What does the number 17 mean in numerology? The sacred science of two-digit numbers. The meaning of seventeen in numerology

How to lend (borrow) money correctly?

How to borrow (borrow) money correctly?

How to give money correctly?

When is the best time to repay borrowed money?

How to give money correctly in order to receive more?

How to lend (borrow) money correctly.

Perhaps everyone knows at least some signs(or traditions, stereotypes that have developed in our society - call it what you want) associated with occupation And borrowing money. But hardly anyone knows how to lend money correctly, folk signs about this - in as many as there are on this page.

Familiarize yourself with them, follow them, and when you give or borrow money, your security will increase and your feelings of anxiety will decrease.

Lending money without following the rules is as easy as shelling pears. But: this can cost you much more than the money itself that you decided to borrow! And there is nothing surprising here. It's simple. After all, you follow and act according to the signs of folk wisdom that have come to us from the depths of centuries!

So, when you lend money, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Under what Moon, in what phase should you lend money? You cannot lend money during the Waning Moon, that is, during the period from the full moon to the new moon. You need to lend money - during the waxing moon.

By lending money during the Waxing Moon, you thereby smooth out and to some extent neutralize the negative fact that you are parting with your money.

In addition, you need to monitor the phase of the moon when repaying your debt. Make sure (adjust the situation according to time) that the debtor repays you the debt also on the Waxing Moon! This will increase your money!

In general, you need to remember a simple rule: lending money and accepting it, taking the debt back is necessary on the Waxing Moon!

  • All operations for borrowing money and returning them must be carried out in the light. Preferably when sunlight.

    Another sign: You cannot lend money in the evening and at night, after sunset, otherwise your financial luck will be lost in the dark. In the dark, dark forces are activated and can do something evil with you or your money. But, if you still have to do this, if the situation really requires it, then you need to observe the following two signs. 1. turn on the light (or at least shine a flashlight or candle). 2. The one who gives money puts it on the floor. And the one who takes them bends down and picks them up from the floor.

  • You cannot give money and borrow it from hand to hand. You need to put them on the table (but not on the dining table), on the bedside table, on the chest of drawers, on the chair, stool, or, in extreme cases, on the floor or on the ground.

    In a store or market, money for goods and change must be deposited on special stand for money, and if there isn’t one, then just put it on the counter.

    When giving alms, you need to put money in a hat, a glass, or just next to a beggar.

    All this must be done this way because, along with money, it can be transmitted negative energy people, including the energy of poverty, bad luck, damage and other nasty things. When money is not transferred directly from hand to hand, then such black power is neutralized and rendered harmless by the transit point through which the money was transferred.

    Is it possible to put money on the table? Yes, but not for lunch! It is best that, when giving you money, such a person puts it on something wooden: wood has an excellent ability to extinguish bad energy. Well, if you weren’t able to immediately “pass” the money through a “wooden strainer,” do it as soon as you get home or work. Let the bills lie on the “tree” for half an hour - an hour.

  • Which hand should you give money with?Giving you need to give money, as well as give it away right hand. A take - left.

    Have you ever wondered why? It's all about the hemispheres of the brain.

    Left hemisphere is responsible for logic, it also coordinates (in computer terms, it is a driver) the actions of the right hand. Thus, giving / giving money with the right hand - the head thinks what it is doing! The right hemisphere is responsible for emotions, it also coordinates left hand. It turns out that you can take money out of emotion, without really thinking about it.

    But this does not mean that you don’t need to think before borrowing money. Need to! Moreover, the left hemisphere. And only after the decision to borrow money has been made, can you change the left

  • Better do not lend money to a person to whom you owe money or owe him something. He may not repay the debt or delay its return, believing that he has a moral right to do so.
  • Always better give and give away money (bills) not unfolded, but folded. If the bill is simply folded in half, even slightly, that is enough. In this form it can be given and given without worry.

    The bill must be folded so that its ends are facing the person giving it. And if you give money in unfolded form, this means that you, as it were, part with it with all your heart, so to speak... Don’t be shy about giving money away like that.

    Those who do not know about this sign will accept money from you and unfold it themselves. And they won’t tell you anything. (Of course, if you didn’t fold the bills more than once, just in half, or if you didn’t roll them into tubes). And those who know about this will understand and won’t say anything either (after all, for sure, since they know, they themselves will do the same).

    And this sign applies not only to lending money. It is very advisable to always follow it: when you buy something, pay for any services, etc.

  • What banknotes should I use to lend money?? Try to borrow money in the largest denominations you have. Thus, you give away less money (if you count by the number of bills)!

    In addition, make sure that the debt is returned to you in bills of no less denomination than you lent to the debtor. If he intends to do the wrong thing (give it in smaller bills), then tell him that this is a bad omen - let him change it, change it, and give it back, in the bills in which you ask. About the same thing, but from the debtor’s point of view, see here.

  • If you don’t want the debtor to contact you again and again, asking for money all the time then try to give a little more money than he asks. And then be sure to ask him for change! If he doesn’t have anything to give you change, then ask him to exchange your bill for you (another one, not the one you are lending) under any pretext: to travel on public transport, buy sunflower seeds, buy a newspaper, etc.

    Do not spend the banknote received from the borrower, but keep it until he returns the debt to you. When he fully repays the debt to you, return his own banknote to him under any plausible pretext. After such manipulations, this person is very unlikely to turn to you for money again!

  • Set a condition for the person to return the money to you in bills of no less denomination than you gave him. You can use the same bills, you can use larger ones, but you can’t use smaller bills! Otherwise - to poverty: both the one who lent and the one who borrowed! Maybe the debtor himself knows about this rule - then good. But, if he gives away the wrong bills, tell him about it. Let him change the money and repay his debt correctly, according to popular wisdom!
  • Security conspiracies, slander, sentences, whispers that you can whisper when you lend money to follow the signs and protect yourself.

    “Not for loss, but for profit, now I’m giving, then I’ll get double. Exactly!" or “You borrowed, didn’t give back, you, (debtor’s name), attacked the wrong person! Bring it back, bring it yourself! So be it!”

    You need to whisper so that the debtor does not hear!

    When borrowing money, say: “So that you and I will always have more.” This can already be said out loud so that the debtor can hear. Every time you give money to someone, say to yourself: “It’s a pity for the money, but it’s necessary, but for a good cause, yes.” good people. Help and return not to the deadline, but to the time.”

  • It is forbidden, if possible, avoid looking at the person(especially in his eyes) to whom you give or lend money.
  • On what days can you not borrow money?When should you not lend money? Signs about money in this regard, in short, are as follows: money cannot be lent Sunday, Monday And Tuesday. And now about this in more detail.
  • Many people are concerned about the question: on Monday, - after all, this is the beginning of the week and perhaps this means something? Yes, that’s right: on Monday no payments are made and no loans are given either, so that the money does not melt like wax throughout the week.
  • Tuesday- well, the week already started yesterday... So is it possible to lend money on Tuesday? No, popular wisdom says that you can’t borrow money on Tuesday either, otherwise you’ll be in debt all your life!
  • Is it possible to lend money? on Wednesday? Yes, on Wednesday you can. It's the middle of the week and you can do whatever you want.
  • Is it possible to lend money? on Thursday? Yes, on Thursday you can provide the petitioner with money.
  • Is it possible to lend money on Maundy Thursday? No, you can't, because it's a holiday. On Simple Thursday you can borrow, but on Maundy Thursday you can’t!
  • Is it possible to lend money? on Friday? Yes, on Friday you can part with money lent without any fear. On Friday the 13th, of course, there is no need to lend or borrow money.
  • Is it possible to lend money? on good friday? No, you can't, because it's a holiday. On a regular Friday you can borrow, but on Good Friday you can’t!
  • On Friday the 13th On the day of any month, of course, there is no need to lend or borrow money.
  • Is it possible to lend money? on Saturday? Yes, you can, even though it's the end of the week. There's nothing wrong here, don't worry.
  • Is it possible to lend money? on Sunday? It is better not to lend money on Sundays, because there is a very high probability that they simply will not return it to you.
  • Is it possible to lend money (borrow money) for Easter, for Epiphany and in general, for Church Holidays? No, you can't, because it's the holidays. It’s better these days, if they really ask, to simply give money rather than lend it. If you can afford it, of course.
  • And you can’t lend money February 13th. It is not known exactly why. But there is a popular saying about borrowing money.
  • Not very well known signs about money: You can't lend sums of money , which contain two and zero: 2, 20, 200, 220, 2002, 20000, etc. Most likely, this money will not be returned to you.
  • Modern signs: Lend money, especially large sums, on bail and against a receipt.

    By the way, this may interest you:

    How to borrow money correctly: signs.

    • When asking for a loan, first of all, contact your family and friends - so that financial difficulties are resolved within the family. From an energy point of view, this is a redistribution of monetary energy among members of one family, and not attracting someone else’s money luck followed by giving back one's own.
  • You cannot borrow (borrow) money after sunset, at dark time days.
  • You cannot borrow (take) money for waning moon. This is bad both for the one who gives and for the one who borrows money. You need to borrow money (borrow) on the waxing Moon.
  • Which hand should you take money with? Need to take money Left hand
  • How to give money correctly.

    • Repay debt need to smaller bills(less in value) than they were lent). Returning in small bills will be beneficial for the debtor, but bad for the one who lent him the money.

    If you don't want to do better for yourself, but worse than a person who helped you, that is, to win at the expense of another’s loss, then it is better to repay the debt in exactly the same bills in which you borrowed. Thus, you will not upset the balance of light and dark forces. This Option is the most optimal and most often recommended.

    About the same thing, but from the point of view of the one who lends money, see here.

  • Try not to look into the eyes of the person to whom you are giving money or debt.
  • With what hand should you give back money borrowed? They need to give money Right hand! Why - see in detail here.
  • When repaying a monetary debt, say: “So that you and I always have more.” You can say this to yourself, or you can say it out loud so that the person who did you a monetary favor can hear these words.
  • Better to give monetary debt bills folded in half once, rather than unfolded. Why - see more details here.

    When is it better to repay borrowed money?

  • You need to repay the debt in the morning. You cannot repay debts in the evening, especially after sunset!
  • Under what Moon, in what phase should I repay borrowed money? How does the moon phase affect money? There is a popular belief that a debt must be repaid - on the waning moon.

    Return of money to decreasing The moon will have a favorable effect on the debtor, but bad on the one who lent him money.

    If you don’t want to do better for yourself, but worse for the person who helped you, that is, to win at the expense of someone else’s loss, then it’s better to repay the debt on the waxing moon. This way you will not upset the balance of light and dark forces, and will not harm either yourself or your sponsor.

    You may also be interested in signs about how the Moon and Sun influence money.

    On what days of the week can you repay a debt, as well as money borrowed? And on what days is it better not to do this?

    • Is it possible pay off debt on Monday? It is better not to repay any borrowed money on Monday, neither monetary nor ordinary and simple. After all, Monday is the beginning of the week. Start! And it’s better not to start by tearing something away from yourself, even if it’s a duty.
  • Is it possible repay debt on Tuesday? No, you cannot give money on Tuesday! And you can’t borrow on Tuesday either!
  • Is it possible repay debt on Wednesday? Why not? Can! By the way, Wednesday is considered the best day for returning any debts, including monetary ones.
  • Is it possible repay debt on Thursday? There are no folk superstitions about money that would prohibit or recommend paying off money, or any debts, on Thursday. You can give back the borrowed money on Thursday - give it back and don’t be afraid of anything.
  • Is it possible to repay borrowed money? V Maundy Thursday ? But on Maundy Thursday you cannot give away anything, either yours or someone else’s, even if borrowed!
  • Is it possible to repay debt on Friday? Yes, on Friday you can pay off any debts, including monetary ones.
  • Is it possible to repay a debt, borrowed money? on Good Friday? No, on Good Friday you cannot take, give, or lend anything at all.
  • Is it possible pay off a debt on Saturday? Yes, you can pay off any debts on Saturday!
  • Is it possible repay debt on Sunday? No, neither debt nor money borrowed can be repaid on Sunday!
  • Is it possible to repay money borrowed (repay the debt) for Easter, for Epiphany and in general, for Church Holidays? No you can't because they are big church holidays! And at this time you cannot settle any scores!
  • How to give money correctly in order to receive more.

    When lending money, do it easily and without regret.

    Think that you are helping the person. But only such emotions should come from the heart, be sincere, and not fake for oneself. And then the boomerang law will work - and you will be rewarded for your good deeds!

    But, again, don’t think about these “bonuses” that fate will owe you. You are simply doing a good deed. Whether you receive a reward for this or not is not your concern at all. You already feel good because you are doing good. Well, somehow with this attitude...

    And one more thing: you need to receive money with joy, and give it without regret. Then the money will return to you again and again and in greater and greater quantities!

    About lending and borrowing money in general.

    How much money can you lend?

    You need to lend as much money as you are willing to lose. That is, when you lend money, you may be parting with it forever. How much are you willing to part with so that it does not affect (not affect too much) your financial situation?

    If they ask you for more money than you are ready to “throw away just like that,” then you need to seriously think about it. And if you decide to lend so much, then with the execution of documents: a loan agreement, a receipt for borrowing money, a pledge agreement.

    Popular wisdom says that It is better to lend money to other people than to borrow money yourself .

    Because the one who is in debt - albeit with money, but on a mental, energetic level - is lower than the one from whom he borrowed, although he physically lost the money. But the lender, by lending, started a cash flow: according to the laws of the Universe, the one who gives must receive what is his, plus even more (interest).

    Well, do you remember everything?

    If not, be sure to print these out for yourself. signs about money which explain how to put them correctly give and borrow, and slowly learn everything.

    In general, since there are such signs, it means that there is something in it. Folk wisdom and all that...

    And it’s better to follow these signs. Even if you don't believe in them. Why? Just in case!

    Video on the topic of the article. Complements it. Be sure to watch!

    “When is it better to give money and repay the debt?”

    “The magic of money, we attract wealth with a penny.”

    “Sorry, please, but I don’t lend on Mondays,” the woman, a little embarrassed, but firmly refused to her neighbor in the entrance in response to her request to lend. - This is a bad omen. Come tomorrow." The petitioner nodded as a sign of understanding, but at the same time she was taken aback by surprise: this is the 21st century, and the dark prejudices of the past are still tenacious. As she was leaving, she noticed that near the threshold... there was a coin stuck, and this only added to the confidence that her neighbor was an unfortunate victim of superstition.

    It is possible that some of you thought the same thing. But don't rush to conclusions. What we are accustomed to attributing to signs, superstitions, prejudices, etc., actually has its own deep meaning.

    Our ancestors also noticed that if you borrow money or repay the debt on the “wrong” day, then for some inexplicable reasons financial affairs could go wrong for a long time: no matter how hard you try to earn money after that, capital flows away like water. “Coincidence,” the skeptics will object. Maybe so. What if not?

    When is it better not to lend?

    In Rus', people never really borrowed money on Mondays: it was considered bad. sign. Our ancestors were sure that if you did not follow it, then the whole week would be spent (at best). In the worst case scenario, lack of money could hang over the family for a long time, and it would be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

    “Come tomorrow,” the neighbor said to our heroine. That is on Tuesday. Apparently, she did not know that the second day of the week is also not very favorable for lending. Tuesday in this regard did not promise a financial collapse in the literal sense, but it foreshadowed the onset of difficult times when the “creditor” himself would find himself deeply in debt.

    Well, what if on Monday or Tuesday you needed funds for urgent needs (for example, for surgery)? Is it really possible to refuse a person and be considered heartless? No way. Only when you hand over the money, do this: as if accidentally drop it on the floor, and the person to whom it is intended must pick it up. The same ritual should be performed when you are asked to borrow money in the evening, no matter what day it is.

    There is one more day of the week - Sunday, on which it is also undesirable to borrow. People believe that the debtor simply will not return them. Or you will have to run after him for a long time. Be careful with “lending” if a person to whom you owe something in life comes to you with his need. For example, someone who helped solve a delicate problem “through an acquaintance” or helped with employment. It is possible that he will not rush to repay the debt (he may even forget about it), since, in turn, he also perceives you as his debtor.

    It is not welcome to lend money to very poor people who survive, as they say, from bread to water. It is believed that when a representative of this category repays his debt, he will “in addition” transfer part of the energy-information aura of his own troubles, which threatens failures for the creditor himself, that is, you. In such cases, it is better not to lend, but to provide the person with all possible financial assistance. How more people He helps the poor with money, the more he receives - a sign that has been proven many times in practice.

    And most importantly: whenever you lend (even if you violate all the “instructions”), do it from the bottom of your heart. People believed that if financial assistance is not provided from the heart, but only because it is “inconvenient to refuse,” this can hit both sides: the one asking for it will not really solve his problem, and the giver himself will end up in debt.

    Borrow and return. Which is correct?

    It is correct to borrow money and then return it to the owner. This will not only save clear conscience the borrower, but also... will attract money to him, eliminating the need to resort to someone else's financial assistance in the future.

    First, don’t be lazy to look at the calendar. Not only to find out whether it is Monday or Tuesday, but also to find out the phase of the moon. If she is “young”, then you can borrow with a calm heart. It is advisable to repay debt when the moon is full. Much depends on which hand you take and give money with: it is better to do the first with your left, and the second with your right. Perhaps the borrower asked you to bring the debt in the evening. Don't do this. Apologize and say you will return it in the morning. Paying for the night is not considered useful - and for both parties.

    If you borrowed a large amount in large bills, it is advisable to return it in banknotes of a smaller denomination. And again, look at the calendar: it is important that it is not on Friday. Thank the person who helped you not only out loud, but also in your soul, saying something like “God grant that you will always have plenty of money and may I never run out of it.”

    People often borrow money for the New Year holidays because they want to buy a lot, but don’t have enough money. You may not believe this, but our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were sure: to borrow money last days of the outgoing year (or, even worse, on the first day of the new one) is fraught with the fact that for the next twelve months you will have to live in “eternal” debtors.

    When borrowing money, objectively assess your capabilities and whether you can repay the money on time. Many, by the way, therefore prefer to turn not to banks, but to relatives and friends, because they are subconsciously determined that if they fail to pay on time, no one will impose sanctions for this. Of course, people close to you will not send debt collectors to the unfortunate debtor. However, people believe that by delaying the return, the debtor is punishing himself: the dissatisfaction of those whom he voluntarily let down creates a certain negative aura around him, which “scares away” money from him, and he will never have enough of it .

    Finance does not like bragging

    Mikhail M, 40 years old, lived on one salary all his life. She was never big and therefore burdened the man. Repeated attempts to make money on the side did not end in success. Luck came unexpectedly: he found a part-time job that stunned him with its possibilities. It happened that he received two months of his salary a week. The “dizziness from success” turned out to be so strong that he could not resist the temptation to tell two close friends about his earnings, who were also burdened by their low-paid positions. There was no boasting on his part in the literal sense of the word: the man simply shared his joy, without emphasizing or hinting in any way that they were failures and he was succeeding. But that joy did not last long. Mikhail planned to make repairs, but his wife became seriously ill and all funds began to go towards treatment. Torn between home, hospital and work, he began to let his employers down and they began to refuse to cooperate with him. The treatment was still ongoing, but the stash had dried up. I had to go into debt...

    This life story eloquently confirms one of the popular sayings: money doesn’t like people bragging about it. How much someone earns is a personal, almost intimate matter for everyone. There is no need for outsiders to know how much your budget operates, not to mention the sources of its replenishment. In the case of Mikhail, he was probably envied by his friends, who simply did not have such opportunities to earn money. It is possible that they did this unwittingly, but the fact remains. Therefore, it is better to “cry” for money once again, complain that there is a catastrophic lack of it (they just like this more), than to boast about your financial capabilities.

    Signs for successful trading

    In the market, the working day usually starts early. Sellers are laying out their goods and are already eyeing potential buyers. Everyone wants the man (or guy) to be the first. People believe that if the stronger sex takes the initiative, then trade will go like clockwork. After this, be sure to swipe your money over the laid out item. If the first purchase was made by a woman, then don’t be too upset. Just hide the money she paid with somewhere far away and try not to give change to anyone.

    But let's get back to the product layout. There should be no chaos on your counters. Lay it out slowly, saying at the same time: “My product is facing people, and I am doing well next to it.” Many attentive buyers notice that a familiar seller wears the same clothes almost every day. There is simply a sign that if you often wash the clothes you stand behind the counter, then all the “luck” will be washed off from them and trade will not generate income. But do not rush to reproach a person for uncleanliness: a neat seller treats his clothes with care. But an unkempt one is visible from afar - he manages to put dirt on his apron or robe on the very first day of work.

    Regardless of whether you traded successfully today or not, on the way home, give alms to the first poor person you meet. Let the hand of the giver never fail, they say in Russia. And this is the honest truth! Because good always comes back good. As for calculating profits from trading, put off this important matter until the morning. The same, by the way, applies to any profit - fees, bonuses, dividends, etc. Otherwise, people say, financial well-being may shake.

    So that there is always money

    • Don't want to suffer from financial problems? Take the largest denomination banknote that is in the house, and three days before the full moon, put it under the carpet, not forgetting to take it out when the night luminary departs.
    • Drill a hole in three coins of any denomination, through which thread a thread or cord (preferably red) and carry this unique talisman with you. True, it is more for successful trading, but they say it helps everyone who will often pick it up, thinking about the growth of their income.
    • Have you decided to give a wallet or purse to a loved one? Place a coin there so that your gift is never empty.
    • Don't let children whistle at home. Especially in the room. It is believed that money does not like this, and they will avoid this house.
    • Trim your nails only on Tuesdays and Fridays - this means money!
    • Money loves counting. Spend them wisely and then you won’t be sad about the fact that you allegedly don’t buy “anything like that” and your wallet is empty.
    • Money loves order. In a wallet or other place, they should be neatly folded and preferably facing the owner. Wrinkled banknotes should be straightened.
    • Do not sweep crumbs off the table with your hand. Otherwise, your family's wealth may be shaken.
    • Don't leave empty bottles on the table - your wallet will be at risk of emptying.
    • Don't have the habit of sitting on a table. People say: to poverty.
    • Take out the trash only in the first half of the day. And if in the evening you decide to sweep it over the threshold, then the wealth will also be swept out of the house.

    Signs and customs for any nation are a whole cultural heritage, the accumulated experience of many generations. Today, signs are not given much importance, and many people don’t even think about what chain of events is behind this or that custom. Signs and signs appeared in ancient times, when a person had to grasp connections between individual phenomena in order to survive. After all, how else would people know that the harbinger of rain is a swallow flying low over the water, and a cat diligently hiding its nose is a sign of approaching frost. People looked closely at natural phenomena, animals, found the use of signs in everyday life and relationships. Money was no exception.

    To believe or not to believe?

    Today, not everyone follows signs concerning material wealth, considering them pure superstitions. Or they follow signs mechanically, acting out of habit. Meanwhile, signs and customs are the results of observations and conclusions of our ancestors about the world around us. People have been following many omens for hundreds of years, which means they can make our existence easier and more pleasant. Moreover, signs associated with money are aimed only at ways to exaggerate them.

    Not a single housewife in Rus' could imagine how to properly lend money without observing the rules. To believe money signs or not to believe them today is a personal matter for each person. However, knowing some of them is not at all harmful, especially since, according to Einstein, information imprinted in the brain can materialize and bring good luck even to those who do not believe in it.

    The most important signs and customs regarding material wealth are associated with debts. After all, in order to increase your wealth or not lose it, you need to learn to behave courteously with money and not throw it away. Otherwise, they will not stay with the person for long, his fortune will be dispersed among debtors or squandered on trifles. Then what is the correct way to lend money? Signs associated with debts and their repayment have accumulated over centuries.

    Rules for saving money

    Let's look at the most popular money signs. Even modern grandmothers do not know how to give and borrow money correctly without observing these customs and omens. These traditions have been followed for several hundred years, and may continue to be followed by many future generations.

    • With the right hand they lend money, with the left they take it.
    • When lending money, it is better not to put it on the table.
    • Money borrowed on Sunday will not be returned.
    • If you lend on Monday, the money returned will be squandered on trifles.
    • How to lend money on Tuesday? The best thing is not to give at all. If you lend on Tuesday, you can spend your whole life in debt.
    • When accepting a debt, you need to squeeze the fig in your pocket or behind your back with your left hand.
    • It is better not to lend or borrow from hand to hand; the money should be placed on the floor.
    • You cannot borrow money on the 13th or 31st of any month.
    • How to lend money in large denominations? When borrowing a banknote, you should warn the debtor to repay the debt in bills of the same denomination, not smaller ones.
    • People don't borrow money at Christmas or Easter.
    • If a beggar asks for money, then you must give it to him, and you must say: “Pray to Christ, he will give you more.”
    • A beggar cannot be given paper bills; he is supposed to give only small coins, so as not to become rich only with small change.

    What to do in the evening with debts

    One of the most common money signs is to avoid any manipulations with money in the evening. But hopeless situations often occur that confuse particularly superstitious people who find it difficult not to follow customs. For such cases, there are also rules. How to lend money in the evening?

    It’s very simple, the main thing is not to pass them from hand to hand. It's better to put it on the floor or cabinet. But not on dining table! Although, if you delve deeper into the study folk customs, it was not customary to lend money, not just in the evening, but at sunset. It was believed that this would lead to a decrease in prosperity and impoverishment. For the same reasons, it was not recommended to give salt or bread in the evening.

    When wondering how to borrow money correctly, it is important to remember the main rule - to give with a pure heart. It is better to wish the person good luck and hope that this money will benefit him or help him. Otherwise, negative emotions will return to the borrower a hundredfold, and the money will be wasted, or even not returned at all.

    How to lend money correctly from an astrological point of view

    It turns out that cash flows are subject not only to the magic of omens, but also to astrology. This science also assumes that material goods have strong energy, so astrologers have developed some algorithms, following which will allow you not to lose your well-being.

    First of all, in order to know when and how to lend money correctly, you need to choose the appropriate days. According to astrology, certain phases of the moon affect the movement of energy financial flows. The days of the waning moon are not suitable for borrowing money - there is a high risk of being left without repayment.

    Astrologers do not recommend borrowing money during the waxing moon. As the star grows, so will the debts. As for the days of the week, Monday and Tuesday are the least suitable for borrowing money. The remaining days are considered neutral and do not in any way affect the repayment of debts or their accumulation.

    To give or not to give?

    A popular saying goes: “To give a debt is to lose a friendship.” Most often, money is lent to fairly close people, to those who know each other well. These could be relatives, friends, colleagues. But the debt is not always returned. The reason for this is unforeseen circumstances. Financial difficulties due to dismissal from work or serious illness may delay loan repayment. Sometimes money is borrowed for too long long term and they simply forget about it. Often, it becomes difficult for those who must return the money to part with it, because they are borrowing someone else’s property, but have to give back their own.

    This is why some financial advisors advise borrowing exactly the amount you don’t mind parting with. You can mentally determine in advance the threshold that you wouldn’t mind giving to this particular person asking for it. Only then, in the event of unpleasant circumstances, will it be easier to part with this amount and not be too seriously upset. And to those who have not repaid the debt, one can quite sincerely wish good luck and material success. And do not make such transactions with this person again.

    It is better to lend without a receipt only to those people to whom you can give the money irrevocably and not remember them with an unkind word after that. Otherwise, you should not be lazy and do everything according to the rules. This rule becomes new sign: When borrowing money, you should take a receipt.


    How to lend money against a receipt? A receipt is a document confirming receipt cash those to whom they lend. The receipt has the same force as a debt loan agreement and can serve as a supporting document in court if things take a serious turn.

    So very often, when borrowing money, both parties do not draw up a full-fledged agreement, but are limited to a receipt. This is a one-sided document in which the borrower confirms the receipt of funds. There are no clear rules regarding the content of the receipt and the rules for its execution. However, there are still points that should be adhered to in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

    How to do everything right

    The first thing to consider is the way the receipt is written. It is written only by the one who takes the money, and always with his own hand. Computer or typewritten text is not allowed, because if the case goes to court, it will be necessary to establish the authorship of the document. It is not always possible to determine from one signature that the receipt was written by the debtor.

    Data in the receipt

    So, the borrower writes a text in his own hand, which must necessarily contain the following points:

    1. Personal data of both parties, including full name, registration and residence addresses, passport details.
    2. Date and place of transfer of funds.
    3. The full loan amount in numbers and words. This prerequisite, since there is always a risk for the borrower when extra zeros are added to his receipt. Sometimes amounts are indicated in foreign currency equivalents.
    4. If the loan is issued with interest, then it is necessary to accurately describe the procedure for calculating interest and the conditions for their payment.
    5. Debt repayment period.
    6. Conditions for calculating fines for failure to repay on time (at the request of the one who gives the loan).
    7. The receipt is signed by the borrower, followed by a full transcript.

    It will be useful to involve witnesses in drawing up the receipt. They may also indicate their presence by signing at the end of the document. Their testimony will be useful when legal proceedings if necessary.

    How to lend money correctly: conclusion

    Still, you need to try to avoid situations in which you have to lend. Money does not favor the owners, who hand it out left and right; they may get offended and leave for someone else. It is quite difficult to answer the question of how to properly lend money, because situations vary. Therefore, it is better to borrow from the closest people and really necessary cases, or draw up a promissory note.

    More best option– do not keep large sums of money at home. They have no place under a pillow or in a closet; they should not lie like a dead weight. Today there are many investment instruments that can increase your investment. Make money work, and it will definitely help its thrifty and enterprising owner.

    BORROWING AND PAYING DEBT ON THE MOON ==================================== So, favorable days when to borrow money so that you can easily return it later, taking into account the lunar calendar. These are the 2nd, 8th, 24th and 27th lunar days, and also do not miss the 14th lunar day (if the full moon does not fall on it), it is extremely important for starting any important business. Everything started on these lunar days succeeds brilliantly. Popular beliefs do not recommend making payments (both taking and giving) on ​​loans on Sunday and Monday. But as a ritual for attracting wealth, they recommend “borrowing money from someone for the new month, and giving it for the bad month.” If you take out a loan on the 2nd or 8th lunar day, and not just like that, but with the thought that I’m not taking out a loan, but performing a ritual to improve my well-being, the effect can be amazing. Popular wisdom also recommends taking money (in the case of a loan, a signed loan agreement, or a credit card upon receipt) with your left hand. Unfavorable days for borrowing or borrowing money. A popular saying says: “Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt for the rest of your life.” It is strictly not recommended to take out loans on the 1st, 6th, 11th lunar day; on this day there is a great danger of overlooking something important in the contract in small print, 15th lunar days(during the full moon, emotionality is increased and this can prevent you from making a thoughtful, cold-blooded decision) and the 23rd lunar day. On the 9th, 19th, 29th lunar days it is best not to sign any important documents, contracts, not to get involved in risky adventurous projects. In addition, folk signs do not recommend: - taking out loans for pregnant women - “the child will live in debt.” - borrow amounts that are divisible by two. When is the best time to repay debts and pay off loans? Avoid payments on Mondays; popular wisdom also warns against evening payments. Make loan payments only in the morning and afternoon (until 18.00). 19th and 21st lunar days - better time for loan payments and debt repayment, usually the loan should be repaid each month by a certain date, try to choose one of these lunar days in this interval for payments. Also, popular wisdom recommends giving back borrowed money only with your right hand. It is necessary to be active, to take quick and decisive actions in the fire signs of the moon, i.e. when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Moon in earth signs zodiac sign (Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) contributes to practical, analytical work. It is best to conduct important negotiations, arrange meetings and presentations when the Moon is in air signs zodiac (Moon in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). Moon in water signs zodiac (Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is a great time for creative people, for doing art and for charitable activities. And a little more folk wisdom for attracting wealth into your life. - To keep money around: keep some money under the tablecloth - there will be money in the house. - Money loves counting. But just don’t count the money that’s in your piggy bank. Also, do not count your money in the evening. -The money in the wallet must be kept in order: so that there is no crumpling, first bills of one denomination, then bills of another denomination. Money different countries(for example, rubles and dollars) are not put together, only in different sections of the wallet. -Hold the broom with the whisk pointing up. -Money goes away like water: you can’t have faulty plumbing in your house, because the money will go away with the water. -Close the toilet with a lid to prevent money from leaking out. -Do not pick up any small change you find. Well, that's it! Modern money signs and advice HOW TO LOAN MONEY CORRECTLY “Debts have been crushed to the ground.” Proverb First of all, it is important to remember that money requires a special attitude: it “does not go” to those who tremble over every penny, but frivolous people who do not know its value are avoided. Think: do you know how to give and borrow? Both have great value in our relationships with the world of finance. If you are ready to lend money to anyone who approaches you, but you yourself are unable to ask friends or acquaintances for a favor, or, conversely, if you easily borrow, although you yourself do not like to give, or simply do not tolerate any debt relationships, you cannot avoid financial problems. Determine the amount you are willing to borrow if necessary and what you can afford to borrow, and never cross that line. Moreover, having lent money, internally part with it: do not remind the debtor, do not ask, do not demand. They don't like money. Every time you give money to someone, say to yourself: “It’s a pity for the money, but it’s needed, but for a good cause, and for good people. Help and return not to the deadline, but to the time.” Rules for lending money Rule one - do not lend money in the evening. Rule two - they don’t give money on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Rule three - they don’t give money on Epiphany, other holidays, February 13 and some other “bad” days of the year. Rule four - when you borrow money, keep it right hand When getting back, take it with your left. Rule five - put the money directly into the asking person’s hand, in a neat pile, so that he doesn’t drop it or scatter it while counting it. If he nevertheless drops the bills or stumbles, or the moment of transferring the money there is some other hitch (for example, his phone rings). mobile phone), immediately say the following words to yourself three times: “If anyone is to blame, my money will come back!” - otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for debt repayment: your debtor will find hundreds good reasons so as not to repay your debt. Well, if you yourself manage to drop or scatter money, immediately say to yourself: “Powerful, powerful, my treasury!” Rule six - do not lend money for any amount that is expressed by the number 2 and zeros - 20, 200, 2000, 20000, etc. These amounts are not returned. Numerology of monetary amounts There is also a numerological catch: certain amounts tend to “leak” out of your hands. Or, having left, they don’t think of coming back. I’ll say more: every number “provokes” something. So, “2” (20, 200, 2000, ...) goes away forever, and when it appears, it does not bring good. “3” - does not accumulate, but can give good luck. “4” - stable, although it does not give scope. "5" - very monetary number, suitable for talismans, games, roulette (easy to spend, but brings happiness). “6” - average: modest, without chic. “7” is almost a misfortune (meaning for money). “8” is a wheel, either of miracles, or of losses and trials, but not a “Ferris wheel”: it’s either pan or gone... “9” is a rather spiritual number, which means it is not conducive to accumulation. Rule seven - do not lend money after dark, otherwise your financial success will get lost in the darkness. Rule eight - count out the required amount in the largest bills, while trying to give a little more - and be sure to ask for change. And if your borrower has nothing to give in change, then at least ask them to change you a ten or other bill under any pretext: there is no change to pay in the morning in a minibus or buy cigarettes at a kiosk. Hide the banknote received from the borrower and keep it until he repays the debt to you; try to return exactly that bill to him under any plausible pretext if you do not want him to ask for a loan again. Rule nine - money is given as collateral! Of course, we are all shy and tactful! How to ask for a deposit or receipt from loved one?! And how many were then “pricked” by their own husbands? Sharing, for example, an apartment that was bought with the mother-in-law’s money! In a word, this is a rule for the unscrupulous. Alas! The rest will be embarrassed, but in vain! Rule ten - share! May the hand of the giver never fail! Donate to the poor, to the church, charity pays off: give more, more will come! “Benefits bring benefit and benefit not so much to those who receive as to those who give, since they give them boldness before God” (St. John Chrysostom). Rule eleven - the part given - tax, tithe, alms, assistance to relatives should not exceed 30% of the total income. This does not mean that by giving more you will go around the world, but what is the general financial condition, most likely, will worsen - checked! Rule twelve - don’t try to make money for someone! Even when getting money for a child’s education, one must think like this: I am earning money for myself, since I am a parent, I am obliged to fulfill my parental duty and put my child on his feet. By the way, in Germany many parents support children under 21 years of age. Rule thirteen - do not ask God for money! True, in the conspiracies there are the words: “Give me, Lord, money!” But the conspiracy is done to strengthen and increase one’s own capabilities. This is not a prayer, not a direct request! You can directly ask for work, conditions, etc. You can pray for your daily bread - in a figurative sense, this is money. Rule fourteen - make the most of opportunities. Don’t pass by; if you ignore one, two, three situations that can generate income, you cease to be of interest to the guardian angel who is trying to help. He will decide that you don’t need it and will stop providing support in financial matters! Rule fifteen - look for opportunities yourself! Look for the use of your knowledge and abilities, send information about yourself to enterprises throughout the company. Even if you have tried all the options and have achieved nothing now, tomorrow your search today will be justified: “Seek and you will find.”

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