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The name Gregory comes from the Greek grigorio (grigoreo), which translated into Russian means awake, vigorous, not sleeping. It came to Rus' simultaneously with the adoption of Orthodoxy and is associated with the Christian faith. The above translation is only a literal interpretation of the meaning; the expression “to be on alert” or “to be attentive to sinful acts” is more suitable.

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Short forms: Grisha, Grinya, Gorya, Grishanya, Greg. It was especially popular among Russians at the beginning of the last century and is now becoming more common.

    Character Traits

    The meaning of the name Gregory is revealed in the character of its owner. As a child, he is pugnacious, stands up for his comrades without even understanding the risks, and shows recklessness. For this reason, parents must restrain the boy. It is impossible to force him to do something - there will be a refusal. Main character traits in childhood:

      • activity and mobility - this can cause trouble for his parents;
      • tries to be obedient, does not get involved in a fight unnecessarily, but will always be able to defend himself;
      • he does not bully others, he is polite with people, but does not allow himself to get into an unpleasant situation;
      • does not tolerate rudeness and barbs addressed to him;
      • devotes a lot of time to self-improvement and appearance, his grades are usually good, he easily assimilates any information;
      • wants to please many people and becomes despondent if this fails.

      A man named Gregory quickly mobilizes and makes a leap forward in any area of ​​his activity when necessary. Adolescent courage and emotionality develop during the formation of personality into a firm and strong will. He is quiet and easy-going in the family until his wife pushes him to the point of breakdown, then he can start a scandal. When it cools down, he asks for forgiveness and promises not to allow this to happen in the future. Grigory loves children, but uses harsh parenting methods.

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      A person’s life is predetermined by his character traits, and Gregory’s character is complex. Over time, some behavioral features change, but the general direction in life remains the same:

  1. 1. A difficult fate awaits him if he does not overcome his temper. We must always remember that moderation is needed in everything.
  2. 2. Fearlessness in the face of a stronger enemy is commendable, but you should not show your aggression over trifles. Although with age, Gregory becomes more restrained.
  3. 3. Self-confidence, firmness and decisiveness of character are complemented by calmness over time. Responsibility and a sense of duty appear, but personal interests always remain in the foreground.
  4. 4. Intolerance remains towards attempts to manipulate and lead him, but diplomacy in behavior and worldly wisdom are acquired.
  5. 5. Thanks to perseverance and a sharp mind, he can easily master any profession. The technical area of ​​​​knowledge does not cause difficulties, he earns money easily and spends it the same way. He has no desire to become a leader.


The name Gregory has ancient Greek roots and, according to the main version, could come from a word that sounded like “grigoreo”. The translation of this word sounds like “to watch” or “to stay awake.” The literal interpretation of the name Gregory sounds like “vigilant” or “cheerful.”

The male name Gregory is not very common today, although some time ago it was one of the most popular. Researchers believe that it has strong energy and is capable of influencing the fate of the child named by it. Compatible with most Russian modern female names...

Conversational options: Grisha, Grinya, Grishanya

Modern English analogues : Grigoros, Gregory, Gregor, Gregoire, Gregorio

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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Greek roots and strong energy can give a boy named Gregory a lot of important characteristics. Among their huge list are restlessness, activity, energy and arrogance, mobility, readiness to develop, thirst for new knowledge, sociability and sociability, kindness and goodwill.

However, not all Grishas are promised these qualities, because everything depends not only on the energy of the name, but also on upbringing, and on many astrological factors. But for the most part, Grishas are cheerful and resourceful people, popular in society, authoritative and respected. Plus, these are optimists, men who never show a bad mood...

Advantages and positive traits: optimistic views, inability to feel sad and depressed, goodwill and kindness, generosity, activity, mobility and hard work. Grisha also easily controls their emotions and does not allow them to burst out at the wrong moment - a pretty good quality.

Grigory has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, too rude and callous people, women who do not know their worth and unfaithful wives. Plus, this man will never let anyone near him who has fallen for a lie at least once in his life.

The name Gregory was one of the first to appear and gain popularity at the time of the emergence of Christianity. In turn, it became synonymous with the concept of the ideal “Christian.”

Character of the name Gregory

The character of the name Gregory is a rather complex factor in its interpretation, depending on many additional aspects, including the influence of the zodiac sign on the man named Gregory, and the energy of the environment, and parental education, and even the month of birth. However, it is known that all men called by the name form Gregory have a kind and rather tolerant character, endowed with such qualities as kindness. Ease, prudence, fairness, responsiveness, openness, and sincerity. True, in addition to all of the above, there may be many others, among which only positive ones are not always found. For example, Grisha’s character is usually endowed with integrity and uncompromisingness, which in turn often lead to problems communicating with peers and comrades, quarrels with loved ones, and troubles in his personal life. But the character of a man called Gregory will certainly be endowed with such an important property as determination, and this is a huge plus.

On the other hand, whatever one may say, character depends on many different factors. So, in this particular case, the character strongly depends on the energy of the season, under the auspices of which the boy named in this way was born.

Early childhood

In a boy's early childhood, the meaning of the beautiful name Gregory can reward him with a bunch of useful characteristics, but the main thing among them will always be the energy that is promised to them. Energy, activity, mobility, effectiveness, ideology, positivity in thinking - these are what every Gregory, without exception, can boast of. But this is not a complete list.

The energy of this name can give a boy optimism that can only be envied, positivity, kindness, politeness and love, good nature and goodwill, excellent character and exorbitant willpower. Such a person will never be rude to his interlocutor without reason, whether he is the same age or even younger, and will always come to the aid of a person in need.

He is also an adventure seeker and a lover of outdoor games - a restless person, of which there are few, always inventing activities for himself and always doing something. True, at the same time he’s not very spoiled. On the contrary, if mom or dad tell him to calm down, he will calm down, without arguing or offending. He is not capricious, does not become hysterical, does not demand from his parents what they do not give him, and at the same time is attentive to his loved ones and especially loves spending time with his loved ones.

This boy also has many talents, which parents should begin to develop in him at such an early age.


A boy who has reached adolescence and is named Gregory, the energy of this name can bestow even more a large number good characteristics. Grigory is a teenager, and by his very nature he is usually an excellent student. He can easily be given any subjects that exist in the school curriculum, but it is important that the teacher teaching this or that subject shows respect for him. Otherwise, the boy named Gregory may be pushed away by the object, which will lead to its launch.

And also, for a boy whose parents decided to choose the male name Gregory, the meaning and energy of this name can reward him with such qualities as integrity, good nature, integrity, optimism, cheerful disposition, disobedience, restlessness, and most importantly, laziness. Laziness, by the way, manifests itself precisely in moments that require special efforts from Grisha - any object that calls for effort can simply be neglected by Grisha.

But Grigory gets along well with peers and has among his classmates not only like-minded people, but also many friends to whom he opens up completely. His whole problem is that he has a poor understanding of people - it is precisely because of this shortcoming that he can have many ill-wishers in his close circle of friends.

Grown man

An adult boy, or rather, now a man, who received the name Gregory at birth, the meaning of this name endows him with slightly different qualities. In most cases, an adult Grisha is no longer the restless person he was before - he becomes reasonable, calculating, honest, open, thoughtful in his actions, intricate, but not as active as he was.

Plus, in adult life, this is the kind of romantic to look for - in a relationship, by the way, he will most likely prefer romance and feelings, instead of storminess and passion. The meaning of an adult guy with the name Gregory can also reward him with friendliness, sociability, and readiness to make contact with a new person at any moment - it is thanks to these qualities that Gregory has many friends, and most of them are loyal to him, respect him, value his every opinion and word.

But it is not without its shortcomings - Gregory, over whom the meaning of this name form protects, is a principled and uncompromising person, it is difficult to argue with him even where he is really wrong, and he never admits that he is wrong, even if this may lead to loss friend. Despite all these traits, he is not a leader and does not have leadership inclinations, although with more effort he could become an excellent boss or leader.

Interaction of the character Gregory with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the three spring months, and named by the nominal form Gregory, is a purposeful, ambitious, persistent, but hot-tempered and aggressive man in the future. It’s better not to argue with someone like that; he will always prove he’s right, even where he’s clearly wrong. But he is devoted to his principles and will never act against his conscience.

Summer is a summer boy by origin, he is fickle. An indecisive, shy and very shy person. He has no leadership skills or any good qualities, with the help of which one could become popular in society, but he has a nature good man, which is no less important. He will never betray, deceive, or take advantage of anyone’s weakness.

Autumn is a boy born during the patronage of one of the three months of Autumn, and named Gregory, he is already completely uncommunicative, withdrawn. Has a complex character. Shy, selfish man in the future. It’s difficult to get along with someone like that, he has difficulty making contact, but he can make a good husband and father. And, no less important, his chosen one will be lucky - he is faithful and reliable.

Winter is a sociable, talkative, cheerful and resourceful optimist, with whom it is easy to get along with any person on the planet. He easily makes contact, is always ready for adventure, knows how to carry on a conversation and never refuses to help his loved ones. He also has excellent intuition, which helps him follow the path of life. Well, plus to everything, winter Gregory is open and generally has a good character.

The fate of the name Gregory

The fate of a name is one of the most difficult factors, but at the same time one of the most interesting. As for this case, and specifically, the name Gregory, everything is complicated here - many researchers tried to find an answer to the question of how the fate of the bearer of the name Gregory should develop, but not one of them could give a one hundred percent accurate answer.

But it is known that fate usually prepares for each Grisha the formation good husband, an excellent father, and a reliable protector of the family. The fate of the man named by the nominal variation Gregory is such that it involves a long search for his soul mate and many breakups, moreover, in most cases, it is precisely the fault of Gregory himself. Grisha is shy and naive, shy and indecisive in terms of relationships, he cannot afford to be the first to confess his love, which is why he most often loses potential chances for a relationship.

But it is supposed to become a romantic and a man who can easily be called a real gentleman. Gregory is courteous and caring, eloquent and will never leave his beloved unattended. And in general, his destiny is to become a man whom his wife will probably eventually cite as an example to her friends, and that’s worth something.

Love and marriage

Gregory takes starting a family extremely seriously, and does not think about marriage too early. Most often, he manages to create an ideal family at a more mature age. And his chosen one will be a woman with a strong-willed but calm character and necessarily with housekeeping skills.

Grigory is very picky in terms of comfort, coziness, order in the house and the quality of the prepared dishes. In this regard, his wife will have to try very hard to cope with everything and please her husband. But he is an exemplary family man and just wants everything at home to be like in a fairy tale.

He attaches particular importance to trust. It is extremely important for him to be confident in the reliability of his wife and her fidelity, since he himself remains faithful to his wife and considers betrayal an act that cannot be forgiven.

Gregory as Father

Gregory becomes an exemplary father and family man. He loves his children very much. For him, the family is his own little world, in which an atmosphere of peace, kindness and happiness should reign. Grisha tries to raise his children to be strong and confident people, and therefore prefers severity to baby talk.

He happily helps his wife take care of the kids, not allowing her to carry strollers and bicycles on her own. He can go to the supermarket himself if he needs to buy a large number of products. However, he is unlikely to be on duty near the baby’s crib.

Grigory, as a skilled diplomat, will always be able to find the right words when communicating with children, listen to them, point out mistakes and advise them on what to do in a given situation. Children are drawn to him and love him no less than their mother.

Horoscope named after Gregory


Aries is purposeful, ambitious, works all day long and is ready to do anything to achieve the goal set for him. But at the same time, he will never resort to meanness or betrayal; he achieves everything only by honest methods. A hard worker and a careerist by nature.


Taurus is stubborn and quick-tempered, principled, relies only on himself and never asks anyone for help. He doesn't like it when anyone tries to criticize his actions, he looks for faults in everyone and has pitifully few friends. Makes a lot of mistakes and often makes spontaneous decisions.


Gemini - here we are talking about a boy who is a traveler and adventurer, a restless, active and too unpredictable. Loneliness is not for him. He is irresponsible and unreliable, but he is devoted to his principles and loyal to his friends, especially his close ones.


Cancer - and this is Gregory, fickle and indecisive, shy and naive, worried only about how to look better in the eyes of friends and comrades. His life is full of worries and hysterics, he always finds something bad in everything, he is a pessimist by nature.


Leo - this Gregory is endowed with a bunch of good qualities at once. He is a diligent worker, bringing any task to the final whistle, a careerist, a dominant personality over everyone around him. This guy can make a good boss, but he won’t make a friend – he repels everyone with his callousness.


Virgo - this guy has excellent compatibility with most women, he has a tolerant character and a kind soul, but he is reserved and worries a lot about his status in society. But he is fascinating, interesting, eloquent and knows how to attract attention to his own person.


Libra is the owner of a very contradictory character, unpredictable, callous, self-critical, straightforward and receptive. You can get a dose of rudeness from this at any moment, but later he can apologize, if, of course, he feels guilty.


Scorpio is a demanding and distrustful person. This Gregory is complex by nature, his character only pushes people away, he sees traitors and liars in everyone, and it is very difficult to convince him. In addition, he puts too high demands on people, but he himself cannot meet them.


Sagittarius is a lover of adventure, an egoist with a capital E, whose self-esteem and pride are off the charts. A lover of being in the center of attention, for the sake of this he may resort to too flamboyant behavior. But he is sociable and has many friends among various generations and ages.


Capricorn is unpredictable and emotional, quick-tempered, takes criticism too seriously, cannot remain silent in the face of betrayal or injustice, and often commits rash acts. But he quickly calms down and is ready to give in in an argument at any moment.


Aquarius is a talkative and sociable representative of the male half of humanity, always has his head in the clouds, a dreamer and visionary, you can’t look for them. It's easy to get along with him and make friends, find common language, but you shouldn’t trust him with important matters - he’s unreliable and irresponsible.


Pisces - has excellent intuition, always thinks through every action so that everything is as planned, never makes mistakes, is a planned and reasonable person. His only major drawback is distrust, even of close people and comrades.

Compatibility with female names

The best thing for the name Gregory is considered to be compatibility with such female names like Alexandra, Vera, Capitolina, Valentina and Nadezhda.

With girls with names such as Zhanna, Ulyana, Marina and Evgenia, Grigory will also be able to build relationships, but not so long-term. There will be everything here, love, warmth, and sincerity, but it is unlikely that things will come to marriage, and the main obstacle in this may be incredible jealousy on both sides.

But it is not at all recommended for Gregory to build relationships with Antonina, Larisa, Taisiya and Elsa, because there is no compatibility at all.

Name Gregory in lately becoming increasingly rare among newborn boys. It was most popular during the USSR and in the post-Soviet space. This name has strong energy. Its owners often live difficult lives. Gregory is ambitious and decisive by nature. He is intolerant of rudeness and always shows politeness and courtesy. All negative qualities a man shows only in a state of anger.

To understand what the name Gregory means, it is necessary to take an excursion into history. The name originates from Ancient Greece. Its original form was Gregorius, which comes from the Greek "grigorio" and translates to "to stay awake." When Christianity was adopted on Russian soil, the name began to be heard more and more often in families.

It became one of the most popular names in the 20th and 21st centuries. Clergymen often bore this name.

Despite its low popularity these days, the name has taken root in various surnames, such as:

  • Grishinaev;
  • Grishin;
  • Grigoriev.

In Russia, this name is considered archaic, however, sometimes parents name their children this way. After all, it was worn famous personalities and he has many patron saints.

Due to the fact that the name was widespread among bishops, patriarchs and other church officials, name days are celebrated more than 50 times a year.

The most significant ones are celebrated:

  • February 7 – Gregory the Theologian;
  • March 25 – Gregory the Great Dvoeslov;
  • November 30 – Gregory the Wonderworker.

In addition, name days are celebrated:

  • in January - 1, 8, 14, 18, 21 and 23;
  • in February - 7, 12 and 23;
  • in March - 6, 17, 25-26 and 31;
  • in April – 15 and 19;
  • in May there are only 3 days;
  • in June - 1, 6, 20 and 28;
  • in July – 5, 11-12 and 25;
  • in August - 1, 21-22 and 31;
  • in September – 10, 12, 17, 20, 22, 28-29.
  • in October - 11, 13, 14 and 18;
  • in November – 18, 20, 27-28, 30;
  • in December – 8, 11, 20, 23, 26;

The name Gregory is abbreviated as Grisha and has few derivatives. The most famous of them are: Grinyusha, Grinya, Grigoryushka, Grishenka and Grishunya.

Famous people

Among the Gregori there were many politicians such as: Rasputin, Dolgoruky, Potemkin, Yavlinsky, Zinoviev, Chukhnin, Otrepiev (aka False Dmitry).

There are also many known creative personalities: Antipenko, Barkhin, Lyubimov, Leps, Roshal, Gorin, Kozintsev, Alexandrov, Ponomarenko, Oster.

There are also scientists who bore this name: Lozovik, Manov, Perelman and Rodchenkov.

The owner of the name Gregory is a self-sufficient and sophisticated person. It reaches its apogee in its development upon reaching adulthood. Having built a family and achieved a position in society, he becomes more self-confident and moves on to spiritual development. Independence and the ability to think outside the box accompanies him throughout his life.

Gregory is very smart and loves literature. He doesn't have a favorite genre, because he's interested in absolutely everything.

He has an excellent memory and is used to analyzing everything. There are no impossible tasks for Gregory. He is inquisitive and always has a creative approach to any task.

A man has a very developed sense of beauty. He is irritated by manifestations of rudeness and obscene language. He does not tolerate sloppiness and absurdity in people.

His distinctive feature is the sincerity that he expects from his environment. In addition, Zhora has developed intuition, which guides him to accept right decisions. He loves extreme sports. By nature, he is very brave, but often a certain recklessness brings a lot of problems.

Gregory is distinguished by his temper and insolence. If a person is unpleasant to him, then the man will be harsh with him and is capable of entering into conflict. Proving that he is right, he is unable to control himself and can hurt his interlocutor with his words. Despite this, Zhora himself is quite vulnerable.

Grigory always makes a good impression when meeting people. The following qualities contribute to this:

  • courtesy;
  • politeness;
  • gallantry;
  • calmness.

A man with this name often tries to impose his point of view on his interlocutor. In adolescence, this often ends in a fight. He has a lot of self-importance and looks arrogant from the outside. However, this is how Gregory attracts people to him.

Grigory has been very active since childhood. From infancy, he is endowed with a large amount of energy, which is difficult for him to completely waste.

Little Grinya is distinguished by healthy optimism and a positive outlook on everything that happens. In addition, he is a very strong-willed child with an easy-going character.

He has full list positive qualities:

  1. Activity.
  2. Goodwill.
  3. Good nature.
  4. Fast decision making.
  5. Creativity.
  6. Politeness.

Grinya is distinguished by kindness and love. He strives to help everyone around him and will never act badly towards younger children. On the street he prefers active games. Not a day goes by without looking for adventure. He never gets bored even when alone: ​​he perfectly comes up with activities for himself.

Gregory is difficult to spoil; he is obedient and will never go against his parents. For a boy, family occupies an important place in life; evening gatherings with loved ones have great meaning for him. A child with this name does not throw tantrums, is undemanding and does not show whims.

Parents need to develop their son's creative potential and help him find himself. It is worth giving it to various circles. These can be sports sections, as well as art and creative groups.

As a teenager, Gregory's parents rarely have problems with their son. He does well in school and leads an active lifestyle. School subjects come quite easily to him. He performs equally well in both technical and humanitarian disciplines.

Gregory does not tolerate disrespectful treatment of himself, so teachers should take this seriously. As a teenager, a boy with this name is endowed with the following qualities:

  • integrity;
  • kindness;
  • loyalty to one's principles;
  • positive outlook on the world;
  • good sense of humor.

TO negative traits The character of the young man includes laziness, restlessness and a certain rebellion. He always has a lot of friends for whom he is ready to do anything.

Sacrificing herself for the sake of her friends, Grinya often encounters betrayal and self-interest. It's all due to the inability to understand people.

However, being incredibly kind, Gregory will always give the offender a second chance. The ability to forgive is another positive quality of the owner of this beautiful male name.

Grown man

Reaching adulthood, a man named Gregory becomes sedate and reasonable. He is no longer as active as in childhood, but nevertheless remains true to his moral principles. Basic qualities of an adult man:

  1. honesty;
  2. prudence;
  3. openness;
  4. ideologicalness;
  5. deliberation;
  6. masculinity.

In relationships with women, he pays great attention to romance. Stormy passions are not so important for him. Compliments, surprises and dates under the moon - his chosen one will have all this.

Gregory is a great friend. He is sociable and easily makes new acquaintances. Friends often turn to him for help and advice, show respect and value their friendship with him.

Despite the positive characteristics, the man also has negative qualities. These include adherence to principles and the inability to admit that one is wrong. He will never compromise and will stubbornly defend his position. Gregory has all the qualities of a leader and is capable of being an excellent director.

Speaking about the interpretation of the name Gregory, it should be noted that its owner is distinguished by good health. Since childhood, Grisha has rarely been sick. In case of illness, he copes with the disease easily and quickly. A man will never complain of fatigue and often suffers from illness on his legs.

In order to maintain health until old age, he should pay attention to sports. This will help release energy and strengthen the body as a whole. Sports sections help curb the rebellious nature of youth.

Most often, men with this name have problems with the nervous system. They often develop into prolonged depression. This is due to excessive emotionality and explosive character.

Relationships with women and sexuality

Gregory is distinguished by his incredible amorousness and love of love. The man is quite demanding of his companion. A woman’s appearance is very important to him, because he is squeamish by nature. In bed, he is attentive to his partner, gentle, but rather constrained and indecisive.

When Gregory meets his only woman, he completely opens up to her. Sex life becomes richer. Gregory shows ingenuity and ideological ideas.

The companion of a man with this name should under no circumstances limit him or demand much. He loves freedom very much and will not tolerate excessive jealousy.

The greatest compatibility will be with a woman named:

  • Larisa;
  • Margarita;
  • Alexandra;
  • Faith;
  • Rose;
  • Tamara.

It is important for Gregory that his wife shares his interests. If the wife obeys in everything and does not try to dominate, then the union will probably be strong.

A man named Gregory easily falls in love and rarely misses an attractive girl. Even being married, he can become interested in another woman. He makes the decision to marry carefully and only after he is convinced that this is his other half.

What Gregory values ​​in women:

  • understanding;
  • calm;
  • the ability to share his lifestyle;
  • thrift;
  • equilibrium.

Gregory appreciates family values. He is able to distribute the family’s budget and plan its life.

The man is jealous and will not tolerate orders from his wife. Rarely listens to the opinions of others and acts according to at will. It is important for him that the house is clean and comfortable. Zhora is an excellent father who dotes on his children and can spoil them.

Gregory is very ambitious, so he always has far-reaching plans. His range of interests is varied. The peculiarity of this person is will. A man with this name prefers practical professions. He has a sharp mind and can do one thing for a long time.

It is impossible to say exactly what profession in your life path he will choose because any one will be within his power. In his studies, Gregory easily remembers large amounts of information and is passionate about reading. It is typical for him to receive technical education.

The idea of ​​easy and quick money is attractive to a man, because he does not particularly value material wealth. Money is earned easily, but it doesn’t stay in your accounts for a long time. In order not to become the target of scammers, he should make decisions carefully.

Grigory is curious by nature and loves to observe others.

Possessing a good memory and an analytical mind, he can realize himself in the following professions:

  1. Engineer.
  2. Director.
  3. Constructor.
  4. Psychologist.
  5. Journalist.

Grigory rarely holds leadership positions, but despite this he is quite successful in his career. He performs all his duties carefully and earns a lot. Work is fun. Zhora does not have the habit of abandoning a job halfway. In his work, he shows ingenuity and uses non-standard methods of solving problems. Career plays a secondary role for him.

People named Gregory were born under the auspices of the planet Saturn. The sign of Aquarius will be successful for them.

Talismans include:

  • mulberry and cypress;
  • granite;
  • narcissus;
  • figurines of a tiger and a cuckoo.

The favorable day of the week is Saturday, and the right time It will be winter this year. It is better to give preference in clothing white color and blue-green shades.

Characteristics of a name according to numerology

The fate of a man with this name directly depends on his date of birth. The most favorable number for Gregory is number 6. “Six” gives its owner many positive qualities:

  • daydreaming;
  • empathy for the problems of others;
  • ability to help;
  • charm;
  • romance;
  • inquisitive mind;
  • prudence;
  • artlessness;
  • decency;
  • reliability.

However, the number 6 carries with it a certain extravagance. People born under this number are prone to vindictiveness and are often vindictive.


A man named Gregory, the meaning of whose name is so ambiguous, may have different character and fate depending on the zodiac sign.

  1. Born under the sign of Aries, a man lives a vibrant and emotional life. It exhibits great performance and contains an incredible amount of energy. Aries is capable of achieving a lot in life. He is an excellent family man and can make any woman happy.
  2. Gregory-Taurus shows independence and stubbornness in everything. He always relies only on his own strengths and does not depend on the opinions of others. He loves children and is able to teach them everything he knows.
  3. If Gregory's zodiac sign is Gemini, then his traits are kindness and charm. He is in search of new experiences and passionately loves to travel. He has a large social circle. In the family he values ​​heart-to-heart conversations and calmness.
  4. Gregory-Cancer is quite aggressive, fickle and contradictory. He wants to dominate the family and demands complete submission from his wife. At the same time, he is attracted by a quiet family hearth and mutual trust.
  5. Born under the sign of Leo, a man with this name craves recognition. He needs everyone's adoration. Zhora is distinguished by sincerity, passion and impulsiveness. It is important for his companion to accept all his pros and cons.
  6. Gregory-Virgo is shy and constrained. He constantly fights with himself. It is difficult for him to make choices in life. This applies to both the profession and the other half. In love he is secretive and indecisive.
  7. The owner of this name and the sign of Libra is full of opposites. His character combines romance and cynicism, tenderness and rudeness. It is difficult to build a relationship with him, because Gregory-Libra himself does not understand what he wants to achieve in life.
  8. Scorpio is characterized by self-confidence and cruelty. On the way to his goal, he will stop at nothing. Gregory-Scorpio is characterized by will and energy. Women love this type of man for his fortitude and strength.
  9. Zhora-Sagittarius is distinguished by his desire for goals and straightforwardness. Family matters little to him, and therefore he changes partners easily and without remorse.
  10. Gregory-Capricorn is a secretive person. He has a complex character, and there are few who can understand him. He makes many demands on women, does not trust people and is strict even with himself. Marriage with him is quite difficult due to his old-fashioned nature.
  11. Zhora-Aquarius is an idealist by nature. Talkative, naive and open. To those around him, he looks simple and narrow-minded. Gregory himself believes that only good people.
  12. Born under the sign of Pisces, the representative of the name follows intuition in everything. He is overly emotional and in love shows loyalty and depth of feelings. This is a great husband and father.

Gregory is an ambitious man who is capable of achieving success in any field. He excels in both creative and technical professions. Prone to depression nervous soil. He plays a dominant role in the family, is jealous, but loves and spoils the children.

Meaning of the name Gregory: The name for a boy means “vigorous”, “vigilant”, “guardian”. This affects the character and fate of Gregory.

Origin of the name Gregory: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Grisha, Grishaka, Grishunya, Grishukha, Grilya, Grinyusha, Grief.

What does the name Gregory mean: the name Gregory comes from ancient Greek name Gregorios. The word is translated as “to be vigilant”). Another meaning of the name Gregory is “guardian”. Grisha will always guard his interests! He is an interesting conversationalist and is not afraid to show his emotions. Brave, not afraid for himself and strives to live to the fullest, he has a lot of friends and enemies. It is he who achieves before others better life, because I’m used to going ahead.

Patronymic name Gregory: Grigorievich, Grigorievna; decomposition Grigoryich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Gregory celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • January 23 (10) - St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, brother of St. Basil the Great, defended Orthodox faith from heretics.
  • February 7 (January 25) - St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople. For his sublime sermons about God and the Holy Trinity he was called the Theologian.

Signs: January 23 - Gregory the summer indicator: frost on the haystacks - for a wet summer; trees covered in frost - the sky will be blue. On February 7, on G. Bogoslova, they watch the weather: what the day is like from morning to noon, so will the first half of the next winter be; and from noon to evening foreshadows the other half.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - blue-green
  • Auspicious tree - cypress
  • Treasured plant - narcissus
  • Gregory's patron is the tiger
  • Talisman stone - granite

Characteristics of the name Gregory

Positive features: The name Gregory gives determination, assertiveness, and activity. From early childhood, a child with this name can strive to fulfill his dreams. Among his peers he stands out for his sociability, confidence in his abilities, and fortitude, but at the same time he is open and expects sincerity from others. Grisha is able to mobilize and dramatically get ahead in any of his activities.

Negative features: The name Gregory brings impetuosity, immediacy, recklessness, pride, insolence, rage. Grisha is not capable of long and painstaking work. He needs to quickly achieve what he wants. The guy with this name is a maximalist. He wants everything or nothing. As a child, he causes a lot of trouble to his parents with his restlessness, impulsiveness, and demand to satisfy constantly arising desires. Wounded pride in the name Grisha can cause a violent reaction. Risky accidents, adventures, and dangers are frequent in his life. In the best case, teenage emotionality and courage will eventually help in the development of personality, turning into a firm and strong will.

Character of the name Gregory: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Gregory? He is a bully and a daredevil who does not hide his emotions. As a child, all the bruises and bumps fall on him, but he himself does not give in to the offenders. Brave to the point of recklessness, he alone can put an entire crowd to flight, without even caring about his life. This ardor will greatly hinder the name of Grisha; he will make many enemies, but will make even more friends. It happens that for years he literally vegetates in the field of life, but then a worthy peak appears, an almost unattainable goal - and Grisha is among the winners before others!

A man with this name is scrupulous, easily vulnerable, and strives to please everyone. A man named Grisha is gallant and attaches great importance to communication. Stubborn, easily excitable, cools down, becomes indifferent. The meaning of the name Gregory predicts good business qualities, a developed sense of duty and responsibility, but his personal interests are always in the foreground. He can master any profession, but is sensitive to attempts to manage him. Grisha is a subtle and sensitive nature, prone to melancholy.

Gregory and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Name compatibility with Agafya, Valeria, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Nadezhda, Rada, Serafima. The name Gregory is also combined with Tomila. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Augusta, Alexandra, Bronislava, Daria, Efrosinya, Claudia, Larisa, Raisa, Sbyslava, Tamara.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Gregory promise happiness in love? In relationships with powerful and calculating women, Grisha may have an irreconcilable confrontation. Early marriage can be unsuccessful. It is better for a man with this name to enter into a late marriage with a woman. It is of particular importance to him that his wife shares his ideals and lifestyle.

In the family, the boy is quieter than water, lower than the grass, loves to read books aloud to the children, and carves figures from wood. However, from time to time conflicts arise with a jealous wife - and then Grisha literally falls into hysterics: he breaks dishes, throws heavy objects, etc. Having come to his senses, he asks for forgiveness and promises not to fool around in the future - however, until the next conflict.

Grisha in love relationships- freedom-loving. IN intimate relationships takes all the initiative. Restrained in affection, but gentle. He delays getting married, trying to first get to know better the temperament and capabilities of his future wife. A man with this name is a good family man; the family budget is usually in his hands. He doesn’t allow his wife to boss him around. He always does exactly what he wants.

Family ties mean a lot to him. The guy loves children and strives to raise them in accordance with his views on life, and his methods of education are harsh. Grisha loves home comfort and a well-prepared feast. It is important for him that his wife is a good housewife and has a calm and even character. Grisha is sociable, but in a dispute he imposes his opinion, without taking into account other points of view.

Grisha finds it difficult to find a wife; he is too picky and squeamish. In the end, he marries an ordinary woman, but a good housewife. HE loves delicious food, cleanliness and comfort in the house. A man named Grigory may have his eye on his wife’s beautiful friend, but it doesn’t come to the point of cheating: he is a monogamist. He is somewhat tight-fisted, he likes to have money, but his wife puts up with this because he knows how to earn money.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Grisha has varied interests, original ideas, big plans, strong will, determination, but in his career in the first half of his life there are many different turns. Grisha has a sharp mind, but lack of perseverance can prevent him from getting good education. He needs help channeling his uncontrollable energy into a creative direction. In this case, he can enter the most prestigious school and university and build a career.

Business and career: The guy tends to receive money in a very unusual way and lose it in an equally incomprehensible way. He must be on guard against all kinds of scams and get-rich-quick schemes. In money matters, Grishka should avoid hasty transactions. Success will increase dramatically if he is self-critical.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Gregory: The meaning of the name Gregory from a medical point of view. Grisha's independence and stubbornness amazes me from the first days. The child is inventive with pranks. Refuses all orders and requests. He will agree to do something if it interests him and he himself wants it. It’s not easy for his parents to deal with him, but he has authority among his peers. He runs fast (a particularly favorite pastime is running through puddles), jumps high, and compensates for some physical weakness with quick reactions and a decisive disposition.

An adult, as in childhood, is easily excitable, but easy-going. As in childhood, he will quickly and perfectly complete any task and achieve the most difficult goal if he is personally interested in it.

This is a very vulnerable person. Often a critical remark unsettles him. However, he himself likes to speak in an icy tone, to impose his opinion on others, and not to forget grievances. He is a commander at heart and dreams of ruling over people. Grigory is a maximalist, he needs everything or nothing. He is stubborn, very courageous when necessary, and does not give in to danger.

He has an analytical mind, a wonderful memory, and incredible curiosity. The main subject of his curiosity is other people's lives. He can be a good writer, director, designer. He can realize himself in any profession - driver, engineer, journalist, photographer. Most often, he acts under the influence of inspiration; it helps him realize himself brilliantly.

He wants to please everyone, pays a lot of attention to his appearance and fashion. Loves attending music concerts, theatre, and sporting events, especially football and hockey.

The fate of Gregory in history

What does the name Gregory mean for a man's destiny?

  1. G. Orlov (1734-1783) - one of the most famous characters Russian history XVIII century. He was brought up in the gentry cadet corps and began military service in Seven Years' War, was wounded. Became one of the first friends and admirers Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna upon her arrival in Russia, and then with her great love. Grigory Orlov was fond of physics and natural sciences, and patronized Lomonosov and Fonvizin.
  2. G.I. Shelekhov (1747-1795) - famous explorer of Siberia. A poor tradesman from Rylsk, Shelekhov set out to seek his fortune in this land and, already in 1776, began sending his ships to the Pacific Ocean. Soon after Shelekhov's death, the Russian-American Company was established (1799). In 1903, a monument to him was erected in the city of Rylsk.
  3. G.V. Soroka (1823-1864) - Russian artist, was a serf of the landowner N.P. Milyukova. Grigory Soroka created one of the most interesting still lifes in Russian painting of the 19th century - “Reflection in a Mirror”. Grigory Soroka painted portraits of his master, his children and grandchildren. The task that faced the artist was simple: he had to convey the appearance of the models as accurately as possible in order to preserve it for posterity. His paintings remained, his “Self-Portrait”, in which Grigory Soroka asserted his dignity as an artist, the dignity and self-worth of an individual.
  4. G. Pozhenyan is a Russian poet and writer.
  5. G. Leps is a Russian author and performer.
  6. G. Chukhrai is a famous Russian film director.
  7. G. Myasoedov is a Russian painter.
  8. G. Mkrtychan is a famous Soviet hockey player.
  9. G. Kotovsky - commander of the Red Army.
  10. G. Alexandrov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter.
  11. G. Kozintsev - film director, teacher.
  12. Grigor Magistros - (990-1059) Armenian scientist, writer, teacher, military and statesman, translated and promoted ancient literature.
  13. Gregory Helms is an American wrestler, known for his performances in WWE and WCW.
  14. Gregory Peck is a famous American actor.

Gregory in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. Translated in English as Gregory, in German: Gregor, in Italian: Gregorio, in Polish: Grzegorz, in Lithuanian: Grigalius, in Latin: Gregorius.

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