of time and energy. They offer you a position - accept it; if you can’t grow up the career ladder - don’t waste your energy.

6. A retrograde planet does not mean a ban on manifestation on its theme. It only indicates that a person’s personal initiative should be reduced to zero. Karmically, you already have enough experience on this planet to receive this offer without special costs, if fate deems it necessary.

7. The retrograde planet tells us that events on its subject will be delayed, so we should be patient:
— Retrograde Mercury – probability of going to school late,
- Retrograde Saturn - the likelihood of making a career late,
- Retrograde Jupiter - the likelihood of becoming a teacher or scientist late.

8. Higher retrograde planets, when turned on, will give the ability to gain knowledge from your ancestors, connect to the corresponding egregors and channels:
— Uranus – themes of astrology, intuition, clairvoyance and clairaudience, insights, invention,
— Neptune – themes of psychology, religiosity, spirituality, high sensitivity up to mediumship,
— Pluto – themes of magic, hypnosis, energy transformation, influence on the masses.

The presence of several retrograde planets in the horoscope indicates a large number of incarnations of the soul and enormous karmic experience.

If you have retrograde planets in your horoscope, but you cannot interpret them yet, but would like to find out for yourself:
— What issues did you pay a lot of attention to in past incarnations?
- In what areas of life you may encounter limitations and obstacles,
- In what areas of life should you not take initiative?
— How to behave in areas of life where there is a Retrograde planet,

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Sometimes retrograde Venus greatly distorts the original qualities of the sign. Just yesterday I built a natal chart for one character. Honestly, I wanted to see the water Venus there, because this man openly shows his feelings, courtship only in private with his girlfriend. In public, he behaves as if they have been married for several years and he does not value marriage :) You will be surprised, but Venus is in Gemini and it is retrograde. By the way, Venus retrograde may indicate that a person loves sweets. So far my logic seems strange. And I would think so too. But my regular readers probably know that I will definitely tell you why this happens. Therefore, I turn to the matter in more detail.

After reading the articles and asking a psychologist friend, I realized that people with a sweet tooth are people who don’t have enough love. They lack manifestations of love. And it's true. I’m telling you as an avid sweet tooth :) Retrograde Venus suffers from this, from a lack of love and affection. If Venus is also located, then there may be quite serious complexes regarding relationships.

Often Venus in the retro phase speaks of a delay in marriage, and if the case is very problematic from the point of view, then I have nothing to please you with. Some of the problems of these people are related to the fact that they wait for their partner's initiative regarding marriage and relationships. You yourself probably understand that in our time a man is becoming smaller, and women traditionally do not take initiatives regarding marriage. So it turns out to be an eternal wait.

Venus retrograde in a man

Often Venus retrograde in a man indicates that he will not formalize his marital relationship. Or this will happen when the man is already well over 30 years old. There is an opinion that such men need to “mature” for a long time to get married. In principle, we can agree with this. Because, according to their common-law wives, there are no other reasons.

According to the same wives, such men have complexes regarding courtship, gifts, and affection. Later, men become more relaxed and begin to court, give gifts, and express their feelings very tenderly.

But here it is necessary to make an important reservation, in my opinion.

The fact is that fiery planets do not respond well to such a phenomenon as retrograde. For example, I can cite my relative, who has retrograde. I can’t call him cold in his relationships with his girls, but I really want to. It just wouldn’t hurt him :) But he doesn't want to get married. Everything checks its other half.

In 2016, we did not feel the influence of Venus retrograde. But in 2017, Venus will be in retrograde motion from March 5 to April 16.

Venus retrograde in a woman

Venus retrograde in a woman means that she will have to meet her ex more than once. Sometimes these are lawsuits, sometimes meetings with him are related to common child. Just recently I had a woman who works with her ex.

Marriage for such a woman can happen due to some circumstances. I won’t surprise you, probably the most common phenomenon now is marriage in connection with the birth of a child. Of course, the reasons for a “forced” marriage may be different.

Sometimes retro Venus in a woman speaks about her field of activity, professional fulfillment.

It is curious in my opinion that the marriages of such girls last a long time, if not forever. Here again we look at the entire map, since divorce now won’t surprise anyone. One position here will not “cement” anything.

Even when there is a divorce, there will be a long period when beautiful lady there will be no marriage. Especially if Venus is fixed. There are several motives at work here. This is both mistrust and a desire to take a break from relationships.

Retrograde Venus in transits and solar

Venus retrograde in transit primarily harms the sphere of relationships. She tests their strength. Financial transactions are highly discouraged on retro Venus. In the solar, retrograde Venus speaks of, one might say, a stop, a pause in the spheres of Venus.

A person thinks about his relationships. For example, I can cite my client, who this year thought about her relationship with her common-law husband. She has been waiting for a proposal from him for a long time, and this year her desire became critical.

I suggest you find out more about your personal life at

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

A whole library has already been written about the retrograde movement of planets. Even a person far from astrology has heard about a certain retro Mercury, during which nothing can be done. A huge number of fables and fictions revolve around this topic. From this article you will learn what retro planets are and how to use their influence to your advantage.

What do retro planets mean in natal astrology?

In natal astrology, the retro movement gives the planet a feminine, passive, introverted nature. The planet seems to withdraw into itself; it is difficult for it to manifest itself openly. But in peace and quiet, when you don’t have to run anywhere, the retro planet has no equal.

Retrograde itself means return, repetition. Therefore, the retro planet may not be realized the first time. Such a planet needs more time to show itself.

For example, it will be difficult for the owner of retro Mercury to learn information the first time; he needs to know all the subtleties and details. At the same time, the quality of Mercury itself does not deteriorate. That is, retro Mercury cannot be called stupid. Yes, he doesn’t always have time to grasp information on the fly, but he does it efficiently.

For whom will retro planets be especially important?

Retrograde movement is especially important for the personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Sun and Moon always move forward and cannot enter the retro phase. A retrograde personal planet shows some peculiarity of character or personality.

For example, retro Mars - the native is not aggressive by nature, but if pushed too far, he will break through the walls with his forehead.

The retrograde movement of social and higher planets has a greater effect on the event level and is not reflected in any way on the psychology of the individual.

If the ruler of a House is retrograde, then this means that the affairs of this House will not work out immediately and will require more time to be implemented.

The retrograde of a planet is its phase, its state. Therefore, retrograde categorically cannot be considered a defeat.

And now I will analyze personal retro planets in more detail.

Mercury retrograde

Introvert, passive thinking. Slowly but efficiently learns, it is difficult to perceive something new. Conservative in thinking. A person thinks a lot about the past, it is difficult for him to look into the future. Such people have the effect that brilliant thoughts come a little late. Good figurative memory, but forgetful of facts.

Mercury retrograde does not mean speech impairment at all! This will be indicated in the chart by tense aspects from malefics and Saturn.

Retro Mercury works well with writing, working alone or in complete silence.

Venus retrograde

Difficulty understanding your feelings. At the event level, it often gives a return to past relationships. Difficulty opening up and trusting your partner. There are a lot of memories of the past from the “the world used to be kinder” series.

For men, relationships can have the effect of a broken record: then the union breaks, then everyone loves each other again.

A woman with retro Venus may not accept for a long time or be afraid to reveal her feminine nature.

Retro Venus often gives the ability to perceive art and creativity with particular sensitivity.

Retrograde Mars

A difficult situation, since the retro phase contradicts the explosive and active energy Mars. Difficulty starting to do something. The native can very for a long time prepare, prepare, prepare... but never start. But if it does start up, it will be for a long time. Therefore, people with retro Mars are excellent performers, but poor initiators.

It is often difficult for a person with retro Mars to express himself and defend his opinion. A lot of suppressed aggression, self-destruction and self-flagellation.

A woman with retro Mars can build her life for a very long time, from the series “I’m going on my hundred and first date with my beloved.” Relationships with a man can develop slowly, but here you need to look at additional instructions from the chart (Sun, VII House).


Don't be afraid of your retrograde planets, learn to work with them. A well-developed and correctly directed retro planet always brings very great and unusual results.

And if you want to work well on your retro planets, plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!

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