The kindest people in Russian history. Generous acts of famous people: a person involved in charity

They say that there is never enough money. But these famous women do not spend all their fees on clothes, cosmetics and jewelry, but transfer substantial sums to help those in need. They open charities, build kindergartens in Africa and clinics for cancer patients, protect tropical forests and fight violence and cruelty to animals. presents a rating of the most influential stars on the planet according to the editors: these ten famous women have become real good fairies and trendsetters for charity.

Natalia Vodianova

Natalia Vodianova is one of the most sought-after Russian models in the West, a happy mother of three children and the president of her own charitable foundation, Naked Hearts. We can only wonder how this fragile girl manages to participate in shows in New York, shoot for advertising in Paris and open playgrounds in her native Nizhny Novgorod and other Russian cities.

Natalia Vodianova is friends with many influential people in the fashion world and turns this friendship into good deeds - for several years Natalia Vodianova has been organizing charity events in Moscow and London and raising funds to help sick children.

Oprah Winfrey

For several years in a row, Oprah Winfrey topped the list of the most generous celebrity philanthropists and only last year lost the top spot to Paul Newman. The famous TV presenter spent $2.4 million on charity last year. This money went mainly to the education and health care of children and women in different countries peace.

For example, at her own expense, Oprah Winfrey opened a school for gifted girls from poor families in South Africa. He also organizes smaller-scale events: for example, he participates in a mass race and raises funds to fight breast cancer, and also sells his clothes to raise money to help African children. But this money is only a small part of the fortune of Winfrey, who, with a net worth of $2.5 billion, is on the list of the richest people in America.

Queen Rania

Queen Rania, the 39-year-old wife of the current King of Jordan, managed to create the image of an ideal queen, which would be perfect for the plot of a Hollywood film.

She was born into a poor family of doctors, managed to obtain a European education and, returning to her homeland, began to defend free-thinking views among women, namely their right not to wear a headscarf and to start a family on equal terms with their husbands.

Having become queen, Rania did not give up her beliefs and confirmed that Jordan would be an example of tolerance and flexibility of thinking in the Muslim East. She often travels around the country, does a lot to solve problems of motherhood and childhood, cares about improving primary education, and supports women’s struggle for their rights.

Queen Rania is the President of the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the Education for All Foundation. A couple more interesting facts about the royal person: the queen’s favorite designers are Elie Saab and Giorgio Armani, her favorite shoes are gold heels, trimmed with diamonds and topazes.

Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney, a famous and talented fashion designer and daughter of Sir Paul McCartney, proves by her example that fashion and charity are inseparable. Stella creates beautiful and feminine clothing collections without the use of natural leather or fur.

Stella McCartney is a committed vegetarian, actively collaborates with PETA and fights to protect animals from mass extermination. Stella McCartney believes that a woman can be sexy and not wear either leather or fur - by the way, she was able to convince her fellow designers of the brands Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger, who almost completely abandoned natural fur and leather in their collections. .

Together with her father, Stella McCartney also takes part in raising funds for the Cancer Foundation.

Charlize Theron

This fragile blonde was recently given an honorable responsibility: Charlize Theron became her UN ambassador to combat violence that affects women around the world.

The famous actress, unfortunately, is well acquainted with this problem: when Charlize was 15 years old, her mother shot her father to protect herself and her daughter, and in 2004 Charlize received an Oscar for her role as a victim of domestic violence in the film “Monster.”

Also, Charlize Theron, along with another famous actress Salma Hayek, helped raise money for the Virgin Unite organization, which helps women in Morocco earn money on their own to support their families.

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

Not only Hollywood, but also our domestic stars provide real help to those in need. The famous talented actress Chulpan Khamatova and her friend-actress Dina Korzun are the founders of the Gift of Life charity foundation. Under the care of the foundation, founded in 2006, there are clinics where children with cancer are treated.

The Foundation attracts artists, musicians and volunteers to participate in charity events, evenings and auctions, which are designed to raise funds that will be used for the rehabilitation and treatment of patients, as well as for equipping hospitals with modern equipment. The foundation has a current account through which anyone can contribute funds to help children.

Gisele Bundchen

Another very successful model and young mother, Gisele Bundchen, also does not skimp on good deeds. Gisele participated in a charity photo shoot for the Red organization, which raises money to fight AIDS in Africa.

Like many others famous people, Gisele Bundchen founded her own shoe brand, but, unlike more mercenary stars, her eco-friendly Ipanema slides are designed to draw attention to the environmental problems of her native Brazil, namely to save tropical forests from destruction. The famous supermodel assures that every sandal sold will help plant 25,500 young trees and preserve nature for future generations.

Queen Silvia

Queen Silvia of Sweden spares no expense or effort for charitable purposes. Today Sylvia patronizes 35 different public organizations, including associations of the disabled, various charitable children's and sports foundations.

In 1999, the Queen created her own children's foundation, the World Childhood Foundation, one of whose goals is to improve the living conditions of children around the world. The Foundation supports hundreds of projects in 15 countries, including Russia. The Queen also initiated the creation of the Silvia House center (Silviahemmet), established to conduct educational courses and carry out research work in the field of dementia.

Last year, Sylvia celebrated her anniversary - the Queen turned 65, but she has no intention of retiring. “I will continue to help the king, I will continue to represent Sweden,” the queen assures. Swedish people believe her: according to a public opinion poll, Sylvia is the most beloved “star” in Sweden.


Madonna has already won the title of Queen of Pop, and now, it seems, she is preparing to become the Queen of Good Deeds. I wonder why she is not on the list of the most generous philanthropists? It’s just that the singer helps those in need incognito and is not used to advertising her charity events.

For example, during her visit to Moscow, Madonna not only managed to give a concert for fans, but also visit a boarding school for sick children. The Queen of Pop transferred a certain amount of money to the boarding school, which the staff agreed to keep secret. But some of Madonna's good deeds do not remain a secret: last year, the singer donated $15 million to build a school in the poor African state of Malawi, and then visited Brazil, the homeland of her boyfriend Jesus Lusai, and was determined to help the children of this country too.

IN different times Madonna gave charity concerts to help victims of the tsunami, floods and other natural disasters in Asia. After the earthquake in Haiti in January of this year, the singer was one of the first to transfer $250,000 to the affected state.

Jennifer Hudson

American actress and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson decided to engage in charity work after a terrible tragedy that occurred in her life. In October 2008, an unknown killer entered Jennifer's home and shot and killed her mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew.

Jennifer Hudson had a hard time recovering from this terrible event, and a month later she decided to found the Hudson-King Foundation to help people whose loved ones were killed. The foundation provides food and clothing to those in need, and also provides psychological assistance. For the actress, this is a tribute to the memory of her family, who died under such terrible circumstances.

Charity or philanthropy, love for people, is the activity of an individual or group of individuals through which resources are voluntarily and free of charge transferred to people in need.

Charity is aimed both at a specific person, solving a personal problem that concerns everyone, and at society in a narrow and in a broad sense words.

Charitable activities

Charitable activities contribute to solving problems of society and improving the conditions of public life.

A person doing charity does it voluntarily. He himself chooses the time, place of help and resource, which he will share unselfishly.

The resources provided by charity are:

  • cash, finance,
  • material resources,
  • abilities, skills,
  • knowledge, intellectual and moral resources,
  • work for good, services,
  • other support.

Charity is sometimes associated with almsgiving, but these are different phenomena. The main difference between charity and almsgiving is that it is organized and planned.

By giving alms, a person helps one, specific individual and does not know how he will use the help received as a gift.

A person involved in charity is aware of the social significance of the purpose of his activity.

Charity is organized according to a plan or program. The goals of assistance go beyond the family or friends of the benefactor, are not forced upon him, are selfless, without malicious intent.

Money for charity goes to shelters, boarding schools, soup kitchens, hospitals, and other social state and non-state institutions.

Forms of charity

It is difficult to define forms of charity; there is no clear classification. There are humanitarian, social assistance, volunteering. There is “pro bono” help - free services of a professional, qualified specialist.

Charity finds expression in the form:

  1. personal participation of a citizen,
  2. assistance from an institution, company,
  3. activities of a public organization, a relief fund,
  4. church assistance based on the dogmas of a particular religion.
  5. Government support (for example, benefits).

The charity of rich people is more often expressed in the creation of organizations that carry out charitable activities on their behalf. This is a popular form of helping society these days. Sometimes it is criticized and ridiculed, questioned unreasonably. Sometimes it really convicts “patrons” and “philanthropists” of dishonesty, of linking charity to politics, advertising, business, and so on.

A charitable organization is a non-profit, non-governmental structure designed to provide assistance and charity through activities in the interests of society or certain categories of citizens.

Funds receive money for charity in the form of:

  • donations from individuals and legal entities,
  • grants, targeted funding from other funds,
  • investments from investments, deposits,
  • profits from permissible, legally regulated commercial activities.

Charity is intended not only to eliminate negative social phenomena and trends, but also to develop positive ones.

Funds are being created to support young artists, writers, scientists and other talented people.

There are prizes and awards that artists and cultural figures receive in order to be able to develop and move civilization forward and ensure the progress of humanity.

Reasons for charity

Selfless help and charity are carried out because the individual has:

  • The desire to help people and contribute to the development of society. Human, compassion, . By doing good, he feels happy. A true philanthropist makes life more harmonious, restores justice and order.
  • Internal attitude, the principle of helping those in need. This is an attitude instilled from childhood. Such an internal willingness to help speaks about a person’s culture and morality. He is used to helping people and considers this the norm of behavior.
  • The obligation to help due to position, status, position. The powerful of this world at all times receive the glory of a benefactor. From the height of their own greatness, they help others in order to become even higher in the eyes of society.

  • The desire to gain respect and approval, authority in the eyes of others. In charity, a person seeks an opportunity to gain importance and significance as a person, to assert himself.
  • Imitation of other personalities. The involvement of surrounding people in charity acts as an infectious, “fashionable” trend. As soon as the fashion for generosity and philanthropy goes away or you can’t boast about it, a person will lose interest in charity.
  • Guilt for well-being. In this case, charity is a way to solve internal psychological problems. Conditional charity of rich people is a way to make up for past mistakes associated with failure to provide help to a person in need or to compensate for excessive greed and stinginess.
  • Compensation for psychological trauma. A person wants to help another individual if he has been in the same difficult life situation. People who have experienced trouble or grief are more likely to help a person in difficult situation than those who did not know misfortunes. By helping another, a person copes with his mental trauma.

The world seems cruel and cynical, but there are many kind and generous people in every country and culture. By helping another, a person helps everyone on Earth.

October 18, 2014, 11:33

Russian stars involved in charity work are far from uncommon, it’s just that not everyone and not always like to take it out in public and tell everyone how good and wonderful they are. After all, the most important thing is not what you say, but what you do!

Anita Tsoi

One of the very first charitable foundations to help sick children was organized by Anita Tsoi. This fund has existed for many years, during which time assistance has been provided to many, many children.

From Wiki: “In addition to working in the show industry, the artist is actively involved in charity work. In 2001, she opened her own charitable foundation, Anita, which in just one year helped more than 35,000 children with congenital disabilities.

In 2010, the singer, together with Universal Music, launched the “Show Business with a Conscience” charity program: all proceeds received from the album “To the East” were donated to orphanages.

In 2009, a concert tour was organized in support of the “Remember, Let Life Go On” campaign, all proceeds from which were transferred to victims of terrorists and the families of miners who lost their breadwinners in this dangerous work.

Also in Moscow, in concert hall“Barvikha”, a big concert of the singer took place, to which mainly influential people from different areas activities. The proceeds from this concert amounted to approximately €160,000 - this money was donated to more than 50 children who suffered during the Beslan Tragedy."

Joseph Kobzon

This singer has been involved in charity work for more than thirty years. In 1992, he organized the Shield and Lyre Foundation. The main areas of work of the charitable organization: providing assistance to the families of fallen military personnel, social protection internal affairs officers. However, this fund is not the only thing Kobzon is involved in. He was involved in the restoration of the temple in Krasnodar, and also donated a large sum for the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Since the mid-1980s, Joseph Kobzon has been a patron of two orphanages - in Yasnaya Polyana and in Tula. It provides financial assistance to these institutions, their employees, and students.

Vladimir Spivakov

The famous violinist and chief conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia and the State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" created the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation in 1994, which helps young talented musicians, dancers, artists, organizing master classes, concerts, tours and exhibitions for them. The Foundation provides ongoing support to music schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Siberia, the Urals, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as art schools and art schools. Fellows take part in international and all-Russian competitions and festivals.

Charitable Foundation Spivakova supports many social programs related to education, science, art and culture, provides support in the field children's health, helps orphans, disabled children, orphanages and hospitals.

Oleg Mityaev

In 1999, the Oleg Mityaev Charitable Foundation for Cultural Initiatives was organized in Chelyabinsk. This is a charitable organization that seeks money to organize art song festivals. The Foundation supports: the Ilmen Art Song Festival, the people's award "Bright Past", the festival "Summer is a Little Life", the youth program "Discoveries". The Foundation provides assistance to organizers of other events, and also finances, co-finances and assists in organizing the publication of audio, video recordings and books by various authors and performers. Oleg Mityaev's Charitable Foundation for Cultural Initiatives is also a co-founder of the association "Everything Real is for Children", a non-profit voluntary association of teachers and volunteers. The association's object of concern is children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Valery Gergiev

Artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater, chief conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the London Symphony Orchestra, dean of the Faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg state university On December 5, 2003, Valery Gergiev created the Valery Gergiev Foundation with the aim of organizing charitable activities in the field of art, culture, enlightenment and education.

A significant part of the foundation’s activities is supporting young artists, musical groups and talented Russian performers, assistance in vocational training and organizing free events for children and students in order to attract new young audiences, as well as charity concerts to provide targeted humanitarian assistance to those in need and people in trouble.

Many probably remember the sensational 2013 case of theft from the Gergiev Foundation. Let me remind you. “The former director of the charitable organization “Valery Gergiev Foundation” Igor Zotov was sentenced by the Tverskoy Court of Moscow to eight years in a general regime colony. At the trial, he was proven guilty of embezzling 245 million rubles from the fund. In addition, the ex-director was fined 800 thousand rubles.

The second defendant in this case, Kazbek Lakuti, was sentenced by the court to five years of suspended imprisonment and four years probationary period. Mitigating circumstances included a partial admission of guilt by Lakuti and partial compensation for the damage caused.

The investigation established how Zotov, together with his accomplice Lakuti, transferred funds in the amount of 245 million rubles to the accounts of a controlled company, and then spent it on the purchase of six luxury apartments and six parking spaces in Moscow." Help for children? No, you haven’t heard.

Timur Bekmambetov

The film director, screenwriter and producer is a co-founder (together with his wife Varya Avdyushko) of the Sunflower charity foundation for children with immune disorders. The foundation was established in 2006 and works to save the lives of infants and children with congenital immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases. The fund helps to find funds for the purchase of expensive drugs for the treatment of children under 18 years of age. Payment for treatment occurs only upon an official request from doctors based on a specific medical history. Cash, received in the fund's accounts, are used for targeted treatment of each child. The foundation conducts creative activities with children undergoing treatment in the immunology department of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, and organizes holidays and concerts for them.

Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova

These actresses created the “Gift of Life” foundation in 2006, which is currently being written and talked about a lot. The mission of the foundation is to support children with hematological and oncological diseases.

Khamatova and Korzun help specialized clinics by purchasing the necessary drugs and equipment, create volunteer groups, provide psychological and social assistance sick children, find blood donors and try to attract public attention to children with cancer. In addition, girls often organize charity concerts, events, and auctions right on the premises of the children's clinical hospital.

Konstantin Khabensky

Like Chulpan Khamatova, the actor created a charitable foundation that supports children suffering from severe brain diseases. The fund was established in 2008. Its motto is “One life saved is one life saved.” Khabensky helps with the purchase of medicines, organizes psychological support and rehabilitation programs for sick children, and helps in organizing treatment. In addition, the tasks of the charitable foundation include assistance to Russian medical institutions that treat and diagnose brain diseases.

Evgeny Mironov, Igor Vernik, Maria Mironova

People's Artist of Russia Evgeny Mironov and Honored Artists of Russia Igor Vernik and Maria Mironova established a charitable foundation to support artists "Artist" in 2008.

The mission of the Artist Foundation is to attract public attention to the problems of important and most vulnerable people - the elderly and disabled orphans.

The fund operates in two directions: “Actors for Actors” and “Actors for Children.” The goal of the first direction is to help veterans and artists meet old age with dignity and happiness. Within the framework of the "Actors for Actors" direction, two programs have been developed: "SOS Help Cash Fund" and " Social life". The goal of the second direction is to help disabled orphans get on their feet and move through life independently and confidently. As part of the "Actors for Children" direction, the "I Want to Walk" program has been developed.

To achieve its goals, the Artist Foundation implements charitable events and projects aimed at providing targeted assistance to stage veterans and disabled children, as well as activities to attract public attention to problems.

Olga Budina

This actress created the “Guard the Future” foundation in 2010. The charitable foundation supports children who grow up without proper upbringing. Those who do not find mutual understanding with adults can especially count on help. Budina tries to help such children find their way in life and discover all sorts of talents in themselves. In addition, the foundation is developing special psychological programs for child development.

The foundation is engaged in the development and implementation of psychological programs for children - art therapy and fairy tale therapy.

Gosha Kutsenko

The actor became the founder of the Step Together charity foundation for children, which began work on August 1, 2011.

Twice a year, Kutsenko organizes special holiday concerts for sick children, as well as various charity events, to which he invites pop, theater and film stars. Currently, the charitable organization is engaged in several areas at once: legal assistance, consulting assistance, purchases medical equipment and medicines, and also sends targeted assistance to children in special need.

The Foundation provides all possible assistance to children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP).

Now the fund works in the following areas: targeted assistance to especially needy children with cerebral palsy (purchase of medicines, medical equipment); consulting assistance (on the basis of Children's Psychoneurological Hospital No. 18); legal assistance.

Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

This married couple established a special fund “I Am!” just over a year ago. Just like Kutsenko, the actors help children with disabilities. The foundation pays special attention to children with Down syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy. Alferova and Beroev regularly introduce new programs and try to make the lives of sick children brighter and happier. They try to provide all possible assistance to parents and create educational programs aimed at teaching children.

Maria Sharapova

Maria has her own charitable foundation. She organized it to help children who live in areas affected by Chernobyl accident areas, since Maria herself comes from these places.

Sergei Zverev

Sergei Zverev is one of the few who does not talk about charity, but is engaged in it. He often visits orphanages, and his visits are remembered by children for a long time. “Children value attention. We must give such children happiness and love. Because some frivolous parents will give birth and abandon them, but it is not the children’s fault that they are not wanted,” says Sergei. It is a pity that the focus of journalists is not on these simple but important steps of the star in the field of social activities. The press mainly discusses shocking news about Sergei.

He was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus for his constant assistance and services to the children's charity center Children of the World. Zverev believes that you should always help, but not shout about it at every corner. He helps not only financially, but also morally. In various rehabilitation centers, Sergei organizes parties and masquerades. She dresses up, cuts hair, does hair, sings and puts on shows.

I will give an excerpt from an old interview (newspaper “Forward”, Sergiev Posad), 2009:

"...- Tell me, Sergey, why did you decide to help orphanages - is it a fashion for charity or does your worldview require it?

The fact is that my mother is from an orphanage. In 1941, when the war began, my grandmother died of typhus. And my twin sisters - my mother and Dusya - were sent to an orphanage. And after the war, their older sister, Aunt Faya, took them from the orphanage, where my mother was raised. So for our family this is a completely understandable situation. You know, when I went to a technical school to study hairdressing, I was very lucky with the first mentor who taught me this profession - her name was Marina Ivanovna Kervidar. When we had only been training for a few months and learned how to hold scissors correctly, the first thing she did was take us to an orphanage. There we cut the children's hair, combed their hair, washed them, gave them makeup, some costumes - in a word, we had a real holiday. And now it’s as if I’m returning myself to that pure, glorious Siberian childhood...

At the age of 18, I received my first gold medal in a competition, and the opportunity arose to help orphans. Then my professional colleagues joined. We must do everything to prevent a whole generation of people from growing up who are offended by fate and society. Moreover, it’s not enough to just come with some material thing (throw some money or a box of chocolates and run on), attention is important, as in an ordinary family.”

I’m not writing about Natalia Vodianova; everyone knows about her foundation.

Have a nice weekend everyone! Do good deeds :)


This article is dedicated to ten significant people who, undoubtedly, left a huge mark in the lives of many people on this planet. Perhaps the proposed choice will seem rather one-sided to some, but this is not surprising, since All significant personalities, which are discussed in this article, are considered as such in the opinion of Americans. In other words, one can dispute the fact that not a single Russian person was included in this list, but one cannot but agree that all the people represented on this list had a huge impact (including negative) on many areas of life different people on our planet.

10. Bill Gates

It is known that Bill Gates, who was born in 1955, created his first computer program, while still a high school student. The well-known company Microsoft Corporation, one of the founders of which is Bill Gates, appeared in 1975, and 18 years later, in 1993, Gates was officially declared the richest man on Earth. Despite the far-from-ambiguous attitude towards the products offered by the Gates Corporation, it cannot be denied that this man not only made a real revolution in computer software, but also did a lot of good and useful things. For example, Bill, with his own money, founded several of the largest charitable foundations pursuing good causes around the world (for example, the fight against polio, and so on).

9. Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

Despite the fact that Martin Luther King was an American citizen who actively fought for the rights of black residents and against racial discrimination and racism, this man became known far beyond the borders of the United States of America. He was a real ideological fighter who was inspired by his spiritual mentor and fighter for Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi. Despite the extremely pressing problem of racial discrimination against the black population in the United States, King always advocated peaceful methods of resolving the issue, while being an unsurpassed orator. In 1964, King was awarded Nobel Prize peace. And, despite the fact that King was assassinated in 1968, he is still remembered because, according to many, to this person managed to achieve the impossible by forcing the white population of America to listen to and respect the opinions of the black population.

8. Nelson Mandela

Another no less famous human rights activist who dedicated his life to fierce opposition to apartheid - the policy of racial suppression of certain groups of the population in South Africa, in which black people did not even have the right to vote - Nelson Mandela, born in 1918, appeared. For his tough, uncompromising stance in the fight against the racist government Mandela was arrested in 1964. From the dungeons future president The Republic of South Africa emerged only 26 years later, and was almost immediately elected leader of the state. In 1993, Nelson Mandela also received the Nobel Peace Prize for his services in the fight against apartheid.

7. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

The German leader, who came to power in 1933, undoubtedly left not only one of the most significant marks in the history of mankind, but also the bloodiest and most destructive mark. Fierce hatred of Jews, exaggerated ideas about the right to advantage of the Aryan race on our planet, as well as manic commitment to one’s ideas- all this led to the death of tens of millions of people in Eastern Europe. And although Adolf Hitler’s diabolical plans were not destined to come true, this man is unlikely to be erased from people’s memory (as well as many other dictators).

6. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Einstein, who is rightfully considered the greatest physicist of all time, has become a true symbol of genius. When Albert Einstein succeeded in proving one of his most significant works - the general theory of relativity - in 1919, scientists around the world recognized the genius of this man, as a result of which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in physics in 1921. Unfortunately, despite the fact that Einstein was an undoubted pacifist, his scientific research later helped other researchers create atomic bomb. Einstein was so burdened by this fact that a week before his death, in a letter addressed to Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher and ardent supporter of nuclear disarmament, he declared his readiness to sign an appeal to all countries calling on them to abandon the use of atomic energy in warfare. purposes.

5. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual leader of the Indian people and a fighter for the independence of this country from Great Britain, began his career as an ordinary lawyer, and only then became involved in political issues. He led a peaceful civil disobedience movement against the British regime in India, and conducted active negotiations with the leaders of Foggy Albion until 1947 when his country gained independence. In fact, Gandhi became the true embodiment of independence for all Indians for all time! Mahatma Gandhi is also known for his modest way of life and calls for religious tolerance, which, undoubtedly, only contributed to strengthening the people's love and faith in their leader.

4. Karl Marx (1818-1883)

It can be said without exaggeration that the ideas of the German thinker Karl Marx in the field of economics and sociology changed the world. Marx was one of those social philosophers who were dissatisfied with the bourgeois structure of the world, predicting social equality for everyone in the future. Of course, many of us know Marx primarily for his monumental work called Capital, but he became famous for his work written together with Friedrich Engels, another German philosopher, in a work called “Manifesto of the Communist Party” (this is where it came from famous phrase- "A ghost is haunting Europe - the ghost of communism"). As you know, it was the ideas of Karl Marx that inspired Russian revolutionaries and communists. In 1950, already half of the inhabitants of our planet lived in countries where the communist regime ruled!

3. Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

There is probably no need to explain to anyone that it was Charles Darwin who became the founder modern theory evolution. Of course, it didn’t all start right away. Darwin's first thoughts on this topic began to form during the period when he went to trip around the world as a naturalist on a Royal Navy vessel called the Beagle (1831-1836). And Darwin devoted the rest of his life to the development of these ideas. The main work of his life, published in 1859, “The Origin of Species,” caused a harsh reaction from conservative society. And this is not surprising: in fact, Darwin openly opposed the Bible and the version of the divine creation of the surrounding world, replacing it with the theory of the evolutionary development of all living beings. It was then that humanity first had to try to comprehend the fact that the direct ancestors of people were apes(according to Darwin).

2. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

The appearance of William Shakespeare on this list is the most significant people in human history is not accidental. In fact, Shakespeare has been overwhelmingly voted the greatest English-language playwright in human history. Considering that this top ten was compiled according to the opinions of Americans, this choice is not surprising. But no matter what evil tongues say, Shakespeare, as a writer, had a huge influence on the entire world of drama.. He started as an ordinary actor, and eventually wrote 154 poems and 37 plays, among which the most famous were “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth” and so on. The influence of William Shakespeare was so great that thanks to his work, English language was replenished with more than 1,700 new words.

1. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

It would probably be surprising if the list of the most significant people in the world, compiled by the Americans, did not include Christopher Columbus, one of the most famous travelers and discoverers. After all, it is believed that it was precisely thanks to his search for the coast of the so-called Western India that European settlers discovered two continents, which were later called America (and hardly anyone will dare to challenge America’s influence on the whole world). Among other things, Christopher Columbus became famous as a talented navigator. It is believed that of all the reliably known travelers, it was he who was the first to cross Atlantic Ocean, sailed in the Caribbean Sea and generally gave Europe a whole new world.

Fans of some modern celebrities criticize them for the luxurious lifestyle they show in their photos. social networks. However, there are celebrities who consider it their duty to help those less fortunate in life. The most generous stars of Russia and Hollywood involved in charity - in the editor's selection.


The Ukrainian singer is the founder of the “Pole of Attraction” charitable foundation. Missions of this organization travel around the cities of Ukraine, visiting children's cancer centers.

As part of the foundation’s work, the singer communicates with sick children and hospital managers, and also provides medical institutions necessary equipment and medicines. The star allocates funds for all charitable operations from his personal budget.


The singer regularly transfers considerable amounts of money to accounts charitable organizations to help people affected by natural disasters in countries Latin America. In addition, the star created her own center, Fundación Pies Descalzos, which helps children from low-income families.

Famous philanthropists of the 21st century include. The Russian actor’s charitable foundation helps children with cancer and other serious brain diseases. Khabensky created this foundation in memory of his first wife Anastasia Khabenskaya, who died in 2008 after a battle with brain cancer.

The young Canadian singer considers charity part of his creativity. The contractor transfers a significant percentage of the earned funds to the accounts of various public organizations and organizes unusual auctions on the Internet.


The Russian supermodel is also considered a famous philanthropist. The Naked Heart model’s charitable foundation is building new playgrounds and play parks throughout Russia. In addition, Vodianova helps families raising children with special needs. This is due to the fact that Natalya’s youngest has been disabled since childhood and suffers from a severe form of autism.

Angelina Jolie “created the “Give Life” foundation, which helps seriously ill children from Russia. Khamatova is confident that everyone can help children and for this it is not necessary to own a fortune.

The foundation raises money for treatment of children and is looking for blood donors and volunteers. The actress is sure that children will be happy if there are people who are ready to just come to the hospital, talk and play with them.

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Victims of Nazism: the tragedy of burned villages - Zamoshye
Background. In the 20th of September 1941, on the western borders of the Chekhov district of the Moscow region, a defense line began to form, which a little later would be called the “Stremilovsky line”. Spas-temnya-Dubrovka-Karmashovka-Mukovnino-Begichevo-Stremil
Curd shortbread cookies: recipe with photo
Hello dear friends! Today I wanted to write to you about how to make very tasty and tender cottage cheese cookies. The same as we ate as children. And it will always be appropriate for tea, not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. I generally love homemade
What does it mean to play sports in a dream: interpretation according to different dream books
The dream book considers the gym, training and sports competitions to be a very sacred symbol. What you see in a dream reflects basic needs and true desires. Often, what the sign represents in dreams projects strong and weak character traits onto future events. This
Lipase in the blood: norm and causes of deviations Lipase where it is produced under what conditions
What are lipases and what is their connection with fats? What is hidden behind too high or too low levels of these enzymes? Let's analyze what levels are considered normal and why they may change. What is lipase - definition and types of Lipases