What happened to Buzova, did the nose do. Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery: all the transformations of the former blonde and real singer. The presenter's opinion on plastic surgery

Olga Buzova is a famous TV presenter, a confident participant in modern domestic show business. Like many other stars, the girl always takes care of her appearance and tries to remain beautiful and charming, to have ideal proportions of her face and body, thanks to cosmetology methods and plastic surgery.

But fans always pay attention to any little things in the life of an idol, good and bad changes. Therefore, transformations, especially on Buzova’s face and figure, are always visible and discussed by many, thanks to numerous photographs of the star, which often appear in the media.

The star was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1986. Mother and father were military personnel. Therefore, she and her sister were raised strictly. At the age of three, she can already read, her parents take her to English and developmental clubs. At the age of 5, Olga enters the gymnasium, graduating with a silver medal in 2002.

After graduating from high school, she enters the University of St. Petersburg. In 2004, the recruitment of participants for the TV show “Dom-2” was successful. In “Dom-2” Buzova showed herself fully and, to the surprise of everyone, lasted longer at the construction site of the relationship than other participants: about 4.5 years. During the time spent on the set, Buzova managed to graduate state institute excellent.

Also from 2004 to 2008 Olga writes books, takes courses as a makeup artist, acts in television projects, masters acting. In 2008, she tries to perform as a singer. Since 2011, information has appeared in the media about the actress’s relationship with Dmitry Tarasov, a Lokomotiv football player. At the beginning of his acquaintance with the TV presenter, Dmitry was married and raising a daughter.

After two months of dating, Dmitry proposes to her for marriage. The wedding took place in June 2012. The family existed for 4 years. In the last months of 2016, the divorce took place. The latest news that shocked fans is the relationship between the TV presenter and Timur Baltrudinov.

A few days ago, Baltrudinov’s statement about his wedding with Olga, which will take place on October 28, 2018, appeared. But this ceremony will take place only if they do not find true love. What operations did Olga perform and how she changed after plastic surgery, we will consider further.

What Olga looked like before her appearance transformation

For the first time, the viewer saw Buzova in the television project “Dom-2”. At the age of 18, the girl appeared as a romantic student with bleached hair and a thick layer of self-tanning applied to her body. But most often the girl used the services of a solarium. In addition to this, there were extended nails, painted in bright colors. Olga adhered to the style of the doll with elements of copying the image of Britney Spears.

Chose clothes pink color, besides, it was airy, bright and covered in sparkles.

While building a relationship, the girl constantly experimented with her hair: she cut and extended her hair, braided pigtails and inserted shiny threads into them. She had thin lips and a small mouth, a pointed and elongated nose.

First plastic surgery

Most of the project colleagues have repeatedly made changes to their appearance using plastic surgery. But Olga lasted a very long time, remaining a supporter of natural beauty. The first change occurred after my divorce from my husband. Olga could not resist such “therapy”, which most girls resort to when they want to break with an unsuccessful past.

Buzova could allow drastic changes to be made, but having a sense of proportion, she made a small correction. At the age of 29 she decides to change the shape and size of her lips. She did this in stages and little by little, so that the lip enlargement can only be seen through photographs.

Cosmetology experts claim that such changes are most likely the result of the use of hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

Beauty injections for wrinkles (Botox, fillers)

Comparing what Buzova looks like before and after plastic surgery, changes in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds are noticeable in early and recent photos. The designated pits became noticeably smaller, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead disappeared. Nasolabial folds were also corrected using hyaluronic acid fillers. Previously, they gave the face a slightly predatory and tired expression.

And now, with the addition of volume to the cheekbone area, the face has acquired expressiveness. Age-related changes lead to the fact that the facial muscles become hypertonic, resulting in the formation of a large number of facial muscles. But they are absent on the girl’s face. This indicates botulinum therapy.

Dark circles under the eyes are removed using mesotherapy, which Olga most likely performed more than once. The procedure is carried out using subcutaneous injections, during which nutrition of the epidermal cells is provided useful substances and vitamins. The complexion becomes better, dark circles under the eyes disappear and the patient looks younger.

Due to age-related changes The body's production of its own hyaluronic acid decreases, and the skin begins to fade.

Cheek contour contouring

Comparing what Buzova looks like before and after plastic surgery, the photos indicate that the actress resorted to correction of her cheekbones. They have become more pointed and emphasized. To give this shape to the cheekbones, fillers should be injected. Using cheekbone contouring, plastic surgeons correct appearance defects and eliminate the cause of psychological discomfort.

With this cosmetic procedure you can quickly and safely add expressiveness to your facial features. Cheekbone contouring is considered one of the most popular procedures. During this process, a special gel or filler is injected into the skin. On a positive note This type of assistance is considered to have a short rehabilitation period and no need to implant artificial implants under the skin.

Hyaluronic acid, which lies at the base of the filler, retains moisture in the cells and gives the necessary volume to facial features. In addition, the acid encourages the body to independently produce collagen fibers, which makes the skin smooth and elastic. The administration of such a drug most often does not lead to the appearance of allergic reactions and other undesirable consequences.

Since the material is injected deep enough into the periosteum, the filler is securely fixed and there is no possibility of moving under the skin. After the injection of fillers in the cheekbones, folds and wrinkles disappear, the shape of the face is corrected and a sharp chin is removed. The procedure for correcting cheekbones is carried out regardless of gender.

This is an opportunity not only to improve your visual condition, but also to increase your self-esteem.

The introduction of fillers helped make facial features sharper and more expressive. The photographs show that everything was done carefully and, most importantly, in compliance with the measures. In Olga’s photographs it is noticeable that her face has become aristocratically refined. This suggests that the actress removed “Bisha lumps.”

Lip augmentation

At the beginning of last year, journalists noticed a new change in Buzova’s appearance. Until then, she had thin lips, which she painted in bright colors lipstick. The lips have become more expressive, which cannot be achieved with makeup. Consequently, the actress resorted to plastic surgery.

In this case, Olga also did not overdo it and did not overpump her lips, she only made them seductive and appetizing.

Looking through Olga's old and new photographs, you can be convinced of this and notice that she enlarged them more than once. Lip contouring is performed using hyaluronic acid. It is a natural substance for the body and does not cause allergic reactions. The disadvantage of this procedure is its temporary effect and the need to repeat it after 8-12 months.


Speaking about her own appearance in numerous interviews in past years, Buzova constantly noted that she was not happy with the shape of her nose. Currently, the celebrity's nose has become more neat and even.

To change the shape of the nose, you have to undergo rhinoplasty. But photos of Buzova before and after plastic surgery show that the thirst for improvement and attention from the public and journalists prompted the TV presenter to decide on such drastic actions. In the end, everything ended well, and Olga appeared in a new look.

What other changes have occurred?

If you compare photos of Buzova before and after plastic surgery, it is noticeable that she has lost weight. As a participant in the television project “Dom-2”, Buzova did not have a toned figure. After she left the TV project she lost about 7 kg and became a regular gym goer.

After leaving the television project “Dom-2”, Olga Buzova radically changed her appearance. This concerns the TV presenter’s noticeable weight loss.

Olga never tires of showing off her ideal figure in a huge number of pictures in which you can see her pumped up abs. However, weight loss also led to a decrease in breast size. As a result, she began to receive recommendations to resort to mammoplasty.

Buzova does not agree with this and firmly rejected the topic of bust enlargement with the words: that whoever needs big breasts, let him do it. But Olga likes hers. She skillfully selects swimsuits that visually increase breast volume. These are swimsuits with large bows and foam cups.

How much do surgeries cost?

Depending on their income, people make changes to their appearance in different ways.

Approximate costs The procedures performed by Olga in Moscow are as follows:

  • Rhinoplasty – from 70,000 to 150,000 rubles;
  • Contour plastic surgery of cheekbones – 20,000 rubles;
  • Lip augmentation – 18,000 rubles;
  • Removal of Bisha lumps – RUB 48,155;
  • Botulinum therapy – 20,000 rubles;
  • Mesotherapy – from 800 to 18,000 rubles.

Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery. Photo

At the beginning of her career, Olga had thin, average lips and the same ordinary cheekbones. But after the intervention of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, the singer surprises her fans with appetizing, plump, juicy lips and very expressive cheekbones. In addition, nasolabial folds have become less noticeable with age.

All this can be corrected with the help of proper makeup, but it is not possible to achieve such results without plastic surgery. Fans more and more often began to notice in the photo that Buzova before and after plastic surgery began to look like ex-wife Dmitry Tarasov. The new hairstyle gave her even more resemblance.

What Buzova says about her plastic surgery

According to Olga, the girl did not consider herself a beauty since childhood, she was dissatisfied with the shape of her nose and the size of her lips, but she fell in love with herself for who she is. Olga was an ardent opponent of surgical intervention and always advocated natural beauty.

She said that the main thing for a girl is to be able to demonstrate herself to the whole world, because her advantages can be emphasized with the help good makeup and clothes.

Judging by the latest photos, the star clearly changed her mind and decided to make more drastic changes. The hair color, the shape of the nose, cheekbones, and the size of the lips have undergone changes. But she never did what many expected. The breast size remained the same, as can be seen by comparing Olga before and after plastic surgery in the photo.

New image

After the divorce, Olga turns from a bright blonde to an equally bright brunette. Olga dresses according to the latest fashion trends. According to Buzova, she achieved the image that she dreamed of as a child. The girl became bright and famous. Her statements on Instagram indicate that she considers her new style noble and emphasizing the figure.

Now she is an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, monitors her health, and plays sports. Olga’s new image topped the ranking of the most discussed Internet news, and her hairstyle became a trend and is in greatest demand in all hair salons in the country.

Not all fans agree with the changes that have taken place and their attitude towards Buzova before and after plastic surgery while watching latest photos changes for many to negative. But this does not hinder her successful future career.

Video: Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery

Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery, photo selection in the video:

Find out how the shape of Olga Buzova’s nose has changed in the video:

Olga Buzova is famous among the public of different ages as a participant in the Dom-2 project. She became popular thanks to her irrepressible charisma and activity. The girl changed not only her occupation, but also her image. Many fans of Olga’s work are interested in how she managed to achieve such dramatic changes in her appearance.

Brief biography

Olga Buzova is one of the most recognizable and popular participants in the reality show “Dom-2”. The girl spent 4 years on the project and during her stay even managed to publish two books: “A Romance with Buzova” and “The Thing About the Hairpin.” Later, Olga becomes the host of a sensational television project and the chief editor of a magazine of the same name.

Later, the girl participates in other projects popular on the TNT channel. More recently, the star tried herself as a singer and it seems that this type of activity hooked Olga. Currently, she is not only a popular TV presenter, but also an actress and volunteer.

Olga Buzova - popular TV presenter and singer

In 2009, the girl was among the top three winners and, based on voting results, became the best presenter in Russia.

In 2010, Olga takes part in the play. She makes her debut in the production of “Gorgeous Wedding”, replacing Maria Kozhevnikova. The TV presenter also took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project.

Children's and youth photos

Olga Buzova in her school years Olga Buzova as a teenager Olga Buzova in her youth Olga Buzova in childhood

The presenter's opinion on plastic surgery

The TV presenter denies all rumors about plastic surgery. Olga claims that she is satisfied with everything about her appearance, and she is not going to change anything. The girl says that she never considered herself a beauty, but despite this she was popular among the stronger sex.

The star had an affair with one of the participants in the sensational project. Olga met with Roman Tretyakov, but the relationship ended in a quick separation. Then the TV presenter married famous football player, but the marriage, unfortunately, soon broke up.

Olga Buzova met Roman Tretyakov on the Dom-2 project

What experts and ordinary people say

Fans of Olga’s work are confident that the girl’s appearance has changed dramatically over the past few years. First, the TV presenter decided to change her image by dyeing her hair color from light to dark. The star didn't stop there. She completely changed her wardrobe. Professional make-up turned a simple girl into a celebrity. However, cosmetics and a change in hair color alone are not enough, according to plastic surgeons.

Olga's nose shape has changed. It was slightly hump-shaped and a little longer than it is now. Currently, the girl's nose is small and neat, which indicates rhinoplasty.

Olga Buzova's nose has become much smaller

Experts are also confident in lip augmentation using fillers with hyaluronic acid. If you compare the star’s appearance before and after her stay on the project, it is easy to notice the changes. The lips became plumper, although before this they did not differ in volume. No cosmetics can enlarge lips to such sizes.

Olga Buzova's lips changed shape and became plumper

Plastic surgeons also suggest that the TV presenter resorted to removing Bish’s lumps, as evidenced by the star’s expressive cheekbones. But no one can say unequivocally on this matter.

Spectacular brunette Olga Buzova confidently rises to the Olympus of the Russian stage. She began her career on television as a participant in the reality show “Dom 2”, today she is a successful singer, TV presenter, designer and businesswoman. Buzova was forced to start a solo career as a performer and start opening restaurants and even creating a cryptocurrency due to separation from her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov. But before decisively embarking on the path to achieving all-Russian fame, Olga radically changed her image. The girl was completely transformed - from hair color to facial features. Let's not be a hypocrite, the celebrity began to look more attractive. However, for the second year now, millions of fans have been wondering whether the new appearance is the merit of stylists or whether Buzova had plastic surgery? We decided to look into this issue and dot all the i's. Of course, not without the help of an expert, who was a plastic surgeon today Ovanesova Olga.

The new face of Olga Buzova

The transformation turned the artist from a sweet girl into a sexy and memorable socialite. And if Olga’s figure is practically not discussed, then the TV presenter’s face is often studied by fans, trying to determine what type of surgical intervention the celebrity underwent. Only the lazy did not think about the appearance of the newly minted star of Russian show business. In newspapers and magazines, TV shows, Internet portals and social networks Popular are stories and articles about how aesthetic correction helped an undistinguished TV presenter become a media person recognized throughout the country. Well, first things first?

Forehead and Botox injections

The presenter is 32 years old, and her forehead is smooth, without a single wrinkle. Moreover, both on the covers of glossy magazines and on videos. Even the best genes cannot give absolute smoothness, so it is obvious that Buzova turned to cosmetologists for Botox injections. This is the only remedy that allows you to prevent and eliminate wrinkles on the forehead in a non-surgical way. Why aren't we considering surgery? The aspiring singer is not at the right age for a full facelift with incisions and anesthesia. But botulinum toxin successfully blocks nerve cells and their synapses, which allows you to maintain a youthful forehead and ensure the absence of any wrinkles. It is worth noting that the procedures are performed correctly - the effect of a mask or lack of facial expressions is not noticeable.

Cheek contour contouring

Buzovaya’s new cheekbones are sharp and high. But in the early photos, the cheekbone area did not have such clarity, even at a time when the celebrity was very thin. To give the face contour and relief, contour plastic surgery was performed. During the procedure, filler injections are injected into the area being corrected.

Plastic surgeon Olga Ovanesova comments

Obviously, the injection of fillers into the cheekbone area. The manipulations were competent and, no matter who made the decision - the doctor or Olga herself, the scale of correction was chosen correctly. The changes turned out to be spectacular, but at the same time natural and neat. Everything was done in moderation. It is also worth remembering the possibilities of photo editors and makeup, which further emphasize the facial sculpture. If you compare several pictures, you will notice that different photos The cheekbone area looks more or less expressive, but the fact of contouring in this case is undeniable.

Perhaps there is not a single person on the Russian Internet who does not know the shocking host of the Dom-2 project, Olga Buzova.

Her countless talents (or lack thereof), intimate relationships, appearance, wages - all this does not leave a single Internet user indifferent.

Most interesting topic for fans is the number of plastic surgeries or cosmetic procedures performed by a famous singer.

But did Olga Buzova’s appearance really undergone surgical intervention?

The story of Olga Buzova before plastic surgery

The singer is the embodiment of the phraseology “from rags to riches.” In a short period of time in the Dom-2 project, a previously unknown resident of St. Petersburg gained fame throughout vast Russia.

She has several million subscribers on her Instagram page, she regularly appears on the covers of famous glossy magazines, and gives concerts in various cities and countries.

Over these few years, the TV presenter has changed a lot and fans began to notice certain transformations not only in the style of the socialite, but also in her facial features. But can you really be sure that the famous Russian beauty has undergone several plastic surgeries?

Olga Buzova after surgery. And did it really happen?

Many TV viewers remember how in 2004 Buzova came to Dom-2 as a burning platinum blonde with an excessive amount of bronzer on her face.

Her style was called “too glamorous”, because her wardrobe had an abundance of pink things. She loved everything shiny and wasn't afraid to experiment with her hair.

For a long time, Olga preferred blonde, but after a difficult divorce process with football player Dmitry Tarasov, the singer suddenly dyed her hair chocolate.

The entire Internet was filled with news about the TV presenter’s new position, and her hairstyle instantly became trendy and incredibly popular in all beauty salons in Russia.

It’s no secret that during “House-2” Olga did not shine in shape, but after leaving the project she literally settled in the gym and even lost about 7 kilograms.

Losing weight noticeably changed the singer's figure, making her breast size even smaller. Almost every Instagram user considered it their duty to offer Olga mammoplasty.

But Olga quite decisively expressed her position on this matter, claiming that her breast size suits her quite well. Thus, the singer closed further discussion of this topic.

The TV presenter never condemned lovers of various plastic surgeries, but in relation to herself she considered it unacceptable.

Nevertheless, after some time, Olga’s fans noticed some changes in her appearance: the singer’s narrow lips became appetizingly plump, her cheekbones became more expressive.

Buzova’s graceful cheekbones have divided her fans into two camps: some believe that the reason for their pronouncedness is filters, Photoshop and skillful makeup, while others believe that the reason for their pronouncedness is due to filters, Photoshop and skillful makeup, while others believe that it is due to surgical intervention.

It is possible that the singer resorted to fillers or non-surgical lifting to improve her facial features. These procedures help women smooth out their facial contours and remove the first wrinkles.

It is impossible not to agree that Olga has come a long way towards her real self. Stepping on the same rake again and again, the Dom-2 TV presenter freed herself from the image of a stupid blonde and became a fairly respected media personality, without whom not a single social event takes place. But even when in company with a large number celebrities, the most important thing for the singer was to maintain frankness and sincerity.

The bright and provocative blonde has matured and turned into a wise brunette - all this is about Olga Buzova. But these are not all the changes that the famous TV presenter’s appearance has undergone.

Here we will look at photographs of her in childhood and youth and evaluate whether the star had plastic surgery.

At the Dom-2 project in 2004, it was hard not to notice the bright, tanned blonde Olga Buzova.

Fans showed up instantly. So Olga began to win over the public. She often experimented with her image, wore flashy jewelry, fashionable hairstyles, pink clothes predominated in her wardrobe.

When the star left the Dom-2 project as a participant, she became close friends with sports and has since shown an athletic, toned figure.


Spiteful critics immediately hinted that she should have her breasts enlarged. Olga replied:

“If you want to make bigger breasts, do it. I like mine."








Plastic surgery - did it happen or not?

According to fans, Buzova did not undergo any aesthetic surgery before her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov.

We can say that after this the star went into all sorts of troubles. She not only cut her hair and dyed it brunette, but changes also became visible on the TV presenter’s face.

Her lips began to stand out noticeably; she clearly enlarged them with the help of hyaluronic acid.

The cheekbones also became larger.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Olga removed Bisha’s lumps, because now professional makeup artists are working with the TV presenter, who can easily disguise the fullness of her cheeks.

Most likely, she simply resorted to augmenting her cheekbones with fillers. This procedure has a reversible effect than removing Bisha's lumps.

The TV presenter’s nose has become noticeably narrower and more graceful, one can assume that she had rhinoplasty.

Otherwise, in Olga Buzova’s appearance one cannot notice any traces of any global interventions by a plastic surgeon.

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