How does a wine decanter work? What is a decanter: a decanter for wine with a touch of chic. How to decant wine: detailed instructions

It is known that the taste characteristics of alcohol-containing products largely depend not only on the quality of the raw materials used and the subtleties of the manufacturing process, but also on the method of serving. To allow the wine to fully reveal its best qualities, experienced sommeliers use special techniques in their work using various accessories. One of the main ways to improve the organoleptic properties of alcohol is decanting - slowly pouring liquid from a bottle into a special glass vessel. Let's look at what a magic wine decanter is and how to choose the right one depending on the type of drink.

Purpose of the accessory

Which is better, a classic dusty bottle or a mystical jug, everyone decides for themselves

Many connoisseurs of noble wines are interested in the question of what a decanter is and why it is needed. In fact, this is a type of elegant food glass decanter that has a special shape and a certain ratio of sizes in its narrow and wide parts. A special container for serving alcohol began to be used at the dawn of winemaking, when they noticed that pouring a product from a barrel or bottle can significantly improve its taste, color and smell. Now the main purposes of decanting include the following:

  • removal of suspension and;
  • additional oxidation of unripe grape fermentation products;
  • aeration or weathering, allowing the liquid to become saturated with oxygen;
  • giving the process of serving alcohol special grace and aesthetics.

Wines for decanting

Not every drink is intended for the ritual of transfusion. You can safely decant the following foods:

Decant, experiment!
  • young grape nectars to get rid of sediment;
  • aged red and white wine for oxygenation;
  • excessively tart fermentation products of red grape varieties to soften the taste;
  • filtered white wines for additional aeration;
  • some sparkling drinks to remove excess gases and stabilize.

There is no point in carrying out the procedure for cognacs, liqueurs and inexpensive wine products that have undergone rigorous processing and filtration before bottling.

Important! Decanting aged vintage white and red wines can lead to their destruction and a significant deterioration in taste characteristics.

How to choose a decanter shape

During desludge or aeration process important role The shape of the decanters used plays a role. Let's consider which vessel to choose for each type of liquid to be decanted.

To improve the properties of the drink during decanting, you must follow the following rules:

Accessory care

In order for the decanter for serving wine to serve for a long time and better help reveal the character of the drink, it should be properly cared for:

  • washing is carried out only by hand, without using a dishwasher;
  • It is prohibited to use dishwashing detergents with a strong odor, which can be absorbed into the walls of the vessel and spoil the properties of the alcohol when served;
  • for better cleaning, it is recommended to use thin silicone brushes with long, thick bristles;
  • containers must be dried in a vertical position or at an angle, putting them on a special pin;
  • Before serving, the glass surface must be thoroughly polished with a linen napkin;
  • when appearing on internal walls dark deposits, it is recommended to clean the decanter with a mixture of table vinegar and any cereal (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat).

Young wine should not be drunk immediately. The drink needs to brew to get rid of tannins and fully reveal its bouquet. The uncorked bottle must be kept in air for 10 to 12 hours. But there is a vessel that helps the drink reach the desired condition much faster. It is called a wine decanter or carafe.

Device functions

Wine in a transparent vessel looks attractive and decorates the festive table. But it’s not for the sake of aesthetics that sommeliers pour a noble drink into a fancy decanter. The decanter is used for several specific purposes.

  • Mature wine, which has been aged for at least 7 years, is cleared of tartar and sediment.
  • Young wines oxidize when exposed to air and are freed from tannins. The taste of alcohol becomes pure and less tart.

Thanks to the decanter, you don’t have to wait long for an open bottle to infuse. Refined alcohol can be consumed almost immediately. But if a young drink is decanted, then it should be kept in the vessel for 2–3 hours.

What wines is it used for?

The only wine that is prohibited from decanting is rare wine. His chemical composition too complex and pouring into the vessel in question can completely ruin the taste and aroma of the alcohol.

Any other drink can be kept in a caraf:

  • white wine becomes even more tender and softer;
  • red reveals fruit flavors that smooth tannins;
  • When aged, it brightens and gets rid of tartar.

Alcohol in a special vessel becomes richer and purer. You can conduct an experiment - pour half a bottle of wine into the device, and then pour the drink from different containers into identical glasses. Alcohol from a bottle will be more sour and tart.

How to Decant Alcohol

The decanterization process depends on the type of drink. Ripe wine is poured into a vessel with a narrow neck. It is poured slowly and carefully. During the process, a lit candle is held near the neck, the fire of which indicates the approach of wine sediment.

Young wine is infused in a vessel with a funnel-shaped neck and a wide bottom. The drink is poured sharply so that it is enriched with oxygen as much as possible. The wine is left in caraf for three hours. During this time it will get rid of unnecessary carbon dioxide and softens the taste.

There are several nuances that should not be overlooked.

  • The vessel must be clean, free of dust and fingerprints on the walls.
  • Before the procedure, you should rinse the decanter with a small amount of wine.
  • For white wine, do not use a narrow vessel.
  • For a young drink, choose a classic decanter - with a wide bottom.
  • The level of poured alcohol should be below the narrow part of the decanter.
  • Not all wines become ripe after aging for 7–10 years. Bordeaux wine remains young even after 11 years and is decanted in a wide vessel.

For mature spirits, the shape of the decanter does not matter. Therefore, you can use any fancy vessels that Riedel likes to produce.

Rules of care

In order for the vessel not to lose its properties and look beautiful on the holiday table, you need to properly care for it.

  • Colorless and odorless products are used for washing.
  • You need to wipe the glass with a soft cloth, which must be constantly replaced with a fresh one.
  • It is not recommended to wash the vessel in the dishwasher. Although there are inexpensive companies whose products will not be damaged by a dishwasher.
  • Dry the carafe in an upright position, neck down. Water should flow freely from the vessel.

If with inside If plaque appears on the walls, you can clean it with vinegar and rice grains. During the cleaning process, the decanter should be gently rocked, allowing the rice to gently remove the cream of tartar. After the procedure, the decanter is washed with boiled water and dried in a vertical position.

How to choose

If carafe is bought for aged wine, then its shape is not particularly important. You can buy a vessel in the shape of an animal or a fancy labyrinth. For young wine, the decanter should have a classic shape. But young wine can also be decanted in a long, curved caraf.

Before purchasing, you should inspect the vessel:

  • there should be no chips or cracks on it;
  • its throat is narrow, sometimes funnel-shaped;
  • the vessel is clean, free of stains and dust;
  • it has no seams, its surface is smooth.
  • special brush;
  • drying stand;
  • drip eliminator;
  • funnel for pouring liquid.

If the vessel is considered as a gift, then you can take a model with decor.

You should not buy carafe from unknown companies and in dubious stores.

Popular companies

Decanters with interesting shapes are produced by Riedel. This manufacturer produces carafes in the form of a dragon, a snake, and even a postal horn.

Particular attention should be paid to the Eve decanter. It is made by a master glassblower, and each vessel has its own unique shape. The HORSE model from the same manufacturer is made of lead crystal and decorated with the silhouette of a horse's head.

The Spiegelau company produces beautiful classic carafes. They will help improve the taste of a young red or white drink. Made from crystal glass.

The German company Vivo produces crystal glass decanters, which are distinguished by their beauty and durability. This simple models, which are suitable for storing wine or other drinks.

Decanters are also used in wine production. But they are different from those that are placed on the table at home or in a restaurant. These are industrial machines that clarify the drink and process the sediment. The Flottweg decanter, which operates in automatic mode, is widely used.

In order to drink wine according to the canons of wine tasting, you don’t have to go to a restaurant; you can achieve this at home using the right accessories. Let's try to understand the concept of a wine decanter, how to choose, use, and care for it correctly. The history of this vessel goes back to the distant past; even the Romans loved to drink wine from beautiful elongated jugs - amphorae. He is still popular today.

So what is a wine decanter? This is a special vessel, usually made of glass and having the following proportions: narrow part, wide part, neck. A jug or decanter for wine is a decanter.

Why decant wine

By decanting the drink we achieve several goals:

  1. It's beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Wine poured into an elegant vessel looks much more interesting on the table than an ordinary bottle.
  2. When pouring liquid from a decanter, you can also remove the suspension in the wine.
  3. Saturation of the drink with air oxygen. This will help the wine reveal its unique bouquet and rich color.

Which wines should you decant?

This process has different effects on different types of wine.

Important! You should not undertake decanting of rare wines. This work can only be done experienced specialists, and they will not always undertake such a procedure. The risk of significantly deteriorating the quality of the product is very high.

If you do not own rare wines, feel free to experiment!

The most suitable drinks for this procedure are wines made from red grape varieties, but decanting white wine is also possible.

  • Aged after decanting, it will get rid of the tartar and sediment that has accumulated during storage;
  • Young decanted wine will taste less tart due to a decrease in tannins in the drink, this will happen due to aeration;
  • it will become even softer and more delicate in taste;
  • Ripe white and red wines will be saturated with air oxygen;
  • It is possible to decant sparkling wines in order to rid them of excessive gas contamination.

Decanting technology

There are rules that govern how to properly decant wine.

The mature drink is poured from a bottle into a narrow-necked decanter. This is done with confident, careful movements so that the sediment does not get inside the vessel.

Young wine, unlike mature wine, is sent into the vessel as quickly as possible, so that the drink is enriched with oxygen from the air.

There are some subtleties that should not be forgotten, namely:

How to choose the right decanter

When purchasing a decanter, it is important to consider a number of points:

  • Why do we need it, for what type of wines;
  • What is the vessel made of? Best properties decanters are recognized as crystal, although a well-made glass vessel will also work;
  • An important factor is price. Prices on the market range from 1,500 rubles. up to $1,000.
  • And of course the design. A special decanter can be functional and decorative with various inserts and decorations.
  • When purchasing, inspect the decanter for damage to the vessel, including the absence of seams, chips, cracks and other defects.
  • The surface must be absolutely smooth.
  • The neck must be of the correct shape.

  1. Thin brush for washing.
  2. A special stand for drying the decanter in a vertical position.

How to properly care for your wine decanter

In order for the decanter to serve us for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it.

Before decanting, the carafe flask must be put in order.

  1. The decanter is strictly prohibited from being placed in dishwasher, wash it only by hand.
  2. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents that have a strong odor. This may affect the quality of the drink.
  3. For washing, use a special thin brush and soft linen napkins.
  4. It is recommended to dry the decanter upside down.
  5. If you find plaque on the walls of a special decanter, you need to pour a small amount of table vinegar into it, add a few pinches of any cereal (preferably rice, pearl barley, buckwheat). After this, gently rock the decanter until the plaque completely disappears. Carefully drain everything and rinse with boiled water several times.

Today there is a wide range of decanters on the market. It is worth looking at the decorative wine decanters of the Riedel brand, depicting various animals. Such a vessel will a wonderful gift. Products from Spiegelau and Vivo are made from crystal glass.

You should not purchase decanters from unknown manufacturers, since the risk of buying a product made from low-quality glass is too great.

  • Why does table wine have this name and what does it mean...
  • Decanter [de] and [de] – an elegant glass carafe for decanting wine. Old wines are poured into a decanter from a bottle to filter sediment, unripe wines are poured into a decanter to enrich them with oxygen (aeration). Therefore, the shape of decanters is determined by the purposes of decanting.

    Decanter shape as a condition for improving wine quality

    The shape of the decanter is functionally significant. The main task of the width and height of the body, the length of the neck and the shape of the neck is to convey the nobility of the wine, to create conditions for the aroma to be revealed as brightly as possible. For these purposes, modern decanters are made spiral-shaped, which enhances the play of color, with cone-shaped tapering long necks, emphasizing the aroma of young wines.

    Real works of art are decanters from the Riedel brand (Austria). Products mainly self made, they are represented by vessels of both classical outlines and original forms. Different containers - from 900 ml to 3000 ml - are aimed at different quantities guests.

    Decanters for young wines

    Due to the presence of tannins (tannins), red wines with a shelf life of up to 5-6 years have a characteristic astringent taste. Oxygen softens tannins, reacts with residual fermentation products and, due to its volatility, removes them from the liquid. After aeration, the wine becomes less tart and acquires a balanced, soft taste and rich aroma.

    A decanter for aerating unopened young wines should have a wide body, a long neck and a funnel neck. The width of the body provides maximum contact surface between the wine and the air; the narrow, long neck protects the aroma until serving. The funnel-shaped neck creates a fan-shaped stream that increases the intensity of aeration when the wine is poured from the decanter into the glass.

    A standard 0.75 liter bottle requires a 1.5 liter decanter: the liquid in the vessel will be below the level of the widest part.

    Decanters for long-aging wines

    In noble wines, aeration occurs through the cork during the aging stage. They need a decanter for a different purpose. In mature (aged 5-6 years) rich red wines, a pigmentation deposit of natural dyes (“tartar”) is deposited, visible on the concave bottom of the bottle against the light. Sediment is not a defect, but a kind of quality guarantee, confirmation of natural wine.

    Aged wines are placed in a decanter to remove sediment, clarify and stabilize. The surface area is not important, so decanters of different shapes are produced for them: with a spherical body, a narrow neck, “duck” decanters, in the form of an amphora, a simple decanter, etc.

    Elite brands, blended aged wines created by combining different varieties grapes are placed in containers with graceful smooth curves that protect the fragile structure of aroma and taste.

    Decanters for white wines

    Aeration of white wines frees the liquid from sulfur dioxide used for industrial purposes. A decanter for them is prepared with a wide spherical body, a cylindrical neck with a cone for a narrow stream. If possible, place the white wine decanter in ice.

    Materials for decanters

    The vessel, emphasizing the color of the contents, should be transparent. Decanters are made from pure crystal and high-quality glass.

    Riedel breaks with tradition in its choice of materials. In addition to transparent vessels, it offers decanters made of black crystal. The color of the vessel on a snow-white tablecloth adds solemnity festive table and emphasizes the nobility of aged wine.

    Decanted wine is high level aesthetics of its use.

    In fine, aristocratic restaurants, you may have seen a sommelier serving wine to guests after pouring it from a bottle into a special decanter. Among experts, this procedure is known as decanting, or decanting. Today we will find out what wine decanting is - required element serving a drink or simply a beautiful tradition.

    The decanting process involves slowly pouring the drink into a special decanter (decanter) to saturate it with oxygen and separate it from sediment. Expensive red wines (less often white wines) accumulate sediment after several years of aging. This is really a sign High Quality(for example, a grape variety such as Cabernet Sauvignon can deposit an impressive amount of sediment) because it indicates that the drink has not been subjected to excessive filtration and has not lost its former aroma.

    On a note! Today there are no winemakers consensus regarding the purpose and purpose of wine decanting. Beyond this, even which type of drink should be served in a decanter and which can be poured directly from the bottle remains controversial.

    The custom of decanting wine arose a long time ago - several centuries ago, when glass vessels were a luxury. In those days, wine was stored and sold in barrels, and since only wealthy people could afford such a purchase, the drink was served beautifully, in exquisite vessels. The ritual of transfusion did not have a clear sequence, however, it took root and has survived to this day. Later when glass bottles had already come into use, the drink, according to the rules of good manners, was still served in decanters.

    What wines are decanted?

    As noted above, predominantly red wines are subject to decanting. Although some varieties of white wines, “saturated” with oxygen after this procedure, can truly reveal their exquisite bouquet. All wines are different, and the need for decanting depends not only on age, but also on the type of grape used in production, the place of collection and the quality of the drink itself. For example, young wines (not only reds, but also whites, rosés, some ports, champagne and Madeira) can do without it. Moreover, For drinks made from grenache or pinot noir, decanting can even be harmful, because due to an excess of oxygen they lose their freshness and aroma. But old ports and wines from Bordeaux must be decanted due to sediment.

    Wines of Bordeaux

    Another reason why wine is decanted is sediment, which not only spoils appearance drink, but can also “grind” on the teeth. The decanted drink is clean and free of sediment particles that form in some bottles.

    On a note! By the way, the sediment itself is absolutely harmless, and in red wine varieties it is even a kind of indicator of high quality.

    Cheap “store-bought” wines that have neither taste nor aroma do not need aeration, because, in fact, there is nothing to reveal here. Although it is worth noting that today there is a trend towards reducing filtration: even in the average price range there are wines that have not undergone filtration (Australian, Chilean). You can identify it by the inscription non foltre or unfiltered on the label.

    Video - Why is wine decanted?

    Decanters for wine

    Despite the wide variety, all decanters can be divided into two large categories (everything else is just the result of design fantasies).

    1. Decanter for wine that needs intensive aeration. Such vessels have a narrow, high neck and a wide lower part. Thanks to the sharp narrowing in the middle part, the entire spectrum of aromas is stored until the drink is served, and big square contact with air allows the bouquet to open the best way. Usually, Decanters of this shape are used for young wines that have not fully opened.
    2. Decanters for old, noble varieties that do not require aeration(it occurs through the cork during the aging period). In this case, the contact area does not play a special role, so the shapes for aged drinks can be very diverse: amphoras, traditional decanters, “ducks”, etc. When pouring elite, expensive varieties, it is necessary to use a vessel with especially smooth outlines, so as not to damage the fragile structure drink (the latter may “stratify” and not demonstrate the bouquet achieved during aging).

    Regardless of its shape, the decanter must be made of high-quality crystal glass. The most famous manufacturers decanters are Riedel and Spiegelau. Vessels from Riedel (Austria) are true works of art, intended for aesthetes and true professionals.

    And the Spiegelau company from Germany has been producing glasses and decanters for over 5 centuries. Spiegelau products include a huge number of items and, more importantly, are available to a wide range of consumers. Thanks to this, even a novice winemaker or just a drink lover can Decant wine at home.

    Video – Riedel Decanter, 1370 ml

    How to decant wine: detailed instructions

    First, we should talk about some wines that curl slightly after opening the bottle. For example, Piedmontese Barolo, which contains a large amount of tannins, does not show its richness of flavor for several hours, which means that you will not remember anything other than irritation on the tongue. But after a while, the bouquet begins to emerge, becomes stronger, and, in the end, you are enveloped in the aromas of strawberries, truffles and violets mixed with autumn leaves.

    Before decanting the wine, you need to prepare everything you need.

    Bottle of wine

    On a note! The last point is optional, although many people use a candle when decanting red wine. The fact is that its (candle) light allows you to see at what moment the sediment will approach the neck of the vessel - evidence that the transfusion should be stopped.

    At least a day before serving, the bottle of wine is placed horizontally so that the sediment sinks to the bottom. This will make separation easier.

    Step 1. First, the crystal vessel with which the wine will be decanted is thoroughly washed and rinsed with hot water.

    Step 2. Immediately before decanting, the sommelier shows the bottle to the client, announcing three positions - manufacturer, appellation and vintage year.

    Manufacturer, appellation and year of collection

    Step 3. The capsule under the ring is cut off, the neck is lightly wiped, after which approximately ¾ of the cork is removed using a lever corkscrew (the so-called sommelier knife). If the drink is aged, it is recommended to completely remove the capsule in order to be able to see the sediment. At the end, the cork is carefully removed by hand, and this must be done in such a way as to avoid the characteristic pop.

    The plug is removed

    Step 4. The cork is inspected, after which it should be sniffed and determined whether there is a “cork smell” present. Then the cork is placed on a special saucer, which is placed on the client’s table. Immediately after removing the cork, the neck of the bottle is wiped again.

    Sommelier sniffing the cork

    Step 5. When the bottle is uncorked, the drink should be tasted to:

    • determine whether it needs decanting;
    • make sure it is of high quality;
    • find out if the serving temperature is correct.
    Wine tasting

    Step 6. Now you can start decanting the tasted wine. The decanter is grasped by the bottom or neck. When pouring a drink into a vessel, you need to carefully ensure that the sediment remains in the bottle. The procedure is carried out in one long movement, while the neck of the decanter should be above the light (candle) so that sediment can be monitored. When they approach the neck, you need to stop.

    Decanter rotates clockwise

    The duration of the procedure depends on the degree of exposure, although on average it does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

    After decanting, the wine can be poured into glasses

    On a note! If a young wine that has no sediment is decanted, many sommeliers still light a candle for beauty. You cannot extinguish a candle in the room where the client is! Otherwise, the pungent odor resulting from this will prevent you from fully enjoying the drink.

    Video – Decanting wine

    By the way, in expensive restaurants, sommeliers tell clients whether a particular type of wine needs to be decanted, and also tell them how long before serving this procedure should be performed. If necessary, they decant the drink right in front of the client.

    As a conclusion. Once again about the need for decanting Let's pay a little more attention to discussions among wine masters regarding whether it is necessary to saturate wine with oxygen. Proponents of decanting are sure that a “dose” of oxygen helps the drink to fully open up and become more alive

    . If after opening the bottle the taste seems inexpressive, then why not saturate the wine with oxygen and check whether it has really opened?

    But opponents of the procedure believe that due to decanting, the wine quickly loses its taste, and to saturate it with oxygen, it is enough to slightly rotate the filled glass. Moreover, it is much more interesting to observe how the taste of the drink unfolds right in the glass (during aeration, these phases can be missed). That's all. Consume alcoholic drinks

    correctly and - more importantly - do it in moderation! Good luck! Articles By
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