Prediction of victory in the presidential election. Astrologer Mikhail Levin. Holy elders about the future president

IN lately Leading political scientists talk about the long existence of the Russian political regime and claim that Putin will be the head of state. But some well-known astrologers, on the contrary, argue that Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich does not plan to stand as a candidate for the post of head of state in the next elections.

Astrologers make such conclusions based on two facts: firstly, the Kremlin has not yet decided on a candidate, and secondly, they refer to the words of Vladimir Putin himself that he needs to rest a little.

Prophecy of Nostradamus

A renowned visionary says the president elected in 2018 will come from the north. It is this head of state who will achieve success, which began back in 2014. By the way, Ksenia Sobchak originally from Northern capital- St. Petersburg.

Vanga's predictions

This soothsayer always predicted a good future for the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. She said that only with this head will Russia become a powerful power. Despite all the difficulties and hardships, the current president will be able to maintain the country’s position and make it even more influential. But it’s a pity that Vanga did not name the head of Russia after Putin’s reign.

Prediction by Vasily Nemchin

This astrologer, who lived a very long time ago, indicated that the president after Putin would be a “potter”, and it would be he who would open up a magnificent future for the country. He will be very different from previous leaders of the state. This president will be 55 years old, and he will return all the former republics of the USSR to the country.

But still, predictions are like castles in the air, more reliable way look into tomorrow - get acquainted with the current

Today's elections on March 18 in Russia will largely determine the balance of power in the world. Therefore, there is such close attention to the Russian decision of citizens. The end of March 2018 could be decisive in the fate of not only Russia, but the whole world. Perhaps the new president will be able to make a good contribution to optimizing the global military situation and will be able to overcome the growing tension between countries.

Who will become president of Russia 2018, predictions: there will be no change of course

Many analysts of the political situation in Russia are confident that there will be no change of power in our state. Most The population of Russia supports the policies of the leadership, both within the country and abroad. They believe that our government is moving in the right direction and our President is fulfilling his functions with dignity. Moreover, there is no worthy candidate on the political field of the country yet.

At the same time, there are experts, both in our country and abroad, who believe that the new leaders of the nation will be able to lead Russia along a new path, which will help establish mutually beneficial relations with Western countries, both in economics and in other areas. They are confident that new forces will be able to change the economic model of the Russian Federation and reduce its dependence on world energy prices, as well as carry out structural reforms and take the country to new horizons of general prosperity.

There are people who do not believe in the scientific arguments of political analysts and therefore turn their gaze towards all kinds of predictors. There is a rational grain in such a choice. After all, many astrologers have reliably predicted the future more than once.

Who will win the 2018 elections in Russia, predictions: VTsIOM forecast

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion also made its assumption public. According to which the ratings of almost all candidates rose at the beginning of March. According to him, the leader is also Vladimir Putin, who received 70% of the votes. The second place of honor was taken by Pavel Grudinin. Presumably, from 10 to 14% of the country's residents should vote for him. The third could be Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The popularity of the only female candidate, Ksenia Sobchak, rose to 3%, which indicates increasing interest in her person.

Only 12% of residents who took part in the survey could not decide. whether they will vote or not.

Based on the data obtained, VTsIOM makes the following forecasts:

Vladimir Putin - will win in the first round with a result fluctuating in the range of 69-73%.

  • Pavel Grudinin - 10-14%.
  • Grigory Yavlinsky - 1-2%.
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 8-12%.
  • Sergei Baburin - less than 1%.
  • Boris Titov - less than 1%.
  • Ksenia Sobchak - 2-3%.
  • Maxim Suraykin - less than 1%.

Who will win the 2018 presidential elections, predictions: astrologers' predictions

French clairvoyant Maria Duval believes in Russian leadership. In her opinion, the new president will completely change the economy in the country, and by 2020 the Russian Federation will become one of the most influential and richest powers. Under the new chapter, incredible breakthroughs in science and medicine are expected.

“Russian Nostradamus” Vasily Nemchin declared in the 17th century that in 2020 Russia would become part of a new state. The country will be ruled by a 55-year-old “great potter”, with whom a great future awaits. The new ruler will independently get rid of a serious illness and will be familiar with magic.

Vanga, the soothsayer, predicted the triumph of V. Putin as the collector of Russian lands. Under his rule, Russia will become a strong and influential state. On the way to this, the Russians will have to go through trials and tribulations, but it will be worth it.

Astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the time of “Putin’s political Olympus” is over.

In the coming year, Russia will have to decide who exactly will lead the post of president of the country for the next 6 years. Probably, almost every resident of the Russian Federation understands what? most likely? The current head of state, Vladimir Putin, will again occupy the designated post. By the way, his rating is significantly higher compared to all other candidates. However, experts do not discount the possibility of another scenario developing – another Putin-Medvedev castling. Among other things, we should not forget about the possibility of holding early elections, which only increase the level of uncertainty among the population. All that remains is to conduct a rough analysis of who will win the 2018 elections.

Important points

According to the most likely scenario, Vladimir Putin will once again be re-elected to the presidency. Such information is based on a survey conducted at the end of 2016. Results:

  • 84% - approve of the current policy of Vladimir Vladimirovich;
  • 52% – maximum level of trust in the president;
  • 55% understand that all the actions of the head of state help Russia move in the right direction.

Despite such a trusting relationship with his people, Putin himself does not exclude the possibility of choosing a completely different person for his current post. It is worth recalling that today the above-mentioned person has already won the election races three times and, according to the constitution, there are no obstacles to achieving what he wants for the fourth time.

The economic crisis in Russia, the echoes of which are still firmly marching across all regions, has not in any way affected the level of support for the current head of state. Even despite the level of income of the majority of Russians, almost all of them will approve of the course chosen by the authorities.

Of course, tension in the Russian Federation after the annexation of Crimea, the conflict with the eastern part of Ukraine and the start of military operations in Syria cannot but affect Vladimir Vladimirovich’s rating. But in order to properly “resolve” existing tensions, the management of a strong leader is required.

It remains only to recall that against the backdrop of Putin’s ambiguous answer regarding the likelihood of his own participation in the upcoming race for the honorary title of head of Russia, experts admit the possibility of electing a completely different candidate in 2018. True, any representative of the current party will have a considerable advantage over the opposition.

Who then?

It is clear that if Putin is not at the helm, his place will most likely be taken by the country’s current Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev. The declared politician has a better chance of ending up in the position under discussion, especially since he is Vladimir Vladimirovich’s clear favorite. By the way, it is Medvedev who will readily agree to continue the current vector of development of the state, without putting a spoke in his own wheels.

In this case, the mechanism for conducting the election race, already known to both “brothers” and used in 2008, will be used. Then 70% of Russians voted for Medvedev. But the economic side of the region’s development next year may differ slightly from the indicators of 2008. For example, nothing prevents the party in power from trying to nominate an alternative candidate if the situation continues to develop in a less than positive direction. In this case, Medvedev will have to accumulate the existing negativity in order to reduce the support of Russian citizens for the current president. According to a Levada Center poll a few months ago, only 48% of Russians would be willing to approve of Putin's activities.

Needless to say, any representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party, like the communists, have very dismal chances of occupying the desired position. IN last time they got only 10 and 17%, respectively. In simple words When making forecasts for future elections, we can say with confidence that the role of the declared political forces does not stand out much compared to the leading party “United Russia”.

Opposition hopes

Grigory Yavlinsky, Alexei Navalny and Mikhail Kasyanov, who are representatives of the opposition, will be left without the desired support of voters in the coming year. According to experts, the announced candidates have no chance of taking the presidency.

To try to actually find a real alternative, Mikhail Khodorovsky decided to implement the “Instead of Putin” project. As part of such an unexpected initiative, former head YUKOS wanted to provide full support to any opposition candidate who fits a list of certain criteria. But even despite this tempting prospects, analysts are very skeptical about the possibility of opposition candidates in the upcoming elections. This is confirmed by real information obtained after the voters’ decision regarding the filling of the State Duma in 2016.

Most likely, only the next economic shock will help change this situation. It is clear that with this course of events, the current government will simply lose the support of the people. If the price of oil reaches the limit of 20-30 dollars per barrel, the budget deficit in the Russian Federation will reach a catastrophic scale. What do we get as a result? The inability of the government to pay salaries to public sector employees and pensions to vulnerable segments of the population. It is good that the implementation of such a project is unlikely.

Today, former head of the Ministry of Finance Alexei Kudrin does not exclude the possibility of early elections. After all, then such an important event can be held before the economic situation in the country worsens. As for the winner himself, only Putin’s decision will determine with 100% accuracy what exactly will be in power this time. In any case, it will be a candidate from the ruling party, which is already a lot.

Elections 2018 All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion Conducts weekly measurements of electoral preferences. Below are survey data about Russians' intentions to participate in voting and weekly ratings of politicians, to whom the population is ready to cast their votes in the upcoming elections.
Will you take part in the presidential elections that will take place in March 2018 or not?(closed question, one answer, % of all respondents)
Poll March 02-04, 201874749999224411I will definitely acceptI will most likely acceptUndecided yet, I will decide closer to the electionsProbably will not acceptDefinitely will not acceptDifficult to answer
FEB. 18, 2018
FEB. 26, 2018
MAR. 04, 2018
MAR. 09, 2018
I'll definitely accept it
I'll rather accept it
I haven’t decided yet, I’ll decide closer to the elections.
I definitely won't accept it
I probably won't accept it
I find it difficult to answer
If the presidential election were held this coming Sunday and the list looked like this, which of these candidates would you most likely vote for? You can give one answer. (closed question, one answer, % of all respondents)
FEB. 18, 2018
FEB. 26, 2018
MAR. 04, 2018
MAR. 09, 2018
Putin V.V.
Grudinin P.N.
Zhirinovsky V.V.
Sobchak K.A.
Yavlinsky G.A.
Baburin S.N.
Titov B.Yu.
Suraikin M.A.
I'll come and spoil the ballot
I would not participate in elections
I find it difficult to answer

The data is presented on the basis of an initiative all-Russian survey “VTsIOM-Sputnik”. Russians over the age of 18 are taking part in the survey. Survey method – telephone interview using a stratified two-base random sample of landline and mobile numbers. The sample size in December was 1800 respondents, in January - 3000 respondents. The sample was built on the basis of a complete list of telephone numbers used in the Russian Federation. Data are weighted by socio-demographic parameters. For this sample maximum size errors with a 95% probability do not exceed 2.5% (data for December) and 1.8% (data for January). In addition to sampling error, survey data can be biased by the wording of questions and various circumstances that arise during fieldwork.

Electoral preferences of Russians

On March 18, the country will elect its president. Komsomolskaya Pravda went to the streets of different cities to find out how Russians are preparing for the elections.

VTsIOM: 69% of respondents declare their readiness to vote for Putin in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation
4 thousand respondents took part in the study
The electoral rating of the current Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is running for a new term as a self-nomination, is 69%, his predicted result in the elections is 69-73%. This follows from data published on Sunday in the official telegram channel of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) based on the results of a survey conducted on March 5-7 and 9.

“The electoral indicator of [CPRF candidate, businessman] Pavel Grudinin is 7%, [LDPR leader] Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 5%, [Civil Initiative party candidate] Ksenia Sobchak - 2%, [head of the federal political committee of the Yabloko party] Grigory Yavlinsky - 1%, [leader of the Russian People's Union party] Sergei Baburin - 1%, [business ombudsman, chairman of the Growth Party] Boris Titov - less than 1%, [head of the Communists of Russia] Maxim Suraikin - less than 1%, - follows from the survey data.

According to VTsIOM, “the predicted result for Putin is 69-73%, Grudinin - 10-14%, Zhirinovsky - 8-12%, Sobchak - 2-3%, Yavlinsky - 1-2%, Baburin, Titov, Suraikin - less than 1 % for everyone."

As the head of VTsIOM Valery Fedorov explained to TASS, in the survey aimed at determining the electoral rating, in addition to the list of those for whom you can vote, there are three additional columns: “I will spoil the ballot,” “I find it difficult to answer,” and “I will not go to the polls.” “Accordingly, in order to predict how the votes will actually be distributed, we must leave one column - “I will spoil the ballot,” and those who are undecided and those who will not go to the polls must be excluded,” the agency’s interlocutor added.

Survey method

The initiative all-Russian survey “VTsIOM-Sputnik” was conducted on March 5-7, 9, 2018 among Russians aged 18 years and over.

The survey method is a telephone interview using a stratified two-base random sample of landline and mobile numbers of 4 thousand respondents. The sample was built on the basis of a complete list of telephone numbers used in the Russian Federation.

Data are weighted by probability of selection and by sociodemographic parameters. For this sample, the maximum error with a probability of 95% does not exceed 1.6%. In addition to sampling error, survey data can be biased by the wording of questions and various circumstances that arise during fieldwork.

Ratings of candidates 2018 in the Russian presidential elections

Vladimir Putin’s electoral rating before March 1, 2018 was almost 70%

Respondents could give one answer to the question “If the presidential election were held this coming Sunday and the list looked like this, which of these candidates would you most likely vote for?”

The current head of state Vladimir Putin was named by 69.1% of survey participants, the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin - 7.8%, the candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 5.9%, Novosti reports.

Vladimir Putin refused to participate in the debate and provide free airtime.

At the same time, 81.6% of respondents are going to vote in the upcoming elections on March 18: 70.9% said they would definitely go to the polls, and another 10.7% said they would most likely go. Projected turnout increased for the fourth week in a row.

The survey was conducted from February 19 to February 26 (not conducted on February 23) by telephone; sociologists carried out a stratified two-base random sample of landline and mobile numbers. It was based on full list telephone numbers used in Russia. 7 thousand Russians over 18 years of age were surveyed. The maximum error of the results with a probability of 95% does not exceed 1.2%.

The current head of state is Russian President Vladimir Putin (self-nomination),
Sergei Baburin (Russian People's Union party),
Pavel Grudinin (CPRF),
Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR),
Ksenia Sobchak (“Civil Initiative”),
Maxim Suraikin (“Communists of Russia”),
Boris Titov (Growth Party),
Grigory Yavlinsky (“Apple”).

Ratings of candidates in the 2018 presidential elections in Russia according to various sources based on citizen surveys

VTsIOM survey

Poll terms: If the presidential election were held this coming Sunday and the list looked like this, which of these candidates would you most likely vote for? You can give one answer. (closed question, one answer, % of all respondents).

Survey date: 02/26/18. : VTsIOM

Results of independent polls on the website on candidate ratings

Grigory Yavlinsky (2573) 1.14%
Vladimir Zhirinovsky (10802) 4.79%
Maxim Suraikin (667) 0.3%
Vladimir Putin (6230 27.6%
Pavel Grudinin (140183) 62.1%
Ksenia Sobchak (7177) 3.18%
Sergey Baburin (822) 0.36%
Boris Titov (1189) 0.53%

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In the spring of 2018 in Russian Federation Presidential elections will take place, therefore thematic discussions and debates are actively being held on television, in print media and on the Internet. Many people are interested in when the presidential elections are and who will win. It is not surprising, since elections are considered the most pressing topic in political life states.

Let's take a closer look at the names of the candidates who plan to participate in the election race, the date of the event and the plans of the current President V.V. Putin.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, presidential elections are held on the second Sunday of the month in which the previous head of state was elected. Putin won the elections in March 2012. Based on this, the elections were to take place on March 11.

However, in the spring of 2017 State Duma adopted amendments to the legislation introduced by senators for consideration, according to which elections are postponed to the third Sunday of March, which falls on the 18th of 2018.

Election results

According to 99.94% of the counted ballots, V.V. won. Putin with 76.69% of the votes. In second place is P. N. Grudinin with 11.77%. The remaining candidates scored:

  1. V.V. Zhirinovsky - 5.65%
  2. K. A. Sobchak - 1.68%
  3. G. A. Yavlinsky - 1.05%
  4. B. Yu. Titov - 0.76%
  5. M. A. Suraikin - 0.68%
  6. S. N. Baburin - 0.65%

The average turnout across the country was 59.93%.

For how long is the president elected?

According to the eighty-first article of the Basic Law of Russia, the president is elected for a term of 6 years. The first president to be elected for a six-year term was Putin. Previously, in Russia the president was elected for 4 years until appropriate amendments were made to the legislation.

The explanation for the increase in time is quite simple. 4 years is too short a time period to carry out reforms and solve political and socio-economic problems. In turn, citizens do not have the opportunity to give an objective assessment of the work of the head of state.

List of candidates for Russian President 2018

The presidential elections in the Russian Federation will take place on March 18, 2018, but many political forces have already decided on candidates. Among them (data for 2017):

  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  • Grigory Yavlinsky;
  • Alexey Navalny;
  • Vyacheslav Maltsev;
  • Maxim Suraikin;
  • Sergei Polonsky;
  • Anatoly Batashev;
  • Irina Prokhorova;
  • Grudinin Pavel;
  • Alina Vitukhnovskaya.

This table presents current data for January 2018 on candidates for the President of the Russian Federation.

Candidate's full nameDate of birthSubject of nomination
Agurbash Elvira Kalmetovna15.03.1975 Political party "Green Alliance"
Baburin Sergey Nikolaevich31.01.1959
Bakov Anton Alekseevich
29.12.1965Political party "Monarchical Party"
Bulaev Oleg Alexandrovich
26.07.1976 Political party COMMUNIST PARTY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE
Volynets Irina Vladimirovna
All-Russian political party"People's Party of Russia"
Gagite Irina Muratovna
Political party "Russian Socialist Party"
Gordon Ekaterina Viktorovna
Public organization – Political party “Good deeds, protection of children, women, freedom, nature and pensioners”
Grudinin Pavel Nikolaevich
Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich
Political party LDPR – Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
Kozlov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Kopenkina Marina Petrovna
Political party "NATIVE PARTY"
Lisitsyna Natalya Sergeevna
Political party "Russian United Labor Front"
Mikhailov Vladimir Viktorovich
A group of voters created to support the self-nomination of a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V.V. Mikhailov
Polishchuk Stanislav Petrovich
"Social Reform Party - Profit" natural resources- To the people"
Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich
A group of voters created to support the self-nomination of a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
Sobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna
All-Russian political party "Civil Initiative"
Suraikin Maxim Alexandrovich
Titov Boris Yurievich
All-Russian political party "PARTY OF GROWTH"
Khudyakov Roman Ivanovich
All-Russian political party "CHESTNO" / Person. Justice. Responsibility/"
Chukhlebov Alexander Yurievich
A group of voters created to support the self-nomination of candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation A.Yu. Chukhlebova
Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseevich
Political party "Russian United Democratic Party "YABLOKO"

Below we will talk about the participants in the election race in more detail.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Zhirinovsky heads the LDPR party and regularly participates in presidential elections, but there is nothing in common between his political views and liberalism. The list of Zhirinovsky’s radical ideas is represented by the expansion of state borders at the expense of the territory of neighboring countries, the deportation of migrants, the return death penalty. Perhaps this is what prevents him from ascending to office, but it does not prevent him from being rich and successful.

Grigory Yavlinsky

Yavlinsky is at the head democratic party"Apple". Being a qualified economist, he actively creates models of reforms and writes thematic books. The essence of a political idea comes down to building strong state and the resumption of close ties with countries that were part of the USSR.

Alexey Navalny

This oppositionist is known for his sharp criticism of the current government. He repeatedly accused high-ranking officials of corruption. Navalny has shown increased interest in the nationalist movement. However, he will not be able to realize his desire to become president. It's all because of the court verdict received in the case of the Kirovles enterprise.

Vyacheslav Maltsev

Being politician and a famous blogger, Maltsev is incredibly active in real life and online, where he regularly conducts video broadcasts. The radical oppositionist has little chance of winning, but this does not stop him. Maltsev plans to conduct his election campaign using legal resources, campaigning and creating headquarters everywhere.

Maxim Suraikin

He was defeated in the Duma elections, because the Communist Party accounted for only 2.5 percent of the votes. Despite this, Russia's main communist has enormous ambitions for the upcoming presidential elections. During the conference, he announced that he would take no lower than second place in the election race.

Sergei Polonsky

In 2015, this notorious businessman was extradited to the Russian Federation from Cambodia. IN at the moment passes trial, in which he is accused of fraudulent activities. However, Polonsky announced his intentions to participate in the presidential elections.

Anatoly Batashev

The Green Party nominee is not without big ambitions. For the sake of elections, he resigned from his post as adviser to Balashikha. According to the candidate, he is not afraid of hard work and does not suffer from a craving for expensive real estate and luxury cars. The electoral program is based on constitutional, foreign policy, transport and social and labor reform.

Irina Prokhorova

The sister of a major Russian businessman and millionaire is a member of the Civic Platform. In winter, information appeared about Prokhorova’s intentions to participate in the elections. She motivates her decision by the fact that even a state as strong as Russia can be headed by a woman.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya

Being a public figure, human rights activist and member of the Moscow Writers' Union, Vitukhnovskaya is running for elections from the Republican Alternative bloc, which she heads. During the interview, she told reporters that after winning the elections, she would first of all distribute money and happiness to people, and then deal with other problems.

This is an incomplete list of candidates. It does not contain the names of people who have not officially confirmed their nomination. Among them are politicians from the provinces, financiers and actors.

According to available information, Ivan Okhlobystin, the father of MMM, Sergei Mavrodi, and other people eager to see their name on the list of candidates who remain behind the scenes are planning to participate in the election race.

What is Putin saying?

During a recent conference, Putin said he would ensure that the election campaign was carried out within the law. He noted that every citizen of Russia, be it a doctor or a police officer, who has gone through the procedures provided for by law, can participate in the election race.

As for participation in the elections, according to him, it is too early to talk about this. Dmitry Peskov, the Russian president's press secretary, noted that Putin is not currently campaigning.

Who will win - forecasts of political scientists and analysts

Russians will have to elect a new president in 2018, and political scientists and analysts are already offering scenarios for the development of events. This is good, because the issue of electing the President of the Russian Federation is of interest not only to Russians, but also to foreigners.

Political scientists say that Putin is most likely to be re-elected for a second term if he participates. Experts also do not rule out a “castling”, when Medvedev will once again take office or the party in power will propose a new candidate. Analysts do not rule out holding early elections. Then the level of uncertainty will skyrocket.

  • The results of a recent public survey clearly demonstrated that Putin still does not have a worthy competitor. At the same time, the number of people unsure of the president’s participation in the election race has increased.
  • According to the survey results, 48% of Russians will unconditionally vote for the current president. Looking at the big picture, 64% of Russians would be happy to see Putin as president. Against 22% of respondents.

Representatives of the opposition, including Kasyanov, Yavlinsky and Navalny, according to political scientists, in next year will not receive citizen support. According to the forecast, these candidates have modest chances of becoming president of the Russian Federation.

The outcome of the elections can only be influenced by Putin’s decision regarding participation in the election race. If he makes a positive decision, he will most likely be re-elected. In other circumstances, the election victory will go to another candidate representing the ruling party. The opposition's chances are calculated at a few percent.

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