DIY model of the solar system made of paper. DIY model of the solar system made of paper and plasticine with beads: MK with step-by-step photos and video tutorials

"Solar system" with your own hands! July 29th, 2015

Every time the holidays come, after I'm glad that I no longer have to get up early and get the kids ready for school, and then rush there, trying not to be late for the start of classes, I think about what to do to keep them busy so that excruciatingly boring. Of course, the simplest and cheap way This means putting a tablet in their hands, and there they will find cartoons, games, and other entertainment. But you don’t want it that way, you want the entertainment to be educational and developmental. And here you can’t do without invention and direct parental participation.

In April of this year, when we were on vacation in Moscow, the company Space Giraffe offered to test a children's creative kit "Solar system". I happily grabbed this opportunity, since Anya, following her dad Dima, has long shown a genuine interest in the topic of space and everything connected with it. Her passion is so strong that she has already managed to infect Leva with it, who quickly learned the names of all the planets with her help.

On the specified day, the set was delivered to us in an impressively sized box. The kids happily clapped their hands and jumped around while I unpacked it. And they were very surprised that there was nothing special inside. A set of paints, base cardboard and blank hemispheres, which were destined to become models of planets. Everything else is the work of the creator, into whose possession such a box falls, and the final result depends only on him.

First, it was necessary to prepare a cardboard base (60 x 40 cm), painting its entire surface black. Anya readily took on this task and, in the process of completing it, drew a little, and then joyfully painted over her pictures. She didn’t have enough strength to finish what she started (they ran out after the first 10-15 minutes) and I finished painting the base (of course, mom always gets the most boring part). However, I even liked it))) It’s quite nice to paint cardboard with black paint; this activity had a relaxing effect on me (what does a mother with many children need at the end of a working day?).

Everyone wanted to color the planets, even little Misha. We carefully switched Misha to other activities, and began to divide the planets between Anya and Leo. The greatest excitement was caused by the Sun and the Earth, the least by Mercury and Mars (because they are very small). There was almost a fight, so they painted the Sun alternately))))

While the planetary models were drying, Anya started drawing orbits for the planets on the black background using white chalk, and I read to them Interesting Facts about the planets that we were preparing to place on the base to create a model of the solar system as soon as they were ready.

For example, that time flows differently on different planets. One day on Mercury is 58 Earth days! And the mass of the Sun makes up 99% of the mass of the entire solar system. And also the fact that on the Moon a person weighs 6 times less than on Earth, due to the lower force of gravity, and that Saturn is not the only planet with rings of stones, ice and other particles. Similar rings exist around Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, but only Saturn can be seen from Earth.

Considering last fact, we decided not to make “rings” to any of the planets (for some reason we unanimously decided that our model of the Solar System in this form would look much more harmonious).

This is what we ended up with:

The model of the solar system looks quite impressive. Bright, educational, visual! And, most importantly, created with your own hands)

When D. returned home, Anya and Lev proudly showed him the fruit of their labor. I didn’t have time to capture Dima’s dad’s smile, but believe me, he was happy!)))

Today you can clearly see the structure of the planets, plunge into the atmosphere of weightlessness, make childhood dreams come true and visit space without even leaving home. – entertaining and creative process, which requires a little time and the most simple materials. Using the papier-mâché technique you can create an amazing collection of planets for the interior or for use as a visual aid in school or kindergarten.

Materials for our solar system:

- eight inflatable balloons;

- a lot of old newspapers;

- paper;

- cardboard;

- starch and water;

- primer;

acrylic paints;

- dish sponge;

- scissors.

Stages of making planets:

1) We inflate the balloons so that they are proportional to each other and correspond to the sizes of the planets, which can be viewed in a book or on the Internet.

2) Make a paste from starch and water. Mix 3 tablespoons of starch with half a glass cold water, and then pour in two glasses of boiling water and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. We are waiting for it to cool down.

3) While the paste is cooling, prepare newspaper strips.

4) Dip the strips into the paste and paste them over each ball in 3 layers. Leave the holes at the tails of the balls unsealed. We give each layer the opportunity to dry.

5) When the planet blanks have dried and the paste has set, you can remove the balls. To do this, pierce them with a needle at the tail and carefully lower the ball. Seal the resulting hole with strips of paper.

6) After the planets have dried, we cover them with a primer, which will help make the surface smooth. We are waiting for the primer to dry completely.

7) Now let's start decorating. We apply the paint in different shades, it is advisable to apply several layers. Add texture with a sponge. Each planet must correspond to its own color.

9) Let's make rings for one of the planets. To do this, cut out a circle from cardboard, in which, with a pencil, draw another circle with several fixing strips, such a size that the planet Saturn fits into it. Cut out this circle too, insert Saturn into the ring and use glue and fixing strips to secure the planet. Decorate the ring.

Watch the video on the topic: DIY solar system

The solar system craft is ready. Now you can hang it in the room of a child who will dream of flying into space. You can make one and take it to school. The physics and astronomy teacher will not leave you without praise.

The following project is often asked at school: to make a model of our galaxy. ? Exactly! Try making it from simple materials at hand, such as cardboard. The exciting process not only improves work skills, but also introduces the child to the basics of astronomy. He should pay attention to recognize the planets and place them in the right places. The Star World set will help you understand this issue.

It will be interesting to create a dynamic model - it both illustrates the location of astronomical bodies and demonstrates their movement. As in reality, cardboard planets rotate in orbits around the Sun and around their own axis. Use this guide as a visual resource for school or kindergartenoriginal craft arouses keen interest among children!

How to make a solar system with your own hands: master class with photos

What you need to prepare for the craft:

  • corrugated cardboard
  • scissors and stationery knife
  • decorative tape
  • PVA glue
  • needles and carnations

Additionally, you will need paints. To make the planets look more realistic, print the template on a color printer.

STEP 1. Cut out 9 circles from cardboard different diameters and color each one. Use rich colors that are associated with space - black, dark blue, purple.

STEP 2. Once the paint has dried, place the circles on top of each other and staple in the center. We used part of a sushi stick; A toothpick or any other rod is also suitable for this.

STEP 3. From decorative tape or colored paper, cut out stars and stick them on the base. Experiment with sizes and shapes!

STEP 4. Cut out the printed images of the planets and glue them onto cardboard circles of the appropriate size.

STEP 5. Secure them to the base using nails. The hat is stuck into the base of the circle, and the planet is placed on the needle. Glue the rings of Saturn onto thin cardboard and connect them to their owner with needles.

Marina Stolyarova

“Humanity will not remain on earth forever, but,

in pursuit of light and space,

at first it will timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere,

and then he will conquer everything for himself circumsolar space"

K. Tsiolkovsky

Since ancient times, people's eyes have been directed to the sky. From the first steps on earth, man felt his dependence on the sky; his life and activities largely depended on it. Our ancestors knew and understood well "habits" sky. For them, the sky was alive, full, and manifesting itself in many ways. This love and knowledge of the sky must be cultivated in older preschoolers.

Target: create solar system layout and using his example to show that The solar system is a system of planets, in the center of which there is a bright star, a source of energy, heat and light - Sun. Nine major planets revolve around it in orbit.

Material: stationery glue, scissors, sewing thread different colors, balloons, foil, hoop, waste material (paper, plastic boxes).

1. Prepare required material. Inflate balloons different sizes in accordance with required size solar system (planets, Sun) .

2. Thread a needle and pass it through the glue.

3. Wrap each ball with thread and let the glue dry.

4. After the glue dries, remove balloon from threads, having previously untied it or burst it.

5. For the planet Saturn, cut out a ring from foil or paper and glue it to the future planet.

6. Wrap threads around the hoop.

7. Cut out stars and comets from foil.

8. From waste material make a ship.

9. Hang all planets, stars and comets in accordance with the location of the planets solar system. Sign the names.

10. The model of the solar system is ready.

Publications on the topic:

"Planets of the solar system" for group design for the thematic week "Space". Master Class. Like in many other gardens, we have had it.

Hello dear colleagues! I want to show you my model of "Planets of the Solar System". After all, soon April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, and the topic.

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, I prepared an informative visual aid to supplement educational environment materials in kindergarten.

I would like to present to your attention a model of the “Planets of the Solar System” with my own hands. Space is very big. Besides our Earth, there are others.

Any of us can name all the planets in order. One - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth, four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, seven.

I would like to present to you a model of the “Planets of the Solar System” with my own hands. So, for outer space we will need: Frame 30*50.

On the eve of the anniversary of Cosmonautics Day, I offer you a master class on making a model of the “Planets of the Solar System”. Do it together.

We are going on a very long journey into space. I have prepared a lot interesting material, I’ll start my story by making models of the planets of the solar system. This will be something like a mini master class, so if someone is not familiar with this technique, they can watch and try. Don't think it will take a lot of time, as there are certain stages of action and drying breaks in the work. In total, it will take you at most a week, but the result is worth it!

The papier-mâché technique is one of my favorites! It is convenient to use when there is no necessary materials, it is not difficult to manufacture and does not need expensive materials, and will not deteriorate during storage.

It all starts with the selection of suitable size balls or balloons. If these are balls from children's toys, then they need to be tightly wrapped in cling film or put and tie in plastic bag. Air balloons inflate and tie well so that they do not begin to deflate during the manufacturing process! I did not select absolutely exact proportions to match the sizes of the planets, otherwise they would have turned out to be very voluminous balls.

I used newspaper, paper napkins and white paper. The lower layers were glued with paste or wallpaper glue. All paper should be torn, not cut. The fact is that the torn layers lay on each other more softly and the ball turns out smoother. I covered all the planets at once and did it in two stages: the first day three layers and the next day two more layers. Last layer It is better to make it from white paper. Then let everything dry thoroughly for a day or even two. Readiness is easy to determine - the balls become light.

The next stage is to take out balls and marbles. Here you need to use a stationery knife and carefully cut it into almost two halves without damaging the balls. You can simply remove the balls by piercing them.

Next, I prepared metal half rings, sewing them to the black braid. I need this so that in the future I can not only just play with the planets, but also attach them to the model of the Solar System. But more on that later. I glued the braid inside the cut paper balls with PVA glue so that only the half ring was visible. I glued it together and covered it with another layer of white paper using PVA glue for strength. And again the drying stage.

The next thing is to apply primer or thick paint to the balls to level the entire surface. Can buy ready soil, or you can just use thick water-based or gouache white paint. And dry again.

Now additional details on two planets - Saturn and Uranus, which have rings. I cut out the rings from two sheets of cardboard, glued them together, cut out a circle of suitable size and glued them to the balls using strips of torn white paper. Fit Circle I picked it up using dishes in the house. If the ball did not slip, then the size was appropriate. After drying, I covered these rings with primer.

Another technical digression; I had to correct my mistake as I went along, but I’ll tell you now. Uranus is a planet that lies on its side, so it is better to glue the half-ring with braid onto a cardboard ring, so the planet will hang on its side.

Now let's move on to the most interesting stage - painting. Dima even helped me with this, and with extraordinary zeal! We made the first layers of paint in just the right tone, and more carefully drew the shades and details myself, placing in front of us photographs of the planets from the World on the Palm “Secrets of Space” set. That's what came out of it.

The last thing is to cover the planets with acrylic varnish to preserve the paint. It can be purchased at art or craft stores. It is non-toxic and not dangerous for children. The continuation of the production of the solar system model is still ahead!

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