Mixed type of temperament: sanguine, choleric. Mixed temperament type: description, characteristics

This online Hans Eysenck test for temperament type also measures two personality parameters:
Extraversion/Introversion and Neuroticism/Stability, which provide great diversity in the manifestation of individual characteristics. The test includes 57 non-repetitive questions with “Yes-No” answer options. The test includes a lie scale that detects distortions in responses. The test measurement objects are Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability.

When filling online test Eysenck's temperament you get three scales:
  1. “Lie scale” - includes a maximum of 9 points. Measures how socially desirable your responses are. Those who score 5 or more on this scale may be trying to avoid honest answers out of a desire to be socially acceptable.
  2. The Extraversion scale has a maximum of 24 points and measures the degree to which you are extraverted.
  3. The Neuroticism scale includes a maximum of 24 points and changes the degree of your.

To interpret the scores, the E and N scales are plotted on a chart from which you can read your personality characteristics. The closer you are outside the circle, the brighter your personality traits. Please note that this online test is a very simplified scale. Therefore, if it turns out that the test showed something completely different from what you thought, then you are most likely right, and the test is wrong.


These are questions concerning the way of behaving, reacting and feeling. Each question has two answer options - Yes or No. Try to determine whether your usual reaction is closer to Yes or No. Answer quickly, do not spend too much time on each question, the first spontaneous reaction in the answer is usually the most accurate. It will take you no more than a few minutes to complete the test. Make sure you don't miss any of the 57 questions on the Eysenck Temperament Test. Start now, fill out quickly and try not to miss out! There are no right or wrong answers and this is not a test of intelligence or ability, just a test of how you behave.

Theoretical basis

G. Eysenck, having analyzed the materials of a survey of 700 neurotic soldiers, came to the conclusion that the entire set of traits that describe a person can be represented through 2 main factors: extraversion (introversion) and neuroticism.

The first of these factors is biopolar and represents a characteristic of a person’s individual psychological make-up, the extreme poles of which correspond to the personality’s orientation either to the world of external objects (extraversion) or to the subjective inner world (introversion). It is generally accepted that extroverts are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, behavioral flexibility, great initiative (but little persistence) and high social adaptability. Introverts, on the contrary, are characterized by unsociability, isolation, social passivity (with sufficient persistence), a tendency to introspection and difficulties in social adaptation.

The second factor - neuroticism (or neuroticism) - describes a certain property-state that characterizes a person in terms of emotional stability, anxiety, level of self-esteem and possible autonomic disorders. This factor is also bipolar and forms a scale, at one pole of which there are people characterized by extreme stability, maturity and excellent adaptation, and at the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type. Most people are located between these poles, closer to the middle (according to the normal distribution).

The intersection of these 2 bipolar characteristics allows us to obtain an unexpected and rather interesting result - a fairly clear classification of a person into one of the four types of temperament.

Interpretation of test results


  • over 19 - bright extrovert,
  • over 15 - extrovert
  • 12 - average value,
  • less than 9 - introvert,
  • less than 5 - deep introvert.


  • more than 19 - very high level neuroticism,
  • more than 14 – high level of neuroticism,
  • 9 - 13 - average value,
  • less than 7 - low level of neuroticism.


  • more than 4 - insincerity in answers, which also indicates some demonstrative behavior and the subject’s focus on social approval,
  • less than 4 is normal.

Presentation of results by scales extraversion And neuroticism carried out using a coordinate system. The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out on the basis of the psychological characteristics of the individual corresponding to one or another square of the coordinate model, taking into account the degree of expression of individual psychological properties and the degree of reliability of the data obtained.

Drawing on data from higher physiology nervous activity, Eysenck hypothesizes that strong and weak types, according to Pavlov, are very close to extroverted and introverted personality types. The nature of introversion and extraversion is seen in the innate properties of the central nervous system, which ensure the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Thus, using survey data on the extraversion, introversion and neuroticism scales, we can derive temperament indicators personality according to Pavlov's classification, who described four classical types:

  1. sanguine(according to the basic properties of the central nervous system, it is characterized as strong, balanced, mobile),
  2. choleric(strong, unbalanced, mobile),
  3. phlegmatic person(strong, balanced, inert),
  4. melancholic(weak, unbalanced, inert).

Definitions of temperament types


"Clean" sanguine quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly gets along with people, and is sociable. Feelings arise and change easily, emotional experiences are usually shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not sufficiently regulate his impulses, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine, life, or work system. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity superficiality and inconstancy are developed.


Choleric characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. This type of temperament is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by a task, he tends to act with all his might and become more exhausted than he should. Having public interests, his temperament shows initiative, energy, and integrity. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, lack of restraint, hot temper, and inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.

Phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic person characterized by a relatively low level of behavioral activity, new forms of which are developed slowly but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. A persistent and persistent “worker of life”, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to emotions, having calculated his strengths, brings things to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, and does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy and doesn’t waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, etc., in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform just habitual actions.


Melancholic. His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus; there is depth and stability of feelings with weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong impacts often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in a melancholic person (give up). He is characterized by restraint and subdued motor skills and speech, shyness, timidity, and indecisiveness. IN normal conditions a melancholic person is a deep, meaningful person who can be a good worker and successfully cope with life’s tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, he can turn into a closed, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences of life circumstances that do not deserve it at all.


  • Personality questionnaire EPI (G. Eysenck method)/ Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. P.217-224.

Sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each of them has certain qualities and distinctive features. IN real life There are practically no classical “pure” temperaments. Each person most often has qualities of all four temperaments. It's just that some traits are dominant. For example, in a sanguine-choleric person the qualities of two predominate

Sanguine people get along with other people very quickly, are cheerful, can easily switch from one type of activity to another, however, they do not like monotonous and monotonous work. They can easily control their emotions and quickly adapt to new environment and actively interact with other people. The speech of representatives of this temperament is emotional, fast, with expressive facial expressions, clear and loud. A sanguine person and a choleric person are a little similar in this regard. Representatives of the sanguine temperament cannot stand monotony. If stimuli and events quickly replace each other, new impressions are constantly present, they manifest themselves from the active side. If the influences are monotonous and long-lasting, then the sanguine person quickly loses interest in them and begins to get bored. A sanguine-choleric person may show slight irritability

Cholerics are very active, fast, excitable and unbalanced. Their mental activity is intense and violent. In this case, excitation prevails over inhibition, which is characteristic of this type of nervous activity. This is colorfully manifested in a person’s impetuosity, lack of restraint, hot temper and irritability. IN mixed temperament For a sanguine-choleric person, these qualities are softened, which makes his representative calmer and more balanced.

People with a choleric character have sharp gestures, unrestrained hasty speech, impetuous movements and expressive facial expressions. The strength of feelings in such individuals is very great, and their manifestation is distinguished by liveliness and brightness. A person with this character is subject to sudden mood swings. The imbalance greatly affects his daily activities.

The choleric person is passionate about something, gets down to business with enthusiasm, overcomes difficulties, works on the rise, while demonstrating his impetuosity and speed of movements. However, when his nervous energy is depleted, an avalanche-like decline in activity occurs. The mood changes dramatically, and a representative of this temperament begins to behave irritably and aggressively, while showing extreme emotional incontinence. On this basis, very often there are conflict situations. In a mixed sanguine-choleric temperament, the severity of some negative qualities of the latter usually decreases.

Many negative properties of a choleric character can be compensated by qualities that other people have in their arsenal. “Pure” choleric and sanguine people, like representatives of other character traits, are practically never found. All types of temperament are reflected in the features of the average person.

Have you ever analyzed your character? Have you ever thought about the nature of your temper or goodwill, aloofness or sociability? After all, you probably noticed some prevailing character traits in yourself. If yes, then this interesting and informative article was written especially for you. Today we will raise the question of the types of human temperament and their characteristics.

The term “temperament” originates from the Mediterranean civilization. Even then, such famous doctors and philosophers of antiquity as Hippocrates and Galen noticed a certain pattern in people’s behavior and began to study it. A little later, they came to the conclusion that the type of character is influenced by the prevailing “life juice” that is inside the body. Philosophers have identified four main fluids and called these character types temperament.

The hypothesis about the “vital juices” and their influence on character remained just an assumption, because no one, fortunately, checked a person for the presence of this or that liquid. At least we can hope so, because... history is silent about this. But, nevertheless, their discovery so shocked the world of philosophy at that time that psychology still finds this method relevant and actively uses it in practice. The truth explains it in its own way, from a scientific point of view.

How do psychologists determine the type of temperament?

The fact is that 4 types of temperament exist. Leading psychologists still agree with this, but they explain this not by the prevailing “life juice”, but by the dynamics of the nervous system. For example, sanguine and choleric people have lightning-fast reactions, they are sociable, and are able to quickly solve problems rather than accumulate them. While the phlegmatic and melancholic would rather wait for everything to resolve itself rather than take the situation into their own hands, they are less sociable and feel comfortable alone. The second type is inferior to the first in the dynamics of the nervous system, that is, it is a little “inhibited”. These are creative people who are immersed in the inner world.

Herluf Bidstrup is a famous Danish cartoonist. His funny pictures of types of temperament still serve a clear example in many textbooks and manuals in different countries peace. The first one on top is a choleric person, then a phlegmatic person, a melancholic person and a sanguine person. It's very funny to watch how they behave different types temperament in the same situation.

It is interesting to know that there is no pure type of temperament. Each of the four types is present in any person, but each has dominant character traits, from which it can be concluded which type of temperament predominates most.

Mental personality disorders with a pure type of temperament

As mentioned above, all people are characterized by several types of temperament and, as a rule, one of them is dominant. The pure appearance of temperament in psychology may indicate that a person suffers from a psychiatric disorder, because this is considered pathological.

  • Choleric – impulsive personality disorder
  • Phlegmatic – schizophrenic personality disorder
  • Melancholic – anxious personality disorder
  • Sanguine - hypomania

Eric Berne wrote a great book called Games People Play. It explains the difference in our behavior in a given situation. Tells how common it is for people to use masks from “diligent schoolgirl” to “tyrant”. Try to independently analyze your behavior in different life situations, and you will understand that the type of temperament is a conditional indicator of the prevailing character traits.

Choleric is a type of temperament

If we briefly talk about the type of this temperament, then this is definitely a born leader. The main traits of his character are short temper, irritability and impulsiveness. Cholerics have the fastest dynamics of the nervous system, so they are able to set goals and achieve their goals.

  • These people have analytical thinking, which is why choleric people can often be found in leadership positions.
  • The type of activity of the owner of this temperament is often associated with exact technical sciences.
  • They are very demanding and executive bosses. They make decisions easily, direct and categorical in their choices.

Cholerics have an ideal union with phlegmatic people. They, like scales, balance ardor and complement each other.

Features of the behavior of a choleric child

This type Temperament in a child causes the greatest problems in education. These are very energetic children who are interested in everything. They try to cover literally everything. A choleric child will happily attend classes in ballroom dancing and karate, drawing and football at the same time.

  • Choleric children have serious problems with organization, which should absolutely not be allowed.
  • Most likely, he will leave all sections after a couple of classes. Their excessive energy does not allow them to sit for a long time in one activity.
  • This is very bad, because a choleric child has innate potential. These are successful and determined people in the future.
  • If parents direct their energy in the right direction, they will certainly get a very smart and purposeful child.
  • Another huge disadvantage of choleric children is that they are very emotional. If they are raised incorrectly, then very soon they will begin to pour out their excess energy on the children around them, which cannot be pleasant. Almost all hooligans have this type of temperament.
  • If your child shows aggression towards other children, do not rush to spank him on the bottom; they require a special approach to education.

How to raise a choleric child?

The concept of this type of temperament already implies his temper and imbalance. Don’t even try to shout at him or, God forbid, hit him. Don't expect him to remain silent in response; it is quite possible that he will respond in kind. With this example you only show that such behavior is normal.

They are like sponges, absorbing everything from you as an example. All attempts to suppress a choleric child will cause serious resistance on his part. Such children are very vindictive and, if they come across a wall of misunderstanding and aggression from their parents, they will repay in kind.

  • You need to learn to negotiate with a child. Be demanding of him, but not so much as to limit his expression of energy.
  • Set clear rules of behavior in the house and on the street.
  • Any disobedience must be punished. If you threaten your child that you will take away his device, then do not waste your words.
  • Choleric children are very cunning and will take advantage of your mercy.
  • This is the child who needs discipline the most.

Phlegmatic - a type of temperament

These are very friendly and nice people. This type of temperament has a slow dynamics of the nervous system, so they often seem sluggish and lacking initiative.

Characteristics of phlegmatic people:

  • This is a rare group of people whose representatives feel comfortable in routine.
  • They often work in the same type of work, which most people find boring.
  • Phlegmatic people hate change.
  • They hate regularity and strive to live in an organized way.
  • Also, phlegmatic people hate conflicts; they do not know how to confront anyone and defend their interests. In order not to run into a quarrel, they are able to give everything you ask them.
  • These are very loyal friends who will always listen and help.

Features of the behavior of a phlegmatic child

These are very diligent and friendly children. They are born perfectionists. Phlegmatic people work very hard, and when they find something they like, they will most likely make it their life’s work. These are the most obedient and “comfortable” children who almost never create difficulties for their parents.

  • They have a not very practical trait; they are very introverted children.
  • Phlegmatic people value loneliness and comfort above all else. They cannot be called social in any way.
  • Parents must help the child adapt to society. Otherwise, they risk remaining as hermits, not contacting anyone unless absolutely necessary.
  • Another unpleasant feature of phlegmatic people is their slowness. They are unhurried and always debug everything for later, this can create many problems in the future.
  • From childhood they need to be taught to be organized and punctual.

How to raise a phlegmatic child?

Phlegmatic children, as mentioned above, are the most “convenient” children to raise. They are very obedient and will never contradict their parents.

But they also require a special approach:

  • A phlegmatic child has a hard time accepting what is said. There is a good chance that he will not remember your words or simply will not consider them important.
  • They are often immersed in their inner world, which prevents them from being attentive.
  • They often act distant during parenting. Therefore, it is best to educate them by good example.
  • Don't demand more from your child than you can do yourself.
  • At first, study lessons with him together, sitting next to him.
  • The problem of a phlegmatic child with adaptation in society is also very easy to solve. To do this, the main thing is to organize family “outings” to an amusement park or, when eating in a restaurant, take it to the game room.
  • They slowly adapt to the new way of life. Almost all changes are taken to heart. You should not do this too abruptly so that the child does not experience stress.

Sanguine - a type of temperament

Sanguine can be seen from afar. They are always very loud, fast and cheerful people, with an unsurpassed sense of humor. Such people are often called the “life of the party.” They have a lot of friends, which is not surprising given their behavior pattern.

  • Sanguine people hate loneliness. They try to surround themselves with communication and people as much as possible. This is the only way they feel comfortable.
  • Sanguine people are capable of achieving high goals, but their main problem is that they are very changeable.
  • It often seems to them that they have found their life’s work, but quickly “burning out”, they begin to want something new.
  • Sanguine people want everything at once, but boredom is their main enemy.
  • Such people often find themselves in the humanities.
  • If we put aside their inconstancy, these are very purposeful people who are able to move mountains on the path to their dreams.

Features of the behavior of a sanguine child

Such children are often called hyperactive. But, to tell the truth, many of the sanguine children suffer from this behavior disorder. This is a physiological feature of this type of temperament.

  • In a sanguine child lightning-fast reaction to everything that happens
  • Such children cannot sit still for a minute.
  • An angina child is very friendly and will never offend anyone. But his energy is sometimes destructive
  • Parents should make a lot of effort to come to an agreement with their child or keep him busy with something useful.

How to raise a sanguine child?

A sanguine child is not to blame for his excessive activity and parents should understand and respect this. The best solution will pass the child to several sections at once. They must be active. You can't imagine what could happen to a piano teacher if your child decides to take his class. Give preference to the fight modern dance or children's tourism.

  • Sanguine people often associate themselves with active work, so your choice can play a decisive role in the fate of your child.
  • Their activity often makes it difficult for them to concentrate.
  • Your task is to convey to the child that he has certain obligations (for example: walk the dog, do his homework) and until he does this, he will not be able to do what he would like.
  • Introduce clear boundaries of discipline, but do not limit the child completely. If he is not allowed to scream in the house, then allow him to do it outside.

Melancholic - a type of temperament

Melancholic people are very creative people. They love to analyze their behavior and feelings. They never let go of grudges, and for a long time accumulate them.

  • Melancholic people love loneliness, but at the same time they quickly establish relationships with a new team.
  • They are punctual and organized, which is what they demand from others.
  • They can fully reveal themselves in creativity.
  • These are very deep people, with big hearts and a huge inner world, which undoubtedly helps them in their creativity. But by choosing another profession, they can easily achieve success.
  • Melancholic people are very consistent and conscientious in everything they do.

Features of the behavior of a melancholic child

Melancholic people are very reasonable and correct children. But, unfortunately, their excessive sensitivity often spoils their mood. A melancholic child often cries, but not only because you yelled at him or offended him in some way. Tears are a real tool in his hands. He is a born manipulator and often resorts to forbidden techniques.

  • Don't forget that these are creative children.
  • They get along quite well in society, but often require solitude. Parents need to respect such a decision and give the child the opportunity to be alone.
  • It is unlikely that he will surf the Internet or watch cartoons; this time will be devoted to global thoughts and plans.

How to raise a melancholic child?

Under no circumstances should you shout at a child. He is very sensitive and receptive. Your words can hurt him so much that it can develop into mental trauma. You need to negotiate with such a child; these are very smart children who understand words perfectly.

  • If a child cries, be sure to take pity on him, but stand your ground, explaining your categorical attitude. This way you will avoid manipulation by your child.
  • Be sure to take your child to creative classes so that he can reveal his innate potential.
  • Encourage all his achievements and unsuccessful attempts. It is very important to encourage a melancholic child.
  • Avoid the carrot and stick method. Your child is smart enough to negotiate with him like an adult.

Let this article serve as a useful guide for you on the types of temperament and their properties. After all, it is very important to find an approach to a person in order to make your relationship strong and comfortable for both. Raise your child according to his temperament type, he will become obedient and collected. Your patience and consistency will lead him to success.

Video: “Test for the type of temperament using the DISK method”

All people are different, adapt to the world around them differently, react to what is happening in their personal lives; in a critical situation, some rush to help, while others are paralyzed by fear. All this is the result of processes of excitation and inhibition occurring as a result of the development of higher nervous activity in humans.

Considering what processes predominate in a person, there are 4 main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. The sanguine temperament is the strongest and most dynamic. A sanguine person is a very efficient, energetic person, he is distinguished by a stable psyche and a cheerful disposition, he easily and naturally switches from one type of activity to another, his hobbies are varied. He rarely gets depressed despite the fact that he is very attached to the opinions of the people around him.

The types of temperament were first described by Hippocrates back in the 5th century. Even then, he identified 4 main types associated with human physiology. He believed that psychological type depends on the fluid that predominates in the human body: sanguine - blood, choleric - bile, melancholic - black bile, phlegmatic - mucus.

Characteristics of character accentuation

“Constant in its impermanence” - very correct characterization sanguine Such people are often guided in their actions by emotions, they quickly switch from one type of task to another, and can perform several tasks simultaneously. They are excellent workers, but only if the work really interests them; if not, they perform it superficially.

Such a person's mood is very changeable. A minute ago he was in a great mood, and a second later all the world’s sorrows are reflected on his face. Thanks to their stable psyche, sanguine people adapt well to any situation, quickly adapting to new conditions, work, and people.

By nature, sanguine people are materialists; they love goods that they can touch and taste. They enjoy expensive, high-quality things and gourmet food with pleasure. Their homes are always very light and cozy, despite some chaos. Everyone has their pros and cons!

Sanguine is a strong type of temperament. The nervous processes of sanguine people are persistent, they are characterized by rapid excitability and rapid inhibition.

Sanguine and the people around him

In society such a person stands out good mood. He always smiles and loves to joke with others and himself. But, as a rule, his jokes are kind and harmless, and no one holds a grudge against him for them. A person with this type of temperament speaks very well, it is pleasant to listen to him, his speech is perfectly delivered, his story is accompanied by bright facial expressions and gestures. Each of his stories is rich in colorful images and experiences of the narrator himself. Such a person remains very truthful when telling a fairy tale and in a serious conversation. He knows how to provide convincing arguments to support his words. And thanks to his cheerful disposition and smile, he usually emerges victorious from any dispute, leaving a very pleasant opinion of himself.

However, he is very easy to read, all his emotions are reflected on his face. If a sanguine person is upset or excited about something, this will immediately affect him. appearance. He also does not know how to hide his attitude towards people.

Let's try to figure out who a sanguine person is. Since childhood, such people are different big amount friends, they are always the center of attention, they make new acquaintances well. A person with this type of temperament can easily find a topic for conversation in any company in a few seconds.

If you ask a person to describe a sanguine person, they will use the following words: friendly, talkative, easygoing, carefree, active, sociable, sensitive, helpful, impatient, fickle, hardworking, enthusiastic, the life of the party, superficial, extravagant, happy.

It is also worth noting that none of the 4 types of temperament occurs in its pure form. As a rule, the temperament of a sanguine person is combined with a melancholic or choleric person. Differences in the behavior of a woman and a man with this temperament are determined not so much by gender as by a combination of temperament types.

What to consider when choosing a profession

People with this type of temperament become excellent leaders and employees, regardless of the profession they have chosen for themselves. They will find their calling in any field of activity. Such a person quickly gets involved in work and easily combines several tasks. Difficulties may arise when performing monotonous actions. This quickly tires the sanguine person and becomes uninteresting for him. For a sanguine person, a profession that requires a lot of attention and active action is suitable.. He must constantly remain on his toes, planning several possible options developments of events. It is difficult to force a sanguine child to sit still; he prefers active, noisy games.

When choosing a profession, you should pay attention to:

  1. Acting.
  2. Pedagogical activity.
  3. Voice-over skills and recitation.
  4. Political career.
  5. Specialties related to social activities.

If you know someone with this type of temperament

How to communicate with a sanguine person? Yes, very simple. This is true, because they are always cheerful, joke and create some kind of farce around themselves. Such people are very self-centered; they put themselves first. This is also a significant disadvantage of a sanguine person. They are completely immersed in their experiences and interests. Sanguine people cannot be classified as introverts; it is worth studying more thoroughly the dual concept of “extrovert-introvert”.

A child with this type of character tries in every possible way to attract the attention of his parents and everyone around him. accessible ways. At an early age, they have the qualities of extroverts.

The child is a bit boastful, he is ready to talk about his achievements to anyone who is willing to listen. This quality accompanies him in adult life.

Thanks to their character, these people quickly make acquaintances, but just acquaintances. Their relationship is very superficial and is unlikely to turn into friendship. Sanguine people have only a few true friends in their entire lives. The picture is the same in relationships with the opposite sex. These are romantics, they know how to give gifts, pleasant surprises, and create a festive atmosphere. But truly serious relationships and sanguine people are poorly compatible. They are afraid to take on any responsibility and run away before the relationship even becomes serious. If you want to build a relationship with a sanguine person, then it should always be bright with you. Constantly surprise him and keep him intrigued.

Like other types of temperament, sanguine people have their pros and cons. The great advantage of his character is his friendliness; he skillfully wins over those around him, practically without making any effort to do so. The disadvantages of a sanguine person are frequent mood swings, from which, first of all, his family and friends suffer.


The compatibility of temperament types should be taken into account. In this regard, it is a little easier for a sanguine woman, since many of her characteristics are forgiven only because she is a woman. In relationships, sanguine and choleric people are poorly compatible: these types do not get along well together. It is easier to build relationships for sanguine-melancholic couples, provided that the latter is tolerant of the partner’s frequent mood swings. A sanguine-phlegmatic pair is extremely rare, as is an extrovert-introvert pair.

Prominent people

Famous people with this type of temperament: Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Lionel Messi, Pierre Beaumarchais, Magic Johnson. The most famous of the sanguine extroverts is Napoleon Bonaparte.

The combination of naturally interconnected temperament traits is called a temperament type. In psychology, the typology of Hippocrates - Galen is traditionally used, distinguishing sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.
Giving psychological characteristics temperament types, it should be remembered that this division is conditional. Typical for each type are its extreme poles and the relationship between various features. In the same time "clean" temperaments almost never happen in life. Most people combine traits of different temperaments, especially clearly after the child masters oral speech, that is, after 2-2.5 years. Also, one should not talk about “good” or “bad” temperaments: in each type there are both strong and weak sides.


sanguine people- these are people who have a strong, balanced and mobile nervous system. They are active, sociable, and easily adapt to new conditions. Sociable, quickly understands people, easily establishes relationships with them a good relationship. Among friends they are cheerful, cheerful, optimistic. By orientation - extroverts.

Kant called sanguine people people of a cheerful disposition, carefree and full of hope, who always hope for success. In his opinion, they are bad debtors; they promise so, but do not keep their word.

Sanguine people are emotional, with expressive facial expressions and pantomime that is easy to control. They speak loudly, clearly, quickly, with the correct intonations. During the conversation they actively gesticulate and laugh loudly. Feelings arise very easily, change just as easily and are, as a rule, shallow. Today they are joyful, carefree and passionately in love, tomorrow they are sad, worried and may forget about their passionate love. However, in general, successes and troubles are easily experienced and therefore sanguine people have a good mood and a well-developed sense of humor.

Sanguine people willingly take on new business, but their activities are productive only when the work captivates them. If the work is not interesting, the work is monotonous, they abandon the task without finishing it. During work, they easily switch their attention, but devote little time to preliminary and control actions (for example, preparation for work, corrections, additions, etc.). They rarely plan their work, and even if there is a plan, they do not strictly follow it, and are often distracted by trifles. Sanguine people easily grasp everything new, but their interests are weak, changeable and constantly require new impressions.

So, for the sanguine person strong point is that they are cheerful, quickly learn new material, “grabbing” it “on the fly”. They are suitable for dealing with strong and unexpected stimuli. During important competitions, they show higher results than during study and training. The weakness is that they overestimate themselves and their capabilities, are often distracted from the main task, are not focused enough, their interests and feelings are unstable, and they can be frivolous and superficial. Sanguine people cannot perform work for a long time that requires perseverance, sustained attention and patience. Due to the speed of action, mistakes can be made. Therefore, they should be instilled with perseverance and concentration, and maintain a steady interest in the matter.
When communicating with sanguine people, we can recommend the following. The requirements for them should be maximum, but fair. You should show trust in them and give an outlet to their internal energy, directing it to useful things. It is inappropriate to assign monotonous work, because sanguine people get tired of it, but the work started must be taught to be completed to the end. You can use additional motivation for this. It is advisable to cultivate patience and determination, to teach to value friendship.


Cholerics are strong, active and unbalanced people with a predominance of excitation over inhibition. They are characterized by a high level of activity, energy and persistence. By orientation - extroverts. They love to be the center of attention. Conflict and unyielding in communication. They can be impatient, unrestrained, and quick-tempered. In relationships with others they can be harsh and overly straightforward; they lack endurance. However, there is no hatred in their anger, and they love others the more the faster they give in to them.

Kant writes that choleric people willingly become bosses who do not like to work themselves, but only to manage.

These are emotionally unstable people. Emotions and feelings arise quickly, but they can disappear just as quickly. Expression is pronounced. Speech is hasty, intermittent, tense. Lively facial expressions, expressive gestures, sharp and energetic movements. They experience their joys, pains, and sorrows deeply. They are often influenced by strong passions and... In such a state, they may act rashly, which they will regret later.
Cholerics are characterized by cyclical behavior: they can work hard, overcoming difficulties, and suddenly give up everything. This is facilitated by a rapid change of interests. If their interests are serious, they can be energetic, proactive, principled, and capable of high concentration. If there is no interest, they demonstrate affective feelings, irritability and lack of restraint. Just like sanguine people, they devote little time to preliminary and control actions and rarely plan their work.

So, the strength of choleric people is that they easily concentrate their attention, especially in stressful situation, are active, fast, energetic. Can work with strong stimuli, particularly in unpredictable situations.
In conditions of competition and competition, they improve their results. They have organizational skills. They have the ability to easily form skills and habits. The weak side is their tendency to violate discipline and conflict, as well as lack of restraint, harshness, affectivity, and weakness of self-control in emotional situations. Due to the speed of actions, mistakes can be made.
When working with choleric people, it is recommended to engage them in interesting activities and give them instructions; teach to be restrained; accustom to more calm and uniform work; guide their activities in the right direction. When communicating with choleric people, you should use their energy rationally, not inhibit their activity in the form of direct prohibitions, and communicate calmly and confidently. If this is a child, do not punish under any circumstances by prohibiting her activity (for example, wait, sit). Due to the tendency of choleric people to aggression, cultivate empathy.

Phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are strong, balanced and inert. Low activity level of behavior, slow, assiduous, calm, reserved, persistent, soft. They remain calm even in difficult life situations. React adequately to impact external environment However, they cannot quickly respond to changes in the environment; they are characterized by the same attitude towards others, sociability, but low sociability. By orientation - introverts.

Kant noted that in Everyday life a phlegmatic person is often called a philosopher.

Feelings arise slowly, but are distinguished by strength, depth, constancy, duration and restraint in external manifestations. They are patient and rarely complain. Not influenced. Taciturn, speech is slow, calm, with pauses. The voice is quiet, expressionless. Gesticulation and facial expressions are very poor. They know how to control their emotions. Therefore, it is difficult to anger them and they rarely lose their temper.
Phlegmatic people are not inclined to change their environment or to frequently move from one job to another. They show seriousness, thoughtfulness, and perseverance in their activities. They work with concentration and always get things done. Tasks are completed evenly and accurately, new information is learned slowly, but thoroughly and for a long time.
Characterized by sustainable interests. The work is planned and strictly adhered to. Before making a decision, he will think about it for a long time. They have stable attention, but its switching is somewhat slow.

So, the strengths of phlegmatic people are their discipline, stability, regularity and systematicity in work, endurance, and punctuality. The weak point is slowness of action, inertia, lethargy, external indifference, poor attention switching. They are often late in submitting work, and their stereotypes are difficult to change. Phlegmatic people are also not suitable for working with strong and unexpected stimuli.
Phlegmatic people are recommended to be given more time to complete certain tasks, and they should switch from one habitual action to another gradually. You can give additional instructions about the work they perform, avoiding assignments associated with a high pace of activity. Under no circumstances should you complain about slowness and incompetence. Welcome every manifestation of initiative and independence. It is advisable to stimulate the manifestation of sincere feelings.

Melancholic people

Melancholic people are characterized by a weak, unstable and inert nervous system. Low level of activity, reserved, experiencing fear of a new situation. When they find themselves in new conditions, they become lost. Therefore, it is difficult to tolerate a change of environment. They are closed, shy, indecisive, timid, and avoid communicating with unfamiliar people. They do not like new acquaintances and noisy companies. They are introverts by orientation.

Kant called melancholic people people with a very gloomy character, who first of all pay attention to life's difficulties.

Melancholic people are very impressionable people, they often get offended; their feelings are characterized by the slowness of their flow. They deeply experience any event in life, especially images and failures, however, unlike choleric people, they carry their grief within themselves, without outwardly showing their experiences. The movements of melancholic people are restrained, speech is slowed down, quiet, sometimes turns into a whisper. Constant in their affections. If they love someone, then the breakup is a great tragedy for them. They will suffer, but they will not decide to take this or that action. Prolonged and strong stress, as well as everything new and unusual, causes a slow reaction, and then its cessation. However, in a familiar and calm environment they feel good and work productively. They are planning their work. At the same time, decisions are made carefully. A lot of time is spent on preliminary and control actions (for example, preparation for work, corrections, additions, etc.). While working, their attention is easily distracted and focuses only for a short time. They have stable, strongly expressed interests that change slowly.

So, the strength of melancholic people is their empathy and understanding of the problems of other people. They are “deep” and stable in their feelings, capable of capturing details that are inaccessible to other people. They do monotonous work well. The weakness of melancholic people is their excessive impressionability, immersion in their own experiences, shyness, isolation, aloofness, slowness, and fatigue. They have a hard time withstanding strong and unexpected stimuli. During competitions they show the worst results. Melancholic people, as well as phlegmatic people, should be given more time to complete certain tasks. they need a calm, favorable environment, tact, responsiveness and goodwill in relationships, a gradual transition from one activity to another.
When working with melancholic people, it is recommended to follow the principle of gradualism. Show empathy and understanding of the person's condition. Moral support when the environment changes. Approve the slightest manifestation of activity. Cultivate a sense of self-worth. Learn to plan your activities, wisely distributing time between work and rest.

Does a person's temperament affect his success in life?

In psychology it has always been topical issue about whether a person’s temperament affects his success in life: firstly, on his personal life; secondly, for work activity.
When communicating with people, you should remember that temperament is a stable individual psychological feature of a person and therefore it is almost impossible to change it. Influenced environment basically only individual features are strengthened or weakened
temperament without changing its type. Therefore, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your temperament, you can learn not to show its individual manifestations, for example, excessive facial expressions and gestures, shyness, touchiness, etc. A person with any temperament can learn this. To a large extent, this depends on the moral and volitional qualities of character.
Only in in some cases, mainly in early childhood, under the influence of severe physical and mental trauma, severe infectious diseases and other factors as a result of changes in higher nervous activity, changes in the type of temperament are observed.
To people with various types temperament, accordingly, requires a different attitude. So, punishment, a reprimand, a bad assessment can have a positive effect on choleric people who have a strong nervous system. In this case, negative reinforcement can encourage them to improve.
However, this can have the opposite effect on melancholic people: they become depressed, their performance decreases, and depression may occur. The above type of response to negative reinforcement is the most likely, but not necessary. Whether a person will act one way or another will ultimately depend on his character.

WITH practical point From our point of view, the relevant question is whether temperament imposes restrictions on types of activity. In general, it can be argued that there is no such limitation, and a person with any temperament can achieve significant success in life, or may not realize his potential. However, if professions impose strict requirements to the speed, pace and rhythm of work, such restrictions arise. For example, a dispatcher at an airport or a nuclear power plant, or a test pilot will require a strong and agile type of nervous system, characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. On the contrary, actors and musicians need emotional sensitivity, which is more typical for melancholic people. However, for most professions, temperamental traits play a decisive role, and their shortcomings can be compensated for individual style human activity. It should be remembered that in conditions joint activities character traits have a more significant impact on the final result than when a person works alone.
So, differences in temperament are, first of all, differences in the uniqueness of the dynamic manifestations of the psyche, and not in the level of its capabilities. Characteristics of temperament determine the ways and means of work, and not the level of achievement. Therefore, temperament does not determine the social value and moral and volitional qualities of a person. They will depend on the character.

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