Laura (female name). History of origin and interpretation of the name Laura

The owner has named Laura usually there is congenital creativity, talent. Which? The answer to this question may appear almost “with the first squeak”, or it may remain a mystery most of life.

However, external manifestations of giftedness are always noticeable. This is a bright, non-trivial type of personality, a person who is always looking for either the use of his abilities or the opportunity to expand them. Finds the first thing - “happiness for everyone.” But the search for new ways of self-expression can take him so far that any partner will become a burden.

Origin and meaning of the name Laura

Character of the name Laura

If you have been offended, isolate yourself and abstract yourself from what caused the suffering. After you taste loneliness, the pain of resentment will subside, and you will again be able to return to the “world of people” and continue your creativity.

By the way, your talkativeness can do you another disservice: because of your intemperance, you risk losing friends or missing out on a lucky chance. At the same time, your gift of eloquence (if used correctly) can help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

In some ways, your critics may be right: if you live only for pleasure, luxury and satisfaction of your own ambitions, without using your creative talents, you can quietly turn into a complete egoist.

Those around you willingly forgive your shortcomings, because they are easily overshadowed by your charm, attractiveness and vibrant interest in life.

You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.


You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing that is simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet.

The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing.

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.


  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
  • Day: Saturday.
  • Metal: Lead.
  • Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
  • Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, crabgrass, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
  • Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Laura

Laura, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests.

Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.

Numerology of the name Laura

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away.

If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable.

Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Numerological meaning of number 3

Three in numerology means the birth of something new, when the opposites contained in the two are reconciled. The number 3 symbolizes a joyful and spontaneous child, surprising those around him with his excessive curiosity and naivety.

If we compare the meaning of the number “3” with the number two, then the first means the desire to always make your choice, it is above the duality of the world and perceives it as it is.

In many world religions, the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity. Ancient philosophers based their teaching on three pillars. From time immemorial, sacrifices were performed three times, and the oath had to be taken three times.

People associated with the number 3 are unstable and symbolize a triangle based on the past, present and future. It successfully combines talent and cheerfulness, thanks to which triplets easily adapt to new situations.

Three symbolizes trinity and creation, endowing people with a sharp and intuitive mind, capable of quickly and easily absorbing knowledge.

The meaning of the number 3 is closely related to the world of science, art, sports life. Holders of three are endowed with superhuman abilities. Among hypnotists, magicians, and clairvoyants, you can meet many people with the number 3.

Such people are accompanied through life by well-developed intuition. If threes put a minimum of effort into developing their abilities, then their potential will know no bounds.

The numerology meaning of number 3 says that they are lucky. And it’s all “to blame” for their easy attitude to life.

Where other people suffer, threes are not even able to see the problem.

If they try to go against their own beliefs, then nothing will come of it. They are not able to overcome adult problems, which means that triplets are children at heart. If a person with the number 3 finds himself surrounded by overly serious and heavy people, he will withdraw into himself. But deep down, the troika will still remain a naive child who is very easy to offend.

Never put pressure on a child or three, do not scold him for his frivolous attitude towards life, trying to make him a serious and reasonable person.

This way you will further lock down his creative potential deep within. But it is precisely this that serves as the only path to achieving success, happiness, money and good relationships with others.

A person born under the auspices of the troika is characterized by increased activity and will never sit still. Such people crave new discoveries and want to get more from life. And the troubles that happen to triplets only strengthen their character.

Three people are excellent analysts. They are able to draw the right conclusions from every unsuccessful experience. Number 3 gives people sociability, openness, and the ability to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary. You will never be bored with such people; they are the soul of any company and attract people of the opposite sex.

The number 3 in numerology gives a person incorrigible optimism, and even the most difficult situations he is not afraid.

Number 3 gives people a tremendous gift of persuasion, which makes them great leaders. In other people, threes are attracted by their difference from others, and the same creative streak.

IN real life they are independent and self-reliant, and their sharp mind, insight, strong intuition, and good ability to learn new things help them achieve unprecedented heights in life. And thanks to the ability to accurately calculate and predict events, they look like real lucky people from the people around them.

Which negative traits does the three carry?

The main disadvantage of triplets is that they do not know how to concentrate their attention on the subject. Trying to cover everything around, they do not bring anything to the end. The openness and sociability of these people often works against them, making them extremely talkative. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons before trusting secrets to threes.

Also, number 3 is extremely gullible and naive, and strong character could serve as the other side of the coin for them, turning them into arrogant dictators making their own laws.

And trying to achieve their goal, they sweep away everything along the way, without thinking about the consequences. Despite the fact that from the outside a person gives the impression of being lucky, his laziness, idleness, and passivity nullify all efforts.

In many cultures, the countdown began with three. In Ancient China, the number three denotes a symbol of holiness and sophistication.

The Japanese used the troika exclusively in religious ceremonies, not including it in regular counting. In addition, the number 3 is a symbol of the three-pointed swastika - triskelion, trident, fleur-de-lis and trefoil.

This number appears most frequently in the New Testament. And medieval Christians distinguished three virtues - faith, hope, love. The number 3 is the most positive number in the esoteric science of numbers.

Mystical meaning of number 3

People whose life set contains the number 3 quite often demonstrate extrasensory abilities; they are often interested in esotericism and occult sciences.

By the way, the number 3 rewards its owners with the ability to appear younger than their age, especially since they really remain young at heart for quite a long time, completely regardless of their age.

This is not accidental, because in essence this number connects the past, present and future. In Chinese numerology, the number 3 is considered the number of man, since it represents the unity of body, spirit and mind, and according to the Book of Rites, man is the mediator between Earth and Heaven, which also collectively represents the number 3.

In general, ancient Chinese numerology considers three to be one of the most lucky numbers life set. And the ancient Mayans believed it to be sacred number women.

Positive traits of number 3

Number 3 has a lot to do with art, humor, energy, growth, expansion, spontaneity, liberal views, support, help, talents and skills, culture, wit, a penchant for fun and pleasure, seeking freedom, adventure, abundance, brilliance, free form , courage, non-confrontationalism, sense of rhythm, passion, surprise, sensitivity, self-expression, courtesy, enthusiasm.

Negative traits of number 3

However, it also has its negative characteristics. Quite often people numerological meaning Those whose name or date of birth happens to be the number 3 may find it difficult to concentrate on any particular task, they often experience quite severe mood swings, and they may suffer from significant phobias or even mania.

In the life of carriers of the number 3, sharp ups and downs can lie in wait; it rarely turns out to be stable. In addition, such people do not always have sufficient persistence in achieving their goals.

If, when choosing a name for their unborn child, parents want to expand their horizons and choose something rare and colorful, then Laura is great solution. There's a lot to do with him amazing stories. Before you decide, it’s worth finding out more about this wonderful name.

History of education

An origin story will help explain what the name Laura means. It comes from and exactly translated refers to the noun “Laurel”. For the Italians, this plant was a symbol of glory. If we consider Latin, then the exact explanation would be “crowned with glory.” Laura also came into the Russian language in the concept of “winner”.

The name appeared in the distant times of the pre-Christian era, but over time it was forgotten. past glory and frequent use, it returned after famous poet Francesco Petrarca dedicated a huge number of his works to the praise of his beloved named Laura. Thanks to his creations, another version of the translation appeared - “Golden”.


As the main character of ancient tales and a winner throughout her life, Laura has collected both wonderful positive and strong negative character traits. The positive ones include:

  1. Determination. This quality helps a girl achieve all her goals and heights. Any Olympus will be conquered by Laura as she climbs the career ladder.
  2. Leadership. The girl will be an excellent boss, as she has intuition. In addition, she is excellent at communicating with people, which helps resolve many employee conflicts. Colleagues will love and respect her for this.
  3. Talent. If Laura can determine the profession in which she wants to reveal herself, she can become an excellent professional quite easily.

All these qualities can help raise a beautiful girl and an excellent specialist in her field. But at the same time, it’s worth keeping an eye on it and not letting it develop. negative traits character that can disrupt the ideal world of a future business woman:

  1. Demandingness. The ability to work and bear fruit leads to the fact that a girl wants to receive everything at once, not only from herself, but also from other people. This can lead to conflicts, so it is worth reminding that the result is not achieved in a second.
  2. Selfishness. The fact that Laura can solve everything very easily complex tasks leads to a feeling of superiority. In this case, she will sort out all the problems herself, having gotten used to the fact that no one except the girl can do this.
  3. Pride. This is a complex quality that can help in work, but will worsen communication with loved ones and friends, so you need to be able to tame your ardor and not lead to conflicts.

Any character is fully revealed in the presence of both positive and negative qualities. The main thing is that Laura herself understands what will be best for her life.

Correct spelling of the name and its declension

Since the meaning of the name Laura comes from the Italian Laurel, various word forms from it also include similar combinations:

  1. Lara.
  2. Laura.
  3. Laurina.
  4. Rina.
  5. Laurie.
  6. Laura.

The name Laura refers to feminine, therefore, the correct way to decline by case is as follows:

  1. Nominative – Laura.
  2. Genitive - Laura.
  3. Dative – Laura.
  4. Accusative - Laura.
  5. Creative - Laura.
  6. Prepositional – Laura.

On foreign language The correct spelling of the name looks like this - Laura. In most cases, the word form used is Lora.

Symbols and objects

For a girl, significant stones that bring success will be cat's eye, topaz and jade. The planet under whose auspices she spends her life is Neptune. If there are plants such as roses or saffron in the house, they will attract success and happiness to the family. Laura's sacred animal is the seagull.

Fate and compatibility with male names

Thanks to your leadership qualities, meaning in any layout of fate cards, success in all matters, Laura will be excellent at professions in which it will be necessary to frequently communicate with people. In addition, she loves to learn something new, so the whole world will be open to the girl.

Laura will choose one man for herself, whom she will love for the rest of her life. She will hide her partner from the whole world, and surround him with affection and care. The girl is a wonderful housewife, so harmony and comfort will always reign in the house. The best matches for a lady are men with the name:

  1. Maxim.
  2. Taras.
  3. Nikolai.
  4. Alexander.
  5. Yuri.

According to their characteristics, representatives of the stronger sex who received this name will be best combined with Laura’s character and life goals.

Famous people in history

There are several women left in history whose names mean a lot to posterity. The following representatives of the fair sex can be distinguished:

  1. Laura Pausini. A popular singer who has won a Grammy Award many times.
  2. Laura Lafargue. A French activist who participated in the country's socialist movement and was able to translate many books by F. Engels and K. Marx.

Any girl will be proud of her name, glorified in history. Future parents will only have to help in the development of such a great personality and wonderful person.

Origin of the name Laura. The name Laura is Catholic. Synonyms for the name Laura. Vilora, Gloria, Lavra, Flora, Eleanor, Ella, Gloriosa, Larisa, Florentina, Floriana, Loreta, Loredana, Liora, Florenty, Florentin, Florian. Short form of the name Laura. Laura, Lorea, Loria. The name Laura has different versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Laura is derived from the name of the Italian city of Loreo, and is a short form of the female name Loredana. This name was first used by George Sand in the story "Mattea". According to the second version, the name Laura was originally a common surname in Spanish, which during the Middle Ages had the character of a name by which a person could be recognized. Laura translates as "flower of the bay." Later, Laura became both a given name and a surname, which is still used today. According to the next version, the name Laura is a form of the name Laura, derived from the Late Latin Laurus. Is a diminutive and short form of this name, the names Laura and Laura are interchangeable and complementary names. Also the name Laura is short form, a diminutive address to both women (Vilora, Gloria, Lavra, Flora, Eleonora, Ella, Gloriosa, Larisa, Florentina, Floriana, Loreta, Liora, Florence), and to male names(Florentius, Florentin, Florian). The diminutives Dana and Laura are also independent names and can be used independently. Laura is a determined, energetic woman. To some people she seems playful, friendly, charming, but to others she is the complete opposite. She ignores you, causes hostility, and you don’t want to communicate with such a woman. However, Laura knows how to persuade, seduce, communicate and relax with friends. She appreciates art, nature, loves animals and is sensitive to beauty. They may like to hoard or collect. Laura is strict, but her behavior can sometimes be confusing. When, in society, we see her openness, sociability, warmth, then it is quite possible that we see only the superficiality of her entire soul, her character. Laura is a woman with principles, direct and frank. She is moderately curious, has her own point of view, and has a great sense of responsibility and duty. The owner of this name is constant, does not change her tastes, habits, thoughts, is persistent and has high moral strength. Laura is active, proactive, dynamic, and can sometimes even be authoritarian and tough. It requires discipline and obedience both at work and in the family. Laura is very proud and does not forgive others’ mistakes. She has a logical mindset and tries not to put off until later what she can do today. Laura likes order, tradition, honesty, and always tries to achieve stability. In love, Laura is a faithful wife and an excellent housewife. Raises children in strictness. In the house she prefers to be in charge, responsible for everything. She needs to know everything that is happening in the family. She can often interfere in her husband’s work issues and children’s school affairs. There is exemplary order in her house. Loves to collect. Laura chooses a profession related to communications, training, communication (a manager in any industry, supervisor, realtor, actress) or related to hobbies, hobbies that require precision and painstakingness. Laura often becomes an administrator, manager, doctor, or athlete. Famous people named Laura

Laura Grenville ((born 1981) American tennis player) Laura Dower (American writer, best known for her Madison Finn series of books. Laura Dower is the author of more than 60 books for children and teenagers. Dower sometimes publishes under the pseudonym Jo Harley.) Laura Junot, Duchess d'Abrantes ((1784 - 1838) wife of Napoleonic general Junot, Duke d'Abrantes) Laura Quint ((born 1953) composer, Honored Artist Russian Federation, Honored Cultural Worker of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra) Laura La Plante ((1904 - 1996) American silent film actress) Laura Linney ((born 1964) American theater, film and television actress. Winner of three Emmy awards, " Golden Globe", "Screen Actors Guild Award" and three-time Oscar nominee.) Laura Michelle Kelly ((born 1981) English stage and film actress, singer) Laura Wright ((born 1970) American actress. She is the most She is known for her role in the soap opera "Night's End" (1995-1997). Since 2005, she has starred in the soap opera "General Hospital", which brought her an Emmy Award in the category "Best Actress" in 2011.) Laura Sun Giacomo (born 1962) is an American actress, best known for her role in the sitcom Fashion Magazine (1997-2003). In 1990, she was nominated for a Golden Globe and BAFTA Award, and also won an Independent Spirit Award. for her role in the film “Sex, Lies and Videotape.”) Laura Fraser ((born 1976) Scottish actress) Laura (Laura) Lane Welch Bush ((born 1946) wife of the 43rd US President George W. Bush. Laura Bush is actively involved social activities and charity. In the 1990s, when George W. Bush was governor of Texas, she initiated the Texas Book Festival, the Ready to Read, Ready to Learn program to introduce children to reading early, and educational program , helping parents prepare their children for school. At the same time, the first lady of Texas founded a fund to support book publishers producing books for family reading. In addition, Laura Bush supported initiatives aimed at improving the health of women and children. After becoming the First Lady of the United States, she continued these projects. Modeled after the Texas Book Festival, Laura Bush created the National Book Festival. After the terrorist attack in 2001, Laura Bush patronized the volunteer service.) Laura Davy Lynn Bridgman ((1829 - 1889) American poet, the first known deaf-blind person who managed to learn to speak and get an education) Laura Berger ((1921 - 1943) Swiss German-language writer) Laura (Laura) Elizabeth Dern ((born 1967) American actress, known for her long-term collaboration with director David Lynch (Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Inland Empire), as well as her roles in the blockbuster Jurassic Park and its sequels. Winner of three Golden Globe awards (for work on television - 1993, 2009, 2012). Laura (Laura) Ellen Ziskin ((1950 - 2011) American screenwriter and producer. Produced two Oscar ceremonies (in 2002 and in 2007).) Laura (Laura) Claycomb ((born 1968) American opera singer (soprano)) Laura Logic ((born 1960) birth name - Susan Whitby; British saxophonist and singer) Laura Robson (( born 1994) British tennis player) Laura (Laura) Elizabeth Harris (Canadian actress, known for her roles in the film “The Faculty” and the TV series “Dead Like Me”) Laura (Laura) Guibert ((born 1968) French actress, decorator. She became famous through the television series AB Production in 1990. She played the role of Benedict (aka Bene), Jose's girlfriend at the beginning in the youth series "Helen and the Boys", and then in its sequels "Dreams of Love" and "Love Vacation".) Laura (Laura) Pauline Veers ((born 1973) American singer, singer-songwriter) Laura (Laura) Branigan ((1957 - 2004) American singer, whose dance hits reigned on the radio in Germany and other countries of continental Europe throughout the 1980s) Laura (Laura) Bosk ((born 1988 ) French biathlete, 3-time world junior champion) Laura (Laura) Prepon ((born 1980) American actress, best known for her role as Donna Pinciotti in the sitcom “That '70s Show”) Laura Ramsey (American actress and model) Lola (Laura) Forner ((born 1960) real name - Maria Dolores Forner; Spanish actress, model. In 1979 she won the title "Miss Spain". Lola Forner's greatest fame came from starring in films with such a world cinema star as Jackie Chan: audiences liked her roles in the films Meal on Wheels (1984) and Armor of God (1987). In 1988 she was a member of the Eurovision jury from Spain. In addition to starring in feature films, she played many roles in various television series.) Laura Harring, Laura Harring ((born 1964) birth name - Laura Elena Harring Martinez; Mexican-American model and actress, winner of the Miss America contest (1985). Known for her role as Rita/Camilla in David Lynch's film Mulholland Drive (2001). Winner of the ALMA Award (2002). Laura Beloivan (born 1967) real name Larisa Beloivan; artist, writer, director of the Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Center. She collaborates with various newspapers and magazines, sometimes writing under pseudonyms.) Laura Marling ((born 1990) English folk rock singer; songwriter, singer and guitarist. Laura Marling's debut album "Alas, I Cannot Swim" was nominated for the Mercury Prize 2008. The second album, “I Speak Because I Can,” became a hit in Britain (UK Album Charts) and was also nominated for the Mercury Prize.) Laura Leighton ((b. 1968) American actress, Golden Globe Award nominee in 1995. She is best known for her role as Sydney Andrews in the television series Melrose Place, where she starred from 1993-1997, and its 2009 spin-off. Laura Colley, Sergei Zarubin ((born 1956) Soviet and Russian theater actor and cinema, choreographer, artist of the Satyricon Theater. Poet. Creator of the image of the club drag queen Laura Colley (from the late 1980s and in the 1990s - one of the first). in Russia he organized a professional drag queen show - one that can be called a Theater without reservation.) Laura Elizabeth Innes ((born 1957) American actress and director. In Russia, she is known mainly as the performer of the role of Dr. Carrie Weaver in the television series "Emergency" Currently starring in the television series "The Event" as Sophia Maguire, the leader of the aliens.) Laura Jo Rowland ((born 1954) is an American writer of Chinese origin, who is the author of several series of historical detective novels about the adventures of the medieval Japanese investigator Sano Ishiro and the writer. Charlotte Brontë's Victorian England. A total of 14 books from this series were published. Jo Rowland recently began working on a new series - about the adventures of the writer Charlotte Bronte in Victorian England; two books have already been published in this series. Rowland's books are a huge success in the USA, Europe and Asia.) Laura Yakovleva ((born 1932) Russian, formerly Soviet, chess player, ICCF international master among women (1975) and men (1977), world champion among women in the game correspondence (1977). Engineer-physicist. Participant in the women's championships of the RSFSR and other high-level competitions. sporting achievements achieved in the correspondence game: 1st World Championship (1968-1972) - 3rd; 2nd World Championship (1972-1977) - 1-2nd with O. Rubtsova (the title of world champion was awarded to Yakovleva based on the best odds). Winner of the 2nd Women's Correspondence Olympiad (1980-1986) as part of the USSR team. Yakovleva's playing is distinguished by resourcefulness in attack and ingenuity in defense.) Laura Gibson (American singer and musician, singer-songwriter. Since 2006, she has released three studio albums in the folk and alt-country genres.) Laura Sme (French actress) Laura Ingalls Wilder ( (1867 - 1957) American writer, author of the series of books for children "Little House on the Prairie" about the life of a family of pioneers during the exploration of the "wild west") Laura Woodruff ((1846 - 1916) American archer, champion of the summer Olympic Games 1904 At the 1904 Games in St. Louis, Woodruff competed in all women's events. She became the champion in the team championship and took fourth place in both individual competitions.)

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