What does the number 59 mean. Numerology. secrets of the number ladder. We scurry along it up and down, right and left, forward and backward, sometimes we mark time, sometimes we sit down to rest..., in any case, we follow our own path, which is not similar to the path of our neighbor, St.

The Simbolon deck consists of 78 cards. But these are not Tarot cards. The similarity starts at the point of having the same number of cards in the deck, but that's where it ends.
Word Simbolon– Greek. The word Symbol comes from it. In ancient times, the Greeks, going on a long campaign, took a fragment of a clay plate for themselves, and left the other part to a loved one. The campaign could last several years, many changes took place in life, people grew up, suffered, grew old, changed internally and externally, but Simbolon invariably helped to find and recognize their loved ones. Simbolon is the matching fragments of the whole. “Symbolon” ​​is a fragment that was previously part of the whole and is now looking for its soul mate, writes Peter Orban. “Under the “melodies” of the souls of our patients, the astrological deck of cards Symbolon arose - a game of memories. If the half is found and the whole is restored, then the astrologer or therapist can safely move on.” And here is a subtle point. The authors of the deck did not create Simbolon as a tool for finding the coveted “your soulmate” in outside world in the person of a specific hero, preferably smart, handsome, rich and generous. No, not like that.

It is curious that the Simbolon deck was created by the authors not as an oracle, not as a tool for predicting the future, but on the contrary, they were more connected with the past, and the authors dedicated the deck greek goddess in memory of Mnemosyne.

In the Simbolon deck of cards, two groups of cards can be distinguished. The first is 12 cards that correspond to the signs of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces. These are “pure” astrological archetypes. On these cards, the symbol of the zodiac sign is indicated at the top, and the symbol of the planet that rules the given sign is indicated at the bottom. Another group consists of 66 cards. They represent a symbolic image of combining the main astrological archetypes in pairs. In the upper corners of the card are the symbols of the two zodiac signs and in the lower corners are the symbols of the corresponding planetary rulers.

The deck was created as an assistant in internal work. The authors call the deck a game of memory, meaning that the bright symbolic images of the cards help to “remember” something long forgotten, deeply hidden in the human soul. The energy of the archetypal symbol captured in the card icon helps to raise fragments of the unconscious to the level of awareness, “recognize”, “remember” them, establish contact with them, and thus bring them into consciousness, while gaining a certain level of integrity. And therefore this memory game can be considered a form of therapy.
Possibilities practical application the decks turned out to be very large. I will give some of them.

1.Psychological counseling and psychotherapy.

1) Identification and integration of subpersonalities.
This method is suggested by the deck's authors. P. Orban writes that we all consist of different subpersonalities, separated from each other in the soul and in consciousness. Our consciousness is not familiar with many of them. They exist in our unconscious and often have a noticeable impact on our lives. Cards, thanks to the archetypal symbol, can help a person see which of the subpersonalities dominates in a given topic, or, on the contrary, is repressed. By contemplating a drawing, an image, consciousness can more easily understand its characteristics and motivation, it is easier to recognize it, remember and integrate it.
2) Projective techniques in psychological counseling.
3) Fairytale therapy.

2.Using the deck as an oracle. You can predict and analyze a variety of situations and relationships.
3. Use as a tool for analyzing karmic interactions.
4. Analysis of generic scenarios and generic programs.
5. Instrument in individual arrangements with figures and cards.
6. Can be used in archetypal psychotherapy. (Hillman, Lebedko).
7. As a symbolic image for meditative immersion (active imagination).
8. In astrological consultation.

Let's look at the map from the Oracle in more detail

Original title: THE LOVER.

Astrological correspondence: planet Venus, sign Taurus.

On the map we see beautiful woman who sits in beautiful garden. Trees with ripe fruits on their branches represent fertility and abundance. Behind her is a rose bush - a symbol of beauty and femininity. Her whole appearance and posture radiate bliss, sensual pleasure. The woman is surrounded by things that symbolize wealth and comfort. She is sitting on soft pillows, which speaks of a love for comfort and coziness.

The girl leaned her elbows on the table on which stood a casket with jewelry - “a beautiful diamond should have a beautiful setting.” Next to her is a vase with exquisite fruits: apples, grapes, a decanter of wine (Taurus loves beauty and abundance).

It is also important to her how she looks, how others evaluate her, so she holds a mirror in her hands. Her neck is decorated with a necklace, her belt is made of precious stones(in astrology, Venus rules the throat and kidneys), there is a wreath of flowers on the head. Everything speaks of visible, earthly beauty.

A dove flying nearby is a symbol of love and fertility. The dove is the bird of Aphrodite.

Card for the day

What is most important for me to do today?
This day will be dedicated to earthly, material matters. On this day it’s good to take care of yourself, your appearance. You can visit a beauty salon, sauna, gym, etc. Bring order and harmony around you: clean your apartment, your workplace. Cook a delicious lunch or go to a restaurant with your loved ones for dinner.

What is the most important thing for me to understand today?
The most important thing is to understand that a person must be harmonious and beautiful both inside and outside. You must understand that the body is the seat of the soul, so it must be loved and cherished in moderation.

What can I learn today?

On this day you can learn patience, perseverance, and slowness in everything. The main thing for you on this day is to take care of yourself.

Today you should exude charm, charm, you should be beautifully dressed, even at home. You should receive sensual pleasures yourself and give them to people close to you.

Motive– Man is driven by the desire for pleasure and comfort. Desire for sensual pleasures. Everything is aimed at retaining the familiar, the familiar.

State– Attention to everything material, to the form of manifestation of anything. Attention to yourself, your body - what I’m wearing, what jewelry, how I look from the outside. Attention to things that surround you.

Process“There may be delays at the beginning of the process, but gradually everything will be sorted out and go back to normal. You need an incentive to action (especially financial), and a focus on results. The process itself will develop very slowly (according to Taurus) - “slowly but surely.”

Result– You will get a very specific result, your actions will bear good fruit.

Relationship– Harmonious, with a great admixture of sensuality. Specific relationships, without intrigue and manipulation of each other. Focus on the sexual, physical side of the relationship, enjoying intimacy with your partner. Thirst for possession, possessiveness, jealousy. The importance of receiving sensory input from your partner. Material interest based on the desire for comfort and a comfortable life is also possible.

Warning– Maintain harmony between the needs of the soul and body. Beware of materialism, hoarding, and satiety with pleasures. Selfishness. Laziness.

AdviceFor women– feel your external attractiveness, sexuality, accept and love your feminine nature; for men - pay attention to the role of a woman in your life or simply devote more time to your beloved. Express your attitude, your love through a specific action.

Don't forget about the material, earthly things in your life. Learn to accept life as a sensory experience, respect and appreciate your body as the seat of the soul, without exaggerating its importance and without wasting your energy. Appreciate the beauty of the world around you, enjoy simple, everyday things.

Another card from the Simbolon Oracle

Original title: EROS.

Combining cards: Warrior and Beloved.
Astrological correspondence:
planet Mars\Venus, sign Aries\Taurus.

Eros , Eros V ancient greek mythology the god of love, the son of Aphrodite and Ares, the personification of love attraction, ensuring the continuation of life on earth. For the Romans, it corresponded to Cupid and Cupid. Therefore, in the background we see a young, playful Cupid with golden wings, a bow, a quiver and arrows, which inevitably amazed both people and the gods themselves, instilling in them a love passion. It can be assumed that it was the Warrior's sword that turned into a bow in the hands of the winged boy. The destructive energy of Mars, in interaction with Taurus Venus, is transformed into the sexual energy of love. Pillows, flowers and a vase with treats have already appeared on the Beloved map. The Warrior's aggressive energy disappears - he is busy with something else. All that was left of his map was the road in the background that led him here.

Two nude figures - a man and a woman - stand under an arch of roses. The atmosphere of the card speaks of a harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles, of sexual energy in beautiful, acceptable forms. This is a full union of Mars and Venus - they look each other straight in the eyes.

Card for the day

What is most important for me to do today?
Pay attention to the topic of relationships in a sensual and erotic sense. Abstinence today is not advisable.
What is the most important thing for me to understand today?
On this day you should realize your sexual needs, your feminine/masculine attractiveness.
What can I learn today?
Openness and trust in others. Realize your sexual, sensual nature and let it reveal itself.
What does my environment want from me today?
Go meet other people. The environment is favorable to you. The day will pass harmoniously.

Motive- Desire for sexual pleasure. The desire to love and be loved. Openness, trust in another person.

State– A harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles in a person. Venus/Beloved knows how to direct the energy of Mars/Warrior into a peaceful direction. She gives his actions a beautiful, harmonious form. A person’s desires and his actions are coordinated and balanced.

Process– Develops harmoniously, without delays or obstacles. Action according to your choice.

Result- Expected. You will get what you expected. At the same time, you will experience satisfaction and pleasure from the result.

Relationship– Harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. The influence of passion and sexuality is great. People complement each other perfectly, there are no differences.
In business - finding a partner with whom there will be close, harmonious, equal cooperation. A fruitful union.

Business, work, finance- Beneficial partnership. Satisfaction from what has been done, success. In some cases, someone's significant financial assistance is possible.

Warning– You cannot build your relationship only on sexual attractiveness and personal sympathy. The physical level of the relationship must be supported by kinship of souls, etc.

Man and Woman are two different worlds, two poles of existence, yin and yang. They attract each other by virtue of their of different nature, but deep down they are too different, they have their own view and attitude to life. This can become a problem in relationships.

Advice– Become more attractive to the opposite sex. Emphasize your sexuality. Be more relaxed in this area.

Layouts on Simbolon:

« Sun"is aimed at introspection and self-knowledge. With the help of the layout cards, you can find out what values ​​and ideals are important to you, what strengthens and weakens your personality, what you are like in life at the moment and in what direction should we develop further. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.
1. What values ​​do I consciously uphold? What do you think is really important in life?
2. What ideals do I follow?
3. My true self-image.
4. Where am I today, what am I like?
5. What strengthens my self-image?
6. What weakens my personality?
7. The desired direction for the development of my personality in the near future.
8. In what direction has my personality developed so far?

« Portrait of a loved one"allows you to imagine which person is right for you to start a family or for a serious relationship. This alignment answers the most exciting questions regarding the character of the partner who is ideal for you and whether your idea of ​​an ideal partner coincides with the character of the person you really need. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.
1. What qualities do you think your chosen one should have?
2. What qualities of your partner are necessary for harmony with your character?
3. What irritates you, what is unacceptable and not suitable for you?
4. What qualities of yours prevent you from finding a loved one, which is not compatible with your aspirations?
5. What qualities of yours will help you in a relationship with your partner, what might interest your soul mate in you?
6. What important everyday or life nuance is worth paying attention to?
7. Which relationship is most suitable for you.
8. Advice on how to behave in order to find your soulmate or where to look for your love.

« Gate of love" - this is an example of one of the best love fortune telling. Using this layout, you can analyze existing or just beginning love relationship between two people. In this reading, there are positions of hope, expectations and fears of partners about their relationship, and this fortune-telling also gives advice on how in the best possible way You and your partner should behave in order to build strong and long-lasting relationships. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.
1. Querent: Symbolizes the starting point. Shows who the querent is and what place he occupies in the relationship.
2. Left Column: Symbolizes hope. Shows what the querent expects from this relationship.
3. Right column: Symbolizes fears. Shows what the querent fears in this relationship.
4. Architrave: Symbolizes responsibility. Shows what difficulties and difficulties the querent is willing to endure for the sake of this relationship.
5. Castle: Symbolizes the appearance of the partner. Shows how the querent imagines his partner.
6. Key: Symbolizes the right way interaction with a partner. Shows how the querent should build his relationship with his partner.
7. The area behind the gate: Symbolizes the synthesis of the meanings of previous cards and indicates the very solution to the situation. Shows how the relationship between the querent and his partner will develop and what it is like.

« What's on his mind?“allows you to find out what a person thinks about you, what part of his personality he shows you and what he hides, what he gives you and what he can give you in the future, what he receives and what he would like to receive from you in the future. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what you would like to know about a person, but for some reason you cannot ask him or he does not want or cannot tell. Think about the person you are going to guess about and your question and select cards from the deck.
1. How much of their personality does the person show to me?
2. What part of his personality does the person hide from me?
3. What does a person give me now?
4. What can the future give me?
5. How he perceives what he receives from me now.
6. What would you like to receive from me in the future?

"The Return of the Beloved"» gives the most exact description the reason for the breakup or quarrel, as well as the forecast whether your loved one will return to you. This fortune telling illuminates such exciting questions as whether reconciliation is possible on your part and on the part of your partner, what each partner feels and thinks in this situation.
1. Describes your partner's position in this situation.
2. Shows your position in a given situation.
3. Indicates the cause of the conflict/breakup in the relationship.
4. Shows whether it is possible for your partner to restore the relationship (whether he wants it, whether he is ready for reconciliation).
5. It shows whether restoration of the relationship is possible on your part (how ready you are for reconciliation, whether you really want it).
6. Predicts the outcome - whether reconciliation is possible, restoration of relationships, whether the partner will return.
7. Indicates what you need to do on the path of reconciliation and restoration of relationships.
8. Indicates the conclusions you need to draw from this situation. A lesson you should learn.

"House on the Sand" used in cases where the fortuneteller wants to analyze relationships. which are left in the past. to understand your mistakes and reveal all the secrets in past relationships that are still not known to you. This fortune telling will reveal to you the real reason breakup, what the state of your ex-partner is at the moment and how to get rid of painful thoughts and memories. Before you start fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.
1. My state in this relationship.
2. Partner's condition.
3. Reason for the breakup.
4. How did the breakup go?
5. How the breakup was experienced.
6. How the gap was explained.
7. What “hooked” me in this relationship.
8. Why do I remember this?
9. How this relationship affected me and changed my life.
10. What will help me free myself from these memories.

"Analysis of Loneliness" used primarily to determine the reasons why you or the intended person cannot find a mate. This fortune telling answers such interesting questions as: “Will I have a relationship in the planned period,” and also gives an understanding of what to strive for. what you should avoid, what relationships are right for you and how you see yourself in future relationships. Concentrate and think about your question, then select 10 cards from the Simbolon deck.
1. The state of the questioner, readiness for the meeting and how he sees himself in future relationships
2. What does the questioner want to get out of the relationship?
3. What the questioner is afraid of (what he doesn’t want)
4. What should the questioner strive for?
5. What should the questioner work on, what should he get rid of?
6. What is the questioner willing to sacrifice?
7. What the questioner cannot refuse
8. What will help the questioner?
9. What will hinder the questioner?
10. Potential outcome (will there be a relationship in the predicted period?)

« My gift"gives you an idea of ​​what talents nature has endowed you with and what abilities you should develop. This unusual layout will also tell you in which direction it is best to use your gift, gives a forecast for the future, and also answers the question “Why have I been given this gift?” Concentrate, think about the person you are going to tell fortunes about and select cards from the deck.
1. This is my ability (gift).
2. How can I develop my talent and abilities?
3. Why have I been given this gift, and how can I best use it?
4. What obstacles and difficulties are in my way?
5. What will help you overcome the difficulties described by the fourth card?
6. Forecast for the future. What will my gift bring me?

A small but very useful and informative layout aimed at self-knowledge and characteristics of a person’s personality. With just three Simbolon oracle cards, you can get answers to interesting questions regarding your or your hidden personality. concentrate and imagine the person for whom the layout will be made, select cards from the deck.
1. Who am I?
2. What do I need?
3. How to achieve this?

"Exit from the vicious circle" will help you understand the reason and essence of a recurring situation in your life. The peculiarity of this layout is that it indicates the essence of the situation in different aspects: spiritual, conscious and subconscious motive. This fortune telling also gives advice on what to do and a warning of what not to do. Ask your question and select 10 Simbolon cards from the deck.
1. Indicates the area in relation to which the alignment is being made
2. Shows the essence of a repeating situation, what exactly is happening.
3. Indicates your role in the situation.
4. Indicates motives that you are aware of, i.e. how you yourself explain your behavior.
5. Reveals subconscious motives, i.e. what influences your behavior on a subconscious level.
6. Shows what happens in the end, the result for you - how your behavior, your motives and the final result relate.
7. Indicates what needs to be understood in order to break the vicious circle.
8. Warning - what not to do.
9. Gives advice on what to do best and what to do next.
10. Shows what breaking the vicious circle and changing the situation will bring you.

Astrological correspondence: Virgo/Mercury

Original title:THE SERVITOR

Basic values: Reason, acceptance of reality, rationality, moderation, spiritual balance.

In the distance, on a hill, stands the Acropolis, to which a road leads. Woman in light clothes erected an altar of processed stone. There is a drawing of Taurus on the stone, i.e. she tamed the forces of nature. On this altar she placed a bowl of fire and offerings: a bunch of wheat, bunches of grapes, a basket of fruits - the fruits of her labor. In the background are fields from which the harvest has already been harvested. Autumn, part of the harvest should be dedicated to the gods. The attendant placed the offerings on the altar, lit the fire, and established contact with the gods. The Caduceus appears from the smoke - a symbol of Mercury, healing, health. That is, the connection through the mind with higher world through some ordered sequence of actions - ritual.

Associations: Autumn, all around are cultivated fields from which the harvest has already been harvested. On the hill in the distance you can see the Acropolis and the road leading to it. The woman built an altar and placed offerings to the gods on it: wheat, grapes, various fruits - everything that was grown with her own hands. A burning bowl of incense helps her establish a connection with the gods. From the smoke appears Mercury's rod Caduceus - which represents the forces of connection and separation, good and evil, fire and water, ascension and descent, balance, wisdom, reconciliation, fertility, health and youth. It shows how through a certain sequence of actions - a ritual - a connection with higher powers is established.

Emotional state: We are engaged in establishing order in the material world around us. We organize, cultivate, and spiritualize everything around us. Through the sacrificial fire on the altar, the material rises upward and connects with higher spheres.

Card color yellow

The Acropolis is the city of the gods, a connection with the divine.

Taurus is a sign of taming nature.

A bowl of fire is a sacrificial fire.

Donations: wheat, grapes - a sacrifice for the sake of the future harvest, gratitude to the gods.

Light clothes are a sign of purity.

The symbol of the Caduceus in the background is fertility, healing, healing, harmony.

Snakes are a symbol of wisdom.

The rod is a symbol of power over nature.

Wings – harmonious development of the spiritual and material.

Positive values: This is a hardworking personality, a “Cinderella” type.

Upside down - an obsessive person.

Class important work, although it will be somewhat routine and boring. But it must be completed, because... it has a certain higher meaning (the same regular cleaning of the house). This is the path of a woman (Cinderella, for example).

Necessary actions, i.e., what will happen today easily, without stress.

Pay attention to daily responsibilities.

What conclusions need to be drawn today?

Even washing dishes is a sacred act of service to others.

Perform ordinary work with pleasure and awareness of its necessity for further development

You need to devote yourself to work, putting things in order, taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

ABOUT main problem- This card says that you refuse to accept your current position in life.

P Here's the solution to the problem: It's no use now: although it's a bitter pill to swallow, you have to accept yourself; set your sights, drops and adapt to living conditions.

Serve the Highest Ideal with concrete work. Performing a daily ritual. Put things in order, systematize everything, analyze it, sort it into shelves.

Through service to others, working off karmic debts. Feeling the divine in the ordinary. Fulfilling your direct responsibilities.

We restore order; when our material world(Taurus on the altar) is ordered, cultivated and through the sacrificial fire rises, unites with higher spheres. In a sense, the spiritualization of matter through daily work.

Action according to plan, without fuss and haste. Taking into account details, attention to detail and the mechanism of the process.

It will proceed slowly but surely, on schedule, according to a pre-approved plan.

Depends on the work put in. Getting what you deserve. Expected result within the planned time frame.

By work. Everything in due time. IN the right quantity V right time. The result of your learning process is not gold at the end of the rainbow, but a quiet, non-prepossessing order and knowledge through which your soul finds self-control and resumes its rightful place.

Reliability, predictability of relationships. You should not expect bright holidays or stormy feelings. Everything will be familiar, everyday, but at the same time stable. The rapprochement and strengthening of relationships occurs through a joint household, business, common concerns, and debt. There is no sexual connotation, passion, rather a habit. They don’t talk about love, but they prove it by deeds, by caring for loved ones. Reliability, predictability of relationships.

Following the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit. Perfectionism (painful desire for perfection). Obsession with ritual. Control over emotions. The result is boredom, routine, routine.

Organize your life, put things in order. Sacrifice proportionately. Proceed from dense to thin. See the divine in the ordinary and let it into life.

Spiritualize matter, find meaning and pleasure in routine work. Systematic concrete actions will lead to good results.

Results: You will receive results or rewards in proportion to the work invested, at the right time, in sufficient quantities.

Reflection in the body: Back, lower back.

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Numbers from 50 to 59 essentially explain, of course in the language of numbers, the process of creation of the world. I do not mean the creation of the world from the position of God or man, but from the position of Creativity as such. The laws of creativity work equally - they build and destroy - at all levels of existence and consciousness!

All numbers originating from carry various aspects of Creativity. That's why numbers 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 should be considered primarily as a process of self-discovery and self-expression of Creativity.

Why is this important to us? Because creativity is Life itself, no more and no less. Even the most uncreative and inactive people exist and act solely within the framework of creativity - personal or Divine. I would call creativity the spiritual blood of man and the Universe.

The evolution of creativity in the numbers 50 - 59

The process of creating the world is the evolution of creativity. It is described as follows:

number 50 → number 51 → number 52 → number 53 → number 54 → number 55 → number 56 → number 57 → number 58 → number 59.

To understand this series of numbers, no arithmetic is needed. It’s just that each number naturally follows from the previous one and flows into the next!

In , to which this site is dedicated, it is not the numbers themselves that are added, subtracted, divided and multiplied, but their meaning! Spiritual numerology teaches you to think, and not blindly experiment with arithmetic operations. Therefore, it is able to penetrate into the essence of numbers much deeper than traditional numerology.

Explaining the number series 50 → 51 → 52 → 53 → 54 → 55 → 56 → 57 → 58 → 59, you and I can actually trace the entire path of Creativity (both divine and human), starting from its invisible, spiritual origin and right up to to a tired “fading” at the highest point of its development.

number 50 - hidden maturation of creativity

B – Creativity rests and matures, patiently waiting for a unit (energy) that will breathe into it the necessary spiritual impulse. To begin any evolution (and creativity is always evolution, no matter in what direction it moves), an initial spiritual impulse is necessary.

This impulse determines the strength and quality of the future created world, which includes your life, your family, your work.

Do not think that our World was already created a long time ago, and we have nothing to add to it. This is a common illusion, a kind of defense mechanism for the unprepared mind. In fact, the process of creating the world never ends. End this process would mean immediate death (physical death or spiritual - depends on the intensity of your perception of Life).

In the number 50, the Creator and his Creation are one, they form one indivisible whole. I call this stage of creativity Absolute Peace. And you call it what you like best, they don’t have names of great importance, if you get the point.

The main meaning of the number 50 is creativity of absolute peace. Or absolute peace of creativity. Or absolute creativity of peace. In this case, changing the order of words does not distort the essence of the number 50, but, on the contrary, makes it more voluminous, comprehensive...

The absolute creative peace of the number 50 carries within itself the gigantic potential of the future Man or the future of the World, which in its original essence is the same thing. After all, man creates the world around us from yourself - from your thoughts, abilities, feelings, ideas, hopes, disappointments, actions, etc.

Creation is inseparable from the Creator! The world we create is inseparable from us. By the way, this is why there is no point in complaining about an “unsuccessful” life. What surrounds us completely corresponds to ourselves! And this is another meaning of the number 50.

Fifty - contains enormous potential for creativity. However, this potential cannot be revealed until one appears. From the language of numbers, the unit is translated as “energy”. Thus, Creativity begins to reveal its activity in the number 51.

Number 51 - number 52 - number 53

The number 51 is the original creative impulse of the Universe. By its spiritual nature, the Universe is an exact copy of man. Therefore, the number 51 is also the initial creative impulse for you and me, no matter what we are going to do and no matter what success we are going to achieve.

In order for a gardener, for example, to move from the thought “I need to grow cabbage” to the first swing of a shovel, the Energy of Creativity must be “grounded.” That is, it must manifest itself on the physical, material level of human Existence and Consciousness. In spiritual numerology, this process is expressed by the number 52.

The number 52 means the manifestation of Creativity in the material, visible world. But the material world is flat and primitive; it is able to reveal only a small part of the creative potential of the Universe and Man.

And then the number 53 comes. If in the number 52 creativity was rational and was based exclusively on a logical way of thinking in the framework of “yes” or “no,” then in the number 53 it reveals itself from a new side, spiritual-intuitive. This is already a very significant step in the evolution of creativity.

In Number 53, Creativity tries to connect the visible worlds with the invisible. As a result, all kinds of mystical allegories arise (if we are talking about literature, painting, cinema).
Next, Creativity unconsciously tries to find a balance (equilibrium) between the visible and invisible worlds. The real “pangs of creativity”, so familiar to both poets and mathematicians. In spiritual numerology, this phenomenon is designated by the number 54.

number 54 - number 55 - number 56

The number 54 is a painful stage in the creativity of any person. After all, Creativity itself is unbalanced. It is impossible to create in a balanced state! The paradox is that in order to flourish in the number 55, the creator must go through and realize the futility of the stage of the number 54.

Number 55 – creativity for creativity’s sake. You could say creativity in its purest form. Here creativity shows all its genius and insight. Brilliant ideas are born precisely in the number 55, after which Creativity is forced to descend from heaven to the sinful earth - nothing can be done, creators want to eat and must sell their creativity.

Among 56 Creativity is for sale, read the price tag, bargaining is inappropriate... Creativity suffers terribly when it comes into contact with the market banalities of this world. What should I do? Without going through the “selling” stage – that is, the Creator’s betrayal of his Creation – creativity will not be able to come into contact with the Divine. The crucifixion of Christ would not have happened if Judas had not betrayed him. The number 56 is the number of Judas, if you translate spiritual numerology into the language of the Bible.

Number 57 - number 58 - number 59

In number 57, human creativity barely perceptibly comes into contact with Divine Creativity. This is like lightning in the mind, and at the same time a kind of test of authenticity - whether the Creativity of an individual is real or is it just a cheap surrogate, not worthy of continuation.

If Creativity does not continue, it loses all meaning - both in life and in spiritual numerology. Number 57 is the number of true Inspiration. What is creativity without inspiration?! Having successfully passed this test, Creativity plunges into the number 58.
In number 58, Creativity gradually seems to exhaust itself, starting to repeat itself and actually completely stopping creating something new. When, for example, a talented actor loses inspiration, this does not mean that he has exhausted himself. It’s just that creativity has entered the next stage of its natural development. We must endure.

Among 58, Creativity “digests” the information and experience received at the previous stages. In this way, it matures for spiritual takeoff, gains a “critical mass” of consciousness, that is, it fully realizes its powerlessness before the Face of God. In the number 58, creativity in the person of the creator prays for liberation... Eight, by the way, is very similar to handcuffs, isn’t it?

Number 59 – end of torment! Having suffered considerably, Creativity breaks the closed circles of the figure eight and breaks free, soaring above the “sinful earth”, which is unable to either accept or understand its true Nature!

Number 59 is the freedom of Creativity, which knows no boundaries and crushes the hateful patterns of philistine thinking. Here creativity is not afraid, is not ashamed, does not adapt!

Number 59 is the Spirit of Creativity itself, which is essentially the highest point of the entire process of Creation and Creation. When I say creation, I mean that either man creates or God creates. And when I say “creation,” I mean the joint Creation of God and Man.

In fact, Creation is an illusion necessary for the self-affirmation of our Ego. In an absolute sense, there is nothing in the world except CREATION - that is, joint creativity.

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Numerology is a science that studies usually single-digit numbers obtained by adding the digits that make up any number. However, it was noticed that two-digit numbers contain no less important information than single-digit numbers, predicting the distant future and the hidden meaning of the course of a person’s destiny. In this regard, numerology scientists decided to continue studying the numbers and gave them certain characteristics.

How to use two-digit numbers? If you need to find out what awaits you, for example, on August 1, 2016, then you need to calculate according to this principle - 1+8+2+1+6=17. Then we calculate your birth number. For example - May 1, 1979 (1+5+1+9+7+9=32). Birth number dominates. Let’s subtract the required date from it - 32-17=15. This number will predict events on August 1, 2016 for a person born on May 1, 1979.

It is also worth paying attention to the number that occurs frequently at a certain time. It may warn about something.

The meaning of two-digit numbers in numerology

10. Number of happiness. Everything planned will soon come true.

11. Dangerous number. Trouble awaits.

12. Worry number. Predicts some suffering due to someone's intrigues.

13. Number of death. However, do not be afraid, because it most often brings death to troubles and negative intentions.

14. Motion number. Danger from rash decisions.

15. Number of secrets. It promises either the revelation of some secret that will help achieve success, or a secret gift.

16. Falling number. Warns of danger, so you need to think through everything in advance to avoid a fatal outcome of events.

17. Number of the world. It means the highest achievement of a goal for the sake of tranquility and peace.

18. Storm number. Destruction, quarrels, shocks. Owners of apartments or houses number 18 need to be very careful in their words and actions.

19. Solar number. Portends success, honor and respect, fulfillment of plans.

20. Number of awakening. New intentions, a call to action, achieving worldly well-being.

21. Number of the Universe. Success, career growth, big income.

22. Number of recklessness. Warns against misconceptions and illusions.

23. Royal number. Help from high-ranking patrons. Implementation of plans.

24. Number of relationships. Indicates luck in and in relationships with the opposite sex.

25. Number of experience. The strength gained through experience can move mountains. Only for this you need to work hard.

26. Number of collapse. Miscalculation and blind faith can have a bad impact on the future. The same applies to roads and travel.

27. Commander's number. This number is favorable for those who occupy a leadership position, a leader in life - luck is on his side.

28. Number of contradictions. Both losses and gains are possible. Bad number for those involved in trade.

29. The number is deception. Someone will want to deceive, especially the stronger sex.

30. Number of pins. By drawing the right conclusions about the past, you can achieve great success in the future.

31. Number of luck. A white streak is coming. A good number for those who are chronically unlucky. You can make a talisman with this number for such a person.

32. The opposite number of 23. Quarrel with superiors. Failure of plans due to stubbornness.

33. Number of loneliness. It’s good to engage in reflection and soul-searching.

34. Same meaning as 25.

35. Number projection. What is said about someone will come back a hundredfold.

36. Partner number. Meeting with a like-minded person.

37. Number-repentance. You need to admit your mistakes and lies to those who might be harmed by it.

38. Number of troubles. Problems are possible, both financially and in relationships with family.

39. Has the same meaning as the number 30.

40. Number of rest. You need to allow yourself to relax and go away from problems and worries.

41. Number of adventures. Many interesting events await ahead.

42. Number of the future. Nothing stands still, it’s time to move and do what you have long dreamed of.

43. Calculation number. Before you do anything, you need to calculate and calculate everything.

44. Has the same meaning as the number 29.

45. Separation number. Divorce, moving, illness, quarrel, etc.

46. ​​Passion number. Passionate relationships, passionate play, passionate love.

47. Anti-enemy number. Getting rid of enemies. Making new friends.

48. Decline number. Possible illness or financial crisis.

49. Number of forgetfulness. Due to absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, something in life can change for the better.

50. Number of numbers. Indicates dependence on a certain number.

51. Number-potential. Promotion, career growth, obtaining a military rank.

52. Number of a warrior. You will have to kill your laziness in order to achieve what you want.

53. Has the same meaning as the number 22.

54. Upside down number. It means the fulfillment of the plan, but in an inverted form.

55. Number of an excellent student. Everything in life will be great.

56. Attention number. Attention and concentration are a guarantee of success.

57. Number of beauty. Beauty will do its job.

58. Number of enmity. A conflict or quarrel is possible. It’s bad when there are 58 apartments - you need to constantly drive away negativity from yourself.

59. Wizard's number. Everything will come true as if by magic.

60. Similar in meaning to the number 16.

61-65. They have the same meanings as the numbers 21-25.

66. Number of evil. Here evil is only for good - you can say what you want and get rid of the human vampire.

67. Number of afterwords. Before you say anything, you need to think about the consequences of what you said.

68. Number of kindness. Kindness to others is protection from evil for yourself.

69. Reversed number. Things may not work out as originally planned. But this is for the better.

70. Lucky luck number. One of the most lucky numbers. Success guaranteed.

71-75. They have the same values ​​as 11-15, respectively.

76. Number of flattery. Because of flattering words, a quarrel and even a break with your loved one can occur.

77. Number of beats. Symbolizes a big blow and mental suffering.

78. Number of thoughts. Thoughts are material for those who have the number 78 with them.

79. Number of impossibilities. Any desire for something will be immediately stopped.

80. Similar to the number 18.

81. Rotation number. Everything may turn out differently, which will immediately affect relationships with the opposite sex.

82. Mother-child number. The emergence of relationships based on the mother-child principle. Not everyone will like the role they receive - quarrels will arise.

83. Family number. There will be peace and tranquility in the family. Great relationship.

84. Number of pain. A difficult time for people who are afraid of pain and suffering.

85. Number of experiences. Meeting with an old friend, after which feelings may arise.

86. Number of the sun. Flourishing in life.

87. Number. The moon has a great influence on life.

88. Infinity number. Life is wonderful. The joy of being.

89. Number. Prosperity. Wealth. Debt recovery.

90. Number of a thing. An item purchased today can become a talisman.

91-98. They have the same meanings as the numbers 11-18.

99. Victory number. Triumph, success and the highest achievement of the goal.

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