Happy birthday greetings from classical poets to a woman. Happy birthday greetings poems by famous poets

The evening is illuminated on the boulevard
Poplar burning candles.
Rejoice, don't spoil it with anything
No hope, no love, no meeting!

To love means to fight passionately
For loyalty both in word and in every glance,
So that your hearts remain to the end
Both in sorrow and in joy, always there.

Is love still waiting? Well, of course he’s waiting!
And tenderness and warmth awaits, but only
Does not keep accounting calculations:
So much was given, so much was taken.

To love means as many times as you like
To endure all hardships with pride,
But never, even in the hour of death,
Do not agree to humiliation!

And to hell with pathetic reasoning,
All feelings will disappear like water into sand.
Only hobbies are temporary.
Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about cynical laughter
The one for whom stellar heights cannot be measured.
After all, these poems are mine only for those
Who is capable of loving and believing with his heart!

How long is the song destined to last?
Can everything in the world happen again?
A leaf in the stream, a bullfinch, an elm tree above the steep slope
Will this happen a thousand times!

I can really wait for you
Long, long and true, true,
And I can't sleep at night
A year, or two, and for the rest of my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

I can follow you
Through thickets and climbs,
On sand, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, along any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any worries,
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
That you won’t betray it later on the road.

I can give it for you
Everything that I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst destinies in the world.

Leave illness and quarrels aside for now,
Leave them all for old age
Try to at least now
This “charm” has passed you by.

And the roads and bridges sing,
The colors of the forest and the winds of events,
Stars, birds, rivers and flowers:
Cherish happiness, cherish it!

Let the skeptics mutter to death.
Don't believe them, bilious skeptics -
Joy neither at home nor on the road
Evil eyes, even if they burst, cannot be found!

And for very, very kind eyes
There are no squabbles, no envy, no torment.
Joy itself will stretch out its hands to you,
If your heart is bright.

Thunder strikes from a cannon in heaven.
Rain, rain! There are freckles on the puddles!
Spins, dances, hits the pavement
Heavy rain, the size of a nut!

In the bottomless sky with a light white edge
The cloud rises and shines. For a long time
I'm keeping an eye on him. We see little, we know
And happiness is given only to those who know.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of noisy bustle,

I'm sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.
A young eagle raised in captivity,
My sad comrade, flapping his wing,
Bloody food is pecking under the window,

He pecks and throws and looks out the window,
It’s as if he had the same idea with me;

See the beauty in the ugly,
See the river floods in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
He really is a happy man!

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush across the clear azure,
You alone cast a dull shadow,
You alone sadden the jubilant day.

You recently hugged the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;

Not many paintings by ancient masters
I always wanted to decorate my abode,
So that the visitor might superstitiously marvel at them,
Heeding the important judgment of experts.

In my simple corner, amidst slow labors,
I wanted to be forever a spectator of one picture,

Poet! do not value people's love.
There will be a momentary noise of enthusiastic praise;
You will hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of a cold crowd,
But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. On the road to freedom

Crazy years of faded fun
It's hard for me, like a vague hangover.
But like wine - the sadness of days gone by
In my soul, the older, the stronger.
My path is sad. Promises me work and grief
The troubled sea of ​​the future.

But I don’t want, O friends, to die;
I want to live so that I can think and suffer;

The whole room has an amber shine
Illuminated. Cheerful crackling
The flooded stove crackles.
It's nice to think by the bed.
But you know: shouldn’t I tell you to get into the sleigh?
Ban the brown filly?

The star is burning, the ether is trembling,
The night lurks in the spans of the arches.
How can you not love this whole world?
Incredible gift of yours?

You gave me five wrong feelings
You gave me time and space

In a difficult moment of life
Is there sadness in my heart,
One wonderful prayer
I repeat it by heart.

An oak leaf tore off from a branch
And he rolled off into the steppe, driven by a fierce storm;
He withered and withered from the cold, heat and grief
And finally, it reached the Black Sea.

A young plane tree stands by the Black Sea;
The wind whispers with her, caressing the green branches;

You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, imprinted scroll;
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.

You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth;
But the flame drinker suppresses the cry
And he praises madly in the midst of torture.

You are a woman, and you are right.
From time immemorial she has been adorned with a crown of stars,
You are the image of a deity in our abysses!

We draw an iron yoke for you,
We serve you, crushing the firmament of the mountains,
And we pray - from eternity - for you!

For you alone, for you alone,
Love and happiness to the queen,
Beautiful to you, young
All lives are the best pages!

They don’t know a friend, a brother, a son,
Only you can understand
The soul is in an unclear sadness.

You, you alone, oh my passion,
My love, my queen!
In the darkness of the night your soul
Shines like a distant lightning.

F. Tyutchev: I am still tormented by the longing of desires

I still languish with the longing of desires,
I still strive for you with my soul -
And in the twilight of memories
I still catch your image.
Your sweet image, unforgettable,
He is in front of me everywhere, always,
Unattainable, unchangeable,
Like a star in the sky at night.

Smoke tobacco air ate The room is a chapter in Kruchenykhov’s hell.
Remember - behind this window, for the first time, I frantically stroked your hands.

Today we sit here, our hearts are in iron. One more day - you will be kicked out, maybe scolded.
In the muddy hallway, it will take a long time for a hand broken by trembling to fit into a sleeve.

I’ll run out and throw the body into the street. Wild, I’ll go crazy, cut off by despair.
There’s no need for this, dear, good, let’s say goodbye now.

All the same, my love is a heavy weight, because it hangs on you, wherever you run.
Let the bitterness of offended complaints roar out in the last cry.

If a bull is killed by labor, it will leave and lie down in the cold waters.
Apart from your love, I have no sea, and you cannot beg rest from your love even with tears.

If a tired elephant wants peace, it will lie down royally in the scorched sand.
Apart from your love, I have no sun, and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.

If I had tormented the poet like that, he would have exchanged his beloved for money and fame,
And no ringing makes me happy except the ringing of your beloved name.

And I won’t throw myself into the air, and I won’t drink poison, and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
The blade of a single knife has no power over me, except your gaze.

Tomorrow you will forget that he crowned you, that he burned your blooming soul with love,
And the tossed-up carnival of vain days will tatter the pages of my books.

Will dry leaves make my words stop, breathing greedily?
Let at least the last tenderness line your departing step.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

There is always a woman's shoulder,
so that you breathe hotly into it,
leaning his dissolute head towards him,
entrusting him with his rebellious dream.

But there is such a woman's hand,
which is especially sweet
when she has a tormented forehead
concerns both eternity and fate.

But there is such a woman's shoulder,
which is unknown for what
not for a night, but forever, given to you,
and you realized this a long time ago.

But there are such women's eyes,
who always look sad,
and this is until your last days
eyes of love and your conscience.

And you live contrary to yourself,
and only that hand is not enough for you,
that shoulder and those sad eyes
You betrayed them so many times in your life!

And here it is - retribution - comes.
“Traitor!” - the rain hits you hard.
“Traitor!” - branches whip in the face.
“Traitor!” - an echo is heard in the forest.

You are tossing around, you are suffering, you are sad.
You won't forgive yourself for all this.
And only that transparent hand
will forgive, although the offense is severe,

and only that tired shoulder
will forgive now, and will forgive again,
and only those sad eyes
forgive everything that cannot be forgiven

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

To the radiance of the moon, beauty of the night,
I will add the warmth given by the candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of a cypress tree,
The murmur of a stream And your appearance will come out.

She comes in all her glory -
Light as the night of her country.
The entire depth of the heavens and all the stars
In her eyes are contained,

Like the sun in the morning dew,
But only softened by darkness.
Add a ray or subtract a shadow -
And it won't be the same at all

Agate strand of hair,
Wrong eyes, wrong lips
And the forehead, where the seal of thoughts is
So flawless, so pure.

And this look, and the color bows,
And light laughter, like a splash of the sea,
Everything about it speaks of peace.
She keeps peace in her soul

And if happiness gives,
With the most generous hand!

Before sunset
Among the centuries-old trees
I love unfaithful beauties
Your eyes and your words.

Goodbye, the shadow of the night is coming,
The night is short, like a spring dream,
But I know that tomorrow is a new day,
And a new law for you.

No nonsense, you are not a forest ghost,
But the old man didn't know fairies
With such unfaithful eyes,
With such a changeable soul!

Someone whispers and laughs
Through the azure fog.
Only I will feel sad in silence
Laughter from dear countries again!

Again a whisper - and in whispers
Someone's caress, like in a dream,
In someone's feminine breath,
Apparently, I am forever happy!

Whisper, laugh, darling,
Sweet image, tender dream;
Apparently you have a force that is not from here
Endowed and inspired.

She came in, completely gray-haired,
Tiredly sat down by the fire,
And suddenly she said “I don’t know”
Why are you torturing me?

After all, I’m young, beautiful,
And I want to live, I want to love.
And you humble me with strength
And you beat him until he bleeds.

Are you telling me to be silent? And I'm silent
Do you tell me to live, chasing love?
I can't take it anymore, I'm tired.
Why are you torturing me?

After all, you love, love, love,
Love is a thorn in the heart,
You cannot judge, love is not judged.
It is forbidden? Leave your “don’ts.”

Throw away a bunch of your inhibitions
Now, at least make a joke:
Don't torment yourself with insomnia,
Go crazy, write poetry.

Or confess your love, or something,
And if the feeling is not in honor,
You set me free
Don’t kill, but let go.”

And the woman, almost sobbing,
Dropping her gray strands, she repeated:
“I don’t know why you’re torturing me?”
He was speechless.

Into the familiar twilight
Suddenly this storm burst in.
Taken aback, and no time to think:
“Sorry, I don’t know you.

I didn’t put shackles on you.”
And suddenly he asked, barely breathing:
“What is your name? Tell me, who are you?"
She answered: “Your Soul.”

Alexander Blok
One for you, one for you.

For you alone, for you alone,
Love and happiness to the queen,
Beautiful to you, young
All lives are the best pages!

Neither a true friend, nor a brother, nor a mother
They don’t know a friend, a brother, a son,
Only you can understand
The soul is in an unclear sadness.

You, you alone, oh my passion,
My love, my queen!
In the darkness of the night your soul
Shines like a distant lightning.

Among the worlds, in the twinkling of the luminaries
I repeat the name of One Star
Not because I loved her
But because I languish with others.

And if doubt is hard for me,
I am looking to Her alone for an answer,
Not because it’s light from Her,
But because there is no need for light with Her.

They don't give flowers to men,
I'll give you words.
Happy birthday,
I wish you.

More money, less grief
More happiness, less quarrels.
Let him bypass
Everything that sows nonsense in the soul.

You are a real man
Very charming
Kind, sweet and open,
And entrepreneurial!

My wishes
Take it quickly
I wish that you
Was even cooler!

So that love is always with you
Was nearby
So that your life is
Sweet chocolate!

A man is not an easy position:
And be strong and noble
Not everyone can do it, I understand
But you can handle it freely!
You go through life like a superman
Without buying into flattery and fear,
(name), dear, happy birthday!
Continue to stay that way!

Creator and sculptor of kindness,
One for all, irreplaceable.
We congratulate you on your birthday
You, my tireless friend!
Success, happiness and love
We cannot help but wish.
Continue to grow above yourself,
We have friends - always with you!

We want to congratulate you,
On this birthday!
Wish you good health,
Wish you luck.
I wish you a career, -
Let him fly like a bird!
So that your dreams are any
We wished it to come true.
Let there be more money
And there are fewer taxes
And, of course, be a favorite
Beautiful women!

The best man of all,
There is a reason to fall in love:
Slender, smart and broad-shouldered,
Deep mind, sparkling laughter!

You drive women crazy
Everyone loves a funny guy!
They admire you
They're following you in droves!

Happy birthday,
We wish you a joyful life,
Both career and love,
Also, pockets full of money.

To wish you on your birthday
We want a garage, an apartment, a cottage,
Salary, position without hassle,
Catch your luck by the tail.

Find a friend for the soul.
May the road be easy.
Find a woman on the road
After all, there are never too many women.

Quietly the lines fall on the paper,
A bouquet has already been made from rhymes,
The one who perceives the whole world with his soul,
Simply called a poet.
Please accept congratulations on Poetry Day,
May your poems live forever,
May luck accompany you
Let every day pleasantly surprise you.

Poetry helps us see the soul,
Reading it, we become cleaner, better,
She makes everyday life brighter
It is impossible to live without poetry.
Congratulations to all poets today,
We don’t want to part with the Muse,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Always make your dreams come true.

Poetry helps us escape from the hustle and bustle,
She pleases us and pleasantly surprises us,
She lies like a balm on the soul,
The world of beauty always opens up.
You are a wonderful poet, it’s no secret
We send you congratulatory greetings,
Let the notes of creativity play in you,
Let luck and success surround you.

Poetry is always needed
So that the heart and soul do not harden,
Poetry opens up a wonderful world to us,
It surprises with its subtlety and tenderness.
Dear poet, accept congratulations,
Let poetry give you inspiration,
Let your every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness fly often.

No one will count you among the saints,
During your lifetime you will never be crowned with laurels!
You will not be mentioned among the greats,
Only copper, not gold, rings in the purse here!
Labor and torment itself are pleasure for the poet,
A moment of creativity is more valuable than earthly blessings!
Live forever for the Piit generation!
May we all comprehend the truth through them!

Oh my poet! you today
I congratulate you on your day.
Be happy by the grace of God,
We bless you with good luck!
May the muse be your eternal companion
Walks with you shoulder to shoulder,
May you be married to luck,
I want to glorify you!

Poets, add your poems and join social network Society of Poets, we bring together poets to communicate and publish their original work.

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy and bright day,
Happiness, joy, fun,
Let the whole world know about him!
And luck, and success, luck
Let them never pass by
Let's say "Happy Birthday" again!
May love always be with you.

Happy birthday to the poet!
Masters of words of the twenty-first century!
A very happy person!
Living in comfort for half a century!

Let health flow like a river!
Let the love in your life be bright!
Faith and hope overflow your shores!
And you will never know sin!©

You, my beloved poet!
Happy birthday!
May life give you glory!
And you always hear the howl of happiness!

Show off your mane of hair!
With your majestic gait!
With your mischievous smile!
Always fight bad weather!©

With love and pleasure!
I am writing to you to congratulate you!
You are our great poet!
A duet is performing especially for you!

Happy birthday!
Dedicates songs and dances!
Caresses you with all sorts of forest words,
And bestows wonderful rewards!©

Happy birthday, poet!
Be happy and don't rush to live!
All our congratulations!
They sound from the heart for you!

Magical sunrises!
Happy couplets!
All your questions are answered!
And more ardent greetings to you!©

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness in your personal life!
May everything be great with fortune!
And today you can behave indecently!

You are the master of words!
A brilliant compiler of couplets!
In life you are a poet - a winner!
I wish you a cozy abode!©

Over a cup of tea and cake!
I congratulate you with a verse!
You will be an enviable groom!
And you will always have success!

Congratulations my poet!
I'll make a duet for you on your birthday!
I wish you to be happy!
To be loved, not grumpy!©

Happy birthday to the poet!
And I’ll leave a gift as a lasting memory!
I will make you smile always and everywhere!
I will support and bless you in everything!

I will not stop our strong friendship!
I wish you, the seeker, to find love!
To the representative of our friendly brotherhood,
I will give you a long ringing saber as a souvenir!©

The sheet of paper is written up and down,
Yes, it’s not easy to write poems!
But still they composed a congratulation,
Congratulations to poets on Poetry Day!
Oh, the magic of alluring lines!
And if everyone could be a poet,
Then the world would become brighter and kinder,
Write poems, read them quickly!

Anyone who has ever tried to find
There are traces of an elusive melody in the words,
Today will be a holiday to celebrate -
A wonderful holiday - World Poetry Day.

I am very pleased that congratulations
It has something to do with poetry.
Accept, poets, my poem,
Congratulations to all poets!

Congratulations to everyone who speaks in poetry,
Congratulations to those who are in love with poetry,
Or maybe we’ll write some poetry ourselves,
After all, life is beautiful if it is accompanied by poetry!

Look at everyday life and add lines
For the glory of life, happiness and love,
Praise to the poets, who are in high verse
They decorated our whole life!

Pen and inkwell. Lamp soot.
Dances of shadows of bygone eras.
Oh gods! What talents there were!
How many divine verses
Makes hearts beat incessantly!
Petrarch's sonnets, Shakespeare's sonnets,
And Dante and Balmont decorated the shelf:
They shine with terza and triolet...

Nowadays playing with hackneyed rhymes,
I try to congratulate poets with poems.
I invite Pushkin’s muse to me,
But my voice still cries without an answer...
The meters are confused, the sizes are mixed,
And my rhythm is probably harmful to hearing.
Oh, give me such examples, poets,
So that it becomes sweet for both the heart and the ear!

To all the poets on earth
We wish you inspiration
And talent and love,
And great patience!

Let your heart beat with happiness,
And poems flow like a river,
Don't let the edges be visible
Human gratitude!

Let the muse visit you
On weekdays, holidays - always.
Let them read your books
Cities applaud!

I will send you my humble work,
Although you are a much better poet.
But appreciate it and don’t forget,
That he is from the soul, from the mighty.

I wish you many years to come.
So that you have time to write a lot.
So that you live them without troubles.
So that there is always a lot of light at home.

I wish you well
Great love and joy.
May there be a lot of happiness, may there be a river!
And the fee must be immodest.

A strict rhyme pours out,
Again the music flows through the lines.
We each go our own way,
Choosing your own paths.
Everyone knows what he will write about.
Everyone is looking for their own skill.
And now the muse breathes quietly,
Leaning onto your shoulder.
Let congratulations ring for talents
And for those who are simple rhymers.
We don’t mind congratulating people.
Congratulations, people!

How many different peoples are there in the world?
How different you can live,
But there is only one holiday in the world,
Allowing us all to create!

Congratulations on Poetry Day,
May spring only bloom in your heart,
We wish you well today
To everyone who is friends with poetry, lives!

Today life, no matter what it is,
In poetry it serves as inspiration for me.
Well, poetry, believe me, friends,
Rhymes all sorts of worries in life.

And today this congratulations,
In honor of poetry day, I recite in verse
For those who could write the prose of their lives
Replace poetry with magic words.

On poetry day I wish
More rhymes and bright lines!
I melt from your poems,
I even read them for future use!

Poets, add your poems and join the social network Society of Poets, we bring together poets to communicate and publish their original work.

Happy birthday to you
I really want to congratulate you!
I wish you to always be happy,
Healthy, sweet and beautiful.
I wish you not to know sorrows,
Shine with your smile!

May life be full of fun, laughter,
Let youth live forever in your heart.
We wish you health and success
For many, many years to come!
And no matter how old you get
Believe me, you shouldn't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in your destiny,
Your years are your wealth!

And the roads and bridges sing,
The colors of the forest and the winds of events,
Stars, birds, rivers and flowers:
Cherish happiness, cherish it!

I can really wait for you
Long, long and true, true,
And I can't sleep at night
A year, or two, and for the rest of my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

I can follow you
Through thickets and climbs,
On sand, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, along any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any worries,
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
That you won’t betray it later on the road.

We would like to wish you a happy birthday,
And wish you happiness in life,
There is no need to be offended by life,
There is no need to be discouraged in life.
Let there be everything: thunderstorms, snowstorms,
May there be joy and peace,
And if it becomes very sad,
Remember, we are always with you.

On a bright day, on your birthday
We hasten to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
May health and good luck
We were always nearby!

I wish you a Happy Birthday!
From the soul, and from the heart of everything!
Let all sadness and doubts disappear
You will be fine!
Just smile and enjoy life!
And appreciate every day, every hour!
After all, when we appreciate all the gifts of fate!
Life always makes us happy!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy and bright day,
Happiness, joy, fun,
Let the whole world know about him!
And luck, and success, luck
Let them never pass by
Let's say "Happy Birthday" again!
May love always be with you.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Have fun on this day, don't be bored!
I wish you so much happiness
So that it spills over the edge.
Let everything good be remembered
Let all your plans come true,
Let your eyes glow with happiness,
AND good people Let's meet!

On a beautiful day, a spring day
Happy birthday!
Let you from all sides
They will bring a million flowers!

Long years and good health,
Strength, wisdom and beauty!
May it always, not only on your birthday,
Cherished dreams come true.

Birthday is a wonderful date,
It doesn’t matter that the years go by -
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.

On your holiday we only wish
Grow, laugh and bloom,
There is so much kindness, warmth and happiness,
So that you don’t carry it away for a hundred years!
Good luck in your studies and work,
And rest is easy and to your heart’s content!
Let there be villas, money, dachas
And let there be power over fate!

Happy Birthday to you!
And now I want to wish you:
May all wishes come true
A genie who lives on Earth!
Let him hear every word
Everything you could want!
And let it be again and again
Make all your dreams come true.

The evening is illuminated on the boulevard
Poplar burning candles.
Rejoice, don't spoil it with anything
No hope, no love, no meeting!

Thunder strikes from a cannon in heaven.
Rain, rain! There are freckles on the puddles!
Spins, dances, hits the pavement
Heavy rain, the size of a nut!

Leave illness and quarrels aside for now,
Leave them all for old age
Try to at least now
This “charm” has passed you by.

Let the skeptics mutter to death.
Don't believe them, bilious skeptics -
Joy neither at home nor on the road
Evil eyes, even if they burst, cannot be found!

And for very, very kind eyes
There are no squabbles, no envy, no torment.
Joy itself will stretch out its hands to you,
If your heart is bright.

Let the house be full of happiness
in which you live
Let the path be clean and clear
Which way are you going?
Luck is your companion
Let it be forever
And life will light the way
Lucky star!

To love means to fight passionately
For loyalty both in word and in every glance,
So that your hearts remain to the end
Both in sorrow and in joy, always there.

Is love still waiting? Well, of course he’s waiting!
And tenderness and warmth awaits, but only
Does not keep accounting calculations:
So much was given, so much was taken.

To love means as many times as you like
To endure all hardships with pride,
But never, even in the hour of death,
Do not agree to humiliation!

And to hell with pathetic reasoning,
All feelings will disappear like water into sand.
Only hobbies are temporary.
Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about cynical laughter
The one for whom stellar heights cannot be measured.
After all, these poems are mine only for those
Who is capable of loving and believing with his heart!

I wish you only happiness in life,
Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
Let all bad weather pass by,
And there will be good friends nearby!

I wish your dreams come true,
May your health never fail,
And, no matter how quickly your years rush by,
You stay young always, always!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Love, family warmth,
Lots of health, lots of laughter.
And, of course, success!

Let all adversity fly by,
Relatives appreciate and honor you.
On vacation - to warmer climes,
And next to you is your dear!

Fun, colors, sun, light,
Harmonies of soul and summer.
Let the net help you catch
A chest full of money!

Happy birthday!
I wish you strength and courage,
May all goals be in front of you
They give a joyful mood.

Let your income grow
From sunrise to sunrise
Make all your dreams come true -
Live, create, dream, love!

I want to wish you a happy birthday!
I wish you well and happiness,
Good luck in life, good luck.
There are no hardships to be seen at all.

So that your health does not fail you,
Success accompanied your path,
The soul and body became younger,
And all that was heard in the house was laughter.

I wish you vigor for the body,
Pleasant minutes for the soul,
Hands - golden skills,
And wise words for the head.

Let the tears be only from happiness,
A warm corner is waiting at home,
Where the door is closed from bad weather,
And there is a castle hanging from adversity!

There are few men like you.
And what can you wish for that?
Of course, unearthly happiness,
Be cheerful, don't be discouraged.

Let the star of love shine brightly,
Luck lights the way.
You be the strongest in the world
Don't let fate bend you.

So let this birthday
It will leave a bright mark on your soul.
May there be more luck,
Success, joy, victories!

What does a real man need?
Birthday wish?
So that there is no reason
Sad, bored and despondent.

Let everything in life be as it should be,
Let happiness flow over the edge,
Everyone in the family lived very amicably.
Love, dream and prosper.

Bright life, new chances,
In fate - a nod to luck.
And laughter, joy, finances -
An endless stream!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish with all my heart
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And conquering all the peaks.

Reliable and good friends,
The family - comfort and warmth.
May you have pleasant and fine days
Life brought you more.

Let the strength be heroic,
The mind will be sharp as a blade.
And so that it is warmer in the heart
From the sincerity of these lines.

Happy Mother's Day, I hasten to congratulate you! And wish you health, peace, light! Let sadness not touch your beautiful eyes, Let your life be warmed with happiness! And let there always be flowers in the house.

Friends and relatives are sitting, sparkling wine is flowing, and they are left behind long haul. The words are welcoming. Where are your cherished years? What has passed cannot be returned. As a sign of our attention, please accept.

In the coming year, eat sweetly, sleep on feathers, count your profits and wear silk! Remember who runs the show in your life and graciously accept all the good things! Do what it's about.

Poems about love in the family. Wishes for health in verse. Congratulations, poems and wishes / Poems of happiness Poems about love. Poems about love for loved ones and loved ones. Wish good morning in verse.

Woman, your birthday has arrived! I wish you a successful harvest this year. So that all the trees bear wonderful fruits, so that you sell them and make an excellent profit. So that.

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory,
Whatever happens

Without a doubt, poetic wishes are the most popular during birthdays. Happy birthday poems are equally appropriate for both men and women.

It must be said that a rhymed creation can be anything. It might even be personal. At the same time, if desired, it can express sadness and respect, or, on the contrary, be cheerful and humorous.

Happy birthday.
Can there be any doubt?
The fact that you are the best in the world?!
Your BIRTHDAY has arrived -
Open your palms wider
Accept gifts quickly
And, of course, congratulations,
It will be joyful and bright
May you be in the mood today!

The statement has been known for a long time,
What if someone was born, then always,
At the beginning of the night, on his birthday,
A star lights up in the sky.
So don't let your star fade away
And on this day it burns even brighter,
Illuminating your glorious path more and more brightly
And nothing will darken your life!

Happy birthday to you,
The closest, dearest person,
And I wish you health,
Not for a year, but for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness,
Only devotion and love!

Happy birthday
Congratulating you today,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that for many years
To live yet without getting tired,
May these years be good.

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
Just like on this birthday!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
I want you to be young in life
Your wide road
Didn't become a narrow path.
I wish you more love,
Big and pure, like a tear
So that life always smiles
Your happy eyes.

Golden autumn is shining,
Giving the soul a magical light,
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you good, long years
Health, joy, good luck,
Good meetings, cheerful eyes,
Best wishes.

May your breath and singing
And so that the rooks fly forever
And far away, but certainly
With your only shadow

With the first strand that I notice
Still, congratulations.
And with your old friend,
And not a trace in the morning

Memories wander there.
Dry burning firewood.
How long have we known you!
Everyone is cracking and everyone smells like resin.

Let me kiss your hand.
Sing songs in good time:
We have birthday girls.
Greetings, friends,

I'll be the birthday boy!
The one who started the speech had to
Followed by taking candy
Light was added to light.

And darkness for every candle
One thing that we have over the years
Must lighten, and the darkness should not
Everyone seemed to think

He shined in us once.
That he'll light another one
Violin case, violin,
Or maybe a smile.

Not many paintings by ancient masters
I always wanted to decorate my abode,
So that the visitor might superstitiously marvel at them,
Heeding the important judgment of experts.

In my simple corner, amidst slow labors,
I wanted to be forever a spectator of one picture,
One: so that from the canvas, like from the clouds,
Most Pure One and our divine savior -

She with greatness, he with reason in his eyes -
They looked, meek, in glory and in the rays,
Alone, without angels, under the palm of Zion.
My wishes came true. Creator

Sent you to me, you, my Madonna,
The purest beauty, the purest example...
You appeared before me,
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
Years passed.

I wish you many new dresses
To have many new friends
Good luck in the yard and at school
Lots of joy and fun

I wish you happiness and loyal friends
Laugh more less sour
Earn a lot of money -
Good health to you
I wish you to take walks
Along the lanes of joy and happiness

Love to avenues, beauty squares
Along the streets of health and success
More than once I wish you to pass!
Let me congratulate you on your birthday

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