The most warlike peoples of the world. The most skilled warriors of all time


These people lived in different times and in different countries. Among them were aristocrats and commoners, philosophers and robbers, idealists and mercenaries. Moreover, it is not at all a fact that each of them is a real historical character. They have something else in common - they were the greatest fighters in the history of mankind. Each of them shed a lot of blood, and with their own hands. Each of them knew exactly how to forever extinguish the light in the eyes of the enemy - no matter with a sword or a spear, a club or a battle axe, bare hands or teeth. If they could unite into one team, any elite special forces would be afraid to deal with our heroes. So, we present the Damn Dozen of the best fighters ever born on Earth.

1. Miyamoto Musashi

Not only a legendary fighter, but also one of the most unusual people on this planet. Living in medieval Japan, rich in great martial arts masters, he received the nickname Sword Saint during his lifetime. Experts who are ready to argue for hours on the most insignificant issues unanimously recognize Miyamoto as the greatest swordsman in the history of mankind. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the sword seemed not just an extension of his hand - it was his look and his thought. Honing his skills, Musashi challenged all the strongest masters in Japan to fights - and Japan became considerably poorer in masters, since the color of kendo was cut out almost to the roots by the restless Miyamoto. And the six wars in which the Holy Sword took part significantly increased the number of his victims.

Musashi was not only a great fighter - the Book of Five Rings he wrote is still a reference book for most Japanese businessmen. The founding fathers, presidents and top managers of companies such as Sony and Matsushita, Toyota and Mitsubishi, Oki and Honda said that the Japanese economic miracle of the post-war years was largely possible thanks to Miyamoto. And yet, Miyamoto was included in our Devil’s Dozen not for his writing talents, but for his ability to masterfully kill.

CHARACTER: in his youth - cocky, then - calm, slightly ironic.
APPEARANCE: medium height, thin.
FAVORITE WEAPON: classic katana - samurai sword.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: all of Japan - the Holy Sword did not travel beyond its borders.

2. Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar Lothbrok, also known as Ragnar Leatherpants, was a Viking. Ragnar's name was used to scare children in many countries - and not without reason: he went down in history as a cruel and ruthless leader. Many warships went to sea under the banner of Lodbrok, but he did not hide behind the backs of his warriors and even in his old age remained a formidable fighter. Ragnar's enormous height and colossal physical strength helped him masterfully wield his favorite weapon - the battle axe. And when he fell into battle madness, everyone in front of him ran away, and behind him everyone cried. Over the many years spent on campaigns and raids, Lodbrok did not meet a single opponent who could confront him one on one. True, Ragnar's end was sad - he was surrounded, exhausted with wounds, captured and thrown into a pit full of poisonous snakes. The famous leather pants didn't save...

They say, last words Lodbrok sounded like this: “You can hunt the old boar - but beware of his piglets.” And he croaked - soon the sons of Ragnar, each of whom by that time had acquired his own squad, brutally avenged their father. And yet, there was no equal to the Old Berserker - as Lodbrok was also called - among them...

CHARACTER: aggressive, with frequent bouts of uncontrollable rabies. Berserker, what to take from him...
APPEARANCE: enormous height, broad shoulders, scarred face, bulging blue eyes, unkempt gray hair.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: England, France, Sweden, Norway - you can’t even remember them all.

3. Richard the Lionheart

This famous knight was, to be honest, a rather stupid king and a very mediocre commander. Largely due to his incompetent leadership, perhaps the most promising Crusade failed. But Richard was a first-class fighter - skillful, fearless and bloodthirsty. Actually, the nickname Lionheart was not a toady of the troubadours - it was honestly earned in battles with the Saracens. Richard was feared not only by Saladin’s warriors, but also by his allies in the crusaders’ camp, because noble knightly tournaments could very well end in the death of several brave knights from the lance of the frantic king. Richard's favorite weapon was a huge two-handed sword, which flew in his hands no worse than a light saber. Lionheart did not shy away from hand-to-hand combat - once, having broken his trusty two-handed weapon, he killed about a dozen enemies with his bare hands before bodyguards and squires made their way to his rescue.

CHARACTER: a very curious fusion of knightly nobility, some sentimentality and fierce bloodthirstiness.
APPEARANCE: tall, powerful, curly.
FAVORITE WEAPON: two-handed sword.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: France, Spain, orders of knights-monks. And, of course, the Saracens.

4. Spartak

Unlike his colleagues in the Devil's Dozen, he won his great fame not on the battlefield, but in the arena. However, this does not diminish the merits of the legendary gladiator - in comparison with the current, if I may say so, championships in fighting without rules, gladiatorial games were no different from a real fight. After all, gladiators fought to the death... And Spartak did it better than anyone else - it’s not for nothing that under the arches of the Colosseum the cry that we know very well was regularly heard: “Spartak is a champion!” Moreover, having completed his career as a gladiator, Spartacus confirmed his outstanding skill when the rebels he led fought to the death with the iron legions of the Roman Empire. The uprising of Spartacus was suppressed, he himself died in battle, but more than a dozen legionnaires went to the kingdom of Hades along with the leader of the gladiators - and at his hand.

CHARACTER: initially peaceful, but life will force...
APPEARANCE: damn good. Noble Roman women literally lost their heads at the sight of Spartacus.
FAVORITE WEAPON: short straight sword.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: colleagues in gladiator fights, Roman legions, fathers and husbands of noble Roman women.

5. Gogen Yamaguchi

This karate genius, nicknamed the Cat, and a career agent of the Japanese secret services, is very much disliked by figures from the animal protection society. The fact is that one day Yamaguchi was pushed into a cage with a hungry tiger - in the hope of watching how the great master would be torn to pieces. However, the opposite happened - the tiger went to the next rebirth. Yamaguchi killed the seasoned predator with one blow... In addition to the inhumane treatment of animals, the Cat was famous for its insensitivity to pain - he spent several years in the hands of Soviet counterintelligence, but even the legendary torture school of the NKVD gave in to the iron Japanese. Having escaped from captivity, Yamaguchi returned to Japan and created the Goju-Ryu Karate Association. He trained thousands of students, the best of whom were the sensei's three sons. It is interesting that the Cat had an extremely negative attitude towards all kinds of tournaments, but did not forbid students to take part in them - but at the same time he demanded from them only victory, achieved at any cost. The logic is ironclad: if you play this stupid game, then if you please, win it. At the age of 80, sensing the approach of old age, Yamaguchi decided to remain in the memory of his students as a great master, and not a decrepit wreck, and committed suicide.

CHARACTER: evil, cunning.
APPEARANCE: short, skinny, long gray hair, crazy eyes.
FAVORITE WEAPON: own fingers.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: Japan, China, Manchuria, Soviet intelligence services and large predators.

6. Hector Priamid

Unlike Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus, Castor, Polydeuces and other heroes ancient Greece, was not a son, grandson or lover of the gods, but just a prince. But he was not a mythical hero, but a very real fighter - and a magnificent fighter. He fought with equal skill on foot and on a chariot, and the spear in his hands was no less deadly than a double ax or club. However, Hector’s favorite weapon was the short sword, traditional for that era, terrible in close combat. No armor could protect its owner - with one blow Hector pierced the armor right through. In addition, the prince was famous for his unprecedented physical strength - he could put a dozen armed opponents to flight with his bare hands.

CHARACTER: simple-minded, benevolent in peacetime.
APPEARANCE: such a kind fellow with sculpted muscles and a charming smile.
FAVORITE WEAPON: short sword.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: ancient Greeks. True, Achilles was once not afraid...

7. Ilya Muromets

The only compatriot of ours to be included in the Devil's Dozen. Contrary to popular belief, Ilya is not a fictional character, but a very real hero who was in the service of the Prince of Kyiv. Without possessing the refined technique of Musashi or Yamaguchi, he was famous for his gigantic physical strength and courage. Muromets' favorite weapon was a huge forged mace, which he wielded truly masterfully.

If you believe the legends, over many years of incessant battles, Ilya never needed to strike again - one was enough. In addition, our hero went down in history as the creator of equipment that allows him to defeat seven fighters armed with portable flamethrowers in hand-to-hand combat. As you know, the base model of the Serpent Gorynych had three heads, but there were also tuned specimens that spat fire from seven mouths...

CHARACTER: lazy, but if you make him angry, it’s a real disaster, however...
APPEARANCE: look at the painting "Three Heroes". The biggest and bearded one is Ilyusha.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: Pechenegs, Polovtsians, Snakes Gorynychi.

8. Masutatsu Oyama

He is rightfully considered one of the fathers of modern karate. The Kyokushinkai school he founded is perhaps the most widespread in the world. Oyama himself rightfully bore the eloquent nickname of the Divine Fist. He was a recognized master of the ancient samurai art of "uchi geki", which translates as "one blow - certain death." Speaking in Russian, Masutatsu hit twice, with the second blow landing on the coffin lid. Along with Gogen Yamaguchi, with whom he, by the way, were good friends, Oyama also loved to mock animals - only he exterminated not tigers, but bulls. In total, he fought more than 50 fights with horned opponents - and invariably won. The people who dared to go against Oyama did not suffer a better fate - however, he left them alive. But not a single opponent lasted on the tatami until the end of the fight.

CHARACTER: calm, philosophical.
APPEARANCE: a sensible old man with small cunning eyes.
FAVORITE WEAPON: he himself was the weapon.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: bulls and Japanese karatekas.

9. Frame-with-Axe

He is also Parashurama Jamadagnya, the legendary Brahmin warrior. He was a favorite of Blue-necked Shiva, the formidable god of destruction. As a matter of fact, it was Shiva who presented Rama with the very ax that became part of the name of our hero. Rama earned his nickname as the Executioner of Kshatra due to the fact that, avenging his father, he single-handedly declared war on the numerous and powerful caste of Kshatriya warriors - and, interestingly, had a good chance of emerging victorious from this war. If Rama had not changed his anger to mercy, it is likely that India would have become the most peaceful country in history - simply because the warriors would have all died out. However, moving away from the personal destruction of the kshatra, Rama prepared a cunning diversion: he took turns raising three students, each of whom was not much inferior to the teacher. All three - Bhishma, Drona and Karna - were subsequently perhaps the most active participants in the Battle of Kuru, during which, according to chroniclers, several million (!) people died. In general, Rama could be proud - especially since he himself outlived all his disciples.

CHARACTER: vengeful, vindictive.
APPEARANCE: thin, short, wiry, dark. Special features are a waist-length braid and burning eyes.
FAVORITE WEAPON: the same Ax-Gift.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: The proud and powerful caste of Kshatriya warriors was not afraid of anyone or anything... except Rama-s-Tolor.

10. Bodhidharma

In China he was called the Way of Damo, in India - Bodhidharma. Party nicknames are the Bearded Barbarian and the Patriarch-in-one-sandal. Having grown up in India, in his youth he crossed the Himalayas and ended up in China. The Bearded Barbarian became one of the first patriarchs of the legendary Shaolin Monastery. Experts to this day argue until they are hoarse about what is more important: Bodhidharma’s contribution to the philosophy of Buddhism or to the formation of the famous “Shaolin kung fu”. We don’t dare to say anything about philosophy, but there is no doubt that the Patriarch-in-one-sandal was a great master of martial arts. He combined the best of Indian hand-to-hand combat styles with the techniques of Chinese schools. The result was an unprecedentedly effective technique, thanks to which Shaolin was considered the best martial arts school in the world for many centuries. If you believe the legends, it was the Damo Path that created the famous Labyrinth of Mannequins, which became a kind of final exam for hundreds of generations of fighters. Warrior monks who passed through the Labyrinth and earned the mark with images of a tiger and a dragon were considered invincible - however, none of them reached the level of the frantic Bearded Barbarian.

CHARACTER: stubborn, consistent, inclined to mentor.
APPEARANCE: tall, powerful, bearded. If you believe the legends, he cut off his eyelids - accordingly, his eyes bulge and do not blink, because there is nothing to do.
FAVORITE WEAPON: bamboo pole
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: monks of his own monastery - Bodhidharma forced them to train until they were completely stunned, and then pestered them with philosophical conversations.

He is considered the best fighter in Muay Thai - perhaps the most brutal martial arts technique that has survived to this day. And in those years that Master Tom lived, Muay Thai was incomparably more brutal. Head blows, kicks in the groin, strangulation, pokes in the eyes - all these elements, prohibited in our humane times, occupied an honorable place in the arsenal of Thai masters. Just look at the “gloves” - before the fight, adherents wrapped their hands with rope, after which they successively dipped their fists in glue and crushed glass. The great fame of Mai Khanom began with the fact that he, already a fairly famous master, was captured by the Burmese in 1774. The King of Burma decided to demonstrate to his court that traditional Burmese martial arts schools were in no way inferior to Thai ones, and he fielded the best fighters in the country against the captive. However, Mai Khanom Tom easily defeated ten (!) Burmese champions, after which the admiring king generously rewarded the hero and sent him home. Master Tom returned to his homeland, where he won many more great victories - both in tournaments and in mortal combat. Since then, he has been considered one of the patrons of the noble art of Muay Thai.

CHARACTER: indomitable, but at the same time good-natured - like all Thais.
APPEARANCE: a short, dark, strong man with padded shins.
FAVORITE WEAPON: elbows and knees.

12. Chen Chundou

If Bodhidharma laid the foundation for the glory of Shaolin, then Chen Chundou erected a real palace on this foundation. In his youth, he wandered around China, challenging famous masters of hand-to-hand combat to fights, then for many years he was the main instructor of martial arts in the monastery, and after the death of the patriarch, he took his place and turned Shaolin into a real academy of public service. Warrior monks who went through his school occupied positions of advisers at all levels of government, right up to the imperial court. Chen himself was not quite a typical fighter for China - he was distinguished by his enormous height and incredible physical strength. Even the strongest students had difficulty lifting their mentor’s favorite halberd, and in Chundou’s hands it flew with such speed that it resembled a blurry circle. The patriarch's favorite technique was fencing with both a halberd and a short ax - and there was no master in the entire Celestial Empire who could master Cheng Chundou.

CHARACTER: calm, good-natured.
APPEARANCE: atypical for a Chinese - tall and powerful. Shaved his head, as befits a monk.
FAVORITE WEAPON: halberd and short axe.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: Chinese wushu masters, as well as all kinds of criminals - well, teacher Chen didn’t like criminals...

13. Takeda Sokaku

They say that his students speak best about a master. So, Morihei Ueshiba, the creator of aikido, was one of Takeda Sokaku’s students - and far from his favorite. Perhaps this is due to the fact that from a young age Ueshiba demonstrated a peacefulness that was excessive for a fighter - it is not without reason that modern aikido is not very suitable for real combat. But Sokaku was not just a great sword master and an ace of jujutsu - an ancient and very cruel school. He was a Fighter. No wonder he was called “the last warrior of the samurai era.” It is believed that Sokaku was the last bearer of the secret art of the “look of the tiger” - many opponents from among the skilled fighters lost consciousness, unable to withstand the burning gaze of the Last Samurai.

CHARACTER: mad. One word - the last samurai.
APPEARANCE: short, plump, gloomy face.
THEY WAS AFRAID OF HIM: everyone who has ever seen him. Even from afar.
  1. In PLIO many knights are mentioned as Great, Mighty, Invincible. Which of them, in your opinion, really deserves to be called great!
  2. It depends. Now, if by strength - Gregor Clegane, by charm - Sandor Clegane, by loyalty - Arthur Dayne. My vote is for Sandor because... very memorable personality, fights well and so on and so forth. I was especially pleased with how he stood up for Sansa.
  3. Only one person immediately comes to mind, and he is a truly over-the-top warrior - Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Dawn. His head worked as it should, and not only his head.
  4. I offer my option. Top 20 in my opinion greatest people Westeros:
    1. Aegon the Conqueror.
    A direct analogue of William the Norman Conqueror. The first, for being the first to whom all the kings of Westeros bowed their knees.

    2. Eddard Stark.
    The ideal of a knight. Honest, fair, excellent warrior.

    3. Arthur Dayne "Sword of Dawn".
    The deadliest knight, according to Martin, in the 7 kingdoms. Honor and courage.

    4. Baristine Selmy "Brave".
    The most faithful and valiant knight.

    5. Rhaegar Targaryen.
    For the image of the invincible.

    6. Beric Dondarrion.
    For observing the rules of honesty and true chivalry. Helped the weak.

    7. Jaime Lannister "kingslayer."
    Great warrior. True, too narcissistic.

    8. Loras Tyrrell "Knight of Flowers".
    Perhaps the most skillful knight, on current moment, but 8th due to homosexual relations with Renly Baratheon.

    9. John Amber.
    The strongest man in Westeros.

    10. Brienne of Tarth.
    The most skilled swordswoman. Perhaps Martin did not allow her image to fully develop.

    11. Jon Snow.
    A man of duty and words.

    12. Randyll Tarly.
    A good warrior.

    13. Oberyn Martell "Red Serpent".
    For the terrifying and sinister image.

    14. Robert Baratheon.
    King. Melee master.

    15. Harold Hightower "White Bull".
    Leader of the Royal Guard.

    16. Howland Reed.
    Participated in the Harrenhal tournament. Maybe he killed Dane.

    17. Khal Drogo.
    The only warrior described by Martin who did not know defeat.

    18. Brynden Tully.
    For experience and wisdom.

    19. Bronn the Mercenary.
    One of the best masters sword.

    20. Tyrion Lannister.
    Brave warrior. He was not afraid to challenge his own home.

  5. 2. Eddard Stark.
    The ideal of a knight. Honest, fair, excellent warrior.

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    He is a good military tactician, but his qualities as a warrior are difficult to judge. It is only known that he fought towards the Tower of Joy, and that Howland Reed saved him then.

    5. Rhaegar Targaryen.
    For the image of the invincible.

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    Barristan says that Rhaegar was not that great of a warrior. At Harrenhal, his victory is more unusual than usual. He was definitely better at playing the harp.

    I take it that the numbering is not based on “art” or “strength”?

  6. Numbering for convenience. But Rhaegar distinguished himself not only at Harrenhal. And Eddard Stark participated in all the military events of the period of Robert’s arrival and establishment. And he controlled the troops directly on the battlefield.
  7. Answering a direct question - the most strong warrior, then this is either Gregor Clegane or John Umber or Victarion Greyjoy (as it seems Jaime listed).
    And if a swordsman... Jaime, Loras Tyrell, Bronn, Lyn Corbray, maybe.
    I'm only talking about those who are alive at the beginning of the saga.
    But nothing is really known about Aegon in detail. Only that with the help of dragons he conquered the continent, against which the Westerosi aborigines had nothing special to oppose. The fact that he is a great conqueror is of course. It’s hardly possible to say for sure about everything else. And there are still many significant warriors in Westeros.
  8. (Galen @ 01/27/2009 - 09:04 PM) 80739

    And he controlled the troops directly on the battlefield.

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    Uh, it didn't say that. Directly. In the text, I mean. Either I didn't read it well, or I forgot. (Galen @ 01/27/2009 - 09:04 PM) 80739

    But Rhaegar distinguished himself not only at Harrenhal.

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    Where else? At Casterly Rock? Two tournaments, one of which is generally small, is not an indicator. Of course, he had to achieve some success in fencing, Barristan says that he always achieved good results, no matter what he undertook (if memory serves), but... he has a romantic image for now - yes. And by habit and analogy with the court of King Arthur, we can say that he was an ideal knight. But who is this warrior? Sandor said it right. The point is that a warrior must kill. And if he was killed in a duel, it means he was a worse warrior than his opponent, even if he was a villain and a drunkard a thousand times over.

  9. (Galen @ 01/27/2009 - 08:25 PM) 80734

    4. Baristine Selmy "Brave".
    The most faithful and valiant knight.

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    (Galen @ 01/27/2009 - 08:25 PM) 80734

    7. Jaime Lannister "kingslayer."
    Great warrior. True, too narcissistic.

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    How is narcissism confirmed? What actions?
    (Galen @ 01/27/2009 - 08:25 PM) 80734

    13. Oberyn Martell "Red Serpent".
    For the terrifying and sinister image.

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    What kind of ominous image? The Mountain had an ominous image, but Oberyn did not. Martell was also one of the most skilled warriors, an expert in poisons. There was such fame about him. Well, and of course the fact that he loved women very much. smile

  10. And the fact that after the death of the Targs he began to serve the Baratheons? This is a betrayal of the royal family. Violation of vows.

    Well, he should have cut his own throat. Besides, the guard serves the King!

    I agree about the rest. Especially Sirio Forel.

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  11. He needed to go to the Night's Watch, this is noble, and such swords are very necessary on the Wall wink
    In fact, we can talk for a long time about the nobility and dishonesty of Baristan’s actions. Although, in general, he is a rather positive character.
  12. Westeros Power Classification pleasantry

    By physical strength: John Umber, Gregor Clegane (as already mentioned)
    By fencing skill: Jaime, Bronn, Sandor Clegane, Half-Handed, Syrio Forel
    In terms of strategic and political skills (this is also after all strength): Eddard Stark, Tywin Lannister

    P.S. in terms of overall parameters, I would call Jaime Lannister the strongest (swordsman, strategist, leader)

  13. My top ten warriors (precisely warriors, that is, for example, despite all the strength, I think Amber would lose against Oberyn.)

    1) Arthur Dane

    2) Jaime

    3) Oberyn

    4) Sandor

    5) Gregor

    7) Kouren

    10) Loras?

    I cannot be responsible for such an order; in battle, any accident can decide the matter (remember the duel between Sandor and Beric, Sandor was clearly stronger, but if the sword had not broken, he would have burned in the fire). I don’t know where to classify Syrio, his fighting style is not classic for Westeros, he could be the first here, or maybe his saber will be broken with the first blow.

  14. I assume that the strongest warrior means in handling melee weapons. Such a hit parade is very subjective, since Martin practically did not pit the main contenders for such a title against each other in battle. I’ll say right away that I’m discarding characters who, at the time the story begins, have passed into another world or, due to age, can no longer show everything they are capable of. Therefore, I chose from those who are in their prime. So here's my list: Jaime, Sandor, Bronn, Garlan, Brienne, Oberyn, Gregor. Small comments about each character:

    Jaime is no doubt a strong fighter. During the fight with Brienne, he has interesting thoughts about how she is stronger than him, like Grigor, Sandor, Amber, Gerol Hightower, etc., but through skill he could defeat them all. Of course, Jaime is a rather vain guy, but you can believe it. At the same time, he lost to Brienne, but the conditions were not equal. I think in equal conditions the fight could have gone in Jaime's favor.

    Sandor Clegane - you can consider this a tribute to my sympathy for him. Moreover, during the fight with Grigor, it was not obvious that he was inferior to his brother in any way.
    Bronn is also a good fighter, almost like Jaime - according to Tyrion, and Catelyn has not seen such a fighter before. And I got the impression that he would have fought against Grigor if it was beneficial for him.

    Garlan - I’m surprised that no one remembered him, but Loras was mentioned, although in the book there are the words of Loras himself that Garlan is stronger with swords, but Loras is stronger with a spear. In addition, Garlan always fought with several opponents in training - which means he trains often and is in good shape. Otherwise, of course, there is not much information about him, but for some reason it seems to me that Garlan could adequately compete with Jaime, Sandor, and Bronn.

    Brienne - almost defeated Jaime, and even though the conditions were not entirely equal, but apparently she fences well

    Oberyn - perhaps deserves more, is placed in second to last place for his stupidity, which is why Grigor crushed him. For some reason, it seems that if Sandor were in his place, who also hates Grigor (maybe even more strongly), he would not bother with his wounded brother.

  15. (ground beetle @ 01/28/2009, 02:43 AM) 80768

    How is narcissism confirmed? What actions?

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    Jaime isn't narcissistic - he's vain.
    (Dal @ 01/28/2009, 05:15 PM) 80785

    I’ll say right away that I’m discarding characters who, at the beginning of the story, have passed into another world or, due to age, can no longer show everything they are capable of.

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    And then all the other small things on the list (see above)

  16. The list is very approximate, and the order can be any, I say these are fighters of approximately the same level. Why is there no Brienne - it’s one thing to fight with a chained Jaime, and neither he nor she really wanted to kill each other. Her fight with the Buffoons shows that for a warrior she lacks precisely the desire to win at any cost, even if it is necessary to smear her opponent on the paving stones and turn his skull inside out.

    Bronn. Well, who did Katelyn see? That’s another question. Of course, a good fighter would put him in the top twenty, but... His only known victory was over a fighter who was not the best, and who was also in worse conditions. Bronn would have rolled out the mountain, because count on the fatigue of this machine, and even go against him with more short sword This means he will go to the seven earlier than expected.

    Garlan - I’m surprised that no one remembered him, but Loras was mentioned, although in the book there are the words of Loras himself that Garlan is stronger with swords, but Loras is stronger with a spear.

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    So I put a question against Loras, everything says that he is a good fighter. But it seems to me personally that this Lancelot is only a champion in the tournament; who he killed in battle is another question.

    Sandor. He went out drunk in cramped conditions (bandit conditions, not knightly conditions) without armor, against three people and almost won after all. Overcoming fear, he hacked Berrick to death. Objectively, he could defeat Gregor. In my opinion, it is enough for 4th place.

    Kouren. John's feelings speak for themselves. But he was only defending himself, and even then probably not at full strength.

    2) any of the surviving giant warriors (unfortunately, I don’t know their names).

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    One of them was killed by a one-armed blacksmith.))

    Oberyn - perhaps deserves more, is placed in second to last place for his stupidity, which is why Grigor crushed him.

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    Stupidity? Most likely he underestimated the survivability of the Mountain; this is an unprecedented case. Any person pierced in several places by a poisoned spear would have died long ago.

  17. (Suleiman @ 01/28/2009, 08:52 PM) 80797

    One of them was killed by a one-armed blacksmith.))

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    Well yes, in narrow passage where he couldn't turn around.
    If we compare, then under equal conditions, in an open field (or at least where the opponents can stand against each other on their feet).

    Sandor. He went out drunk in cramped conditions (bandit conditions, not knightly conditions) without armor, against three people and almost won after all

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    But here they have decorated it so well. How cramped? There was cramped space in the previous example, but here is the common room of the hotel. Which three? Young doesn't count. And of the other two, Arya cut off one. Two for two. Plus Polliver and Shchekotun are only so-so fighters; they are masters in another area.
    (Suleiman @ 01/28/2009, 08:52 PM) 80797

    Overcoming fear, hacked Berrick to death

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    Don't be ridiculous. Berrick was never a good fighter. Only fearlessness and a fiery sword saved him.
    (Suleiman @ 01/28/2009, 08:52 PM) 80797

    Kouren. John's feelings speak for themselves.

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    And John is a great specialist! He defeated such fighters - both Grenna and Pipa! And even the Deadliest One!
    (Suleiman @ 01/28/2009, 08:52 PM) 80797

    2) any of the surviving giant warriors (unfortunately, I don’t know their names).
    3) the creation of Qyburn’s hands (in third place, since I haven’t seen it yet).
    And then all the other small things on the list (see above)

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    Interesting, what is your evidence?
    1. Who was defeated by the Other, who before our eyes defeated only the young watchman (whom even his escort would have defeated)? where is the proof of his power and greatness?wink
    2. Giant warriors...since they are so great and invincible, then why do they walk under Mance (or rather did they walk) - they could force him to save them...and the Wildlings have no fear of the Giants, they are respected and a little like It seemed to me that they felt sorry for them... They are strong and powerful, but like warriors... they need to be trained))))
    3. Gee, Kviberan’s creation can walk? If it can, how fast and how durable is it? And how human is it? Those. can he think?
    It seems to me that many of the “little things” listed earlier would overwhelm many from the list (see above)
    IMHO))) With Grigol... most likely it’s enough to poke one hole in it for the blood to flow out
    The giants claim to be the strongest, but they can hardly be called the best.
    Perhaps the coolest is Reed, but he is generally an incomprehensible and mysterious man. scratch_one-s_head Maybe he killed Dane with a fireball? crazy Or maybe a dagger in the back. He'll be fine.
    Well, it’s impossible to explain what he did at the Harrenhal tournament.

  18. What is the one-armed cripple Jaime doing on your list then? Now he is not able to defeat his own squire...

    I made the comparison at the start of events, when Jaime had two arms.

    According to the survey (the strongest living people):
    1) The other one that appears at the beginning of the first book,

    If the survey includes magical beings, then what about the Other, then the Dragon.

    To Suleiman:
    In principle, I agree with Brienne, but still she won the tournament that Renly organized (if I’m not mistaken, the battle took place with melee weapons). Therefore, it may not be in the top five, but it would be worth including in the top ten.

    I still consider Bronn a strong warrior. Firstly, he looks at things soberly (he does not consider himself the strongest warrior, but evaluates the enemy and looks for his weak points - the same battle in the Valley). And when he and Tyrion discussed the fight with the Mountain, I got the impression that he was not at all afraid of such a fight. He understands that this is a risk, but the chances of winning are quite high. Only he understood that even if he wins and Tyrion is acquitted, he will make enemies for himself in the person of at least the queen, and maybe Tywin.
    Secondly, Bronn has no concept of honor, if he has the opportunity to stab in the back, he will strike, if the enemy drops his sword, I’m sure Bronn will not let him be picked up

    Oberyn. Maybe the word stupid isn't quite right. On the one hand, he completely thought through the battle, determined his strategy, chose the appropriate weapon and almost completely implemented his plan. But hatred clouded his consciousness and he did not become cautious. Still, he succumbed to emotions. Although if he had only fought for his life, he might have been able to defeat anyone.

    In general, such a list is quite arbitrary and subjective by definition.

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1. Bilmen


IN medieval Europe The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons often used in battles numerous detachments of billmen - infantry warriors, whose main weapon was a battle sickle (halberd). Derived from a simple peasant sickle for harvesting. The battle sickle was an effective edged weapon with a combined tip of a needle-shaped spear point and a curved blade, similar to a battle ax, with a sharp butt. During battles it was effective against well-armored cavalry. With the advent of firearms, detachments of billmen (halberdiers) lost their importance, becoming part of beautiful parades and ceremonies.

2. Armored boyars


Category of service people in Eastern Europe during the period X-XVI centuries. This military class was widespread in Kievan Rus, Moscow state, Bulgaria, Wallachia, Moldavian principalities, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The armored boyars come from the “armored servants” who served on horseback in heavy (“armored”) weapons. Unlike servants, who were exempt from other duties only in wartime, the armored boyars did not bear the duties of the peasants at all. IN socially armored boyars occupied an intermediate level between peasants and nobles. They owned land with peasants, but their civil capacity was limited. After the annexation of Eastern Belarus to Russian Empire, the armored boyars became close in their position to the Ukrainian Cossacks.

3. Templars


This was the name given to professional warrior monks - members of the “order of mendicant knights of the Temple of Solomon.” It existed for almost two centuries (1114-1312), emerging after the First Crusade of the Catholic army to Palestine. The Order often performed the functions of military defense of the states created by the Crusaders in the East, although main goal Its establishment was the protection of pilgrims visiting the "Holy Land". The Knights Templar were famous for their military training, mastery of weapons, clear organization of their units and fearlessness, bordering on madness. However, along with these positive qualities, the Templars became known to the world as tight-fisted moneylenders, drunkards and libertines, who took with them their many secrets and legends into the depths of centuries.

4. Crossbowmen


In the Middle Ages, instead of a combat bow, many armies began to use mechanical bows - crossbows. A crossbow, as a rule, was superior to a regular bow in terms of shooting accuracy and destructive power, but, with rare exceptions, it was significantly inferior in rate of fire. This weapon received real recognition only in Europe from the 14th century, when numerous squads of crossbowmen became an indispensable part of knightly armies. A decisive role in raising the popularity of crossbows was played by the fact that from the 14th century their bowstring began to be pulled by a collar. Thus, the restrictions imposed on the pulling force by the physical capabilities of the shooter were removed, and the light crossbow became heavy. Its advantage in penetrating power over the bow became overwhelming - bolts (shortened crossbow arrows) began to pierce even solid armor.


Despite the fact that the Mongols' contemporaries considered them barbarians, the Mongols themselves were not such - they had one of the most advanced military organizations of that time. Thanks to their ability to fight, thanks to strict discipline and the ability to endure many hardships, the Mongols dominated Europe and Asia very much. for a long time.

Interestingly, the Mongol composite bows were capable of launching arrows at such speeds that they pierced almost any armor. In addition, the Mongols were able to carry out psychic attacks, so all this art allowed them to become the rulers of almost all of Europe and Asia in their time.

Roman legions

It was not for nothing that the Roman Empire existed for thousands of years - not only the high culture of the Romans, the ability to conclude profitable diplomatic agreements contributed to this. The military art of the Romans is what the entire Empire was based on. They usually used weapons and armor adopted from the Greeks, and slightly modernized.

The Romans can be called the masters of the sword and spear, and mastery of these weapons brought constant victories to Roman civilization. Of course, here we also see a clear military structure, strict army discipline and talented military leaders. The quality and quantity of weapons also played a role in the dominance of the Romans.


Don't be surprised - Indians from the Apache tribe can be considered the best warriors for their time and their level of culture. Despite the fact that they used weapons made of bone and wood, the Apaches terrorized the southwestern United States for a very long time. Even soldiers with firearms could not beat the Apaches - they were so skilled in battle. Some experts call the Apaches the ninjas of America.

In fact, they had no equal in wielding a knife and in hand-to-hand combat. To this day, many Western hand-to-hand combat masters use some Apache techniques.

Samurai and ninja

If we talk about perfect military structure and discipline, then the samurai is an ideal from this point of view. In addition, samurai were skilled in swordsmanship and archery. There were legends about their ability to shoot, and their swords and katanas were and are the sharpest in the world. Such a sword in in capable hands he could easily cut two people at once - and a warrior with a katana was truly terrifying.

True, the samurai were contemptuous of their own civilian population, and did not consider it shameful to kill a couple of residents of any village before or after a hearty breakfast.

As a result, ninjas appeared, who initially fought against the tyranny of the samurai, and in battle were not much inferior to these warriors. Time passed and ninjas began to be used for murder and sabotage - they were recognized masters of such matters. Katana, shuriken and kusarigama are the weapons of the ninja.


These fighters terrorized almost all of Europe, although they were not so numerous. Some of the most feared fighters of their time. The Vikings considered it an honor to die in battle - they believed that a skilled warrior could only go to heaven, Valhalla, by being killed in battle. The gates to Valhalla were closed to other mortals.

Their favorite weapons were axes, swords and spears - the Vikings worked wonders with such weapons. They sailed very far on their ships, and according to rumors, Eric Redbeard, one of the Viking jarls (leaders), founded a settlement in North America. There was also a Viking settlement in Greenland.


The Spartans were arguably the best warriors of their time - not even the Romans could compare to them. After all, a Spartan was a warrior from birth to death - as you know, the Spartans simply killed weak babies, and began to train strong children with early years. They lived in harsh conditions, constantly trained, and revered the art of war. It was the Spartans who were the authors of the expression (return with a shield or on a shield) - that is, either return with victory or dead, there is no third option.

Actually, that’s all for today - of course, there were other skilled warriors, but the length of the article, unfortunately, does not allow us to mention them all.

The Six Deadliest Armies in World History

In an anarchic system like international relations military strength remains the best currency. A state may have magnificent culture, art, philosophy, splendor and glory, but all this is worthless if the country does not have sufficient military strength to defend itself. As Mao Zedong put it sharply, " political power comes from the barrel of a gun"

Of all types of armed forces, the ground forces undoubtedly remain the most important - for the simple reason that people live on earth, and will continue to live so in the foreseeable future. As the famous political scientist James Mearsheimer noted, "ground forces, supported by air force and navy, represent main view armed forces in the modern world."

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In fact, according to Mearsheimer, the war against Japan in the Pacific was "the only example of a superpower war in modern history, when the ground forces themselves were not the main factor influencing the outcome of the war, and other power tools, that is, the air force and the navy, played a more than just auxiliary role." Despite this, Mearsheimer argues that in this war, "the ground forces troops played a very important role in the defeat of Japan."

Thus, it is the ground forces that serve as an indicator that determines the military strength of the country. But how can we establish which troops were the strongest in their time? Based on their ability to win decisive victories time after time and their ability to allow their country to dominate other countries is a function ground forces, since only the army can ensure such conquest and control. Here are some of the most strong armies in history.

Roman army

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The Roman army conquered the Western world for several centuries. The advantage of the Roman army was its tenacity, the Romans returned and fought again and again even after severe defeats. The Romans demonstrated this during the Punic Wars when, despite lacking knowledge and resources, they were able to defeat the Carthaginians by first showing greater patience and then taking them by surprise by landing troops near Carthage.

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The Roman army gave soldiers ample incentive to fight with vigor and persistence. For poor soldiers, winning the war meant getting land. For landowners - protection of property and acquisition of additional wealth. For the Roman state as a whole, victory meant security.

All of these incentives encouraged Roman soldiers to fight harder, and morale is an important factor in determining the fighting efficiency of an army. No less important was the use of a battle formation of several lines, which, among other advantages, allowed the Romans to replace the soldiers of the first line with fresh soldiers who entered into battle with already tired enemies. The Roman army, often under the command of brilliant generals, used its mobility to gain an advantage in the offensive, especially against opponents who thought primarily of defense.

As a result, within three hundred years, Rome transformed from a regional Italian power into the master of the Mediterranean Sea and the countries surrounding it. The Roman legions, army units made up of professional soldiers who served for 25 years, were highly trained and well equipped with iron weapons. The legions were stationed in strategically important areas, simultaneously maintaining the integrity of the empire and keeping enemies at the borders. The Roman army, despite some setbacks, was actually unmatched in strength by rivals in its region.

Mongol army

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The Mongols, who numbered approximately a million people when they began their conquests in 1206, were able to conquer most of Eurasia within a hundred years. They defeated armies and countries that often had human resources that were tens or hundreds of times greater than the Mongol ones. The Mongols were an unstoppable force that came out of nowhere and conquered the Middle East, Russia and China.

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The success of the Mongols is due to the many strategic and tactical techniques introduced by Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire. The most important factor was the mobility and endurance of the Mongols. For starters, the nomadic lifestyle allowed the Mongols to move huge armies over gigantic distances in a surprisingly short time, since the Mongols could live off their herds and the blood of their horses.

The mobility of the Mongols, indeed, was associated with their reliance mainly on cavalry. Each Mongol mounted warrior had three or four horses to keep them fresh. The cavalry, armed with bows and shooting while galloping, gave the Mongols big advantage in front of infantry armies. The mobility provided by horses, along with strict discipline, gave the Mongols the opportunity to use new tactics, in particular, strike and quickly retreat, as well as a primitive form of blitzkrieg.

The Mongols also gave great value terror. They deliberately ravaged cities and slaughtered defeated enemies in order to instill terror in future enemies.

Ottoman army

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The Ottoman army at the peak of its power conquered the Middle East, the Balkans and North Africa. It was almost always far superior to its Christian and Muslim neighbors. In 1453, she conquered one of the most impregnable cities in the world - Constantinople. For five hundred years, it remained the only player in a region that previously consisted of dozens of states, and until the 19th century it held out against its neighbors. How did the Ottoman army manage to do this?

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The Ottoman army began to actively use cannons and muskets before its opponents, who continued to fight with medieval weapons, did so. This gave a great advantage during the rise of the empire. The cannons took Constantinople and defeated the Persians and Egyptian Mamelukes. One of the main advantages of the Ottoman army was the use of elite infantry units, the Janissaries. Janissaries were trained for military service from childhood, and they were very loyal and combat-ready.

Army of Nazi Germany

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The Wehrmacht, the army of Nazi Germany, shocked Europe and the entire world, accustomed to the protracted battles of the First World War, by conquering most of Central and Western Europe in a few months. At some point, it seemed that the troops of Nazi Germany were about to conquer the gigantic Soviet Union.

The German army achieved these successes using the new blitzkrieg tactics, which combined the use of new weapons and communications, combining speed, the element of surprise and the concentration of forces with terrifying effectiveness. In particular, armored troops and motorized infantry, supported by short-range aircraft, were able to break through enemy lines and encircle opposing forces. On initial stages war, these opposing forces were often so shocked and overwhelmed that they offered minimal resistance.

To carry out a blitzkrieg, well-trained, combat-ready troops were required, and Berlin had them in abundance. As historian Andrew Roberts has noted, "One-on-one, German soldiers and their generals largely outmatched the British, Americans, and Russians in both offensive and defensive positions throughout the Second World War."

Although Nazi ideology and a crazy leader undermined the Wehrmacht's war efforts, Nazi Germany fell due to a lack of resources and soldiers.

Soviet Army

Photos from open sources

The Soviet Army (until 1946, the Red Army) contributed more than any other army to the victory in World War II. Really, Battle of Stalingrad, at the end of which the entire German Sixth Army surrendered, is almost universally considered the major turning point in the European theater of operations.

The USSR's victory in the war and its ability to hold the rest of Europe at risk for four decades after the end of the war was due neither to superior technology (except for nuclear weapons) nor to military genius. Stalin's military leadership proved disastrous, especially early in the war, and in previous years he had purged many capable commanders from the army.

The Red Army was a military monster rather due to its gigantic size, determined by its territory, population and industrial resources. As the famous historian of Nazi Germany Richard Evans explained, “according to the USSR’s own data, the Red Army lost in the war more than 11 million soldiers, 100,000 aircraft, more than 300 thousand artillery pieces, more than 100 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery units. Other sources estimate personnel losses even higher, up to 26 million people."

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It must be admitted that there were manifestations of military genius during the war, especially when Stalin supported the few capable commanders, as well as the appearance of promising weapons from a technical point of view, for example, the T-34 tank. But they did not play a decisive role in the success of the USSR, since the army continued to make enormous sacrifices during the Battle of Berlin.

With the exception of nuclear weapons, soviet army the Cold War era was not much different from this compared to its opponents. Although NATO had technical superiority during the forty years of struggle, the USSR had quantitative superiority in many categories, especially in the number of soldiers. For this reason, in the event of a conflict in Europe, the United States and NATO planned to use nuclear weapons at an early stage.

US Army

For most of its history, the United States has refrained from maintaining a large army. This is how it was intended: the American Constitution gives Congress the power to provide and maintain a navy, but regarding the army it says that Congress can raise and maintain an army as needed.

Until the end of World War II, the United States followed this model, raising large armies for the duration of the war, but quickly disbanding them after the end of hostilities. However, since the beginning of the twentieth century, the American army has been very effective, especially in wars against states. It was America's entry into World War I and World War II that helped tip the scales in favor of the Allies. The US also destroyed Saddam Hussein's army in Kuwait in 1991 and Iraq in 2003.

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