Exercise for the pelvic muscles. A set of workouts for improved functionality of the pelvic area. Do Kegel exercises help?

A person has muscles whose condition does not affect appearance his body, but can cause a number of diseases and disorders. These are muscles pelvic floor. Figuratively speaking, they represent a hammock stretched between the pubis and tailbone. The function of these muscles is to maintain the pelvic organs (bladder, urethra, vagina, intestines), ensuring their proper functioning. It is impossible to pump up your pelvic floor muscles in the gym, and it is not necessary! A woman can perform exercises that strengthen them in a comfortable home environment.

You can read about who needs to strengthen this muscle group, the technique of performing exercises, as well as contraindications to such training in our article.

Historical background

It is known that more women Ancient India, China, Egypt and other countries trained the pelvic floor muscles. For this purpose, they had special simulators in the form of a stone egg suspended on a thick, strong thread. Women were required to push this egg with the muscles of the vagina, preventing it from falling out. Of course, not all women did this - mainly strong pelvic floor muscles were needed by women of intimate professions - priestesses and geishas. Unfortunately, since the knowledge of this area was considered secret, most of it has been lost today.

In the first half of the 20th century (more precisely, in 1932), the American doctor D. Davis was the first to suggest using exercises that strengthen the muscles of this group to treat urinary incontinence. A little later, in 1948, A. Kegel, a scientist from the same country, finalized the complex proposed by his colleague, substantiated its mechanism of action from a scientific point of view, and even proposed a special simulator that increases the effectiveness of training many times over. It was then that exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles became popular and were named after the author - “Kegel exercises.” They have not lost their significance to this day.

Who should train the pelvic floor muscles?

As we said above, the training of these muscles is extremely important, because they support all the pelvic organs, providing normal functioning their. Muscles can be weakened from birth, but more often their condition changes for the worse during a woman’s life, especially after pregnancy and childbirth. This is fraught with urinary incontinence, prolapse and even prolapse of the vagina, a decrease in sexual desire and sensitivity of a woman during intimate relationships.

So, in what situations should you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles?

  1. Girls planning pregnancy. Strong muscles will provide the uterus with good support and reduce the likelihood of pelvic organ prolapse after childbirth.
  2. Pregnant women (in the absence of contraindications, which we list below). Such training will make the muscles more elastic, which will facilitate the birth process and reduce the risk of vaginal and perineal ruptures.
  3. The period after the birth of the child. Childbirth leads to stretching of these muscles, which entails all the above unpleasant consequences. Daily exercises in a month or two will return the muscles to normal tone and all the troubles associated with this problem will disappear.
  4. Women over 30 years of age. During this period, the risk of pelvic organ prolapse gradually increases. This significantly worsens both the woman’s quality of life and her sexual relationship with her partner. Regular muscle strengthening exercises will prevent the development of this pathology.
  5. If the omission has already happened, do not be upset. Exercises will help strengthen weakened muscles and improve the anatomical position of prolapsed organs.
  6. If you have an increased risk of developing urinary or fecal incontinence, or this disorder has already occurred, exercises will again come to the rescue to help prevent this problem, reduce its manifestations, or completely eliminate it.
  7. Weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause stagnation of blood in the pelvis, resulting in various diseases, including inflammatory ones. Regular exercise to strengthen the muscles of this group will reduce the risk of developing these pathologies.
  8. A woman's reduced sex drive has ruined the lives of many couples. Kegel exercises help increase a woman's libido and sensitivity, as well as make sensations during intimate relationships more vivid, sexual intercourse longer, and orgasm more powerful. This moment is extremely important for a full life for both young women and those who are approaching menopause or have already entered this period. For the latter, regularly performed Kegel exercises help to live a full intimate life for many years to come.

Summarizing what was written above, we conclude that healthy, strong pelvic floor muscles are necessary for a woman of any age. If for some reason they are weakened, you need to put in a little effort and bring the muscles to the desired tone.


In some cases, it is not advisable for a woman to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles, since such training can cause a number of complications that aggravate her condition. Contraindications are:

  • acute or chronic in the acute stage inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (cystitis and others);
  • benign and especially malignant neoplasms of the reproductive or urinary system;
  • acute or chronic bleeding (gastrointestinal, uterine), as well as a high risk of their development;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of any localization, occurring with fever and other symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
  • diseases of the vascular system leading to severe;
  • recent surgery;
  • during pregnancy - increased uterine tone, gestosis, spontaneous termination of pregnancy or a history of premature birth.

In any of these situations, exercise should be postponed at least until it is eliminated, and it is better to obtain the approval of the attending physician before the planned start of training.

How to tell if the right muscles are working

When you exercise on sports equipment, working in at the moment muscle groups are visible to the naked eye. It’s more difficult with the pelvic floor muscles - their work is invisible to us. That is why, before starting to perform exercises, it is important for a woman to understand which muscles should function during exercise - this will help increase the effectiveness of the workout. To determine this, she should hold the stream of urine during the act of urination, but not by squeezing her legs or tensing her gluteal muscles. We will train the muscles that held back the flow.

Exercise technique

Any woman can do Kegel exercises, regardless of her fitness level. They can be practiced at any time of the day, on an empty stomach or after a meal, in any body position - lying, sitting or standing, in absolutely any environment - at home, in the office, on the bus or standing in line. Don’t worry, no one will point a finger at you, because those around you won’t know or notice anything that you’re doing gymnastics. However, many women feel comfortable training at home, alone with their thoughts, emotions and sensations.

You should exercise with an empty bladder and intestines.

There are only 3 types of exercises - compression (when the muscles contract for a few seconds and then relax), contraction (quick alternations of compression and relaxation), pushing (almost every woman is familiar with this technique - it is similar to straining, pushing during childbirth). These techniques should be alternated during training.

So, the exercises:

  • tense the muscles of the perineum for 3-5-10 seconds (depending on individual fitness), then relax them for the same period of time; repeat exercises 10-15 times; as the muscles strengthen, increase the time of its contraction to 60-90 seconds;
  • a very effective exercise with the code name “Elevator”; you should slightly contract the muscles of the lower “floor” of the perineum, holding them in this state for 5-10 seconds, then strain them a little stronger for the same period of time, using higher-lying muscles - rise to the next “floor”; then even stronger and higher, and again - in total, our elevator should “climb” 4-5 floors; having reached the top, to the very cervix, when the muscles are tense as much as possible, you should relax them in the reverse order - gradually, lingering for 5-10 seconds on each “floor”;
  • as quickly as possible, you should alternately contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles; do this in “steps”, doing the exercise for 5 seconds, then give the muscles a rest for the same amount of time; 1 workout should include at least 3-5 such steps;
  • strain the muscles of the vagina and anus alternately for 5-10-20 seconds; at the initial stage of training, repeat 5-10 times; this exercise is called “Wave”;
  • perform moderate-intensity straining, such as when trying to recover or during childbirth, holding the muscles in this position for 5-7 seconds; The minimum number of repetitions of the exercise is 5.

To achieve the expected result, training the perineal muscles should be done daily, 4-5 times a day. The number of repetitions of each exercise at the initial stage of training is minimal - 5-10. Gradually they should be increased to 30-40 times in 1 approach. The time for which the muscles are tensed is also small at first - 3-5 seconds, and it should also be gradually increased as much as possible.

By doing the exercises day after day, after only 3-4 weeks, in some cases in 2-3 months you will feel the desired effect.

Other ways to train the perineal muscles

There are special vaginal simulators - cones made of plastic, which a woman must insert into the vagina and hold them in it with muscle strength. The weight of these exercise machines varies. You should start with a small weight and gradually increase it.

The effectiveness of such gymnastics can be determined with a special device - a perineometer - a sensor is inserted into the vagina, the woman squeezes its muscles as much as possible, and the device records the force with which she does this. Of course, such devices are not widely available. As a rule, they are used by specialists in physiotherapy departments.

Special instructions

If you want to achieve the result expected from the training described above as quickly as possible and prevent the development of undesirable consequences, you should follow these recommendations:

  • during exercise, breathe evenly deeply, do not hold your breath (this is especially important for pregnant women, since improper breathing of a pregnant woman can cause oxygen starvation of the tissues of her body, including the uterus and fetus);
  • use exclusively the perineal muscles in the exercises; the buttocks, abdominal and thigh muscles should not participate in the process;
  • conduct training regularly, without skipping, repeat the complex several times a day, gradually increase the intensity of the load on the muscles;
  • Loads are certainly necessary, however, overexertion is contraindicated; the number of repetitions of each exercise per day should be no more than 200 times;
  • when to perform what seems to be the most high load It’s not difficult for you, think about purchasing a simulator - this will increase the effectiveness of your training; Before purchasing, be sure to consult your doctor.


Strong, trained pelvic floor muscles provide reliable support to the pelvic organs, preventing their prolapse, prolapse, dysfunction (for example, urinary incontinence), and also maintain a woman’s sexual desire at a high level, are the key to her sensuality, and make orgasm more vivid. If for some reason the muscles of this group are overly stretched and relaxed, special gymnastics - Kegel exercises - will help restore their elasticity and tone. By doing them day after day, week after week, you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive results within a few months. The main thing is to show willpower, be persistent and not indulge yourself for a day or two.

However, although these exercises are practically safe, in some situations it is not advisable to perform them. That is why, in order to avoid complications, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before starting classes.

Other exercise options for training the pelvic floor muscles are presented in the video:

The fact that the physical culture of men’s bodies is called the key to functional performance internal system, everyone hears from early childhood. However, it is not a fact that the strong half of society at that time thought that physical exercise are able to influence the functionality of intimate body parts of men, such as the pelvic organs.

In fact, completely different images, the same for men, were previously attached to the concept of the small pelvis. But age and existing pathologies change all stereotypes and ignorance of basic medical rules, heading for strengthening.

What positive results can you expect from pelvic floor training?

If a man adamantly performs special selected exercises for the pelvic muscles, they will be able to achieve the following positive results:

What are the benefits of physical activity?

  • The blood flow of the organs of the small pelvic system is rapidly accelerating; this factor increases the speedy delivery of the necessary nutrient, oxygen, metabolic products are removed naturally. These processes lead to the activation of the synthesizing processes of the hormonal background of the prostate, which helps to increase potency and allows the formation of a new number of sperm in the semen to proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible. This completely improves functional characteristic each sperm individually.
  • The flow of plasma from the vein through the vessels of the small pelvic system improves, which makes it possible to more quickly take preventive measures against the formation of a hemorrhoidal nodule, as well as the developing inflammatory process of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bladder. Plasma that has stagnated can cause local temperatures to rise and also creates a favorable environment for various microorganisms multiply rapidly, causing inflammatory pathologies.
  • Peristalsis of the lower rectum increases, thereby positive influence on its performance, the gluteal region improves functionality.
  • In the lower part of the spinal tracts, the supporting movement is activated, that is, nutrition is activated, as well as the metabolic process in its intervertebral disc, and muscle pain is eliminated independently. This is a special preventive measure to combat the degenerative process of the intervertebral joint, such as osteochondrosis.

Thanks to these results, the strengthening ability of the muscles of the gluteal region, pelvic muscles, as well as the lower lumbar region of the abs increases, thereby improving the figure. This is the benefit.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor area, as an anatomical area that is associated with the pelvic floor in men, attracts special attention. In fact, the pelvic floor area is a muscle complex that tends to bear the weight of all the body parts of the abdominal region, as well as the small pelvic organs inclusive.

Thus, the pelvic floor muscles cannot allow the organs to sink to the bottom, pinched by the bone matter that formed the pelvis. The pelvic area is called a kind of hammock, which tends to sag a little due to the heaviness of the organ complexes, but it can be quite elastic, not stretch, so as not to become completely exhausted.

It is especially important that the muscular characteristics of the pelvic floor muscle area are not represented by smooth tissues, but by transverse and striated tissue muscles; accordingly, it is quite trainable. Everyone knows that the muscular part of the pelvic floor is extremely active during processes that involve lifting weights, during the period when a man empties the rectum naturally, performs the act of excreting urine, and also during sexual intercourse.

The fact that one muscle, which is located at the bottom of the pelvis, is associated with such unpleasant sensations in the stronger half of society as the uncontrolled withdrawal of a certain amount of urine after a man has performed the act of emptying the urethra. Observation by medical researchers has shown that the qualities of the pelvic floor muscles are completely amenable to self-control; the muscles can develop and also tense, guided by their own desire.

As usual, the young man works on strengthening the muscular area of ​​the pelvic floor according to the recommendations prescribed by medical professionals in the field of urology. But all men should not consider such exercises unnecessary, since they allow you to stop many disorders, which very often tend to manifest themselves during age-related changes.

It is also worth noting that performing exercises with preventive measures occur with much more simple conditions, which tend to occur when similar training complexes are used during the manifestation of any pathological process in the small pelvic area.

Workouts to benefit the pelvic floor muscles

In order to train the muscles of the small pelvic area in the stronger half of society, it is necessary to use training complexes of various types, including those that do not require special dedicated time.

Such training is comprehensively specially developed for all cases of vital necessity. There are many exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor, but men often use three basic ones.

Exercise No. 1

Walking workout

This type of exercise involves training the muscle tissue of the small pelvic area while walking. During the walking step, it is necessary to systematically lift the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor.

Thus, she tenses up to almost half of the strongest levels of a tense nature. When tightening muscles, you need to take a couple of steps, then slowly bring the muscle to relax, after some time of walking, the exercise is repeated.

Exercise No. 2

Exercises while urinating

For interested men, these pelvic floor exercises can be performed during the urine elimination process. After a man performs an act of urination, the muscles of the pelvic floor need to be pressed as much as possible so that involuntary droplets of urine do not leak out.

It is very useful that this training is directly designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men who have pathologies associated with. Such cases allow you to use complicated versions of similar exercises: straining muscle tissue during the process of urination, tries to interrupt it, then the man continues urination. So you need to interrupt a couple of times.

Exercise No. 3

Exercises during intimacy

A real masculine way to strengthen the muscle tissue of the pelvic area. During the processes of sexual intercourse, a man tenses his muscle tissue so as to be able to keep his penis erect.

At the same time, you need to move at a slow, rhythmic pace. The second stage involves tensing muscle tissue so that the moments of ejaculation are delayed. Such an exercise will not only help strengthen muscles, but will significantly increase the long-term activity of sexual intercourse.

Simple workouts with tension in the pelvic area muscles are recommended to be performed throughout the day. They can be performed in a horizontal position, as well as standing, sitting and in any other poses.

Specialized training complex for the strength of the pelvic floor

In order to perform a specialized developed complex, you need to find a certain period during the day. In order to train, you need a carpet (yoga mats are the most comfortable), as well as a strong chair with a high, flat seat. It should be classic, similar to those previously used during the school process.

The initial position will be gymnastics, lying with your arms extended along your body, as if along a ruler. Take a deep breath. Following this, you need to exhale sharply and raise your limbs, pulling your knees towards the chest area. The pelvic area is fixed at the highest point, the tailbone should be directed as high as possible.
Inhale again, lowering first your right, then your left leg, and freeze in the starting position. The lesson is performed depending on the man’s level of preparedness, according to an increasing system, from 3-6 techniques to 11-16.

The next exercise involves being in the same initial position as during the first training. Inhale, and while exhaling, bend the knee and raise it to a level of forty-five degrees from the floor. The knee should be rotated, first at one angle, then at another angle. The leg drops, everything is repeated, but for the other one. This complex allows a man to increase blood circulation and also strengthen muscle balance.

To train the pelvic floor muscles, which perform several functions:

  1. They hold the internal organs in their proper places: the bladder, uterus, rectum and small intestine, preventing their prolapse.
  2. Provide vaginal tone. That is, they make it narrower and more elastic. And the narrower the vagina, the greater the sensitivity during sex and the brighter the orgasms.
  3. Protects against accidental stress incontinence (for example, while sneezing, lifting heavy objects, or running).

Without regular exercise, they weaken with age and can no longer effectively perform their functions. The result is a rapid decline in the quality of life.

If, let's say, you can still come to terms with occasional urinary incontinence by using pads, then the prolapse of internal organs is fraught with serious health problems. And a vagina that has lost its elasticity spoils the whole thrill of intimate life.

There is only one way out - to exercise.

How to Find Kegel Muscles

First, find the necessary muscles. This is easy to do: imagine that you really want to pee, and squeeze your muscles as if trying to hold back urination. Tight muscles are what they are.

How to do the classic Kegel exercise for women

Gynecologist Arthur Kegel, who gave the world knowledge about such important muscles, offered the maximum simple diagram their training.

Squeeze your muscles for 5-7 seconds. Unclench. Repeat 10-12 times.

The beauty of the classic Kegel exercise is that you can perform it unnoticed and in almost any conditions: even standing on a bus, even sitting in a office chair, even lying on the couch in front of your favorite TV series.

However, over the 70-odd years that have passed since the creation of the classic exercise, more advanced options have appeared. They tighten muscles faster and more efficiently.

How to Do Advanced Kegel Exercises for Women

All seven exercises will take no more than 10 minutes. But to achieve the effect, it is enough to choose any three and do them at least once a day.

Most often, the starting position is any comfortable: sitting, standing or lying down. It is important that you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

1. Quick cuts

Perform the classic Kegel exercise 10 times, with one caveat: you need to contract and relax the muscles as quickly as you can. Give yourself a rest for 7-10 seconds and repeat the high-intensity workout.

What's the point? Training, the goal of which is to do the maximum number of movements in the minimum time, helps increase muscle endurance.

2. Inhale-exhale

Take a deep breath, gradually squeezing your Kegel muscles as hard as you can. When you realize that you no longer have the strength to take in air or squeeze your muscles, hold the position for 3-5 seconds. Then slowly and smoothly relax while exhaling deeply. Repeat 4-5 times.

The main thing is to concentrate on the pelvic floor muscles during long inhalations and exhalations.

What's the point? Feel the muscles. This will make Mind-muscle connection training principle: influence of muscle strength and training experience during a pushing movement. them to work more actively and will make the training more effective.

3. Pushing

Repeat the exercise from the previous paragraph with one amendment: exhale not slowly, but sharply. And at the same time, just as sharply relax the Kegel muscles, as if using them to push air out of the vagina. Repeat 4-5 times.

What's the point. Inhalation and exhalation help you concentrate on a variety of muscle loads.

4. Hold

Squeeze your Kegel muscles as hard as you can and hold for 10 seconds. Do 5-7 repetitions, each time increasing the time of muscle tension by 1-2 seconds.

What's the point. Under static load. Classic example statics for the whole body - famous. Statics has the same effect on the pelvic floor muscles: it makes them more responsive and elastic, improves metabolism, and increases strength.

5. Elevator

Imagine that you are going up an elevator. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles harder as the “elevator” reaches a new floor. Having “climbed” 10–15 floors (as far as your strength allows), begin to “descend”, also gradually and consistently relaxing your muscles. Do 3-4 full ascents and descents.

What's the point? Prolonged graded tension is also a kind of static load with all the ensuing consequences for muscle strength.

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Without lifting your feet and shoulders from the floor, lift your pelvis as high as possible. There is no need to squeeze the Kegel muscles. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Get down. Do 15–20 reps.

What's the point? During this exercise, a lot of blood flows to the pelvis. This nourishes the pelvic floor muscles and female genital organs, which can ultimately give you a magical feeling during sex. In addition, the bridge perfectly strengthens.

Feet - shoulder width apart, palms - on hips. Move your hips from side to side, slightly bending your knees. At the far left or right point, squeeze your Kegel muscles as hard as you can. And relax them when the hips begin to move in reverse side. Do 20-30 dance moves.

What's the point? This exercise improves blood circulation pelvic muscles and genitals. And it strengthens the buttocks and lower abdomen, making it fuller.

How to do Kegel exercises with exercise machines

Exercise machines designed specifically for the pelvic floor muscles will increase the effect of the exercises.


Your task is to prevent the balls from falling out of the vagina during exercise. This creates additional stress on the muscles and makes the workout more effective.

Both regular vaginal balls and balls with programmable vibration, which makes the muscles work even more intensely, are popular.

What to buy:

  • Silicone balls with a shifted center of gravity Silicone Ben Wa Balls, 1,908 rubles →
  • Metal balls of different sizes California Exotic Novelties Graduated Orgasm Balls, 1,690 rubles →
  • Small balls with a shifted center of gravity Love Balls, 477 rubles →
  • Heavy balls of unusual shape Silver Metal Ben Wa Balls, 2,592 rubles →
  • Balls with vibration and control panel Jelly Pink, 1,368 rubles →

These devices, which look like small silicone vibrators, will make your muscles work harder. Many models of smart trainers are synchronized with mobile applications for Android or iOS. The application allows you to program the frequency and frequency of vibrations.

What to buy:

  • Smart vibrator Adrien Lastic Mini Romeo 2 with remote control, 9,500 rubles →
  • We-Vibe Sync smart trainer with the ability to remotely control from a smartphone, 14,900 rubles →

In addition to vibration, such a device is equipped with a mode for generating weak pulse currents. They cause additional contraction of the pelvic floor muscles during exercise.

What to buy:

  • Intelligent pelvic muscle trainer Mystim Electric Eric, 9,504 rubles →
  • Double-sided vibrator with electrical stimulation Nalone Electro, 8,316 rubles →

How long to do Kegel exercises

All my life. Doctors believe What Are Kegels, and Why Should I Do Them? Kegel exercises are completely safe, and therefore it is recommended to do them daily, when you brush your teeth, drive to work, watch TV...

But the result will be noticeable within 4-6 weeks.

When not to do Kegel exercises

Do not exercise or stop training if you:

  • Do you want to go to the toilet? Before starting exercise, you must empty your bladder and bowels.
  • You are experiencing discomfort or pain. This may be due to the fact that you are doing the exercises incorrectly. Kegel exercises: A how-to guide for women, and in this case you should not expect any benefit. Consult your gynecologist about this.
  • Don't notice any improvements Kegel Exercises 3–4 months after the start of regular training. This point is also worth discussing with your doctor.

If you are pregnant, have recently had premature birth, surgery, or have been diagnosed with tumors, consult your gynecologist before starting training just in case.

In the 40s of the 20th century, US gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a group of exercises that strengthen the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor to treat urinary incontinence in patients after childbirth. Over time, Kegel gymnastics has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of other diseases in women and men.

The essence of Kegel gymnastics

The pelvic floor (perineum) is a group of fascia and muscles located between the thighs from the tailbone to the pubis. The main function of the perineal muscles is to hold the pelvic organs (PIO) in the abdominal cavity. Gut health depends on this genitourinary system, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the general well-being of a person.

With age, as well as due to heavy physical activity, the elasticity of the muscle fibers of the pelvic floor decreases. Gymnastics created by Kegel are aimed at restoring and maintaining their elasticity.

Who is suitable for Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises were originally developed for postpartum women as a way to train the pubococcygeus muscles for urinary incontinence.

The positive effect it has on all muscle fibers of the pelvic floor makes it possible to effectively use the Kegel technique for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the rectum and genitourinary organs in women and men.

Kegel exercises are necessary for women planning pregnancy or already preparing for childbirth to improve blood flow in the reproductive organs, speed up labor and reduce pain during this process.

Indications for implementation

Many years of research have confirmed that the set of exercises developed by Kegel - effective way fight against age-related changes in pelvic tissues and gynecological diseases.

When to do Kegel exercises


  1. Kegel exercises are performed when the uterus and cervix prolapse. Regular gymnastics is necessary for a woman’s OMT to prevent hair loss.
  2. Kegel gymnastics is especially relevant for women after 50 years of age, since muscle elasticity deteriorates with age.
  3. Kegel training while strengthening his muscles. This allows you to increase a woman’s sexual activity and the quality of sex.
  4. Improving blood circulation during gymnastics in the pelvis has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs, including normalizing the menstrual cycle and increasing the likelihood of conception.
  5. Treatment and prevention of enuresis in women and men.
  6. For pregnant women, strengthening the perineal muscles is necessary to prevent birth injuries and facilitate labor.
  7. After childbirth, exercise therapy is prescribed using the Kegel method to tighten the uterus and increase the elasticity of the perineal muscles.
  8. Gymnastics performed using the Kegel technique helps men and women avoid digestive problems and prevent inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  9. Kegel exercises help normalize erections in men and increase potency.


Gymnastics is contraindicated for women in the following cases:

  1. Difficult pregnancy. Physical activity can threaten pregnancy or cause premature birth.
  2. You cannot perform exercises for the first 3 days after natural delivery and 3 months after cesarean section.
  3. Acute stage of development of oncological processes. Any physical activity must be agreed upon with the supervising specialist.

Men can do Kegel exercises without restrictions.

Women's technique

Kegel exercises are based on the ability to tense, relax and push out the pubococcygeus muscles.

Perineal muscle training should begin with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

A set of Kegel exercises to lift the uterus, vagina, as well as to increase the elasticity and tone of the intimate muscles:

Exercises (from simple to complex)ResultExecution technique
StopHelps beginners feel where the intimate muscles are located and learn to control them.During urination, you need to consciously stop and restart the stream of urine. Perform at least 4 times.

There are two more ways to determine where the intimate muscles are:

  • during sex, squeeze your partner’s penis with your intimate muscles;
  • insert a finger into the vagina and squeeze it with the muscles.
Slow CompressionsTraining the muscles that stop urination.On initial stages the muscles are tensed as much as possible and held in this position for 5-20 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

A more complicated version of the exercise:

  • the muscles tense and smoothly unclench for 5 seconds (repeat 5-7 times with a break of 10 seconds);
  • increase the time of smooth tension and relaxation to 30 seconds, repeat 3 times with an interval of 10 seconds.
ElevatorIncreased vaginal muscle tone.Tighten your intimate muscles for 3 seconds, then, without relaxing, squeeze harder for another 3 seconds. The number of “floors” is not limited. At the last level, when the muscles are maximally tense, you should hold for 5 seconds.

You need to relax the muscles “floor by floor” until complete relaxation.

AbbreviationsStrengthening all muscles of the perineum.The compression and relaxation of the perineal muscles is carried out at a rapid pace.

Maintain even breathing: tense your muscles as you inhale, and relax as you exhale.

BlinkingStrengthening the sphincter muscles of the rectum and vagina.The muscles of the vagina and anus alternately tense and relax for 2-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
PushingTraining the lower perineal muscles.The task of the pelvic floor muscles is to push out the imaginary foreign object. To do this, while sitting, you need to push, as during pushing or defecation. Repeat 10 times.

Initially, vaginal gymnastics for a prolapsed uterus is best done at home while lying on your back. In this case, your legs need to be bent at the knees and slightly apart. The buttocks should lie on the floor, you can put your palms under them.

Male technique

The intimate muscles of men that require training are located between the anus and the scrotum. To increase their tone, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises:

Exercises (by degree of difficulty)PurposeExecution technique
Volitional stopDetection of the lower pelvic floor muscles.During urination, abruptly stop and resume the stream of urine several times, avoiding leakage.

While doing this, breathe evenly: while inhaling, tense your muscles, while exhaling, relax.

CompressionPerineal muscle training.Slowly tense your muscles, stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and gradually relax. Repeat 10 times.
ElevatorWith slight force, squeeze the intimate muscles for 10 seconds, without relaxing, increase the tension for 10 seconds. Then tense your muscles as much as possible and hold for as long as possible.

Muscle relaxation should be carried out in stages.

Super compressionTighten the muscles of the perineum as much as possible and hold as long as you can. Do at least 10 approaches.
VibrationQuickly tense and relax your intimate muscles for a minute.

Additional abdominal exercises

How to strengthen the walls of the uterus and abdominal muscles at the same time? To do this, you need to perform strengthening gymnastics for the vagina according to Yunusov.

This type of gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. "Mill". Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bending down to touch your right foot with your left hand, and then right hand left leg.
  2. Pelvic rotations performed with maximum amplitude.
  3. Torso rotations.
  4. Spring squats.
  5. Lying with your back on the floor, bend your knees and spread them apart. Bring your knees together, straining your perineal muscles.
  6. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs straight, sliding along the surface, squeeze the muscles of the perineum. When spreading your legs, relax the muscles.
  7. "Gluteal bridge." Lying on your back, bend your knees, moving them as close to your buttocks as possible. Raise your buttocks without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor.
  8. "Bike". Simulation of pedaling while lying on the floor.

Features of the exercises

Training should be regular, and you should empty your bladder before starting.

While performing the exercises, you need to maintain even breathing. The muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abs should be relaxed.

For training, you can use special Kegel exercisers.

As you gain experience in performing Kegel exercises, you can choose any comfortable position for training.

Performing Kegel exercises is invisible to others, so gynecological gymnastics for prolapse of the cervix and walls of the uterus and vagina can be performed outside the home.

Correct execution

The lack of results from training within a month indicates errors in performing Kegel exercises. The most common:

  • holding your breath;
  • performing gymnastics by tensing and relaxing the abdominal muscles, buttocks and thighs;
  • irregular training;
  • exercising with a full bladder;
  • excessive stress on the perineal muscles, worsening the condition.

Gymnastics results

80% of those who practice the Kegel method experience positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, sexual desire increases and intimate life becomes brighter.

Kegel exercises after hysterectomy and childbirth shorten the rehabilitation period, prevent the formation of adhesions and sagging muscles of the perineum.

With daily exercise and Kegel exercises, a positive result is noticeable after 3 weeks. However, in case of serious pathologies, the desired effect can be achieved for more than 2 months.

After achieving the result, to maintain the tone of the perineal tissue, it is recommended to do 60-90 approaches during the day.

Almost all the most effective exercises for the small pelvis, women can perform it at home without using any complex devices. This gymnastics is the basis of all complexes for planning pregnancy, during it and after childbirth, since it is in these areas that the muscles weaken and lose tone most quickly.

It is very difficult to achieve firmness and elasticity of the muscles in the so-called intimate areas, but regularly performing the right exercises for the small pelvis for women will definitely give results.

When starting exercises, you should remember some points that will greatly facilitate your training:

  1. Exercise regularly, correctly alternating load and rest. The optimal schedule for training is every day. Exercising too infrequently will not bring the expected results, but it should be borne in mind that sometimes the muscles should have time to “rest”.
  2. Do not eat an hour before training, otherwise you may experience nausea or heaviness in the stomach.
  3. You need to exercise when your intestines and bladder are empty.
  4. Pre-warm up. Running in place, jumping rope, light stretching, and even dancing are good warm-ups.
  5. Breathe correctly. Any effort should coincide with exhalation, and relaxation should coincide with inhalation.

It is best to set aside a specific time for studying, and not study when free time appears.

For reference! Practice shows that the regimen increases the effectiveness of training.

Who should do gymnastics?

The female muscles in this area can be compared to a hammock, which is stretched between the pubic bones, the joints of the pubic and coccygeal areas. It is designed to support organs:

  • intestines;
  • vagina;
  • bladder;
  • urethral canal;

If muscle tissue is elastic and resilient, all organs function normally. Otherwise, it is necessary to carry out exercises for the pelvis, and they are necessary for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. When planning a pregnancy, it is important to understand that bearing a child and giving birth depends on the condition of the pelvic muscles. Firmness and elasticity will help reduce the risk of organ prolapse to a minimum.
  2. Exercises for the pelvis are a good prevention against tissue ruptures during childbirth.
  3. After the birth of a baby, overworked muscles are stretched, which can affect the functions of organs and create problems in terms of sexual relations. That is why women are interested in the question of how to strengthen the pelvic muscles quickly and effectively.
  4. Some pathologies can lead to urinary incontinence and sphincter weakness, but exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles will help in this case too.
  5. If, due to various reasons, a woman’s libido has decreased, problems arise in her relationship with her partner. It is worth paying attention to gymnastics to strengthen your muscles, and your sexual desire will return with renewed vigor.
  6. With weakened muscles, blood flow stagnates in the pelvic area in women. This leads to the development of inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases. Special exercises not only help eliminate negative manifestations, but also act as a preventive measure.

Strong and healthy pelvic muscles are needed at any age, and especially if we are talking about the muscular apparatus responsible for sexual relations and bearing a child.

Set of exercises

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles are not difficult to do, but the catch is that the process is long and you should not expect an instant effect.

Interesting! This type of gymnastics is called the Kegel complex after the American professor of obstetrics and gynecology who developed it. It includes a number of exercises.


You need to imagine that there is an elevator car in the crotch. It is necessary to squeeze the muscles 7 times with gradual intensification. They also need to be released evenly when the elevator “descends to the bottom floor.”

Triple Approach

This strengthening exercise for the pelvic muscles should be done in three stages:

  1. Lie on your back, tense in the vaginal area, stay in this position for three counts, without exhaling. Relax slowly. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Alternately tense and relax the same group of muscles at the fastest possible pace. You need to do 15 approaches.
  3. Imagine that there is an urgent need to empty the intestines, while there is constipation. Repeat 10 times at 10-second intervals.

This complex for beginners should be done up to 5 times a day. After the tissues get used to the load (in about a week), add 5 approaches to each stage, and after another seven days increase by the same amount. Thus, the complex should consist of 3 exercises, each with 30 repetitions.

Pulse flashing

This is another type of gymnastics for the small pelvis. The woman should lie on her back and bend her legs, spreading them slightly. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen, one should lie on the pulse of the other. To the beat of the heart, the muscles tense, as if stretching from the bottom up, all the way. You need to do 50-60 contractions, then rest for 30 seconds and start again. As a result, the number of repetitions should be from 100 to 120.

Cats and dogs

This fun muscle exercise has been known to everyone since childhood. While kneeling, you need to arch and retract the spinal column, lowering and raising your head. The effect on the vaginal muscles is that you need to work the muscular part of the lower abdomen, involving the perineal sphincter. Be sure to take deep breaths and exhales, exhaling only through the nose, and inhaling through the mouth. Do 5-10 approaches.


Lie on your back, raising your pelvis as high as possible, trying to reach your heels with your fingers. Pull in the abdomen to its maximum extent, and the vaginal area will work at the same time. A more detailed idea of ​​charging can be obtained thanks to the video.

For reference! This exercise also helps to perfectly pump up your abs and legs, and get rid of extra pounds on your hips and buttocks.

Exercise equipment

A charging device, the so-called Kegel exerciser for strengthening the pelvic muscles, is a device that helps make gymnastics more effective.

There are several types of devices:

  1. A kegle-shaped device made of special medical silicone is the Magic kegel master. This is a personal trainer for the intimate area, equipped with ultra-sensitive sensors that measure pressure. Readings can be displayed directly on a smartphone. There is a vibration effect.
  2. Another simulator that allows you to determine the strength of resistance is the Magic kegel master. Each time the load increases, it forms strong and elastic fibers of the perineum. Its functionality is based on the action of springs, which can be changed as the load increases.
  3. Jade balls are devices that provide tone and restore elasticity and firmness to the muscles. In addition, this stone has antibacterial properties.

You can start using exercise equipment only after completing a gymnastics complex. But you should know that during inflammatory processes, infections and exacerbations of diseases, doing exercises or using exercise equipment is strictly prohibited.

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