Green radish salads. Delicious and healthy dishes from black, white daikon and green radish for the whole family

To prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy snack, you don’t need expensive products. From simple dialing ingredients you can make a salad with green radish. By the way, this root vegetable has found application in folk medicine.

Cooking secrets:

  • Before cooking, be sure to wash the radish thoroughly and then peel it. Then rinse the root vegetable again using a special brush.
  • To prevent the radish from becoming bitter, cut it into slices and pour cold water over it, leave for an hour.
  • Even the most simple salads Don’t rush to try it with green radish right away. Let the dish sit in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  • Green radish tastes harmoniously with carrots and apples. By adding these ingredients to a salad, you will get a snack with an interesting, slightly sweet taste.

An easy quick snack

Let's start from the very beginning simple way preparing green radish salad. It can be made in a matter of minutes from a minimal set of products. Determine the amount of ingredients based on your own taste preferences.


  • radish;
  • salt;
  • sour cream;
  • green onion feathers;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Let's prepare the radish: peel and rinse.
  2. Grind the root vegetable on a grater.
  3. Add sour cream, to taste table salt and ground pepper.
  4. Stir the salad and place on a plate.
  5. Decorate the appetizer with green onions.

A healthy snack for your everyday table

Green radish salad with cucumber and potatoes is not just a hearty appetizer. It has a lot of benefits. Radish acts as a kind of whisk for our body, cleansing it of toxins and harmful substances.


  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • radish;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 10-12 pcs. marinated champignons;
  • salt;
  • pepper blend;
  • green onion;
  • cloves of garlic to taste.


This is interesting! IN Kievan Rus Radish was eaten in large quantities during Lent, so it was considered a “penitential” root vegetable.

Assorted vegetables - unforgettable taste

Try green radish salad with carrots. You'll probably like it. If you plan to feed it to your child, exclude mayonnaise from the composition.


  • radish;
  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • dill;
  • 50 ml sour cream;
  • 50 ml mayonnaise;
  • salt.


Vitamin bomb on your desk

Needed on a quick fix do delicious salad with green radish? The recipe with bacon will come in handy. You can also treat your guests to this salad. Believe me, everyone will like it!


  • radish;
  • green;
  • carrot;
  • 0.2 kg smoked bacon;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper mixture;
  • blend of spices.

Note! The salad will turn out juicier if you season it with mayonnaise or sour cream. But the calorie content of the snack will also increase.


This is interesting! The history of radish goes back to ancient times. Hippocrates also considered it incredibly useful. The ancient Egyptians made oil from radish seeds, and used the roots to prepare a variety of dishes. It is believed that radish is best eaten before lunch as it improves the digestive process.

Spicy chicken salad

A salad made from green radish with chicken meat is delicate in taste. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for fish.


  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 radishes;
  • carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • green;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


Note! Traditional healers advise, in case of bronchitis or just a strong cough, to grate a radish and apply it to the back or chest instead of mustard plasters. And the juice of the root vegetable will help with bruises and abrasions.

Green radish is certainly a healthy root vegetable, which is widely used both for preparing various salads and dishes, and for treatment in folk medicine. There are many different varieties of this vegetable, differing in shape, color and taste.

There are two main types of radish: black and green. There are several of the most popular varieties of this vegetable:

  1. Margelanskaya. This variety is considered early; its sowing begins in July. This variety has an elongated shape and green color. There's also a vegetable inside green, has a bitter aftertaste;
  2. Round white. The variety is considered the most delicious and juicy, its shape is round, its color is white, and it tends to last a long time;
  3. Grayvoronskaya. This variety is distinguished by the fact that it can tolerate low temperatures and can be stored for a long time. Its shape is round, its color is white, its taste is a little spicy, not very juicy;
  4. Daikon. This root vegetable has a cylindrical shape and is white in color. The variety is considered large; one vegetable can weigh up to 1 kg;
  5. Elephant click. The peculiarity of this variety is that it is grown from seeds. Vegetable white and elongated shape, easy to store even at low temperatures.

Positive properties of green radish and its harm

Eating root vegetables has a beneficial effect on the body. This vegetable is rich in the following vitamins and nutrients:

  • Vitamin A, which is useful for people with visual problems and diseases of the nervous system;
  • Vitamin B, which has a positive effect on skin condition and promotes good metabolism;
  • Potassium. Helps fight high pressure and improves heart function;
  • Vitamin PP. Has a beneficial effect on many important organs of the body;
  • Iron. The most important element vegetables, because it is a lack of iron that can lead to serious illnesses.

Due to the large amount of fiber contained in the root vegetable, it provides good job intestines. Eating this vegetable helps remove unwanted substances such as waste, cholesterol, and toxins from the human body.

In addition to the benefits, this vegetable also has contraindications. For example, it is not recommended to use it for ulcers, gastritis, intestinal, kidney and liver diseases. With these diseases, the health of the fetus can be adversely affected.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before using it. You should not abuse the amount of root vegetables you eat; it is better to add it to all kinds of salads and dishes. Pregnant women should strictly control the amount of vegetables they eat.

Green radish salad recipes

It should be noted that this vegetable is combined with a variety of meat and rice dishes. Suitable for use with vegetables such as cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, and various greens.

Simple salad with radish

Preparation process: grate the radish large size;

Add herbs to taste.

A tasty and healthy salad is ready.

Combine radishes with carrots

Another name for this salad is “Admiralsky”.

  • Green radish – 1 piece;
  • Boiled potatoes – 4 pieces;
  • Green apple – 1 piece;
  • Boiled egg - 3-4 pieces;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Raw carrots – 1 piece (preferably large);
  • Mayonnaise, vegetable oil with flavor - to taste.

To prepare the Admiral salad, it will take approximately 30–40 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​115 kcal per 100 g of dish.

The salad is laid out in layers in strict sequence:

  1. Onion, finely chopped and sprinkled with flavored vegetable oil;
  2. Potatoes, grated on a large grater;
  3. Layer of mayonnaise;
  4. Green radish, grated on a coarse grater, with added salt, always squeezed well;
  5. Layer of mayonnaise;
  6. Raw carrots, grated on a fine grater;
  7. Layer of mayonnaise;
  8. Apple, chopped on a coarse grater;
  9. Egg whites, mashed;
  10. Layer of mayonnaise;
  11. Egg yolks, grated on a fine grater.

Fresh salad with green radish and cucumber

  • Green radish – 1 piece (large);
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Cucumber – 1 piece;
  • Table vinegar (apple) – to taste;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste.

Approximate cooking time is 25 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​95 kcal per 100 grams of salad.

Preparation: peel the radish, cut into strips small size, salt and leave for 5 minutes until juice appears. Then it should be squeezed out.

Cut the peeled onion into thin rings, rinse, add water with a small amount of vinegar, and marinate. Grate the cucumber on a large grater, mix with radish and pickled onion, squeezing it first.

Salt and pepper to taste, add vegetable oil.

And step-by-step recommendations preparations. Read on for tips on how to properly prepare this meat dish.

Properly prepared pancakes with cottage cheese will surprise you with their delicate taste and juiciness. that are worth trying.

How to make naval pasta with minced meat. Detailed step-by-step, recommendations and tips.

Simple green radish salad with egg

A very easy dish to prepare.

  • Green radish – 1 piece (medium size);
  • Boiled eggs – 2–3 pieces;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - to taste.

The time required to prepare this salad is 15 minutes, its calorie content per 100 prepared dishes is 90 kcal.

Cooking process: grate the peeled radish and eggs on a medium-sized grater, add salt and mix. Any juice that appears must be drained. Season with sour cream and add salt to taste.

Lenten radish salad

  • Radish – 1 piece (medium size);
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Pickled cucumber – 1 piece;
  • Turnip – 1 piece;
  • Sunflower oil – 6 tablespoons;
  • Pepper, herbs, salt - to taste.

20 minutes is enough time to prepare this salad.

The number of calories is 150 kcal per 100 grams of the finished dish.

How to prepare a lean green radish salad: wash, peel, cut all the necessary vegetables into strips and place in a dish. Add pepper and salt to taste. Refuel sunflower oil.

Cheese salad

  • Hard cheese – 200 gr;
  • Green radish – 1 piece (medium size);
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Mayonnaise, salt - to taste.

10 minutes – salad preparation time.

Its calorie content per 100 grams of dish is 250 kcal.

Preparation procedure: grate cheese, peeled radish and carrots on a fine grater. Mix the ingredients, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

The use of green radish in folk medicine

Since ancient times, the root vegetable has been used to treat diseases of many organs: intestines, kidneys, liver. It was used to increase appetite and improve hair condition. This vegetable is used in the treatment of colds and flu. In addition to internal use, it is also used externally. For example, grated radish will help relieve joint pain if used as a compress. There are several folk recipes:

  1. To cure cough in children and adults, you need to cover slices of the root vegetable with sugar, and take the resulting juice as medicine;
  2. To treat bronchi and colds, grate the vegetable and place it on the back or chest, replacing mustard plasters;
  3. For anemia, the root vegetable can be prepared according to the following recipe: mix the juice of radish, carrots and beets in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be poured into a dark bowl and placed in a preheated oven for 120 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, take 3 tablespoons per day;
  4. Radish juice is used to treat bruises and bruises. To do this, you need to moisten a napkin with freshly squeezed vegetable juice and apply it to the site of the bruise 5-6 times a day. It is important to remember that root juice very quickly loses its beneficial qualities, so you should always use only fresh juice.

In addition to medicine, the root vegetable is used for cosmetic purposes. To improve the condition of the hair, its juice is rubbed into the scalp. And for dry skin on the face, use a mask made from grated radish, olive oil and lemon juice.

Radish and its secrets

In fact, this vegetable is the oldest. Its use was recommended by Dioscorides, and Hippocrates considered this root vegetable to be very useful and medicinal. Its seeds have been used in Ancient Egypt To prepare oil, various dishes were prepared from its roots. It was believed that it was better to consume this vegetable before lunch, as it has a beneficial effect on digestion.

During the times of Kievan Rus, many proverbs and sayings about radishes appeared, for example, “The horseradish of the radish is not sweeter.” It was considered a “repentant” fruit, as it was consumed in large quantities during Lent.

When preparing dishes using radish, there are some secrets that you should keep in mind:

  • Before using a vegetable, you need to rinse it well, then peel it, and then rinse it again using a special brush;
  • Before preparing any dishes, it is better to cut the root vegetable into slices, add cool water and let it brew for 40–60 minutes. In this case, the radish will not be bitter, but will taste more tender;
  • Once you've prepared the salad, you don't need to put it on the table right away. It’s better to let it sit for an hour, then it will become much tastier;
  • Radish salad will become more interesting in taste if you add a sweetish ingredient to it. For example, carrots or apples.

Delicious and healthy salads for you, as well as a great mood!

Bon appetit!

Our ancestors ate radish every day with kvass, meat, sunflower oil, sour cream, black bread and never suffered from constipation, atherosclerosis, arthritis, or osteochondrosis. They retained strong muscles, strong teeth, and clear thinking into old age. And today, green radish salad is one of the favorite dishes of people who respect their health.

Don't want to get sick? Include green, fresh radish in your daily diet; it has excellent, amazing benefits. medicinal properties. Juicy, spicy, delicate in taste. It never gets boring, thanks to the exceptional variety of products with which it goes wonderfully well.

Green radish salads: medicinal properties

What benefits do we get from eating this juicy green vegetable? First of all, all its species, grown on ecologically clean land without chemical additives, contain huge quantities of a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, natural hormones, phytoncides - the main regulators of health. What does green radish salad give us?

  1. Vitamins of group “A”, responsible for visual acuity, eye health, growth of every cell of the body.
  2. Vitamin complexes “B” and “PP”, which stimulate the proper development of the hormonal and nervous system, as well as preventing the development of sclerosis, heart attacks, obesity and insanity.
  3. Potassium – regulates blood pressure and metabolism, promoting a rapid increase in immunity.
  4. Phosphorus – main element, responsible for the excellent development of brain and thyroid cells, bone and muscle tissue.
  5. Iron – good hemoglobin, clean blood, excellent blood circulation.
  6. Calcium means sharp, healthy teeth, strong bones, and muscles.
  7. Phytoncides that kill infectious colonies of bacteria and viruses, wherever they settle.
  8. Fiber, essential oils, glycosides - stabilize intestinal function, remove pathogenic microorganisms, and protect against stagnation.

And there are also a great many different natural biological active elements that protect the body from pathogenic “evil spirits”.

The combination of vegetables in salads with green radish allows you to completely saturate every cell with all the substances necessary for health, and the variety of food recipes will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets.

The root vegetable is famous for its exquisite, delicate, non-bitter and very juicy consistency, which is why it is considered the number 1 salad addition.

An average green radish weighs 200 - 250 g, a carrot 100 g, a crispy cucumber 100 - 120 g, ripe tomato 150 – 180 gr., apple 150 gr.

  • It is better to peel any root vegetable to avoid eating nitrates unnecessary for the body.
  • Salad dressing can be anything: radish goes well with sunflower, olive oil, sour cream, and mayonnaise.
  • It is better to eat salads without salt, they already contain required quantity mineral salts.
  • Salads can be lean, meat, savory, sweet, honey, the main thing is not to use too many ingredients, otherwise the result will not be a delicacy, but a crumble of an incomprehensible taste and smell.

Advice: “Freshly prepared dishes are better digestible and more healthy, since during storage most of the vitamins, minerals, and other vital natural elements are lost.”

Recipes for healthy quick salads with green radish

  1. “Easy” recipe: radish with sour cream, dill and cucumber
  2. Chop 1 cucumber into thin slices, mix with 1 radish, turned into strips, add green dill, pour in sour cream, leave for 5 minutes. The dish is ready, bon appetit everyone!

    If you wrap such a salad in pita bread with fried pieces of meat, you will get an amazingly tasty shawarma, or shawarma, as you call it.

  3. Summer salad recipe: with tomatoes and green onions
  4. Grind 1 ripe tomato into rings, pass the radish through a coarse grater, add chopped onion, green leaves of head lettuce, mix everything, season with sunflower or olive oil.

    A wonderful dish for a country picnic on a hot sunny day, it will not spoil over a long period of feasting.

  5. Recipe "Vitamin": cucumber, radish, carrots and sour cream
  6. Take grated cucumber, finely mashed radish, carrots, mix, season with sour cream. Add a southern red apple julienne if you have a sweet tooth in your household.

    This salad is very healthy and tastes good to younger schoolchildren and older people. It's easy to prepare, it's a health pantry.

  7. Recipe "Cleaner": fresh beets, radishes, apples, olive oil
  8. Finely grate raw beets, radishes, and apples into strips, add a little olive oil, fresh lemon juice, mix everything quickly, and don’t store it for a long time.

    This salad has a remarkable ability to cleanse the intestines, as well as lymphatic and blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Those with a sweet tooth can add 1/2 spoon of bee honey, it activates the metabolic process.

  9. Recipe “Salad – healer”: an appetizer for the feast and after it
  10. Mix finely chopped sauerkraut(250 gr.), 1 green radish, 1 turnip onion, 2 tbsp. l. lingonberries (cranberries), 50 ml sunflower oil. Berries can be replaced with lemon juice.

    Eating salad along with alcohol will help avoid alcohol poisoning, and if eaten after the holiday, it will quickly relieve a hangover.

  11. Recipe “Retro”: hearty, spicy with meat, onions, mayonnaise
  12. Frequent, very tasty, guest on festive table in the 60-80s, Soviet times.

    Turn 2 radishes into straws. A piece of boiled or baked meat (any) 250 gr. - into small pieces. Chop 2 onions and fry until golden and transparent.

    Mix all the ingredients with ½ cup of mayonnaise, pepper (red, black, white, any) on the tip of a knife, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Treat your grandparents and get their happy, grateful smiles. The younger generation will also enjoy a green radish salad.

  13. Recipe “Excellent health”: honey with green radish and walnuts
  14. knead the grated radish with 1 tbsp. l. uncandied linden honey, 50 gr. crushed walnut kernels.

    This salad helps increase immunity, normalizes metabolism, and has an excellent preventive effect against acute respiratory infections during mass epidemics. Especially recommended for mentally and physically ill people: rapid restoration of vital energy.

  15. “Spicy Hot” recipe: radish, carrots, garlic, cheese in mayonnaise
  16. Grind 1 radish and 2 carrots into a fine grater. Grate a piece of cheese (100 g) into straws. Grind 3-4 garlic cloves and mix with 150 ml. low-fat mayonnaise, pour it over the vegetables. It is advisable to decorate the salad with small leaves herbs: parsley, arugula, celery.

    It has a spicy taste and aroma, is easily absorbed by the body, and is perfect for nutrition for people who want to lose a little weight.

  17. Salad recipe "Let's lose weight" from early cabbage, radishes, green onions, parsley
  18. Each portion should be prepared immediately before the feast. 1 green radish, grated into strips. 150 gr. Shred the cabbage very finely into shavings. Place everything in a saucepan, add unrefined sunflower oil (50 ml.), a little sea ​​salt, shake, leave for 10 minutes. put it on a plate, garnish with green onions and parsley, and you’re ready to start the meal.

    The salad contains a small number of calories and instantly “sweeps” all stagnant (stale) deposits from the intestines.

  19. Recipe “Beauty and Health”: green radish, nuts, cottage cheese, sour cream

Grind the root vegetable into strips. Nut kernels (any) 50 gr. grind. A 150 gr. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream (2 tbsp.). Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. honey

If you eat it often, your hair will gain a beautiful shine and volume, your facial skin will become smooth, soft, very even, your nails will be graceful, and your teeth will be white, sharp, and strong. Its high content of calcium and vitamins also helps to normalize all metabolic processes and improve the immune-protective properties of the body.

There are many healthy varieties of green radish salads. You can come up with fruit, vegetable, and meat combinations yourself. Fantasize, compose, cook, all of them are good for health and beauty. Every salad will undoubtedly be delicious if it contains your favorite products.

What is radish? From somewhere in childhood, memories of juicy, crunchy, slightly bitter fruits emerge. Childhood is left behind, and now, in addition to taste, we are interested in the vitamin composition, the widest variety of varieties, and the benefits that radish brings to our body. Not so long ago, radish was very popular, but now for some reason it has lost its former position, although its beneficial properties remain the same. We decided to remind you why this root vegetable is so valuable and offer housewives several recipes on how to prepare radish dishes.

Walking into almost any grocery store, we see several names of goods at once, under which the price tag says “radish”. Which one should you buy? Which one will be the healthiest, which one will be the most delicious, and which one is better to add to a salad? To answer this question, you need to understand the varieties and understand how they differ from each other. Let's look at the three most popular varieties.

Black winter radish

Black radish is the most bitter, the one whose taste is familiar to everyone since childhood. If it's bitter, why eat it? It's all about mineral salts. Radish contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Agree, with this composition, black radish is simply a record holder among other vegetables. Experts say that with its help you can completely compensate for the body's need for potassium.

Radish contains a lot of essential oils and organic acids. Of course, the radish itself can be called an excellent dietary product, but essential oils can awaken a simply brutal appetite, in addition, thanks to them, the secretion of digestive juices increases. I hope you don’t immediately change your mind about buying radishes, because they also contain a whole list of vitamins. See for yourself, it contains carotene, B1, B2, PP, pantothenic acid, B6, C. And even that’s not all. Black radish is a real natural antibiotic; it contains active bactericidal substances that have an effect on viruses and bacteria.

Margelan radish, green

We are talking about the popular lately green radish. It achieved universal recognition thanks to its milder taste, almost complete absence of bitterness and specific aroma. This incredibly juicy root vegetable undoubtedly wins over black radish in the battle of taste qualities. But, acquiring best taste, we are losing part healing properties. However, in any case, green radish can be called an excellent alternative for those who cannot eat traditional black radish due to the abundance of mustard oils.

Margelan radish was brought to us from Asia, but was liked by many Russians. Its juicy, sweetish, soft green pulp is often used in Uzbek cuisine, served with rice and fresh lagman. Mild in taste and at the same time possessing a pleasant pungency, radish is becoming a favorite ingredient in many vitamin-rich salads. In addition, thanks to its tart taste, Margelan radish will add a special piquancy to any dish without any spices.

Daikon or Japanese radish

Daikon appeared on the shelves of our stores quite recently. Looking at it, it is quite difficult to imagine that it is the closest relative of black and green radishes. The taste of this incredibly juicy root vegetable is very soft and delicate. At the same time, the vegetable has all the beneficial qualities inherent in black radish. In daikon you can find a whole warehouse of vitamins and useful substances, so it is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, calcium salts, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. List it useful properties crowns the confidence of Japanese scientists that daikon root vegetables are capable of removing from the human body heavy metals and radionuclides.

Daikon is a rather unusual vegetable, which is worth nothing more than its ability to change its taste! His taste qualities vary depending on the part of the root vegetable, so the closer to the roots, the spicier, the sweeter towards the middle. During growth, daikon practically does not absorb substances harmful to health, so it can be consumed in a wide variety of forms - raw, boiled, fried, dried, pickled, salted and stewed. However, a significant difference between daikon and other varieties of radish is the fact that during the cooking process, daikon absorbs the smell of other products, so if you want to enjoy its pure taste, cook daikon separately.

Now, knowing the varieties of radish, it’s time to prepare radish dishes. Since black radish is the healthiest, let's start with it. Spicy lovers will certainly enjoy the Korean Radish dishes, men will appreciate the Chinese Emperor salad, and seafood lovers will not ignore the Radish with Squid.

Radish in Korean

500 grams of black radish,
1 onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
vegetable oil,
black pepper,
red hot pepper,
bay leaf,
table vinegar,


Grind black, allspice, red hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf in a coffee grinder. Wash the radish thoroughly, peel and cut into very thin strips, add salt and leave for a couple of hours. Then squeeze out the released juice. Peel the onion and cut it into very thin, almost transparent strips. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with a little oil. Add spices, garlic, mashed with oil and vinegar to the radish. Leave for 15-20 minutes. At this time, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and cool slightly, then pour it over the radish.

Salad "Chinese Emperor"

350 grams of sweet pepper,
300 grams of cucumbers,
300 grams of black radish,
250 g carrots,
200 g boiled chicken fillet,
soy sauce.

Boiled chicken fillet cut into pieces. Grate the cucumber, peeled black radish and carrots on a medium grater. Sweet pepper remove seeds and cut into thin strips. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press, add a little soy sauce and water to the garlic, stir. Place chicken fillet in the center on a flat dish, vegetables around it, pour garlic-soy sauce over everything. This salad is mixed after serving.

Radish with squid

150-200 g squid,
1-2 black radishes,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1-2 tbsp. vinegar,

Boil the squid and cut them into thin strips. Peel the radish and also cut into thin strips. Stir in squid and radish, add oil, salt and vinegar, stir again and sprinkle with parsley.

From green radish you can prepare cold soup “Tyurya”, which was previously considered the food of the poor, but despite this it is rich in vitamins. Although the barbecue season has come to an end, many will enjoy the “Cold” salad, which goes perfectly with meat dishes, well, lovers of the East will not pass by the “Eastern Snacks”.


4-5 pieces of boiled potatoes,
2 pieces of Margelan green radish,
300 grams of any lean meat,
4 pieces boiled chicken eggs,
5 small fresh cucumbers,
1 liter of kefir,
fresh greens,

Peel the radishes and cucumbers and grate them on a coarse grater. Peel the potatoes and eggs and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the greens. Boil the meat and cut into small pieces. Mix all ingredients, salt, pepper and pour kefir. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour, after which you can start eating.

Salad "Cold"

500 g Margelan radish,
200 gr bell pepper,
½ pomegranate
sour cream or mayonnaise.

Grate the radish on a coarse grater, remove seeds from the pepper and cut into thin strips. Sprinkle halves of pomegranate seeds over everything, mix and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

"Oriental snack"

2 pieces of Margelan radish,
2 carrots,
½ cup chopped walnuts or sesame seeds
3-4 clove of garlic,
½ lemon.

Grate the radish and carrots. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press. Mix radishes, carrots and garlic, pour over juice from half a lemon, sprinkle walnuts or sesame seeds and leave for a while to let the appetizer brew.

Finally, the turn came to daikon - an exotic vegetable, which means the dishes will not be easy. If you like bold combinations, be sure to try the tangerine, shrimp and daikon salad. Don't like salads? Japanese radish can be stewed with sour cream. Do you think you have nothing to surprise your guests with? Serve them some daikon steak!

Tangerine, shrimp and daikon salad


6 pcs tangerines,
150 grams of shrimp,
1 apple,
100 g daikon,
4 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ lemon
salad greens,

Boil the shrimp in salted water with vinegar, then peel. Peel the tangerines. Squeeze the juice from 2 tangerines and mix it with mayonnaise. Divide the remaining tangerines into slices and peel them from the film. Peel the apple and cut into slices. Finely chop the daikon. Place lettuce, tangerines, shrimp, apple and daikon on the bottom of the dish. Mix everything carefully. Pour the sauce of mayonnaise and tangerine juice over the salad and garnish with lemon slices.

Stewed daikon in sour cream


vegetable oil,

Wash the carrots and daikon and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and chop finely. Broccoli and cauliflower rinse and disassemble into inflorescences. Sauté the vegetables in vegetable oil for some time, then place them in a thick-walled pan, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, salt, add spices to taste and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Daikon steak

soy sauce,
olive oil,
80 g basil,
80 g parsley,
a handful of pine nuts,
juice of 1/3 lemon.

Cut the daikon into slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Boil it in a small saucepan for 4-5 minutes, add soy sauce. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry finely chopped garlic, then add daikon and fry it on both sides until crusty. Add a little soy sauce to the daikon and leave to simmer for 3-4 minutes. Prepare the sauce by grinding the nuts in a blender, adding basil, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of filtered water. Season the daikon with the resulting sauce and serve.

Looking at these recipes, it becomes unclear why radish has lost its popularity. Just imagine how it can diversify our traditional dishes, and if we also remember the benefits that we get from radishes during a winter stingy with vitamins, then the decision to cook something from it will come naturally. Surprise your loved ones with unusual tastes, new recipes and unexpected dishes on the tables!

Alena Karamzina

The taste of green radish is delicate and mild. The root vegetable can be used in recipes and you shouldn’t be afraid to treat even small children to the dish. and the cucumber won’t be a bit spicy, so you shouldn’t worry about that. Ready to try ours? Join us.

You definitely haven't eaten anything like this before! Royal, large, juicy shrimp with young, sweet strawberries. Very original and... Try it and see for yourself.

What you will need:

  • 1 green radish;
  • 12 king prawns;
  • 2 cm ginger;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 12 strawberries;
  • 5 ml lime juice;
  • 15 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 15 ml sesame oil;
  • 50 ml. yogurt;
  • 45 ml olive oil.

Green radish salad recipes:

  1. Thaw the shrimp if necessary, then rinse and set aside.
  2. Boil water, add a slice of lemon and add seafood.
  3. Cook for three minutes, then drain and rinse running water, clean from the shell.
  4. Remove the husks from the garlic and cut off the dry ends.
  5. Peel the ginger and chop it finely.
  6. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add garlic, ginger and add shrimp.
  7. Fry seafood for two minutes on each side.
  8. Add soy sauce, stir and remove from heat.
  9. Wash the radish and cut into slices.
  10. Wash the strawberries and cut the fruit into pieces.
  11. Mix olive oil with citrus juice and balsamic vinegar.
  12. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  13. Combine shrimp, strawberries, radish.
  14. Season the salad with sauce, add yogurt, stir, add spices if necessary and serve.

Green radish salad recipes

This green radish salad will be served with chicken. Don't doubt that the final taste will drive you crazy. There are also meaty peppers, sweet tomatoes, juicy cucumbers, eggs and an unusual dressing.

What you will need:

  • 1 green radish;
  • 100 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml linseed oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 15 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 30 ml olive oil.

Green radish salad recipe:

  1. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry side and chop it in any convenient way.
  2. Wash the chicken fillet, trim off the fat and boil in water with spices.
  3. Cool the finished meat in the broth, then separate it into fibers.
  4. Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into strips.
  5. Wash the tomatoes and cut into pieces.
  6. Wash the cucumber and radish, peel and cut into strips.
  7. Boil the egg, peel and cut into slices.
  8. Combine olive oil with vinegar, add salt and spices to taste.
  9. Mix eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, chicken.
  10. Add dressing and stir.

Green radish salad recipe

Rarely a pleasure, isn't it? The goose meat comes with onions, potatoes, beets, carrots and eggs. and each of the layers will be smeared with homemade mayonnaise on egg yolks.

What you will need:

  • 1 onion;
  • 1 green radish;
  • 100 ml homemade mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potato tubers;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 230 grams of goose breast.

Green radish salad recipe:

  1. Clean the breast from films and fat, wash and boil until fully cooked.
  2. Cool the meat directly in the broth and cut the meat into cubes once it has cooled.
  3. Remove the peel from the onion, chop and fry in vegetable oil until soft.
  4. Add the meat to the onion and fry together for about three minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer the contents to a cold bowl.
  6. Peel the garlic, cut off the roots from the cloves, and chop in a convenient way.
  7. Add garlic to the cooled meat and stir the mixture.
  8. Wash the potatoes, wrap each tuber in foil and bake in the oven at medium temperature for 40 minutes.
  9. Then unwrap the root vegetable, give it time to cool and grate it using a grater.
  10. Wash and discard carrots sharp knife peel and place on a baking sheet.
  11. Drizzle with oil and bake for ten minutes in a hot oven.
  12. Cool the root vegetable and grate it.
  13. Wash the beets and wrap in foil, just like the potatoes.
  14. Place in the oven for an hour, then remove and cool, unfolding the foil.
  15. Next, peel and grate the root vegetable.
  16. Boil the eggs to hard centers, cool them and grind the yolks and whites using a grater.
  17. Peel and grate the radish.
  18. Next, assemble the salad in layers, making sure to grease each layer with mayonnaise: meat; potato; carrot; radish; beet; whites and yolks.
  19. The last layer does not need to be greased with mayonnaise, here it is optional.
  20. Set aside the salad for three hours to soak.

Tip: Root vegetables can be boiled instead of baking them in the oven. But the second method will help preserve in vegetables more useful components.
To make homemade mayonnaise, you need to combine two raw yolks with a pinch of salt, one teaspoon of mustard, lemon juice/vinegar and sugar. Beat the mixture until smooth using immersion blender. Next, start pouring in the oil in a thin ribbon, whisking continuously and observing the texture of the sauce. When you think the mayonnaise is thick enough, stop the oil and bring the sauce until smooth.

Green radish salad recipes

Delicate and pleasant cheese, Greek yogurt dressing, celery, grapes, nuts and a little mango chutney. ? Then let's try with us.

What you will need:

  • 30 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 green radish;
  • 80 grams of tofu;
  • 30 grams mango chutney;
  • 30 grams of walnuts;
  • 50 grams of Greek yogurt;
  • 1/2 cup green onions;
  • 10 grams of curry;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 100 grams of grapes.

How to prepare green radish salads:

  1. Mix yogurt with curry, mayonnaise, add a little salt and pepper.
  2. Mix the mixture well, this will be the dressing.
  3. Cut the tofu into small cubes.
  4. Wash the celery, peel and cut it into thin rings.
  5. Rinse the grapes and cut each berry into 2 parts.
  6. Brown the nuts in a dry frying pan.
  7. Mix green onions with nuts.
  8. Add cheese, celery rings, radish, and chutney to them.
  9. Mix everything well and add dressing.
  10. Decorate with grapes.
  11. Green radish salad can be served.

Important: Greek yogurt is quite expensive. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to buy it, we advise you to take the regular one without additives. You can use low-fat if you want a light salad.

Green radish salad recipe

An unusual green radish salad in which the vegetables are diluted with salty cheese and dressed with a spicy dressing with garlic. Don't worry, it's not spicy, even kids can enjoy this light salad.

What you will need:

  • 1 baby zucchini;
  • 1 green radish;
  • 5 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1/2 bunch of Romano;
  • 6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 pinch of thyme;
  • 2 pinches of basil;
  • 70 grams of feta.

Green radish salad recipes:

  1. Wash the zucchini and cut into pieces.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the zucchini until golden brown on both sides.
  3. Salt on both sides and add black pepper.
  4. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into quarters.
  5. Remove the cheese from the brine and break into pieces.
  6. Rinse the romaine and tear it with your hands.
  7. Peel the garlic and chop it using any convenient method.
  8. Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme, basil and garlic until smooth.
  9. Add salt to the dressing and stir again.
  10. Peel the radish, wash it, cut the root vegetable into half rings.
  11. Place all ingredients on a dish, pour over the dressing and stir.
  12. Before serving, garnish with cheese.

Be sure to try all the variations of our salads with the addition of green radish. It is incredibly tender, very tasty and unusual. After all, goose meat is not as banal as chicken fillet, right? Bon appetit!

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