Why do you dream about eating garlic? Why do you dream about garlic cloves? Complete dream book of the New Era

Eating garlic means embarrassment.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Eat your own garlic- means that you often think about cheating on your partner. You are bored with your ordinary married life and want to experience something new. However, you should not go to radical measures, just try to change your married life by introducing some innovations into it.

Watch other people eat garlic- means that you are experiencing increased interest in a person who, unfortunately, is indifferent to you. You attract his attention in every possible way, but he remains just as indifferent. Don't try to make him interested in you - it's useless. However, over time, perhaps he will awaken reciprocal feelings, but this will happen naturally.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Garlic in a dream?

Seeing garlic is a dispute, bad news.

Collect or buy- do not deal with ill-wishers; eat - health.

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are weeding a bed of garlic- portends rise from extreme poverty to a prominent position in society.

A young woman has this dream- portends that she will marry not for love, but for convenience.

If you dream that you are eating garlic- the dream foretells that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.

Chinese dream book

Eat garlic - portends a natural disaster, a catastrophe.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Garlic in a dream?

Growing garlic portends abundance and prosperity; picking it means finding strong marital happiness.

Peeling garlic means receiving money.

Buying garlic means being deceived in your best expectations.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Eating garlic in a dream- to change your previous ideals.

Weeding a bed of garlic- foreshadows the occupation of a prominent position in society.

A young woman has such a dream- portends a marriage of convenience.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Garlic according to the dream book?

Garlic - protection; recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Buying garlic means a quarrel with your loved one.

Yes - to parting with your beloved (beloved).

If you dreamed that one of your friends or relatives bought or ate garlic- Family troubles await this person.

You dreamed that you rubbed yourself with garlic- you don’t have to be afraid of anything, all family storms will subside on their own.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, smell garlic or see someone eating it- you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You shouldn’t force things - the object of your dreams simply won’t understand this; Moreover, he may be afraid of you.

If in a dream you ate garlic yourself- this means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.

Ukrainian dream book

A woman dreams that the housewife is planting garlic heads in a large garden bed.- this meant that the head of the family and the owner would be hidden in the ground, which eventually happened.

Universal dream book

Why we believe that fragrant garlic cloves can protect us from the demons of the night- Does garlic in your dream symbolize protection? What do you want to protect yourself from?

Garlic is also a symbol of liberation from harmful substances. What do you need to get rid of? What is “toxic” for you - a substance or an emotion?

Believe it or not, garlic is said to be an aphrodisiac.- Do you want to increase your sexual energy?

Garlic - symbolizes that you want to attract the attention of others to what you say? Do you want your words to have more impact?

If you can overcome the poverty line, you will achieve recognition.

Dreamed that you were eating garlic- do not lose your previous prudence and then you will be able to emerge victorious.

Cleaned it - wait for cash receipts.

Buying garlic is a sign that your expectations will be met.

Peeling garlic in a dream- to receive a huge financial profit, your work will be generously paid, but at the same time, health problems may arise.

A dream in which you plant garlic- encourages you to continue to live according to the laws of conscience, adhering to high morals, in order to protect yourself from various kinds problems and achieve everything you want.

If you are buying garlic- great disappointments await you, your hopes will not come true, so be sure to develop some kind of backup plan.

Video: Why do you dream about Garlic?

Garlic is a truly unique product, familiar to every resident of our country. Its pungent taste goes well with many dishes, making garlic popular in cooking. In addition, it is an effective antiseptic and helps strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of catching a cold or flu virus. In reality, garlic can be easily purchased because it is inexpensive.

But dreams involving this product are a real rarity, and one cannot do without the advice of the best dream books. Let's find out why garlic is dreamed of, what to do with it and other details.

Description of the dream

What were you doing?

To better understand the meaning of the vision that appeared to you, try to remember what exactly you did with the garlic in your dream?

What did he look like?

You dreamed of garlic heads - a dream with two meanings: it portends either receiving unpleasant news or a conflict with your parents. Moreover, the larger the heads of garlic were in the dream, the more sad events await you in reality.

Garlic in a bag - a sign that in reality the sleeper will be able to solve all problems quickly and easily. It is especially good if the product in the bag was stale and rotten - in this case, the problems can be solved even without your participation.

Peeled garlic - a sign that your secrets may become known to the general public and embarrass you. To avoid this, try not to share secrets not only with random people, but even with acquaintances.

Green garlic is an auspicious symbol that predicts the ending “ black stripe"in the dreamer's life and getting rid of previous problems and troubles.

Kira Stoletova

For many years, the spicy vegetable has been people's favorite seasoning. different countries. It is not surprising that popular culture comes into the nightly dreams in the form of mysterious images. Why do you dream about garlic and how to decipher the information received? We will analyze in detail the interpretations from different dream books.

The main meaning of dreams

According to Miller’s dream book, if you dreamed of garlic, then a person will experience immediate wealth. Perhaps it will be a lottery win or an inheritance from a distant relative.

If you see both onions and garlic in the same garden bed in a dream, then a person will have to solve many problems. It will be possible to forget about adversity and troubles

If a young woman dreams of garlic, it means a loveless marriage. No matter what plans are made for the future chosen one, calculation comes first, and feelings are not taken into account. We will have to brush aside romantic ideals.

To decipher the images more truthfully, it is necessary to remember all the details. Often people do not pay attention to the actions or small elements that accompany the dream. Even one storyline has different interpretations.

Appearance of garlic

If you dream about garlic heads, then you should expect a raise or increase in salary. We advise you to prove yourself at work and show your hard work.

If family people dreamed of a head of garlic with red spots, this means a love affair on the side. We advise you not to plunge headlong into a new relationship - the lie will be revealed, and the consequences will be unpleasant.

Seeing garlic with a thick, massive stem warns of news from afar.

A clean vegetable with white cloves means profit, and a dirty one means illness.

Seeing young or green garlic - information about events affecting life will soon be revealed.


Planting garlic in the dream book has different meanings:

  • If religious people dream of planting garlic, then this means your obsessive desire to introduce your loved ones to religion.
  • Seeing yourself burying a head in a garden bed is a sign of health problems that will soon appear. We recommend that you undergo examination by a doctor and do not interrupt the prescribed treatment.
  • If in a dream you dug up beds and formed holes, then you need to reconsider your attitude towards people. You may be putting negative pressure on others. If the dream is repeated several times, this warns of upcoming conflicts on this basis.
  • If you feel wet soil under your hands, and the vegetable appears rich white and large, then this is a symbol of the destruction of a love relationship.

Most often, dreams of planting garlic indicate impending troubles. Sometimes this can foreshadow the imminent death of someone close. Especially if you see a man burying the heads in the ground.

Look after

Caring for a plant in a dream, weeding beds or removing weeds means that the desired will soon be achieved.

Carefully burying the heads means that life is getting better and promises pleasant everyday life.

Pulling out a young, immature bush is a warning sign: impulsive, thoughtless actions can ruin all plans.

Watering garlic means that you will soon have to deal with the consequences of your own incontinence. Relationships with friends and family may deteriorate.


Collecting garlic in a dream means meeting with ill-wishers or enemies. To avoid trouble, we advise you not to provoke conflicts.

Digging the crop with a shovel is a waste of time. Put it in the basket - worries will go away, there will be an opportunity to correct mistakes.


Cutting garlic promises failure in your endeavors. Competitors may destroy the business or there may be a breakup with your significant other due to gossip.

Peel a vegetable with cloves, while smelling the onion - expect a monetary reward. A substantial bonus or inheritance may unexpectedly appear.

If you dreamed of garlic, which is subjected to heat treatment, then you should pay attention to small details.

Value depending on the dish in which the seasoning is added:

  1. Sauce. Red color warns of impending troubles, light shades They promise a little thrashing at work.
  2. Meat. Well-fried pieces threaten enemies at work, and dishes with blood mean illness for relatives.
  3. Soups. They symbolize physical and mental fatigue, we recommend taking a vacation and resting.
  4. Desserts, drinks. Seeing garlic in sweets or alcohol in a dream means a protracted illness.


According to the dream book, buying garlic has the following interpretation:

Pay attention to the size of the heads: the larger the spice, the more serious the problem.

If you dream of garlic cloves, which you have to buy or just pick up, then this promises minor troubles.

Stealing a vegetable in a dream is a dangerous sign. In this case, you will have to pay for your mistakes.

Buying a huge batch at a wholesale warehouse will give you the opportunity to change your life. If you have the courage to carry out a dangerous undertaking, you will be able to make a solid profit. Fate sends a sign that there is a chance to get rich.

Other actions

In dreams you can collect or buy, give or pick up. By paying attention to small details, you will be able to decipher even the most confusing plot. Often the same event is radically transformed by the action performed.

If you dream of garlic in a dream, then it is worth analyzing the feelings that the smell or taste evokes. You can only enjoy the light spicy aroma when fate prepares a monetary gift.

An obsessive odor warns of the appearance unpleasant person. If there is any opportunity to exclude negative personalities from your life, then we advise you to take advantage of it. You will have to rudely make it clear that you do not need company.

Medicine has long appreciated medicinal properties garlic, it is recommended in the treatment of many diseases. It is also very good for preventive purposes.

But folk beliefs it is associated as a magical symbol - protection from all evil spirits. What do dream books say about this amazing plant? What can a person expect if he dreams about it?

I dreamed about garlic, what does it mean?

Each dream book interprets in its own way the night visions in which he dreams:

  • Miller's dream book: to see it in your dream with heads or teeth - to public recognition; For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a profitable marriage of convenience;
  • Vanga's dream book: dreams of heads in a garden bed - to ill-wishers and losses; dreamed of peeling cloves on a plate - to good health;
  • Medea's dream book: dreamed of whole heads - to illness; if you dreamed of cloves - to troubles at work; eat it - the dreamer will be involved in an extremely unpleasant situation;
  • Freud's dream book: if you dreamed about it in a garden bed - to disappointment; seeing and eating it with its cloves means unrequited sympathy; collecting it in the garden with your heads - such a dream means that a person is visited by thoughts about changing his partner;
  • Wanderer's dream book: if you dreamed about it, the person will soon receive the necessary protection and support; For a patient, such a dream may portend a speedy recovery.

But all this is just general meaning dream book We suggest you delve a little deeper into the question and remember important little things dreams.

Why do you dream about garlic heads?

If you dream about garlic heads, then you need to figure it out the smallest details that accompanied the dream:

  • if you dreamed about something extraneous, just lying to the side, then such a dream may foreshadow unexpected news, but you should not expect the worst, the news will not necessarily be bad, it can be pleasant, but it will definitely surprise the dreamer:
  • to see whole heads collected in a garden bed, and the person himself was busy collecting it - the dream foreshadows order and stability in life;
  • to see in a woman’s dream a handsome man with whole heads cleaned - foretells a quick marriage, and when choosing a female spouse, she will be guided only by blind calculation, so there is no talk of love in this version;
  • if you dreamed of heads, but young and green, the dream foreshadows a quick change in the dreamer’s affairs for the better; the dream book gives the same interpretation for onions;
  • if you dream that a person is going to eat it - to good health, if he treats others with the heads of this plant - to well-being;
  • stealing it in a dream means unpleasant situations in which ill-wishers will involve you.

Why do you dream about garlic cloves?

If you dream of garlic cloves, then the interpretation of the dream will also not be unambiguous:

  • if you dreamed of cloves emitting a strong odor, such a dream foreshadows a person’s appearance of obsessive people in his life:
  • lies peeled with cloves on a plate - to well-being in the family;
  • to see cloves in the garden bed - to the appearance of a stable income;
  • eating it with cloves means good health; for someone who is ill, such a dream foretells a speedy recovery;
  • buying young means unexpected expenses;
  • planting it in cloves in the garden bed means a successful outcome of the plan.

A similar interpretation is given by dream books about dreams in which onions are seen.

Why do you dream about a lot of garlic?

  • If you dream of garlic with many heads or cloves, and also if you see these processes involving onions, this means an enterprise that will bring tangible profit and stability to the dreamer’s life. He will be able to become successful, which will significantly raise his rating in the eyes of others.
  • This portends a woman many rich admirers. But, if such a dream was accompanied by a strong smell, the woman will have a strong rival who will manage to upset her plans for a successful marriage. The dream book gives the same interpretation for a dream in which there were a lot of onions.

What does it mean to collect garlic in a dream?

  • If you dream of picking garlic from the floor, such a dream warns about selfish people in your environment. But, if you dreamed of harvesting it in a garden bed, then in this variation the dream promises the dreamer a calm and measured life.
  • In general, collecting or peeling garlic or onions for a woman, a man, or a young girl is good sign This means that positive changes are expected in their lives, which will bring with them regularity and stability.
  • But digging up a rotten one means unexpected troubles.

Why do you dream about planting garlic?

  • If you dream of planting garlic, Veles’s dream book states that such a dream tells the dreamer about the end of his plight. A bright period will soon come in his life.
  • Planting it in the ground means solving material problems. What you plan will bring the desired result.
  • Walking along the beds or weeding what has already been planted means stability of the situation.

Signs and symbols fill our reality - some people think about it and look for answers, while others do not pay attention to this side of reality, living mundanely.

But in dreams there is no place for everyday reality; dreams are simply woven from symbols, riddles, and secrets. Even the most ordinary things carry a secret meaning, and what does not evoke emotions in us in reality can become the most important advice or a warning.

For example, garlic is an ordinary, familiar and accessible thing to everyone. You often see garlic in reality in everyday life and in the kitchen, but in dreams it takes on the role of a strong symbol.

What does it mean, why do you dream about garlic, what to expect after a “garlic” dream? This symbol is bright, and often indicates sharpness (remember its taste and smell), prudence and rigor, common sense, and more. Everything depends on the plot and details of the dream - and they can be like this:

  • You saw garlic from the side in a dream.
  • Seeing green garlic in dreams.
  • See it for a woman or girl.
  • I dreamed about a head of garlic and cloves.
  • Count the garlic cloves.
  • Buying garlic in dreams.
  • Smell it in a dream.
  • There is garlic in dreams.
  • Weed the garlic bed.
  • Walk between the garlic beds.
  • Collect garlic.
  • Buy it in a dream.

Each such “garlic” dream has a unique and important meaning. And what exactly it promises the dreamer, the dream book will tell you.

Seeing garlic in a dream

Let's assume that you only happened to see garlic from the outside. You didn’t eat it, didn’t take it, didn’t even smell it in your sleep. The interpreter will help you decipher why you dream of garlic in such cases.

1. As the dream book says, garlic, seen in dreams from the outside, promises the dreamer unexpected news for which he is not prepared. You shouldn’t expect bad news in advance - it can be neutral or pleasant, but it will definitely be unexpected. You may expect one outcome and find out another - so be prepared to be surprised.

2. For a woman to see garlic with large white heads in her night dreams is an indication that in her love and relationships she will probably be guided by common sense and reason rather than be led by blind passion.

This is good, prudence is a wonderful and rare quality. However, listen to your heart - it can tell you a lot.

3. A dream in which the garlic was green indicates that the dreamer's affairs will soon be settled. Debts, problems, obstacles, litigation - everything that weighs on you today will soon dissolve, go away, be resolved. Don't despair, everything will get better soon.

4. Seeing a head of garlic or cloves in a dream is a hint of a thrill that the dreamer will probably soon experience. You will do something risky, exciting - bolder, since you have already decided! Just don’t forget to take care of yourself, don’t risk your life and health, and maintain at least some prudence.

Eat, collect, buy

What will the interpreter say if in a dream you not only saw garlic heads, but also did something? They ate, sniffed, counted teeth, collected - there were a lot of actions, as well as the meanings corresponding to them.

1. Counting garlic cloves in a dream is a sign that you are prone to calculation, clear planning, and have everything in order. This is wonderful - the interpreter recommends sticking to this way of existence, it will lead you to prosperity.

Just don’t forget about feelings, be responsive to others. In relationships with people, it is not calculation that is important, but spiritual warmth.

2. As the dream book says, buying garlic in a dream is a warning that you may have ill-wishers who are not averse to scouting out your plans and trying to stop them. Try to be more careful, avoid unpleasant or unkind people, and avoid conflicts too.

3. Feeling a characteristic garlic smell in a dream, according to the dream book, is an indication of your secret love or sympathy for someone. Maybe it's time to reveal the secret in some sensible way - so that your train doesn't leave while you're secretly harboring feelings?

4. There are garlic cloves in a dream - this good sleep, health and good spirits await you. In addition, this dream indicates the dreamer's prudence, which will lead him to great success.

5. Sometimes you also have to weed a garlic bed in your dreams, and this successful dream foretells the dreamer a high position in society and all sorts of pleasant honors. Comply with the new position, now you need to monitor the purity of your reputation even more!

6. Walking between garlic beds in a dream is a dream that promises an end to the dreamer’s plight. Need and poverty will end, soon you will experience prosperity and prosperity, things will gradually improve - just be patient and prudent.

7. In a dream, collecting garlic - from the garden, or scattered on the floor - is advice. Do not communicate with unfriendly, unpleasant people.

Be attentive to your own intuition - it will honestly tell you which people are not worthy of your company. Trust your inner feeling and avoid bad company.

8. As the dream book indicates, garlic you bought in a dream promises waste or unnecessary purchases - so be as reasonable as possible and carefully consider your purchases. Try not to purchase unnecessary things - this will lead you to unnecessary waste.

As the dream interpreter shows, garlic is a multifaceted symbol, and “garlic” dreams often carry important, wise advice.

Accept them, think about them, and you will have the opportunity to make the right decisions, avoid trouble, and live prosperously and happily. Author: Vasilina Serova

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